The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, September 16, 1904, Image 4

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ey o AT T ‘ S e T R R .vg_:_‘\,_#,‘%; L e o ; 1. E. TiSON, fiiflfl‘ ‘and Publisher, ~ S U eSR S S A 4 P T PTBUELISHE RY. PRI _ Officlal Organ of Lee County, | Gen, Stakleberg must tea humbug %fipfin{u"v\hde the ve!s are here—talk 3———-—-——- B R : . :{%gjap%luo‘x lio-Yang at a cost that Stagear tie aljhabct. f?};':f'};fs‘f.’, o » I'“’ s i eQYAP et L Motopathis cerebralis is the kind of brain P o s & . oowners have. » "’-.h_\ el O) AP e ‘J‘. Thlql\ nota good year for-workitg fihat old calamity howl Mr. Watsou, ;’M“_.-‘o‘_‘>__‘___________ ’?~~:-;Pzi}*kér for the white house Watson for i iivhouse Rousie for the rough houce. e e . L \ir Rosevelt,will stand without hitclirg B rovided he is gag d an? cholorol-form : oot B+ 41 G B 9 D B 2 f ilc woisi comes to the worst Mr. Cor felyon can tike thechecks off ““Tim Woob buifs ve t e e et £ M Cottelyou isnow trying his justly bolel rated co .gh-up drips on the coffers of Bhc irint > : s i QP () MY . “1 veczon Josb ’lll ruake his wark I the -world one of these days,” said the fond wother. “Mebbe he will,” answered Farmer Corntossel, “but I can’t help wishin’ 1 ®could git him to take hold of a hoe an’ put a few dints into it by way of prac itice.”—Washington Star. LHe is richest who is content with the Hoast, for conter’, ia the wealth of ua iture. - Socrates E — 2 e L L "‘.lohn Henry, I'll thrash you soundly gif 1 ever catch you telling another & story that isn’t true.” . “And yet. ma, I heard you say to the imml&}tmj that I had great imagination.” § —Cleveland Plain. Dealer. ] have:q o waco use for Blithersley,” = gaid the proud papa. i “Why ¥ asked the prond mamma. & 1 listencd to him for au beur today ’}Vllilg’ he told me about what his baby S had said or tried to say. nud just as | L was about to tell him about ours be ;gzé"eft mo, saying be had tocateb a train.” ~ ~—Daltimore American © “Bridget. can I trust you with the china?” : ~ ‘‘Sure ye can, ma’am. oOi’'ll save evr - ery piece.”--Life. ¢ GEORGIA,—Iee County. " To whom it may concern,— o : H. C. Haddock having . made application to me i : due form to be - app: inted administrator upon the estate of x’[‘ J. Haddock, late of said county: No- E tice is hereby given that said application ga_“tvill be heard at the regular term of the . Court of Ordinary for said county, to be . held ffrst Monday in October, 1904.— ~ Witness my hand and afficial rignature . this the sth., day of Septemler, Ico4, 4 : Gro. C Epwarps, Ordinary, E st ... = ‘. CEORGIA—Lee County. «* By virtue of an order of the court of . Ordinary of said county will be sold at . public outcry on the first Tuesday in Oc tober 1904 at the court-house in said . county between the usual hours. of sale the following real estate situated in lee County towit: One fifth (1| 5) undivided intrest in (50) fifty acres of land in the North-west corner of lot of land No. (115) one hundred and fifteen also {75) seventy five acres undivided off of lots of lend Numbers (64) sixty four, (65) sixty five, (66) sixty six, All in the first district of Lee County Ga. Terms Cash. This sth., day of September 1904, ; A. J. Fleetwood I Administrator of J. E. McKinney That is what Lee county wants- She has them if we could-only once get togeth er. For our own sake and the sake of the ccunty lets get together this time and ‘make an exhibit at the state Fair. A md-i itable exhibit will be worth thousands to l Lee county. You can look at the counties. r that are going forward the fastest and you | will know _they are the ones that have ad | vertised themselves. Lee could make a fine exhibit, so lets hold a meeting at once to t,.organize an associatien and make "an ex hibit at the Fair. It need not cost much, l and we may get engugh premiums to pay « this. How many men will join mein the I effort to do this? Would like to hear from jthem. We have the crops this year. A | well selected display would probably be qlarx inducement to home-seekers who it ' may be kuows very little of Lee county. Fach white family that'we can locate \ in Tee willadd a great deal to a county ~which is too much of a negro county for 7 ‘its own gooh, Double population and you | double the value of yourlandl; you make a market for all the surplus stuff made. The only way to double the population is to push it by advertising, pushing, work- | ing and hustling, then tell people that Lee | county is good for something besides pol- | fics. . C. 11 Beasty. % 3 ‘lie leant the Bird. A man cnee received as a ‘present ‘ from a sea captain a tine specimen of ‘the bird known as the laughing jaek- ASS. l As be was carrying it' home he met a brawny Irish navvy, who stopped him. ; -~ “Phwat kind of burd is that, sorr?” | asked the man. : “That’'s a laughing jackass,” explain ed the-owner genially. The Irishman, thinking he was be ing made fun-of, was equal to the oc | casion and responded, with a twinkls ‘ of the eye: ‘ “It’s nut yerself; it's the burd 4 mane * sorr!”- -London fpare Moments. | Commissioners Cflice Roads & Reve nues of Lee County, Georgia, i | , September 6th., 1904.~ It appearing to us that the aggragate | vaiue of taxable properity 1n said County accerding to the Tax Digests of said Coun ty, for the vear of 1904, is $1,369,358, that the State has assesed and levied £4:So on the one thousan dullars of taxable properity —for State taxes, wuich levy will rujq;g; A 8 sum of §6,572.91, from the taxable properity in.said county accorcing to said digests; And it further appearing to ‘us that itis nes-ary that a sum of $9.857.37, (in additi -1 on to what i 3 now in the Treasury), should be raised to payibe iddebtuess and current expences of said county of lee for the en suing vear: 1t is therefore here!'y ordered —that a tax (or levy] (being 7;20 millz), be, and the | sume is,, hereby assesed and levied for SCounty purposes upon amounts of tax able properity which has not been r.turned which is subject to ad valorem taxes in said county of Lee; and that same is to be | distributed as follows:— { For Jails purposes- -- 12 per cent, ’ For paying Jurors per diem,- 16 per cent. For Pauper purposes- . = [.oo:pér cent. 1 For Paying Salary df Judge of County Conrt- . net e il DeLuOeß L i Tor Bridge putposes-. i = .Joper cent, | Jo. Paying Cororer’s Fee,- 05 per cent. }» For Paying Bailiff’s & Non-Res. Wit, ihees oo a 5 O Ber gent ! 'or Road purposes, and to | pay Guards, mantein con- -50 per cent. RIS, Ble- o 8 For General purposes, to pay Court expen. SERMD OLt e G DeTCeIT { 150 per cent. And it is ordcred that the Tax Collector i “said county of Lee collect said County |, Xes héreby assesed as be collects the i Tates taxes, and that he pay over the Counties taxes to the Treasure of said county, as provided by the law.— Witness our hands and official signatures in regular Session, this the day and year ' first above written.— * B, I. McKinrey, County Co'm’m’r. 4 1. P. Cocke, o ¥ ; F. M. Mims, it i ' I hereby certify that the aboveis'a tru ‘copy of the origival order of ffleand reca ord iu this office.- Witness my official signature and seap, this the 7th., day of September, 1904. James Morgrn, Clerk of the Superior Court, and Ex official Commissioners Clerk,- l - RiobardPatisop. Sam Pattison.RichardT. Pattigon T PATFISON SONS, ALBANY GA. Founders and aehinists. WATER AND'GAS PIPINGS AND FITHINGS. - Iron and Brass Castings of every Description. Cast and Wrought Iror Railings. ENGINES AND BOILER® REPAIRED. Orders solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. For Rent. Sealed bids will be received until Nov Ist. for the rent of the late Capt, F. M. Heath Jordon plantation for 1 or 5 years Good land, healthy place, with deep weli water works throughout and an up to date ginnery. We reserve the right to reject any and zill “bids, none but responsible parties need apply. ~ Respt. Heath & Executors. —_4————»’”‘/_—.—-_.——. . Notice To Debtorsand . Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of J. Fi: McKenny, laie of said County, deceased to render in an account of their demands to me within the time prescribed by lasv, properly made out and all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby reqnested to make immediate pay ments to the undarsigned. This 6th day of May 1904. A, J. Fleetwood, Administrator of J, E. McKinuey. —— e > - How about that advertisement in the Greater I:ee County Edition. N FFRRNE S\ o \\—\*&‘ ‘":'*‘>~ SR SRR & i YA ST .’»‘_,,.-;v;,_r»,:. AR S‘, A .‘ : bA: :;.:p NG T T D I p /’i-fi e N PLDLD D | TR - t X T 1 b s P s T R NPR AT T e, A 1 ol @R . ¢ ! %fiwfil‘. — « fl ::' " :él,-I@Hfi Il < ‘ "-’v'f‘!‘xfih ~'-\.-"" AL e ’ 4GI f‘i)\ G e TG Bt N SRS (O S e gd \\ % [ E ~\.‘,.(;/ . /fi\ .' v 2 A'./’:-_-f’?:' v fl‘ 5 o eBN = B i s 4 CREN S R g podl el P W g B e z ) ¥ R o 7 5/’77]// :@i)é 255 p inls i Wi gZrpetween yomis in i 5 PP . S i B e T U A i N o i :;*, 1T e D A TR v FFORIDA H DrRAWING-Room VEsTIBULE SLEEPING CARS | . . o | é BETWEEN BIRMINGHAM, COLUMBUS, ATLANTA, MACON, AUGUSTA i 5 : 9 | 4 AND SAVANNAH, GA.. AND BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY, GA. g ; PuLLMAN SLEEPING CARS 4 BETWEEN ST LOUIS, NASHVILLE, CHATTANGOGA, ATLANTA, J MACON. GA.. AND JACKSONVILLE, FLA. g ParRLOR CARS oN DAY TRAINS ; BETWEEN ATLANTA. TIACON AND SAVANNAH, GA. i P TP ———; - 4 W. A WINBURN, J. C. HAILE, F.J. ROBINSON, » ') VICE-PRESIDENT AND TRAFFIC.MANACER. GEMERAL PASSENGER AGENT ASSISTANT GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT Z 4:.ry..u-s,-r-. .- gy ] -;i esL R L : ‘A true extract from the Minutes, This July 7th , 1904. oo James Morgan, ‘ | Clerk County Commissipners. . PROFESSIONAL CARDS, WARE G. MARTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAw, Leesburg, Geor / e e e e . : LONG & SON, ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ; : Leesburg, Geor o GEO. E. SIMPSON, ATTORNEV-AT-LAw, Smithville, Ga. e R GEGRGIA—LEE COUNTY, Notice is hereby given that the nn | signed has applied to the Ordinary of county for leave to sell the land belo ing to the estate of J. E. McKenny the payment of debts and for destrbu! among -the heirs of said estate. Saic : plication will be heard at the regular (. of the court of Ordinary for said count: be held on the first Monday in Septen | 1904, This Aug , ist., 1904, : A. J. Fleetwood, Admistrator upon the estate - J. E. McKin Callon me for Fire Insurance, I l‘ placc you in the very best compar: ; ’ and givesyou the protection you neec. S.l:Powell. , o \ Gk