The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, October 14, 1904, Image 4

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Bhe leq Qounty Journal ——————— 1. B. TISON, Editor and Publisher. ; PUBLISHED BEMRY FRIDRY, e ‘Officlal Organ of Lee County, RS T A RO R R 3775 The Republican party seems to have become at least partly reconcided to the fact that Georgia Went Democratic, r——p AP Ml s Mr. Watson has served notice on the country that he doesn’t expect any thing and will therefore be dissapoint ed. ¢ ss s A Ay -- -y & Grrrtmpa Somebody has dug up the unpleasant fact that Candidate Tibbles’ letter cf ac ceptance has not yet been made public, Will that one end it? g oieyl A -l st e ‘‘Secretary Taft'’ says an exchange, ‘‘has now got his estimate of the cost of the Phillaphines to the United States down tc $189,000.000,”" And it is still several weeks until the day of the elect ion, The Secretary may be ableto scale off that odd $89,000,000 before Novem ber comes in, : e S e - The Philadelphin Record (Dem.) says: ‘lt is somewhat creditable to the Republi can newspapers that not one of them has undertaken to defend or apoligise for the reckless libels of Roosevelt upon the mem ories of Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jack son and nearly all his predecessors in the presidential office But what wodul be much more creditable to these Republican newspapers would be the condign repud iation of the author of these libels upon the illustriousdead. Their silence, how ¢ ver, betu ke s their shame."” The Lowsville Courier Journal (Dem ) says: ‘‘The trusts continue to cut wages, notwithstanding the monopaly they enjoy in the market for their products, the steady rise in the price of the necessaries of life and the approach of winter, with its increased hardship, for the wage ear ner, At the Joliet plant of the Steel Cor porations there has been a reduction in some departments of from 2o to 40 per cent. If this is done before the election, it is easy to predict what would be the policy if the republican ticket should be elected.” The Montgomery Advertiser ,Dem) says: - ‘‘Bourke Cochran says, ‘Republi canism is an apetite,’ Mauy years ago a publi¢ speaker refer-ed to the opposite party as ‘an organized apetite,” which was a little more pointed than Cochran's way of putting it, Lut both expressions are good. . They reach out far the office ‘as if increase of appetite had grown by what itisfedon, Asa pariyiti never satisfied and as individuals the members of the party are never satisfied. Itis an excel lent time to choke the Party off the pub lic teat and give it a chance to learn a Lt tle moderation.” S e The New York World (Dem.) says: ‘Tue Spooner republicans, it is said, will ask the courts for permission to print the l names of the Republican electors at the head of their independant siate ticket on the ground that electors are federal offi cers and candidates tor such office do not come within the provisions of the anti fusion laws. 1n a Michigan case the courts held that candidates for Congress came within the provisions of the anti-fusion laws. The office of elector would seem to be as much a state office as that of Rep resentative, so it may be doubtful of Rep resentative, so it may be doubted if the courts will help the Stalwarts out of the /; predicament.” Elect the County Commis- l sioners By the People. Every time a grand jury of only 18 men elect a set of county Commissioners, by ‘abare majority, there is only ten men who tule for a whole county Since ten in such a time is enough. e Every time agrand jury is left with the selection of the most important officers in the county the balance of the county is totally disfranchised and has no say in the matter at all. Elect the county Commissioners by the people have a say so about. They have a right to doso, Any other way is an oli garchy Any other way is a ruling the County. Lets agitate for a change. Elect the County Commissioners by the people. If the people cant be trusted a few men from among the people are but a part of the people any way. Voter, GEORGIA—Lee County. | Notice is hereby given that the under signed has applied to the ordinary of said County for Jeave to sell the lands and Bank stock and personality belonging to the estate of T, J. Haddock for the pay ment of the debts and for the purpose of distribution, Said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said couuty to be held on the first Monday in November 1904. H. C'. Haddock, Administrator upon the estate of , T, J. Haddock. i Commissioners «'ffice Roals & Reve nues of Lee County, Georgia, September 6th., 1904.- It appearing to us that the aggragate value of taxable properity 1n said County acc rding to the ’lx:\x Digests of said Coun ty, for the year of 1904, is $1,369,358, that the State has assesed and levied $4:80 on the one thousan dollars of taxable proj erity —for State taxes, w «ich levy will raise the sum of §6 572.91, from the taxable properity in said county accorcing to said digests; And it further appearing to us that iti nessary that a sum of $9,857.37. (in additi on to what is now in the Treasury ), should be raised to pay the iddebtness and current exjences of said county of Lee for the en suing vear: - 1t is therefore here! y ordered—tkat a tax (or levy] (being 7;20 mills), be, and the same is, hereby assesed and levied for County purposes upon amounts of tax able properity which has not been r. turned which 1s subject to al valorem taxes in said county og Lee; and that same is to be distiibuted as follows:— For Jail purposes- 12 per cent. For paying Jurors per diem,- 16 per cent. For Pauper purposes- . ...09 per cent, For Paying Salary of Judge of County LR e O For Bridge pu.poses- 20per cent. Fo. Paying Coroner’s Fees,- 05 per.cent. For - Paying Bailiff’s & Non-Res, Wit, BRREeo o o R Der ook tor Road purposes, and to ?‘ pay Guards, mantain con- 50 per cent. e s For General purposes, to pay Court expens RS, 0 o Ao wEr et 150 per cent. And it is ordcred that the Tax Collector siid county of Lee collect said County xes hereby assesed as he collects the Tates taxes, and that he pa over the Counties taxes to the Treasure of said county, as provided by the law - Witness our hands and official sigratures in regular Ses ion, this the day and year first above wntten.— B, I. McKinrey, County Co'm'm’r. 1 P. C cke, . " " F. M. Mims, 1 " I hereby certify thatthe aboveis a tru opy of the origiual order of ffle and reca rdiuth’s ofze.- Witness my official signature and seaj this the 7th., day of September, 1904. James Morgm, ° Clerk of the Superior Court, and Ex official Commissioners Clerk.— R i e Callon me for Fire Insurance, I can placc you in the very best company and give you the protection you need. S.Jl.Powell. e @ () s e . Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yvou eat. Lee ounty Georgia Sheriff Sales For Novemberl9o4 Yo the highest bidder for cash wil be sold before the Court housé door of Lee County Ca.between the lega hours of sale, on first Tuesday the first day of Novem ber next being the usual time and place of holding sheriff sales--The followiug property to wit: One town lot Th'rty feet front and eighty feet back ‘with storehouse thereon, being on Railroad Street and opppisit the South Western Railroad Depot-and in the town of Leesburg, in Lee County Geoigia being the storehouse (then at date of mortgage Aug. 7th 930) occup:ed by R. § Hines in the conduct of mercantile business and now so occupied. Alsoa resi- | dence lot with improvements thereon situated on the North Side of Broad street and facing said street. West of an” adjoining the residence lot ot Mrs. Rosa | McDonald, saidlot being eighty-five feet front on | road street and runniug back one hundred and forty ‘ five feet in the town of Leesburg, Lee County Geor- ‘ gia. Levied on os the propeity of R. S. Hines to atisfy a Morigage.fifa in favon tf The Union Savings Bank and trus Company, issued from the Superio court of Lee County Georgia agairst R. &, Hines.- ‘ Terrart ir jesessicr lotifed i ton e of ttelaw b written personal notice- -Property pointed out in fi ig This Sept oth., .go 4. S, B,SMITH, Sheriff Lee County Ga Notice-- Sheriff’s Sale For Nov 1904 GEOR( [A--Lee County. Will be sold before the Court House door at Lees burg, in said county, between the legal hours of public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following prop erty, to-wit:-- One town iot number two hundred a.d eight (208) in the Town of Leesbnrg, containing % of an ac re more or less, bounded on North by sixth strect, on West by Starksville street, on East By Minnie Jackson iot and on the south by lands belonging to J. P. C:lloway. I'he same levied on and scld as the property of An drew Walters and Mercer, under. and by virtue of a fi.fa. issued from the County Court of Lee County, Georgia, in favor of R. S. Hines, trausieired to C. F. Putnam against said Andrew Walters and [da Mer cer. Tennants notified interms of the law, This October 4th, Igo4. S. B Smith, ! Sheriff of Lee County, G2’ Rioha rdP tisop. &am Pattison. Richara T. Pattison T. PATTISON SONS. ) Al BARY G 2. Founders and [T\aehipists. : WATER AND GAS PIPINGS AND FITHINGS. Iron and Brass Castings of every Description. Cast and Wrought Iron ' Railings ENGINES AND BOILERS REPAIRED. Orders solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. : o AT ES N AT, ¥ o LORSISSYETR B NS < e, S .SR CENS £ ‘_"..\‘\ "i_{;"'-‘ 5 (&> , ‘:\\\\\\\:\\ Sfi‘ DA x}}?\w fi? :}\g\é\%fiw\‘m £ o 4 i s S S Re, TR SRR SR R bk oo SRS il Toel SR S bR 1 & : g o Gorge Ly ';’«"T‘..";‘.;_};}: :"\; A . B k 2 ;‘& a ase YRR : JRCEEINEA : 5 "‘:\ o ; O fadrd B 0 SB9 A‘ : ) 8 Y $ & v & ve 5 ol §F © e ¥ A e. ' 4 4 & > 7 TR TR ; -Mg,“_ Rj' N R 3 -_” 7 5 | iy, RN ) O e R I P e 1 AW o e ol BSI — UM Tet 8 | 8 - DenriLl . T~ T Y ’gfißeiV\?eeQ Po:rfis in ; GEORGIA — L FLORIDA | DRAWING-RooM VESTIBULE SLEEPING CARS . BETWEEN BIRMINGHAM, COLUMBUS, ATLANTA, MACON, AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH, GA.. AND BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY, GA. | PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS !fl1 | BETWEEN ST LOUIS. NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA, ATLANTA. IBGs 1’ RAL | ! | MACON. GA.. AND JACKSONVILLE, FLA. i e PARLOR CARs oN DAy TRaINS | "',f\"fff”i _ BETWEEN ATLANTA. MACON AND SAVANNAH, GA. | i l‘- W. A. WINBURN, J. ©. HAILE, . 1 VICE-PRESIDENT AND TRAFFIC MANAGER. GENERAL PASS‘NG!}! AGENT. ASSIBTANT QENERAL PASSENGER AGENT From Tree to Press. A triai was recently made in Austriato decide in how short a space of time living trees could Le converted into newspapers. At Fisenthal at thirty five-minutes after 71n the morning three tre.s was sawed down; at thirty-four minutes after 9 the wood, having been stripped of bark, cut up and converted into pulp, became pa paver and passed from the factory to the press, whence the first printed and folded copy was issued at 10 o'¢ lack, so that in 141 minutes the trees had become news papers. The Roosevelt Recruits are growing apace. Pat Sheedy is the latest celebrity to join the ranks. Supported by Frank James, ‘*Elijah” Dowie, Mrs. Lease, Wil liam Alfred Peffer, John Barrett and Pat i Sheedy, Coi Roosevelt ought to ;be able to make something of a showing in the l election. ' T B TR3O SO T S TRy A 01, 00 Vb ' ——— Pe - I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. | WARE G. MARTIN, ATTORNEY AT Law, l\ Leesburg, Georgig 'LONG & SON. i ~ATTORNEVYS AT LAW, : Leesburg, Georgia | GEO. E. SIMPSON, , ATTORNEY-AT-1 AW, l Smithville, Ga.