The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, September 30, 1904, Image 7

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Leesburg Coton Market: Good Middliug. ... e 995"‘ M. ! ..-;WMMM"-\ Lo.:mwm-mwm ..W ...9% Receipts up to press hour 119§ i LOCAL ITENS. Next Tuesday is Sheriff Sales day. ‘ Mr. E. B. Lee was in town Tuesday. Mr. F. M. Mims was in town Thurs day. Mr. Sol Yeomans was in town Wednes day. _ Miss Lois King has been on the sick " list this week. | Mr john Ferguson, of DeSota, was in | town last Thursday. | L e everybody attend the services at the Baptist church next week. - Rev. W. H. Norton, will preach at the Baptist Church here tonight. i Mr. B. E. Powell is suffering with alame foot, caused by stepping on a nail, Mr. J. 8. Kitchens, one of our promi nent farmers was in Town Thursday. Mr. Tom Odom,jof Newton, wasin town Wednesday night visiting Mr. D. D Hall. Rev. W, H. Norton, of Fort Valley, is visiting friends and relatives here this week, : » Mr. James Mcßride witht his convict force is doing sotme m work on our public roads. : ‘ Rev. Quarterman filled bia regular ap ‘pointment at the Presbyterian church Sunday. v ‘ ~ Rural route No. 2. It'afling from I‘;ees-‘ ~ burg ifs the direction of Adams, will start 1 tomorrow. 1 ‘ A Prayor meeting service has heen con ducted at the Baptist Church here every night this week. The prayer service atthe Baptist churh last night was very interesting, The sub ject was Confession. : Our town needs a general cleaning up. In some places on the main streets the weeds nearly overlap the side walks, Protracted meeting will begin at the Baptist church next Senday. Itis hoped that much good will be accomplished. Mr. J.M. Mcßride with his foarce- of Convicts is doing some good work on our public roads. He is also making fast headway FOR SALE—A good 4 horse farm 6 miles from Leesburg. The lands produce well, and will be sold at a'bargai n. For full particulars, andress the Journal, Leesburg, Ga. FOR SALE—Two horses and one buggy Parties wishing to buy can secure a bar gain by calling on the undersigned. The horses are in good order and will be sold (Cheap for cash. N. E, OUTAW, Leesburg, Ga. In bringing out thisissue, we have done so under many disadvantages, having to relie solely upon public donations for necessary funds, to meet the expense. We bring out theissue without a single advertisement from a merchant in Lees burfi\ This we very much regret, as it willlé‘ast a bad reflection upon the town, To those who have been so kind in as sisting Its with their donations, we wish to extend to each of them our cencere thanks. m SAES. GEORGIA—Lee County. Will be sold before -the Court House door of said ‘Counuty on the first Tuesday in October 1994, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, th ‘ollowing described properity, situateed lying and being in the town of Smithvill County of Lee, State of Georgia, towit: The East half of lot number (15) fifteen lying on the West side of the Southwestern railroad, and containing (J)¢) ome half cre front and (1) one acre back; bonded on the South by W. D, Wells on the West by Academy lot; on the East by strert; on the North by Cotton Avenue street; levied on as the property of Leah J, Ansley and now in her,possession, by virtue of a fi-fa issuing out of the Superior Court of Lee county in favorof the Southern Mutual Building&Loan Association against said. Leah J. Ansley, defendant. I Property pointed out in said fi-fa; ten- | ants in possession notified in terms of the aw., This the Ist,, day of Septembes,l9o4. S. B. Smith Sheriff Lee County. Also at the same time and place, will be sold all of lots of land Nos 119 and 139 in the 13th Diet, of Lee County Ga Levied and sold as the property of John Dobbins, deceased to satisfy a fi fa issued fromythe County Court in favor of the ' Americus Guano Co, vs. John Dobbins, principal and C. W, Scarbroug security. ' Property pointed out plaintifs attorney. Tenants in. possesion notified this lst. l day of Sept. 1904. ; 8. B. Smith, Sheaiff. ’ Mw:‘ I J ~NYOURe lJoße— | %Wc Priuts Lette Heads, KNote Heads, % i Statements, Bill Heads, 7( y Businees Cards, Comissary Checks, % )Z Legsl Blanks, ‘ Wedding Invitations, % Books, Pamphlets, j % And all Kinds of Fancy Sistionery % y@ive us a Trial Orderem— < «—wwwwsxui “K have ; Hn Y Ty AT sick 8 snd our breath was very bad. Rl e Sit s Bt 1157 Rittenhouse Bt., , Obio. CANDY ‘ CATHARTIC A DCOARCOAL . TRIOU woAN SEIGEID L GOOO, Hover Blokon. Weskon oF Grive: W ske, ie ' v, CURE CONSTIPATION, ... Sictiog Rowads Supesy, Shiinoe, Sentumal, Row Resh. 86 NO-TO-BAG 52 3 B r L M Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. ‘ AR g S ety e gt ASy :umn?e Sdonex’pagy ‘of ‘Pilew“Y:bik for ;s:o‘:osi g)ividendq:lt?l‘l:{lemc&?to! “6!.?01‘1!“ fi& ' :’E:?;r::nim;.: ‘pa?dpl?;v cl?rni‘:nggdt;:&t\:nfigggfisjflt making ge‘ :emmn cuz 90, 1.13.. & ! : 5 o S T iy SeA i 2 THe M{UTVUZAL LIFES INSURRCECOM FRNY CF OLDEST : ; g : LARGEST i NEW YORK¥# ~ RICHARD A. McCURDY, President, R. F. SHEDDLN, Manager,- ‘ 4 Atlanta, Ga. D. D. HALL, Special Agent, __ Leesburg, Ga. BANK OF SMITHVILLE. Smithville Ga. : ONLY BANK IN THECOUNTY. CAPITAL AND PROFITS ‘18.00000.0! MEMBER OF A SYSTEM OF 38 STATE AND 4 NATIONAL BANKS CONBINED. CAPITAL'AND :SURPLUS $1.500,000.00. ERCH BENK INDGPENDBNT. DEPOSITS SOLICITED. CFERICERS AND DIRBCTORS W, S, WITHAM, President. D. G. AVERA, Vice President, C. A. RHODES, J. R. LONG, W.D. WELLS, 81. McKINNEY, T. G. WILLIAMS. ' CALL AND SEEUS. Respt: . J. C, McCLAIN Cashier. LOCAL TAXAION FOR PUBLIC SCHOO 8. | A PROCLAMATION. By His Excellency, Joseph M. Terrell, Governor of theh S;a;t: of Georzia.J Executive Department, July th 7904. ”Wherm, the General Assembly, at its session in xzoa, proposed an amendment to the Constitution of ; is State, as set forth in an act, approved August I7th , 10 wit: | 9§ic. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the samie, That from and after the pass:g: of this dct, that article 8, section 4 paragraph 1 of Constitntion of the State be sltered and amended by striking out the word ““upon the recommendation of two grand Juries” which begin in the first line after the word ‘“Counties’” and end in the second line before the word ““and’’ and substituting therefor the words ‘‘militia districts,school districts’and By inserting the words “‘militia districts, shool dis * in the seventh line afterwond“Count{ and?lore the word“‘or’’and further by striking out the word ““two-thirds’’ whicn beiina in the seventh line after the word “a’’ and ends in the eighth line before the word “voie”, and substituting therefore the words “‘two-thirds lala{'oritx of those voting’’; so loe“ saia pan{hraph shall read when ancndet, 2s follows, viz; “Authority may be granted to counties, malitia dis tricts school districts and to municipal corporations, upon the recommendation of the corporate authority, to establish and mantain public schools in their respec tive limits b&elocal taxation; but no such law shall take effect until the same shall have been submitted to a vote of th:o?ualified voters in each County, militia dis trict, school district, or municipal corporat{on, and ap proved by two-thirds mujor'i'tf of persons voting at such election, and the General Assembly my prescribe who shall vote on such questions.’ | Section 3 Be it further enacted, That if this amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the two Fiouses, the same hall be entered on their Journals, with the Ayes and 3,ys taken thereon, and the Governor shall cause said Nendment to be published in one or mose mspafin amach congressional district for two months previous n uee nex:acnenl election, and the legal voters at the extthgeneral election shail have written or printed on heir tickets “Ratification’, or "A?ninst Ratification” Is they may choose to vote, and if < majority of the aectors qualified to vote for the General Assembly,vot ing shall vote in favor of Ratification, then said amend ment shall become a part of said article 8, section 4, paragraph 7 of the Constitution of this State, and the Governor shall make proclamation thereof, Now, therefore 1 {.oseph M. Terrell, Governor of gd Stztch,a do lissue this my procl:matio:d hereby d}: iring that the foregoing amendment to t Constitution is wg:l‘tted for ratificaticn or rejection to ‘the voters of the State, qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, at the general election to be held on Wednesday, October sth 1904. By the Governor; Jossrr M, TERRBLL. Paar Coox Governor. Secretary of Siate. e e e ettt ’s Kid Cure Foley’s Kidney Cu makes kidneys and bladder right. FOR SALE, One Horse. Georgia raised. Good $lOO One Texas pony, 6 years old at $6O One Georgia Raised ‘Colt 2)4 years s4o Apply atl. P. COCKE, Armenia. Ga. Icarry afull line of plows, binde mowers, rakes and reapers. See me if you are in the market for anmything in his line, I will make it to your interest. S. 1. Pow ell. mm %&l for Divorce- FANNIE HOWELL }Cuc No. g: Libe] for di- Vs vorce. In the SBu Court JOSH HOWELL. J of Lee County m Filed March 318 t 7904, ! To JUSH HOWELL, defendant in sald case, You are hereby notified that by virtue of an order grant ed in said case at the May term, 7994. of said court, you are required to in person or by attorney appear at the next term of said conit to be held in and for Lec County, Georgia, on the first Monday in November, Igo4 (next) then and there to answer the complaint of the plaintiff, Fannie Howell, against you for a total divoree, upon the ground of wilful continuous dasetion, as in defalt of sich appearance, the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain, Witness the Honorable Z A, Limivrjow, Judge of said Court, this srd. day of June 1904, ) JAMES MORGAN, Clerk. @ kY Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain’s Eye and' Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch }gag andfiamedarting slcmontm instantly m% continued use e a med. It also cnrne: itch, mm'&?i. M. m wht ’wm mt chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. 4 Dr. M& Condition Powders for horses are bfitonic. blood g;rlfier and "m‘h”. o, MM“O mb