The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, September 16, 1904, Image 5

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Leosburg Coton Market. ' Bogd Midtue ... 9 IO W Tow Mildbling ... ... 9%t09k Receipts up to press Four 500 bales. : ———————_— —— T ———————————— LOCALITEMS. Mrs, J. M.Mcßride is on the sick list, Mrs. Peed, of Macon, is visiting Lees hurg. Mrs. Edgar Long is visiting Smithville this week. : aMr. F. M Mims has begun work on liia new residence in town. Miss Jodie Cowell of Albany wasvisiting relatives here this week, Mrs Mary Johuson and daughter Tu-| lip and Willie is visiting Chokee this week, I.ittle Miss Martha Hall, who has been quite ill with fever for two weeks, is con valescing, I e shurg High School opened Monday morning with Professor Free as Principal. There was a larye attendance, and many more will enter later, A series of meetings will begin at the Methodist church next Sunday. and con tinne throughout the week. Rev. Mr. Allison and other able divines will con duct it. Hope there will be much good done. T.eesburg needs a revival of old time religion. . FOR SALE—Two hcrses and one buggy P'arties wishing to buy can secure a bar gain by calling on the undersigned. The horses are in good order and will be sold heap for_casb. N. E, OUT AW, Leo:sbufg. Ga. STATE OF GEORGIA—TLee County. To the Sheriff of said County or his lawful Deputy: You are hereby com manded, to Summons the persons whose names are hereon written as Jurors for the November term, 1904, of Lee Super jor Court of aid County, to be held on the first Monday in Yovember next, they _having been drawn as such Jurors, in the order following, to-wit. ‘ ——GRAND-JURORS. —— .1- E. Y. Turner 16— Joe B. PAul, 2-. C. N, Hayes 17- E, 8. Adams, 3~ R. 8. Pryor, 18- C. A. Castellow, 4- C.B. Avery, 10~ G. A. Neshit. g= W. T. Lockett 20- H. R .Stovall, 6 -D. G, Avera, 21- W, Beauchamp, 7-Geo. W. McDonald 22- Owen P. Brown, 8- G. W, Martin, Sr. 23- H. L. Long, Jr, .- T J. Price, 24- 0. W, Statham, 10- Wm_ B, Botewell, 25- W D. Green, 11- R. B, Clifton, 26— L. Ivey, 12- A. 1. Powell, 27- M W. Kitchens, 13- ]. B. Tyler, 28- C. E. Lockett, 14- Geo. C. Bass, 29- Duncan Forrister 15-R. A, Forrester 3o- T. S. Burton, And the following persons as Traverse Jurors for said term of said Coury to wit. 1- O, E» Tucker, 19- Charles O. Young, 2- J. H. Goodroe, 20-1.. I, Hammond, 3- W. A. McDonald 21- A. B, Cowart, 4- B. T. King, 22- D. A, Ragan, 5-]. D Beauchamp 23- Bob Hickey, 6-C. A. Rhodes, 24-]. D. Snellgrove, 7- W. ]. Tomlinson 25- Edgar |. Simmons, 8- E T Youngblood 26- W, H Turner, | 9- N H Ware, 27- H D Logan { 10- N E Outlaw 28- DonaldE Graham 11- W P Bencraft 29- W C Prico 12- FL Hayslip 30 J R Mitchell 13- T C Edwards 31- John FGill 14- A F Green 32- A R Munroe 15- D H Varnum 33- Charlie Martin 16- H A Pope 34- Elbert Hayslip, = GL Manning 35- S ] Powell hmey Usry 35- Silas M Page Witness the Honarable Z A, Littlejohn Judge of wid Court, this the 11th. day of August, 1904, J. W. Morgan Dep. Clerk of Lee Superior Court. il A i GHEORGIA—Iee County. Will be sold before the Court House door of said County on the first Tuesday in October 1994, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, th following described properity, situateed lying and being in the town of Smithvill County of lee, State of Georgia, towit: The East half of lot number (15) fifteen lying on the West side of the Southwestern railroad, and containing (%) one ‘half Bcre front and (1) one acre back; bonded on the Souith by W. D. Wells on the West by Academy lot; on the East by strert; on ; the North by Cotton Avenue street; levied on as the property of Leah J. Ansley and now in her,possession, by virtue of a fi-fa issuing out of the Superior Court of Lee county in favorof the Southern Mutual Building&l.oan Association against said Leah J. Ansley, defendant, Property pointed out in said fi-fa; ten ants in possession notified in terms of the aw, : This the 18t., day of Septembes, Igo4. S. B. Smith | Sheriff Lee County. Also at the same time and place, will be lsold all of lots of land Nos 119 and 139 in the 13th Diat, of Lee County Ga | Levied and sold as the property of John Dobbins, deceased to satisfy a fi fa issued from the County Court in favor of the Americus Guano Co, vs. John Dobbins, principal and C. W, Scarbroug security. Property pointed out plaintifs attorney Tenants in possesion notified this Ist. day of Sept. 1904. S. B. Smith, Sheaiff. Y’K\~W\‘/\—%—¢>%KM% yThe Journal/ y ~NYOURy | lJjoße— | | SWORK.| A / T e, TRI e % y-“'c Prints Lette Heads, y Note Heads, 7(\ Statements. % C Heads, 7( ¥ Businees Cards, / Comissary Checks, ¢ Legal Blanks, 7< i Wedding Invitations, y Books, Pamphlets, 7< Anjall Kin!s of Fancy Stationery% )ZGive us a Trial Orderesw—7, /. %%—w«~w</~_\>\3\s “¥ have beon using CASCARETS andas a mild and effective laxative they are slmplg won derful. My daughter and I were bothered with siok stomach and our breath was very bad. After taking a few doses of Cascarets we have improved wonderfully. They are a great help in the family." WILHEIMINA NAGEL, l 1137 Rittenhouse Bt., Cincinnati, Ohio. CANDY ; CATHARTIC ; W TRADE MARN RESIOTERED Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. De Qood, Never SBicken, Weaken, or Gripe, 10¢, 25¢, 50¢. «« CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Company, Chicage, Montreal, Now York. S 1& ey T Sold aud guaranteed by all drug .O'TO"‘c gists to (fi?ll Toblogo Habit.‘ Inhers in the faeulty to get other people working for you. The late Thos S. Kennec' v of Louisville, Ky., did this when, in 1245 he secured a policy in The Mutual Life 1:.- surance Company of New York for #5,000. Dividends to the amount of $6,807 bas a« - cumulated on this policy, making the total amount paidé)sy the Companysrl,Bo7. T « net premiums paid by Mr Kennedy amounted to $3,465.88, making the return over ¢ « $8,341.12, 2 In writing for information about a policy of this kind, state what you would like to receive in cash at the end of limited payment period. TMEMUTUAL LIFES INSURRCE COM FEANY CF OLDEST ; LARGE:' IN ; + INTH = . NEW YORK RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. R. F. SHEDDLN, Manager, ” Atlanta, Ga. D. D. HALL, Special Agent, SO Leesburg, Ga. Smithville Ga. ONLY BANK IN THECOUNTY.. CAPITAL AND PROFITS $18.000.00 MEMBER 0+ A SYSTEM OF 38 STATE AND 4 NATIONAL BANEKS CONBINED., CAPITAL AND :SURPLUS $1.500,000.00. , ERACH BENK INDESEPENDANT.,. DEPOSITS SOLICITED. OFPFICERS AND DIRECTORS W, S, WITHAM, President. D. G. AVERA, Vice President. C. A. RHODES, : J. R. LONG, W.D. WELI &’ ; B I. McKINNEY, T. G. WILLIAMS. CALL AND SEE US. | { Respt i J. C, McCLAIN Cashier. | ILOCAL TAXATION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. A PROCLAMATION. ‘By His Excellency, Joseph M. Terrell, Governor of | the State of Georgia, Executive Department, July 27th 7904. Whereas, the General Assembly, at its session in | 1903, proposed an amendment to the Consiitution of . this State, as set forth in an act, approved August I7th Igo3, to wit: Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the i same, That from and after the passage of this Act, that article 8, sect.on 4 paragraph | of the Constitntion of the State be ultered and amended bv striking out the word ““upon the recommendation of two grand Juri s” which begin in the first line after the word **Countizs’’ and end in the second line before ths word ““and’’ and substituting therefor the words “‘militia di tricts,school districts’and by inserting the words “‘mulitia districts, shool districts’’ in the seventh line afterword‘‘County”’ andbefore the word“‘or’’and further by striking out the word “‘two-thirds’” whica begins in the seventh line after the word ‘‘a’’ and ends in the eighth line before the word “‘voie’’, and subs ituting therefore the werds “two-thirds majority of those voting”’; so that saia ’ paragraph shall iead when amended, as follows, viz; “Authority may be granted to counties, malitia dis tricts school distzicts and to municipal corporations, upon the recommendation of the corporate authority, to establish and mantain public schools in their respec tive limits by local taxation; but no such law shall take effect until the same shall have been submitte:d to a vote of the qualified voters in each County, militia dis " trict, school district, or municipal corporation, and ap ' proved by two-thirds majority of persons voting at | such election, and the General Assembly my prescribe ' who shall voteon such questions.” | Section 2 Be it further enacted, That if this amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the | members elected to each of the two Houses, the same shall be eutered on their Journals, with the Ayes and ] -Nays taken thereon, and the Governor shall cause said | amendment to be published in one or mose newspapers | | in each congressional district for two months previous . to the next F:neral election, and thq legal voters at the | next general election shall have written or printed on ' heir tickets «Ratification’, or ““Against Ratification” | °s they may choose to vote, and if a majority of the ' laectors qualified to vote for the GGeneral Asseémbly,vot ing shall vote in favor of Ratification, then said amend ment shall become a part of said article 8, section 4, paragraph 7 of the Constitution of this State, and the Governor shall make proclamation thereof. Now, therefore I Joseph M. Lerrell, Governor of. said State, do issue this my proclamation hereby dee clairing that the foregoing proposed amendmient to th Constitution is submitted for ratificaticn or rejection to the voters of the State, qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, at the general election to be held on Wednesday, October sth 1904. By the Governor; Josern gi TERRBLL. Puivre Coox Governor. Secretary of Siate How about that advertisement in the Greater Lee County edition -of he Journal. | FOR SALE, One Horse. Georgia raised. Good sico One Texas pony, 6 years old at $6O - One Georgia Raised Colt 2)4 vyears §4O l Apply at I. P. COCKE, Armenia. Ga. | 4icarty afull line of Plows, I:ce mowers, rakes and reapers. See me if l you are in the market for anything in | this line, T will make it to your interes:. l S. 1. Powell. —————— " ———————. .- l Libel for Divorce. FANNIE HOWELL }Case No. 936. Libel for dj. vs vorce. In the SBuperior Court JOSH HOWELL. ) of Lee County Georgia, Fi (| March 31st 7goy. To JUSH HO WELL, defendant in said case, Youare hereby notified that by virtue of an order gra:it ed in said case at the May term, 7994. ot said couri. you are required to in person or by attorney appear ..t the next term of said conit to be held in and for | «. County, (Georgia, on the first Monday in Novemb . 1904 (next) then and there to answer the complaint «.; the plaintiff, Fannte Howell, against you for a tot ! ’ divorce, upon the ground of wilful continuous dasetic:, ~ as in defalt of such appearance, the court will proceci as to justice shall appertain, - Witness the Honoruble Z. A, Lim LJCN, Judge ot said Court, this srd. day of June 1904, JAMES MOZGAN, Clerk. ° ® Skin Diseases €ases. For the speedy and bPermanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham beriain’s Eye and Skin Ointment ;= without an equal. It relieves the itel:- ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued nse effects a permanern: cure. It also cures itch, barber’s itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cady’s Condition Powders fo. 10rses are the best tonic, blood purifier md vermifuge. Price, 25 cents, Sold b»