The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, September 16, 1904, Image 7

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A e . . w 8 N - : E i mj& : . <« R 7). D ifi” sy c'”\ L g -- '. om‘ (/AN ; ”’l s "'~-.u'!.| :."‘;‘ :.:‘: 5 ..p :("‘"‘.“’ .":.:0.'.::‘::;‘!:}. : Mg ‘;'\} ‘\ .;ww:l‘:‘é""“ . L e .‘p,.;v ® o The letter of Miss Merkley, whose picture is printed above, proves beyend question that thousands of cases of inflamma tion of the ovaries and womb are annually cured by the use of Lydia E. Pinkkam’'s Vegetable Compound, _ - “DeAr Mgns. PINEHAM :— Gradual loss of strength and nerve force told me something was radically wrong with me. I had severe shooting pains through the pelvic organs, cramps and extreme irritation comgelled me to seek medical advice. The doetor said that I had ovarian troul®e and uleera tion, and advised an operation. I strongly objected to this and decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege= table Compound. I soon found that my judgment was correct, and that all the good things said about this medi cine were true, and day by day I felt less pain and increased appetite. The ulceration soon healed, and the other complications disappeared, and in eleven weeks I was once more strong and vigorous and perfectly well. ““ My heartiest thanks are sent to you for the great good you have done me.”— Sincerely yours, Mlss MARGARET M@:RKLEY, 275 Third St., Milwaukee, Wis.—Bsooo forfeit if original of above letter preving ganuinzness cannot be srodueced. Glcomy Roman Palaces. Many of th: great Roman palaces stand closed and gloomy. The Orsini have sold their huge ancestral pile, and retain little of their ancient glory except their name. The Lancellotti have, since 1870, kept half the great doors of their palace shut in sign of mourning for the lcss of the temporal power. The Chigi have no heart for gaiety since their heir threw away his life in Africa, his death being the epilogue to a tragic love story. The Sforza-Caesarini have tried to trim their sails to every wind. Duchess Victoria, born a Colonna, was lady in-waiting to Queen Margherita; Duc hess Carolina, her magher-in-law, spent her days on her knees lamenting the fall of the Papal power. The Marchese Santifiore and Princess Cor sini, both daughters of the Sforza- Caesarina, ars among the gayest of Roman beauties. What a Bird Likes. Birds like a 'little sunshine—teo much is fatal. A bird after bathing may be hung for fifteen minutes in the sunshine to dry his feathers, but should not remain longer, says House hold~Animals. Do not hang birds in a"window. All windows are draughty. Do not per mit a draught from an open window to strike your bird. Do not allow the temperature of the room where the bird is kept to drop suddenly. Permit your bird to go to rest at dusk, keeping it out of a lighted Toom. Keep canaries in a temperature of 65 to 70 degrees. .Never make a quick move about a bird or move it suddenly. i faoh, ¢ o stine dus : PR Aty R T & via TR OSot o s ; S e Ry e S ks s il e i S ¥ T i B SARER S S E aAS AT eO e W Lot S RIS ek ORe o S e T i NR e [, NeAN S pB,A e A s o 5 o A iS P G s SR A TN ¥its, ‘ s e S ALk AT Py ,L,{'&;.L k- SRAL Sby T 8 TXTo)4 o et i ” 4 T s Tecaany el ST oh P A BeSgAT G A O s e TTS 4, eP L Re o sit Ik AT Bnws = o i MAy g Yo La2L3P o st A iod ..;. y B RERLOCAS RN es B IR TRARmB P S B P rgl . . et S s “ - A g@ ST I&bAßepmeA o T e e 2 e 5 e, gA T T“y ? % | B o tesgvo WUI ¥egßAl ol o T O ':'~,—‘f‘."'._l. y;-DU B Al S YP R (P o f ||-S , : 3 :: ; 7 g7eiy 5 ¥ R + 2N, iy RSTI T R R v, eeol 2 . - .P¥ AR P v |' ‘ ;3| : i 5 eMR % e bl 11. A 3 . — SO, 7 R ‘ bRGt e £ iB ; %Lo~ 2 eom (3 ayfl r"j:.". i BN oB ot e eAt D e LR . . e oy L SR 3 . RT T A 7 .-v::=B2, k: 2 M 5 B :'?) ,:,_a ¢&-> A il > s b g sl s bWAR)L L g SR -t [ 7 .b¥oAT4o*¢, 8 o 7 i R B Pl e-3 4 o ':v ‘ » :. : 7:| ‘( | %- e ST ~ p s N G2t -¥8»)oTR 3 P 4 2 - o ¥ks 9 % o d 3¥o 4 " e e P ie Lid TPOeB& N R e ol Dad Bl kel Belß 5 B Z P:i 3 = | ! : || D e eol B 8 Bo3BeeKs B PR B B Eaee o aaa bu BEY B P USSR RO N&% o P %Y = E PEAI | i s . 4B B i SBNBsßlUosy M B e B B Ba i 5 Se, T g 7 B | | 7 BSB : = B bid 11 oo BBey RS g =5 site fy o s"£ & R Agl e LA { P R RR g gßt Syt Do PA T “ | s : o (b Al s e o&Bb'y = = W Frecs NSbeߥgVi o . 2 35 ; : V ‘i 2| ’ »“.‘ oA - eeoyßY S e DY o e é?“ BißeVs g o & fthos Geß = I "oB ¥ 7 4Yo 3s — sW-;; o T ~,'. S(e nad &o L > ot )> " i Fs 7 v 5 4 P P 4 Fal) ‘. BN LR SN TS ARy | B 3 “ : 3 | : : - P gy gl GARwIeA B e o RN 7R B K ' - e gl B Do eORNY TR e -——-——_——-_ s BRIP.I I S AT 6 e o R refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50c. : The Abuse of Shade. ~For our hot summaors, shade around the house seems to be an absolute necessity. It is well to remember, however, that, like most other BOO¢ things, we may so shade that it be comes absolutely harmful. It has often been observed that while a home is new and has little shade it is healthful, but after the house is buried under trees, the fam: ily begin to suffer from various dis eases, which when the trees were small and cast little shade th'ey were entirely free from. The explanation is this: When a house is buried in shade it becomes dark and damp. Darkness and dampness are both fa vorable for the growth of molds, mil dews and disease germs. Sunlight dries ‘the house and kills outright the germs of most of our formidable diseases. Rheumatism and consump tion thrive espccially in dark and damp houses. Shade should be around the house, not over it. Let there be open places all around thz house, so that the sun may shine direetly upon it. This will keep it dry and wholesome. Another evil which comes with too many trees is the shutting off of the current of air so necessary when it is very hot. Heat is much more en durable with plenty of moving air than it is when there is no circulation whatever. Plant trees; piant them in abundance, but not too close to the house, and when they become too dense cul some of them out.—New York Tribune. A Fresh Airing. A little friend of mine was spending his vaction in the country witK his grandparents. One day not long ago he was walking in the fields with his grandfather and was gurprised to see all the cows chewing their cuds., Not understanding what it meant, he ex claimed: “Do you have to buy chewing gum for all them cows, grandpa?’—Albany Journal. ' Relic of Sclomoen. Hugues le Roux, the well know.a French journalist, has discovered in Abyssinia the original manuseript re lating the story of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, which has never aitherto been authenticated. Avery & Gompany SUCCESSORS TO AVERY & McMILLAN, 51-53 South Forsyth B¢, Atlante, Ga —ALL KINDS OF— ekl st e NLA e S e e e b:”%}:”{”“”fi% .\flg\‘—\/ '\ 2.9 2t “@7‘3‘\»'/1 IR GBS LLABAY eI e sl Reliable Frick Engines, Bollers, all Sizes. Wheat Separaters, . 4 J !F—-—: R B ’ %%T*A\E:&fi,e:‘&i‘?‘ Le X . R} PPk eWAT N SA B BEST IMPROVED SAW HILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Boilers pr:'fd promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, Circular SBaws,Baw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors, Full lime Engines & Mill Supplies. Send for free Cata’ogue e RO R UMM 1o AN Y e L g i gy oy The Vatican exhibit sent from Reme to the St. Louls Exposition will prob ably be re-exhibited at the Lewis and Clark Eir next year at Portland. . * FITS })ermanently cured, No fitsornervouss l ness after first day’s use of Dr, Kline’s Greal ! Nerveßestorer, s3trial bottleand treatisefrea Dr. R, H,KLIXNE, Ltd., 981 Arch St., Phila., Pa, Sanitary crusaders are now aiter owner {ess city pigeons. H. H, GREEN'S Sonsg, of Atlanta, Ga., are | the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the | world, Ree their liberal offer in advertisa ment in another column of this paper. ’ The Sultan of Turkey aims to outlive all his predecessors. | TamsurePiso’sCure forConsumptionsaved my life three years ago.—Mßs, Troxmas Rus- EINS, Maple St., Norwich, N.Y., Feb, 17, 1900 The first Catholic church ever built m Chicago, 111., cost $3OO. & ¥R . P =y B g by 5 e ot - S 3 3 WBB3 ; ) * s o % i ¥ ~ 2 N S : M i o SD-; - A 5 & .',.-.. T eo ey e 5 ONEG eLoT, PR AN PSR 5 RSR O S D b ot S 4 i O N R bt S TN % L . o 1 ;s ; TRIT U 3 - & SR o >st ¥ 8 & Y L ey B e 3 & A o L. b - AP eLb BT AB, PR o R N k iy B P e R 3 P n‘,;-:\’ ML SR oo i i v ¢ ~".'~'4 b iAin o I | % ¥ & % B SNy bAR T R 5 ~ "y, 7 e @ ‘.{ o X K “.5-:'(5? L ‘; RS s ” Sy BT Aoh Ryt m P R . o o ey AR U AT ARG T RA\ f“é?\ et e A e fug IR e ) /fc D EERN A o XV § 8| Beaa- NoNZo oy ENDUAN - A R e AR A Y Ro LA i %‘nfi. 00l U e i) BT QA PEANIRE N e g 2 04 K *:\\\\.“y ) /SR R g ”JJ- NN TR « MRt s P, N A Y Y MW o Feng &) A N A% 5 o 2 Wot ¥ A s e e & W BTE A B\ o | &0 i o ! R 74 b X 0. b D R ) S NST R R D A AR R T z{a“y‘ PSR e s DAL W G A ¥ N Y. B Yt/ Daks o . 7 - Pz g AR e oW B S bR ¥ O o WS pemir e U B 3 TN L PR Rgy ol i PRt e LA, o B b, Pavd R vy W I b i ST A SEtarans & « v & M 3 o “flfl‘fi:‘ g" P ") § B¥R¥ Rt BB oy o eMo L S O Y :q‘.-';-,—.*'\.géfif*:f.-i’-}ffi B R s M VRS e b Y GBoB& i R v ¢ s B 2 @ % B 2 A oW s \ ¥ s Caes pors 7 . evd YRR e B ¥k ww i 7 i A N - 2 g vl B S kR o 1 o 25 @ L S By e B 8 VE B A B O s B A P RS boi 5 & | & & BY W W B 3 ey M e o il ey ':"“-?, :;\‘f';. B i L B 2 s R B T c;'»w‘»t'f\'*‘i;‘é"‘wj%&, e R A L iy A o - 3 vy b % g RO posmany Y4B M AN oL | W OBV R By o e B B R o, : o R T s BT B Y EDa %] e e e ARG B T i B N A BdCZEses TSR S g ol e ey ol T s o RO R e EE TR o A g N ut B 2 EEn En ¥ - +5 e O Pasind B § " radd VRI Do T st ei v, e S e eo b griie et 0N R AR QN FN ALs v LI PN sit Ao Wl R NATR i et < R A=N ] e & »“)::'—‘;“"x"“e‘a';f f Ul se M Wi b= g B A e e e A T U R g T a2t A TRksß LI i A Il (s, Cived B 4 B r«?g‘%’—?‘? (Vs & A T f\&"fi"flf S ' QLT WS R e ol Yo " LIS A ‘fg UNION g 3 Boy Skgo ES FOR | O " MADE. a MEN. i”““ hFis W. L. Deuglas makes and soifs more men’'s Wi % GANI S $8.50 shoes than any other manufaciurer £ rAi‘u A %‘”\?‘* in the world. 'Thereason W. L. Douglas $8.50 shoes are the B PRty '%‘- ;Z@?_‘i g 7 greatest sellers in the world is because of their excellent style, PSS Ry @;f:‘}f;u easy fitting and sugerior wem'm%l qnalities. 1f 1 could show £ Sy gt el o you the difference between the shoes made in my factory and ) v ~¢'A‘?'" s ,‘.:t those of other makes and the high-grade leathers used, you 5 /4 SRt "/;,t'g- “would understand why W. L. Douglas ?8,50 shoes cost more S N Sk B HBENZRA to make, why they liold their shape, fit better, wear lonfer. off S, ORlty N and are of greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe Of 2 o l‘q“”"\ ] on the market to-day, and why the sales for the year ending o F ~m s %*V!{c;v iy July 1, 1904, were ) f;»‘ ol ’\'l"".. ’,“ v'fi)“" "”)‘fi 5 ~§‘;‘_’ g Ve e e iéf;;”fz-- £ £6,262,040,00, N VA . 7l ROVESSRE I W, 1., Douglas guarantces thelr value by stamping his name § V 7 el / COEEBERTY and price &n the bottom. Look for it—take no snbstitute, % ”" ARG ‘fi\yq %Oldl Ly s}[xoe dealers everywhere, Fast Color Eyelels used MESREENS QI IS gkt Haclustvely. - h @ “11.{,@.'0"-" ?%i_‘ "3'}’ Superior in Fit, Comfort and Wear. & g - Car “ J have worn W.L.Douglas $3.50 shoes for the last twelve years B *M’y 23 A *‘}"‘ wirl:i absolutesc:;:’.!jacu%'n. } findgfihgga{susg%q’r in fit,comfort ’ @A \GERE /A B Vxiaey\ and wear to others costing from §6.00 to §7.00.”" ). 4G\ ¥ n&’% }":;;3)5 ',,,v'- N ”4" 359 B, S. McCUE, Dept. (,’oIZ, U.B. Int. Eevenue, Richmond, Va. Qe s A7y G s W. L. Dougl Corona Coltskin in his #3.50 BN oD el O 51 & it . L. gles uses Cor ) i) az:,,;,;%‘? f;‘f'\ e ;‘f&},\ shoes. Corona Colt is coneeded to be the finess N oy 2o A= gf?i, =) Patent Leather made, THE J“’, %z IIF' S“{ \,(’;" SEND FOR CATALOGUE GIVING FULL INRTRUCTIONS YWORLDS - Copzipo™ s el Q) HOW TO ORDER BY MAIL. GREATEST SHOE MAKER ; W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. & @D BEST FOR THE BOWELS i A Bl e 0 g 1 BA KERBI Y i 5 e RiAAT IS G gl Sy TD] BUSD, BN Y Spas B B '{'é,il"‘?’? e“T D N iy S YSy b p -»_‘;:f"‘ -) - P j [ & e £/ YA ) T S "r’,",,-' - py( TN \\. e, ‘ \ sf&» TN SANDY N\ i ] _ CATHARTIO 4 N P e ’ e, AR RN y , '*',.;w-..-,;..: ‘THE} Re T DTt {Axiy ~'.‘:;: ,rm;'r.'. 17 a 8 ey T '.flf:' 4","'».'{,“',.*,“' LR s e SRR AR TO A AR oA, § GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel tronbles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad blood, wind on the stomach, bloated boweis, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, # palns after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and dizziness. When your bowels doa't move regularly you ars sick. Constipation killa more people than all other diseases together. It nxrta chronic allments and long (etn of suffering. No matter what ails you, etart taking i CASCARETS today, for you will never get well and stay well until you get your bowels right, Take our advice, start with Cascerets todey under absolute guarantee to cure of money refunded. The sgenuine tablet stamped £ CC. Never sold in bulk. Sample and booklet free. - Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, 50% : b L 1 AP ; + = -We guarantee aquick . (R, ' inaisdting curo in all SeaaetE cases of SPEC gF 10 St DLOOD POISON, et STRICTURE,VARICO hae ety CLOLE, WEAK BACK, oAy PROSTATIC TROU LI BLE AND ALL DIS- T ‘"EASES PECULIAR R R TO MEN, ALSO ALL w\nfit NERVOUS, KIDNEY, 3 ig"“\fi o BLADDER AND REC PRy k@ Sawel TAL DISEASES AND BRS L EUMATISM, Drs. Leatherman & Bentley !mpm'ta_l_lt are tho only specialists in Atlanta who treat their cases themsolves. Wl‘ite if you capnot cail and desciibe your troubles and receive by re turn mail, /free of charge, our diagnosis blank, BEST HOME TREATMENT. Consulta tion Free. Everything confidential, Drs. Leatherman & Bentley, : Cor. Marietta and Forsyth Sts., ATLANTA, GA. Hours: Ba. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday: 10 to 1, AT Spt CURED R i Y a % o ;] ”% G 2 8] Gives o ;:;: ;;.m h Quick . . Relisf. S Removes ali swelling in Bto 20 calißie days; effects a permanent cure £\ in 30to bo days. Trialtreatment AR N rl‘kfi given‘freE. I\;t,)t;;ixégcan bes fairer (s Write De. H. H, Grean’s Song, gtfi__'.@fi_‘ Spncxlalists, Cox B Allanta, 32 : OREG‘HTON'S Ll 727, (et ATE ORFULLIVAN & CRICHTON Shorthend Dept., H. 0. Orichton. Bookkecping Dept., D. E. Bhumaker, Catflo]gue free, E. O. Crigchton, Prop., Kiser Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. HoMoreßlindHorses s srinscns b amie Bore Eyes, Barry Co., lowa City, la., have a sure cure e A OTR 2 }‘:’ Best Cm.;gh Syx!\‘m.mfi‘a.e‘ies (nfll;a.' Uze g b ntime. ~Boid by druggists, & {£] eSN R T s