Newspaper Page Text
flJTOATear ”Tn Assure..
/ Publishers.
Krter-’il *t I!ji> pnulnflir. tt
villp, G«., «« mail miti.r of
the second class
NovrtiBrn If, 1002.
Ttleptiftne connection witli Murphy,
F, l\. rta naycvlll. anj Toun-lla,ri>
Telegraph office, Murphy, N. C. *.
Banking town Blue TTiditv, On.
Odujrrpi'man. F (. Tate, J.t*per.
State Senator, M. L. Ledford, Bluin'
Kcprceentatlve, (J. J. TVcllh^rr, Jr.
Ordinary, John T. Cofwclf.
Clerk 8. C., Janie* L. Haralson.
SheriH, S, A. Pier*.
Tax Ilt*cri>rcr, Thou. V. Berry.
Tax Collector, W, A SeaV-lf. Sud.
Treasurer, Thomas V. Boling. Track
School Commissioner. C. S Manri'y.
County Surveyor, M. Akin*. Young
U. S. Commissioner, W. K. Candl-r
l>eputy Marshal, W. L. Bowling.
sirtKion KT.
Judge, J. B. Fates, v»nims\ille.
Sol. Gcu’h, W. A. Clnrtei s, ! ):i’i)«.>>«••_',■.
Begins third Monday iu M.i t|i ami
Ordinary 1 *• court, first Mon-l.*>
Justice cocii. at Blairsville every -1th
Saturday. A. B. Butt, J. )’
Services at kfethodist churcl: *»v“ry
third Sunday. 11 n m and 7 p m. >u
lay acliool avery S'inlay moroiag.
I). C. Biown. pastor.
t). C. Brown, pastor.
Services at Baptist churclifvf'iy f.-uHh
Sunday and Satnnl.Ty preceding. Night
•ervic# on Sunday only. Lev. t\. a.
8 wanaon, -past or.
Allegheny lodge F. ;.nJ A. M
•tS o’clock p. m. every third Saturday.
T. C. Htighra, w. s*
W. I,. Weaver, l\ m
T. J. Butt, As»l r. m.
From Plus BUlgr Ar. P:4', p m, tv
6 a. m, Daily.
From IHawasecs: Ar. Opm, Iv 0
a m Daily.
From Ksngrr' Ar ^Opffl. Iv. 2
p m. Dally.
From Clioestoes Ar. ZUC p in,
p tn Daily.
From Buren: Ar, Bi»0 a n. Iv 10 a m.
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
From Otto: Ar. 3.^0 p m, Iv. 3:4f» p in.
Tuevlay, Tharwlay ami –atorchy.
From Giwldfstown: Jit. ll: - $0am, 1%
12 m. Monday. Wednesday ami Fi Id;.;
No nulls nmre or depart on bunds;.
Fostofflc* opsn Sunday till Pam
Money order office closes 0 p in.
After a suspension of ten years
the Mineral Bluff Gaxette is again
a candidate for public patronage.
Mr. B. L. Smith fs at the helm
and his first issoe ie a clean, well
printed and uei vgy sheet. We wel
come The Oatette back into the
field of weekly journalism and bo
speak for it the success tt merits.
TbP “Cabbage Hnake.'’
Tho folloping, which appeared
iu a recent iaeue of tho Cherokee
Scout, will prove of interest to
many of our reader" :
“We have received from the
North Carolina Agricultural Ex
periment Station a bullefmou tb*
so-called cabbage nnake, Mr. P. W.
to cabbage snakes, especially
in tlio cabbage sections of the
l rt of llio .ink
ly orj itsru han benu going tin 1
round* of flip ususpApcTfi concern
ing n r>n|>|K?Af*d poisonous cabbage
found in n head of ibis pop
ular vegetable uy a Indy in Swain
county. The alleged snake war*
to this department for idenli.
fic.lioh, »ui! ffi.Yl-d lo U Ibr com
rnoo ami limBVna v-» ‘bair *i>«li','
or water worm-*gordiua vurinbihs.
Fins ip not a snake but a me inn
todo worm, which during some
part of its life is nu iutsstinal par
rc-ita of the callage caterpillar
nud some other insects. It is often
fonud in samples of wafef front
,l ia || ow , vp ]|, borte-lrougbs Mid
ponds. Its present;® in water indi
cates that the water is not fit to
di.i!;. I nl the worpt itself is not
p Mronons nor in any way danger
ous l<» human beings. The popu
lar name 'hair snake' is given to
this worm on account of its great
slenderness, which has giveu rise
fo the fanciful idea that n horse
j lnir j 1RS |*oo n t ransfornn’d hit * a
worm or Ftittho. Tlioug h Ibis worm
i« often n fool in length it in n**v
or in? thick af h kuiltiug tieodlo.
Its color :n wat«r is upuaIIv drah,
tmt when it lives excluded from
I be I igh t if is generally
hence the speetfie name, variabil
is. Even should such n worm fv*
in a cabbage, cooking would
render it urnotr.-eable, and e» >*
is; not poison no o te need bo afraid
to haudb or eat cabbage on *e
count n( lb, ‘cr.bbigo
snake.' ”
Kidney and Bladder Diseases
Am «ni.»r.-;ly emi~>4 l>y «u **c*m
f uric, locfic iml lifliic »ci<l» in
lb" PV.1.-.J UUCSOL, II.P gr<.irl'
i'.-ruia Ubnmmlic R.'■innly
tb- ?reM -i
California Rlictuu.if ;c Reioedy.
corrects this diathesis and thus
Rheumutiam, Sciatica, Luiu
bngo, Neuralg r- and many forms
of Liver, Kidney end Bladder
troubles. Sec advertising elso
n j #rs Jt> u, r ] >aiJ .ar A Rankin
Drug Co., Atlanta. (»a., or CRIC*
SOL Chemical Co., Lob Angeles,
Cnl. Druggist? evil it at $1.00 per
bottle, or six hot I lee f-m $5.00.
There were quite a number oT
jreoplc in town W« dues l*y for !h“
purpoao of receiving their^onsign
nrientfl o f fruit trees and plaula.
Them is no rea.son why an nbund
aud- of fruit should uot be raised
it! Union and ire nre glad lo se<>
our people waking up to the vast
j>OB. q ibilit ice of fruit culture in the
cor. u tv.
lYoiqcn’s Pains Omni.
They Are often caused by a
condition of the ays-
1 tern, which, if not checked,results
in heart, kidney and bladdol trou
bles, ovarian dropsy, elr. I’KfC
SOL, the great Califruia Rheumat
ic Remedy, ueutralixes tho undue
accumulation of acids in the sys
tem nud cures paiu aud disease.
Seud fatanip for book of particu
lars to the Lamar – Rankin Drug
Go., Atlanta, (»«., or URICSOL
Chemical Co., L«,*s Angeles, Cal.
Druggists sell it at $J 00 per bot
tle, or six bottt*n for $5.00.
-North f; West
t r u/n i i;vi>rni;
Mr. and Mr?. V. J. Chance of
spent a {*_•« day* ‘h:s m k
with their arm, Mf. T*»nj 'Chance,
returning homo Wednesday.
Deputy Msfidial Bill Bmvling i
nursing a vary nor®arm ibis week,
•• insod by n number of bolls. TV*
know how to sympiutbise with him.
Claud Butt e.iys the reason In'
doesn't go to ftycktown is that ho' 1 *
c. fra it! hi* dnd will run for gonr
thing ami he Won’t >h* hero ta vote
for him.
The liitlo fs'ir-yonr*old non of
Mr. nod Mr K ,oa VYsldrocm, of
Cbofitdne, was burned to death las*
week timing the temporary ab
sence of it* parents from the house.
Th* - Voting Harris News of this
«"<*ok says : ‘‘VI Mclvinn-'v, tb*
popular dry goGls drummer, was
••■Iliiig our ni>-nhauta Iasi week.”
What did S i(*get for ’em on an
| average* Brother H »" ell?
Our new ptaimaster. Wm, T .
\ Weaver, assume t bn duties last
Saturday. The Herald does not
believe that it will be necessary to
chain ’T.isb whenever an inspector
comeg along, Tom Butt aud John
Downs to the contrary not with
Sfartllng. Rut True.
‘if every one knew what u grand
medicine I)r.K King’s New Life
Pills is,” writ's D. 11. Turner.
DempFoytuwn/V ., “you’d Fell o!>
ynf: have in ad«' Two w» ■ he us*
hna rnnde a new man of m<\“ In
1 ■ f..r conii,,. n t ,lom»cb
nod liver troubk - >c at Lrwiu a
drug etore. '
I,. T> Queen f •' in to boo n j
B» «iy* h» fix
s aih. iug com ». v«rnld»vs
,, al „, b . cm;. ■
i„j|. | „
, R , Rlll , „.«t b , croj. «m *. ry
He tolls us (bat lo
r jt^wmpkin that measured 5
{•, j,, cirfumferBOce. Ib t tve
could ent it if tna 1» into cueta: Is.
\y e - ro pumpkin caters, we art ’
Married, on v#ferdav aff^ruoo
at ttie h'une oi l^»*'e pnr-ti
in OowUown, Mia« Ivy Morgut* 1
and Mi* Lutbor Col "'ell, Rev.C* T,
Rich officiating. The bride is a I
daughter ot Mr. and Mra. JL*nryj
L. Morgan nud is a most lovabb |
young wotnnu, and the groom, who
is a eon of Ondinnry Colwell, i.~
one of Owl town’s mdkt prominent
and popular ^oui^f men. vVe join
heart rl) ui lire etmgrafulatione of
their many friends.
The St. Louis vV San FTnucieco
R. R. offerp to the colonist one
half fare plus .32.00 to points in
Arkau-as, Mie*buri, Kunsae, N**
hrnska, ColornJb, Texas, Oklaho
in a and lndiai Territory ou tin
following dut* i: November 4’h
and i8tb, Dec*- nber_2tid and 26tb,
January Gth ud 20th, February
3rd and 17th, larch 3r«l and 17th,
April Tib aud list. Write for ad
vertising matt r, rates, etc , to
\Y. T. Snu mere, 6. A. P. D.,
tf A>lautn, Ga
Kissing go - by favor; if com** ,
by eutorprift'.
With non, 11 lb.' long-*! ir*j
arOUU'l is her 1 lips.
A woman w mid rftlh' i 1") walk
than lit! , c lit)
ed Oil '** a man r Sr.uu
About a utifu! woman there
ia au eutrnuc jg perfume oven in
11,0 auila Ilk‘ I’e-ni he.
-if you will put rzr a <r?*'*rT" , rr?'?\ ~
vntL Uu* KMd.o j >ur throst ofu n tt * ul (illicit) c<«i» Sot* tkrwk
i/] *3 *
JL< 3 L xJ
Keep this'
fart, always fr< ?i» in your ugwflory: —
Tor Cuts, Kiish s ;;ud;ill Open Sores, you
peed on It - . |'t v
n rxican < jf*u 3 ian£ V'lnmenl
. I
f u few linci Mi.'! l he Fi>ro;.'' , -T ai.d inf! a mm at ion ^ul
b° conquered and tie vounded fic-h heeded.
I T*i get the l*e.-1 re-u! : j *.? kLquM fatnrate :i piece
< f tueft i i'i',! i u'i;! the liniment a i l biud it uj*od tho
wound a^ you woy;,| rv poubi'C
25c., 50 . i.ii'i b 1.00 a Ik>( He.
ui: aravny your fo« Is u- Mp*1< au ,'lnstun™ I lulun iiU
North Carolina \l $1 VI.*I r.* , f n and $;; ) * r
Corn Whiskey Ga’luii.
Uir-’rt to Con.mucr, Snvinp 5rnbi[pr’i^n"» I'rolil®. AN t.xprc,
f'bwrg**t pn it Iiy mp on packages >>f Two Gallons < r mor* . lorn *
cash wiih order. Writ* - lor Descriptive Circular. Relurcno t'oiu
morcinl Age;,.-. *, nr any n.^rcli.-nf bore
v nargf's pn tt ny rue «U pni-aeg'-a **i .......... Circular. Rife toru
cash with order, Write for Descriptive fence :
mercial Ageucica « r any me reliant bort
J. H. Wooller, Clierrj’-vUlc, m.C.
I'.Tbs I."'" V ,-vi> Wlli-hci llin sr W. i«- *Uy k«
\\> L' T- gilll«tt. ttn>l mind vu His.Il (led whlsksy — not a
u1.. v jsl'.w is f 1 II, r*T I,'. H". =■"! i,nli. i
..I ekwb-Mj. V* 'J'T'w'ui.Hiil ,.M v.I.HVn is i' a » HW'* 1 )' 1<'5- 11 >• HUM
, »?i»nnt.un sc< I'ei
Iv produ*'d hy h"in> 1 In,ill'll O'Tl om oju'ii funiao* Wood flrcK.
,........ fjlAthns M.U'.Tr- ac*"t'ii> ng<* '""Vi.Yr,'. !i .. .....I u n„. hMt tu P-r ♦*»•' s'*" world 7 _. sud ln<
muslplensi-ewrk euslonn •' ej •,.)] v ,.i« i,nr gu irontre Is go«*d
i„ 1 'r*.> Jl A JI li l',, I u, |.r «..« .acash »„b
.....Min P l.i» ls»»c* , ,nl * iy n. ,1 V*|.ics- lupi,
■rdrr ■oslOvL I*" » !,, !: i , prepaid U* 41 regulai
, l . I* **
I require the \iMtal pn< - **,' 1 / . • - , r, "^li, , n , , m, l.ou’aand Cinclo
«. I.....'»“■'• < „ by ebtek. nr.) -
-.,11 .,., ,s but voquusta all ",.l..,s lot a,.' CODll'ifOl.MOU^.'m, 1 ,; - ,:" [ 1 T, r i i, , t ,!ni, st l» S'l.tiasn.l .stutloi*,.
w . ......
M.-dn Office and Warehouses Ne’a. UMi-Mt,lb«r»7 »n« 1,3, ,»n<l'.TIapl«»,*
whi 5 KEYp% 1 /e$m 4 L
tr. r*porU by irre«pon'lbk p»n;vb t<. tbv cHcct
had n troFt or cnmbirfcU*'*a; »f wl*»i
to arsiirr the public that there ir «**> truth :n
*ucb o poro*. v*'* h«.o mutwii,<.tur,n«
ttrwinx niarlilrtr* fbr over a quaru-r uJ a ccn< >.*•
^ (in.J have «t*bh»hr«l o rrputniUm forour*
j M-ivofc and our maeblnrathatU thornv.v«.f«||
i 1 othrr- Our *• A>*r irwcMne bn*
oevrr been rlvaU-d «* « Giroily nmchirr I*
ul tbr head of all B lyh ftr«Hr *<•» <«»»
mnctiinc*. and ftandr on 1 U ou u laeriu.
I7»e "»»r Home” in thr o*lv rnoHy
UMOU GHADK Hcwinrt Bochin*
^ on the market.
n nut nrr^ SMirj- for UHtoenlorlntoa tn:*f
torevr our ore dit o- r«y mv debta <*v w li.tve
nortr-br. to puy \Vf i»*vr ofv< r rnt» red Into
com pat I lion wit h niunufi i<-lur> it '»f I nit a rode
.-In- - 1 - in m hlnr* Hi,,* n r. o. *■ II r* g.-'d*
4 < «
Hf; v
fr Bn
K i
k’i<r r.
TO« fif* safe;, soud,