The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, January 12, 1923, Image 1

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THE LEE COUNTY JOURNAL VOLUME TWENTY-FIVE - Accord Fair Play to Railway Mapagement ‘Pensacola, Fla., January 9, 1923 —"‘lf the public will accord faith ~and fair play to railway manage ment ard railway investors, trane portation during 1923 will be adequate to handle the nation’s busipess during what promises to be ‘a period of prosperity’’ said J. D. McCartney, Assistant to the Presi dent of the Central of Georgia Railway in an address at the annual meeting of the Pensacola Chamber of Commerce tenight. ““On the contrary'’ the speaker gaid,'‘if public sentiment listens to the cry of agitators and radicals, transportation will be so restricted that it will be unable to meet the. demands of farm, factory and mire. Quoting the words of President " Harding that no problem is more important than that of transporta tion, Mr. McCartney argued for a fair trial of the Transportation Act, which 18 now under attack in Con gress. He cited figures to show that the railways are now handling trafic of record-breaking volume, “which he contended was proof that the present scale of freight rates . does not restrict the flow of com merce, and gave the annual report of’the Interstate Commerce Commis sion as authority for this statement With the growtlr of a better un derstanding of railway problems ~and the realization that the coune try’s prosperity is linked with that of the catriers, the speaker anticipa ted mutual benefit to all interests ~ involved. Church Services Leesburg Baptist—J. H. Wyatt, Pastor. Preaching 2nd, and 4th Sundays Morning and Evening. Sunday School 10 o’clock a. m. B. Y. P. U. 6 o’clock p.m. every Sunday. ‘ W. M. U. Monday afternoon fol lowing 2nd and 4th Sundays. Mid Week Prayer Service and Choir Practice Wednesday evening 7 o’clock. Methodist—J. D. Snyder, Pastor. Preaching 3rd Sunday, morning ard evening. ; J Sunday School 10 o’clock every "~ Sunday. el Presbyterian—Rev. Grille, Pastor Preaching Ist Sunday morning B 4 ovening. Sunday School 10 o’clock every Sunday. ——-——o———— . STRAYED From my. place on 3lst of Dec. 1922, one tall black mare mulel about 16 hands high, in poor con dition. will appreciate any infor-! mation furnished me and reward any one for their trouble. ‘ J. D. CLIFTON. (g{j L., O, OODB D D S SNNSN TN TSN NN el ‘ : : 10, o YOU ARE NEVER @ o Secure From Fire--- 10 10, But you are secured from going ‘‘broke’’ 8 8 after t(llxe fire if your property is properly [0 _ insured. 10, 8 Others consider it better to pay a little for 0 o] s nll)surance than to lose a lot by fire. How 8 0 about you? : 0 ; 8 f&repr'esent the most reliable Companies of [Q merica. : 0 0 : 3 T. C. THARP, © 9 Leesburg, - Georgia. 3 WW SOO 0O COOOCOLOOCOO coococoocooe Detroit Manufacturer Has Bought Site Near St, Paul Where He Proposes to Erect Large Motor Car Factory .. St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 9—Plans to establish a large plantin St. Paul for manufacture of automobiles and tractors were announced here today by representatives of the Ford Motor Company. . The Ford company today completed purchase of 1674 acres nf land on the Mississippi river, imediately adjacent to the government high idam at a cost of $315,000 as the site for the plant. Application has been made to the federal government by the Ford company fcr the power rights at the dam, but if this is denied, the company will erect a plant to be operated entirely by steam, the announcement said. If the waterpower rights are granted, it is planned to build a $10,000,000 manufacturing plant and ultimately to employ between 14,000 and 15,000 men, according to the Ford agents here. It will be on a somewhat smaller scale if the powers rights are denied. Preliminary work will start in March it was said. : -PECANS WANTED—To buy your seed ling and paper shell newpecans, crop only? cash market price paid for them, Submif samples as soon as gathered, stating approx imate amount you will have. - MILLS-McCORMACK CANDY COMPANY ALBANY, GEORGIA e () s BUDDED PECAN TREES FOR SALE I have for sale Budded Pecan Trees of all varieties now ready to set. This is the best time of the year to put out Pecan trees, Prices are reasonable. See me or write to H. 1.. LONG; SR, Ordinary, Lee County, ! L.eesburg, Georgia. W.R.Grace & Co. _NITRATE OF SODA Imported Direct From SOUTH AMERICA Use it on your COTTON . - GRAIN - CORN And Grow a Crop. | Get latest prices from GEO. T. BURTON, S.mitbville, Ga. - OR NITRATE AGENCIES CO. Agerts, Savannah, °.° ‘. Georgia Leeshure, Lee County Ga., Friday JANUARY 12, 1923 » . Work Progressing On Sewerage System The work of ditching for the Leesburg' sewerage system has about been completed and the contractors are on!the job- and have already started laying the sewerage line, This line will be a great benefit to the residents of Leesbufg and will no doubt keep down a lot of sickness when everybody gets connected. -——-—-—o_————-—— STATEMENT OX CONDITION OF THE -BANK OF LEESBURG | Located at Leesburg, Georgia, Lee County. At the close of Business December 20th, 1922, As Called for by the Supt. of Banks. ) M » KESOURCES b et Time Loans and Discotnts. .. $124,429.97 Pemand Loans...ccccacecaea 663.50 Loans Secured by Real Estate. 16,67C.94 Other stocks and 80nd5._..... 3,270.00 Banking House.....c .coeue-a | 2,471.27 Funiture and Fixtores._..... 2,825.00 Other Real Estate Owned.... 2,593.80‘ Cash in vault and amounts 1 Deposited with Approved « Reserve Agent5_....._..... 19,374.57 Adyanceson C0tt0n._......0.. 203.67 Other Checks and Cash Items 660,46 Qverdrafts, 1 ANyl Lii . 187.01 Other Assets not Included BRIV, oo voo vvvi i sibuna SPN TOTAL....--...... 5177,214.65 \ LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in...... $15,000.00 Sttplus Bund. -- o ia 0l 5.000.00 Undivided Pr0fit5........_. 3,912.30 all MOBGY_ o eeaennnnnne 44,000,060 Individual Deposits Subject A S ChEE. s 2 RO Time certificate of Deposit.. 16,134.67 Cashier’s Checks._.... ... 10,671.17 Certified Checks._ .. __------. 11:25 Bills Payable to Banks in oth- - ep States. oo oL 0 7000100 Notes and Bills Rediseounted with Other Banks in this Blater o sTk L GUABO Certificates of Deposit for Bor- o roweld Money ..o oeceeoooo- 10,500.00 TODAL: soo $177,211.65 STATE OF GEORGIA, Lee County. ‘ Before me came T.Cobb Tharp,Cashier of Bank of Leesburg, who being duly sworn, says that the above foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank, T. COBB THARP. Sworn to and subseribed before me, this 6th, day of January 1823. L J. J. FORRESTER, N. P. State at large, Ga. For Sale Nice red potatoes, $l.OO Bu. 3 nice - milk cows with young calves, $35.00 each. Young colt broke 33 years old $50.00. Apply to E. B. LEE, Leesburg, Ga. 4t-1 e Top off each meal . dwith a bit of * i sweet in the form -§ of WRIGLEY’S. 1t satisfies the = sweet tooth and . alds digestion. Pleasure and | benefit combined. I 2 Wrap- : ”""‘Q}?‘ | qw\, FT Pe M 4 THE 2> W l Leesburg City Court Petit Jury List Drawn at Adjourned Term To Serve at January Quarterly Term 1923. N F McMath H B Stovall i Nathan Minchew Carl Howell ‘ G H Martin W P Martin | G A Nesbit W J McDaniel ! S M Jones Sr C S Pryor F M Norton D G McQuage Griffin Stocks E 1, fimpsgon ', O B King J S King A H Booker Jesse Stocks J M Johnson W H Richardson T F Jones M J Richardson ‘B E Powell. T J Alford City Court To Convene Monday The January quarterly term of the City Court of Leesburg will convene here on Monday, Janu ary 15th. The list of jurors to serve appear elsewhere in this issue of the Journal. | T ey ? LOST Somewhere between the printingi ‘offic and Court .House a Masonic‘ pen. Finder .return {o Journal Office for reward ‘ - It will be gratifying news to the friends-of Mr. N. L. Palmer to know that he is greatly im proved after an attack of pneu monia. o .—.—..o__— Mrs. W. 1. Deriso_visited rela tives in Sylvester last week. RO | e Among the young people spend ing the holidays in the communi ty are, Misses Grace and Wilma Wright, \ Nanie Stocks, Louise Deriso and Mae Akins. rLae Mr. W. W. McDonald made a business trip to Albany Saturday. chibi e The people of the community extend to Mrs. Joe Davis their heartfelt sympathy in the death of her grand daughter, Miss Agnes Davis. ' —_——-o.——-——- - Mr. E. J. Stocks, Jr., attended the meeting of the County Com missioners Tuesday. ———— Mrs. S. L. Hinson was shop ping in Albany this week. : : Nobody was forgotten at the Christmas tree and many little hearts were glad over the kind and generous gifts of the people and they are still enjoying the toys; clothing and many more useful things. .—.—-—o—-—-——— ' Thundering §Spring Baptist Sunday School meets at 3 o’clock every Sunday aaternoon, every body is cordialy invited to at tend and get interested in the good work which is progressing rapidly. “A Helper.” } AR o A Daily Thought. ‘ The greatest of faults, 1 should say, 18 _to be_consclous of none——Carlyle. | 19,598,907 Bales Of Cotton Ginned To January 1 Cotton ginned prior to January 1, amounted to 9,598,907 running bales, including 165,281 round tales, counted as half bales, 28,498 bales of American- ligyp tian and 5,065 bales of sea island, tne Census Buteau announced today. : To January 1, last year, gin nings totalled 7,882,356 running hales, including 123,348 round bales counted as half bales, 30,240 bales of American-Egyp tian and 3,106 bales of sea island. Ginnings to January 1, by states follow: , Alabama;"Bl6,246. - Arizona, 36,692, Arkansas, 999,202, California, 23,611. F10rida,27.311. Georgia, 730,539. Louisiana, 343,812. | Mississippi, 980,994, Missouri, 134,487. North Carolina, 851,369.. Oklahoma, 632,359. South Carolina, 508,021. Tennessee, 378,090, Texas, 3,092,458. Virginia. 25,728. All other states, 17.201. 666 is a Prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe. It’s the most speedy remedy we know, preventing Pneu monia. | How About Your Valuables? 1 (fet one of our safety deposit boxes and you can i say* _ : i \ *‘Now lay me down to sleep, Teesburg Bank guards my slumber deep, ” : i My valuables are safe, I’m not concerned 1i my house catches fire, they won’t be burned.” i The small fee we charge for a year’s rent ona safety deposit box is a mere trifle compared to the anxity experienced, or the risk you run in leaving your valuable, papers or jewelry lying around the house, in your desk drawer or some other place of insecurity. ‘ (et one of these boxes, where you may have access to it at any time during banking hours in a good fire and burglar proof vault G A NESBIT, PRESIDENT = O.W.STATHAM, VICE-PRESIDENT i T. C. THARP, CASHIER, ; i prOWWMQGMOMMOWMM““MO”i R. H. FORRESTER, Agent NEW YORK LIFE INSURANGE GO, ASSETS $952,632,139.00 Protect Your Family WITH A GOOD INSURANCE POLICY. _ 'Small Blaze on . ‘Tuesday Morning The residence of Mr. J. J. Forrester was discoyered to be on fire Tuesday morning by neighbors. The fire alarm was sounded and the fire was soon extinguished with ‘only a small loss to the roof. - Taxes Being Paid Slowly Tax Collector R. R. Greenis busy of late in taking in the she kels that are due as taxes, and though the taxes were all due and should have been paid prior to December 20th, the date for the closing of the books, a con siderable amount is yet due, gome of which he is taking in daily. - N Executions are being issued as fast as can be, and in a very short time, when this job is com pleted, they will be turned over to an officer for service. Better get your taxes paid at an early date and save the trou ble and added expense of this mode of collection. Something like about sixty five per cent of the taxes has™ been collected to date. Good Plot Everything. A plot, after all, is a design to whigh everything elss must be subordinated if the reader's attention is to be en ticed and enthralled. Rude life may not conform to this design, and the psychologist may desplse it, yet there is no such thing as a good novel that has not a good plot.—Francls Hackett. Number 1 #