The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, December 02, 1904, Image 4

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Tthe Leq @ounty Journal W M. B. TISON, Editor and Publisher PUELISHED EMRY FRIDAY W Official Organ of Lee County. -—~IF YOU WANT TO AT— —TRACT THE ATTEN-- ~—TION OF THEPUBLIC -~ TRY AN AD IN THE— —JOURNAL. IT WILL —BRING YOU MONEY.— | LOCAL XITENS. The Gypsys left Monday. County Court convened here Tuesday. ' Mr. J. S. Jenkins was in town Wednes day. Mr. Dod Clifton was in t wn Wednes day, M« R. O. Laramore was in town Tues day. Water works for Leesburg. Let's have a system, ! | Sheriff Smith is on the sick list again this week. Mr. Averitt '-Green, of Chokee, was in town Wednesday. | Mr. J. M. Hines had busines; up the road Wednesdav. Mr. W. M. Laramore had business here Tuesday, 'f’:‘ E. Outlaw is suffering from a dis oc’agh%h‘cmmer, LB iSk g The merry-go-round has left. Let us all sing halleluiah, Mrs. Cross is visiting her brother, Mr, F. T. King, this we. k. Col. C. H. Beazley attended to profess ional business in Americus Tuesday. Mr. Walier Green, of Albany, spent Sunday with friends and relatives here, Mr, Duncan Forrister is opening up a stock of gvods in the store next to the Dispeasary. We had the pleasure of spending a few hours in the beautiful little city of Smith ville Monday. The Jourual can do your printing in as good shape as can be done elsewhere there is no use tosend off. FOR SALE. Milk C~w with 3rd calf, gives2to3 gillons per day.” $25.00. Apply to Dr, Logan Thomas, Arme.ia, Ga. An election for a Justice of the peace will Le held here next Satureday. The'e are two candidates, Mr. B, E, Powell the present incumbent, and Mr. John Gill we learn later that D. A, Ragan and S. A. Duncan are also in the race. The Town Council held a meeting Tuesday night to consider a proposition to put in a water workssyst:m. No defi pite action was taken, A comitee was ap pointed to confer with the County Com missioners to see if the county would nct help. It seems to us that the county should do so in order to supply the jail with water As it is now it is a difficult matter to keep the jailin a san itary condition, We should by all means have the system. Held Up and Robbed. A Mr, Arthur while walking down the" rail yond jast after dark was held up and robbed at the point of a pistol by two‘ negrce: on Tucsday evening. The robbers secureud about $7.00, in money, watch, cuff buttons and every thingof value on his person. After rafflig his pock: ts they commanded him to procede on in the di rection of Albany informing hin: that if he returned to Leeshurg they would kill him. This is one of the b Idest robberies th.t: has happened in this section and nothing should be 12. t undone to” bring the per pretators to Justice, : e Yellow leg chickers are standing a poor showing at Mcßae this week. GIVE fian.. | The Journal, ~NYOURg | Jope— SWMORK: e T, IR —— s 7 We Prints Lette Heads, 3 Note leads, / | Staiements, Bill Heads, 7 ' Businees (ards, / ' Comissary Checks, b ’ Legal Blanks, / ' Wedding Invitations, y | Books, Pamphlets, / | And a!l Kinis of Fancy Stationer) Give us a Irial Crder w— ) e S Callon me for Fire Insurance I can placc you in the very best company iand give you the protection you need | s.].ljti“‘e]l. '!' D 5 We wish to make on earnest appeal to .11 who owe us, to settleat once, We arc in need of funds to meet our obligativrs with, and must insist upon all who are in debted to the Journal in any way to set ;2L o 13) Pi2as2 give the mitier youp ! prompt attention. Dont think the amount is small thatiit does not make tay diffirence, but send it at once, | I carry a fullline of plows, binde] mowers, rakes and reapers, See me il you are in the market for anything in his line ill make it to your interest. Sl ‘.. ..) ) ‘V :llu e . Tresspass Noticd .11 parties are hereby forbidden to hunt on the following lots of land in the 13th, district of this County: 237, 213, 215 aud 186. : Mrs, B.E. Powell. - © ° Q ~lys Tfi; Dog Lan | el L\ Selnin s u&&bafige\‘:‘} % <or the speedy and permanent care of frer. salt rhenm and eczema, Cham rinin's Eve and Skin Ointment is thont an equal. It relieves the itch iy and smarting almost instantly and ¢ ¢ontinned use effects a permanent | are It also cures itch, barber's itch, ! -ald head, sore nipples, itching pilas, | aapped hands, chronic sore eyes ané ‘ ‘rannlated lids. . i e i Ur. Cady’s Conditlon Powders for worses are the best tonic, blood purifier nd varmifuge. Price. 25cents. Sold by Inher- in the faeuity to get other people working for you Th: lae Ihos 8, Kennn of Louisville, Ky., did this when, in 1445 he secured a policy in e Mutual lile lc surance Company of New York for §£5,000. Dividends tothe amount of $6,.8 7 ias ae cumulated on this polict, muking the total amount paid by the C.nmp..mfil 1.8¢7: Pt net prennums paid by Mr Kennedy amounted 10 $3,465 88, making the return . ver cos $8,341.12. : sl . in writing for information about a policy of this kind, state what you would like o receive in cash at the end of limited payment period, He psNUTUAL LIFE INSURBCECCMFENY OF B : 3 LARGES N CYNTHE AMERICA WORLD RICHAR A. McCUXDY, President. - R. F. SHEDDLN, Manager, Atlanta, Ca. e D. D. HALL, Special Agent, Leesburg, Ga. BANK OF SMITHVILL. : Smithville Ga. <7 ] ¥ ¥ T 4 T ONLY BANK INTHECOUNTY. - =y . CAPITAL AND PROFITS $18.0060.C0 MEMBER OF A SYSTwIf 01 38 STATE AND ¢ NATIONA. BANKS CONBINED. CAPITAL AND SU..PLU:s :$1.500,000.00. ERACH BANKINDEePENDANT. DEPOSITS SOLICITED; OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS W, S, WITHAM, President. D. G, AVERA, Vice Piesiden t C. A. RHODES, J. R. LONG, W.D. BWELIS ~ 81. McCKINNEY, T, CPWILLIAMB . 2 . o ¥ CALIL AND S Z& US. I' F.C, McCI AIN Cashier. TN T T T TRLR L RS ;T R M RS S SShea SRTN * R - ARG \s%'@ AR < i .% SR PDARER .SR v 7 oA LY e SRS poo WS BRSNS i 88, e £ LG SO RS i fi% Sng ;v& - B o S N i 94 SRS i , sy & ey f“}, ‘,:i 5L B . 4 J:,.é}:-":-' By Bd B -8B @ 5 By B "‘ =aB h Yy B, 5%4 g 4 -’ oy 3 : S r'“p/"#-' o s ._~.~* 2y 3,: F 25 ~ e B oia Ty ePe TS -A/}., ~..'.» -St VBB E LV, ei L L e 1 relßbc iTR R R ARt e 1) Kl 7 Yly U Nyses o fiffifi% Rt 1 L) QD M o S P e e \o—~;r'1"- s s ) z._._’;—_?:: . ; sagrl 2 B e S S = BT - G LRI s—— @.‘ e ; (33*;(;1‘ & |’§/g i | SR 1 SN A Dl ] e R LA\ SR Sl eBT B BEA Foah .vm\}\ ,’}_ i (}%‘?@;‘~f¢_- g ‘%‘fi ; \‘ \%&‘3_/ 7;" /? ”p! i ‘:2 ‘_ ;':3_") B "s‘? : g S Tl o Tl . 7]75- " “IPER SERY!EZ&:S ?-""f;‘j.-"?/// l:v S=s et ' .} . : L zr@etween YYoints in o B ema s. AN > .. _\W'fik -::- <— , = "fi’ .‘h.--‘ > f 5 ~ P, 2. £ 3 A Esd & ™ b E| e ST gs% A QA & Qd 2 4 | o | ave ORIDA . DRAWING-Room VESTIBULE SLEEPING CARS ) BETWEEN BIRMINGHAM. COLUMBUS, ATLANTA, MACON, AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH. GA.. AND BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY, GA. 4 | . B | PULLMAN SLEEPING CARs | P | BETWEEN ST LOUIS, NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA., ATLANTA, "’TRAL” 1 MACON. GA.. AND JACKSONVILLE, FLA. 43 = f:l } A% Al 3 “ : 1 ! .'_{'3' - PARLOR CARs onN Day Tralns [ \GHe 3 BETWEEN ATLANTA. MACON ~vD SAVANNAH, GA. l ‘ ' . SRR s i W.A. WINBURN, J. S. HAILE, F.J. ROBINSON, j VICEPRESIDENT AND TRAFFIC MANAGET. CTNTIML PAISENGER AGENT. ASSISTANT GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT R R A N i~ "~ ZI;JM\M Subscribe for the Journal,