The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, May 18, 1923, Image 2

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The Lee Co. Journal OFFICIAL ORGAN OF 1 E COUNTY AND CITY OF LEESBURG ’ ’ Published Every Friday J.P. H0RNE,...........Edit0r EDWIN F. GODWIN __Publisher Entered at the Postoffice at Leeabrug, Gia,, ¢ second clags matter, Advertising Rates Furnished on Request. Subgeription £1.50 A YEAR. Wl’ FRIDAY, MAY, 18, 1923, THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE [ T T A ‘;“a.f_..\_&.._.— ;.‘..:;_nV' A\ e : GENERAL OFFICES {IOW YORK AND CHICAGO RANCHIUS i ALL THE PRINCIFAL CITIES B s s Shortage of farm labor report d but plenty of people willing Lo give free advice, ——— .. - Claimed that city people are quicker to act than the country folk, which simply may mean that they are more likely to go off half cocked. A good road is an invitation to everyone within 50 miles to come into a town and trade, while a bad read is o suggestion that people would better stay away. ENTERING THE OPENING DOORS Many communities are doing all that can reasonably be asked toward the diffusiof of popular intelligence. The doors to ambition and progress and enlightment are wide open, but a lot of folks seem indifferent whet her they enter or not. After all, the principal element in_ popula education is the willingness of the peop'e to be educated.. The facili tios are being offered all the tine, if they are only accepted, The cities and villages which may lack suflicient faeilities in the way of libraries and reading looms, ought to remedy this defect. But until this is done there is no leason that people should lie down and feel that the doors of opportunity are olosed to them. In thousand of places where such facilities are denied, the people club together to form reading circies. They unite to purchase a sclection of magazines and books which are passed around from one to :umlhcr.‘ They see the best current literature and they become well informed. The result of making educational facilities easily aszessible is to en courage a lot of people to think about community and publhe pro blems who otherwize would drift idly through life in a more super ficial way. A community that pro vides such easily accessible facilities will in time have a more thuught-f ful population. Its people will show the result of brains in the way they order their public affairs, Yet there is no one =0 remotely located that the facilities of vdm*:v‘ tion are denied. Many of the in telligent people are located far fmm! the facilities of colleges and lectures, and classes. But in their quiet homes they are faithiul readers of the newspaper press and the litéra ture of the times’ They know what is going on in the world and could take a better part in intelli gent conversation than a lot of {olks in metropolitan society who are close to the heart of events but who fail to take advantage of their op portunities. PEDESTRIANS AND AUTOS The abuse of automobile driving by many incompetent and reckless operators has become a national scandal, Still the fault for accid ents is not wholly with the man at the steering wheel. The pedestrians must take some share of it. It would seem to be a malter of common prudence in these times. for people who cross streets in any city street or town center, to look )'mlh waye for cars, The ;,,u.n{ cught to be automatic, The machine that eonies toaring over the crosswalk at a far too rapid rate may he all in the wiong, but it is more importint to the pedestrian to save his reck than to compete for the right of way. Pedestriang as well as automobiles are too anxious to gave every seeond, and too impatient about waiting 2 moment untila jam of teaflic passes. In ost places if people wait only for a brief instant, the cars that ocsnpy the streets will pass, and they can cross in peace and safety, But many have so little gelf control that they can’t wait a fow cecondg, and they may fail o fee some car coming from ungeen direetion. The habit of ‘jay walking’’ of cross'ng the strects at direguliar angles, is one that makes tronble iny many locationg, If pedestrians vill form the habit of crossing ad recogmized places where they have the right to do =O, motorists will be heiter able (o look out for them. l A favorite trick of Leedless ped. pebrinng, i« to starl to cros<a sl,l'(e-'l‘ it an irveguiar place, coming out trom behind gome ear parked against i e eurb. The person who t,i.u-xl ippears In an unexpected spok iz the tervor of the careful n:ulmis(,e,l and the vietim of the careless one | ['he tinte has come in places wh«-ro’ traflie is at all congested, when pon-i ple must give up these drvegular| ways arnd learn to eross in the| places appointed for them. l ! After Every Meal 8 Top oif each meal with a bit of | sweet in fhe form § of WRIGLEY’S. It satisfies the sweet tcoth and ‘aids digestion. Pleasure and benefit combined. Save th ‘/A. pers )< o A . A A L M) LNV pY. M THE A HILDREN \\\s:"" z I\ iy i N o c Church Services Leesburg Baptist=—J. H, Wyatt, Pastor. Preaching 2nd, and 4th Sunday* Morning and Evening. Sunday School 10 o’cloek . m. B. Y. P U, 6 o'clack every Sunday. W. M. U, Monday afternoon fol towing 2nd and 4th Sundays. Mid Week Prayer Serviee and Choir Practice Wednesday evening —[' l)‘!'l“\'k. Methodist—J., D. Snyder, Pastor, Preaching Brd Sunday, norniing ard evening. T“ll\lxl'l)' sSchool 10 o’clock cvery Sunday. Presbytevian=—Rev. Grille, Pastor Preaching Ist Sunday morning and evening, sunday Sehool 10 o'clock every ih'un\l:l.\'. For Confederate States Stamps, all arve wort! Money, 1 buy them and pay as high assloo cael for some of them. I you REWARD Paid have any old stamps Confederate or old U, N, issucd before 1870 write me. Send postal card for free illustrated list that [ pay, write today. JOSEI'H F. NEGREEN, S East 23 St. NEW YORK Goid 81 picces also wanted Beards QOnly for Kings and Nobles. At one time Kings and nobles were the only persons permitted to wear beards, servants being compelled to shave in token of their servitude. ,£i . ° Hall’s Catairh Medicine Those who are in a “run down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are In good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists in improving the General Health. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. K. J. Cheney & Co., Teledo, Ohio. S(R eali RSR SRy IHE LEE COUNTY JOURNAL, LEESBURG. GEORGIA . . Umted States Tires areGoodTires | on M . Trude Mark, ANNOUNCEMENT -~There was a shortage of Royal Cord Clincher Tires last ‘,4 year. Production is doubled this year. //~(} Demand more Y/ than justifies T ;;‘ this increased - "’\?\:\\("; : production, \«)')”D N\\ .;'?3‘ ‘ Whenever you LS \\\“ have a chance to ,;? A \\\\ \:fi ‘ buy a Clincher Ji¥; ) \* '\,‘},?"fl, Royal—take it. JUIE B /e I\ N | - [of 7 ‘3\| g ‘ ({C*) So[ /fi;‘l ‘hl ; ‘ (73 () %78 B 5 e AR ,';,’.:&‘ }}u 32 T JEARNS o BPBA AR i / g QL A LR 7 )l BN 7Ok .‘fmk\ g 7 o 0 | Whereto buy US.Tires R E IHOWE b i e '"v ¥ (% P "I-- Ti"n‘ ':7.'-’:" ey [ . is EAGLE“MIKADO”PencxI No. 174 [, A | e R LT S Y e i For Sale at your Dealer Made in five grades ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND 1 EAGLE MIKADO ¢ | EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK MICKIE SAYS— JOB JEST THOUGHT Mg WOZ A PATIENT GUY A~ HE WEVER WUZ. ‘TH' EDITOR OF A COUNTRM NEWSPAPER, SO HE WEVER WAD NO REAL HRMOLY | S i | Wasted bak e \s"eeonr?zi P & | T e ////:( \DOII@I’J‘ * o A :‘;:' “fl {l :§ g e 20 e “ / l = Z Ou s ==_"-?- %f . Sonme Never go to a goat’s house for wool. When I argue with a fool there are two of us. The way of the backslider is full of splinters. Contentment consists not in great wealth, but in few wants, ~ The shortest ‘way to do many things Is to do only one thing at a time. Many a man has died of heart dls ease brought on by worry over his heart. If your horses shy when your hired man goes near, get another wman, Ambition is af\\'a)'s conmendable, but when it gets topheavy it is like a fat man on a banana peel. Put every tool in its place; the dull ones by the grindstone. Or, if you have power, by the emery wheel. Some peopie spend so much time preparing to enjoy the hereafter that they find little or no pleasure here. Uncle Levi Zink says that one halr tn the hash will cause mora hard feel lag than seven mottoes on the wall CRN Qvaras-—- - - e —_— N e RSy T s7~ V\\':';‘-';SV_-,:},’}-E" | 2 A =% R _.f__\;_»#' Sy {%‘s@#"?% - AT P R 52"9",,< w‘% e Od‘?i: 0 4‘3‘; ..-;a_\.:.ixtic.,-\_ ; v»‘.?:%_:_-,_-‘-:::~ '~'-‘.:-_~5-.2% - »;?‘;";r s M.*y 22 ,~:f.~,..<-¢-z;«-;>z:--‘?‘" B, T e %3%,\%\%\ - ~"\;( S '}Mfiwb 3 i b, TR SRt VRRE TR SN FoRE E . ; S oA s ,~Jx:~\-~‘rv°§:»-/ = 'f,\, Sy eB L 3 ‘&«l‘:".\J ‘\S:“[}‘:'-" '.>_.- .<,-.r,‘ }.;' A%;‘f.;"'gn 5 *'f‘-:;::-’-‘:q.”v «":’,34 “fl%?’ ke eSy ;@!s’%*«@,@% 3 .‘-::-::'::"7::"':'::-.-.\ ABT -::",i SRR i 7Roy R 7 5 ':’\',: Th .;:::::5:':'\:::::"" ‘-‘3’??33; .;‘iffa B /nzf 4.:;’:.';;‘1::@, SRS ”""fi‘é:iz?‘ , S eG 63 ,’% 3 SRS 0y ;-._.:;.:;.;;.-----\-.,..,_‘1“‘* .-.:-.,-.:‘Vl'-T-.",' e<G T >, ‘uf','«)“?{. e s -_g o : ‘{.‘\"’""":'-‘f.'--'.@‘\;@a’ S SRR S };@:, X S G “ 2 ;~.;..:5’.-. 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'::‘;:-.5::;»,:,:;;:;:_:;';:;3:;-::‘;.:-‘-- BT u g ~:1.::1.::';‘-:E‘-'.':fi':::';::':::‘;::‘:::';::;.., e ?g-_;-.';:j;;:‘-_;:';:.;:_.. ;;-_g:_;‘;;-,;:;‘-:-:::--*’, R %3 .:':‘::EE:':::':::‘:::E::':::':::':::';1:3,::';'-:';::‘;:. RS R e ! -.::';::E::':::‘;:::,:;:.;:3::.::::._._:::::.. | H.:.'\"' ~"'l('s':=':':=':':=':E:E'::’.';:‘;. e 2 ‘ B g i W S 8 wfi ca Gum-Dipped Cords GCaining New Faimne for Service 194% Sales Increase in Last Six Months Shows Trend Toward Firestone The dpublic has emphatically spoken. The popu lar preference in all territories is unmistakably the Firestone Gum-Dipped Cord. A standard of service has been set by these fa mous tires without parallel in the past. It has brought a sales increase of 1949 for the past six months over the same period of a year ago—the greatest gain in all Firestone history. The Firestone Gum-Dipped Cord is the mighty achievement which has enabled Firestone to break the tremendous record of past Firestone success. " The tire buying public has been aroused to the Most Miles per Dollar ; iresione i ' GUM-DIPPED CORDS e Get a set of tfiese Gum-Dipped Cords from one of the following dealers: <l: LEE SALES AGENCY, Leesburg, Georgia YOU ARE NEVER | ecure From Fi Secure From Kire--- But you aic secured from going “broke’’ after the fire if your property is properly insured, ~ Others (‘()'Hrii.(l(‘l' it hetter to pay a little for Sisurance than to lose a lot by fire. How about you? I represent the most reliable Companies of America, . C. THARP, i.eesburg, - Georgia. 9 @ caicine- I have a complete line of Patent Medicine of all kinds now in stock and can supply your demands for most anything, Castor Oil, Turpentine, Ipson Salts, 666 Chill and Faver Tonie, Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic, Vicks Salve, Vaseline, Quinine, Cap sules. - You can buy this at a big saving by buying from me. W ———————————— ' AN QT J. K. FORRESTER, ~ . Leesburg, 23=m22 Georgia Timber Wanted [ am in the market for Pine Timber will pay for delivered at my mill 10, 12 and 14 dollars per thousand. This is a good chance to make money on your timber if you are prepared to haulit. N R. F. POPE, Leeshurg, @ Geoigia results in economical mileage of the Firestone process of double gum-dipping. The buying-swing toward Firestone shows how it has advanced the public’s standard of tire value. Ask owners about Firestone performance on theiz cars. Note the big taxicab fleets Firestone-equipped. Watch the new cars you see—just from the fac. tories; Firestone Gum-Dipped Cords are seen every where in fast increasing numbers. Get the maximum extra mileage that only the Firestone name assures you. Only by insisting on this name can you be sure of getting the genuine gum-dipped construction.