The Blairsville herald. (Blairsville, Ga.) 1892-????, July 19, 1892, Image 2

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fHE BlfllljSffiE PJP l’uu.isjua) Kvkv KrmtAV ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM C. M., C, J. Wellborn, .Tr QU1LLIAN – WELLBORN, I’Koi’inuroiis. Carl . 1 . Wellborn, Jr., Editor Jus, l„ Haralson Associate Editor i'Jntciml :it the post office at Bbiiihville (i;,,, as Kocond-chut!' matter. Advi-HWiig rates mdc kn«M Ti^. plication. All communications should ho ad it resgefl to the Blairsvllle Her m.d. l’ositlvciy ii..~ attention paid to own miinic.ilions Kent in for publication, lers accompanied by a responsible name All letters or other things mat for pub lication, must be of general interest or thoy will not bo given space. Evi ry Democrat should subscribe for tho IhatAi.n. _ __ The Pension plank in the people Party platform. The loaders of tho now party have taken great pains in endeav oring to explain away their pen? vion plank which proposes to take away what little the civilian pop ulation has left, and add it to tho already excession. Some insist That it is no part of tlioirplatform. Others say in substance that it was adopted as a resolution hut that it was done to catch the votes of tho Union Soldiers and that the party don’t favor it. .1 lowever, this wild and unreasonable prop— osifion, gets its self fastened to the new party; it is there to stay. No sort of evasion, doubL* dealing or improved lying, will avail them to get rid of it. It is on them tiglit and close as Suit Lovingoods first starched shirt, and it won’t come off without bringing the hide with it. It now turns out, lhat Goal. Weaver the Presidential candidate of tho third party .is himself the author of the monstrous scheme. When Im was a'lncmH c of £ on gresR. ho introduced a bill, to carry out this idea and which ]>roposod to appropriate (hroo hundred mil lions of to ho to Union soldiers as back rations. So it crops out that the pension plank is both in tho platform and in tho candidate of tho party. Coming before the country as avowed reformers, General Weaver and his party cut a pretty figure, with this specimen of reform in scribed upon their banner. It would evidently take them but a short time to reform the people first, out of what property and means they have left, and next to reform them out of their liberties. It will strike the future historian as strange 1 hatymy body of eitl zeus in this republic could be found who would openly advocate doctrines and policies, so out of accord and harmony with free government, a? are the theories oi this m w party. The ancients had a proverb “that whom the gods doomed to destruction thee tusi made mad. These nominal lcfomi ers but real revolutionists, am bent upon a mission of destruction. The country ought to see toil, that they are permitted to destroy nothing but. themselves. Attention Democrats!! The Democrats of libursvillo district are requested to meet in the Court house at Biairsville on Saturday night July 2€vd for the purpose of organizing a. Democrat ic Campaign Club. All Demo crats in the County are cordially invited to be pesent, and join thom-selves with us, in this fight against Demagoguery, and decep tion. Isaac Gi.azikk Ginn., Deui., Diet., Ex-Corn. Notice. The Democnilssvf Got'sa District will meet at Phiwaut (imve UuH’mvm G«pt3 Andrrso. on purpose of organizing a democrat ic Club and so forth. Democrats bou.mivp.rtot the Com,., ......... oi-. ». of. ........ Ud fjlon. tarter Tutu’s Nomination. O The unanimous nomination of jlho Hon, Carter Tale, of Pickens, ifor congr ess m tho.iiinth should insure a democratic vieto iy. It lias long Leon Hu* desire c,f the mountain comities to have a congressman, and in centering up on Mr. Tate they have fortunately selected a man who has made no enemies and who enjoys the warm pb-r.sonal friendship of hosts of vo ters in every locality in the* dis trict. 'Tho nominee in tho ninth stands in the front rank of tho brainy young men who have come to the front in Georgia politics, and his rpcor(1 j fl on(J lhat inBp j r<?B confi dence and wins votes. JIo is thoroughly in bympalliy \vitn the people and will make a gallant tiglit: for tho reforms demanded by the democracy. His popularity is such that his third party oppo nonts will not stand tho ghost of a chance. Now let the democrats of the j^inth make tho assurance of vic tory a certainty by organizing tho voters, and getting everything ready to draw out every member of the party in the district on elec tion day. Everything is favora ble, but organization and active work arc needed. The Constitution congratulates Mr. Tate and tho democracy upon the result of Wednesbay’s conven tion. r liitppii fo organize. ’*4 The People listen to Pickett and then all but about Thirty Radicals, and two negroes, follow Judge C. J. Wellborn out of the court house. AMD HEAR KIS ARHAS 8 N–IENT OF THE THIRD PARTY, Only thirty third party tnon in Union County. And not one of them have ever been a Democrat. About 12 o’clock quite a. num ber of the citizens of Union coun ty assembled in the court house to hear Picket expound tlio doc trines of the Peoples Party. James A. Butt took the stand and explained tho object of the meeting, and then introduced Thadous Picket who at once, after a glance at. the people before him seemed to recognize tho fact, that he was to address a people who thought and acted for themselves. For two hours he pulled along through his speech without awak ening nnv enthusiasm and -wound up hy saving that one good thing the Peoples Party would do. j] 1P y would defeat Cleveland. He called all who were in q !yov 0 f f] u , Third Party movement to stand up. At this point Judge Wellborn arose and said that both sides should be hoard before p neb a question should be put to tho people gathered in the* house, picket objected and about twenty Radicals and two negroes arose. James A. Butt, was then made per manent chairman ami William Jackson Secretary. Judge Wellborn then arose and with bis hack to ihe chairman and bis face to the audience said. “And those who , . favor . of . 1- ree sp'och , and , a „ are m fair discussion of measures and , in.- out of (ho co\irl Air Wt', but about uv nlv Raifcal. ami two nojtivWB. Judge Wellborn then addre.-sod vi ii Gotti ’ Aa.s Republicans and Dnr,, in front of tin wad House door. **Picket’’said Judge AV ell hern, “is mistaken when h-' comes hero and tries to make Democrats am ’ Mnirtbv for «,.■ K ins;,. orgau totiou told of by fu.k-t ulto to .........M-eTy ov.fh »»e | YOUNG L. 0. HARRIS w *h» COLLEGE.* G. 0. Spence, President, k. J. Gofer,. Financial Agent. YOUNG HARRIS, TOWNS CO., GA., 1891 General Information. f *. EXPENSES. Tuition in all classes, per month *1 8 Tuition in Musical Department, per mo. 1 N Tuition in Business Department, per mo, 1 8 Incidental Fee, per month p Board, per mouth 7 8 ’Washing, pe r month 1 00 . Art, per mouth 1 50. French per month 1 00 . i Executive Boaiid. Rev. M. J. Gofer, Judge C, J. Wellborn, Rev. J. T. Gibson. Fall-term begins September 30th. Board, washing and tuition ■or entire term . $81,-90. Board, washing, tuition and Music or Art. . 95,40 Ninety dollars paid in advanck settles for all expenses entire term,except Apt and Fbexch. TEACHERS. We are prepared to do the very best work. Catalogue sent on application to President C C. S PENCK. matters, they slipped v out of the court house one at a i imo, and took their departure for their homos. They did not hold their meeting with closed doors, No one cafbdMo trouble, or had curi osity enough to molest them. It is reported that twenty nine of the thirty Radicals and one negro are for Winn—-one Radical and-me negro doubtful. Union County is for Tori if re form. Her people are aga inst Ale Kin, teyism and Itcput dttcaii in* terfereiice’al the polls. f Forty Convention Dots horo to (Jay, - and , Pickolt was organized twenty nine radicals and one N ■ ‘TO for Winn,and then h it. Pickett found the Peoples Party just large enough to go into Winn’s little vest pocket. Tho Republicans.. of Union County wink at each other when you name Third Party > > them, and remark—do you see anything green in this eye?. Pickett made fun of poor Tom Jefferson. NY hat- a pity he was not a great man in his day—so he would have been forgotten. Pickett went for Joe Brown, and John B. Gordon. He forgot that we people of Union once hired Joe to haul chickens for us to Dah lonega, and at one time hoard Gordon say “come on boys. NVo wonder what that Drive soldier who was the first to brought home from the war, would say if lie could have with us Friday arid heard \\ piawedas a leader of the and the good citizens of t his ty r.sked to follow him, Will* tho stump, and in the counsels, just after the wa.r. regrotod tnat he couhl not have killed every Southern Son. T have a better religion, . said an enthusiast . . to . an old man the ehnstian , . . religion, ... , but , than , t„o,v of . ho,v . to . . ,rto- , wantlo you due. ,tto Ih, p,o,,!o. I can t«ll fW '“‘“'“'i > "' ° ' uiun, ">t'UM ' * glasses on Ins home made stmt ■ front How said the great ref om ^ 4, C-o and have yvv.sHi rv cllietI ' hav0 a 1,ug0 I ““ C ; , \/!" ,)V " V ' ou u Aj 'A'A ■ ^^^1^11^ aton!* a^y, WKrl««i»r» *-*•>«*» ‘p i’" 1 «'* t » WSuW ^ IZL Z uot . BEATY’S CELEBRATED ORG ANS AND PIANOS For Catalogue Acldross. Daniel F. Beatty, Washington New Jersey. PlAWifcSr WSm |D§ il wTti II Sk./J? ■ V msssw ( bent | Cavo.cs, business and conducted Tradc-M-irk? for obtained, mode aR*a Fees.j all Pit-1 > 5 hate | • Joua 5and we Office can secure is Ofposite'U. patent in less S. patent iiu:e tLanlhyseS Office { 1 • Sremote : from model, Washington, photo., with descrip i i Send drawing or . i |tu>n. l charge. Wer Our advise, fee not if clue patentable fill patent or is not, secured. free of . j ^ a Pamphut, ‘■'How to Obtain Patents,'’’ with j , icost. of sj.ine in the U. t>. aud foreign countries J 2sent free. Adorers, J |C * Opp. s Ao Pas-cot SlOW–COs? OfticT, Washington, D. C. ? # IM ju 'a udgM: A Hi igiri ■-W Wi- ■SBcea–lii pure toilet –oap ds important an article as pure butter. -X- * * THE * -X •<• Mimm mm soap the only soap mado which contains no fat of any kind, is strictly a Vegeta soap and has great tlio healing is properties. used the nat ive country root as a for healing bad cuts and to cure all of skin diseases. If you vrant your hair to look slick and shampoo it with 3Vt33X1 CAN AMOJLK SOAP. The Mexicans noted for the beauty of their hair, and is only from the .use of the soap root, of tho Ain ole Soap is made, that they 3t this rich, silky appearance. If your dealer does hot keep it in stock im 40 vents in stamps, ami wo will you postage a box paid. of thrdc cukes, to your! Mexican A mole Soap So., PEORIA ILL THE BUY B >> ^ „ ! * 9 * p; • : < mm ENeniE mm ThoBanuYm 7 th © result-of years’ ^ m if. nnd CGilta,nS “ fire ‘- Cte »* Send for prices. NANUFACTTRED BY BARLOW «Sc r; s i. ;'.s ni ne,., mu it. THE ' 1 BLAIRSVILLE : HERALD, Is Published Weekly Iti * — — --.-j; • 4 { BLAIRSVILLE, GEORGIA. (he County Site of Union County, In tlio midst of a section famous for its Minerals and Valuable timbers—-its Pure, Cold Mountain Water and its Delightful Climate It Is Corning. • *r« This Section of Georgia is fast coming to the Front, and is Destined In a Very few * Years, to Be the Greatest Section of the Empire State of the South. i -4 * s 3 JR UN * THE HERALD. Will h> in tho race, and will give Its readers tho N< wa frontline see I ion of the fdaku 1 e? – i V* gw" I rsr I Tlieplerald has the largest Circulation of any nowa-papor through tihs sect ion, and it therefore one of tiw BEST ADVERTISING- MEDIUMS in North East Georgia THE HERALD Ts strictly Democratic m ns princip. Believing (ha,! (fm Grand Old Partv of.Jefferson oUVrs tlio Surest, mound of Relief loali GImssok and creeds. I t will always express its honest views in on open ami fearless maimer. • fry ** you want the News, Subscribe for The BlairsvillO Iierald^pjf Only $1.00 Per Annum 1 Oiv’irsd su’d Edited l>y Ouillian 6 W ellborfi i EL AIRSN IDLE, — GK0RGL4