The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, December 22, 1922, Image 1

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THE LEE COUNTY JOURNAL VOLUME TWENTY-FOUR We have received a good many Santa Claus letters, some of them written by tota who could not write their names planly, some of them with signatures carelessly left off and some of them too late to get in print. , Now Kiddies, old Santa Claus as well as this editor; loves you everyone, I have written him to get here, without fail, and tofind you every one, and lam sure, out of the goodness of his heart he will, so should you not see your letter in print, or see it without the name attached, do not feel disappointed. He announced over the radio, last night, that Mrs. Santa had been making for the full year and packing for the past week, that he had his six reindeer har nessed and a new and large sled and would be on his way without the possibility of a mishap and would find every stocking. How ever, he cautioned me to caution you to begood and to remember that “It is more blesssed to give than to receive’’ and to add, “‘lt is more blessed still ta give t) those who are not able to have than to give unto those of whom we expect presents.”" Here’s the merriest Christmas to you from one who is lonely and who will only get pleasure out of that gained by seeing pleas ure emanating from your hearts, Dear Santa: Please bring me a little wagon, a drum & horn, some fireworks, nuts candy & fruits. : Your Little Boy, : Julian Fouche. Dear Santa; lam a little girl four years, and I want you. to bring me a pair of pajamas and a cry baby doll, a little stove with a kettle onitsol can cook. I want a raincoat, with a cap, so I can go out in the rain and a little piano. Remember my sister and brother, Fred and Laura. Your Sweetheart, - Marie Forrester. Dear Old Santa: lam alittle boy seven years old. Please bring me an air rifle, scme roman candles, some fruit and some fire-crackers. Your own boy, Frank Yeoman. Dear Sweet Santa. I am a little girl five years old. I want you to bring me a pair of pajamas, asleepy doll, a rain coat, a red unbrella and some fruit. Don’'t forget my little cousin, DeLama Harrell as he is a sweet little boy. Your little girlie, » Mary Price. My Dear Santa Claus; I am a good little boy 5 years old and lam almost ready togo to scheol I'will ask you to bring me a 1 horse wagon, a drum and a lots of good things to eat. I am . Your Only Boy, =~ - . Isrsel Hirschensohn.. Some Appetite. Toronto Paper—Lady, living pri vitely would like a gentleman for breakfast and dinner.—Boston Trans. eriph, e LT RS LR D 28 YOU ARE NEVER | lSecure From Fire--- | : But yor: are secured from going ‘‘broke’’ after the fire if your property is properly’ l_ insured. : Others consider it better to pay a little for | insurance than to lose a lot by fire. How' about you? - ‘ \ I represent the most reliable Companies of i America. : i B T. C. THARP, | - Leesburg, "~ ‘Géorgia.: Dear Santa: Please kring me a foot ball, .22 Rifle, 1 hox of shells, electric train, fireworks and some fruit. Your Little Boy, James Kirk. Dear Santa: ; Please bring me an air rifle and shote, a few firenorks, nuts and fruits. Your Little Boy, Hugh Fouche. City Property Changes Hands Mr. Lee Mathis sold this week his house-and lot in Leesburg, known as the McMillan place to Mr. H. C. Mathis. . This proper ty we understand sold for a good price as usual. City propertyin Leesburg sells better than many other towns of twice the sizeand property here brings a good ren tal. Leesburg needs several more dwellings and store rooms to supply the demands of people who want to locate here. Mr. Henry Cannon will move to Lees burg on the first of January and occupy the Mathis residence. W. D. Todd Buys H.D. Logan’s Farm Mr. W, D. Todd, who is con nected with the Hollis Corpora tion bought the farm of Mr. H. D. Logan last week and will shortly start to improving same aud putting out pecan trees. Mr. Todd came here sometime ago from Chicago and has made many friends here. The price paid for the Jand was good so we understand but were unable to get the exact figures. Buffalo Milk Rich in Butter Fat. The Aslatic buffalo Is a very valua dle animal, its milk containing three and 2 half times as much butter fat ‘as-that of the cow. * Leesburg, Lee County Ga., Friday DECEMBER 22, 1922 CHRISTMAS GREETING As is customary with newspapers, we will not issue a full paper next week, but wili with the general public, celebrate Christmas in as befitting manner as we, under existing circumstances, can. We will not, 'on account of our age and the fact that they are socks anyway and aged too, hang up a stocking to catch the goodies of the season, yet we will smile with a glad satisfaction on the joys that are brought unto the young hearts that are so susceptible to the season’s emblematic mot to,” ‘‘Peace on earth, good will to all men.”’ In this celebration of the very greatest event of the world’s history---the event that brought from a blessed Gud a Gift Supreme that has awakened a broader and more beautiful world---let us not for get to emulate His spirit and receive gladness into our own hearts by giving joy unto others. Let us not forget the unfortunate ones of earth ; the widow and her children, they whose mite is insufficient to ward off hunger Jand to keep out the cold; the aged and infirm who. have outlived their loved ones and in whose lives but little light shed; Jet us minister unto them in their need and’ in so doing bring into their and our own hearts and lives the true gladness of the season. Then will the goodness and mercies of a Bountiful Giver follow in our pathway unto eternity. ; May the Christmas chimes ring clearer and the New Year dawn brighter unto all the inhabitants of the earth is the ftrue wish of the Lee County Journal. : No Regular Paper ~ Next Week In accordanee with the custom of the editor, the printers and office devils taking a partial va eation during the Christmas holi day season, the Lee County Journal will curtail to a large ex tent, the matter that will be issued in the next issue. It will be necessary, on account of the legal advertising that we earry, to publish a sheet, though since we will not publish a regu lar news sheet, we make this explanation in advance that our patrons will understand the mat ter. Our best wishes are extended unto you all for the happiest Christmas that you have ever spent and for the brightest and most prosperous New Year that is promised unto an energetic and a good people. , EDITOR. Church Services , Leesburg Baptist—J. H. Wyatt, Pastor. Preaching 2nd, and 4th Sundays Morning and Evening. Sunday School 10 o’clock a. m. B. Y. P. U. 6 o’clock p.m. every Sunday. , W. M. U. Menday afternoon fol lowing 2nd and 4th Sundays. Mid Week Prayer Service and Choir Practice Wednesday evening 7 o’clock. : Methodiet—J. D. Snyder, Pastor. . Preaching 3rd Sunday, morning ard evening. / . Sunday School 10 o-clock every Sunday. - ! Presbyterian—Rev. Grille, Pastor Preaching Ist Sunday morning and evening. : Sunday School 10 o’clock every Sunday. | : A !_ Always, A little learning is a dangerous thing when the man who has none tries to beat it Please Help Us Out Christmas is here with its good cheer and the spirit of the lowly Nazarene prevailing when all lu manity looks to his fellows relief, comfort and happiness. Now, good people, vou've re ceivel the Journal for a year rome of you, while others have received it for a much longer period with out paying for it. It cost money to run a paper, just like it does any other business, and we have a family to feed just as other people ha ve, This is our! way of making a living just as yoilrl vocation is your way of making ai living. Those whom we owe wel must pay or get cussed. We are not going to cuss you jusl now, but are going to appeal to you, man to man, to come not next month or even next week,but TO-DAY, and pay up, then if you don’t ap preciate your home paper, stop it. Our Christmas ig already shorn of the brightness that should have dawned from the east on account of our laxity and your laxity. It is not too late yet for you to .put oue little bright sgpt where it belongs; will you. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends Tor their kindness shown to us during the sickness and death of our dear huskand and fatker, May God’s richest bless ings rest upon you at all times. Mrs J. S. Ayery, D. L. Avery, C. G. Avery & family. -PECANS WANTED—To buy your seed ling and paper shell newpecans, crop only, cash market price paid for them. Submit samples as soon ag gathered, stating approx imate amount you will have. I MILLS-McCORMACK l CANDY COMPANY ALBANY, GEORGIA Mr. J. S. Avery Passes Away Saturday Mr. J. S. Avery a well known citiz>n of this county died at his home two miles from Leesburg, Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock after a short illness from pneu monia. - Mr. Avery was a good citizen and well liked by everybody, he has lived in Lee county practi cally all his life and everybody was his friend. | Deceased is survived by his wife and two sons, Mr. Charliei George Avery, of this place, and Mr. D: G. Avyery, of Camp Ben ning. The funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock conducted by Rev. J. H. Wyatt, pastor of the Bap tist church and interment occur ed in the Leesburg cemetery. fCourt House In - Need of Repairs We call the attention of the County Commissioners to the fact that that the roof of the Court House is badly in need of repairs, in several places during ‘the recent rains leaks are found in all parts of the building. This will shortly cause the plastering tu break and this will cost a con siderable more than to fix the roof now ey R. H. FORRESTER, Agent NEW YORK LIFE INSURANGE 60, ASSETS $952,632,139.00 Protect Your Family - WITH A GOOD INSURANCE POLICY. ® g Christmas Of all the days of the year, Christmas is the mosg, celebrated--and justly so. It is the anniversary of the § greatest personage the world has ever known, our blessed & Savior. 9 It is a day of good cheer that touches the hearts of every one, from the youngest little tot who can hayéany: conception of Santa Claus, to the one, ripein vears, whoy is waiting the summons to meet the one whose birth w celebrate. TR = In the Christ spirit, ‘‘Peace on earth and good to man,”’ the peace that passeth all understi;ndin' unselfish desire that ege’xfy one should be happy;';; bank wishes you, one and all, a merry, merry Chris# JANK OF LEESBURG, . T e G.A.NESBIT, PRESIDENT ~ O.W.STATHAM, VICE-PR «;: R T C,THARP; CASHIER, .+ = A A { - - Cows Rurning on . . Streets Against . . City Ordiance We have been requested to call che attention of our readers to the fact that there is & city ordinance against cattle, horses and hogs running at large on the streets of Leesburg. The City is now doing some ditching for the sewerage and waterworks and several cows have been re moved from the ditches already but none have been hurt so far. The city is not responsible for any animal being hurt in these ditches and it is up to the owner to look out for them. This is done by order of the Mayor and Couneil, - | Death of Mr. Vo A — e j Mr. B. D. Kelley, for some , time Assistant Cashier .of Bank of Leesburg, but who signed some time ago to- - Battle Creek, Mich., for fre ment, died at the home of his gister in Cinecinnati, Ohio, last Thursday and the remains were sent to his old home in Ashburn, where interment occurred in the city cemetery there. o Mr. Kelley was with the bank' here for about two years and. _ while here made many friends | who regret to learn of his death. | Number 44