The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, September 02, 1904, Image 7

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ACHED IN EVERY BONE, Chicago Society Woman,Who Was So Sick She Could Not Sleep or Eat, Cured by Doan’s Kidney Pills, Marion Knight, of 83 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Orator of the West Side Wednesday Club, says: “This winter when Istarted to use Doan's a 5 T, Kidney Pills 1 :"’4_%&, R ached In every ‘f{‘ - bone and had =2 e intense pains i - : in the kidneys 3 3 and “pelvic -or-, I gans. The e urine was g ok w/ thick and -:f's‘},"r) rl\.b'.j#j, ClOUdy' and 1 ek 3«,’&;&*“‘:’, 7/ could Dbarely - '-,) eat enough to LIRS live. 1 felt a change for the better within a week. The second week 1 began eating heurt ily. I began to improve generally, and before seven weeks had passed 1 was well. I had spent bundreds of dollars for medicine that did not help me, but $6 worth of Doan's Kidney Pills re stored me to perfect health.” A TRIAL FREE—Address Foster- Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. lor sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cts. English Towns That Advertise. On ‘this side of the water advertis ing is confined to firms and private corporations. In England, however, municipal corporations have taken to exploiting their advantages. The town of Blackpool, in Lancashire, and the Isle of Man, have each an ad vertising manager, whose sole duty it is to obiain for his employer the maximum of publicity. Scarborough and Ramsgate, seaside Tesorts, advertise widely; Worthing, another resort, uses illustrated postal cards and adhesive stamps containing views of the town, which are pasted on parcels and letters; and East bourne, Brighton, Swansea and other places are about to go into the busi pess on a large scale. There is no reason, really, why they should not do so. It is strange that American towns offering advantages to holiday seekers have not followed their example, but have left it to pri ivate .enterprises to exploit their pe ‘culiar advantages.—New York Jour nal. HOW TO WASH CHAMOIS. Not every housewife knows how to wash chamois leather so as to make it as soft and good as new. First pre pare a weak solution of ordinary wash ing soda and water, wet the leather with this, and rub into it plenty of white curd soap. Leave the leather lying in this for two hours, then rub it between the hands till it is & B clean. Rinse the leather in gf py . ‘weak solution of soda and w:t.eégo which has been added a little ém&) It is rinsing leather in pure water that renders it hard. The small par ;ticles of soap in the water impart to it a silky softness. Finally, wring the chamois in a rough towel and hang it iwhere it can dry quickly, pulling and brushing it well as it dries. Queer Old Time Railroad Pass. Col. William Dorris:of Huntingdon enjoys the rare distinction of travel ing on & Pennsylvania Railroad pass issued in 1850, which is without limit. This pass is a curiosity, having on jt, in addition to the necessary wording, the picture ¢f an engine and two cars, which are unique, as might be imagined. - The engine is anything but modern, and the coaches have the old time “possum belly” in which bag gage was carried. The Colonel re tains this pass because he was one of the original stockholders of the company.—Tyrone (Pa.) Herald. 5 ’ , A y P 3" SR i AR 9 g Rl TS PRV, 3 5 f . 3 % LoD - e MR YN 1% T et £ T ekl A : R eASR o A M .AL SRR X e Lt L . TRyt ’ - A SISO LA TRy WO B 4 A i RA DR by 3A AR B Sl . R VA M Ly P i i Hydkd AT I ’ b SIS T e APy P N W £ et \ S N oy’ . o Sy PBk . oo b b (A H SRR T o g A (S . , % A sBT s g ’ . YR 2y % SE ’ e TR Vit vl i B SOETATRY B p Vo 4 : : 2 2 b # g R b A i T PR 4 ¥ Gl : 7 =~ : e, o .y s p . ] . & . 5 ¥ PREAL 4 3 i i 4 ) . ) P ' . S 8 Ryl NG K - o F i R Blriee - = 9 : v £ ar] SR : Bt GO Ao, 0 T o 5 Erk S e PR AT i N T T e T e s e RB T A B B eRV eo i To cure, of money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50c. The Strategy of a Weasel. “A weasel {s a wizard as well as & fighter, and often wins his battles by strategy,” said Emmet Wolfe, of Mis sizsippi. “I was recently in a fishing camp that was near a large stack of lumber. It seemed that a large num ber of rats inhabited the cool crevices under the lumber pile, and on day a weasel put in its appearance. We had the pleasure of seeing a battle royal every day for several days, and by and by the weasel had killed every rat in the colony except one, which was nearly as large a 3 a cat. “They fought several times a day, and the weasel always got the worst of it. One day we noticed it indus triously digging a hole under the woodpipe, and though little of it. A little later we saw it challenge the rat to battle, and as soon as the fight began to warm up the weasel sudden ly turned tail and sneaked to the hole like all possessed. The rat followed in hot pursuit, and both disappeared HER CURIOSITY. : “Mrs. Chellus looks bad, doesn’t she?” “Yes, and no wonder. She’s been awake every night for a week past.” “The idea! What was the matter?” “She discovered about a week ago that her husband talks in his sleep and, of course, she had to listen.”— Failadelphia Ledger. t BBR AHousehold Remedy 5 S— SCROFULA TPAT I Cures “Uicens, ' ™[ / o A’/ %HA RHEUMf, EC-f ez ° , every form o 20 ~°~ o maligrnanty SKIN oBLo o D ERUPTION. besides being efficacious in 3 toning up the system BA I_M and restoring the con stitution, when imral_red from any cause. It is a & fine Tonic, and its aimost supernstural healing ¥ properties justify us in guaranteeing a cure of N all blood diseases, if directions zre followed. 2 ' Price, 81 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for §9. a FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS. BONK OF WONDERFUL CURES, 3 SENT FREE legether with valuable informaticn, § 3,00 D BALM CO., ATLANTA, G”. ; -". ~Mww“ %,— CRICHTON'S @ \/é ' = ml‘g oI;UItIeVA/YdOPIC/flON ; orthan .» B. O. Crichton. B i Dept., D. E. Slexgm,aker. O:t:log‘ge fre:.o i E. C. Crichton, Prop., Kiser Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. SUCCESSORS 710 p y AVERY & McMILLAN, 81-58 South Forsyth St.,, Atlante, Ga —ALL KINDS OF— e '-f\*s; SvL & R T e R TS A e.. '-"‘ : “‘7" i ( v"\‘.“‘", D \WA\": okl -4",-,:l' ?q"f;n‘lp\’,ll" ¢ o a‘l‘l'....,m’-:’:,\_ Reliable Frick Engines, Bol'l;n, all Sizes., Wheat Separators, ‘if'.v f" S .Tqihu\i'i_.h {‘ o B A gTR e & :»_. 2 :‘:i <l_,:‘;;-)".J S ":‘ '~,:'i; ':, St e TR e s “ %.h 22 —.4.-%:',\‘_ BEST IMPROYED SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Boilers supplied promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors, Full line Engines & Mill Suppiies, Send for free Cata'ogue NoMoreßlindHorsesi.ieingrcas & other Bore Eyes, Barry Co., lowa City, la.,have & sure cure_ FREE lflzlése Guaranteed to Cure. ol vears. All Stomach and Resulting Disorders. REGULAR {Acts on Bowels.) 50c.| TYNERS DYSPepsia EQEMEDY. S}gE Write us _\'oum& l)eptmTA, GA. e A New Revelation for Men. ; thWe ci)fi‘er something different, better than any other specialists or medical institution n this city. There is no patchwork about our treatment. The cureis perfect and permanent. We do not treat all diseases; but ‘we curé thoss we treat. A {wmmpt. permanent and sure cure in all cases accepted for treatment. Nothing but curable cases accepted. Write if you cannot call and deseribe your troubles and receive by return mail,, free of charge, our diagnosis blank. Consultation free. Doctors Leztherman & Bentley, Hours 8 a. m, to 8 p. m., ! Sondaye 10a o 615 m. Cor, Marietta and Forsyth Sts., ATLANTA, GA, @it UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. R e sty N . s ?g",iéi Agriculture, Law, Méedicine, Pharmacy, Engineering, Teaching, Poankd Rt Classical and Scientific Courses. Excellent Laboratories and Li isa iy brary. Board, Fuel, Lights, Room, Books, Fees and Laundry for -7f§3*3%";( 3;125,00 a year on the campus; in private homes $200.00 to > 300.00. Many epportunities for self-help. Next session beging Sept. 21st. Address W. B. HILL, LL. D., Chanceller, Athens, Ga, $20.00 TO $40.00 PER WEEK < Being Made sclling ‘5OO ILessons in Business.,”” It is a complete hande :;:?__‘%’ book of legal and business forms. A complete Liegal Adviser—a complete Ay Compendium of plain and ornamental Penmanship; a complete Lightning d LAY\ Calculator and Farmer’s Recitner. ."s',fi';;’» A A complete set of interests, Grain, Lumber and Cotton Tables; measure ,g« ments of CISTERNS, Timber, I.umber, Lozs and Bins of Grain, etc.,, In =TS one volume. Over 472 pages, 250 illustrations. s It is a complete business educator; brought home to every purchase “ SIMPLE, PRACTICAI, and PLAIN; 500 agents wanted at once. Do;'} P b} (; ¢ and girls can sell as well 83 men and women, c’vfizr_j?\ One agent in the country sold 45 copies in one day., Another 210 in one Ry s PSRN S week. Agents have canvassed all day and sold a copy at every home,, I ‘335.~;-,+f}f;s: ~* Selling price $1.50. Liberal discounts to agents. Send 25c¢ for outfit; sate S aeeesa .. isfaction guaranteed (or mon;y refunded). S R Orrculars iree. HERTEL, JENKINS & CO., ATLANTA, GA. /A (6 [ %- ’ S o ,;' ‘ @ i' £y AT -..! \ ‘.“\ -, a-»\, -c . 1 T NCIVEER T EREROS | ‘ g Cn'”,-t:‘.,‘” m \ (NG A SUMMER DAYS IN MICHIGAN The best piace in ths world o epend YOUR YACATION DAYS Pure Alr, Boating, Fizliing, Golf, Everything to Amusc, Good Hoteis, Low Ratcs, | Mackinac, Georgian Bay, The Boco, Huronia Beach, Pt Aux Barques, Hundreds of kslard and Coast Resorts. The airof Mich igan is @ known Specific for Hay Fever, Asthma and Kindred dis orders. Let us talk the matter over with you, our agent will “gladly call. Write for Booklet and Information, . % D. G. EDWARDS, Passenger Trafflc flanager, Cincinnati, Ohlo \ ,s’\ ' CANDY , R ? CATHARTLO ‘ »’ > o % s . . /% e - borl XAt ..—:- .-——;‘ g :\’ ais 17 R e .. -.“ s . : -‘:.wr:n—w_—_—.—::‘w. _[‘ \}'“P‘\ WNH 'T. \' UL‘ &B& [ J »u;fi‘-.e.é s ,_,_ :':_,__ § GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, appendicitia, biliousness, bad breath, bad blood, wind oan the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and diz»izess. When your bowels don’t move regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together. It starts chronic ailments and long (eau of suffering. No matter what ails you, start taking CABCARETS today, for you wilf never get well and ctady well until you get your bowels right Take cur advice, start with Cascarets todzy under absolute guarantee to cure of money refunded. The B‘enuine tablet stamped CCC. Never sold in bulk. Sample and booklet free. Address terli¢ Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. - 503 ' DANVILLE Military Institute, Danville, Virginia, A HIGH GRADE PREPARATORY SCHOOL for BOYS. UNBROKEN HEALTH RECORD. # EXPERIENCED TEACHERS. FULL ACA DEMIC and BUSINESS COURSES. For Cata log, Terms, etc., address during Summer, BOX 566, EDINBURG. VIRGINIA, GH&DT_ | SRR N (WABASH CH&D to St. Louis WORLEC’S FAIR TRAINS Tarough Tralns Daily to St. Lovls LOW ROUND TRIP RATES -, Cozch Excursions | Tuosdey’s & Thursday's All cur trains stop at our-‘ World's Fair Station at the Maio ¥nirence, near the big Hotels on the way to Union Station, The cnly fias heving & station l nsar the Falr Giounds, S'l'. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY, WASHINGTOHN WILKES CO., g.A. Conductsd by the Sisters of St. Josep A Home School With all the modern Conveniences. A thor ough, Practical Education ig the aim of this Jpstitution. ‘l'erms for the Year, $l6O. For Catalogue address, MOTHER SUPERIOR. LN OV AN D B ; ii)BRl TR 2 ’ Hricacfrisomarns nu st puiea g SUMMER IN THE GOOL KORTHWEST The CH & D runs’ through trains to Chicago } connecting there with roads for the famous Wisconsin Resorts, also for Yellowstone Park, Alaska, Colorado and the West, 4 Trains Every Week Day LOW ROUND TRIP RATES Write or call for Information