The Blairsville herald. (Blairsville, Ga.) 1892-????, June 20, 1902, Image 2

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DIRECTORY. Telephone cobncctiou with Murphy, X. C., via Hajcnvillt! amt Vonug Harris. Telegraph office, Murphy, X. C. Bankiug town Blue ltidge, Ga. Congressman, F. C. Tate, Jasper. State Senator, J. Miles lierrong, Ilia was see. Representative, V. J . Wellborn, Jr. Ordinary, John T. Colwell. Clerk S. C., James L. Haralson. Sheriff, S. A. Pleas. Tax Receiver, Thos. X. Berry. Tax Collector, W. A. Seaholt. ,Sitches. Treasurer, Thomas P. Doling, Track Rock. School Commissioner, C. S. Mannev, Napolean. County Surveyor, M. Akins, Young Cane. U. S. Commissioner, W. E. Candler. Deputy Marshal, W. L, Bowling. SC PERI OK CO V KT. Judge, J. B. Kates, Gainesville. Sol. Gcn'I., W. A. Charters, Dablonegn. Begins third Monday in March and September. Ordinary’s court, Unit Monday. Justice court at Btairsville every 4tli Saturday. K. Boling, J. P. RKI.IUIOL'S. Services at Methodist church every third Sunday, 11am and 7 p in. Sun day school every Sunday morning. Rev. D. C. Brown, pastor. Services at Baptintchurch every fourth Sunday and Saturday preceding. Night service on Sunday only, Ilcv. W. A. Swanson, pastor. MASONIC. Allegheny lo<lge F. and A. M. meets at 3 o’clock p. m. every third Saturday. T, C. Hughe*, w. m. POST A t» John A. Downs, r. m. T. J. Butt, a sat. r. m. Mails: From Blue Ridge: Ar. 8:45 p m, lv. 5 a. in. Daily. From Yonng Hants: Ar. 3 p ro, lv. S | a m. Daily. From Ranger: Ar. 2:40 p in, lv. 250 p ro. Daily. From Choestoe: Ar. 3:30 p m, lv. 3:45 p m. Daily. From Buren: Ar. Ox'O a m, lv. 10 a m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. From Otto: Ar. 3:30 p m, lv. 3:45 p m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. From Gaddistown: Ar. 11:30 a m, lv. 12 ni. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Xo mails arrive or depart on Sunday. Postoffice open Sunday till 9 a in. Monoy order office closes tj p in . A young lady wits recently dis charged from the war department at Washington for criticising the president. Free speech will soon be done away with if the rough rider continues in office. Filthy Temples In India. Sacred cows often defile Indian temples, but worse yot is a body that’s polluted with constipatiou. Don’t permit it. Cleanse your sys tem with Dr. Kiug’s New Life Pills and avoid untold misery, The give lively livers, active bowels, good digestion, fine appetite. Only 25c at Erwin’s drug store. LOW RATES – MAPS ALL POINTS North * West ADDRESS J. G. HOLLENBECK District Passenger Ageut Louisville «i Nashville R. R. No. 1 Brown Building, Opposite Union Depot, ATLANTA, GA. “No Trouble to Answer Questi ons.‘ EXCURSION TO CALIFORNIA Via Missouri Pacific Ry. Tickets on sale to either Sail Fran cisco or Los Angelas and return at wary low ratos August 1st to Au gust 7th. Final return limit Sept. 30th. For further information write I. E. Rehlander, T. P. A., 8.7 Chattanooga, Tenn. Andrew Carnegie, tlie steel kin#, has given away in Hie last few years the sum of $07,000,000. O f this amount the United States ro ceived *52,367.1)83; Canada 500 ; Cuba $252,000; Ireland $05, 000; England $420,003; Scotland *13,078,750. Read it in His Newspaper. George Schaub, a well known German citizen of New Lebanan, Ohio, ia a constant reader of the Dayton Volkezeitung. Ho knows that this |>nper nims to advorlise only Hie beat in ils columns, and when ho saw Chumberlaiu’s I’ain Balm advertised therein for lame back, he did not hesitate in buy iug a bottle of it for his wife, who for eight weeks had suffered with the most terrible pains in her back and cm Id get no relief. He says: using Hie Pain JJalm for a few days my wife said to me, ‘I feel as though born anew,' and bo fore using the entire contents of the bottle the unbearable pains had entirely vanished and she could again take up her household duties.” He is very thaukful and hopes that all suffering likewise will hear of her wonderful reeov erv. This valuable liniment is for g n lo by F. J. Erwin, — A(j ■»-nrri 1 S vir AX i •»Tnrr-'i\ I hi), M LIFE OF T. DkWITT TALMAGE By his son. Rev. Frank DeAVitt Tnlmnge, ami ftssocifile editors of Christian Herald. Only book en dorsed by Tnlmage family. Enor mous profits for agents who act quickly. Outfit ten cents. Write * tv* nieclitktoly. CLARK <fc CO., 22*2 S. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. ITfrnfiou lfai« paper BUY the: SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad vertise *20.00. a *60.00 kind Sewing of machine Machine for This a can be iKiught from us or an *‘18.00. v of our dealers from *15.00 to we MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Feed Sewing combined Machines. other Tho ISonblc with strong points makes the New Home the best Sewing Machine to buy. Me (or CIRCULARS showing ferent atylt* the dif of and before Sewing Maeblnoa we manufacture prices purchasing THE NEW HOME SHUNS MACHINE GO. OAAHec. Mae*. 39 Union Sq. N. Y„ Chloago, Ill., Atlanta, Ga., BL Louie,Mo., Pallas.Tox., Ban Francisco, Qal ...THE HIGH-GRADE... efteweftcijoE raw N0, 8 D80P-HEAD CABINET Family sewing machine Possesses all the modern improvements to be found in any first-class machine. Sold at popular prices. Warranted ten years. HAKlirACTUKBO ST ILLINOIS SEWING MACHINE CO. ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. AGENTS W ANTED. Exclusive Ttrrltory given to responsible Dealers. Send 30 cents for Free Sample of Wilson’s TOBACCO CURE. Never fails. C’orp. AVilson, Box 155. Calvert, Texas. Tim Japanese never sleep will) J their lo the north for the > reason that in Japan 1ho dead on always ! uried with tlie head ii that direction. In the slocpin f rooms of many private houses and hotels a diagram allowing points of the compass ia posted fur the convenience of guests. Virulent Cancer Cured. Startling proof of a wonderful advanco in medicine'ta given by druggist G. W. Roberta of Eliza belli, IV. Va. An old mail there had long suffered with what good doctors pronounced incuraUocAU cer. They believed his case hope less till ho used Electric Bitters and applied Buckleu’s Arnicn Salve, which treatment completely cured him. When Electric Bit ters are used to expel bilious, kid ney and microbe poisons at the same time this salve exerts its matchless healing power, blood dispaaos,skin eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish. Bitters 50c, Balvo 25c at Erwin’s drug store, I.ESS THAN ONE FARE For the round trip lo Portland, Seattle and Tacoma via Missouri Pacific Ry. Tickets on sale July to 20lli. with final limit of 15lh. Diverse routes and elnpovers allowed. This line takes you through the heart of the Rock ins. A Golden opportunity tovis it tho Pacific Coast. Send for maps, pamphlets, etc., to I. K. Rehlander, T. P. A., 7.20 Chattanooga, Tenn. .A p. f . ‘Va* A f – ' ’ THE GREAT / Tl i-’ ;.r f r TONIC LAXATIV m If you have sour stomach, biliousness., constipation, bad breath, dizziness, inactive liver, ] heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin, or any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels and an impaired digestive system, LAXAKOLA WILL CUREWOU It will clean out the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you “on your feet’’ again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move regularly, your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your skin will dear and freshen and you will feel the old time energy and Litxakftitt for Babies.— It is the best ru <1 moat effective remedy for children. BEST because ii is pure ami safe. KK–T because it is noD-irritamg and never sripes or causes fails, pain. BEST BEST because because it “ is Children sure and like never it and ask for it." BEST because its tonic properties are so good and so strengthen mg that it keeps the little ones in fine, hearty condition. It is a dangerous cathartics thing to give little and babies rend their violent little bodies, that rack DON’T DO IT—give them LAXAKOLA. simple For constipation, coated tongue, few colds aad fevers it is invaluable. A drops can labies, be given with often safety relieve to colic very young and it will oy expelling the wind and gas that cause it. It will aid digestion, relieve restlessness, assist suture and induce sleep. Great re lief is experienced when administered to children from diarrhoea, Atdro-/flt'ta, 25c. or COc . If you mention ib« uaroa of yonr drtigf let, w« will Mnd yotx t free aampla fmfltcient to »«at tbte great curative. Address THE rsa 45 Testy ti., N. Y. *rW e %' lit express to n»y sniviresa on receipt of fcOc. a large buttle, all charges prepaid. For Sale by HAVE YOU INDIGESTION PEPSIKOLA rADAKTS ILffW I VU jnn I\L^ X/Z’^F I KJKJ T ▼ v ■ E A HELM ELIS CREAM. ,4 only absolute cutc for chapped hands, irritated skins, bunions, chilblains, and itching corns irritations, and all dandruff, callouses itching of the scalps feet and and falling hands, hair. chafings PricQ r.0c. #ont Express paid on receipt of prici;. +9 £ca£ fur clrciUor aud Res sample. Til. LULfLOU. VO., a v«««y Mtsvt, H«w Tori, Foi PSLUlplllGtS, F.itOS Slid M–pS tll6 WES1 and SOUTHWEST Address ‘ FRED D. MILLER T. P. A. f Illinois Central R. R., ATLANTA, GA. m YOU £ 22 ;■ •V w/< 0 / HEAD DEAF? NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only these bom deaf arc incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. W. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, GAYS: BaX/Timoric, Md., March will 30, ry*i, Gentlemen ■ — Being entirely cured of deafness. ‘hacks to your treatment, I now give yww • full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About hearing five in this years ago entirely. my right ear began to eiog, and this kept on getting worse, until I last my ear I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted s num ber of physi-THCs, among others, the most eminent car specialist of this city, who told ms that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noisaa would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in n New York paper, and ordered yoar treat merit. After I had used it only A few days according: to your directions, the noise* ceased. awl to-d ay, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been ent irely restored. I thank ]roa Iv.v rtily and beg to remain Very truly F. yours, WERMAN, S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md A. 750 Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. Examination and YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME at a itaabut advice free. CMC INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AYE., CHICA80, ILL accompanied with "white or green e vacua tions, us EAXAKOX*A neutralize** the acidity of the bowels, and carries out the cause of the fermentation. Laxakola for Young Girls on the thres hold of womanhood has been found in valuable. When dull, they head become aching, pale feet and languid, eyes appetite abnormal, and and hands cold, gone or their systems generally run clown, give them Laxakola ; Its gentle bowel action to cleanse, and its tonic properties to build up the system, will show immediate and most beneficial results, It acts promptly, surely but gently on the bowels and while stimu tonic fating properties the liver to increased the activity, its vitality and strengthen the nerves. face renew restore color to and life and animation to their whole system. It is the only tonic laxative that and tones them up, PEPSIKOLA, (Tablet.) the TONIC D1QESTANTS stimulate the stomach to do Ha own work W increasing the flow of gastric juke and saliva. As a result the food is assimilated without thill choking, is easily digested—more distressed feeling food after eating. be eaten—hence All kinds of food red, can rich be freely blood eaten—food is made that is eetem can more to nourish aad strengthen the body ; all feeling of indigestion is gone, the system becomes toned up and strengthened; flesh is taken on, the eye brightened, skin freshened, and the half-dead, food " h.-iti ng dyspeptic becomes the well-feeling, h*mly table-delighting, with alhiiug healthy, active person. -i PEPSIKOLA TABIXTS are Bold In ••mall collulotj Box cover. All druggist*, or malted to any ad4r*M forS–c. Send for free sample to LAXAKOLA CQ. # 46 VeMy Street, New York, an4 mention yowr druggi–t'a iu»iu«. LSSJIIK .,:?–.•£,!?•• IN-HEAD tablets will cure them all. Just think of it—a CURS, for Every Headache for TEN CENTS Send the I,axako!a hemailed Co., 95 Vesey Doltnow. Street, New York, sufftr m dime, loime*. ana a box will atonce. Don’t any ASE-IN-THK-HEAD will cure you. --— - ■ _ valuable Laxftkola for rtothtrs.*- It is particularly! safe] to women, as n gentle and tions remedy whenever their delicate eonstitu*! and tonic. require To a mild yet efficient, laxative out’ l with the nursing infanta, mothers, worn care of Laxakola appeals brightens irresistibly. the It clean* the complexion-,' muddy and eye, removes blotched skin and cures sick headache by j removing the cause, mid Laxakola Winter of for Life, Old Polk*.—In the Antv •»? the various erg. a have become sluggish, it becomes rcce. sa:» to stimulate them by some remedy best adapted to that purpose. Laxnkutn by it* gentle, bowels, warming, soothing action on th« liver and kidneys, stimulates theta lo increased activity, cleanses the blood quickens whole the in circulation, and puts the system a condition oi health a ad enables it to ward off disease.