The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, July 20, 1906, Image 3

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L ' M . Misses Nora and »D,u Da'ls, two o \.el_l Bones most charming young laties visited the city Monday. Mr. W, D. Wells. of Smithviile spent a couple of days in the city this week, 'M"OF- S. Hale of Smithvil e was in the eity Mon ..ay. .Mr. R, T. Christian made a businiss trip to Albany Monday. Tom Love visite i Albany Sunday aftar noon. ' U, F. King has been gnite sick for the past few days. : Miss Pearle Ilall is visitiug 1n Smithville this week. 4 Miss Sallie Reid Batts of Smithville will be the guest of Miss Pauline Page this werk, Mr. Morga: Martin is spending the week at Indian Springs. Mrs Fort Mc Afee ot Smithxille is visit ing her moner Mis Salter. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Crowell returned Saturday from a wisit 1o in Montgomery Ozark and Eutaula Ala. Mis. M. E. Love left Saturday for Ma con, Newnan, Atianta and other poiuts. Miss Janet Mitchell of Albany is spend ing several days this week with Mys. Ju lian Ko rester. Mr. Wulliam Clifton of Star kesville was in town 1 hursday. Mr, W D, Wells was.a visitor to eur town Tharsday. . Crops are veing ruined jor want of raih Lavent they Qr are We in a dream. We dreamed that it rained about forty days and lorty nigots, We saw sorty cotwn and fine grass aud weare a peliever in dreams you kuow. But if you dont mind we can all go to mull Never a c.oud wichout a silver Lniing. We have been turning out several orders Ol U WUk thivs Wues alid can beat other Lonit peces Glveusacal . ( Our ercetric ave tov brighttor 2 fellow Wi walkis o vl 08, but ¢.ly rath -1 > pioase soud.a man to show us LOw to l.emn ou.. webioned and theu we got a fa., we got wo fans and lled we had 0 grLa poeus of nLanuel vofore we could go to sleep, send w» the wall Lldl KDOWSs how to blow them out. Mrs. M. E, Scrutchins of Albany was in town (s weck ofl busiucss. Mr., Lob Gill says this w eathesis hot e vough to run a presidents race instead ot & JOVETNUSS s-iup, Why is it that Lee County lanls se'l for Y wuaat jands in white counties sell for wur lands are nclier ane getter. Reul the article Betsey and the wabie th.s week. Mrs, M. L. Bunkley has beed quite sitk bat s betier now. Henry Stovall ate some jce cream Sun day and got #ck aficrwardu -We told him it was ice cream poisoning and that his unly sulvation was red liquor. Kolks do say that Henry tuok the hint, That at the last blow ot the hern- that night be was trymg to stand on his head 0.. tie head of a shingle nail, and announcing taat he was lbeing prepared for the ministry, but he got of the ice cream poisaning after a Icw qualms not of the conscience, and a few double and twisted moves like a small boy who had ealen oo many greeu apples. And now. Heury who never drinks a drop says he never will again even if he does think heis poisoned. Lewis C Russe lwbom Steve Postel saysis named Lee County Russell, son of Plain Dick, is reported doiug v- 1. Boys, Steve, we know wrote the articlesaying that Joe Lipsey had a goat farm with 15000 goals in Lee Connty, Steye'sa good tel low but he cant help it you know. Drs. Price and Duham ace doing a nice business. Read their adveriisement in au other colummn, Eureka, boys we've found him, A Clark Howell drummer, He told us that Hoke smith had been-convicted of trying to help the people get free once more and that Clarkwanted to let well enough alene, Mr. D, J. Mims was in towa Friday on business Mr. Wade Laramore was in fown Fri day on business, C. C. Womack of Chokee was in town Thursd iy on busines.s V, V. Johnson Co. haveto say that they are sclling geods cheaper than the rest of shem., f L.A. Odow says his trade need fear uo fraise in prices that the coyls are geing cheap for cash, and that all who buy in next 30 day- will get bargaius, ' We have been turning out job work thi ~veek at a rapid rate, having now an ex ‘tra printer we can give you gc.d service, . City fathers clean up the low water holes around town of mosquitoes. A little kero sene is - heap, put it in the water and you kill all of them all at onc « And you may ‘save lives by it. It’s a good sanitary move Lets have it They tied a string to the election o R'R ‘commissioners by the people. Cant get nid ot em ale until 4 years from now. In tne “mean time ffores will will be made o re ‘peat i, lUs a caten bill boys. We'l tell you ifubuul W later, Done whwt Huke and keep us lroul vollng yet boys A ring triek. (Notice Aun.nument lost, Llaeteis the 'tk in the Cocoanut, HOW UID YOUK REPRESENTATIVE VOLE BQYS? T ——— Bole Johwson has bren doing some brick work out in the country this week., "~ Willi. Ruuand and Ira Cook, of albany were {1 LOWu this week. Boys pay up lhe sireet tax here and be fuil deaged citis zens. Lets bave another Ice cicam fes. ‘tival ana barbacue lection aay ftor lae wire to make a nic . pack around pne Bap tist Ciaurch lot, Iy ¢an pe made a beauuta) place with a htde a.tenuon, « joy o tue ‘ witizeus of the whole towa, lv 1s a goou move tora nice place 101 all L peopie 0. wadlever deunomiuatloa, besides being a ‘pleasnre w tue frequencers ot the chuicn, alr, LThos: Dixon of cue Soutucra Ray soad Was dere Iriday lovslug 1o wmelolg and ather fruits th ship over tne doulh elil. Ware Martii has got to faaming ta can nest- They say tinat Ware 1s raising up a line crop ol cottou, but Ware says il a GOUDIE CLUD gTdass faill aud Collvu dild aUU: uwiton our utile farmy it'’s alt grass, i Miss Maggie Baldy ot Smunville is vi:] wug e Leesovurg, Miss Anuie Lou Mims and .er siatci Mrs, Waulace left Fusay tor Mubers, slorua,. ‘ Miss Jenuie Ford paid Albany a hbuo.- ness Wiy Lliday., I Bob Laram re was in town Friday wel) ! as ever aod says heteels all U K over prog pects lor a guod corn ¢rop- ; Taue coiored brothers and sisters held a reunjun Wil the feare saoal doue up in paryecue wiph hash attathmedats, on .- Uiy, 4Nhe wealler was dol alid e Darbycue: Lad & dose vl pepper, bul all euvjuyed 1t sldun Ly . 1 The cotto. prospects we repeat are poui Mr B. 1. McKkenny of Santhwlle was m town Mouday ‘ The Baptist church is being repaired and paiuied by contractor Wilson aund .ooks ueat and nice with its new coat of paint uow put the butlons Q. the coat and w. have 1t Jix d. e R NOTICE. OF SHERIFF'S SALE OF | SIOCK O ULUDS, GEORGIA,=Lec County ~ Wik be solu at lue swoee house of F, S, Hal., i 1 the lownt ol Smithviile, Le Couuty, La,, un the (20tu) Lwenueth da oL Aug ust, 199 y, beoween e aega. hours Ol sa.€, Luc LullswWl g property, 1o wit: The “ntire stuen UL gouls, Uuu.s' O Fdry guous, groceries, bouons, hardwaie | axiure:, sca.cs aud all i, Lo elils wsed 10 CALTY OLL 4l ¢ COLGUEE Lhe WerCaatile busi uess 01 sard £, O, lale, situdled and he 1Y Cutilwued 1u the store uouse occupted | vy Sald 1. o, tial:, venyg located Ly Lue coutidtng 1u waicu the United 8 awes Host viice 15 bocated 1 sdid lOwii, il Lue edst side oI tue lalroad, Lue same being levied on as the proper ty ul sald 2, D, lale, un cr and .y vliue of Lwu certain fl-fds., VLE L lavur ul Willl ley Grocery %Lo. (va) . S. Rale, «issued nwom the County court of ice county, (L€lly o coulnon law f-lg, and levied 01l @& par. ol the suld swolk; auu the ol } uelly a worbgage b-ta, assuced lrom tue 1 City Uouit ot Leesouig, levied oun ti v IOLi of said slock,- | luls the 2ooth. day of July, 1906,— ‘ 5, B, Swmgu, Suernitt of City Court Lees burg, ava ot Lee County,— 1 »'3 SCOTT'S EMULSION won't make ai ) hump back straight, neither will it make % . ashort leg long, but it feeds soft bone F y and heals discased bone and is among the few genuine means of recovery in rickets and bone consumption. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, § 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. soc. and $1.00; all druggists. ; e il To Cure a Cold in Une Day Smar. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabiets. ' o every Se\'renemlion boxes sold in past 12 Thiisl signat;y: " é % j/;’&?f!.’ li?’f- ?-?Co . WOMAGE s 60 YEARS® N e, EXPERIENCE e ] et :s.‘"“»_{l, :',-“ PR R § AR Y . W \ | ; i W e\ e XO3h o i N ¥ AR S e o R brmggatior Jh, N - HoeeG A :',:f& A f,g\?{%&? Rt Ug R N B it A pEmtas WY Trape Maßrks ; e N Desiens | ;W N | A L hCOPVRIGHTS &e. | ! » dendding asketeh and deseriptior ‘ quickiy ascertain: our opinion free “—l:m‘,n}-?flg invention is probably patentablo. Communieca tions strictly contidential. HANDBOD P‘} g | Kon Patents | sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents Patents taken throueh Munn & Co. receive . special notice, without charze, in the & & - @« - Scientific HAwmerican A handsemely illustrated : ‘ ndsemely illustrate weekly. Yargest oir. s culation of any scientitic journal, 'l“cr‘f'ns.hsi?}; : yvear: four months, si. Sold by all newsdealers, MUNN & Co,3elBreanvey. faw York }' Branch Office, 625 It Bt., Washington, D. C. » D 7 NINCC g - PROFESSIONAL CARDS e e ‘ S | WARE G. MARTIN! ’ ATTORNEY AT LAW i Leesburg, Georgia - | v LONG & SON, ' | ATLIORNEYS AT LAW, , , Genr gia \ -“MM » . ‘ CHAS.. H. BEAZLEY ! Y ]4.‘\ “’ l L‘Al{) Leesburg, - - Gu i - Speciatty Commercial law and lands. . & “M R. A. Forrester. - Real Estate and Rent-| . - +~ ing Agenv | Lands. bought andsold on.comunission. No chavges f sale or purchase is not made.. All eonvespondunce oromptiy answerd., A lesson in Health Healthy kidneys filter the impurities from .he bloud, ad unless they do Ehis good health is impossible. Foiey's Kid ney Qure wakes sound kidneys aud wil sostively cure all forms of kidney and oladder disease, It strengthens the whole system,—ongs Drug Store Loesburg Ga If you will make inquiry it will be a re veiation to you how many succonb to kid wey or bladder troubles in vne form cr an ther. M tue patient is not beyond med- Lenl aid, Poley'’s Kidney Cure will cure, (t ueveraisappoliuts.—-ongs Ding Sloru Leesbucg Ga, E ; — i | Excursion Rates. | | Via Central of Georgia Railway to At- ‘ lanta Ga. f | On account Tabernacle Bible Conference | ' und Baraca Convention, Mareh 8-18, 1906, | - ate of fair and % pius 23¢ on c«_ert.iiu;;ue' Jlan wall apply, Certificate secured Wom | wents ot starting points on any day Marcn -~ thto the 18l inclusive will b honoced re _urning trom Atlantaat 3 fare plus 25¢. Jor turgher informfyon apply to ncares ticket ugent. : ’ AWM‘ GEORGIA, Lee. County. ourt of Qramary Jwy Term 1906, : All partics are hercoy notified tnat Cato Day as the ; aditilstrator of famund Jonnston dec d (luts of sard | countyj hias nied m this otnice an. apphicatioil lor ihe l saie o 1 the ieat estate beiouging to the satd l',u::‘:nmJ Johnston t=Wit it cerlitin 130 uCres of of laud Ly ing 1u | 73tn district Liee County G, apd known i the s i muud Johnston hoine piace, upon K nicnaloonee cieek, | [or the puarpuse ot pay g e debis due by sai s.d- | mund }':Un.\hul Al Lor AsLiinULIoL AIMONE the hieirs | saiite net belig L.llmbt:l of dlviSion L ki, Souce is | heiesy wivell Uidl I WILL pass Upoh said appiication Lo ; sell al the legluar Aauguse 7yUo Lerm ol the Court of Urdinary salu Lounty. ' Uiyen under my hand urd official signature this July end rgob. : Geo, C. Edwards, Ordinary. w-m.&”wwmw i Noticz of Application to open New Road. g | Georgia, L:e County, A | s, Burke, }, b, Hooks, B. L. Bothwell, ,J. T, Hooks, and otheis, haviug applied fur the .pening and estabishing ot a new pubne voad, conuencing or | sturting at restucnce of j 1, Houns, and to rus ju an ‘ eusterly dlrection through the lanas 1§ i 35, 1"}(:,.., ana J. W. Burke across Qhok-e L Leck, and to Flu Liver; satd road 22 feet wide anu wboill 4 RLEs ong, 1 the fourteenti lund yistrict, und 1238 Milita Disirict, said county, INotice 1> horcby giveh that wld appacativn wil be fingily grauted ol £ 8L 10es Ldy in august next, it no sufhicient Cause 1o shown to (e contriryes : . ’ Given under our official signatures this the 3rd day ’ of July, 1906 B, _"../t;Kumn;y, County Comr. 1. P, Cocke Coun ty Comr, W. C. Laramore, County Comr, Notice of Intention to pazs local Legistation, Notice is her. by given that there will be introduced ato the General Assembly of Georgia, now in ses- Jion, a bill, the title ot which shall read as follows., “ADn Act (to be) entitied an act to amend an Act o establish the City Court of Leesbury, in and tor he County of Lee, todefine its jurisdiction and pow rs, to provide for the apvointment of 4 Judge and 5. icitor-Genzral, and other officers thereof, and to fis.e their powers and duties, to provide for pleading .ul practice and new trials therein, and wiits of er ,r therefrom,and for other purposes,”’ Approved ugust zlst., 1605 (see Acts of Igus, pp-266-276) by yending sections 4 und 6 of said Act, 50 as to change » mode of seiecting the Judge and solicitor-General suid City Court of Leesburg, by providing that o judre and Solicitor-General thereof shall be chosen 11 elected by the qualified veters of the county of ¢ and for purpgses, Nt ) [ g GeLd v i § “"‘, R A ) ] } b o pet W ot O T SRR R ‘ i N Tty i -.._‘*fi"'" wet BT Yl L BN N AN a’ - Fi e WA i Ay 'y b oty sid giomiE. NCON/EN A e? N A 2 e iy ¥ . : } G;:‘ [(Ceey .ty.: DT NN S RN = a2y |)_ R A PRSI - N 4 LA Sty R \gu“ Al ) A| b A ! | B i D, X g 2 PO i Ty R 1", % & b o i s eI o) L 158 B - s b":'r} N R .v:.,"‘, KU Rv e ” M ey S g R 7 oS MR i ¥ Ries i vt See ol e R .3 i “;' 18 Sol A b i 0 Eaagg e _‘vfh,;--"é‘.\ $3% 'fl""‘f‘e g A : . Beazley’'s Land Offer. . Forsale 630 acres of land in Lee Coonty in 2 miles of turnout "on Railroad and with a propose rcad cut closer. Fine for fruits and cot ton. , One four room and 2 reony lrouses, and two oue room houses, running walter, nearly all cultivatable. 8¢ acves of lahd adjoining, one four vl'(mlll house, one new three room house, two twol room houses, some cabins that could be used, but in bad repair. Both of these placet have goed barns wells and smaller hoases, I taken at once 1 will sell these places for §7 per acre. No land around it can be bought for less than ten to sirs ‘This 15 a snap, crek on hack of place. ~ Can get 13 horse farm on this latte. place, clepant for stoek, Termis -2 cash balanee equal payments 3 years, at per cent, ' 69 acres all in cultivation has one our room house, one one 100 house onod large barns gnd i tber imy rovenents, 3 miles from R. R. o | Price per acre gro cn'sh_ ) 255 acres one brand new scttlenrent 3 rocm house, cribs and stables. Seven doliars peracre, 11 can be cultiverted, 1-2 cersh l'a,l'?, years at § percent, ; 3 C. . Beazley, Leesburg, Ga. i 4 a;;\'j;;.j;,-ug,r.;:‘,-“: R IR il AR Fldety el |O SR eSt R AL VD ) > T AR it ARy 'L}\v”"%‘*f*}{‘;})&"“.‘.’ ABTe S TR ST R HRORS LT ey 8 Bt AooiUTßb PR AR v i R S LR P ORI 7o oe, Tl bl Pet Py TR )g T St W BN 348 S iy h 0 9;,;11') YTR & R ,4{;»;_s:‘- ReldeTs i AP NI < M (359 AR 3 2 W s ) AH 1T A¢iA 3 A [ P R B'y N il o iy ’ RN RST TR T 17 E ) Y g"&' 7 Fel et St St RANTRTRR B Sl P i‘- 1 B(1 s ik L 54 A i 3 e ’ PERAEY BTN SN AR bl ey il } ik . T T R R St T e RLR AT s O e, Lamar’s Lemon Laxative is the original lemon § bl BB g o, liver medicine, cures indigestion, con- § il by Ee G, stipation and biliousness, arous- R e {;:l:;*;f ing the liver to proper healthy § o vh" sy Al action. .It never nauseates or B [ gripes, but acts gently and thoroughly. , Bl e e T s B 50 DOSES—SO CENTS—AT ALL DRUGGISTS § - y SN v‘,‘v ‘;I 9 R A T eet B R e s U S OFRt iRRS R Y [ Y Aol AATLR S R w 4 A ; £ ) Ak 3A% 5 o R, RSN ;,_}: ki & i g % i Fiavni : ol LA, (i ] ; ~:j?‘._!'f;;,-,, )i7 Lr ekt BeSay S s N ! & {’v” Ve AR I’,'.‘\- ._de,"',,,'i L Ve ot G 0 b Say 3 AL e s i bit 'y - uy,,-r,,'fi‘z, g A ey .LR [n iaLAR Ay B »,2}; —_— Chid (i : Yel s i ;‘,.,,‘.;pm,.‘;wu_t.; R IR 4 o it AALSk N s Ske QA ey w.;-.‘!‘r‘q'i." Se g A AL ARG e bvl std Lsd % immmmmmenwm;muxu:fww g gy ey iy, g = o - A S T TR AEN S G SRR Rt P Ag S GRS AN W g S R .if‘l., ) ERGOEEYS €A P eBR T Ve (A AN OB e AR S N ) \ U ] fo CTIEIED Toind L B DA A VA l' {k‘:‘-' ;s 1.1!“ it _»‘." A B At ! 4 @ b R W R VLN PRALE R LUNUIA I L. 0 e o %gy Yo e e o ,/;x,f‘ % d .a!‘}v i ‘Q T l'/"’/}/fi'fl"b"“’- " W Gy, e AR RIS T, A :% UL )J}PR I R BT TS S P WL O D _W‘%fiw‘{ Bl ey GG LSOt = il TT R, et W g WS T AR W\ Vil f"’"/ "‘:s'f‘v ~./-,‘;.7’7“?':v Wi """’f. /;_--;],?"-""fl ] Q) SENG \ \zc-\m:.'.f//( fi%:}:\’@,;"};fiflc@m' v ot B | i g#'r"‘& BWi ) o B 5;?(&..“2%}3}‘?{ ;;,T;J'.:"»‘%l';-f Y W ED B m@? T 2@ gaaßi b IR R /7 sz n S~y Dot N/ "Wz rksatvweer YYoinis i )ki‘r",‘/:“ “/ < m, G " e 7773 | »lf;{ "";“ (5 ";u 19 ’g b A ;'"‘ . ”‘« ”%E D e, 4B 8 % % ) ¥ Ll smae \ % ";'W T 4 'fau ‘;',/{’n ‘_:-‘: 4o > T ATRAWIR ¢ e T‘E;f’."l'&.i‘%ifiw:»i’ LAY B 4 i ‘ & ey 7, T . A e b, K o ] DrawiNG-Room VESTIBULE SLEEPING CARS | BETWEEN BIRMINGHAM, COLUMBUS, ATLANTA, MACON, AUGUSTA AND SAVANNAH, GA. AND BETWEEN ATLANTA AND ALBANY, GA. PuiLMAN SLEEPING CARS [‘\\ BETWEEM ST LOUIS, NASHVILLE, CHATTANOOGA. ATLANTA, Bliss ?RAI i MACON. GA., AND JACKSONVILLE, FLA, ! EN//fi\ 3 A AL ParLor CARs ON DAy TRAINS § \ R 4 BETWEEN ATLANTA. MACON AND SAVANNAH, GA. - W. A. WINBURN, J. C. HAILE, FoJ ROBINSON, ! VICLPRESIDENT AND TRAFFIC MANAGER GENERAL PACSSENGER AGENT ASSISTANT GENERAL PASSENGER AG‘NY‘ . JOHN W. SHIVER, ‘ ———DEALER IN—-— Lumber, Lime,Builders’ ¢Material AVI ek ‘“““l/)d"“fln trom any source. Write for prices. ‘L INO. W, L,l ”vl‘;]{ e Americus, (‘}c(,)rgig,,‘. i% Mallary Bros.® allary bpros. Machi achinery Co. " Macon, Georgia ENGINES, BOILERS COTTON GINNING MACHINERY, SAW MILL MACHINERY, Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, Pumplng Outfits. ¢ GASOLINE ENGINES Complete outfits a specialty. We witl make it to your interest to consult us,