The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, October 21, 1904, Image 5

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e leq Qounty Jourpa!| . eSS S A 50, M. E. TISON, Editor and Publisher, ‘ PUELISHED‘EMRY FRIDERY, f Official Organ of Lee County, —IF YOU WANT TO AT— —TRACT THE ATTEN-—: —TION OF THEPUBLIC— —TRY AN AD IN THE— —JOURNAL. IT WILL —BRING YOU MONEY.— Rocnie may as well get ready for the toboggon. It's written in the stars. : i it Ay POA et 5 ‘Mr* W, L. Douglass thirks the Massa ch setts gubernatorial shoes just about his fit., ' e——— A -st Mr Roosevelt spéaks of ‘“My presi dency’’ with the regulation ‘‘L’etat, c’est moi’’ air. ' We protest against the re assembling ol The Peace Conference. There is enough s:rapping going on as itis, ——eee -y P © Witk the injury of the dust comes the insult of the wind and with the t.o, we have about inhaled our peck of dirt. ———— eoA e @ - ~ President Elliott, of Ha-vard, says, “‘A gentleman must be quiet.” Wonder if he had Tedd, in mind when he sai that? : e~ i P ‘ The Russians may never know when they are whipped, but the Japs seem to have no compunctions about rubbing it in : ; -——-—--——‘ > o@D o @ — o If Judge Parker isn’t careful how he says things Mr. Roosevelt will executive order the Supreme Court out of busi ness. / : King Peter, of servia, is said to be a very even-tempered man, and yet his friends are constantly in fear of his losing his head. A Kansas City ‘ hello gill”’ has inheri ted a fortune and can say “busy now” without any danger of making the man at the other end of the line .se perfumed language. : If Mr. Certelyou is not getting the coin as fast as the committee thinks should, why not send those other two pro inent and well known republicans, . ige Dowie and Frank James, afterii? They know how to raise the wind. e s With the national election less than 30 days away, the campaign managers on both sides are whooping things up on the home.stretch. All in all, however, it has been a remarkably quiet ond unenthusia tic presidential campaign. The people refuse to enthuse in spite of the strenous work of Cortelyou and Taggart. Think ing men say it means a tremendoussilent vote and that voters will be swayed only by their own sober judgement, Betting odds are against the democrats, as is nat ural. The republicans have been in pow er many years, and they have the mighty prestige of a perfect machine behind them. They have the trusts with them and Cortelyou seems to know how to wring tre necessary funds out of then. But the dem. crats are g.ining steadily, and it is by no means a forelorn hope they lead. The chances of the next house being dem: - cratic are very good Atany rate, in a little over three weeks we will know whether it will be Roosevelt on Par ker. REPUBLICANLAWLESSNESS In his speech at Cooper Union, New York city, on Friday night former Secre tary of State Richard Oluey, hit the Re publican party a telling blow. He com pared its disfegards for law to the lawless ness of the lynchers. He called attentios to the Republin party’s violations of treat- ‘ ies and international law, as in the case of the wanton- war upon Columbia when the most important part of her territory was taken from her. to its act in setting 1 asftle a statute which requires the collect ion of duty on foreign coal, to its deposit ing the public money contrary to law for the benefit of Wall street, toits act auth orizing a service pension without the auth arity of law and to other acts fully as in defensible, The Republican leaders de nounce lynching and point out that it brings the good name and fame of our country into disrepute, but-said M. Ol ‘ney, “11 those in authority allow them selves to be law-breakers, is it strange that ‘ they should be imitated by those cver ‘whom they are set, and who have a right to look to them for both example and precept? Is it too much to ask the Repu,.- lican leaders to remember that a mob has as much right to be alaw unto itself as a L resident of a cabinet officer of a con. gress?’’ Mr. Roosevelt is learning how the law ess acts of his administration are being viewed by the people. Mr Olney’s view of them is calculated to make a profound impression. Itis difficult to se how the President can condemn in his message to Congress mob violence in the face of his own the pension order and Panama matters. The more the people know of Mr. Roosevelt the surer they ought 10 be that he is not the kind of a man to b- at the head of the government. He isn’t a safe man. : eot o R s e e Chestnuts As a Cure for the Liquor Habits. From the Philadeiphia record. “There should be less drunkenness at this season of the vear than at any other time,'’ said a specialist in nervous disor ders who has a private sanitorium for the treatment of wealiny dipsomaniacs. *‘lt is not generally known—in fact I claim the honor of the discovery——that roasted chestnuts are a good autidote for liguor. The average man . ho drinks under high nervous pressure, nt for the sake «f so siability, but because the alcohol stimu lates him to great effort, is the one whose ervous s,stem is most quickly under minedt Hemay n.ver get drunk, ut there is the constant demand for overe stimulation that worksdamage in the end, No sooner does the effect of one dri. k wear off than there is the craving for another, Now, if that man would eat a few roasted chestnuts instead of taking another drink when the feeling comes on him, he wou.d find that the substance of the nuts, kaving quickly absorbed the liciuor already in his system, had appre ciably decreased his longing for more ai cohoi’c stimulant. It isn’t a theory. 1 k;.ow it is to be true,”’ et B i GEORGIA—Lee County. Notice is hereby givey that the under signed has applied to the ordinary of said County for leave to sell the lands and Bank stock and personality belonging to the e~tate of T. J. Haddock for the pay ment of the debtsand forthe purpese of distribution, Said application will be heard at the regular termof the court of Ordinary for said couuty to be held on the first Monday in November 1904. H. C. Haddock, ~ Administrator upon the estate of : T. J. Haddock . o > - | ~ Pay your dcbts to the Journal We mus. l have it, ~ MONEY FOR YOU. | I Can Sell Your Farm. Wanted Lands to List For Sale. T - WF?[TEW&E AT ONCE:. C' H. “BEAZL.ELE‘SEBUYR’G. GH. ' Richard Ptisop. * Sam Pattison. Richara = 2attison ‘ ! T, PATTISON SONS. | | . ALBAWY GA. : e e Founders and [T\aehipists. wATER AND GAS PIPI*GS AND FITHINGS. -~ : Iron and firass Castings of every Description. Cast and Wrought Iron j Railings ENGINESAND BOILERS REPAIRED. ¥ ! Orders solicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. ; ’;E Be | FOR SALE.] i ~sfdpie—— l "My Large «nd Spa cious Store House and Lot. Said lot containing; ‘first—classmule-lot and 'stables thereon. The best locationin thecity for sale of GOODS and Norne can equal the location for o Mule ot Fine well wauter./Call arcd see me. OO PUTNAM. | AR Lee County Georgia Sheriff Sales For Novemberl9o4 7 o the highest bidder for cash wil be sold before the Court house door of Lee County Ca.between the lega hours of sale, on first Tuesday the first day of Novem ber next being the usual time and p'ace of holding heriff sa’es-~The followiug property to wit: One town lot Th'rty feet front and eighty feet back with storehouse thereon, being on Railroad Street and opppisit the South Western Railroad Depot-and in the town of Leesburg, in Lee County Georgia bring the storehouse (then at date of mortgage: Aug 7th goo) occup:ed hy R. § Hines in the conduct of mercartile business and now sooccupigd. Als» a resi dence lot with improvements thereon situated on the North Side of Broad street and facing said street. West of an” adjoining the residence lot ot Mrs, Rosa McDonald, said lot being eighty-five feet fromé on roud street and runniug back one hundred and forty five feet in the town of Leesburg, Lee County Ggor gia. Levied on os the property of R. S. Hines to atisfy a fa in favon tf The Union Savings T ank and trust Company, issued from the Superio court of Lee County Georgia against R. §. Hines.- ' T'enna nt in posession notified in terms of the Law b written personal notice--Property pointed out in fi fy This Sept gth., .904. . S. B.,SMICH, Sheriff LezCrnae i PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MNO 870 IPP PP N T PN PN VP ss M PN e e WARE G. MARTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAw, Leesburg, Georgia LONG & SON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Leesburg, G:o rgia GEO. E. SIMPSON, | ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, - Smithvinfi. Gfl.