The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, September 09, 1904, Image 5

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Ghe leq Qounty Journal e 1 8. S A 5505 TN 0 593 , M. B. TISON, Editor and Publisher. PUELISHED EMRY FRIDARY, > Official Organ of Les County, a 0 TR FUTICSE SRR . TR A The before day gang is still raging in some parts. - : Anyhow those Japs are no yaps when it comes to rushing the Russions. e ) AW e ( The success of the Georgia peach has been of the unimpeachable sort. ' — i v e ) A s ‘ It looks Democratle in a straight line | from Rhode Island to Texas. ! --——°~——-—‘——o>.4.t————-——— ‘ Uncle Joe Caunon is the ounly thing on the Republican firing line that resembles a real Joedarter. —— | When the election is over Roosevelt 1 will have “a” heap’’ to say. Strenuosity makes up for lost time, you know. | There wil not be a great deal of politics in Georgia this year’ but fther will be oodles of business. : e 4 AP & 4 e Roosevelt's views on the value of lynch ings were framed when he had horses and steers to lose, instead of negro votes 1o gain. Circumstances frequently color o pinions. Communicated.- Mr Editor:- In a brief way I wish to cescribe a phenomena or the strange freaks of a star as seen by myself and two o thers un the night of the 2oth of August. While sittiug on the verardah of my home, facing east, admiring the clear star ry night, about 830 a bright light or star appeared above the distant tree tops and seemed to sway or move about, changing its position. Aiter watching it for atime I callde the attention of one present who pronounced it the “Jackolantern.’ Its movements was more like the swaying of a kite than anything we can compare it to. Its motions was north and south, down and up, disappearing and re-appearing, every time higher up in the skies, having a train or tail abouttwo feet long forming an oblong circle enclosing a smaller circle, colors of a rainbow hue with a bright spot in center and hottom changing positions, while the upper or grtater light remained still. Now if this circle had been above we might have called ita halo, but it was below. We watched until it disappeared for wé knew not what to call lit. [t was very near the sun’s path. We arose after 11 o’clock to find the wonder light form ed into a large and brilliant star, which fact remains for s me astronomer to ex plain, there being not a particle of cloud between us and it. The same star appeared on the night of September 15t., swayiug and unsteady 1} appearance, rainbow col ors and slowly forming into a bright star. It appears every night about 8,30 and if a | clear night it is plainly visableto all, al ways being injthe suns path Had I been alone I might have thonght it an optical | Illusion, but there being two others pres ent goes to substantiate the statement Just before the rising of this star a great’ light can be seen in the cast, but we cant say where it comes from. l ; G. e e GEORGIA,—Lee County. To whom it may concern.— . ‘ H. C. Haddock hay ingl made application to me i 1 due form to be appeinted administrator upon the estate of | T. J. Haddock, late of said county: No-/| tice is hereby given that said application | will be heard at the = regular termof the Court of Ordinary for said county, to he held first Monday in Octoler, 1904, Witness my hand and afficial rignature, this the sth., day of September, 1904.— ' GEO. C EpwaRDS, Ordinary. | s el AR W { GEORGIA—Iee County. By virtue of an ‘order of the court of | Oldinary of said county will be sold at’ public outcry on the first Tuesday in Oc tober 1904 at the court-house in said county -between the usual hours of sale the following real estate sitnated in Lee County towit: One fifth (1 | 5) undivided intrest in (50) fifty acres of land in the North-west corner of lot of land No. (115) one hundred and fifteen also /75) seventy ' five acres undivided off of lots of lend Numbers (64) sixty four, (65) sixty five, (66) sixty six, All in the first district of Lee County Ga. | Terms Cash. This sth., day of September 1904. A. J. Fleetwood Administrator of J. E. McKinney Wanted - Pablic Spirited That is what Lee county wants- She has them if we could only once get togeth er. For our own sake and the sake of the county lets get together this time and make an exhibic at the state Fair. A cred itable exhibit will be worth thousands to Lee county. You can look at the counties that are going forward the fastest and you | will know they are the ones that have ad l vertised themselves. could make a fine | exhibit, so lets hold a meeting at onge to ‘ organize an association and make an ex- | hibit at the Fair. It need not cost much, | and we may get enough premiums to pay | this. How many men will join mein the effort to do this? Would like to hear from | them. We have the crops this year. A . well selected display would probably be ‘an inducement to home-seekers who it may be knows very little of Lee county. Each white family that we. can locate in Lee willadd a great deal to a county which is too much of a negro_ county for its own goob, Double pupulation and you ' double the value of your landl; you make lamarket for all the surplus stuff made. ' The only way to double the population is |to push it by advertising, pushing, work ing and hustling, then tell people that fee county is good for something bzsides pol itics. C. H. BEASLY, : LEE COUNTY GA. SHERIFF SALES : FOR OCTOBER 1904. l To the highest bidder fur cash Will be sold betore the court house Door ofs lLee county Ga, between the legal hour of sale, on first Tuesday the f2nrth day o October next being the usual time and ’ placeof hol'ding sheriffssales—The follow ing praperty to wit: - One town lot Thirty feet] front and eiguty feet back, with store house thereon, » being on Rail-Road Street and oppisite the South-\Vestern Rail-Road Depot-and in the town of Leesburg, in I.ce county Georgia being the store house ( then -at date of mortgage Aug 7th 1900 )oceupied R. S Hines in the con'duct of a mercantile + business and now so occupicd. ! Also a residence lot with improvements thereon situated on on the North side of ‘ Broad street and facing said street, West of and adjoining the residence lot of Mrs. | Rosa McDonald, said lot being eighty-five feet front on Broad street and running beck one hundred and forty five feet. in the town of I.eesburg, Lee County Ga. levied on as the property of R S. Hines to satisfy a Mortgage fi fa in favor of The Union Sa vings Bank & Trust Co., issued from the Superior court Of lee County Georgsa against R. S, Hines.—Tennant in posses | ion notified in terms of the law by writ }ten personal notice—Property pointed outin fi fa This Sept. gth., 1904. : j S. B Smith Sheriff counv Ga, R | R T B TIAG TR T S OA A R TSR : Road Tax Levy-: l Office of Commissioners of Roads en ! Revenues, of Lee Co., Ga., in regular ses, Ision’—meeting July 5, 1904. ; I The Alternative Road law for said ; State as appears in sections 573 t 0583, in - clusive, of Vol. lof the Code of 1895’ and amendments thereto in acts of 1897 page 2c, being in operation in this county’ by anthority vested in us, as County Commi sioners of said county, we dohereby asses | and levy as a ‘“‘commutation tax” upon | each mail in said county subject to road duty for the year Ilgo4, the sum of two dollarsand fifty cents ($2.50), and that said assesment and tax shal be due and ‘ collectable on and after August Ist., 1904: lanb the time shall remain open for the payment of said assessment s2.soas : commutation tax aforesaid until Sept. 15th 1904, and if any such persons subject to ‘such tax or road duty shal be then in de fault in making payment of the same, any and all such defaulters shall be and are hereby doubled taxed-that is assessed ffve dollars ($5.00)- as tax and penalty onjac count thereof: and it is farther ordered that all such defaulters snall be allowed until October 15t., 1504, in which to make full pay.nentof siid assessment and pen alty aforesaid’ and that any all that shall then remain in default in making suth payment, are hereby declared subject and shall/he requested to preform nianual labor U}":’nu the public roads of the county fora pesiod of ten (10) days, for said year, as by ldw provided. Wf"/itness our official signatures, date abov§ writteu. 8./1. McKenney, County Comm’r I:- l\rl. I\’lims, gy .y RiohardPatison. Sam Pattison.RichardT, Pattison ” ~\ ‘ T.PATTISON SONN, ALBARNY GA. ound d DI Founders and [T\aehipists. WATER AND'GAS PIPINGS AND FITHINGS. Iron and Brass Castings of every Description. Cast and Wrought Iron Railings ENGINES AND BOILER® REPAIRED. W ‘ Orders solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. | For Rent. A \ Sealed bids will be received until Nov 1 t. for the rent of the late Capt. F. M. \ Heath Jordon plantation for 1 or 5 years Good land, healthy place, with deep well l water works throughout and ‘an up to date ginuery. We reserve theright to reject any and all bids, none but responsible parties need apply. v X Respt. l Heath & lee Executors. m—-—w“——-——‘ PN AR G S st Notice To Debtorsand \ | Croditors. i ! Notice is hereby given td*all creditors of the estate of J. E. McKenny, laic of said ‘ County, decea-ed to render in an account |of their demands to sme wihin the time I prescribed by law, properly made out and lall persons indebted to said deceased are liereby reqnested 1o make immediate pay l ments to the undarsigned, . 1 ¢ | This 6th day of May 1904. s . A, ]. Fleetwood, : Administrator of J, E. McKinney. —— WS s l How about that advertisement in the | Greater Lee County Edition. ' PSR BN & CNRT, SR R SRR I R 55 T 3 "\‘z’\gvm ?,‘ s,( 'fi““ \Q? e B o "# ) Ve BRI NMBID W Aoy A RTAY DY i 1 Ny POl &BH. 08 ) 5 a B’ ihd B : Ee $r o ; -?‘i S Agi e B 7”""., Vi ataia %’i g e B"G ] %*. > A ety g for aicen sTN Gl Sy s e Dowl Samßßmn)/menie, ol 1 & .r,_ JNW//J} oo ,M LIl e ) é iz : . R R P T e L e U] ; | OAP ——— sy K { O 3 f\OB z‘fif f*,,a.a !‘ =} 3 N\ el o ..«—{a,"' TLt P o ie : A ATy VTN )i B "'-“;‘,'j;_,-}-;‘v;f; e : g e % J‘“" —:;. »,‘/, '9’:@, A?b}::é;\‘ L -q""fl G}E . . " A Vw2 e @t EEtd ) U’/// /W .'~ ey Sl Ts o | : NS Z byt we e QINIsS 1D .M;:,_" A~y ““ N, - T !z'f il 3 .ew T . 74 v g ek : ;/fi G 8 Lot Qo gLT Q s oe 1 ; k : " o ",- Y A . & 3 % "p % e g 4 K’a’ gfi% J:fi; g 3 w ol anel : DRrRAWING-RooM VESTIBULE SLEEPING CARS BETWEEN BIRMINGHAM, COLUMBUS, ATLANTA, MACON, AUGUSTA ' AND SAVANNAH, GA. AND BETWEEN ATLANTA AND: ALBANY, GA. i PuLLman SLEEPING CARS BETWEEN ST LOUIS, NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA, ATLANTA, MACON. GA.. AND JACKSONVILLE, FLA. PAarLoR CARs oN Day TRAINS BETWEEN ATLANTA. MACON AND SAVANNAH, GA. W. A WINBURN, J. C. HAILE, F.J. ROBINSON, y VICE-PRESIDENT AND TRAFFIC MANACER. CENERAL PASSENGER AGENT. ASSISTANT GENECRAL PASSENGER AGENT A true extract from the Minutes, This July 7th | 1904. James Morgan, - iz Clerk County Commissioners. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WARE G. MARTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAWw, Leesburg, Georgia LONG & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Leesburg, Georgia GEO. E. SIMPSON, ATTORNEV-AT-I.AwW, z Smithville, Ga, GEGRGIA—~LEE COUNTY, Noticeis herchy give ' that th: nnls signed has applied to the Ordinary of #aid county for leave to.sell the land belong ing to the estate of J. E. McKenny for the payment of debts and for destrbuting among the heirs of gaid estate. Said ap plication will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary tor said county to be held on the first Monday in September 1504, . This Aug , Ist., 1904. A. J. Fleetwood, | Admistrator upon the estate of, J]. E McKinney. ’ Callon me for Fire Insurance, I i placc you in the very best company and give you the protection you need. l S.Tl.Powell. [~ &) q"b - 1 ‘\.m'm /*: