The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, December 09, 1904, Image 5

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the leq Rounty Jourpla M. E.3ISCN, Eéiter end Publicher PUELISHED EMYERY FRIDRY Official Organ of Lee County, -—IF YOU WANT TO AT— -—TRACT THE ATTEN -——TIGN OF THEPUBLIC -TRY AN AD IN THE—- —JOURNAL. IT WILL -——BRING YOU MONEY.— Having exausted his political pie, Uld Tom Platt has now become a recognized authority on pumpkin pie. e e e Seecretary Shaw has called on the banks or $25,000,000. Now, we thought that could only happen ia the event Parker won out. There is a disposition on the part of the southern press to forget politics. That is well, for politics certainly seem to have forgotten us. ———————e e ———— Admiral Rojestvensky hasn't been scared out of his wits in abont three weeks. The Admiral had b :tier gei busy or he will get no more promotions. R e T When those Zemstvos waiked right up tothe czar jand said something about a constituton, we must Jadmit that all the bravery in Russia is not bottled up in Port Arthur. > N = Cotton is king. Ne section can compete with this when it comes to that product. Nowhere else in the world can cotton be raised that is: ny thing like the quality raised 1n the sou ¢h, == {TAKEe+NOTICE} S~ ] MEAEN WHAT I SAY. —=t] AM SELLING MY ENTIRE STOCK OF3=- Dry Goods,Boots; Shoes, Hardware; Rlothing +4+ At Qost. + - ’ ' I mean COST Wh;fi_l say cost, Come and see if you can't find what ycu want, CALL AND SAVE MONEY BY DOING SO. ~ All persons owing me will please call and settle, lam closing out to engage In other business, 1 tender my kindest regards and thanks to my former patrons, “C. F. PUTNAM. SHERIFF SALE GEORGIA,—Lee County, Will be sold before the door of ths Court House of said County at Leesburg Ga,, on the first Tuesday in January, 1905 a certain tract or lotof land, of which the following is a description, to-witi— Lot of land number one hundrel and six ty-two (162) in the 14th district of Lee county, Georgia. Levicd on and sold as the property of E.]. Simmons, under and by virtue of an execution issued from the Superior Court of said county of Lee, in favor of Juo. S. Byron (vs.) Ed. J. Simmons and Mrs, i.. B Simmons. Defendent i poss sion notified in writing as prescribed by . law. This the sth day oi December, 1904.— S. B SMith, : Sheriff of Lee County, Ga. Sas S e LR e GEORGIA,—Lee County. To Whomw it may concern, A. S Stately having made applica tio:: to me in due form to be appointed permanent admicistrator upon the estate of C. A. Jobnson, late of said County, dec:ased, Notice is hereby given that the said application will be hearl at the reguiar term of the Court of Ordinury of said County to be held at Leesurg, on the first Monday in January, 1905,— Witness my hand and official signature, this the ssth day of December, 1904. Gro. C, EDWARDS, Ordinary of Lee C uaty. e e e P G NOTICF TO TEADHERS There will be an examination of appli; cants to teach the public schools af Lee County at the Court House at Leespurg, Ga. on Dec. 16:h and 17th begning at 8 o’clock A. M. J. R-Lo~nG C. S. L. L R S The turkeys that survived Toanksgiv ing now view with alarmtheshop window Santa Claus - MONEY FOR YOU. I Can Sell Your Farm, Wanted Lands to List For Sale. ’ WRITE ME AT ONCE. C.H BERCLEY., . Richard Ptisop. - =am Pattison. Pi~ha~c — attison - ry\ - ~ AL PATTISEIN SN, A' LAWY CA. . ® ipders and [l\aehinists Founders and [l\aehinists. WATER AND GAS PIPINCS AND FITHINGS. Iron and Brass Castings of every Description. Cast cl¢ Viyargit llue Railings ENGINESAND BOILERS REPAIRED. Orders soiicited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wage hand and Qroppers Qontracts, 25cts per dozen. Journal. .