The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, September 09, 1904, Image 8

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S ) 2 ggfi};s»vwwmmgm’ww i AT When President McKinley undertook in good faith to apply the section of the Dingley tariff laow providing for reciprocity with other nations he was but carrying out the manlate of the Republican party. -We know from Sen ator Dolliver and others that fa com piling that tariff bill rates of duty were purposely placed so high that the re duction of 20 per cent provided for in the reciprocity section would still leave ample protection. Comnissioner Kas son made reciprocity treaties with France and other countries which al lowed reduction of the dutics on many products jmported from those coun tries and a shinilar reduction on prod. ucts of the United States exported to them. | The Des Moines Register, a Republie an newspaper, which, however, favors . reciproeity, says, “Senntor Aldrich is the man who pizeonholed all the Me- Kinley reciprocity treaties to sive an unneeded tariflf on the Rthode Island Imitation button business and who has stood s o stene wall ngainst any con cession whitever to liberal trade pold cies,” The American Economist, the prolee tion organ, supporied by the protected industries, conmmenting on the above, says, “It wms a fortupaie thing for the Republicon party and for the coun try that the whole bunch of treaties foolishly and ignorantly negotiited by Comm!ssioner Knsson were permitted to explire throvgh time lhinitation.” That is lather toush on the memory of President Meliinley and his speeial commissioner, Mr, liasson, who had merely eurriad cut the lnw in which congress hud directed such steps for " reciproeity to be talken, It is evident that the high protection Republicans, | who are in comtrol of that party. are | determined te rule or ruin, Rather « than have the sacredl Diwgley law changed In . any particular they de-i nounce thiose who wish to revise it or who in good faith attemnted to put | the provisicn for reciprocity in force. | Those voterswho believe én reciprocity | have evidently no place for them in! the Republicen party as now vmmti-f tated. ‘The torift berons, thd frusts and combines have usurped coml:)lete' . »ontrol; ] BUSINESS AND DIPLOMACY. z Something Has Gone Wrong \Vlth} the “Open Door” lato CRiza. ! The "‘np(‘n dom’’ i nmto China, for ‘ which President loosevelt, Sccretary | Hay eand the DRepublican party have | taken so miich credit, seems o have | something wrong with it. The uow! treaty provides that the door to China | ghall be open, hut somehow business ! with that country grows less. Our ex- ! ports of cotton goods to China are de- i creasing instend of inereasing and will | scon be’ obliterated unless the "opeu! door” 1z onened wider. The loss is‘ alarming, for, while in February, 1908, | our exports of cotton cloths were 34‘.»! 042,500 yards, this year in the same | period they were only 13,800,444 yards. The tragle situation is growing from bad to worse, for in. March the ship ments dropped to 8§,652302 yards against 87,920,863 in 1803. The wmonth of April was still more disastrous to our merchants, for exports for that month were but 1,041,000 yards against 84,040,141 yurds in April, 1908. This sudden and extraordinary loss of trade cannot be charged to the high price of cotton, for the advance in price has been about equal all over the world in censequence of the shortage of the crop or the increased demands. #The millions in southern China must still be using and buying cotton goods from somewhere, for they cannot do without such necessaries. Butone siled treaties will not make trade between countries, and caliing the door to Chi aa open for political ellect camnot be. relied on to increase our business with that country. The “matchless diplo macy” of the present administration is therefore barren of good resudls as far as our trade with China is concerned. 5 z ‘ el AN AL AR oo k;@lhiea& Trust lr‘{:m,tvlngvilnu Ilad No T h Efiect on bigh Prices, | The injutction tint resident Roose- Cvelt and his aitoraey general uhtnfiu;}k"f “about two years azo ngiinst the héef trust seetis to Love bud just the o | posite effect intended, 1t was Suppos “#d at the tine that President Roode yelt wus beowting with ment $o kil the most conspicuous Had trust” he had discovered. It I 8 himpossilie to ‘tathom upon what theory ivesileat | Rooscveit seiected the Leef trusi ns the | l gole bad industrizl trust Le could find | to prosecute, for the ceal frust, Ihe§ | Standard Cll trust, the sieel trust and i dozens of otlicvs were culpable in the | same degree, Tle proits ef ibe Stand- | ard Ol trust wore larger and the djvi- ! dends pufd much prestel and the mo- | ‘nopoly even more grinding than the 'beef trast,” for- it had advanced i'm% lprices 100 pertoceat W a 4 yeur. 'Fhe ! conl trust was equally guilly and quite |as oppresgive, "I'he steel trust \\':xsf ' more giguntic ond as § menopoly spar- | ed neither high nor low. Why were | none of these selceted as thie “horeible | examples” fi i The reason wrs plain. @ They were | " all too stroug politically and bad been in the past aud awere exnecied to be in the near future larae coniribntors to the Lcpublfenn campalgn fund, It | - would never do to “runanuck” egalnst ; such gool fritnas, with their Wall | street - conuccitons that eontrolled | banks, trust companies, railronds and i _other industrvic]l coumbines, with Dbalf | -the capit®l .of the covniry at their ? back. The. Leef cembine nien weve | small petitecs compared to Ahe sther | trust magnates. gpd as publie opinion ! was centered on Loef in consequence of | the extraordinary increase in price the | packers’ combination was selected for i IKnox to slaugliter. But the prekors” coembine people were no novices in;ihe legal gane of biuft and-Leing ndxised by their at torneys that on infumetion restraining them Troin combining in restraint of trage Gid nob - ginderd4hem from a “gen tlemen's pgrec:zen® {o 01l sell at tha Bame price Sinlonet Bld acainst (\;1(:11‘ other for euttie and Lors left tle ‘m-’ Junction - obtained by the administra tion “up imthe uir,” in the llnnguage of the “sticet.” So President Roosevelt got- all {he credit for his war on the trust, but the beef cousumers have proited Nothing. for the price of Leef is still high. But even the Depublican congress could not justily a stite of alfairs that kept up the price of beef and reduced the price cf‘cattle, so last winter Sec retary Cortelyou of the department of commerce and labor was ordered to in vestigate the packers’ combine. It is presumed that for months this investi gation has been going on, but it does not seem to worry the packers and cer tainly has bad no restraining effect on the other trusts, for they are all still charging “all the traflic will bear.,” If | the voters of the country are satisfied : with this playing at war against the ! trusts and vote to indorse su¢h namby | pamby cperations they deserve te pmay trust prices for the ‘bLalance of ther lives and wiil probably do so. . 5 Sl e | FAVORING THE FEW. ; Republican Policy Thct Is Sure to; ! End In Disastor, Giving uu advintige 'Ly low to a special cinss of peorle at the expense of the great wunjor.ty is bound to be disastrous in the emd. even to the' pampered tariif Leneficiavies, for when ’ the consumers nre reduced to the ! necessity of curtailing their purchases l by lack of means trust sales are re- | duced and trust profits are decreased accordingly. That is the present con- I dition of affairs. And vet tiwe saerel ! schedules of the Dingley Dbill, which ! were purposely increased to allow the ! reciprocity clause to be put in force by treaties and still have ample pro tection to foster the trusts. must not be touched. : 1 Every one remembers that the Ding ley bill gave President McKinley au thority to mako x'o(‘:iprocit,\" treaties with Frunce.aud other countries, but Jthe power of (e Liis, Wik e, Res. publican senators was too great to al low the treaties to be ratified. So many of the rates of duty collected undes the Lipsley liw cre still 20 per mhighmfimn Divley and McKin ley intendadl them 1o be when the first named reported the bLill te congress and the president signed it. That 20 per cent inerease of rates ‘has allowed the trusts to ¢xtort higher prices frour the people, aml many of them ave suferhg from’ inability to pay such a grect increase. If the voters are satisficd with such high prices they should continue the Republicans in pnwer. but they must remember that the trus:s arve solling to foreigners at lower prices than they are charg inz Liere, and those who are suffering from hizh trust prices will hardly in dorse the monstrous legislation that permits our own people to be plunder ed for the benrft of foreign nations. , i s e SRS : Politieal Ziachines. The strentous youne governor of Ill nois, who has Just been defeated for renomination, has alregdy commenced to punish those of his appointees who did not support him to the last ditch. He has Jemmanded the resignation of twenty-zix preminent Republican offi cials, and Lhundreds more are to be de capitated. “Death to all traitors!” is the motto of Governor Yates, and it is said that Mr. Deneen, the nominee for governor, agrees with him and will if suceessful exclude from participa tion in the patronage distribution all the partisans ef Senators Cullom and Hopking and the other members of the congressicnal - delegation that opposed the winning side. This strentous ex hibition of lack of brotherly love be tween the lilineis Republicans shows the mercenary machine that rules them, which was aided and strength ened by I'resident Roosevelt when he appointed the noterious Doc Jameson ~a.naval oflicer. Such is Republican politics everywhore—h maehine over thrown, snoiber takes its place, all based on patrouanze and plunder. : Near the Supply. The Republican congressional cam paign committce will have its head quarters in New York. The wise fat frior uaturally wishes to . have his piant as near as pessible to the supply 1 of raw material.—New York World. ‘ t Docs the i % Baby Thrive 2 If not, something must be wrong with its food. If the 2 mother’s milk doesn’t nour- § 2ish it, she needs SCOTT’S EMULSION. It supplies the 2 elements of fat required for ithe baby. If baby is not nourished by its artificial % food, then it requires 's Emulsi + Scott's Emulsion 3 % Half a teaspoonful threez 20r four times a day in its% bottle will have the desired g 2 effect. It seems to have a ¢ 2 magical effect upon babies 3 and children. A fifty-centz f bottle will prove the truth § 2of our statements. z Should be talf‘cp in summer as ; 2 well as \g'lutetf. ‘2- scoTrE BONNE Chet Kow Yort. § PEreCRs PR e Take OuunureteCaaets €l 100, 06 854 It C. C. C. fail to cure, drugy Sts refund money nues of Lee Cuunty,{.Gfiem ania e ° September 6th., It It appearing to us that the ‘af'gri : value ofiaxable properity 1n said Cg according to the Tax Digests of said ty, for the vear of 1904, is $1,369,358, the State has assesed and levied $4:B the one thousan dollars of taxable pro —for Stale taxes, which levy will rais sum of §6,572.91, from the taxable propg in said county accorcing to said digests And it further appearing to us that nescary that a sum of $9,857.37, (in ad¢ on to what is now in the Treasury ), sha be raised to pay the iddebtness and curr expences of said county of Lee for the suing vear: 1t 1s therefore here!y ordered—ihat a. (or levy] (being 7;20 mills), be, and' sime is, hereby assesed and levied County purposes, upon amoumnts of t able properity which has not been r tury , which is subject to ad valorem taxes said county of Lee; and that same is to distributed as tollows:— | For Jail purpeses-. -- .. .12 per.ce For paying Jurors per diem,- 16 per cei For Pauper purposes-_______ ...09 per cel For Paying Salary of Judge of Coun Goe - o s s e OB] For Bridge purposes- . 20per cei Fo. Paying Coroner’s Fees,- 05 per cel For Paying Bailiff’s & Non-Res. Wi TRes,. .oeeoo 08 Rer (08 FFor Road purposes, and to : pay Guards, mantain con- -50 per cen VABER el S | For General purposes, to pay Court expel SIGET o s e 00 SRR 150 per cen| And it is ordcred that the Tax Collect¢ of said county of Lee collect said Count Taxes hereby assesed as he collects th States taxes, and that he pa. over th Counties taxes to the Treasure of sai county, as provided by the Jaw - Witress our hands and official sigrature in regular Session, this the day and yea first above written,— , B. 1. McKinrey, Comity '‘Co'mi*m'r ¥ I.)‘ C Cl\'t', (‘J‘)._y ) i F. M. Mims, AFBGY it I hereby certify thatthe aboveis a trnd copy of the origival order of file avd rec! ord iu this office.— Witness my official signature and seay, this the 7th., day of September, 1904. James Morgrn, ' Clerk of the Superior Court, and Ex ¢ fircial Commissioners Clerk.— g P T TT L T oSR e rainger g Segs o T Rg SR SR "I.E:t .a"vasm:n.’-'“}gi?m s ok T S R T b 8 B &w, A L N W 2 Let TRE TN AY LV ;;.1:::5-1923.4,.;!?%%*5.;‘._ e B TVRE RS 3%\ : 35-,)——’ R FA @ SOSy G T B B werY TERAAT R & W MG AWRR T o 8 BBv 5 5 e U i ) . i E“ { :\_‘l,:l :m",“'»f"f\:‘:” ':-.- * s g This greot stock medicine is ag-% oo ' § X B moncy savir for ‘stock_raisers. 1i “% ; Isa I‘:}%‘-:{1;:1;':-;\., Ez(’;t a ‘c‘thoup food or \_%} 8 condition powder, Thoneh put up sz el o e 3 e . o ol B In coarscr foren than Thedford’s g 2 ( Blfld:-l)l’l‘.i?:‘j;.f, renowned fop the g;' ‘ §1 cure of .o digestion troulles of ¥ X N (sl 3+ 1O g 7 ]'\ ey Y r T-~ 2 £ ..." g persons, if 1 f_f._e same \,iu;.;h‘.cxcs & 8 of invigerating digestion, stirring 2 g B up the topid liver and loa.x.e:‘.ing 3:. B the constipzted biwels for all stock 2 84 and pouliry. lis carcfully pre- & § pared and ifs action is so healthful % 84 that stock grow und thrfive with an 2 b j occasicnal dose in their food. Tt fi4 i cures hog cholera and makes hogs ¥#s§ B grow fat. [t cures chicken cholera 5 @ and roup and makes hens lay, It g; 8 cures conztipation, distemper and E‘-’;fl . P 5% B colds in Lorses, murrain in cattle, g § and mikes a draught animal do &5 8 more work for the food consumed. bt B It gives animals and fowls of all #3§ kinds new life. Ilvery farmer and ;:;3 | raiser should certainly give it a £ trial. . o It costs 25c. a ean and saves ten [ times its profit. o S e ———— ; Prrrssurg, Kas., March 25, 1504, I have been using your Black-Draught B B Stock and Poultry Medicine .on my § stock for some time. I have used all [ kinds of stock food but I have found E that yours is the best for my purpose. J. 8. HASSON. ¥ P e -