The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, February 09, 1855, Image 2

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times with his own hand, and brought j me a pretty yellow Canary bird in a tine j wire cage. lie showed tne beautiful j drawings from his port folio. In short, : we were excellent friends. My grandfather said nothing more, for several days about my governess.— But one day cousin Fred, asked me if I could read. This question, my grand father chanced to over hear, and it re vived his recollection upon the subject.— He again went over with grandmother the expediency of sending me away to school. But the latter still shook her head, and declared that it would never do n> think of such a thing. After that they both took tostudving the advertise ments in the newspapers. At length j cousin Fred, who entered with great in- j terest into the subject, lit upon the fol- ! lowirg. “ A young lady desires to obtain a j situation in a private family, as gover- j ness. She is competent to teach tlie j higher English branches, together with i French, and Made. For further partic ulars address E. C. No. 9. Public Square. *• E. o.,’* repeated Fred, as if to himself: “ the initials are pretty, and it s a young la !v, it appears. Grandfather Alston I advise that she be written to immediate ‘ H” My grandmther mused. “ There is j nothing said about recommendations,” ! lie said. “ They Sve very requisite. Os Cei iitieatas of character, and of ability j will be demanded. We cannot trust. I Claude in tne hands.of any raw, sting- j gling governess, who may apply. We ; must know who is who.” Fied laughed. “If she is youngs and pretty, I will write certificate's; for her by the.bushel, if you demand them grand- j father,” he said. “• Its deuced lonesome ! here at Oakland, and as fexpect to stay j some three months,, I should like some j companionship besides little cuus, and j her cat, and dog, and pigeons, and if! none of you will write to this beautiful j Miss E. C. and invite For to the house, j EH be siiot if Edirtf’t take (lie duty upon j loysclf, and engage her on tnv own res- ! ponsibiiitv. If Ciande won’t recite to her, I will,” and Fred threw back his hair wijh a determined air, which it was amusing to witness. [to he continued.] Minute of Points, Derided by the Supreme Court of Geor gia ut Columbus, January Term, 1855. Wbite vs. AYallen from Harris. 1. The court has the right to control the introduction of evidence, so as to compel the i party to make out a necessary Tins case before he to anotli er*W#rtH*jftj#ibys€^Trereon. Mobley & Hill, for Pill Ramsey &. King, for Deft, Osborn vs. The Ordinary, kc —from Har ris. 1. A court of Equity will never take ju risdiction where therb is au adequate and ample remedy at b.w Wellborn & Clark, for riff. Ingram & Ramsey, for Deft. Roseherry vs. Roaeberry—from Sc wart. 1. AT here there is an application for Tem porary Alimony, and (lie husband denies the marriage in fact or in law, the court should order a preliminary-investigation, to in quire into the fact of marriage, or the il le gality of the marriage, before ordering Ali mony. B. S. Worriil k Johnson, for PUT. Tucker for Deft. Shockley vs. Davis—from Mark n. ; 1. Under the Act of 1833, requiring At- Inch meat Bond to be in an amount at least double the amout of debt,” a Bond fur more than double is good and valid. Oliver, for Piss. Pryor, for Deft. Shockley vs Davis—from Marion. 1. Equity will specifically euforce a con tract to transfer personal assets for tho in demuity of sureties, in a proper case made Hall & Oliver, for riff. Pryor tor Deft, Johnson (Ordinary) vs. Abbott-from Mus cogee. 1. The Act of the General Assembly ot 1353 4. requiring ttie Ordinary of Musco gee county to pay in full the accounts of the Teachers of poor children for the years 1852 is-constitutional and valid. 2 The accounts thus ordered to be paid are to be audited in the same manner as pres cribed in the General Ac! of 1852. Ingram & Crawford, for PUT. W. Williams for D jft. ; Kellogg & Cos. vs Buckler & Short—from Muscogee. 1 . Where a levy is ordered to he dismiss ed by the court and this order is entered on the ft fa. the Sheriff cannot sell Tin ier this levy, and an affidavit of illegality lies for this reason. 2 A Sheriff cannot be ruled for failing to make the money on a fi Ja out of his conn* B 1 from the court of !e should he in the ‘responding to the nod. for PI.T, 11. Holt, * -■ - ■ | lers. sc vk w j on all sub orth treasuring up, j cf a newspaper: ! nit is required to j ud most amply re- i I care not how Wvp~ s ,~ A.. jttL. - ’ W* Mi j*. I k l # I.i'icrip- H : ■ \ , . . I*. ||im STANDARD, if “/• f’V v ’ Wd ’ eKWUti# % 0 THOMAS A. BURKE, 5 j CASSVIIkI.K. o e:o. F BID AyIFoE NING, FEBRUARY 9. 1855. ; a.” Apologetic. ! AA'e are compelled to delay the publication of; | a portion of our edition, this week, in con sc-| | quence of the non-arrival of a lot of paper, which j [ would have reached us in good time but tor the j i burn in iv of the bridge. Our Kuharleeand Stiles*! boro Subscribers must bear with us a week or | two. AA r e are now making arrangements to j change the publication day, back to Thursday, I after which time their papers will reach them i regularly every week. “ | Frank Italy’* Gazette for February is :on our table, as pretty as ever. Notice next weak. _ The Atlanta Intelligencer. AY. R. Ritgoles, Esq./has sold a half inter est in ibis paper to Maj. T. C. Howard, who will in future assist him in the editorial depart ment. Southern Eclectic and Home Gazette. Col. J\s. M. Smytut, proprietor of this cxcel • lent weekly offers a half interest for sale. Cir | dilation, 4500 —thirty live per cent on the in j vestment warranted. Address him, at Augus p: The. State Road. Freight trains commniCJiced running on this aide of the river on Tuesday last, and will con- ! I tinue regularly, we understand, making the trip ! though from the river to Chattanooga, in one day, and vice versa. The temporary bridge, for waggons, will probably be completed early next week after which time there will be but little de* lay in freghts. Presentation of a Silver Cup. We learn from the last Taupe-rancc Tanner, that our old friend and fellow 1 citizen Bexj. Braxtlv, was, on Sat inlay last, the recipi ent of a silver. ‘Cupi,-—a present from Aquilex Division, S. ofT. of I’thlield. Mr. Brantly was 4t>r twt.Jy; years editor and proprietor of the Tanner and is one of the oldest and most thorough going temperance men in’ this state. He is now a resident of our county, and we fee! sure will prove’ a valuable citizen. Valentines! That sly dog, Cupid, requests us to say that he has taken up his quarters, the pres ent season, at Sam'l Levy's Cheap Cash Store, where may be found a full assortment of the most heart rending and soul-piercing Valentines done up in the usual magnificent style of such *> wnnities.” Young America will please make a note of this fact, and govern itself accordingly. Hiss C. W Barber. AYe commence, this week, the publication of an t rlg'nal Nouvellette. of great power, rom the pen of tjii-s talented : n l popular writer, and we trust that no one of our rea ders will fail to read the two opening chap ; ier, which are given, in this number. It will lake several \.e,:ks to fini h this story— the first of Itjc series —and we feel confident that each forthcoming number of the papqr will be looked for with impatience. AA'e have seldom read a more thrilling 1 story — certain are we that one of such superior merit has never appeared before in a coun try newspaper. AVe are pleased to see that Miss Bauber is being appreciated in Georgia, where she has dune so much to elevate literary taste. AVe.have to thank quite a number of our Georgia exchanges for the handsome manner in which they have spoken of our new vol ume and the forthcoming stoi ies The opin ion, of our brother Turner, of theEatonton Prtss u carries weight” in our estimation A number of others have given us handsome notices. AVe are sorry that we hav'ut room to copy them all, but we are none the less grateful. The following, from our good friend, Doct. Ramsay, of the Atlanta Idx aminer, we give, because it is a well deserv -ed, compliment tq our lair contributor. We iiopc that Miss B. will soon collect her j .-ketches and poems into a volume, for the press. Such an one would contain more genuine merit than a hundred of Fanny Fern's *. Leaves,” which are enjoying at this time such a wonderful popularity. Ml-S C. XV U ARB EH CASSVILLE STANDARD. “ AA’e have for some time intended directing the particular attention of our readers to the writings of this talonied lady, and are remind-j od of our neglect by an announcement in the CnKSvillc Standard of last week, that she isqire’ paring a scries of her popular stories for that p per. “ .Since “retiring from the cditorial dcpurt ■ ment of the Family A'isitor, to which she eon i trilmted much to make it popular in literary , ; circles, Miss 8., has devoted most of her time 1 to writing for the Masonic Journal, and has won ! a place in Masonic literature, sevcod to none ! who have ciiUiud lb it field. Indeed, so uni i vursyl b:.s been tlie conmicmlnt.ioii v/ith wbicli; ! ber contribution's to the Journal have been re- Lceivcd by (he Masonic press, that wc had began j to tear that she \youid be induced to devote her j xc'usive attc tio to that particuhir Ir auh (T- ! ! her Jjrofession ; hut we are gntilied to see that she has not a! together forgothm her friends kpf the Secular press. . r Our friend Lawrence, of the Bonric* suggested the colhwfion of some of PSeticul worksjjirfcook form, which Kt approve, apsHiope she will gratify fiihunjk hy if* publication ut an WjAiN. be u valuable aequiailioii Hkllii'iicUlooks, and we prnlirl v ■ atli, Willi of ■ -ft* “ .Ku Hk o’ m | _ The Four Points. v The four points to which Russia is said to i have at length agreed, as the basis of ueW negotiations, are the following : 1. The abolition of the Protectorate o( Russia over the Dauubinn Princip.tlties, and the privileges of these piovinces placed un der the collective gunrantee of the contract irtg powers. 2. ‘Wie tree nav gation of the mouth of the Danube secured according to the piinciples I established by the Congress of Vienna 3. The revision of the treaty of the 13th July, 1841, *> in regard to the balance of power in Europe. 4 The abandonment hy Russia of her claim to exercise an official protectorate ovar the Christian subjects of the Porte [to Wliai ever rite they might belong,) in considera tion of the powers giving their mutual as sistance to obtain from the Sultan a Coufir mati on aml observance. ,of t h e religious privi leges of all (Jhristaiu communities. Cur Book,.Table. Juvenile American History; for Pri mary Schools', by Marcius Willson, author | of History of the United States, New York. | I visor. &. Phinuey. II.STORY OF THE UNITED STATES, flOlTl tilt; earliest discoveries to the present time AA'itli additions, containing history of the American provinces, history of Mexico, and the Constitution of the United States, with exp’anafory questions Same author and publishers. Outlines .of History : illustrated by nu merous geographical and historical notes and maps : embracing part 1, ancient his tory, part 11, modern history. Same author and publishers. A glance at the crowded catalogues of some of our school book publishers would convey the idea that wo, are the best instruc ted people in existence; and yet this multi plicity ot sclioo. books may be, ami we hum bly conceive is, tlie result of some radical defect in the minds of those who attempt to supply the educational wants of the conn try. It would be better for bo h teacher and pupil, if there were fewer of these edu cational works to select from, but as this i.- not the case, it become# us to examine such as come under our notice, carefully, before we recommend them. There are scores of school histories, in common use. each with its admirers ami apologists, and at the same time, its defects Peter Parley, in the main a very good old man, ami the author of numerous pleasant storieS iar children, bas set a bad example in the way of school books Ills histories are wonderfully popular, and the minds o hundreds of poor juveniles are every year crammed with a mass of specious knowledge, which leaves them in worse condition than it found them. AA'e arc opposed to all sim pHjieil school books, whose authors propose to make the path to learning so smooth M.a tlie veriest simpleton may walk in it without trouble. Such books should be tbrust oui of every school in the land : the true path to learning cannot be bordered with roses, no indeed should it be, for he who is not content to encounter and overcome its ddlieulties, does not deserve to enjoy the pleasures to which it leads. A\ e have carefully examined the books named at the head of this article, and have no hesitation in recommending them to the favorable notice of teachers. Mr. Wilson is evidently in love with his subject, and has devoted much time to its study. His June nile History is tlie best we have, examined Itiswri t -n hi good, pure English, am while it is suited to the comprehension of young persons, still leaves something to be Studied out. The author remarks truly that it is .. a serious error to cultivate in the young objectionable language, under tlie pretence that, they have been accustomed ?to it, and cannot understand any other.” There are a number of well executed and neatly color ed maps in the volume, which will be found useful to the pupil. The History of the United Stairs, for schools, is divided into four parts. The is a well written account of the various voy ages of discovery, made by Columbus, P< nai de Leon, Soto and others. Part second is devoted to our Colonial history ;• part third to the American Revolution, and part fourth to our National history from the adoption ot the Constitution to the beginning of .The present administration. In the appendix we i have very interesting histories in brief, ot j tlie Canadas, under the French and English, of Texas and Mexico, as well as the Consti tution of the United States, with explanato ry notes. Os the last named 1 and largest work of the three, we can say but little hero, as our no tice is already too long. Jt strikes us as being quite as good a compendium of An cient and Modern history, as we have seen In the departments of Grecian and Roman history, tlie author has, we learn from his preface, “ aimed to embody the results ot the investigations of the best Modern wri ters, especially Thirlwall and Grote in Grecian, and Niebuhr in Roman, and in both ancient and modern history, be has caretul ly examined disputed points of interest, with the hop-, of avoiding all important .attiqua ted err u s.” The analysis at the beginning of each chapter is a capital idea. The eigh teen beautifully colored-maps, to be found fit the close ol tlie volume, will prove a very useful convenience. The hooks are ail well l r nt ed and neatly gotten up. North Eastbrn R ail Road. —AVe arc j pleased to learn that the contractors on this i road commenced oil the Ist inst , with a large j force of mechanics and laborers, so that wu ■ •nay soon expect to see its completion to its furthest point —103 ini’es. The depository ; is'-now being erected on ChapcH-str.sglfr* l ” Charleston JYcU'g, 2i/ insi, iAv v n,v aii Cotton Market. Tim Chattanooga /Ten ,) Gazette , of 3d inst.. says; fFivannuli is unsurpassed ns a Cotton Market by any other city in the South, and planters and merchants are always sure to get the highest figure for Cotton sold in that city Col. Hardee’s T a otic* The U. S. j Senate inis appropriated twenty thousand ; dollars to stereotype this book, to enable the ! secretary of War to supply the ni'litia witli j J it. Col. 11. is a Georgian. f Messrs. LiddCm & Sullivan Njoing ( desirous of iuveit’ng nil their means in tffiir , B ok offer the Office of thu Madison ■Limily Vising, fr l1 * sale, uponXaeaotnuioJ a- j P.epeal of th.e Usury Laws. AVe notice that many newspapers of our Stale aye-warmly favoring the repeal of the present Usury laws. Now we have never had ti single doubt about tlie correctness aml sound policy of these laws; we have al ways looked upon them as; a wield to protect ..the innocent, honest laboring classes, against the arts, deceptions rnd oppression of the bard hearted money holders. In other laws rest raining therich froni gr ud injj, thq poorrV . . -v Laws against Usury have existed in every commercial nation since the creation of the world. The great Jewish law giver, Moses, ferbade the taking of unlawful it terest Up on money. Tlie Republics of Greece and Rome, the wise provisions of whose laws we all admire, prohibited the taking of unjust find unreasonable interest. It is true, for a short time these Republican States had no laws against Usury, but tlie popular de mauds soon caused the enactment of wise provisions, protecting the poor against the exorbitant exactions of the rich AA'e would respectfully ask, what class of our p ople demand the repeal of the Usury ; laws? Is it the middle and working class? No. It is a movement gotten up alone by the unfeeling am! avaricious wealthy men, to enable them to take advantage of their unfortunate neighbors during the present ; hard times, and rob them of their homes I and impoverish their families It is an old | and true maxim, that the rich can protect j themselves, nnd it is one rs the first duties j of the Government to protect the poor. The j repeal of the Usury laws would not only in- j jure the unfortunate, however, but would j ruinously affect the laboring class general- j ly. by inducing money holders to let out ! their money on personal security, and retard ; and stop all works of internal improvement i Consequently, tlie demand for laborers would • be decreased, and the wages of tlus tiumer ons and • worthy ‘ class would be greatly; reduced. Toe repeal of these laws would prevent capitalists from embarking in pub lie enterprize#; by offering more profitable channels for increasing their wealth, and thus not only would all but the rich suffer, but the general wealth and prosperity of the State would be seriously affected. Now. our numerous Rail Roads are the c!iici'resour ces of State prosperity. Repeal our Usury laws, and our internal improvements, by private ent rprise, would suddenly stop. But we are told that England has re- : pealed her laws against Usury. Ah i Is j this a reason why we should do so? If in i England the lords and monied aristocrats should-repeal tlie last law for the protection of tlie poor, is it a proper example tor our Republican government to follow ? There the wealthy are masters, and the poor are slaves, cut here, thanks to the efforts of our. Revolutionary fathers, the dollar is not the controlling power. This effort- on the part of the Sivy locks of Georgia will fail and the people will mark the man who lends himself io effect this unjust scheme of the money holders. Talk about Georgia repealing the < Usury laws!— why it was only in 1842 , that our Legist;.!ore passed a statute giving greatei force and effect to these laws. The Usury laws are wise and l eiieficial in j their influence It is useless to urge that j they deprive men of the privilege of giving what per cent they please. The law does no L compel the borrower to plead Usury —it is a voluntary thing. If any man is willing to give a higher rate of interest than what s law, he incurs no penalty ; lie is at liber ty to do it. But don't annul the law L lias been tested for ages Wise and good law-givers have always acknowledged its correctness, and in our humble opinion; no borrower freely advocates its repeal. If these laws are repealed, money will be bor rowed at enormous ra;es of interest—the unfortunate debtor will promise any’ per cent to prevent the sheriff from selling his property. “We have ali seen how men will struggle to hold possession of property Bride and every’ other feeling of our nature 1 will induce men to give ruinous rates ot in terest, with some faint hope of relief, or sometimes merely to prolong the evil day. Few men make money hy paying unlawful interest, and many have been entirely ru ned in their pecuniary prospects, l>y r the uncor.soientie'us money lender. If our Usu ry’ laws were repealed,- the rich, who hold the money, would establish their own rate of interest, property would depreciate in value, and our prosperity as a State be ; greatly retarded. The capitalist would fat ten and grow rich upou Ihe wants and misfortunes of the poor. Others may do as they think best, but we shall -firmly and honestly oppose this attempt of the unscru pulous monied men of the State, to fatten upon the misfortunes of their neighbors. Prior to the borrower was forced to file a bill in Equity, to establish Usury by the answer of tile lender, the great expense of which p.r ceeding prevented the pleading of Usury in small amounts, and in that year ! an act was psssed enabling, tlie statute to be j plead in even the smallest cases Not only did the act of 1842 make the pleading more simple, but parties defendants are not now compelled to pay tlie principal debt, and lawful interest, before they can compel the j plaintiff to answer, as was the law before its ; pas-age Now tlie defendant, simply files his i plea of Usury, without paying either princi- ; pal or interest, and if the plaintiff fails to j answer, he has the right to establish the ! fact by bis own affidavit ns to tlie irutli ol Ills plea. The speculators and money len ders think that the present hard times will lavor the repeal of these laws- hence this sudden clamor of a portion of the press, who we fear, are pandering to tlie nod of the al- 1 mighty dollar. 1* d-k, urgeyjm'ffr'aavociite the repeal of the Usu- I country, or the purse-proud aristocracy ? It is argued by Jeremy Benthniu, mid other J hirelings of capitalists, that money should j be governed by the laws of commerce, the ! same ns property of every description ; that j there should ho no law regulating its value j any more than that of any other article of commerce. But these reasons, which may ; at first appear plausible, are incorrect.— | Money is different from everything else; it ; alone euu pay tuxes; its value is regulated . by the Government, and no man can do with- { out it-? whereas most other things oau be dispensed with. —. . i Aicomi any of colored Thespians is in success*ul operation in Cincinnati. They pctlirinod llotnco and Juliet on Thursday voinV>g- ‘For the Casscille N Laniard. Prohibition Meeting in Cass. Ca*;viu,k, Tuesday, Fob. G. A large number of the citizens of Cass cbtinty, hairing assembled in the court In u>e give ex}Te.-sH)ti to their feelings-in refer ! cnee to the prohibition of the-sale of ardent leptff-its on motion of Doit. W. If. Felton, 1 CoJ. Z. Edwards called to tb'eelutir, and Doct W J. lieuhnto,. requested to act as Secret a ry. ,| On diction, Dr. Felton stated that the pb fj.eet of tlie meeting was to apppint delegates to the Prohibition Convention, sopi) to meet, jin Atlanta, and to nominate a ticket for a j Seuaior and two Representatives for the county of Cass, in the next Legislature, lie gave liis reasons for going into the move ment, in a speech of great force and itlo ! quence. I. * i Cn motion of J. R Parrott, Esq . the f.l - j lowing committee of ten was rppointed to j report business tor the meeting; .. .; > J. R Parrott, Esq , Col. W. Akin, Gen Joiin II Rice, Rev. li. A Milner, J j. How ard, -Esq , E L. Hamilton, Esq , A. C j Trimble,- Esq , Rev A. W Buford, Rev J. W.^Oi veils. Rev C. A. Crowell. While the committee were absent. Rev. .1. I W. Hurt is, at the .call of the meeting, ail- j dressed it, in bis usual felicitous manner, j j strongly urging the passage of n prohibitory i Haw. ! j The committee having returned, reported, i | through their Chairman, Mr. Parrott, the! j following preamble ami resolutions: j Whereas we-the citizens of Cass county ! j arc determined if possible to abolish the re : tail traffic in ardent-spirits in our county. I and in the-Stut.e, and in order to consummate | that great end and to drive that blighting i curse from our happy country ; therefore i j, That we in Convention asseni- ! ! Iwo'd appoint twenty five delegates from this j j o unty to represent us in the Gubernatorial j j Convention to assemble in the city of’.Atlan- j |ta on the 22d i list., and that we recommend ; : to the support of the voters of Cass county, to represent them in the next Legislature, Ceorge W. Tunilin, for Senator, and Joseph j Bogle and Misha King, fo>- Representatives, j Col. Akin moved the adoption of the re port, supporting his motion by-a powerful J ■ appeal in favor of lig'nl suasion. The ‘mb j fion was adopted unanimously. On motion of Doct Felton, the candidates j | nominated for the legislature, who j | all present, were requested to notify the j meeting of their detenu.nat on to accept or ; deel.tie the nomination, whereupon they sev erally replied, accepting the same. The Chairman then adopted the following gentlemen as delegates to Atlanta : * Gen. John II Rice, Col. J. W. Harris,*E. L. Hamilton. Benj. Brantlyy.John A. Erwin, Rev G. W Tumlin. Dr. W. li. Felton,"Col. Joel Foster. J. J Howard Rev.l. \Y Giv ins, Dr W. J. Betih'am,'Elisha King. Dr.-M. J Murphy. <R II Junes, D M Hood. •John Greenwood, Alexander Todd,*llon John W. Hooper, Rev. A. W Butord, John A Terrell. •Wm. Bradley, H. V. V.’ ester. A*. C Trimble, ,Rev. It. A. Milner, and Col. J. It. Towers. On motion of Doct Felton, it was lesolv ed, that the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the Chairman and Secretary, and published iu (lie .. Cussville Standard.’’ The meetingTlien adjourned Z. El>V ARDS, Chairman W. J. B(:mi am. Secretary. Correspondence of the Standard. Letter from Uew York. NO. G “New Vobk, Fe>. 1, 1855. 11 o’clock-, A. M. One week's Ir.trr ncirs from all Kuro}\e — The Crimea — Sevastopol—-Cobden am 7 (!,e ll'.ir—JVetv Constitution in Spain i Co ton ael ire lire a tin InJfs On t week's n exes ft oni Caiijorn ia— jYtarty half a million of specie to Pape, Jla. con Sc o<>. Home •news s-7 ‘gis/ntiee —2 riumph of ike K. JY. in jYew York —The weather, markets, Sfc -., kc. By telegraph from Halifax, yesterday, we I had the outline of one week's later new,- : from Europe—brought by the British an! Worth American Royal Mail Steamer Jifri ca, which sailed from Liverpool on the ZOth ult. There is nothing Iroin the seat of war worth occupying space or tune with. The general and prevailing opinion is that, peace • is about to re restored ntd that an armis tice will be: effected. The Fr-tidi aud Eng j Ministers at Vienna bail received the J necessary powers to < ii.ible. them to re-open ed written instructions f.otn the Russian Government. on 11 fit ult, in relation to tie pending negocia-ibi.s ; and rumor j fr m ati lieu tie sources .expires cs Tie Czar's! readiness to accept an honorable peace j He appears to be tired of war. Austria j is also peaceably inclined, but is firm ‘ ;n insisting on Nicholas to accept the pro- \ posed conditions, .<■ which ihe-wcl/ore of En !/ope demands “ Now Austria does not say ; that she will insist ujiUn the Czars acbopt i ancu of all that England and France,demand and before she concludes an ulfettsive alliance with the latter, she wants to have it .. sla ted exactly” vvliat they do demand. Few, however doubt that Austria has determined J iu good faith to proceed to hostilities,-diould ! the reasonable demands of the allied INjwcis | not be complied with. Iu Sevastopol there is nothing doing ; all lisat a stand still Omni- Pasha was at. the j | camp of the allies, and had an interview . with Raglan and Canvobert on the 6th ult. j lie returned -to Varna fniiTh 11yroncliing the al lies. The weather is frosty, and the roads now passable. Lord Ruslan has sent to In- i din for the 10th Hussars. The 821 Regi i ment of Infant ry has just embarked from] i Liverpool, lor the Crimea, 700 strong. From \ j the Danube there is uoth'ug further, since | the destruction of Tultselia, by the lilts* I sians. The savage Russians, though they j j had the best of it, suffered severely, as the j | Turks fought desperate y. The Turkish force : ; now in Dubrudsoha is GO,OOO, mostly raw re ’ emits, however. From England there- is nothing of im- I portance. Cobden made a speech recently j I at Leeds, in which lie stigmatized the at- ‘ ’ tack on Sevastopol ns a colossal mistake, j and the main principle tis the present qnes- j lion slibuld bo, how to get out ot it.” Your j : readers will recollect that 1 defined pretty clearly in a late letter the pesUioti of the ! j allies before Sevastopol, and saw, and said, j | tliere . was no hacking out of it.” It is said ’ but I very much doubt the report, that Gov ! ernment lias offered De Lacy Evans an np pointmeut in India “to keep his mouth shut.” In Spain the reviwl Constitution was sub mitted on the 13th ult The principal points ] are that the religion will be Roman Cath olic, but toleration will be allowed the press shall be free—confiscation ol property ; ynd death penalty are abolished Senators | me to Jtie elected lor life on property qualifi cations—one lor every fifty thousand citizens. j The English Markets. Cotton was In ! gqmLdemand, with an advance in low and ••middling qualities. Saks of the week, 50,- i i GOG bates. Fair Orleans, - 3-Hid. ; fair Mobile, 5 3-§U ; middling, yd.; I : fair Upland 5 3 fed ;• ordinary, 4 1 2d. 1 1 Beef in nnid'-rate demand. prices steady.) Pork meets ready sal-..- at -15.-. t- 15s for I prime mess Lai-d de'el.ned Is. and demand! ; slow. j Lire.til stuffs —Wheat lias advanced 2d. : j .flour and India n corn are Gd. dearer on the ! j previous quotations. Western canal flour, 1 | old, at 42s to 43a,; new is a very inferior . ! quality and difficult to be sold at 40s ; Phil j j adiilpiiia, Baltimuae, and Ohio at 445. to; 45s ; white wheat., 11s Ud. to 12s 6d, : red j . wheat, 10s, (id to 11s. Dd.; Indian ccrti, j ! niixed, 445. to 435. 5.1 ; yellow, 435. Ud, to j ’ 445.; white, 4is Gd to 455, I We have also a week s later nows from ‘ j California, by the arrival, at this port., of! I the .. Star of the West,” She brought up i wards of .tj-GOl),000 in specie, $402,000- -of! which was to Page, Bacon he Cos The sixth Legislature, of California, assembled at Sac ramento on 2nd January, and organized on j 3d, selecting Mr. Stowe.(Whig) - Speaker.- ) Flour is now selling there at sl6 50. A I new arid rich mine of gold and copper lias 1 been recently discovered in the the territory ! acqu red under the Gad;ulen treaty. Euii- I gratinn is lending thither, and an active pop ulati n will soon be settled there The ,* Message’ ot the Governor, sub j mitted, exhibits a flattering state ot affairs, i From it we learn that the Slate debt itmouti.s jto a million and a quarter of dollars,— a j fiattering state ol f.t ai-cts, oi.t.unq j that one year ago, it was over three millions ! L'lie usual number of gales, losses, fires, anil records of crime, is brought by the “ Staroi i the West,” but nothing that 1 consider ol sufficient importance U* your mulcts to go into detail about. My advices from Washington are entirely barren of interest Commodore Ferry s cor respotnlenec in relation to Japan oegocia lions were received. The discussion as to the best means of suppressing Indian hostil ities was resumed, Gen. Houston asserted that in all the wars with the savages, tin whites had been the aggressors. Senators Dodge and Mulony denied this statement, and Mr. Cass announced his intention ol speaking on this subject again. The Know Nothings of New York hnvt aga ri been triumphant in the election ofMr WiHiaui 11. Goodvv n to the State Senate tie had a majority of 2 000. am! the Know- Nothings consider this a great triumph over bis opponent, Mr. Loomis, a Freesoil Sewar dite In he P!fi!ade v phia cdnnty prison yesterdav morning otic of the prisoners died from suf focation, and nineteen others narrowly es caped a similar fata, in consequence of the pipes connecting with the heaters becoming detached, and the Cells being filled with gas. The health of our city is good. The weather clear and fine : snow almost disap peaied. Cotton was about one-eightl; of a cent dearer yesterday The market closed quite tin:), though sales w ere ‘limited, as dealt rs were waiting priva e lette s due by the Afri ea. We now quote in,dd!irg up'auds at Go : do Florida at ‘J l -8c a I J 14e : Mobile do at 1)1 2c. There being no New O leans mid 4ling on the market, it was nominal at a iiout 93 4.“. Common grades ot Flour were front Cl 4c. to 12 l-2e. ].er barrel higher, while choice and extra were steady at pro ’ Vidus rates. Wheat was quiet. The news ! was of no benefit to Corn, which sold at 9Ge ( for Southern white and yellow, and 94c. for common do. : while Jersey was at 95e. tended downward, while Oats were firm. BENSON, Advice to Planters. Tire Augusta Constitutionalist alluding jto the approaching agricultural Season. | gives the following advice to planters in re gard to the choice of crops : . It is to be hoped tiha cotton planters will not be betrayed by the present low prices ot cotton and their want of money, to commit 1 the folly of planting a larger crop than usn , al, in order to make up the required sunt by | increased quantity, increase of production j but aggravates the evils under which the ! planters suffer ; for too many strain-nil their j energies to make ‘'otton, to the neglect com paratively, of supplies o! provisions and ot li er articles which every plantation needs, and of which a surplus can always find a ready market. This is especially true now. for while cotton is unusually low, almost. every other article usually made on a cot ton plantation is unusual'y high, and like jly to remain so. Corn especially bears a very high price, with no prospect of an a biuemeut. The hbine conpiiptum cannot di minish. while (lie demand for export is all the time increasing. Corn is now a regu.- i lar article of shipment to Europe, where itJ is yearly coming more into use. Thiseotin-S try will also continue to have a large murkfl ,et-;iikbr<td fat ■ail-flu^'!■ of, aujfl every other transportable article offnodT* ,^B -i Let not prospects of an ear y \ eaoe oeive the planter into the belief that j of Cotton will necessarily, iu that greatly rise, prices ol provisions greatly I'lm’ the war should terminate to would be a long time before a change could be effected in the regulating prices. .. T’o d.m nish tlie produetion of r raise an mei eased quantity of would, at al’ events, be a sate policy^* Over -It it),(it it) barrels of ale were from England last- year ! ||® France produces annual ly 9,(Hjfln iq r. gallons of wine. * *'sF The best capital for a young it a I young wil'o. M’'-'jk R■ ’ q Wo learn that Bishop Capers Jjg res.deuce in Anderson ViiingoJHj J - jMvmday moruiag last. --v! <omrnl if'ruts. Congressienal. Washington, Feb. 1. ! In the Senate Mr. Seward presented a pe tition from New York praying for the aboli tion of slavery in the District of Columbia without loss to owners. The Amy B 1 was ta! en up The amend ment of Mr. Shie ds providing for two regi | ments of cavalry and five hundred Rangers, j to serve five years. Was adopted. ( In the House Mr Richardsons substitute’ to the Subterranean Telegraph Bill, grant [ inglthe right of way was adopted. ’ The bill donating lands to Utah fur schools was passed. j 1 Mr Houston gave notice that lie would j call up the Tariff bill next Wednesday. N ashuvoton, Feb 5. | A The Senate has passed the Bounty Land bill, and has taken up the French spoliation bill. The House, has passed; thsf bill for the re lief of the Georgia lLu'roal and Coinpatiy. The consideration of the Tariff Bili inis been postponed to the 13;h inst. From the Washington LTRcn. Letter of Mr. Hiilyer. The friends (f Mr. HiDyeF.wTl read the j letter below with regret ItV li.-is proifed himself a faithful nr.u efficient leprisenta tive of the interests and sentmtems iH| icsolutum to decline a re election therefore, be received by them, as well sound national men evet where, with His letter is as follows: W ashington, Jan 2d, 1855 To the pe< jle of the 6/d ‘Jongm s. iona.’ 1 District of Georgia: I It is proper that 1 should make known to I you at this early day that i decline a re u-A lection to the next ‘Congress fl 1 desire to retire in in congressional lifj| and to resuo e the practice ot my piqduß sion. M With the consciousness of having ed n.y duty to the best of li y ability, you and my immediate constituents. the country generally. J shall retire to pleasant home not only without one but with unmixed sat.sfaciion ; ami should live a thou.-.ind ye ns collection of kindness ami ei foriuly extended to n e i• ii el an u to mfl| Rticai as] ir.itions, as we!, a- yj n al and Si cia 1 [ edition, wHi he tin “&4\ tion that will i In m n y mind. JL'MUf IHLEM ALo]itlG-./:ni P. 11.1 Tlrot c11:i Tin: New Or,mins BuLci.n e whig lajer ot i.ou ■- i a 11 , ho! ii e language. : .. Ti e e! sue’- an , ; en iuHJhM -••d em my to ti.e South a.- V ,i. ■ n rei.iwed, gre-.’ sl-teijM i.m • w hide ot ii ell : The kn-iw r: li : s'-oii a- x- c'.s wse •’ a., i -ie I’scliu on q'.ir -r^B tl l- i’ll 1 .1. - !* ( : - .. Lve-y WOl li ! .- i ! lie :BB ■ mitt rof vvi n- * -,- ... 1 a arm ! i^B . - ‘ 11, *.T a I -'o^HBKHhSB| i’a ceti-ni •* v.",i- a : - -ago 111 the I .. t- 1 \ ol A!a>.-^tjHHBHBfIBBBB aRj, ;v Jvi 1 ,” :, Ii - m- ■ - in io ■. - sv! - - “ ‘ • in .lie . at,, it w r‘‘ n'l t-% •* i ‘on. ■ ’ I \ r . F'ti'K -}' c '\ i i*; ,\v-rfFe -fi) w-w w-'A JHI ‘■■■'_* tj fV -■ /- Bm m , ||j i S ’ f-4 Mm m to deter I'lfl crime. Un^B ill ns JB lermined^B |p JB ■ ■pi jwf] |vo m ii m I.efl luJH