The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, October 28, 1904, Image 3

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llpy'cl Diagnosis. ' fleated on a bench in Central Park, & nurse girl was geuily moving to and fro a perambulator in which was @& baby of about fifteen months., At the other end of the bench was a - man whose prominent lower jaw was adorned with a luxuriant beard, which parted in the middle and curv ed gracefully outward and upward. For several minutes the baby re garded the man and especially the whiskers with grave attention, while he.looked at her with an air of lofty condescension. At length a beautific smile overspread the little one’s fea tures. Then, with her blue eyes still fixed upon the whiskers, and kicking up her tiny feet in an ecstacy of de light, she gurgled: , “Bow-wow! Bow-wow!” A wave of color suffused the man's face above the whiskers, and he hitched uneasily in his seat. It was an awkward situation, and to relieve it the nurse girl patted the baby and said: “No, dearie, that isn’t a doggie.” Tne man remained to hear gneo more.—New York Press. FITS permanently cured. No fits ornervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerveßestorer,s2trial bottleand treatise free Dr.R. H. KLlxEg,Ltd., 9831 Arch Bt., Phila., Pa. The railway up Mont Blanc is to be com pleted within six years. ° ~ Piso’sCurefor Consumption 18 an infallible medicine for coughs and colds.—N. W, SaMuEL, Ocean Grove, N.J., Feb. 17, 190), The first London borough to supply elec tricity was St. Pancras. A New Preparation. A new method of employing ra dium in medicine has recentlf been discovered by a Russian physician, Dr. E. S. London, and consists of using cocotton wool which has been submitted to the action of the ra dium emanation. Dr. London, as the result of the series of experiments, has reached the conclusion that the effects ¢f the radium emanation and of the direct acticn of the radium are the same, consisting of an in flammation on the skin and the de struction of life. He subjected & number of substances, including cork, paraffin, paper and cotton woal, to radium emanation, and found that they would produce inflammatory effects on-the skin. The wool, owing to its spongy nature, seemed to ab sorb the largest quantity of the ra dilum emanation, and consequently was the most radioactive. Accord ingly, Dr. London carried on further experiments with wool so treated, which he found was most convenient for easy distributicu over the body and ready application at any desired point. The ‘“emanated” wool, when packed in hermetically sealed jars or other containing vessels, loses its radioactivity very slowly, and can be sent to any distance desired.—iar per's Weekly. Daniel Webster’'s Advice, Once when Daniel Webster was riding along a New England road in a stage coach, he was annoyed hy the jolting and poked his head wout of the window to yell at the driver, gays the Detroit News. ' “Hey, can’t you drive a little slow- i er?” “No;” responded the coachmar, “the horses are running away, sir.” “Run ’em into a fence corner,” gé- | vised Daniel. ’ “Can’t, =ir,” said the driver, re luctantly and despairingly. “They’ve got the bits between their teeth, sir.” “Well, run them into debt, then,” thundered Daniel. “That’ll stop any- % thing!” | TN T e e m To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50c. A VOICE FROM THE PULPIT. . PRev. Jacob D. Van Doren, of 57 Sixth street, F'ond Du. Lac, Wis.,, Presby terian clergyman, says: “I had at ) tacks of Kkidney disor : i ders_which kept me in W the house for days ata : time, unable to do any : el thing. What I suffered i‘ el can lhardly be told. -1 Complications set in, B l the particulars of : s ' which T will be pleased el L. |to give in a personal fi"_}"&;% interview to any one = % who requires informa- S 8 <-¥l{ tlon. This I can con- LS —<J é sclentiously say, Doan's P ~w—l Kidney Pills caused a Q’;“?zfi general improvement in my health. They brought great relief by lessening the pain anc¢' correcting the action of the kidney sfcretions.” ¥ Doan’s Kidoey Pills are for sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents. KFoster- Milburn Ce., Buffalo, N. Y. About Voices. Fine voices, ft is said, are seldom found in a countiy where fisn diet pre vails. Those Italians who eat the most fish (those of Naples and Genoa) have few fine sin%ers amcng them. The sweet voices are found im the Irish wom®en of the country, and not of the towns. Norway is not a coun try of singers, because they eat too much fish, but Sweden iz a country of grain and song. The caruivorous birds croak; grain-eating bivds sing. "(At 44-04) PN 1,‘_,1,,- D CIN E c [T /@\ T N NB, \ND G i e SLOANS e FiEIEE A, B & d Q 8 § H 5 b S .'\ S "}};.,;",‘:’-’;.L:}.{:fl":,k BT T ‘.-.‘f_.":; IR el B T | RS 7y /» b e ..e*’f;f;; -/ /PAINS AND i N el e - DA $& ACHES - A4y e LAT N I AT LS “1 followed the w trail from Texia': with a Fish Brand ' pisntana with 7 Slicker, used Jor Pommel Slicker -an overcoat when e coid, a wind coat when windy, a rain coat when it rained, and for a cover at nifht if we got to bed, and I will a?r that I have gotten more comfort out of your slicker than any other one article that I ever owned,” ( The name and address of the writer of this unsolicited let ter may be had on application.) Wet Weather Garments for Riding, AWalking, Workirg, or | porting | The Bign of the Fish A.J. TOWER CO, . g BOSTON, U.B.A. m TOWER CANADIAN !*-g CO., Limited » TORONTO, CANADA 13y pan® 354 LR v -PISO’S CURE FOR 7 f i CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FALS. 3 1 Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use P& e in time. Bold by druggists, ® e Y CONSUMPTION '« : % : - s ’,\,\ LA TR ‘ ; ' ‘ A 67 A ol |- 1 A O S/E AN e RSTS HDIE S 222 X {7 & 2 ¥ ot gRE Yot S DN “'o,‘ = o YRR W e i R -l [i e I '_d@. i i A ~)..Jg.v;-].x;"g‘.gurxg I m:;j;m;a’r;u;uii_‘f’,_'-;mmal 28 ?’ ] N S AT [EreerTe) 1 Ty AN i » X& % R T Y “\J ) B - Py - fl'\‘?fir _‘ ?"“ EY AT | |EENCH) (Pl S Y- ,A.. 1 =p b ’ 3 \J‘~ £ \\ ;' b £ \~’,“ -x-. ‘~ : ’/y|[N R $ e '. .‘.‘ 7\"p ' ‘ ’ - D ' J D 'fi? 3 (‘5 "‘—h‘. %L 2y i LW I gy W. L. Douvglas makes and sells mere men’s $3.50 (O shoos then eny cther manufacturer In the worfd. : The reason W. L. Douglas $8.50 shoes are the greatest sellers in the world is because of their excel lent style, easy rmting and superior wearing qualities. If I could show you the difference ietwecn the shoes made in my factory and those of other makes and the high-grade leatheraused, you would under stand why W, L. Douglas $8.60 shoes cost more to make, why they hold their shape, fit bet{vr wear longer, and are of greater intrinsic value than any other )? shoe on the market w—&ny. and why the sales for the year ending July 1, 1004, were §6,2063 04(}11( ). ! W. L. Douglas guarantees their value by stamping his name and price on the bottom. Look for it— take no substitute. Sold By shoe dealers everywhere. SUPERIOR IN FIT, COMFORT AND WEAR. *I have worn W. L. Douglas $3.60 shoes for the last twelve years with absolute satgy«'u‘lwn. Ind them :uperior in fit, comfort and wear to others costing /rom $5.00 to §7.00."—8. S. McCUE, Dept. Coll., U. 8. Int. Revenue, Richmond, Va. W. L. Dongltig uses Corona Coltskin in his ?8.5(2 "h"{s' Curom‘ Colt is conceded to be the finest Patent Leather made. Fast Color Eyelets used exclusively. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Massachusectis. M Ry N s g o & -1 FREE T BOYS: g(,}h 358 A COMPLETE FOOTBALL OUTFIT, J{ | % -:"(J:J % 5 WORTH s3°oo : 4l b e A ‘ar . PR Sonsiatin a pair o ¥ o 5 : s g "’)‘ i vq‘? lntc&ccllnfiia‘h‘:*oorbe: ltl i 3 ‘s Bl ’: pants, oeveless jacket, & ¥\ e fine quality worsted balt. and handsome @ Y.O u o , Sl heavy pair of stockings—a splendid outfit. : B a 8 )fe BOYH, we give you free this Handsome Fasibal]l Outfit for selling S R .5 N 0 only t{u’irg«g%gf ogrs mmnq‘z‘ult%y bandhlrfiht;!: _lt(]}%& ufi?ASY , i ol : — . ‘Wll.l_;_ (YR SETLERSSEND Jb n&.\%“fl FRosr You — wrem RPEEE, \[~ (~/ . \@», THE HANDKERCHIEFS TO SEL 2 BE < j, £ When gold send us the mox&ey w% you will receive at ops G Z_\,\; ) nee the complete football outfit FREE, WE PRE SRR S\ (@R FAY ALL EXPRESS CHARGES Eend your _ : DE“G"TED SN - A name and addreas at once. ol Cam Tl P L 0 Hoyno Hand- b SR L Glo // kerchlef Co. Be, Sl S Ny ; o ' : sSV : Rosen BN, 7o 12 Eaxt .,* ¢ %) LR R, R/ 14th St N i Y/N gy s Pt el My NY, g --w;.} BN BT o W OTHER PREMIUMS. 5 G wnrd, y ¥ s, ! I{Allll WSol?l‘ Sweaters. P s ) /Z 4 s St Roller Bkates. G o (ol Y ¥ S # Fountain Pens. _ giiPeaisi .V § o 8 . < ')Z‘.‘ F. 0’ o e @8 Boxing Gloves. 5P NG HMIE & N (5 /"" LU e Watches. ete < oA oh i, N ek Y R ’ J '\F . ‘/w &Al ;' :;‘v.._,': :“_“,-_ ’2:_,‘-_,:.':;,. 'v iSL‘ . N 8 ; . »..‘ sa‘ ooy 7 ; 3 Eig: P . t;‘/) a 7 flflé (.“ X > Two Beautiful Dolls. Rz 2%/ wes o 2ke 0 i A HANDSOME SUNDAY DOLL AND A VERY 8 LT 0 LR o 4 FINE EVERY DAY DOLLY. B o 1 ST G 8 OUR SUNDAY DOLL is & big beauty, elaborately dressed, @) 20 5 =O7 5 Sl /(-8 @ bisque head, curly hair, pearly teeth. jointed' body, sleen- gEigr of Ihre alh € H ing eyes, dressed in silk ¢r satin and lace, lavge, elegant @& gV /3 Wtz 4 M hat, sfiuee and stockings to match—a perfect doli babg. ey [ ¥ \ R £ OUR EVERY DAY DOLL is a largo d-'ly, bisque ‘. A [ Lead, flowing hair—a real nice every day doily, / )I (| 4 EXTRA P‘RE‘?ENTS. A beautiful Japanese doll fan &7 1 7 l\ 8 ond half a dozen dainty doll kandkerchiefs, : By ) ) | M G IRLS., we give you the entire doll outfit for seliing ouly: @2\ 4 s @\L Wk thirty-two of our fine %\_mht,v’h::nd}r.prr:}}zefs at 102, ench, /O > ™il \i 8 SIND NO MONEY. WE TRUST YOU wm]‘n VoA G, o\ /] )1 # THRE HANDKERCHIERS TO SELL, When sold & 8% /fi' S Nl “J R :s‘emrus the money, and you will receive at once {he com- fEs§¢4 3/ Ry _‘\,:. K "") B lete clegant doll outfit. W PAY ALL EXPRESS @J6°( G 4 Gl b 2 3 (EHARGES. Send vevr name and address at once, B 23, Y . /’ ?l I 'J 4 OTHER PREMIUMS, IR ISP @ 00l Sweaters, School Umbrellas, Roller Skates. Fountain FERSPHSFSRINEER, oo Sarlii= /g 8 Pens, Manicure Seis, etc. . 7 ‘ S o ;‘P, ",’ ~.'7"'7.3' y I.e [loyne Handkerchief Co., EiGEER o “'!! 3 i ' A AT @, 7 : 12 East 14th St,, New York. b\ e g 4.5.\ FE e e R esR T e o eT R M Tb S S A 2 i e Sit b e S L S L s LE g s e e e eet e i ’..,. 2;,’ ’ g 2 s P * b ) pé . ; : -»’ ;aLS s '}‘_ g:if?. ‘v—fl» 4 B ' A.' a 5 \‘ = i A\ P .y : . \ Q'@ / CANDY - . L%y 5 Y P 2 oy s ¥ > ‘ 2/ ? __’ % ey B PSR o —: A_ i THE\/‘ ¥‘. G '.w" Y F - - ey i- . PR - ek P 3 2k, v T v BoTg st - GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimplea, pains after eatifig, liver trouble, sallow skin and dizziness. When your bowels don’t move regularly you arn sick. Constipation kills more people than all otaer diseases together. It starts chronic aifments and lonf (ears of suffering. No matter what ails you, start toking CASCARETS today, for you will never get well and stay weli until you get your bowels right Take our advice, start with Cascarets ioday under absolute guarantee to curo or money refunded. The sgenume tablet stamped C CC., Never sold in bulk. Sample and booklet free. ddres terling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, 502 % CRICHTON'S @ % . t orbgULLIVAN 8 CRICHTON Bhorthand Dept., E. O. Orichton, Bookkeeping Dept., D. B. Shumaker. Oatalogne free. B. O. Crichton, Prop., Kiser Blg, Atlanta, Ga. MONARCH STUMP PULLER. Will pull 6-foot stump without hel£b Guaranteed to stand a strain of 250,000 Ibe. Catalogue and dis counts address MONARCH GRUBRHPER CO., Lone Tree, la. £, CURED w Gives D Quick | ’ 3 Rellisf. AR, Removes all swelling in Bto 20 days; effects a permanent cure : in 30to 60 days. Trialtreatment 547 \ / ¥ givenfree. Nothingcan be fairer e % _ Write Dr, H, H. Green’s Sons — k 4 W Specialists, Box B Atlanta, Ge. For Spect NoMoreßlindHorses 2, sresie Ophthaimte Bore Eyes. Barry Co,, lowa City, la.,have a sure cure