The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, October 28, 1904, Image 4

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| LOCAL ITENS. Pay your debts to the Journal, We must have it. Dont fail to attend the Tecture on the 11th, ; Mr. Morgan Martii visited Albany Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Odom visited Ma- Tuesday. E All legal advertisements must be paid in advance, b | This section was visited by a light frost Monday. f If you have land to sell ist it with Col, C, H.Beazley. Col, C. H* Beazley had business in At lanta this week, , A Col, J. R. Long took in the Fair at Macon this week. Mrs Love took in the State Yair at Ma_ con Wednerday. Sheriff Smith took in the State Faii at Macon Wednesday . { Miss Pearl Hall vistied the State Hair at Macon Wednesday. Judge ) Fort, of Americus, attended County Ceurt here Tuesday. | Mr. Dud Ragan took in the sights at the State Fair Wednesday. Mr. M. J. Hines, of Americus is vi:-‘.it—: ing relatives here this week. | | MY, Wilis Rutland, of Albany, spent 1 several days nere this week. Col. Warwick, of Smithville, transacted legal business here Wednesday. Mr. F, T. King visited relatives at Ma “con this week and took in the Fair. Remember the Executors sale of the Heath property. See notice elsewhere, Mr, A. W. Godwin attended the Grand Lodge, F.& A, M. at Macon thisweek* Mis. J. R Lorg returned home last Sunday, after a few days visit to the Worlds Fair at St. Louis, Car of Cotton seed meal and Hulls on hand Same price at the mills. ' R.A. Forrester. Calton me for Fire Insurance I can placc you in the very best company and give you the protection you need. S.J.Powell. We wish tomake on earnest appeal to all who owe us, to settleatonce, We are in need of funds to meet our obligations with, and must insist upon all who are in debted to the Journal in any way lo set tle at once Please give the matter your prompt attentior. Dont think because the a “ountis small thatiit does not make \ any diffirence, but send it at once. | | One Horse, Georgia raised. Good }xoo: One Texas pony, 6 years old at §6O 1 One Georgia Raised Colt 2)4 years fiOi Apply at 1. P, COCKE, Armenia. Ga. | The Elkahest Library Association will give their second entertainment here on | the evening of Nov, 11th. This lecture will be delivered by Prof Royal Daniel, } on the subject of the mysteries of Hypno- ‘ tism, self controll, Mental Healing, etc.‘ The Proceeds of the entertainment will go ‘ to pay for a Library for the town. All should attend and aidin this worthyj cause. ‘ I carry afull line of plows, binde l mowers, rakes and reapers, See me if you are in the market for anything in,l his line ill make it to your interest. | Democrats Tothe Front. To the Demccrats of the third Congres sional District, ’ The date of the presidential Election is near at hand, and I recogznize the fact we have all been deeply and busily engag ‘ed in the gathering and marketing of our ‘crops and business affairs, and poseibly some will overlook the time, and fail to attend the election, therefore I urge upon evary one of you to go to the polls on Tuesday, Nov, Bth, and cast your vote for Parker and Davis, ' By reason of our Primary system, we ioose interest in the regular election, as shown by the small vote cast at the recent State Election, when ouly 70000 votes were polled, out of 278000 white voting pepulation in the state, Thisindiffirence on the part of the Democrats works an .n- | justice to the party, and may at some fu- | ture time result in great injury ‘| The Republican majority in each Con-- gress offer bills, and agitate the passage of measures to reduce the Southen repre- | sentation in Congress, always urging as one of the reasons, the very light vote received by the Southern menibers. Then this indiffirence on the part of the Demo crats invites and encourages oposition from opositing parties ; therefore fdr our party to always be strong, itis wise to be aggressive, and cast a full vote at each election, : ‘ I am glad to say there 'is 1o opposition in the Clongressional race, but the Presi dential election is at the same time, and we are now receiving most flattering news from the doubtful Eastern and Western States, in fact the prospect daily grows brighter for the trinmohant election of Parker and Davis, and I urge upon every Democrat in the District to go to the polls on Nov. Bth. and cast their vote, deimonstrating their love and loyalty to Democtacy, which advocates and stands for the noble principal. Equal rights to all, special priviliges to none, Respectfuily yours, E. B, Lewis, Grand and Petit Jurors The followiny is a list of the Grand and Petit Jurors drawn to serve at the October term of Lee Superior Court. - 1~ 8. ¥, Torner 16— Joe B. PAul, 2-. C. N, Hayes 17- E. S. Adams, 3~ R: S, Pryor, 18- C. A. Castellow, 4+ C.B. Avery, 18- G. A, Nesbit, 5- W.T. Lockett * 20- H. R .Stovall 6 -D. G, Avera, 21- W. Beaucbhamp, 7-Geo. W. McDonald 22- Owen P. Brown, 8- G. W. Mazrtin, Sr. 23— H. L. Long, Jr, o~ T }. Price, 24- 0. W, Statham, 10- Wm_ B. Botewell, 25- W. D. Green, 1i- R. B. Clifton, -26- L. Ivey, 12- A, [.*Powell, 27- M. W. Kitchens, 13- B.Tyler, 28- C. E. Lockett, 4—Geo. C, Bass, 29- Duncaa Forrister 15- R. A, Forrester 30- T. S. Bnrtou ~ PRTIT JURORS. n- 0. E Tucker, 19- Charles O. Young 2- J. H. Goodroe, 20-1.. L,* Hammond, 3- W. A, McDonald 21- A. B, Cowart, 4- F. T. King, 22- D. A, Ragan, 5-]. D Beauchamp 23- Bob Hickey, 6-C. A, Rhodes, 24-]. D.Snellgrove, 7- W. J. Tomlinson 25- Edgar [, Siramons 8- E T Youngblood 26- W, H Turner, 9- N H Ware, 27- H D Logan ro- N E Outlaw 28- DonaldE Graham 11- W P Bencraft 29- W C Price 2- FI. Hayslip 30-] R Mitchell 13- T C Edwards 31- John F Gill AARGragn 32-A R Munroe 5- D H Varnum 33- Charlie Martin 16- H A Pope 34- Elbert Hayslip. 7- G L Manning 35- S ] Powell 8- Barney Usry 35-Silas M Page , Tresspass Notica : 411 parties are hereby forbidden to hunt on the following lots of land in the 13th, district of this County: 237, 213, 215 and 186. . : Mrs, 8.L.. Powgell. Inhers in the faeulty to get other people working for you. Tha: ite "o S, Kenn of Louisville, Ky., did this when, in 1/45 he secured a policy in The Mutual Life In #m ance Company of New York for §5,000. Dividends to the amount of $5,807 bas ac cumulated on this policy, making the total amount paid by the Companv§ll,Bo7. The net premiums paid by Mr Kennedy amounted to $3,465.88, making the return vver cost ,341.12, : g - 34!11 writing for information about a policy of this kind, state what you would like to receive in cash at the end of limited payment pericd, THe AN\ UTUZARL LIF& INSURBRCECOMPANY OF ; OLDEST : ' LARBEST IN : + INTUR o NEW YORIK fi RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. R. F. SHEDDLN, Manager, ' . o Atlanta, Ga. 8 D. D. HALL, Special Agent, e e i DRGSRUTE) N BANK OF SMITHVILLE BANK O oMIL: SRR ~Smithville Ga. vow W s w T W b o NW WP o IT*\;T"fi“r ONLY BANK IN THECOUNTY. CAPITAL AND PROFITS $18.000.00! M sMBIR 05 ASYSTEM OF 38 STATE AND 4 NATIONA . *BANKS CONEBINED. CAPITAL'AND ;SULFLUS :$1.500.000.00. - .. ERBRCH BEAENK INDEPENDANT.- | ; \ : DEFOSITS SOLICITED, ‘ : " OFFICERS KND DIRECTORS_» : j W, S, WITHAM, President. : D. G. AVERA, Vice President, C. A. RHODES, J. R. LONG, W. D. WELL S, , B I. McKINNEY, T. G. WILLIAMS. CALL AND SEE US. ' : Respt: L MeUEAIN Cashier. Executors Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA-~Ler C: vETY. Will be sold on the first Tuesiay in November 1904 between the legal hour of ten O’clock A. M. znd 1 u O’clock P. M., at the plantations of the laie F. M Heath late of -aid County deceased--(On the places known as the Jo.don and Ceatury places) all th perishable pragerty of the late F M. Heath embracing nis stack of-hégs, mules, and cattle, provisions of every sort towit corn® fodder, peas, potatoes, vats and a!l his plantation toois.inclu .ing one 20 H. P. Schofield engine and boiler, 2 6o saw Tannt gins and belts, one Schofield p.ess, syrup kettles. mills, plows, mowirg machiues, and other farm utensials, On the Jordon (Chehaw place 4a 4 Also all the mules stock of every kind plantation end t"armeng tools and provisions ot the Century piace--In clu .ing one Deering and ore McCormick Mower, cane mill, Stalk ~utter and hay press, three two horse. wag ons one ¢ne horse wagon, one buggy 6 syrupykettles one iron safe show case and fiixtures used in the store at Century, provisions corn oats fodder and ‘potatoes on said plac:, : "his sale to include all the personalty on said place except the cattie and hogs on the Century place and the engine und gin fixtures on said Century place, and the Household furniturewhich is not included in this offer of sale. |hesaleto commecce at the century place as before stated an : to continue between the:legal hours of sale from day to day until the whole is sold: Terms of sale cash. Sold in pursuence of an order is sued from the court of Ordinary for the purposes of dis tribution amung the heirs a:d for the prevention o waste and depreciztion, No delivery will be madc un (il terms of sale are complied with : Inventory can be seen wite E.. 8, Lee Exectutor. Mary B. Heath and E. B. lLee Executors of F, A Heath Decd e e e e e, e s Libel for Divorce. FANNIE HOWELL ) Case N0.g36. Libel for di vs vorce. In the Superior Court JOSH HOWELL. }of Lee County Georgia, Fied March 31st 7g04. i : “To JUSH HOWELL, defendant in said case, You are hereby notified that by virtue of ar order grant ed in said case at the May term, s9n4. ot said court, you are required to in person or by attorney appear at the next term of said con:t to be held in and for Lee County, (ieorgia, on the first Monday in November, 1904 (mext) then and there to answer the complaint of the plaintiff, Fanuiz Howell, against you for a total divorce, upon the ground of wilful continuous dasetion, s in defalt of such appearance, the court will proceed as to justice shall appeitain. Witness the Honorsble Z A, LiTlljom, Judge of said Court_this srd. day of June 1904. a JAMES MO.. GAN, (lerk. / k":“ A / {”‘3 GIVE A 'The Journal f NYOUR e I )W ORK pe ® / T IR, LB — e : . i We Prints Letie Heads, ' Z Note ieads, / Staiements, / / Bill Heads, - : & Businees (ards, / / Comissary Cheeks, - e Legal Blanks, / / Wedding Invitaiions, M . Buoks, Pamphiets, / / Ang ail Kinis of Fancey Statienery 3iveus a Trial Ordoresm—_ ! Notice== Sheriff’s Sale For Nov 1904 GEORGIA--Lee County, o Will be sold before the Court House door at l.ees burg, in sai ! county, between the legal hours of public ale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following prop erty, to-wit:-- . OUne town iot number two hundred aund eight (208) n the Town of Leesbnrg, containing $4 of an acre more less, bounded on North by sixh strect, cn W s¢:] tarksville street,on East By Minnie Jackson iot and on the south by lands belonging to J. P. Culloway . I'he same levied on and scld as the ‘property of An drew Waltersand Mercer, under .and by virtue of a fi.fa. issued from the County Court of Lee County eorgia, in favor of R. S, Hines, trans.eired to C. F Putnam against said Andrew Walters and Ida Me cer. Tennants notified interms of the law, This October 4th, Igog. S. B* Smith, Sheriftof Lee County, Ga