The Lee County journal. (Leesburg, Ga.) 1904-19??, July 13, 1923, Image 2

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THE LEE COUNTY JOURNAL R AR A O A St OFFICIAL ORGAN OB B CHUNTY: AND CITY OF LEESBURG Published Bvery Friday J.P. HORNE, .. .. .. Fditor EDWIN F. GODWIN __Publisher Entered at the Postoffice, Jat Leeshrug, Ga,, as second : : clags matter, & Advertising Rates Furnivhed on Request, Sul‘wcri;.)fim‘) 81.50 A YEAR. FRIDAY, JULY, 13, 1923 THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE T\ CENERAL OFFICCS AFEW YORK AND CHICAGO BANCUES I ALL THE PRINCIFAL CITICS THE COMMUNITY’S REFUSE One of the important problems of city and town life is how to dispose of the vast quantity of refuse creat ed in the course of daily living. There arc kitchen waste, table re fuse, waste paper, ashes, tin cans, manure, ete. If there is no ade quate system for caring for such re« fuse, the same iz a perl to health, fire hazards are created, and the neatness and beauty of a communi ty are sacrificed, An article in the American City degeribes the refuse removal systems in use in Towa eities, In 10 of them varying from 11,000 to 126,000 pop ulation, the ayerage cost of these methods was but 37 per capital for the year 1921, though lour of those including collected only garl ugu,‘ and three collected it for only five to #ix months, The cost of eflicient sy=tem for col lecting all these wastes is slight com pared with the benefits gained, st VACATION JOBS The majority of the gehool and college boys now look for sunimer jubs through their vacation period They are tired of having to depend upon their dads for every dime and nickel, and a regular sum coming in weekly =eems an end greatly to be desired. They see the older fellows swelling around with automobiles and treat ing the girls, ete, and they will work hard to acquire a little of this independent position for themselves where they can afford to be liberal. The amount of pay that they get counts heavily in the choice of sum mer employment, . Yet the job that pays best for the time being is not necessarily the best thing for a young fellow to seck during his week of summer freedon. The jobs that a young fellow takes up during successive summer vaca tions constitute a change for a stu dent to try out different kinds ol work, and find out what lines appeal to him most. Some occupations that had looked very desirable to him on the outside, may geem after one sum mer’s experience not to be worth any more effort, A fellows success depends very much on whether he makes the right choice of a calling. If he gets | into the right thing, he will go| ahead easily like a boat sailing| ‘down a river. If he enters s:nnv’ ‘occupation to which he is not| ‘adapted. he will bump up n;::\insl{ obstacles at every turn. ] © The main thing for a fellow to| congider in secking such chances, isi not the amount of pay envelope that i he draws, but the value of the ex-| perience that he gets and the light l it throw on his future carcer, Hv! should seek the kind of work tu% which his abilities best fit him.’ even if it hardly supplies him with ‘all the speading money _he desires | {or the brief summer period, i Author’s Trip Almost Royai. - Mark Thvaln says that whken Bret Harte came east in 1870 to take the | ’edltorship of the proposed: Lnkosidei ‘Magazine in Chicago, that he crossed the continent in such a prodigious ' ' blaze of national interest and egcite- | “ment that one might have supposed‘ _that he was the viceroy of India or & j progress of Halley's comet come again after 75 yoars of lamented absence, ‘ ) ‘ m ' A‘ 5 % N Take it home to . the kids. Have a packet in 5 “A your pocket for an | 9 /4 | ever-ready treat. ' . " . : A delicious confeo ; After tion and an aid to | the teeth, appefite, ! " | E digestion. EALaY i - I M | X | . -~ . Scaled in its BEPE-ls ; Purity Package 7 2R | e y [ T T e P L) R ‘ 1 J u‘ LW\NGGUF'A,“ /) \ ROy (S | P st U L | 41 LR ’y;,a..' ” * I B 3 4 Lut the landowner would say, “That is paper money—ny land is worth . one thousand dollars gold—the gov . ernment has printed so much paper ' money folks haven’'t much confidence in it. But I am willing to take a | chance if you will give me a dollar . and a quarter in paper money for ‘[ s4ch gold dollar's value of my land— ' in other words, I'll give you my land ‘ for $1,250 dollars paper.” ‘ * - » | | Soft money would be only another way for the money-politicians to hand the farmer the same dirty deal as the baskoet manipulator. In the first case the farmer unknowingly gave a bushel and a quarter of his product, and in the second case he would have to give a dollar and a quarter of his money, for a dollar's value in return, # * * In Germany they have carried the manipulation of the mark so far— well, it seems harvdly believable, but if they did the same thing to the dol lar, it would take over ten million in paper money to buy that land. The primary producer can raise hig prices, but not fast enough to equalize this drop in the gold value of unsound money. That is where the catch comes in. | Tall? b | Hall’s Catarrh Medicine ‘ Those who are in a ‘run down” condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALI/S CATARRH MEDICINE con gigls of an Ointment which Quickly Retieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which asgists in_improving the General Health. Scld by druggists for over 4 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohjo, | o, S -)’fi‘:‘ T O PN .~ R R AR Bl PN o RO PR () bR ree oR as 4‘;‘2"‘""'%" ;4!{'.' ™ R e D, R Sl Oy AT i NELLY ohotegerese e, 0N .}?,; T At eot esescs Do el e o BORY ARV A A eßlaa e SRS N S DGR O sst ety eR A By R ¥ . e ‘:“M"“" : AR RYAL SRRSO KK Ry DRI o : 1l SR - o -’\';‘::"‘. 4 .;( & 'n':"fl :‘.‘-. / NDR BA S Ry frgo e g NA, M 2 2 ¥ Vet et TSN e, Qe AR BRI e e e o KRN *AR ROORRRRRN . OiR Lt e e “TGRR \ ettt AR L e (TR TRy R oo e :‘:-'3 / ot L 0 S TDACRRSERRAN ee e e 30 2 BY, %" s’ N e hetes "f' ARG e ISR T N e ‘ ABORON - BERNL) A o B w 0 Ney S T 3 R 80 o¢AL S RO . 200 SOO DR s a 0 v AN g " ..-....:u.’x' 'i:: NS AN e e . o.n' at ~ 21 . (3 St e Y o ¢ o TR & %\,—"l.:-\', ‘{é‘am ...‘.-... ety ‘,.c' 5 &% . . f'.'.y\A <} R9w e e et eiR . \ W R RO R o v e e e e 2.0, 'll.‘.[-‘ ‘.,..!0000. . .:. ... N 3 DUIBRR ¢o ¢ e ~'..;.:.0 o YN e 1 (&' 50000 00 T ae Ty §Y e (. o 0 ARG L% o e\ % Al 48 ... AT . " \l:":"' ‘i“'.'.'.'.’{ e . -.0. sos+ Q : & . fc‘ 208 ,:: ' éz;:c:g:'fi?' 5. '.'fib' SR IR ©\‘ § ol 2 o Al 0 3 MRS e e ol . , o Atßee¥ X % y 3 SO R SRR eSRO,R VA N ) Ty oy AL ! ) 2, o 0 XIP OIS LTS "".‘,{“‘,'g SooRK VRt O XR R s S-,‘-_%"V,‘"‘ ¥, | « . J!‘:":'- M‘ A 5 . ol LT N Naab Iy .oy ST 2AR G P A NCU v O e Ry SPERURGE AN, RNI AL . O RREREREST. 2 TRRTNE AR o o AL R e Rihs, ¢ 4 = () ¢ eo ° W .o o -jr-,'r}y:,:‘.f,*:‘ s < -t . RLR sßBeeg A e i A NA R ;“' oSS S ST SNAP S MM‘M You Kiaow Sy, M A, BT f EEEe B R =APBe S < e O Gy e EREY B L Gamm LGem D ,f}‘\ L ‘ s K;“"h,. ; & = T Cord Quality AT > > :\ = 5 ’&_‘ BUY NOGW From Regular Tire Bealers at These Astounding LOW PRICES _“_f ABRIC Size s Tire Tabe 30x3 “‘999” 7.50 1.95 30x 3 1-24999” 9.85 2.00 - CORD 30x3 1-2 )1.26 2.00 32x4 20.80 2.5 33x4 21.95 2.65 32x4 1-2 28.00 3.30 33x41 1-2 28.00 3.00 830 34.90 3.95 30xH 35.80 4.15 36x6 60.25 8.70 gBx7 SH. 75 10.60 40x8 110:50 :13.75 Lee Sales Agency Leesburg, Ga. IHE LEE COUNTY JOURNAL, LEESBURG, GEORGIA N The Rural Teacher " % ‘ s nSummer-Scheol e — \ “ It is gratifying to Lknow thai each summer marks an inercasod enroliment of rural teuchers in summer schoold, Some are at tending for the eingle purpese of adding credits to complett ‘the number of requircments fo) the much coveted degree. Other: {go for the recreational as well ;us the (:duq:;ti(mal advantages ‘!o{fera-(l. Dm*umr:-: of summe: schools which are located nea our wonderful parks, lakes mot'ntainsg, or ocean shoves ad variise extensively and advan tages offered hy th:iir specially favored loea ity for nature study, outdoor recreatior, art,ete. I 'the selected work is not too strenuous, and it i 3 pessible to lele:t one or two ‘‘extras,’”” the rural teacher will find Ithe sut. )jccts of Visual Instruction and ,l’la_v not only interesting but ‘beneficial. Summer schools are offering courses in the technique of Vis ual Instruction, teaching the rural teachers how to select and use asterneopticon anda ‘moyie’. The rural teacher can use a “pres-to-lite”” tank or a storage battery to provide light for the lantern when electricity is not available. An electric current 18 necessary to secure the lest’ results with a “‘movie.” | Play and hcalth are closely related Rural teachers should take with them from the summer school new games that can Le played indoors on a rainey day and outdoors in the sunshine. Problems of discipline vanish when the the teacher is a ‘‘good sport,”” ‘,knows the game and plays it fair and square.”’ Red Cilcioth Eifactive. Red. a very brigit red oilcloth, makes an unusually effective tabla | covering for a dark corner. Usually the place for such material is in thel kitchen, but occasionally one seces it in studies and sitting rooms and in the dull light the ¢ect is really quite lovely. | - - Notice of Teachers | ¥ - » | examinalion | The examination for licenge to l!c wh i the publie Heheols of Geoy g, wedl he held dn | Leesbuig, vugnet Srd and 4N vext begin get Bw, om. Those - holding et grade Beense expiring this year may haye the same renewel by akirg the examination on the read g Conrse=""see helow,”’ For informsation see the County aperintendent, 8.4, POWELL County Supt, of Jchiovol GEORGEAN 1923 READING COURSE FOR TEACHERD Primmary and Generad Jlementary 1. Manuel for Georgin Teachoer County Superintendent, free, 2. Bveryday Pedagogy (Lincoln) Ginn& Co. Atlanta, £l.lO post prid. 3. Acguirivg Skill in Teaching (Grant) #uthern Sehool Book De pository, Atlanta, $1.35, postpaid HIGH SCHOOL & SUPERVISORY 1. M:nuel for Georgia Teachers, Coanty Superintendent, free. 9. Every Teachers Problems (Stark), Am. Book Co:, Atlanta, $1.48, postpaid. | 3. Methods of Teaching in Iligh: Schools (Parker) Gian & Co., Iv“.t-g fanta, $1 80, postpaid. ] e e | WANTED f Men or women to take ox‘ders‘ for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men, women and children. Eliminate darning., Salary $75 a week full time, $1.50 and hour spare time. Beautifnl Spring line. INTERNATIONAL STQCKINC MILLS, Norristown, Pa, 7-27 Vocal Music Supreme. Wagner wrote: The human voice i really the foundation of ail music; and whatever the development of the ait, whatever the boldest combinations of f composer, or the inost brilliant exe cution of a virtuoso, In the end they must always return to the standarg set by vocal musie, Oldfield Cord Tires are race tested—hold ing all of the track records made in the past three years. Oléficld Cord Tires are road tested—in the Wichita, Kansas, Economy Road Test, in the winter of 1922, the official record showed a set of Oldfield Cords had traveled 84,525 miles bafore the first tire gave way. And this is only one of many instances of unusual highway performance. Oldfield Cords are built by one of the largest tire manufacturers, who must main tain the established reputation of these re markable cords. 3 Here ars the biggest tire and tube values ever offered by anyone. Come in today. Buy your tires now before our stock is ex hausted. Purchase from a regular tire deal= er, located near you. We stand -behind these tires and are ready at all times to give you prompt service. ebl R ERERSIRIRIE I | Le e s SR S RS R S O A B .Vg - = q ,"’1 3 ey g a o : L oOMmMe ,O < I‘. L .\'r . -~ i-' | ‘ s";-.n-.-._:v::\ :L;'.’ i '(e_'., [ # “ ‘. ' Bo¥ S ;; {:’. % Q fl‘. ' “'i % | H y FOAPEINCS S f i b ' ‘ Lot } wy . L . _v«-~~_,--.‘_ XAW el R " e e ) TN A ) 1‘ "/ (" 7 ‘ ;" ‘ - ,""u R ? hieiel/cean ljn’ezeflß/lOW @ > v ,_;,,F};.;l ‘ i v iy, Sl | RPR e e o SR RN i e R O L et |AR WLy l ; ! e v,.,-_‘- e _-i \Q "..2'l; o ,4;;\‘\\ \ 3 4 ,{"’i"‘,/‘ it e gt R Y &Bl ,g&i‘:‘(‘]”»‘ eT e A S SN, S B E R il : R ,‘.’,J_ BTN L 3 AY B 7 4 ':.‘ I AN NS e Rl e . PITRONT e bYy W/;fii’ i i o 3?‘ ! et T o W £ T e, AR\ |.ooT L 0 R o oe N | | PR et Sl 2 e ¢ e : > oet ","»A‘,‘:v e, P | h‘ W e Syl 3 J N ! | | = ’fff/ VAR ey T N rA"' | L ,4‘3 (,‘ v . ',,,,f/“") Rey o, ! i \, Pol ’:d'q\/’ &Kafi\y AP e Te i e Caudlt! 7 se e e . { L aesly YT ~ \AR T > t % ! ’g"i»":'!f., ;;/ / ! y 1.';?(‘;&13‘7;,. . N . i £5 g’ " ’Z"'\éftu-;h '| ‘,. ~" b t ( ‘#}y}‘v;‘: } A'\;‘ 3 .:’l}n 9 ‘v;;. _’",.“ z s LAY ‘ | ‘ | o 3 , Excursion - afl‘c-J j.~ \\&.,/ A ..E y 1‘ Q‘.{Y&l.‘ . . j ATEeS Via ‘ e o~ A 4 . | TdIICO iCL J 7 £ 3 . 2 °q .~so A e - < Centralor Geordia Railwa N/ N B E,Fi\.-_i Q.,[ Ii & &4, i ! i : THE RIGHT WAY L v:‘,':-,mv ‘,‘:"&? ; T _n. SRR e R 2 3 : £25 i b Moy ME OH e B i S e s w~\ ; &3 N 3 B ”':,..‘;A £eo©u & 80 B AREYOU IN NEED OF TAGS CARDS BLANKS = FOLDERS - DODGERS RECEIPTS ENVELOPES STATEMENTS “ BILY, BEADS INVIEATIONS PACKET HEADS LETTERHEADS ' WE PRINT ANYIHING THAT CAN BE PRINTED DEBOCOE BLRsDIBILITLHLOODOB DIV VIBL GBI Cali at this cffice. Prices Reasonable. D WORK I G()()’E/ VY fi,.a!& 3 NY TR giE)*er' : /ql YT OUR SPECIALTY Uncle: Eben. . “Dar’s mighty few people,” said Uncle Eben, *“dat don't believe dey’s {ntitled to synipathy; an mighty f:zw dat won't resent it, if you effers it too liberal.” R e RT R TR R R TT R R T R R P Eeas e b e T T Zyinl Jtsse esß i s sonhTER R e Bel b b Rel S TR RS R e e R R sTR SN A a SIT R e Sl iy Swini RLRR R R “W‘% 4 g e iR S e e e eOAP AT i R o s R R ee S S RER Rt dnasiiisiniin e R S ee e s s st RR R ST S _*{.‘}33,4' e s e e ie e e i e st PRSI REG W R gt e R e i e e eAP R grEssi e R B e ie T e e e g B G s git g R i:~;.‘,i§:"~_si":::;’:e'l'-'::‘»',=-,‘.‘..'::‘e2‘=zi':'v.‘-,&{;":i’;"{;i“.‘-zi.‘{'rfifiix *‘?flij e aEn R iz '-}"v,-. P R 1“t':":-"."-"j-"='=',‘f"5?‘:":12':"‘;‘.:‘:‘f.‘::‘_fiéa'.’.‘:‘,’i;i‘%':=.~':5i':?~=.‘.:‘.'-’53‘: -,“"3; RriEE s s R g et R R e e s "’-?s"‘:=-'-2=."-‘:'!"€ Re e e SREE R R e e R R e RNe e R S e e e R ee e e el R g SO e '.g.‘,‘,';;’ R i L e AR S g i R aERE s It iR et e st i ee M S est gpnnel s RET RE SR gl iRe T RN i i e R si e R M SR T i e 'r'{ f 5.%1-1‘ e ee e e A it s SaRtLU AR Dt R R R R e s e e R e i s a}#‘f?.u Bodd Bl e se e e frate st i e R B se e e *3&s‘l» Fin Bet fispaln e R i st eR e dr Bl e gt R e ee e R e N e e gEm O R s Eo iee R e et s R S eR R R ."‘q.‘“n. 3;-;,‘“—%@ iass Liapiie ki a N ety iI LG sttt al e TR S gAS TR e faiba SaREE e \’-!;‘\'».-'.‘. .‘S_:‘;-’; st R e e ee S *,i',‘a""{’*dnfi' AR e s ottt eR e eRR R SR G R el e N Be e e R R et BRI et eßt e SRR e e ) S Hargpni e L e st st e G sßt Ree e pe R e Re e L '-é‘- '-'_4:‘.':‘fi‘%.':i'_f{“".-l:’;'ui",‘.-’.:’; L i <-;"~;;.::g:!';;.4‘\;5‘:";\_:_;'.-‘,-:;'.1.‘-";‘:332{&.-‘:;fi;zi'{f;;z_‘,:;;‘,@;g‘;‘:‘::':‘»A-.'; PRI LES Ay diigee e SR A\‘sfl"u R A O Bkt et eAT ST R R R i S e e e e g e e B eet LLR e R e e e SRR oy Tt TR ahai st pal s S e s Re S T acts Se pa bt faßhaie BL RS R e e el e v Bils A T e i 4 et sAy SIS B Se e e e R T ;‘.‘:"s&@‘-“-‘;;:,;'-42‘-;1:.- ».'.p‘*‘*“r"“‘»:’ajfg e R e e R e e RR A e e dgfi‘éf‘;;.:"w 455 e i R R AR !‘..-a:‘v'.i“:';(i‘-.':'.!afi"’."-”‘:‘f'.'-,:.'i»"w‘;":i“.‘&'?}-.'-?‘:‘:’-‘m‘:-’.r==‘:a%_'r'-.-::-,:’_:-::.".‘»::;".':a e e eeee e e o T P e e ee e e fafishdsmi AR eg BT St s Rt R Re G R L Ssansin R e e «uj\h? R R e L ;{;a" SAR e W R R L i ee e S e aniEiEE A G e e R R W S e R 2 R RSR RR R eS e e e ‘s‘=; et R Pipes o o %,ga\ nf k\}!fi"'m;« & e B e e R R e e e B TR e Egaimnt et i s e CA AT AT AR é% SRR T B R e e BDeawas ee e e o gt iy i it R, LR T e R SRR Ti sl Rl R SR SRR :’:fif{w SRt A i A prERsRRa i GLR ST R R RN es e R e e eS I FEmERs éf“"‘.*.“afi:?:;‘_‘ DleomEs | el S ERn b R T R s L e e e Zde | P e R ee SR o R R M RR S R M T ROt ) e e 4‘3:&“ ?mfww;‘? | s L meßa Ll el SRR NI SR TSRt et SR —-* i eEm e R L : Re Rt paoey, R Faalrl aleth iR -s‘_':‘-.":; rßet 7 PgCLLRRET e L e 119;.'%33’: 2 ER IR b e e G el s e BEL e T sot e et SR R R i R T e Ema Bloiks R ‘a:%’n* Bl ..1533', -’»fi«;«:»wt-c;-:."v'-.»‘:%;;?v{é-'f sEnTp Lk eR s 2 A S g conh Rt Sietel iatater Dl miay L atingedetie ib a e Lap RReel AR i S NT e BB eSR e e oel Bl SR R '¥‘e4m%a;:a§t¥=*&ie‘s,l-f;§f“t§_s' PR L oW e R A Be T R eW U S e e e SRR g LA \-,—___‘L,Eaai‘ G TBT Tet e e o £ sATe e e eyt o i TR S el %r A Y Fimmine AR BTN eon e 8 o 2 F TTR -,;_‘;;E-f%;;w@ e T SRR Tty UTel e s A eit el e el elaed SR s R SieREE B e Deia e B O S u"g’fifiafi;@fiy;‘ aay HREI R R ;fé’.‘:é‘g SEsaEEn T ,L Fe P Pet e S L e G saipratet, g Y RSI ek iy B TeITR S N e e Eraee oo e S ARG R aERTe TL B A TN R R Eewees 0 i ORO - B T cenD el - o :i"hsq:—” R e \3&, e W SR e S SR S e R R SRSR T "—’ "flf:{" S e iy P gt e Ry -*giq_» - u .?!a :‘.l—; Hinanasy P 23t R 1 Sl R R T e R TR R - S P, o T e e g o T e B BT i “,::s:*} e e e e e gl en R T e ety iabaal v A B AR ee B o i R R e e se S g el e nr»agg'li,»':«'el;?fi“i:'—.,;‘azf‘_’::':—:z RN e e e }.w_ Gy i ~7_§;_=-i;=\3?£;?.=.:.“,i-;342 £ o S R Wl i R pEabhaot D R eRTR S e e e SR eeae R Sl Wi eRR s S iS e e :1-“%'-‘%—-' SEaniaes delai ':‘E o T e e 2 '-':,’L-"-.:s.‘.";3:?:':;:'fl'.;‘:,l,'“.h;:‘::_‘4 i +f“,l‘7 é Ne e R S S Y R s S P e e e A e eAT£ S g L e e S -. R A i e e Pt N S R R i “l HEAR YO’ CALLIN’ ME” It Is Estimated that 100,000 Negroes Have Left the Farm Districts of the South for Industrial Plants in the North $ —Journal of the American Bankers Association. stiotlcan’ and “Mavourneen.” In Ireland a gitl is called a ‘“cok leen.” “Maveurireen” is the irish terin .of endearent for a gkl or weman, in other words, the Irish fop Yevopl hanret.” :