The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, October 21, 1904, Image 7

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CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. - YWhen the RBack Aches and Bladder Troubles Set In, Get at the Cause. Don’t make the mistake of believing back ache and bladder ills to be local ailmenes, Get at the cause and cure | R the kidneys. Use - e Doan’s . Kidney < Pills which have . %%\ cured thousands. BN ,;* v Captain 8. D. g ‘f-‘\\‘;;‘ Hunter, of En ‘¥ \ _‘;V.l,j:) RN’ zine N 0.14, Pitts - i‘;." %9, >~ burg, Pa. lire 4// W, Department, and ,’,4/, residing at 2729 &7 // ” Wylie avenue, , 4 4 says: . “It was three years ago that I used Doan’s Kidney Pills for an attack of kidney trouble that was mostly back ache, and they fixed me up fine. There is no mistake about that, and if I should ever be .troubled again I would get them first thing, as I know what they are.” : For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y, —_—— A Queer Phenomena, A French authority had two ther mometers—one of 6rdinary glass, the other painted black—placed in the sun. In the white glass the mercury rose to 144. Under the black paint {t went up to 157 in the same position. The inference is that people who wear black coats are warmer in the sun: shine than those who dress in white. . ""’”"—t»}; & £ B B o SAN [ = B bR o T ’~2~ ,;27 ? S eel e e G N VTR | L fea ;‘{;.;s‘;“4_ AMIIY JIL \ it s o R i T BT LA IR T 615 ALBANY. ST..BOSTON.MASS. WORLD'S FAIR ST. I.OUIS. 1 Louisville and Nashville Railroad. If you are going to the World’s Fair you ‘ want the best route. The L. & N. is the shortest, quickest and best line. Three% trains daily. Through Pullman Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars. Low Rate Tioket&% gold daily. Get rates from your local agent ‘ and ask for tickets via L. &N. STorovEß \ ALLowED AT MAMMOTH CAVE. ] All kinds of information furnished on ap plicd¥on to J.G. HOLLENBECK, Dist. Pass. Agont, Atlanta, Ga. AN ACCIDENT. - & “Oh!” exclaimed the first boarder. “What’s the matter?” asked the dyspeptic-looking boarder next to | him. | “Oh, I got a piece of eggshell in 1 that last mouthful of omelet.” “Strange! You must have got the porfion intended for me. It’s always l my luck to get those things at home; never knew it to fail.”—Philadelphia Press. | , G i ARG eRN Y P LI Ol s R ‘; il SVR % 4 ie S N e A T 5 k. : s - A é - AL TN | v 2 %, < R P Ro R .i) i e - ‘i . . 4 : 3 5 - « 55 Al ’ { . . ¢ 5S RS e[ySRT B e At o B .- P - R, G OTt S&| Bt iPt 4 5 ” P . b R g Wt 20 ks ibl eng ) e 3 e PR . 5 - 5 - 3 - ’ e " »- i L B 4 sv ol 4 R P . . s . ¢ R T o A RS s 44 3 g¥ s L Pt b ’ ; L Bviet, 3 e & % s - B& " A ,‘:'_' ,",... ‘5 - " zf, 2 > 5 Toie i / ! Y g S 3 : i i % N e 8 K Py & s e ) by a 3 E : - leh s g ¥ : B . 3 ‘ L 8 ’ i oy B i & o BBE% E " P L 75 S i & 5 i "o i g 8 ST oo 2 e B YB B : o i NW B EB E e ol ) fraend B @i b N S w : : ‘ “h R% A“ b B o e .. B ses N sAR ¥4 > 5 g o L ; -ot f [ s e =B ¢ 5 ;; : e A = B & g B . ore N ;= e a £ ; ; A % A b . ¥, AT v ) CES U LR / - Sasr . p < e - - B To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50c. BATHING IN ENGLAND. Objections to Costumes Worn Where Men and Women Take Dips. Mrs. Grundy, descending upon Bex hill, has enlisted the services of the corporation in a crusade against the use of “improper” bathing costumes, says London Mail. ; Mixed bathing has always been the custom at thise popular watering place, which is more continental than most English seaside places. This week, however, there have been com plaints from a colonei-as to mixed bathing and a protest from the prin cipal of a ladies’ schocl regarding the bathing' costumes worn. The appear ance amcng the school pupils of a .nan wearing bathing “slips” or ordin ary bathing drawers, geuerally used by gentlemen at the seaside seems to have caused alarm, at any rate to the prin<ipal, and a request has gone forth to the bathing machine pro prietors and the owners of beach cabins that university costume, ex tending from the neck mearly to the knees, be used. N regulations have yvet been made by seaside authori ties as to the color or material of which the costumes worn' by lady bathers are made, although at Herne Bay, it is said, white costumes are. objected to. A few fair bathers have appeared at Miorecambe this summer in white ponge silk, which, although perhaps an unusual ccstume, is evi dently much more comfortable than thick, heavy dark blue serge. At Clacton some time ago a protest was made and allowed against a fur cos tume fior which the material seemed to have run short. A morning or two ago, about 10 o’clock, some young ladies undressed on the beach, and caused a mild sensation. The police interferred after they had dressed, and told them that in England ladies were only allowed to bathe from ma chines. They seemed surprised. A Raw Recruit. Major General Henry C. Corbin, who is to succeed General Taft in the Philippines, was reared on a farm in Ohio, and takes a great interest in recruits, particularly if they be from his own State. - “They are amusing and pathetic, the raw recruits from the farms and villages of the West,” said General Corbin recently. “And they make in the end the best soldiers 1 the world. “Bgt at first they are teo ingenu ous, too boyish, too naive. For in stance— “An Ohio lad was doing his first sentry duty. To and fro he paced. The landscape was fertile and lonely and quet, and the young recruit, as he regarded the green fields, fell into a reverie. His pleasant inland home rose up before him. He thought of his father and mother, his school days and his sweetheart. “In-the midst of his dream the ma jor passed, and the youth forgot to salute,. Instantly the major turned om him. “‘Don’t you know who I am, sir? he said in a terrible voice. “‘No,” said the recru.t, softly, and, thinking it was a friend from home— some friend of his family—bhe- asked in a gentle voice: : “‘Do you know me?" ” FITS permanently cured. No fits ornervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerveßestorer,s2trial bottleand treatise iree Dr. R.H. KrLixg,Ltd., 981 Arch Bt., Phila., Pa, During sea voyages all dogs lose their “game nose.” lamsurePiso’sCure forConsumptionsaved my life three years ago.—Mgs, THOMAS Roß £ixs, Maple St., Norwich, N.Y., Feb. 17,190) The United States leads the werld in the production of salt. (At43—'o4) SADIE ROBINSON. Prelty Girl Sugered From Nervousness and Pelvie Catarrh—Found Quick Relief in a Few Days. R TLo x :»-:-\, RTR Y| SR R S 0 %W AN ‘,‘Ji RSBy A ‘“*’si RN A SRR R R lOORE R R RR AR N SAS S S SRR AAeLR 3 0 N S R SSR PRI S 40 BRI LR e T N \:\;.;.S't"‘.,r')"‘:_:;‘f,‘::j:i:{::\';.i:':}: N SRRt A e R SRR Vil S 5 IR R R AN S A e St TR S AL TR A S SRR Rs R S DR RLA A ARSI A RA R R B RA R RO e LG TRi SO R E&@:\‘v A Y SRR 3"\’ BRS R e e R N R AN AT P S E%&}-f:;:g:g:: RAR S N NTR R TR SRR S i L R S R A EREREARN ‘\\g\\ R | ReL R A R R eSO e eNN ,-t&.-Q\‘;\\*E‘%firif?" DR SRS »‘\‘*\ SRt R S ..::;;:::3555:3:::15:5:::::::5:3:2:3:§~;~*‘ ‘5'&.,:;::;:;.,.- T L RRO SRR 1 s i 411 4 §4~ L ..-:‘:':-:‘-:-:-:-:-:v:-:~:;:-:-'<5;:-:~:-:;:;:::5?:‘.;:5;'3;-\ RAR A S A SRR R AR R B R N R NS SR R R OSR RO R R ‘::K\ S e R RR A TR SRR R S P CLR N ORI, RR R R SRR AR N SRR - YSR RN Af'.f'.ng'\:i;ifl}l;‘,.:\-.';;-“,'l SRR R R R R D SR RN \\\\\\‘\;\\\\:‘ SRR RN SR AR X ;!E.;.;.;‘;.;.;.;.:.;.1;‘\;:'_.:._.;.:. AN :tv‘:j‘f‘}‘\\‘ %\;s\\\\% i R \\\\x%\‘\@ : '_""“‘:?rfi?’?ff‘:ifi‘-ff'?'i'-;-;5.7.' S §§‘§§;\\" ; 265 k \‘:\\\x\\‘\%\;) R RN AR N R SRR S e \'\\§}>}"\\ OISO - ol+, 140 Lo L R R s A TR S X R R R e e 3.4-1,1;4 \ ‘f“tfg;b;:::tt.“:sq‘.::;:, ! 2 B R nv.;c‘:-_\%t(};.,s‘_.\‘:\‘_.‘:«'(.;{". SRR \\ : "3‘5":'??7;-EAEJi?fi?-51Eiszl:i:-';-?»‘:&*-fi.‘t&\:é.\‘}fi?:i% . RR e e R o eA . A A AN AN BRRR S ?\\m;\\\\\ R \;‘{\?\p{%\\v‘ I RR AN KT ‘=3=s=s2s:i=s:i~*3s=‘s-“?\\ \ag\“\u PR R \t\\%&\\\\ e R R g L S R N RN U R B e R o R ) ."-?\-:‘I;:-I'Z-fi'l;1;'.".-1;1;2;2;1;1:1;;;;;1;2'1;:'-\":-Z'.‘ A ' = Miss Sadie Robinson, 4 Rand street, Mal den, Mass., writes: “P a was led t eruna was recommended to me about a year ago as an excellent remedy for the troubles peculiar to our sex, and as I found that all that was said of this medicine was true, I am pleased to endorse it. “1 began to use il about seven months ago jor weakness and nerv ousness, caused from overwork anid slieeplessness, and found that in a Yew days I began to grou streng, my appetite incrzas’d and I began to sleep better, consequentiy my neirv cusness passed away and the weak ness in the pelvie organs soon dis appeared and 1 have been well and strong ever since,’’ Address Dr. 8. B. Hartman, President of D 2] . The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0.,: for free medical advice. All correspond ence strictly confidential. Faas e s e Mazatlan is to have a first-class, up to-date life-saving station. NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST YOU Wikl FIND = WATERPROCF £\ OILLD CLOTHING N========="The best moteriels skilled workmen ad | fi TOWERS Shders Cots and Pt famous the world over They are madein TORER |S it ABOVE Igt:mfip Pl dters sB, (10 eigoo B 8 MONARCH STUMP PULLER. 9 Will pull 6-foot stump without bl help. Guaranteed tostand a strain e of 260,000 Its. Catalogue and dis (PR counts address MONARCH L—S¥ GRUBBER CO., Lone Tree, la. gy, GENTLEMEN, WE CAN CURE YOU? . B ’ 5 20 years of successful practice is a pretty f:m’ J* good record, Don’t yon think? B 44, 4 5 / o OUR SPECIALTY IS CURING “T 0 STAY GURED" - 4"“’* Discases Peculiar to Men. : /%;“‘?' ’ Consultation and Examination Free. | : Write or call. All correspondence treated confidential. DRS. LEATHERMAN & BENTLEY, Cor. Marietta and Forsyth Sts., Atlanta, Ga. MALsSBY & Co. 4| South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. / o . s : ¥ \ “ '.n.' It eLN ) 3 e < /“?"@‘g} RN L D o =gfi J_': ;‘ifi‘ffidw{ Y m:é::z‘ o, Portable and Stationary ° ° Engines, Boilers, i Saw Mills Complete line carried in stock for IMMEDIATE shipment. Best Machinery, LLowest Frices'and Best Terms Write us for catalogue, prices, etc.. before buying. et ettt s e At S estet et “I have suffered with Yfl“ for thirty-six years. One year ago llnlApril , began takin &uo.{o for constipation. In the course of nwe:& 1 ‘i\ot 6{2 the Biles besan to disappear and at the .é' of n weeks they did not trouble me at all, uc&reta have done wonders for me, I am'entir&)y cure l& feel like a new man.’’ Gecrge Kryder, Napoleon, & R Best For , 49 The Bowels “"T CANDY CATHARTIC ' i TS [0 TR L Pleasant, Pul%‘ab?e, Potent, Taste 3ood, Do Geod, Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe, 10¢, 25¢, 50¢. ovg gold in bulk. The genuino tablet stamped O 00, Guaranteed to cure or your money back. Gterling Remedy Co., Ch}cngo or N.Y. 508 ANKUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES .“;*.7 ‘,~ £ i) ,v-;' p, 1,000 [en and Women to Try $6.00 Worth of Samples Free, fend no money. Only send your name to r\ W. C. HUGHEN. Atlanta, Ga. £OF7O CURED ; AN ' Gives e O R Quick i 3 - Relief. <R Removes all swelling in Bto 20 < days; effects a permanent cure e in 30to 60 days. Trialtreatment ,\ A given free. Nothingcan befairer ilmße@ Y _ Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Song AMETT I gnecialists, Box B Atlanta, G '&‘« Business, Shorthand and 'A'er writing College, Louigville, K{.,open the whole year. Students can enter any time. Catalog free. - CRICHTON'S ] 4 t ULLIVAN 8 CRICHTON Bhorthand Dept., B. 0. Orichton. Bookkeeping Dept., D. E. Bhumaker, Oatalogue free. E. O. Orichton, Prop., Kiser Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. e -P:.“'s‘. CURE.FOR 1 1 HERE A E FAILS, o b Best Cough Syrup, Tsal'tisGoog. Use PR ') in time. Sold by druggists. & e e VIR eI = " ’ 5 {{amtcted with Thompson's Eye Water