The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, September 02, 1904, Image 4

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Ghe leq Qounty Journal. W I. E. TISON, Editor and Publisher, . PUBLISHBED BMRY FRIDARY, Official Organ of Lee County. Every city is full of sweat shops these days. e i gst g { Is it any wonder that the rattle brained women make the most noise? T S Tom Watson is making speeches just as though he really expected to cut some ice this fall, . -:--—--——«0»040-—-—-—-—-—- Now if the Brooklyn manager would only take Pat Wright nobody about here would object. l e @ )el e e l After all, they are Chattahoochee germs and no one should object to patronizing home Industry. --~—-—-.—--~>—o-¢—<-——-—-—-——-—~—- There is nothing like a squadron of war ships to make a sultan see the right side of an argument. sttt i i . WIS Pot i i m s l Amidst all of the conventions, not once has the formerly great name of ““Coin”’ Harvey been heard. Don't kiss him just now, girls. Per-’ haps he has been drinking water, and they say its contagious. ————— .e e Q*"“———'—_‘ If the present council don’t get th?: high weeds out of our streets we will be- | come afraid of bears before long—they are frightful to behold. i ee AP e ‘ Johu Phillip Sousa has been given a new decoration by France Where will he find a place to pin it without displac ing some other decoration? The time is not far distant when the 1 Republicans will learn that Judge Parker | can talk; and it will be in a manner, too, that will make cold chills rnn down their spines . R L " The miles presidential boom wanted something stronger than cold water, The General, by the way, is said to have a life long Prohibitionist ever since his doctor looked him over in 1902. e b P P e——— The wealth of the Massachusetts dele gation to the Roosevelt Convention in Chicago is alleged to have totaled more than $42,000,000. There is no delegation at the Democratic Convention worth so much money. ST A LTSN GNN B The Birmingham News (Dem.) says: ‘“Negroes compose 25 per cent. of the ) votes registered in Birmingham under the permanent suffrage plan of the new constitution. That doesn’t look like dis franchisement,” The Cleveland Plain Dealer (Dem) says: ‘‘The Taft speech is an indication that Candidate Roosevelt does not think the future of the Philippines a promising issue, and those partisan organs that sud denly hailed it as such have, probably “gone off half-cocked.” , ‘ e i g A "‘g‘x’fisvflle Courier-Tournal (Dem. ) 2 ho believes that if Elihu Root t 4 the chanees were in favor of the ;&icms winning in New York this ’ year‘h weuld not jump at the opportun ity to carry the section for Governor ?nd thus place himself in line for the nomina tion for President four years hence?”’ An Appeal to the Town | Council. i ““A chain is no stronger than its weak- i est link,” The roadsr&t the County is building to bring to the 'corporate limits ‘ of Leesburg are a slam on the roads in- : side of the town. You can shut your t eyes and tell where the country roads f stop You get into sand beds knee deep, ' ’The town streets are a reflection on the | County. City fathers do let us have' ‘some improvement. The sidewalks when it rains are many of them shoe deep in water, it is impossible to get about with- | out getling wet and badly wet. The 3 weeds and grass in the streets are harbors for germs of disease and mosquitoes and render it impossible to cross in many places after a heavy dew, besides the fear of snakes is a terrible meanace to the citi- I zens generally, City fathers will we have to take advantage of the law that pro ' vides where the streets of a town are not | worked in three months it shall be the| duty of the Justices to call out all the road hands and work them., We appeal to you, CITIZEN. ee P AT e ! The Nezre Population. The final bulletin issued by the census bureau gives some interesting informa tion concerning the negro population of the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii and Porto Rico, This number is shown to be 9,204,531, perhaps a larger population of this character than is found in any other country outside of Africa. The report indicates that between 11 and 16 per cent of the negro population have (or are believed by the enumerators to have) some degree of white blood. The center of the negro population is in De- Kalb county, Ala., about fous miles from | the wesiern-boundary of Georgia, having moved thence from Dinwidde county. Va., 476 miles northeast, since 17%0. ' Al most go per cent of the negroes in conti nental United States are in the Southern states, and three tenths of them Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama, } ——— e P @) A Dont Disfranchise the Most of the Counnty: Elect the County Cominissioners by the people. Mr. Voter—Suppose yon pay half of the tax of Lee County and are not on the grand jury. Do you have a word to say in the selection of the men who are your commissivners and run the financial af fairs af your County. v Or to all effects and purposes disfranchised when it comes to the elec tion of the most important officers iu the county. Dou’t it amount to this, Sumter county and other cSunties elect the board of Commissioners, The voters of Lee county should demand the right, if y'ou don’t get up and fight for your rights you will never get them, start at once to agitating the matter and petition your next legislature to pass a law of this kind Five hundred voters certainly have more rights than twenty men who compose a a grand jury. VOTP;R: TR P R OUR BANK. Leesburg is no longer witout a bank. The Leesburg Exchange was organized last week with a rating of $lOO,OOO, with E. B. Martin, Pres; D. D. Hall, Cashier; 'and E. B. Martin, J. P. Callaway, F. M. Mims, J. A. Lipsey, D.D. Hall, as direc tors, Thisis not a chartered bank, but will bécome one in the near future. A much needed want has been supplied, and the amount of good that the town will receive from this bauk is inestimable with the Gentleman who stands at the head of this institution means a success and the upbuilding of Leesburg. | IR DR RO EE RN RN RS W L o o R e T e e Riohard Patisop. SQam Pattison. RichardT. Pattison T. PATTISON. SONS. ALBARY GA. d d IDI Founders and [T\aehinists. WATER AND'GAS PIPINGS AND FITHINGS- Iron and Brass Castings of every Description. Cast and Wrought Iron Railings ENGINES AND BOILERS REPAIRED. Orders solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. For Rent. ' Sealed bids will be received until Nov Ist. for the rent of the late Capt. F. M. Heath Jordon plantation for 1 or 5 years Good land, healthy place, with deep well water works throughout and an upto date ginuery. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids, none but responsible parties need apply. ; Respt. Heath & Lee Executors. ———— Notice To Debtorsand Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of J. E. McKenny, laic of said County, deceased to render in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by law, properly made out and all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby requested to make immediate pay ments to the undoarsigned. This 6th day of May 1904. : : A, J. Fleetwood. Administraior of J, E. McKinuney. ;—f—>¢- >t How about that advertisement in the Greater Lee County Edition. F';';g ) PR\ o U el R R e 7 Hed 3 B QR4 897 wa ¥ y Le SBYR Y 9 { By B b VLA Ol RN R &€ P eoY B a€ B | eB e B YRS € AOS Y B SRACURA AL Ael gt 10\ Al teantren o) U] Cenindoiadiaiiiry el s IYTS B P DI DUi é i —-wg ia;;:\—‘ e S :h"* _,/jr"‘ ;l——‘F’ g'i i}! \.-\“'":.'. i 9 | PNI Dl T b iB/ flfi% .g% BT A TTEE - R DA et LR &) BRaR S e G ARGk N\ S 8 54‘75“‘?322(5” 6T B Ry LT O W URAE gLo E kg T e g« B R weer Do é g \}"/:_'l, ." Y ‘_‘-- T et m % & } 3 £ QJ&@*V’&W&:!? ' Oin S\ll’) \ -'\;‘(_.“._;.; "_. ATy, TR A= ¥— R B .f~_»~§~ 7= o Bed D 2’" e o ¢ & - — E GEORGIA — | ‘{ A 7 I§sB ;“Sg o Fany fi .:;— 'SH‘)J;}T.’.. £ & _’IV 4 ) g i PR Bef 4 B D A TS - i : , ot &7 WB B = W : ¥ % % 5 EH B W/ N : B - et AL S s g i JRAWING-Room VESTIBULE SLEEPING CARS | BETWEEN BIRMINGHAM, COLUMBUS, ATLANTA, MACON, AUGUSTA i AND SAVANNAH, GA.. AMD BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY, GA. - | PuLLmanN SiLeering CARs ,"\\; i 4 BETWEEN ST LOUIS, NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA, ATLANTA, ‘\—/4[ Ri‘l’,» 3 8 MACON, GA., AND JACASONVILLE, FiA. ZEN PR il o LS : GEORGIAS | 1 PARLOR CARs oN DAy TRAINS »» ufflcof;i_y ‘d BETWEEN ATLANTA. MACON AND SAVANNAH, GA. D 9 W. A. WINBURN, J. ©. HAILE, F.J. ROINo . 8 : VICE-PRESIDENT AND TRAFFIC MANAGER. CENZRAL PASSENGER AGENT. ASSISTANT GENERAL PASSENOCER AGENT A FOR SALE—Two horses and one buggy. Parties wishing to buy can secure a bar gain by calling on the undersigned. The horses are in good order and will be sold cheap for cash.} «N. E, OUTLAW, Leesburg, Ga. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. NN NN I U T PN T N N P T e PN P WARE G. MARTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAWw, : Leesburg, Georgia LONG & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ; Leesburg, Georgia GEQ. E.SIMPSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ; Smithville, Ga. RTRARRN O, TR, o T FN R NTS IR AR GEGRGIA—LEE CoUNTY, Notice is hereby give: that the nnde signed has applied to the Ordinary of raid county for leave to sell the land belong ing to the estate of J. E. McKenny for the payment of debts and for destrbuting among the heirs of said estate. Said ap plication will be heard at the regular term of the cour* of Ordinary tor said couuty to be held on the first Monday in September 1904, : This Aug , Ist., 1904. A. J. Fleetwood, Adanistrator vpon the estate of, J. E. McKinney. Callon me for Fire Insurance, I call placec you in the very best company and give you the protection you need. S.J.Powell. .