The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, September 30, 1904, Image 2

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Ghe |eq County Journa| - N, E. TISON, Editor and Publisher. | e e A e AP, P A A 0 \ PUBLISHED BMRY FRIDAY. e Official Organ of Lee County, ~ Encourage magration, , ; : o 4‘“%”»& *o e Talk up Lee County. o According to Branstreet,s, nearly 8o per cent of the concerns that fail in busi ness are those which don’t advertise. et e Noah was one of the first advertisers He advertised that he would sail on a cer tain date. Those who didn,t believe in advertising failed to gettickets and were Jeft out in the wet without umbrellas or bathing suits. : ..__—_———-—-oo’-oo—-—-.—-—-—'—“ : The Sioux City firm has up an odd standard for its girl stenographers They _must be red-headed, must wear short skirts and must not use perfumery. Itis ~asserted by a representative of the firm " that red-headed girls are more careful and better workers than any other kind, that the short-skirted girl moves quicker and is more easily pleased than the gi-l in the long skirt, and that the use of perfumery is a pretty sure indication that a girl is “stuck on herself’, and will spend too much time before the looking glass. George Compere, emploved jointly by the State of California and West Australia, has discovered in South America, a para site. which' destroys the codling mothe Apple orchards that are the habitat of the parasite bring 95 ver cent. of their fruit to maturity, Hitherto the product of the world's apple and pear orchards has not ‘been more than 3oto 35 per cent, of the promise atsetting, ‘San Francisco expects to receive from West Australia the first of the parasites v¢ry soon and they will be cultivated under the most favorable conditions, Judge Parker’s unequivocai declaration in favor of one term has called serious at tion tu the advisability of the one term restriction. It is not a new question in American politics, as Charles Sumner by resolution proposed a constitutional amendment to that effect. It was aimed at grant. Mr. C"’e‘veland also at one time favored the ome-term idea, but not so positively as Judge Parker and was pre vailed upon to accept another. The posi tion of Judge Parkeron this question may or may not be a vote-getter, but it has a least set the peovle. thinking.” el e The Louisville Courier-Journal (Dem.) says: Tom Watson says Roosevelt is a better man than Parker. Joe Cannon, Spesker of the House of Representatives, who placed the hand of the negro boy into the hand of the white girl, and had them, hands joined, to pose as the closing scene of the Roosevelt convention, says the same thing, MrsW. H. Felton, the most brilliant woman of the South, touched with a feeling of cqmpassion for her sex, insecure at home, on the farm or along the highways, and speaking for every farmer’s wife in the cotton states, declares she prefers Parker to Roosevelt. Tom Watson says he prefers Roosevelt to Parker. Cobot Lodge, who inserted the negro plank in the Republican platform, says the same thing, Tom Watson says hé does not fear the ‘‘nigger-in-the-wood pile.” Every farmers wife in the cotton belt of the South says she does. Tom | Watson says he prefers Roosevelt to Par ker Booker Washington says the same thing. Lee ounty Georgia Sheriff Sales For Novemberl9o4. To the highest bidder for cash wil be sold before the Court house door of Lee County Ca.between the legal hours of sale, on first T'uesday the first day of Novem ber next being the usual time and place of holding sheriff sales--The followiug propertv'to wit: One town lot Th'rty feet front and eighty feet back with storehouse thereon, being on Railroad Street and op’p'p?it the South Western Railroad Depot-and in the tbwn of Leesburg, in Lee County Georgia being the storehouse (then at date of riortgage Aug, 7th. 7900) occupied by R. 8 Hines in the conduct of a mercantile business and now so occupied. Als» a resi dence lot with improvements thereon situated on the North Sideé of Broad street and facing said street. West of an” adjoining the residence lot of Mrs. Rosa McDorald, said lot being eighty-five feet front on road street and runniug back one hundred and forty l five feet. in the town o? Leesburg, Lee County Geor gia. Levied onos the property of R. S, Hines to satisfy a fa in favon f The Union Savings Bank and trust Company, issued from the Superio court of Lee County Georgia against R. g, Hines.- Tenvant in yosessicn potified in texmsof,the Law b written personal notice- -Property pointed out in fi fy This Sept gth., 7904. &. B, SMI'll H, Sheriff Lee County Ga o W GEORGIA,—Iee County, To whom . it may concern.- H. C. Haddock having made appli¢ation to me in due form to be appointed administrator upon the estate of ’IF.’ J. Haddock, late of said county: No tice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held ffrst Monday in October, 1904, - ~ Witness my hand and afficial ¢ignature ‘this the sth., day of Septemiber, Igo4, i ! Gro. C EpwArDS, Ordinary | R o D GEORGIA—ILee County. By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of said county will be sold at public outcry on the first Tuesday in Oc tober 1904 at the court-house in said county between the usual hours of sale thé following real estate situated in Lee County towit: One fifth (1 | 5) undivided intrest in (50) fifty acres of land in the North-west corner of lot of land No. (115) one hundred and fifteen also /75) seventy five acres undivided off of lots of lend Numbers (64) sixty four, (65) sixty five, (66) sixty six, All in the first district of Lee County Ga. s : Terms Cash’ This sth., day of September 1904. A. J. Fleetwood Administrator of J. E. McKinne Commissioners Office Roads & Reve nues of Lee County, Georgia, September 6th., 1904.- It ap})earing to us that the aggragate value of taxable properity 1n said. County accerding to the Tax Digests of said Coun ty, for the vear of 1904, is $1,369,358, that the State has assesed and levied $4:80 on the one thousan dollars of taxable properity —for Stale taxes, which levy will raise the sum of $6,572.91, from the taxabie properity in said county accorcing to said digests; And it further appearing to us that itis nessary that a sum of $9,857.37, (in additi on to what is now in the Treasury), should be raised to pay the iddebtness and current expences of said county of Lee for the en suing vear: : ! 1t 1s therefore her:"y ordered —that a tax (or levy] (being 7;20 mills), be, and the same is, herevy hssesed and levied for County purposes. upon amounts of tax able properity which has not been retarned which 1s subject to ad valorem taxes in. said county of Lee: and that sathe is to be distributed as fczllows:—- For Jail purposes- . 12 per cent. For paying Jurors per diem,- 16 per cent. For Pauper purposes-_______ ...09 per cent. For Paying Salary of Judge of County OO o 0 e R For Bridge purposes- _______ 20per cent. Fo. Paying Coroner’s Fees,- 05 per cent. For Paying Bailiff's & Non-Res. Wit, TR LTt ol By cent, For Road purposes, and to { : pay Guards, mantain con- -50 per cent, o S A R ‘ For General purposes, to pay Court expen. BRGOP Dent ; 150 per cent, And it is ordcred that the Tax Collector said county of Lee collect said County xes hereby assesed as he collects the Tates taxes, and that he pay over the Counties taxes to the Treasure of said county, as provided by the law.- Witness our hands and official signatures in regular Session, this the day and year first above wnitten.—- | B, I. McKinrey, County Co'm'm'’r. | I. P- Cocke. " " F. M. Mims, o 9 I hereby certify thatthe aboveis a tru copy o{ the origiual order of fileand recs onr iu this office.- ¢ 'Lll"llllllllmllllllIIII|IlllllllllllIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIII'.Illll!flllllmllmlllIIIIl||I|llll||Illll"\mllllllllllll!l’llllll“.' £ RiohardP tison. Sampattiscn. FickercT. Failis Corpodintls = A ST | 1. PATTIO s SONS. = ALBANY GA. KR i ’yo ® “ _Founders and [T\aehinists. = WATER AND'GAS PIPINGS AND FITHINGS. £ :-.'..; Iron and Brass Castings of every Description. Cast and Wrought Iron E. = Railings, ENGINES AND BOILERS REPAIRED. - £ Orders solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. e For Rent. i .Sealed bids will be received until Nov Ist. for the rent of the late Capt. F. M. Heath Jordon plantation for 1 or 5 years Good land, healthy place, with deep well water works throughout and an up to date ginnery. We reserve the right to reject! any and all bids, none but responsible parties need apply. Respt. * Heath & Lee Executors. ——— ; Notice To Debtorsand - Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of J. E. McKenny, laie of said County, deceased to render in an account of their demands to me wiihin the time prescribed by law, properly made out and all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby reqnested to make ‘im:t'n'edxat'el pay ments to the undarsigned. e This 6th day of May 1904. o o A, ]. Fleétwood,; .-’ Administrator of J, E. McKiniey. o —— e e gdn:lcatg Y:uri Bowels With Cascarets. Jandy Cathartic, cure constipation f . 10¢c,25c. 1f C.T.C, fail, druggistsls):erhnd ggng;- (Aanrereng 3 O e TR Ay, 'm”/ : 'f‘“’“.. Ay 4‘ [‘v,,‘! / ~" ’/,(/' 1G R ; 1 Oty IS V) G gyt W) N _ 5T B /_"'—-————-‘.sz‘-—-azfi— T ;“"“'""‘“j me—— < @\.l § CEEh mi)f"'_? m_af @@n@ AT\ Nl g O s 3 et ey SR ‘ | '\%‘ blgt L g ‘ MO 7 e Q) A = | A/~ Mu@/‘ el | i 1/ = x’rf\;\’/‘a 7 i E i {oAI- b - s p i f@i”"/ R $ : : ;.3»=Beivoeex? _Poqus in GEORGIA - | R | DRAWING-Room VESTIBULE SLEEPING CARS | " BETWEEN BIRMINGHAM, COLUMBUS, ATLANTA, MACON, AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH. GA.. AND BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY, GA. PuLLMAN SLeEerPiNG CARs | /\\ 11 BETWEEN ST LOUIS, NASHVILLE. CHATTANOOGA., ATLANTA, | ‘]R\l | MACON. GA.. AND JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Vi O e B AL PARLOR CARs oN DAY Trains f§ \ N BETWEEN ATLANTA. MACON AND SAVANNAH, GA. | W. A WINBURN, J. C. HAILE, ey, -sN VICE-PRESIDENT AND TRAFFIC NINA“I\ GCENERAL PASSENGER AGENT. ASSISTANT GENERAL PASSENGLR AGENT : Callon me for Fire Insurance, lacc you in the very best company Witness my official signature and seaj, P y s ! this the 7th., day of September, 1904. and give you the protection you need. James Moxgrn. ' Clerk of the Superior Court, and Ex- S.J.Powell. official Commissioners Clerk.- PROFESSIONAL CA RDS. WARE G. MARTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAw, - a 5 Leesburg, Georgiu LONG &SON. -~ - ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Leesburg, Georgia GEO. E. SIMPSON, ) ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, : ' Smithville, Ga. GEGRGIA—LEE COUNTY, i Notice is hereby given that the nnder signed has applied to the Ordinary of :aid ' ceunty for leave to sell the land: belong ing to the estate of J, E. McKenny for the payment of debts and for destrbutinig among the heirs of said estate. Said ap plication will be heard at the regular terni of the cour’ of Ordinary tor said county to be held on the first Monday in September 1904, : ; This Aug., Ist., 1904. : A. J. Fleetwood, Admistrator upon the estate of, | J. E. McKinney.