The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, December 09, 1904, Image 7

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~ Sleeping for a “Sleeper.” | It was in a crosstown car at the rush hour, and as the conductor called the ferry terminus of the line there began a struggle of men and women, each one fighting for first place in the long string toward the boat already in the slip. There were two passengers who lingered in the car.’ One was a sleepy looking man who half reclined in a corner, taking up more than half his share of space and stolidly keeping a foot thrust half way into the aisle, where each passerby in turn stumbled over it and muttered comment accord ing to sex and temperament. Stand ing before him a girl, a shop girl by her appearance, awaited with subdued impatience to hunt a quarter she had lost while trying to make change with one hand, the other holding desperate ly to a high and greasy strap. She resigned herself unwillingly to a later boat, though it meant missing her train on the other side, and never even of sighing over a hard fate as she bent to search the dirty floor for her money. It was all in the day’s _work. The conductor, a good-natured fel low, came in and helped her, but there was no coin to be seen or felt in any dark corner, and at his final s w tough job, sure, but you're, up against it this time,” and the added informa tion that he must be starting back, the girl left the car,and joined the straggling line still winding toward the ferry. Then the conductor noticed the oth er passenger, and, giving him a little shove, said: “Wake up there. End of the line—you. Get out.” The man sat up straight and look ed about him. Then he lifted the foot which he had kept so persistently planted in the aisle, picked up a shin ing quarter from beneath it and grinned broadly at the -conductor as he dropped the money into his pocket. “OCthers.” Occasionally some well-disposed person, speaking of some worthy cause—a college, a hospital or a re form—says: “If I only had a million I would enjoy helping.” But not hav ing a million he gives nothing. Giving ought not to be confined to the rich; it is as necessary to moral growth as exercise is to the body. Selfishness leads one to spend money on himself—stinginess leads one to refuse to spend even for himself, while generosity leads one to share his means with benevolences which appeal to him. There are few who do not know the ileasure to be derived from giving to members of the family and to friends: the satisfaction is scarcely less when the gift is to un known recipients who come within the influence of some educational or charitable institution. Every heart should attach itself in some definite way to the world’s needs, and without waiting for great wealth or for death to set aside a part of each year’s income for the happiness and help of those less fortunate. “Others” is the word that is sometimes carved upon the hospital hearth; it is also the yjord that marks the crossing cf the boun daries of selfishness and man’s en trance unto fellowship with the oaiter world.—The Commoner. The Number of Postage Stamps. According to the Universal Standgrd Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of the World, the total number of il known varieties of postage stamps is sued by all the Governments of taie world up to the present time is 19,242. Of this number 205 have been issu:-d in Great Britain, and 5,711 in the va rious British colonies and protect) rates, leaving 13,326 for the rest «{i the world. Dividing the totals amonz the continents, Europe issued 4,08%, Asia, 3,628; Africa, 4,0056; America, including the West Indies, 6,095, an‘ QOceanica, 1,425. Salvador has issue more varieties of postage stamps ithau any other country, the number being 450. Poland and Wadhwan have each found a solitary specimen suffice for their postal needs.—Westminister Ga : EVERY WALK IN LIFE, A. A. Boyce, a farmer, living three and a half miles from Trenton, Mo., SAVE: VA o : severe cold «31,' . settled in 4N my kidneys ‘;i‘.‘.‘»;kvzi_,fi;.s} Ty and devel- SSSVEARNSEINETE Yasg oped 80 4 ‘ifi}f \:§ 8 (Ilmckly that S==o éi‘”‘ \ (, was oblig- S AR AN rt ed to lay off ':!-l Y o -GSk (’?)? work on ac- = [\ f Bl count of the ## V\K¥/ MY/} aching in s 'k-'i.‘;;s"v‘"-c‘ : my back o 2 W Q. and sides. .cf' ; For a time I was unable to walk at all, and every make-shift I tried and all the medicine I took had not the slightest effect. My back continued to grow weaker until I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills, and I must say I was more than surprised and grati fled to notice the back ache disappear ing gradually until it finally stopped.” Doan’s Kidney Pills sold by all dealers or malled on reeceipt of price, B 0 cents per box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. No Voice From the Tomb. She—How is it that widows gener ally manage to marry again? He—Because dead men tell no tales. is necessary for cotton to produce high yields and good fibre. : Write for our valuable books on fertilization; they contain informa tion that means dollars to the } farmers. Sent free on request. § Write now while you think of it § g to the : b ‘ GERMAN KALI WORKS : § New York— Atlanta, Ga.— § 93 Nas Y 22% So. Broad § : assau St., or A Street. v,,?_,“‘_._;;p.gé.:g;_,‘;;z#g Im‘u,jw 5 l'[J\\ S, r" " R {i@\&‘\w@“fl“wfi 2T "w.;.:yf;g ~,‘,M,\;/:/v ‘\\P\;\; \{‘k“,,..ah,’::*: o e (,/,[?' N e 4! fl",@afv 'l«“‘! N e LL s R AR i 5 S & ‘.‘w"gy‘a{ i B A RO Sel 15 fi-fii:sfibfi@‘ BRI & “od s R Pdgonil il L) e BRSPS o gl e PR BT et Yot S i 3 By i(e e T MAo oPI fotddi B et ~‘wf~_,~,‘;» g, andon bR SRR SRR git e e e s | eAt i Uk et Sl sSE e R e Sana R BRSSO N\ SR Pe el aO, R L el SRR R T g e o ¥ [ Theßecently Enlarsed lidition.ofit XA T N DTV I I YC e e g 4’\4 “" §4 & ;’t INTERNAL " \ AL 3 7 B‘r &p h« 4£351% & BT YBl e S o AT S Oy T iLA A ~’»:v._—'xi;}«;_, - DICTIONARY| : CONTAINS 25,000 NEW WORDS, Etc. New Gazetteer of the World New Riographical Dictionary 2330 Quarto Pages. New Plates, 5000 Illustrations, M 2 e . “ Should be in Every Home, School, and Office Rev. Lyman Abbott, D.D., Editor of The Outlook, says: Webster has always been #/e favorite in our household, and I have seen no reason to transfer my allegiance to any of his competitors, FREE, “A Testin Pronunciation,’’ instructive and entertaining. Also illustrated pamphlets. G.6C. MERRIAM CO,, Publishers, Sgringficld, Mass. ‘jg,,‘s CURE:FOR:. il Bl oSOLA L A o, R D in time. Rold by druggists, % ] N CONSUMPTION @ . . N A v : !&) > i ol 4 R ' #BM) NEW RIVAL” BLACK POWDER SHELLS. de=>=- YA o Ir’s the thoroughly modern and scientific system of load l l o ing and the use of only the bent materials which make | s Winchester Factory Loaded ‘' New Rival”” Shells give bet | TN 'xs/{/,’ ter pattern, penetration and more uniform results gener- I ' g ‘;ff:' ally than any other shells. The special paper and the Win = 7 chester patent corrugated head used in making ‘““New ' !/ ’ Rival” shells give them strength to withstand reloading. i 55 BE SURE TO GET WINCHESTER MAKE OF SHELLS. FIRMS OF SOLIDITY AND REPUTATION ¢ € The capacity and reliability of these firms is of such superiority that their goods seill anywhere by mail or personal order—alike they get the most careful attention. Kindly keep this ad. as a ref erence—lt may assist you some time in the future. : Rs T M AT B 0 SO R 7SO WA sRT 5T eA. AT ORI V 4 TR B AR RO T P AAGUSD -~ SOUTHERN SHORTHAND & BUSINESS UNIVERSITY. Positions open daily for Bookkeeyi)ers and Stenographers. Over 11,00 gra luates. placed. Learn now. Sendfor catalogue. A present to all answering this. Address A. C. BRISCOE. Pres..or L. W. ARNOLD, Vice Pres., Denartment B. Atlanta, Ga. THE LIGHT RUNNING NO. 9 WHEELER & WILSON B DEALERS AND AGENTSWANTED, ‘ Address WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO., Atlanta, Ga. i C A e O gT L e TRI st e , P e RV w-mm"fi"w ) JS—— The Watkins “Boy’’ Hay Press. Cneap, Simple, Durable. | GRSt I'wo boys can operate it (no other power needed) and bale the \ | 5, “E‘if”j" crop right in the field at less tha 1 cost of hauling to big}m\sq. 1t _:__-,m;f " does lots of other things and costs only $25. Write for cireu - W lars. We buy andse!i L'imba. K. E, LOWE CO., Atlanta, Ga. LN NR T AR STR SOO R ABONT 3 " = o Tne VUICB o[‘ n]fi N v The recognized authority of the No.zi:'oes of the S>uthern ; fln,m. States. A mazazine of, for, and by the Negro. Sub- E seription price $1.0) peryear. Agents waiated. Sead 102 for sample copy. THE VOICE OF THE NEGRO CO.. e Atlanta, Georgla. R A PR AR TR TS Al S A e 5 » i s i N A RR Y A i FLr, LARGEST LAUNDRY IN THE SOUTH. i AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. ATLANTA, GA. § 3 Erae eoTN Y N B S N T T T e o 2 v for onf tln famoas Ingersol Wutchs—ient by @, DNLY sl|oo mail, prepaid, to anybody for a one dollar bll()., I'hese watches are guaranteed for 12 months,and in America today _ ,‘.‘:fl?&é{y\ there is more than one million of them keeping perfect time and k'%&“:“' has been for years. Remember that when in need of anything B ~,\f"‘q’”?w' known to Hardware, Silverware, Stoves, Ranges or Cutlery, we |8 i \,}vi.;(”hs‘ P are the largest in the south. Write foranything you want. 3 oA A King Hardware Co., Mty ATLANTA, GA. : F; g i U e A TTR DP A R e B ’;a'j: f RS g|‘ FREE, TIL W 2 T #7\\, LANKFORD GOTTON FILLED HORSE COLLARS A D\ PREVENT GALLS AND SORE SHOULDERS, /H “‘ That's very important to farmers. §sl.oo each prepaid if your dealer o ,oo doesn’t hanile. Writefor free mem. book. &l /f 2 coucHBROS.4& ! J. EAGANCO., Atlanta, Ga. \N\ V@ ‘‘Young mule's shoulder scalled all over, healed in one week and NEL D plowed daily with Lankford Collar. WM. BOYD, Chrnerville, Ark,” - « . 4 . : f ‘, ~ =T t . QW B R VD &7 3 I Ve, iy BBV @) QN Bac BNV 7 T LS Y -’"i?_‘{'" s"] :F—; ] - g =1 C Ps, ') !Lé. \ ST RENETE NI s ; T g i » £ h A S ABORISHOBESE - X My & Lm@:sg; SNIER -9_,__:.\'/-4,. MY\ L Il R SRR QE_@:?%:;’;-‘EQ !@..gxfiimgm@-‘flraxm@ v @' : - N Ay Pt ) ) % T 7\ T L 4 [ Mt - /B b gi o \ A ~vj;\t X ;;‘:,}':v-g;a:g;, 7 AN O bst e pl , % —2 A ’;’\_ £~ WAV ?f‘v 4 E) S | \BERSY) Ve Sl 3 A\ fe® | "(;' 0P |“ -4 '\Jf 4'\ | " . ‘\fiw‘)’ /2, / 4 2 i % B PNERTN e ] E s /A ’ w / \ '& 3 A y W\ ‘ SeyY 40 £, ) 1} ;, A ’ ¥ .4 .} s » W. L. Douglas makes and seils more men’s $3.50 (O 12 e e shoes than any other manufacturcr In the world. ’ The reason W. L. Dousflas $2.50 shoes are the greatest sellers in the world is because of their excel lent style, easy fitting and superior wearing qualities. If I eculd show you the difference betwecen the shoes made in my factory and those of other makes and the high-grade leathers used, you would under stand why W. L. Douglas $5.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hold their shape, fit better, wear louger, and are of greater intrinsie value than any other é shoe on the market to-day, and wily the ) salcs,for the year ending July 1, 194, were %6,263,040.00, W. L. Douglas guarantees their value by stamping his name and price on tho bottom. Look for it— |}’ take no substitute. Sold by shoe dealers everywhere, SUPERIOR IN FIT, COMFORT AND WEAR. ““1 have worn W. L. Douglas §3.50 shoes for the last twelve years with absolute g mtég'aclwm. 1 find them superior in fit, comfort and wear to o(hm-spustmo{lrom v ; $5.00 to $7.00.°—8. S. McCUE, Dept. Coll., U. S. Int. Revenue, Richmond, Va. W. L. Douglas uses Corona Coltskin in his 1?3.50 shoes, Corona Colt is conceded to || be the finest Patent Leather made. Fast Color Eyelets used exclusively, - W, L. DOQUCLAS, Erockion, Massachusetts. || . z~> . e UG so AT (ke ODlgloe TE G AT e peWS R R ] oS e f &L e v 3 - 56 : ‘ a ™BS ‘ : P ’B R ek B “ :f;t. g/ % 5 b : ) ‘4‘& rfl a 2 ~ ¢ s . © poh o ’ P " ?I—’". . '.'fi“._?f_..': i v"lft ‘/ ,3;' oy 'f‘,“:‘_ :;‘ 7 i ,v_f' .;.:v‘_‘:”‘,r,. Pé/ B ‘ % o B 2 - 4 G y G \ <3" o . CANDY 4 N\ . . CATHARTIC & . ; T e V‘ [ B g AL\ (| 1 (VAR Lot i} GUARANTEED CURE for all bowe! troubles, appendicitis, biliousnesz, bad breath, bad § i blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow gkin and dizziness, When your boweis don’t move regularly you are sick, Constipation kills more people than all otirer diseases together, It starts chronic ailments and long years of suffering, No matter what ails you, ctart toking 2 CASCARETS today, for you will never get well and stay well untii you get your bowels right Take our advice,.gtart with Cascarets i’odxéy under abgolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. The sgenuine tablet stamped CC C. Never sold in bulk. Samplc and booklet free, Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. L 502 L CURED o Gives .y Quick ’ 3) Relief.. L Removes all swelling in Bto 20- days; effects a permanent cure o in 30to 60 days. Trialtreatment 7, \ / given free. Nothingean be fairer i T A ~ write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons, T I ghaciatists, Box B Atlants, G 'ANSTABULES the best . se!gi medlctn? ee:'".euude.o A hun—d” RAS NP (1o single yonr. Constipation. Bare 7 % bur:,:'%k headachs, dmne ""Efi GBIV breath, sore throat and every :lho. J | arising from a disordered stomach mr:fiovod or cured b&. m’rans‘t»- within twent; mh? ’ot:'a ‘lo‘l:‘:n'iient l::mu.t n u ve tornofilnl’nooeadon. wm—fi'flm