The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, August 12, 1904, Image 4

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-~ LOCALITEMS. . : e l Talk up for your town Advertise in the Journal, : * Bothwell Honey can be found at Longs Drug Stroe. : ‘ Mr. R. 8. Pryor was intown Thursday Mr. A. J Fleetwood wasin town Thurs day. ; o Mr. E. J. Stocks was in town Wednes day. ' Ordinary was_ in town Thurs day. Mr. F. M. Mimms was in town Thurs day. Mr. C. A. Castelo was in town Wednes day. Leesburg should havea water works system With this issue, we pass our eighth mile post. The jury levisors met last Thursday and revised the jury box. The Cotton crops through this section has been badly damaged. Mr. G W. Barrow of Leslie was in town Wednesday Mr. A. W. Godwin and Mr. Hewitt vi sited Mr Godwins plantation Sunda . Quite a crowd of our people attended a barbecue on the Ho lis|lice Thursday. Have you subscribed anything jto help get out the greater {Lee Countly issue of the Journal. Mrs, Royal and daughter Miss Francis . of Quiman spent Monday and Tuesday with the family of Judge H. 1. Long. Mr. James Salter hasresigned his posi tion and Co'. James Mcßride has been appointedin his place. The County Commissioners have pur chaied two more mules and will putthe road machine to work in a few days. This is a step in the right direction as m-ch money will be saved and greater heabway made, Judge H. 1.. Long returned home last Saturday night from Tallulah Falls where he spent several days very pleasantly in attending upon the session of the State Horticultural Convention. In company with Mr. Frank I, ns we had the pleasure of visiting a portion of our county this week. The more we sce of the county the more we can appreciate liveing in Lee, the banner county of the State. . As the busy season 's at hand our merchants should do s> me judicious advertising, if they wish to draw trade totheir town. There thousands of dollars spent away from here that could be kept at - home just as . well. Let the people know whut you have and what you want forit if you wish to sell it. : When you want up to-date print Ing. send your order to the Jour~at. Our price- are low considering the quality of the work and ~uperiority of material. I carry a full line of plows, binder‘ mowers, rakes and reapers, See me if l you are in the market for anything in ‘ this line, I will make it to your interest, | S. J. Powell. ey Road Tax Levy 1 Office of Commissioners of Roads and l Revenues, of Lee Co., Ga., in regular ses, sion—meeting July §, 1904. : The Alternative Road law for said State as appears in sections 573 t 0583, in clusive; of Vol, lof the Code of 1895’ and amendments thereto in acts 0f'1897 page 2¢,fbeing in operation in this county’ by anthority vested in us, as-County Commi sioners of said county, we dohereby asses and levy as a ‘‘commutation tax’’ upon‘ each mail in said county subject to road duty for the year 1904, the sum of two dollarsand fifty cents ($2.50), and that said assesment and tax shal be due and | collectable on and after August Ist., 1904: anb the time shall remain open for the payment of said assessment s2.soas commutation tax aforesaid until Sept. 15th 1904, and if any such persons subject to’ such tax or road duty shal be then in de- | fault in making payment of the same, any and all such defaulters shall be and arel hereby doubled taxed-that is assessed ffve lollars ($5.00)~ as tax and penalty on ac- ’ count thereof: and it is further ordered | that all such defaulters shall be allowed | until October Ist., 1904, in which to make | full payment of said assessment and pen alty aforesaid’ and that any all that shall \ then remain in default in making such payment, are hereby declared subject ‘and shall be requested to preforin manual labor upon the public roads of the county fora period of ten (10) days, for said year, as by law provided. Witness our official signatures, date ahove writter, B. I. McKenney, County Commi’r F. M. Mims, % o ! A true extract from the Minutes, This July 7th | 1904. James Morgan, Clerk County Commissioners. ¥'\<\~%\Q-A%%\<\—W% 0 L% o | s | | % ~NYOUR $ f Y WORK., | y e 1 We Prints Lette Heads, / y Note Heads, f Marements, . / Bill Heads, % >’ Businees Cards, ¢ Comiss:ry Cheeks, ‘ Lezal Blanks, Wedding Invitations, f Baoks, Pamphlets, / : y Anfal Kinis of Fane; Nt.ntiem*r,\'% Give us a Trial Crderagm— ( $ T e ety T ' “I have been using CASCARETS andas a mild and effective laxative they are simlgg won derful. My daughter and I were bother with sick stomach and our breath was very bad. After taking a few doses of Cascarets we have improved l wonderfully. They are a great help in the family." WILHELMINA NAGEL. ’ 1137 Rittenhouse St., Cincinnati, Ohio. ‘} CANDY : CATHARTIC | TRADE MARN REGIOTERED a 3 e ‘ LY RTR 1 | Pleasant, Palatable, Potent,’ k | Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or fi'l;?;;e,&ofi &.‘ | «+« CURE CONSTIPATION. sae: Bterling Remedy Company, Chicage, Montreal, New York, Sib e =T OO TN, Bew York. 38 Soild and W NO-TO-BAG soic 320 arsnised by allarng SUCGESS l Inhers in the faeulty to get other people working for you. Thela of Louisville, Ky., did this when, in 1/45 he secured a policy in 1 surance Company of New York for #5,000. Dividendsto the amou cumulated on this policy, making the total amount paid by the Cot net premiums paid by Mr Kennedy amounted 10 $3,465 88, making $3,341.12. : In writing for information about a policy of this kind, state wh to receive in cash at the end of limited payment period, - ‘ ™me MMUTUAL L ! INSURARCE COMPANY ! OLDEST : IN ; . ; . NEW YOR | A , - RICHARD A. McCURDY, Preside ‘ ‘ R. F. SHEDDLN, Manager, ‘ ' Atlanta, D. D. HALL, Special Agent, e B s e o NSRRI Smithville Ga. ONLY BANK IN THECOU CAPITAL AND PROFITS $18.0( M.MBER 0F ASYSTEM OF 38 STATE AND 4 NATIONA CONBINED. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 251.500,0 ‘ ERCH BANK INDEPENDAEN 1 DEPOSITS SOLICITED. [ OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS [W, S, WITHAM, President. D. G. AVERA, Vic ic. A. RHODES, IR lONG, - W.l B I. McKINNEY, T. G. WILLIAMS. . ‘CALL AND SEE US. | , Respt ] J. C, McCLAIN Cashie ! LOCAL.TAXATION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. A PROCLAMATION. By His Excellency, Joseph M. Perrell, G- vernor of the State of Georgia, Executive Dcepartment, July 27th 7g04. Whereas, the Geneiral Assembly, at its session in 1903, propose:i an amendment to the Constitution of this “tate, as sct forth in an act, approved August I7th Iga3, t: wit: Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the (eneral Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, Th .t from and after the passuge of this Aect, that article 8, sect on 4 paragraph | of the Constitation of the State be altered and amended bv striking out the word “‘upon the recommendation of two grand Juri s”’ which begin 1n the first line after the word ““Countizs”’ and er.d m the second line beiore th- word ““and’’ and , substituting th refor the wor s “militia di tricts,school districts’and by inserting the words “‘militia districts, ‘ shool districts”’ in the seventh line afierword* County”’ , andbefore the word““or’’and further by striking out the I wora “two-thirds’” whic.. begins in the seventh line ' after the werd *“a”’ and ends in the eizhth line before the word “voic’’, and subs ituting therefore the words “‘two-thirds majority of those voting”’; so that saia paragraph shall read when amended, as follows, viz; “Authority may be granted to counties, muli ia dis nicts school districts and to municipal corporations, upon the recommendat’on of the cor jorate authority, to establish and mantain public schools in their r spec tive limi:s by local taxation; but no such law shall take effect until the same shall hav. been submittet to a vote of the qualified voters in each Cousty, niilitiy dis- | | trict, school district, or municipal corporation, and ap proved by two-thirds majority of persous voting ut such election, and the Gener.l Assembly my prescribe who shall vote on such question-.” 5 Seciion 2 Be it f.rther enact d, That it this amendment shall be agreed to b. two-thirds of the members elected to each of the two Houses, the same shall be ei.tered on their Journals, wi h the Ayes and ! Nays taken thereon, and the Governor shall cause said i amendment to be published in one or mou.e: ewspapers l in each congressional district for two months previous to the next general election, and the legal voters at the | next general election shall have writien or printed on | their tickets ‘‘ Ratification’, or ‘“‘Against Ratification” |as they may choose to vote, and if a majorityof the clectors q alified to vote for the Generul Assembly,vot ing shall vote in fuvor of Ratification, then said amend ment shall become a p.rt of said article 8, section 4, paragraph / of the Constitution of this State, and the ! Governor shali make proclamatioa thereof, . Now, thersfure 1 Juseph M. lerrell, Governor of said St te, do issue this my proclamation heieby de clairing that the foregoing proposed amendment to the Constitution is submitted for rutificaticn or rejection to the vo <rs of the Stute, qualified to vote for membe s of the General issembiy, at the generul election to be held on Wednesday, Uctober sth 1904. ; By the Gover:.or; Joserr M. TEREKELL i FParor Coox ! Governor, Secretary of S:ate ) : e- e O A . A ! 3 | How übout that adv. rtisement . 1 34 a in the Gireater Lee Countv edi-ion of the Journ I : - Libel for Divorce : FANNIE HOWELL | Case No. g 36. VE vorce. In the & JOSH HOWELL. Jof Lee (ounty March 31st 7904. To JUSH HOWELL, defendant in sa - You are hereby notified that by virtue of ed in said case at the May term, 7994, ¢ ~ you are required to in person or by attori the nex: term of said cen:t to be held in County, (ieorgia, on the first Monday i 1904 (next) then and there to answer the! the plaintiff, Funin Howell, against you divorce. upon the ground of wilful continuc as in defalt of such appearance, the court | as to justice shall appertain, Witness the Honor. ble Z A, Limivro l said Court this srd. day of June Igaq. JAMES MO GAN FOR SALE—Two horses and on Parties wishing to buy can secur: gain by calling on the undersign horses are in good order and will cheap for cash. N. E, OUTLAW, T.eesburg, | Skin Dis i piseass For the speedy and permanent ¢ tettor, salt rheum and eczema, C nerlain’'s Eye and Skin Ointme without an equal. It relieves the ing nd smarting almost instantly 18 continued nse effects a perm: cure It also cures itch. barber's scald head, sore nipples, itcking 1 chapped hands, chronic SOIe gyes vranulated lids, e o Cadv’s Cordition Por-ders - 'TSES are the best tonic, blond par snd vermifuie. Drice. 95 ceuts. € 3\ Callon me for Fire Insurance, 1 placc you in the ve%y best comp and give vou the protection you neec : £.).Powell