The Blairsville herald. (Blairsville, Ga.) 1892-????, May 23, 1902, Image 2

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RvfleeUotts <>f – Bachelor. From the New York Pres*. When a man's troubled his mar riage begins. Wise ineu never die because llisy are never born. When a strong man grows weak it is a woman ho aoeki for a crutch. To get old gracefully is aa rea sonable as to atop bruntbiuf cheer fully. Gambling iu Wall street is fish ing for whales with a spool of thread. The more you do for a man the madder he is with you for not do ing more. People who parade their virtues encourage others into pnrndiug their vices. Every time you forgot to remem ber la tell a woman you love her she forgets you do. Youth will follow the torch iu any one’s hand ; age wishes to car ry it in its own hand. Since the day of Mother Eve all tho world has been search lug fora preify girl who did not know i». If people could bo young with out being green and sentimcutal without being soft the world would be at the mercy of youth. When a couple start on their wedding journey each is thinking of what it will cost them, but his loss he figures in money. Being a bale fellow well met is about as much use to the man who is it as being a bottle of beer that is not flat and so is sure to bn dis posed of. can’t^elp A man feeling proltv important when lie has just made dfiposUin his bauk account, tw–n if he fas checked it nil out again that same day. What TJi^frFolks Need Is a greater power of digesting and assimilating food. For them Dr. King’s New Life Pills work wonders. They tone and regulate the digestive organs, gently expel all poisons from the system, en rich the blood, improve appetite, make healthy flesh. Only 25c at Erwin’s drug store. Nature paints things red in the fall—and many a man is able to trace lm fall back to the time when he painted things red. No Loss of Time. I have gold Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and -Diarrhoea Remedy j for years, and would rather be out of coffee and sugar than it. I sold five bottles of it yesterday to threshers who could go no farther, and they are nt work again this morning.—H. R. Phelps, Plym mouth, Oklahoma. As will be seen by the above tho thrashers were able to keep on with their work without losing a single dny’s time You should keep a bottle of this Remedy in your home. For sale by F. J. Erwin. It sometimes happens that after mooting a great man you discover that his reputation is about three times larger thau he is. LESS THAN ONE FARE For the round trip to Portland, Seatr'e and Tacoma via Missouri Pscilic Ry. Tickets on sale July 15th to 20th, with final limit of Sept. 15th. Diverse routos and Btopovers allowed. This line takes you through the heart of the Rock ies. A Golden opportunity to vis it the Pacific Coast. Send for j. ,,'vh' '- -tc., to r p v ANNOUNCEMENTS. KOK SOLICITUK GENERAL. 1 respectfully announce myself a can didate for re-election for Solicitor ffen oral of tlie North*.tMcin circuit, subject to the Democratic primaly. W. A. CU ARTERS. FOR SHERIFF. To the voter* of Union county: I take this method of announcing my candidacy fi,i l!i" ■'{]> ■■ i.f .liei iff. subject to the ac tion . f tho Democratic primary. If num inatei .'.nl elected, 1 will serve the peo pt_ Of mtr county to the very best of my FRANK M. DUCKWORTH. KCUCLKUK. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of clerk, and if elected I promise to transact all business passlntr through my hands in a thorough and efficient manner. JAS. I,. HARALSON. FOR TREASURER. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the ottico of County Treasurer, subject to the action of tire Democratic prinia ry. A. B. BUTT. I take this method of announcing my self n candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the action of tho Democratic primary. MERIDA QUEEN. BUY TH5 SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad vertise u EttO.OO Sewing Machine for $a>.00. Tills kind of a machine cau Ik: bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. WC MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines Machines. the strength Tho or weakness of Peed Sewing combined with other Double Home strong points makes the New the beet Hewing Machine to buy. * Write lot CIRCULARS showing Hewing ferent styles Machines the dif- of W0 manufacture and prices before purchasing THE NEW HOME SEWiNS MACHINE CO. onthtr, hA sa. 28 Union Sq. U. Y., Chicago, IU., Atlanta, <ia., HU LouU,Mo, Dtttiaa.Tcx.Saa Francisco, Ctrl Notice. I will ataiid my fine 4-j’enr-old Jack at my Rtables for the present season at f t on tho insurance. IIis first colt foaled (his spring wns 3 feet 4.1 inches high. Purlieu owning ninro at the time of service will bo held responsible for fee. I will stand my Hue bull, -jf Dev on and : j Poland, nt my stabies for the present season at 50c cash or $1 on timp. J. V. LANCE, Napolean, tia. — 7T I IS 'm N w a AU Mfwni BUm irt gsiuraMterd t» b# X SAFE. SOLID, - accurate. The III* fa raoct eompjcte, I —- eetibrMin* pistol* heavy I rifle* tor Urge; and hurt ting I vita purpose*, ekelaiun Hfl,t Rocket lit Im stocks. /£ The •• FAVORITE *• FI isz*. IFLES m flrt beet covered 1 b ihr world by the fur Mae Wyt. f«*raato«. Juet m rettsbie the BDd kdvitaUe for mtu. – iJiiii a*flasp h .^:^s Wlara Hi*** rlfl** arc not carried in clack by daalcrf «* Will mb 4, ax pres* prepaid, »• receipt of prioe, J. ITtraCNH Stnd ttaipp AIHIATOfl, for caCaUene. CO., SAN FRANCISCO And Los Angeles and rolurn. Very low rates via Missouri Pacific Railway, May 26th to Juno 7th, with limit of sixty days on tickets. Diverse routes and stopoyers al lowed. tor full information wri'e r p-m.-oLt t f ,. r^... - LOW KATES – MAPS ALL POINTS North i West ADDRESS J. (i. HOLLENBECK District Passenger Agent Louisville Nashville It. It. No. 1 Brown Building, Opposite Union Depot, ATLANTA GA ^,j rouhU > to Answer Questions.’’ Send 30 cents fur Free Sample of Wilson’s TOBACCO CURE. Never fails. (’orp. Wilson, Box 155- Calvert, Texas. -- SSaWFRBB nimpopuBirmists. Halftone Portraits, Ring Costume Worth Collecting anil Framing. One every Week as Supplement to POLICE GAZETTE 11.0013 wks Supplemuts Included Mailed to Your Address. RICHARD K. FOX, Publisher, Frank I i n Square, NEW YORK. Correct Attire for Men, • • • • Boys and Children • ••« m • o c ■ i America’s Most Famous Tailors offer the ad van! ays of purchasing your garments from th« largest houas in ths country, giving you the b-rst fabrics to select from and a* the very lowest prices. FIT, FINISH and FABRIC FAULTLESS _ r Will do yourself l^Y OU in Injus tice if you buy you» spring outfit before teeing us. IIA RALSON BROTHERS, Blnirsvivillp, Go. ...THE HIGH-GRADE... 1 V * v ; * HO, 8 DROP-HEAD CABINET Family sewing Machine Possesses ai) the modern improvements :o be found In any first-class machine. Sold at popular prices. Warranted ten years. MANUFACTURED tV ILLINOIS SEWING MACHINE CO. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. AGENTS WANTED. Exclusive Territory given to responsible DsaUra. . i. ;Vi 'C y Efig'V rher* days of smoktfcu powders as* ■ •«! Bj ■ Slling iiiicb pressure, why utl chance* os ■Us eyesight your l«ce and wilh possibly powder, losing your your tile by using s repeater that opsss os top sad elects Into your face, when you cao avoid the possi bility by baying a MARLIN? Ths Solid Top Frame and Site Ejecting principle In Is the most important for improvement Complete made Ulustrstcd repeating arms many years. dialog for 3 stamps. ▼Hr marlin ns, V arms co. y»r»e J A - •* For Pamphlets, Rates and Maps of the WESl and NORTHWEST Address FRED D. MILLER, T. P. A., Illinois Central R. R., ATLANTA, GA. [I 3 T lJlHQMA eXAS M •jij AN0 INplAN TER. “N* / i Are bf st read trainsXdtyjfroti 4 byqjhe Co(ton Mi Belt, mpbiitv wikh Texts’, line! J >/ runs two rexebi Jr without change. N 4T»u*e\j] »ii s eimer Bh t . director m»ltc close connec for amil^dignTerritory. al{ part* of Texas, CfkLshi % .H| rr. wont J J •VAJMOftl' » iNW«V«*0«*T *>ABO « HIU fo, llVAMk OAT 19Vn.Ll ^ WAC BAW AMMhOigH- LWFKtM flMLN *WTC***« If you ornni to flnVil a od home •OUBKH* In TeT.ttj*, where \ cro;»» are I OAkVMVeH ruiseil ao4 where {>< le prosper, write for a copy of ou iiandsome hooklom. “Homes in tT»3^ South west* ’ and “ThroughT< AS wit h a Camera.” Sent frecyioiuny* betu^r body who Is aonou* lo bis 11 iaiei, i. p. l, • • mmk.zk. coiiuitlou- Vs^-w/ . UtUUNE, LMU, SI. IMIS. MB. l. V. THE NEW WAY TO TEXAS (fa SEE THAT YOUR TICKETS READ V FLYER^ute theKATY < p OUGM aC\M So SHREVEPORT _, Mf 1EHIS0H, GREENVILLE, DALMS, FT.WORTH, WAC0.TEMPLE.BELT0N TAYLOR,WAXAMACHIE. iiSS? tm i IIS Hi P Ai.'M.K – T.RV. wmmik t ezs, rr? , -.r. • . 5U A % h HEAD DEAF? b iP NOSES? ' [/• ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those bom deaf axe incurable. i HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. P. A. WARM AN, OF BALTIMORE, SAY* Md, I March jjalttmo*b, will 30, zotti. Gentlemen: — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I now gn e r»« a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. until 1 lost About five years ago my right cur began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, my hearing underwent in thia ear entirely. catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted s nuns, I a treatmr : . lor of city, who told that berof physicians, amonr others, the most eminent ear specialist this me would only an operaUon could help me, md even that only temporarily, that the head noiae* then cease, but the heat ir.p m the affected ear tvould be lost forever. tmd ordered treat I then saw your adv - -.cut accidentally according in a New York directions, paper, lie noises ceased, your sad ment. After I had used u o,».y . few days to yoitr t to-day, after five weeks, ntv hrannp in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly if. yours, A. W8KKA.N, 7 S. Broadway, Baltimore, XL JO Our treatment does not interfere uHth your usual occupation. Kxamicatiou advice free. and YOU GAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME ICTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVL, CHICAGO, ILL c WINCHESTER * FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS “New Rival" “Leader" “Repeater" D F you flre looking for reliable shotgun am munition, the kind that shoots where you point your gun, buy Winchester Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells: “New Rival,” loaded with Black powder; “Leader” and “Repeater,” loaded with Smokeless. Insist upon having Winchester Factory Loaded Shells, and accept no others. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM ' ./>< ‘Act, ‘It, ’ J ** ' 4 • -