The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, October 07, 1904, Image 5

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Leesburg Cotor Market. ¥ Gool ilgee. . . 7 oW DR - s O see Midgbhme - o B 1 Receipts up to press 1 our 1850 bales.’ ;MN."\.l'\.qu‘u“n’hl’lo"\-"u"u‘\ol’lu'h!'ul'u"nfiu'\u'h"v”u ‘ ~ LOCAL ITENS. | Mr E'B. Lee was in towu Wednesday ' Mr, B. F, Pope was in town Thursday, Mr, W. E, Bryant was in town Tues day. ¥ Mr. W. W. Kitchens was in town Tues oLy, . ‘Mr. W.T. Locket gave Albany a visit Tuesday. Mr. Ed Martin gave .Albany a visit Tuesday. : Please let us have the little amount you owe us. : Mr. J. S. Kitchens was in town Wed nesday. : £ Read the ad. of C. F. Putnam on first page. : Mr. B. I. McKenney, of Smithville, was in town Tuesday. - Mr.J] W Morgan has been on thesick list this week. L Mr. Dunk Forrester had business in Lany Thursday. Mrs. D. E. Pettis visited relatives in Americua Monday. Mr.l. P. Cocke, of Armenia, was in town Wednesday. ‘ Mr. Geo. Collier spent the day .in ] Americus Wednesday. : Col. Howard ,Simmmans, of Americus was in town Wednesday. Mr. D. J. Mims, one of our largest pian ters, was in town Tuesday. | Mr, G. W, Paul, of Cotton Ga., visited his father Mr, A, A, Paul last week. Mr. A.]. Tison, of Cordele, spent last Stmday here with relativeses and old friends, Mr. F. M. Mims, has besn on the sick list for several days, but we are glad to state that he is improving and will soon be out again. The's.tore house advertised in this issue by Mr Putnansfor sale is one of the best business locatioas in town. . To those who promised to pay something on the trede edition, please let us have it. We ineurd a considerable expense, and are dependant upon those promises to meet our obligations, our bills are due, and we need the money tv pay them with. It was upon these promises that we wen' into the matter, : - Cards are out an nounci'ng the marnage of Miss Carrie Bunkley to Mr, Soloman Yeomans, which is to take place at the Baptist church here on the evening of the 20th. Mis¢ Bunkley is one of Lees burg’s fairest daughters and possesses many accomplishments, while Mr Yeo mans is one ane of Lee's best young busi ness men. GEORGIA—Lee County. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has applied to the ordinary of said County for leave to sell the lands and Bank stock and personality belonging te the estate of T. J. Haddock for the pay ment of the debts and for the purpose of distribution, Said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said couuty to be held on the first Monday in November 1904. : H. C. Haddock, Administrator upon the estate of S . T, J. Haddock. - New Sweet Potatoes. We are under obligations to Mr. R. A. Forrester for a lot of new sweet potatoes. Mr. Forrester has sold from less than a quarter of an acre, $40.00 worth, This goes to show that there is money in a sweat potato crop® Mr. Forrester is not only a clevor gentleman, but is also a good farmer, and raises enough feel stuff each year to run his farm. : —— et Dl ¢O A G PP @ P e ¥ Executors Sale. ‘STATE OF GEORGIA--Lkg Ci vETY. | Will be sold on the first Tuesday in November 1904 r | between the legal hours of ten O’clock A. M. 2nd tou j O’clock P. M., at the plantations of the laze F. M I Heaih late of Said County deceased--(On the places’ known as the Jordon and Century places) all th perishable property of the late F.M. Heath embracing his stock of hogs, mules, and cattle, provisions of every sort towit corn* fodder, peas, potatoes, oats and all his piantation one zo H. P. Schofield engine and boiler, 2 6o saw “vannt gins and belts, one Schofield p ess, syrup ketties, mills, plows, mowirg m~chines, and other farm utensials. On the Jordon (Chehaw place : Also all the mules stock of every kind plantation end f.rmeng tools and provisions of the Century place--In* cluving one Deering and ore McCormick Mower, cane mill, Stalk ~utter and hay press, three two horse wag- l ons one cne horse wagon, one buggy 6 syrup kettles ! one iron safe show case and fiixtures used in the store I at Century, provisions corn oats fodder and potatogs on said plac . ! This sale to include ail the personalty on said place { except the cattle and hogs on the Century place and the engine und gin fixtures on said Century place, and ‘ the Household furniturewhich is not included in this | offer of ‘sale. Ihe sale to commerce at the century | place as before stated and to continue between the legal | hours of sale from day to day unti.l the whole is sold- Terms of sale cash. Sold in puisuence of an order is sued from the court of Ordinary for the purpcses of dis tribution am«ng the heirs and for tre prevention o'} waste and depreciation. No delivery will be madc un til terms of sale are complied with Inventory can be seen wite E. B, Lee Exectutor. . Mary B. Heath and E. B: : Executors of F, M Heath Decd ! e / GIVE £ | ro . 7 The Journal ~NYOURg™ 4 1 JOR™™ SWCOCRK. rWe Prints Lette Heads, ; { Note Heads, | Ntatements, / : Bill Heads, ! Businees Cards, / Comissary Checks, 1 | Legal Blanks, / Wedding Invitations, / ‘ Books, Pamphlets, / ; Ang all Kinds of Fancy Stationery Give us a Trial Orderesw— | ¥ have beon using CASOARETS and as a mild and effective laxative they are llmpelx won derful. My daughter and I were bothered with sick stomach and our breath was very bad. After l taking a few doses of Cascarets we have improved l wonderfully. They are a great help in the family. WILHELMINA NAGEL, l 1187 Rittenhouse St., Cincinnati, Ohlo. [ : CANDY { ' CATHARTIC LR DA RIR A TRADE MARK BBOSTENED { S o s s’;- .'j\' 9 VN A : Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, De Good, Never Bicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10¢, 35¢, 50c. ‘ e CURE CONSTIPATION. ... ] Bterling Remedy Company, Chieage, Montreal, New York, 818 ’ Sold and guaranteed by all drug lfl-Tfl-'AG gists to &‘ll Toblozo'nam‘ Inhers in the faeulty to get other people working for ycu. The late Thos S, Kennedy of Louisville, Ky., did this when, in 145 he secured a policy in Ihe Mutual Life In surance Company of New York for $5,000. Dividends to the amount of $6,807 has ac cumulated on this policy, making the total amount paid by the Companysrl,Bo7. The net premiums paid by Mr Kennedy amounted 1o 33,465.85{ making the return « ver cost $8,341.12, “In writing for information about a policy of this kind, state ;what you would like to receive in cash at the end of limited payment period, ™Me AsRUTUAL LIFES INSURRCECOMNM 7161 * (F OLDEST LARGEST IN + INTHE AMERICA N E s" l YO RK o WORLD RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. R. F. SHEDDLN, Manager, ; Atlanta, Ga. . * D. D. HALL, Special Agent, a + Leesburg, Ga. - , Smithville Ga. | ONLY BANK INTHECOUNTY. CAPITAL AND PROFITS $18.000.00" MEMBER OF A SYSTEM OF 38 STATE AND 4 NATIONAL (BANKS CONBINED. CAPITAL AND .SURPLUS :$1.500,000.00. ERCH BANKINDEPENDRARNT. DEPOSITS SOLICITED. ‘ OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS W, S, WITHAM, President. D. G. AVERA, Vice President, C. A. RHODES, J. R. LONG, W. D. WELLS, B I. McKINNEY, T. G. WILLIAMS. 2 ¢ CALL AND SEE US. Respt: J. C, McCLAIN Cashier. LO CAL TAXAION FOR PUBLIC SCHOO S§. A PROCLAMATION. By His Excc!lenc¥, Joseph M, Terrell, Governor of theh State of Georgia, Executive Department, July 27th rgod. 7th;)ca.s, the General Assembly, at its session in 1903, proposed an amendment to the Constitution of tg?s State, as set forth in an act, approved August I7th 1903, to wit: Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority’ of the same, That from and after the passafie of this Act, that article 8, sect:on 4 paragraph lof the Constitntion of the State be altered and amended by striking out the word ““upon the recommendation of two grand Juri-s"’ which begin in the first line after the word *‘Counties” and end in the second line before ths word “‘and’’ and substituting therefor the words ““militia di tricts,school districts’and by inserting the words “mulitia districts, shool districts’’ in the seventh line afterword*‘County” andbefore the word*“or”’and further by striking out the word “two-thirds’’ whica begins in the seventh line after the word “a’’ and ends in thg eighth line before the word “voie”’, and subs:ituting therefore the words ““two-thirds majoritx of those voting’’; so that saia paragraph shall lead when amended, as follows, viz; “Authority may be granted to counties, malitia dis tricts school districts and to municipal corporations, upon the recommendation of the corgorate authority, to‘establish and mantain public schools in their respec tive limits by local taxation; but no such law shall take effect until the same shall hav: been submitted to a vote of the qualified voters in each County, militia dis trict, school district, or municipal corporation, and ap proved by two-thirds majoritfv of persons voting at such election, and the General Assembly my prescribe who shall vote on such questions.” y Seciion 2 Be it further enacted, That it this amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the two Houses, the same hall be entered on their Journals, with the Ayes and ays taken thereon,and the Governor shall cause said Nendment to be published in one or mo:e newspapers amach congressional district for two months prev?:us n uee next general election, and the legal voters at the extthgeneral election shall have written or printed on heir tickets ‘“ Ratification’, or “A%ainst Ratification”’ Is they may choose to vote, and if a majority of the aectors qualified to vote for the (seneral Assembly,vot ing shall vote in favor of Ratification, then said amend ment shall become a part of said article 8, section 4 paragraph 7 of the Constitution of this State, and the Governor shall make proclamatioa thereof. Now, therefore 1 Joseph M. Terrell, Governor of said State, do issue this my proclamation hereby de clairing that the foregoing proposed amendment to th Constitution is submitted for ratificaticn or rejection to the voters of the State, qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, at the general election to be held on Wednesday, ctober sth fo4. : By the Governor; Josgra M. TERRELL. PriLte Coox Governor, Secretary of State, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat, FOR SALE, One Horse, Georgia raised. Good $lOO One Texas pony, 6 years old at s§6o One Georgia Raised Colt 2)4 years $4O Apply at I. P, COCKE, Armenia. Ga. I carry a full line of plcws, binde mowers, rakes and reapers, -See me if you are in the market for anything in h is line, I will make it to Your interest. S. 1. Pow ell. : Libel for Divorce- FANNIE HOWELL ) Case No. 936. Libel for di~ vs }vorce. In the Superior Court * JOSH HOWELL. )of Lee County G’:)rgia, Filed March 315 t 7904. To JUSH HOWELL, defendant in said case, You are hereby notified that by virtue of an order grant ed in said case at the May term, 7gn4. ot said court, you are required to in person or by attorney appear at the next term of said conit to be held in and for Lee County, Georgia, on the first Monday in November, 1904 (next) then and there to answer the complaint of the plaintiff, Fannie Howell, against you for a total divorce, upon the ground of wilful continuous dasetion, as in defalt of such appearance, the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain, Witness the Honorsble Z A, LiTivrjon, Judge of said Court, this srd. day of Juneigos. JAMES MORGAN, Clerk. Skin Di \ ISeases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham perlain’s Eye and Bkin Ointment is without an equal. If relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber’s itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. (‘adz’s Condition Powders for horses are the beg,_‘tonic. blood purifier snd vermifuge. ce. 25 cents. Soldhw