The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, April 13, 1923, Image 1

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THE LEE COUNTY JOERNA4 VOLUME TWENTY-FIVE Should a Bank Loan Money for Advertising? Should a bank loan money for advertising? It should, in the opinion of business men “When we strike at advertising meaning, of course, efficiently applied advertising, we strike at salesmanship, and the heart of business ‘‘says one well known banker. ‘ “When the merchant pulls down his shingle and waits for business to come to him in a buyer’s market, we laugh at him, and call hima poor husiness man. “When he is forced to cut down one of his methods of selling because his banker considers‘ adyertising an unnecssary item of expense and refuses an other-l wise deserved loan purely on that principle, it is my humble( opinion that we should laugh at the banker and feel sorry for the merchant. “Dont mistake my meaning. It is a basic principle that a loar must be well secured. But the fact that the firm isa believer in advertising and wants to usea portion of the money for that purpose should never stand in its way when it fails on the bank’s credit department. Smithville Sunday I a School News Smithville, Ga., April 8,1923— The attendance of the Methodist Sunday school has increased. There heing a total of 49 that attended Sunday School Sunday morning. Class No. 1, Mrs. D. E. Phillips teacher, was 100 per cent. Those attending were Roy McDonald, Alice Childers, Anne Ansley, Jack Childers and Anna Rose Simpson. - Class No. 4, Mrs. C. R. Malone teacher, was also 100 per cent.{ Those attending were Zona Bell, Sara Clark, Elizabeth Cowart, Bertha Miller, Eloise Godwin, - and Dorothy Hays. There was one visitor, Little E'eanor Wilson from Leslie, Ga. FARM LOANS .~ UNLIMITED 6 per cent Money for Goods Farm Loans in Lee County. R. E. L. SPENCE Albany, ys Georgij : & ® MCdlCIIle- P I have a complete line of Patent Medicine of all kinds now in stock and-can supply your demands for most anything, Castor Oil, Turpentine, Epson Salts, 666 Chill and Faver Tonic, (Giroves Tasteless Chill Tonie, Vicks Salve, Vaseline, Quinine, Cap sules. You can buy this at a big saving by buying from me. 3 /##— J. K. FORRESTER, ~ . Leesburg, s2=-33 Georgia Petit Jury List Drawn at January Quarter ly Term For April Term 1923. S M Jones Sr M S Childers M W Kitchens E J Bell Jr R T Jones A L Andrews M W Bryan Wiilis Bowen J H Kirkpatrick H T Kearse G C Kearse J R Usry H D Logan J H Randall Sr Herbert C Johnson S M Jones H H Laramore G H Laramore T S Burton Jr O P Womack Roe Lewis H L Long Jr Gid Stocks W H Long l J O Morris R H Forrester Would Amend The Constitntion New Devils first Type Setting By FRED SADLER l Amenvment to the contsitutien of Georgta where by a mortage gtven for the purchase of ®small tract of lang whitch the purchaser lesireq to live, sYoulq be exempt' from taxation in the oppinion of .roseph A. McCorq, chairmad of the boarq of the Feqeral Resesve Band of Atlanto. NOTICE This is to advise that applica tion to the Georgia Public Ser vice commission for authority to ditecontinue agency at Adams, Ga., which was set for hearing 10:00 o’clock A. M., April 10, has been postponed until 10:00 o’clock A. M., April 23. Application will be heard at that time at the offices of the| Georgia Public Service Commis-{ sion in the State capitol, Atlanta. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY By H. D. POLLABD, General Superintendent. : Melon Seed The Thurmond Gray water melon seed for sale. Place your order now with C. A. Thurmond, Perry, ‘Ga., propagator and succeseful ’grower of Melons. Also get fiee with your order o wreatise on how to successfully grow and market the ““Phurmond Gray’’ melon. Leeshurg, Lee County Ga., Friday. APRIL 13, 1923 Would Amend The Constitution ; Amendment (o the constitution of Georgia where by a mortgage lgiven for the purchase of a small“ tract of land on which the pur chaser desired to live, should be exempt from taxation in thej opinion of Joseph A. McCord, chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlan ta. ‘ “If I had it in my power’’ said Mr. McCord ‘I would amend the iconstitution of the state of Geor giaso thatif a landlord or land owner should sell 80 acres or less )of land at a reasonable price to a prospective farmer, white or black, that the debt created by the purchase of this 80 acres or less, where it did not cost the man who purchased the land more than six per annum interest in cluding all of the expenses, that said morage should be free from taxation, and that the purchasing land owner should pay only on the equity of the land."’ Mr. McCord said he would con fine the exemption to not oyer 80 acres and he also stated that the amendment should provide that if prospective landlord should re forest 20 acres out of the 80 acres under the supervision of a fores tay commission created by the legislature, that the entire 80 acres would he exempt from tax ation for a period of twenty years. The machinery for keeping re cords concerning the small farms would be set up by the county grand juries, he stated. He said his proposed amend ment to the constitution was actu ated by the fact that in Georgia today there is double taxation of land and land mortgages and that on account of this fact, no cne will make loans at low rates of in terest because the mortgages are subject to taxation as well as the land. He said the enactment of l an amendment similar to the one he suggested would result in the entire state be double with small farms. e e NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received ly Trustees of Red Bone School District, Lee County, Ga., on 27th. April, 1923, tem (10) A. M. in ILeesburg, Ga. for ‘erecting Unit Type Four Teacher Scliool Building according to nlans and specifi cations furnished, Contractors will Le trequired to deposit Ten ($10.00) Dollars for plans and specifications, check made ’payab]e to S. J. Powell, C. S. 8. - Bond will be required of successful bid 'der. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, k S. J. POWELL C.S. S. Leeshurg, Ga. A | ( y/ Every ~ Meal “ ///( l @ . and give your &N stomach a Hift. | ~ Provides “the bitof sweet” in beneficial v form. ’ Helps to cleanse | the teeth and keep | s fi :mem bealthy. | | | Where the Central of Georgia’s Dollar Goes The Central of Georgia Railway which is the largest tax payer in in Georgia paid more for taxes in in 1922 than it paid in dividends on capital stock. Out of each dol lar expended by the Central of Georgia last year, 4.95 cents went for taxes. ~ These and many other interest ing figures are presented in a form that is less confusing than the average statistical table by President \Vinburn who tells where the railroad dollar comes from and where it goes. The average revenue ton of freight per mile 1s only 1 1-4 cents proof that it is volume of business rather thanrate that en ables the road to meet expenses. The Central of Georgia hauled more than three and one half million passengers last vear. The average distance per passenger was 44 milez, and the average revenue per passenger per mile was 3 1- cents. There has been some recent ag:tation concerning salaries paid to general officers of railroads. The Cenralof Georgia pays less than one half of a cent out of each dollar it expends to its general officers as salaries The statement gives an inter esting insight into the various phases of the tranportation busi ness. TAX RECEIVERS NOTICE I will be at the following places for the purpose of collecting the State and County Tax Returns for 1923. All other days I can be found at the Court House in Lees burg: RED BONE. Phelem, Tuesday, Feb. 20th, Beloit, Tuesday Feb. 27th, E. J. Stocks Store, Wednesday. March Tth. : SMITHVILLE Saturday, Feb. 24th, Saturday, March 10th, Saturday, April 23rd, CHOKEE J. I. Kaylor, Wednesday, March 14th. D. C. Jones, Wednesday, March 28th, \V. M. Laramores Store, Iriday, April 6th, PALMYRA Cocks’ Store, Wednesday, March 21st. F. T, KING, Tax Receiver, Lee vounty. | ettuce---Letuce I have plenty of large head Lettuce for sale at 5¢ per head. Will deliver anywhere in Lees burg if you will notify me and give number of heads desired. MRS. MARY BUNKLEY. «COLD IN THE HEAD” is ‘an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent ““colds” are generally in a ‘‘run down' condjtion. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a Treatment consisting of an Ointment, to be used locally, and a Tonic, which acts Quickly through the Blood on the Mu cous Surfaces, building up the System, and making you less liable to “colds.” Sold by druggists for qver 40 Years. ¥, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. e | SUBSCRIBE City Court to . Convene Monday The April qnarterly term of the City Court of Leesburg will convene Monday morning. Quite a lot of business both ‘civil and criminal is on the calendar to be tried and court will probably last. :for several day. ' CRANFORD—FORRESTER A surprise to their many friends was the announcement in the Macon Telegraph last Sun day of the marriage of Mr. Clay Forrester to Miss Gladys Cran ford which occurred at the home of Dr. and Mrs. O. W. Statham, of this place, on March 13th, the Rev. John H, Wyatt, Pastor of the Calloway Memorial Church ‘performing the ceremony. ~ Mrs. Forrester is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Cranford, of Sasser, and is beautiful and ac complished young lady, she was one of the teachers of the Lees burg High School last year and while here made many friends. Mr. Forrester is a promising young business man of our town and has a bright future ahead. He was reared in Leeshurg and is well liked by everybody. The happy young couple are now at home to their friends at[ the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. W., Godwin. %g@ngg@%f@@gzg:@gggz:g@g@@ 4 R H. FORRESTER, Agent % NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. gfl ASSETS $952,632,139.00 gfi v Profect Your Family 5 WITH A GOOD INSURANCE . v POLICY. . | Look Forward--Yesterday Is Dead! - . | I If all the 3obs and sighs and tears i Of all the dead and vanished years Were brought together in one single spot, Their energy combined could not Restore one gingle shattered dream, Rejuvnate a froitless scheme, ‘ Repair one broken pledge or heart, : l Or render straight a crooked start. | So why waste time in vain regret? t Today is here and must be met; [ Start ont anew, forget the past, | Gireat fortunes can still be amassed, ‘ Great leputations still be attained, ‘ And posts of honor yet be gained. | Look forward, yesterday is dead, ; ' The land of promise lies ahead.— Herbert Kaufman, The above words, written by Kaufman, are true— ' every word of them—and should be an inspiration to | every one. The sentiment expressed is so beautiful and { inspiring that we want to pass them on to our friends | that they may take courage from them. 1 § If we have made blunders in the past, if we have | failed to get ahead so far as this world’s goods are con | cerned, do not brood over the past, or lost opportunities | but rather profit by them. Letus help you in your l ! finances. You will always find us courteous, giving close 1 ’ attention to the minutest detail, whether your account § be large or small. l ! T S A kL) |G A NESBIT, PRESIDENT _O.W.STATHAM, VICE-PRESIDENT | % T. C. THARP, CASHIER, i ot e s New Store For Leesburg Mr. D. M. ‘Melvin, who last week sold his grovery business iand meat market, is this week opening up in the store next to the court house formerly occupied by Sam Hirschensohn. Mr. Melyin has all fresh new groceries and a complete stock and will also operatea meat mar ket in the same bhuilding. His friends will now find him on this side of the street, where he will be glad to serve them, Notice to Qur Subscribers A good many of our subscribers from out of town will probably be here next week attending City Court and we trust they will find time to call at the cffice and pay their subscription. The editor will be out of town but you can find some one at the office throughout the week. We have recently purchased a costly machine and must raise some money by the time itis shipped so we are asking our subsecribers to pay up. Number 12