The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, February 09, 1855, Image 3

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—i t rrrimn muni ■ iwmiM mum Lieut. Hunter, li us been twice before <3 is - / taissei * Ir<M* <h fewitesed from! Vhesqnadraw, Six times cmut wmrmMcd am?! ;' nce hvongh t before a <c>mrt of inquiry. Tlvt i ItiiKsre &in fniriii>les the foUfowmg Isis, ; ,f Ly General JacTison in IK&J, for fighting -a ; ‘Litd with Miller, f Phils ijal*- , frequently, he 8 restored, During the Mexican war, it wi i 1 fee mr. ember ml, be was i tried by c<nart-maTt!.*4 -sue? and sm’rssml from ‘; i erry s squadvcm for •di'sediedienee ©funders isoou after ward j, J w-dge Mason, ;feuu Secs"*:- ; tary f tUa X -try. ga.ce him the command ©t i tlie 1 aney, in the Mediterranean* and, on j return, h© was <1 is missed for seal leg- ; *d ‘hence. ■Suhs-qaently, Mr. Fillmore was i induced to reinstate him. >.wd fee was put- i*s i roiMiiiand of the Gain bridge, wife which ves- j sel fee rctnrci-wl from the stution, fee- j Cause Commodore Sa/rev iLd wot s<-e fit to ’send hii ©p the Paraguay to itt rfiere ill Consul Uos iviuhs quarrel, <{ auy he is dis missed again. , , f ****■’- Fat- sigki'sk tx Okhcb: The ckntg? . - i:is been made vtp.m tiie pr.-seut Ado inistra | Vion ©f the United States, th *( the foreign; Lorn cifitorts have received especial favor in i tiie distribution f {uidic ©Rices ; and to! show the waul f foundation, in fact, for ; s icit a cji .Tge, the “Washington Univn of the j Gwtli nil . makes n Krug exhibit ujhus the ! *~’ub .€ tof h• re tve proper turn of such ap , poaHmefits, from which we gather the lbl- j lowing particulars. The whole number of i persons employed in the IfiftitofSce Depart i inent, i leeks, assistants, are one hun- t deed, of whom S3 are of American, and ! twelve of foreign birtis. The whole number ! of persons employed in the Departments of; tiie Interior are oil, of whom 23ii are Amer j •vican, and 35 of foreign birth. Os those em- J ploy or 1 fey ; lie Department of State abroad, i , < xciusive et Consuls, tiie whole number is! 43. oI whom four were luJrn abroad. The j whole'number employed in the Department I •of Slate are 4>b, of w.kiiii 4LO are A aiericaus, tind 2o foreign born. These proportions, it is contended, establish the fact that there is no such,encouragement given by the Gov ernor of the United States to the foreign •born citizens of this country. Tiie newspapers throughout the country continue to tie greatly excited in regard to ! Funny Fern's domestic affairs. The Cliica- ] go Tit)** says that her second husband is a i Mr Farrington ; that he was in business in j Boston ; failed, went West, got a situation. ! sent for her ; that she refused to join hun, ! and that he obtained a divorce from her The Tiiiiis .adds ihat a full biography of j Funny, furnished by a gentleman oi boston, who is said to lie in possession of all the facts, will tie j übl’ished in the Chicago Lit t rul y Budget. I. WottCl’T 3.IIAVE Cbi.ORKD Foi.ics.” Fr dern k Douglas delivered one of his lec tures last week, in B.ddeford Me., and the too ti n ; afterwards stepped into the bar berVshop of a Mr. Bunker, an Ethiopian with a slight European alloy in his blood, absolutely refused to suave him, as it *„as against the--rules of the establishment to shave Coh re 1 gentlemen. Frod. left in a very .wrathful mood. Goon Aovic^—s' The CV itr i! Georgian farmers will fejir^lulvatiTa ge of tiie rising lc'by spa -d Iy get ting then cotton to mai l - * t li also warmly advocates the culture ot grain in j r it’ience to cotton, so long as the .■con.ucrc.a 1 worid remains so unsettled. Ci “Such lias been the accumulation of snow ‘ton the railroad) in the West that seventeen 1 < C -motives had been fit, 7. nor biiriid upb - ji it on the Cnicago and Mississippi Tfae Steamship Canada sailed from Boston .._.C Liverp-i dmi Wednesday, with 287,808 fegcJs n ifov F.ieli fn/iu New } ork will, it is -ft : ] j,...... to vac-ite his seat in Congress from Cy Mjr-'-'rwjT'-.,- T. ..■•x-J TJg>. ,'rmm* lin an: o 83th.—Panssi Peb. 5, ’BS. Biiept-further ordained, that Irnrn thepas- Hfge of (his Ordiaarce, the corporate limits Hr the town of Cassville be exten led in every HFirection so as to reach a distance of one from the.court house in sai l town, but Hfti propet ty not included within the prat ‘jn'r Bplimitsof the corporation shall be subject to f any town tatj. except merchandize of all •V sorts off-red ihr sale, within the new limits . which sirall be subject to the fix impose:! by [ Or !,nance Ist. W All BEN AKIN, ,t. w. noopEi:, J AMF/’ MILNER, AB. JOHNSON. A W. CHURCH, Feb. 0;, > • ‘Commission >-rs. uk -- Atla.-t v, February 7. ■PCoTi ow.—JTl -- a 7.1-4- ext femes. ■L Avgusta, Feb. 7, et m. M t foTTov. ~r market rom.tins much in the # nieTonditirM s;nofccd on Friday and Sat- Jr .Jay last. 1e offering stock is still light, and J jp£iddlig to B*ict Middling is selling at 7 3-9 to j -dcciits. ■ i. A HEXED. Wednesday morning, the 31st alb, by tin* > . G. J). Bei'iilieiin, Davxp B. Ci.avtox, of 5 arieston to Miss Elkanoa Ax.v, eldestdtuigli- bf Citjf. Win. Thomas, of Massachusetts. “?Cn tlu Ist Inst, By J. A. Howard J. P. Mr. ■ fJ. Mi r.uisAX, to Miss CassX.vpa I'lrso.v, of , ;. rdoii County. DIED. •• Oa Monday'Jan. 20, at Elij iv, Sauaii Javb, t apt * l <l.tught,.r of Jacob . Duiir.n, aged 2 Vh'i's, :> months. Wtij/’insvE. —We da not refer to a- reprieve JHRn CiAlital Punishment. There is a slowbm- Hp>, It pro which a respite is equally:, tkoaffme. H refer to I)ysiej>s;si—a yyqu'iLyPMrnich al 1 the of ind gestion amasjiTmied iqi. To the | by this paiufjplmml harassing disease, ! Mean hold <>ut jgSuttilv bright hopes, but the ‘, relief and permanent i effg. Tilere i a tornic, cordial and alterative! niiitciple in Hooffand's German Bitters, which I iiievitably arrest and changes tiie morbid action oil the stomach and the secretive organs, re- ) in/.veß“the disease, and restores to health. — Prepared by Dr. 0 Al. Jackson, Philadelphia. , January, 26 —ft, ‘ I Syiihils, Scrofula and Diseased Blood. For these terrific diseases, Garter’s Spanish Mixture ‘ is the only specific. j The proprietors have in them possession over one hundred certificates of the most extraordi- j j We refer to the certificate of Urchard Adams, ! late High Sheriff of Richmond, Va,; Edwin Puirren”Commissioner of the Revenue for Rich-1 m nd j ’ Goner and We’.cli, of the Mammoth -Circus;! Dr. Bgmllv of Washington City; Mr. VVm. A. M ttthews/aud C. B. Luck, Esq., of Richmond. V i. • Mr. F. B iyden, Exchange Hotel, Va.; and a lust of others, who have seen eases of the w ,rst -1 ‘sermtio’n cure 1’ by Carter’s Spanish. ‘JHhfttro. They all certify that it is the greatest i of f,|j ,* blood known-- Jan ‘-’6 ™4t j Notices. | \9f* Three children of Mrs. Brown res ding j in Pine-street, St. Lotus, “Missouri., by n most I rcmavkahle e.a incidence msrc sarnfnlonsly ihr ; clined, the eldest, (.Tune) most particularly ; and fne mother finding such to be the case did, i all in her power to relieve the sufferer, lint rn i vain ; she uecatue worse, the blood of the others i (*quall v uiqvure, and they all three were so ! had at last,” as to hecirniequitr- an etf hmy rot to their friends. The mother, about eight •weeks sign, put them through a course of Ilol | loway’s Pills and Oinljweal, and s'iraur,go, v t i time it is. that their blood became thorough'y, purified, viwd the scrofulous svuqifemis disaji-1 i ii ar and. ’ They are now all three in excel lent.’ : lutiiih, totho aud delight of their v !j affectionate parents. Fefe‘J. f . Co’ S ve in-- i , will out doubt, the most fenr i fully fatal of all diseases, (leTfi’pt cphitmc,) a i nuall v c iiTving thousands to I'ot nielV giiaVes. 1 11.iw often coa’.d the ravages of this arch (h s ! troycr he prevented, if timely remedies Were’ | used in allaying the inflammation produced by an oixiinnary cold. For C.i\\gks, (XiWs Sr.r- Throats, and other, sTABLEII’S ANODYNE ‘CHERRY EXPECTORANT has no Y*qhal. tt is pot reconnneiided as- infallible, hut medical men and ttltei-s, w'm>hayeust*s and adiuinrstered ‘t, .be ir testimony to its extraor dinary edheaev. It is known.” to be a “good medicine. ” and .--‘.ssiich is ‘.-ilu-syl to the pub! c; ; asa’so STAIILER’S DIARRfKEA CORDIAL, 1 for and senses f the bowels. See descript ve j pamphlets, to be hid gratis of the agents.— 1 Free For each, only ;>3 cents, or six bottles for ! v'j 50, E. n: Stabler k Cos„ Projirietors, Wholesa’e I Druggists, Baltimore; T. A. Burke,. Cassville, • Elliot & Titppan, Kingston, j Feb o—2t.0 —2t. 1 “It is just wuat is AY anted. 1 ' — So says I)r. i Peter Fryer, of Salubi ia, Chwuung county, N. I y. and so say all who have used or adminis ! tered Dr. M’Lane’s Vermifuge. Mr. Fryer ! says that this excellent medicine has given the i greatest satisfaction fu lvs neighborhood, and 1 bhas ordered anew and increased supply, j Mr. William S. Fanchee, of Alarengo, Wayne i opuntv, N. Y. has used this incomparable Vtr : mifuge, and found it to be all that it is recoin | mended to he. He says that, where lie has sold j it, it has, in. all cases been found an effectual 1 cure. * , Mr. G. W. Ilnlloday administered two ; spoonsful to a son ot ills about / years of age, i which he h s n > d.mbt brought upw r Jsbf.UJ *(• j worms fr.itn him, measuring ir on one quarter j of an inch to two inches ui length, j Mr. AY. 1). Robb, of Tyre Springs, Sumner co. ! Tenn. writes that be could h ive ‘sold a very large quant ty, if lie could have got it, All tli :t had tried it, pronounced it the best they had ev er seen. Air. Robb adds that it is impossible for any one to say too much in favor of M’Lands Vermifuge. For sale at J. I). Carpenter’s Gass ville, Ga. Feb. 9—it. Every family should at once procure bottle of the Arabian remedy for man and be ist called if. G. FAKREL’S ARABIAN LIN i IMENT. It allays the most intense pains in a j few momtes, restores the synovial fluid or joint water and thus cures st. 11 joints; it penetrates the i flesh to the bone, relaxes contracted cords, cures ; rheum and palsied limbs ot twenty years J standing; also tumors! swelled neck, enlarge ment of the glands, and is the best nied.cinc for i ailments of cat tle ever discovered, curing swee ny, spavins,, and all diseases which re quire an ext anal application. Sun Pain of 10 >///•’ nhtiuUng cured by 11. G. I'amlls Arabian Liniment. Mr. IF. G. Farrell. —Dear Sir: I had been affl cted with the ‘ Sun Pain” for the last ten ve .r.-, and could never get relief except bleed ing; but by the use of IE G. Fam li’s Arabian Liniment, applied over the temples about three ,r ;o r tmi s a day, it w s e it.rei.v v moved, and 1 h .ve felt nothing of it since. I went in to the stable one night, to apply it to a horse’s j sure leg, and being-very lame he stumbled and foil against*niv legs, crushing them so badly that they turned black as my hat, rendering them powerless. 1 applied vour Liniment, and was well enough in a few days to go about again as usual. I also crushed my ting rin a shocking manner, by letting a back log fall upon it; your Liniment,"souti healed it on, tli ugh. ‘JOHN B. M’GEE. La Salle precinct,, 111., Feb. 6, 1849. [E*q. Laker, if Mac. Canton, FI, say*:) Air. 11. G. Farrell’s Arabian Liniment Ins cni tTi .--TTv.-r’ trea,-,vii cV: ‘■ (-’- i-taei : c -e*. * i ii-id failtsd in ; one was a wh.te swelling and con tracted cords in tiie leg of a bov twelve years old. Til • leg had withered away, and was s contracted tli it lie had no are of it. Three doc tors h oi tried their skill upon it in vatu, and he no Jfi-xf f-lrikiner f/i the j ‘ran-, when the-boy’s f ither was induced to try H. G. Farrell s Arab - aivLiniine'.it. Before the.first bai.le “as us < up n- to Mr. B.’sstore, and the first words ! he said Wore, “ Mr. Barker 1 want all that Li: i :nont yon h >ve iirthe store; the one b.ittle i got did illy bov more good th m all that h and ev er been done before?’ ” That bov is now well nd hearty, and If s free use .firs legs. It is go a. for sprains,, cuts, burns and swellings. Fiiok u'./ f r ‘amnterte txl The public are cautioned agmsst another •counterfeit-, which lr.vs latjly made its appear aiice, called VV. 15. Farrell’s Arabian Liniment, the must dangerous of all the counterfeits bc emseh s having the name Farrell, many w 1; buv it in a good faith, without the knowledge that a counterfeit exists, and they will perhaps onlv discover this error when the spurious niix ure has wrought itts evil effects. The genuine article is manufactured only by 1-1. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, run! wimlesale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications for Agencies must'be addressed. Be sure you get it with tin letters 11. {}. before Farrell’s thus —11. G. FAR RELL’S-—and his signature on the wrapper, all others are counterfeit. Sold by T. A. Burke, and J. D. Carpenter, C.tssvilfe, Andcrsofl, -Milner & Cos. Onrter.sY.lle, Elliott k Tnppan, Kingston, and by regularly authorized agents throughout- the United States. ’ AF’ Price 25 and 50 cents and $1 per bat tle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, village and hamlet in the United State’s, in which ohe is not already established. Address 11. G. Far rell is above, accompanied with good reference as to character, responsibility, Ac. . Robert. B itty, Rome, Ga., Wholesale agent. A Warning. DELAY not; harbor not in your mind that sentence of fools’ philosophy, that a disease will get cured of itself, or that you can. cure t with certain medicines for a few dollars. Be ware how you temper with your general wel fare. Ye wild and vicious youths, why will you persist in dosing with the filthy liauseii ting com pounds daily proffered, thereby impairing your appetite and digestion, and destroying you men tally as well as physically, when you can be cured with a few doses of pleasant'medicines? Ye rakes of every age and condition, why will ye suffer and repine, and drag out. a micernble ex stenee, unfitted for the enjoyment and even ordin try pursuits of life. You whoare tlmsan noved and wish to be restored to health and vigor by a treatment at once pleasant and effec tual, should consult Dr. MORRIS. His suc cess in chronic disease's has been greater than that of anv other physician of his day. Many who have been for years affl cted with disease or consequences resulting from’ excess, have been restored to health and vigor under his real ly scientific treatment. Should a personal interview be objectionable, state vour disease in writing—enclose five dol lars -inldrcss Dr. W. 11. MORRIS, through the Postoffice, Savannah, Ga., and a package of mod c;nes, securely put up, wjlljie seat J J'lyaf’- 1 - 1 V M 111 1 -'iYjp* m) questions askeiT j’ersons living at. a distance,and afflicted with Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Tetter, Cancers, Piles, Fistula in Ann, Gravel Strictures, Gleets, or any disease whatever of an aggravated or malignant character, can be cured at home by consulting Dr. MORRIS, by letter post paid, unclosing a fee. Medicines pleasant and safe, can be sent per mail to any part of the United States. Particular attention given to the treatment of female complaints. LaiPes who may be afflict- j ed with Irregularities, Flor Albus, or Whites, Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb, would i do well to lav aside all false delicacy, and promptly consult the Doctor. Chubs W akkan- TBI). . All letters to receive attention must, be post-paid, enclosing a fee. Address Dr. W. 11. MORRIS, Savannah, Ga. , tySM Consuß’ng Rooms, No. 98, Brvnn Street, Opposite Monument Square. July 14—Iy r\ EORGIA, GILMER COUNTY. —The fol- V 7 lowing is the description of mi Estray Alule brought before ine: white mouse color, branded 3 With the letter H. on each shoulder, four feet six inches high, about six years old, appraised to be worth one hundred dollars. 1 M. J. HUNNEYGUTT, Feb. 9 aw . Cirri’ fnfnrbr Cmri. V ■ iXW miwi M—— i x\-- - . j Spccii)i - |‘ I. O. of 0, F, i AYogwiar meeting of A AIOA-IT f'OIOO’B, All. ! 4S, I. 0. of f>. F., will be held on every Friday | evening, at 7 o’clock. Transient brethren are ! invited to attem!. Ev order ofT. A. ©urke, ’ N, tL AllTiirS HAIRI-; Seeretarv. i ‘ .- ‘ i. o'; of o. i\ At tCATßßsrm.'i.- swa .. - **” “ Ecowaw Jjom.ii, S’d. 47, -L 0, of D. F., will be held u every Tuesday ■..■ veiling, at .8 o’clock. Ttanyient; •bi’ctbrc-v! my invited io attcsc-fb Pv ordewof S. 11. I’ lUllc, N. G. ‘KENNEDY, Secretary, TVIE F.ubscvibev has been nwe’mt ed Agent for the Southern MuUi.-d * • i O gr *<lr x Imswraiwe .Company for Cass and Gordon Ctmnties, and wiP take risks npui Umi~ ses, Nogroos, 4c. Ac. Will also receive appli cations for i;wai-aiue upon the lives of white pel-sons. JOilX 11. RIGII, Agent. Jan. 5, ir.s's. ‘ 48:-ly. DEBTORS AND CREDITORS, i.Ai —All pea-sons indebted to the Estate of 11. E. Davis, late of Gass County, deed, are reques ted fe> make hnmedinte payment, a; and those hav ing demands against sid estate wilt please pre sent thorn in terms of the law. / ADAM HILL, AdrnY. JFo b 9_ DM IN ISTR.ATORS SALE —A grvea hly to f\_ an order from the Ordinary o.f Gass Coun ty, will lie sold before the court house door in G.issviile on the first Tuesday in April next be tween the usual hours of sale lot. oflandNo. 172 n the sth district and Urd section of Cass coun ty, also one negro girl by the name of Caroline about 16 years of age. Sold as the property of Dav id C. Ayers deceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms m/dc kiiowii on tbu'dav of sale. / Z'. 11. CoARDY, Adui’r. fo/Fcb 9—lds* VIUjjpLLUABLE NEtIUOES FOR SALE.—WiII be sold to the highest bidder in the town ofCassv He on the Ist Tuesday in March a val liableTicgro woman nLout jJ2ve rs old ami h i j child live iiienihs old. The wa.lnan is a g. od I weaver, w :sh r n 1 ironer, she s also a good hand in the field, and a tub Table cook; terms ff cash the other iiali on the Ist of Jan. Also ;It the same time and piece, a beau tie grl three years „U; sold for cash. J —ids ‘ ADAM HILL. / x tORGIA, CASS COUNTY: Whereas Wil- VT liatn L. Kirkpatrick, appltc-s to me • far letters of adminisfrat oil on the estate of Robl. J. T.-ylor, late of Cass curdy, decensi.d: These are therefore to cite and admOpish all persons concerned, to be ami ujipenj’ at mv of fice Within the t ine prescribed by law, to show Cause, if any exist, why said letters should nut be granted. t,.yeii puder my hand at office, ties 2d day ot Fcßniary, I''ss. THUS. A. WORD, A’ ch. 9—odd Ordinary. I)M INISTRATOr.’S SALE.—Accor ling to /i. mi order of court, will be sold on the first i'uesdiy iii AI’RIL next, at the court house door in Cassville: All the Lands belonging to the Estate of C. 1). TYrliane, decaased, late of. Cass county, ly uig in said county—consisting of the Home i plat-*, ‘containing about three hundred acres of i Lund, lying on the Etowah River, in two and ; ha'f miles of Kingston. Th e M il place, containing about three ’.ue- Irqd and sixty acres of land, adjoining Tw Run creek. The mill is with n half a m.teol K ngston, in full operafc’on and line cond t'on. Tins place is situated within h ilf a mile id - the .tiil Road, and be surpassed in Ge r ; is a location for milling or manufacturing’ pui •os s, u.ui has realized tarty ; er cent, per anlinn oa live th..usainl dollars, nirii will eoutanu. odo s. with proper nuul'.lgclT:ell^ - The Pt *i) i place, a-ljo ningSolonn nit Dodd's m il, oa Etow.ih R.vcr, containing about seven ty acres. . The Elliott place, on the Etowah River, bo rn; :h iionie place, containing about SeVotity a.-ts. One-fourth intcre.- < in the Bird place, on th Et wall IFver, below the lforne place, e >fit ru ng about two hm.dr, and acres—ilic oih r tlirei faiiths interest can be bought oil the day of | ale, if and. I Tifis above lands when united, fi rm one .of the best and most de^.ruble bodies of Land ot the I t iWi h R v. r, of about twelve linmha-d :cres. Its fortii.ty and h a'thfuhicss can be by obet-rvation. Possession id’ the m ■v ii be g.ven immediately—the 1 unison Chr si- Alsd at the same t'me a .and place, l .ts i.f land No. i27.6-t.7-3, Na 6-17-6, No. 2f5-]7—", uue. No. ss-—1 1 -8. The terms of. the site will be one li ill’ next Christmas, and the balance at Christmas, 1856, with interest iront next Clirist n. s. ‘John Tei-liune, at tiie mill, is ready at any time to show .any or all of the above land,- o persons desiring to purchase, dolcl for tin benefit of the heirs. A. A. TERUUXE, Administrator. Feb. o—r-ti’s. AND par * J lal “ 1 ’ total, entirety renwcf.d'.— Dr. Aisophert begs to call the -i.tte,.- t on of those suffering from n t, or partial toss ol t/fe hoaruig, to the facts. He ire ts d.souses of the nuddie- and n,t rnaf.L. i- | vv ill Mmucaied Lunches, such as is pracl .sed >u the ol B,rmi, Leipsic, Brussels, Jdainburg and St. Petersburg, and 1 .ii.l vby tin most d-st-nginslied J.omlon Aunsts, w.tli the most vvondcriui success ; indeed, it is the only method th this been uniforiuly successful: — Tin- best, proof of the efficacy of the ti ea.ment w.ll be a reference to nearly n<neUu wired nciibn, resident's ol the United ritites, Canada, New Bi'UiifW cl; and Nova Sc-.tia, who have been le stored to acute hearing, mid not a single, s ditu y e se, to our knowledge, did we fa.i to eifoci e tiKi-.. partial or t dal tvstorat on of the lie r aig, when our advice and instructions were iaithfuily and punctually adheivd to. _Ma.,y who could not hear the report of a at .inn’s length, can now hear a watch beat at the distance ol’ four feet. In casas of umeunts accumulation in thb Eus tachian Tube and Tympanum, Inflammation m the Mucus Membrane, Nervous Affections, li t ease of the Men ib ran a Tympani, compionly called the “ Drum,” or when the disease can Le tr.ced to the effects of Fever, colds, the use ol Quiniqe, Mercurial Medicines, Gatherings in the Ears in childhood, Ac., l)r. Alsopherl’s treat ment stands pre-eminent. Where the Aud.t- ry Canal Is dry and scaly, with little or no secre tion, when the deafness is accompanied w th noises in the Ear, like-falling water, ehirpi, g oi ins ets, ringing of bells, rustling of leaves, eo. - tinuul pulsations, discharge of matter, or when, in stooping, a sensation is l'eit as if a rush of blood to the head took place, when the hearing is less acute in dull, cloudy weather, or when a cold lias been taken, this method of treating this disease, is infallible. In dc’ sand dumb cases my experience war rants me in saying, that if the hearing was at any time good, very much can beaccomplisbed: In the Deaf and Dumb School, out of a class of 14, 1 succeeded in restoring four to acute hear- Jng. Dr. Aisophert begs respectfully to state, r he ijuarnupnes u twco ssf a IrWult, conijm'nri‘f , stoi'a^||^mJg|i^|(hti' : a marked improvement as will be pmeeny sat isfactory, if his remedies are faithfully applied, and directions adhered to. Applicants will please state their age,"” dura tion of disease, if matter issues from the external passage, if there arc noises in the Ears, state of general hqalth, and what they suppose to have been the cause of the deafness. When the hear ing is restored, it is expected that those ill easy ; circumstances will pay liberally, j All diseases of the I‘iye successfully treated lay the application of Medicated Vapors, Ac., an ! infallible and painless treatment for the d.sen ses of the Eye, acute and chronic, cataract., spegks, inflftmimitimi, film and weakness of v.s ion, granulation of the lids, ulceration of the Lachrymal glands, Ac. To the astonishing and gratifying effects of th s treatment, the child, the youth, those of m ‘tura age, as well as those iar advanced in life, all bear testimony to its wonderfully reno vating, healing and southing effects. Medicine, apparatus, Ac., will be sent to any : part at my own expense. Address Dr. Auto- PH but, Broadway, office, 422 1-2, near Canal street, New York. Consultation fee—five dol lars. Dr. Alsopliert’s Work on the Ear and Eye, illustrated with steel plates. Price SIO.OO. Money letters must be registered by the Post M-antenv Feb. 9,1835 —8 m. Tailoring! flwv DAY A NOR- V_w3 fuliy inform ■ U-liair Vrienife and onstom /C “ A -'V:v. 7.< v* >•*, CI S Ihat they fij'.-';, -.yy.kfo-; ; .- fMj cimtmti t£ti L Tuihjrii&f In - , J .-V V-i;- j (, s./iess in- liii If: if: ’• .-i .-A “Its ’brftvn'lifS JFS ■'. • . -;it Then- cU! V / . . ■ ■ “ istnr.d in a!u • vast find & ■■■f ir AA‘ - ■ - Dr. lytMtfH |;L.-; ‘ S ‘ feui Wing. All, .-j y. n VK-olh K'li'titiiti. l Vi .V Vft tw thorn if: fn & 1 \ wi.n -he exwe s■:;<} ’Xir •? > V • ted witll iwab f ift’-i! J. j ness and def of pateb. Prefi IF: ■ --■ v; -eri-wee iuvarfi y. - ■, ably give's t‘- ~h tvtsbmn era. tCasSA-iilh-V, -Taa T? —\ *. Hoticn AMERICAN MASONIC AGEECY THREE! EIGHTY !! THREE!! fish bkoadwav, new took city. Owing to the liberal patronage tre have re*cci'<rl from our Rrctli- Pen through every State in the Btiwm, wc have been obliged to move our place of business to a nroTe public part of the City, and a larger and more commodious building. Out present loca tion, S-SoJJroadwur, combines everything that is needed to render our house the most popular Masonic Establishment in thb-worW. Situated -ni the prhic’pal Htmd of New V ork, a few squares above the Irving House, and in the ini .lnediafe v'ehi’tv of all the leading Hotels, our country Brethren can have no difficulty in find ing qs. We have fitted up and furnished, in an ele gant and comfortable manner, our MASONIC! HEADING ROOM AND LIBR ARY, where the ; craft will find our Mr. Lkoxatui From 8 o’clock in the morning until 10 at night, ready to give dl necessary information to Brethren who are | strangers in the City, on anv branch of general business, or oil Masonic subjects. Our T.'brary embraces ffOfi whittles of the stand red Masonic. Books at all countries, and in all langu ages. Most of them old and rare, and very cUmcult to be-procured. Our country Broth ran Y : s : t, : iig New York will always hod a “AI-i ----sou’s ironic,’” bv c-dling at ‘>B3 Broadwiiy. sign ofthe Golden Candlestick. Adjoining the Read ing Room, on the same floor, is our Regalia, Jewel, and book Store, embracing a general as sortment of evevvthing that can be needed in a Lodge Chapter, Council Encampment, or by an individual member ofany of .those bodies. We would >1 reet especial attention to our Ancient York Jewels. 10 pieces, composing offi cial emblems of tne W. M., S. A J. VV., Tt-., See., S. AJ. D., Tvler. and Square, and (!i>m huss. All these of solid silver, elegantly en rraved, at'3o, “5, 40, and 50 dollars a set : The I'lfbrenee of price being in the weight of silver *hev contain. Those at. .SBS are beautiful and ■substantial. Our Jewel Collars, Scarfs and Aprons, Diplo mas,.Books and Jewelry, are equally cheap and good ; and Catalogues and Price Lists sent free vlifiti rounded. JUST PUBLISHED.—The Masonic Symbo lic Chart, or Craftsmen's Trestle board. Size: •24 bv -TO inches, embracing the degrees of Sym bolic Masonry, vV,.: The Entered \pprentsce. Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. The publica tion of this Chart, is designed to foci'if at* the labors of tiie Mnson’c Lecturer, and to render j#sy and pleasant the study ofSvmbolip ‘Mason "v. It combines the ornamental with the use ful ; and while it. adorns the parlor of a brother imson, ; t is equally useful in the counting house, office, or workshop of the craftsman who seeks more light on the subject ofFreemnsonrr. This Chart is a b.-iutifn', clear lithogr till, mounted on canvas, with rollers. beauffuMv painted in lively colors, and varnished. I’ricc, -12,50 each ; or in Clubs of twelve or more §lB a Jan 19—ts JOHN W. LEONARD) A CO. Tag or lies. r T'HE L ltidon Qu :rt rty R. view > C ms, rv - i. five.l ’The Ed nlnirgh Review (Vvlrg.)— she North British Review (Free Church.). The \V -stmiirsfer’s Rev e'v ( Liber B.hiekwood's Edinburgh Magazine fTory.) The present critical state of European affairs will rentier these publications unusually interest g during the. year ’55. They ‘-'ill occupy a mid l’eground between the hast ly written liews tems, crude speculations and flying rumors ot he and uly Journal, and thgponderous Tome of he future historian, written after the living in terest arid excitement of the great polit ca! e vents <if the time shall have passed awav. Tt is to these Period c Is th t people must look for the only really intelligible and reliable hlstoi-. f current events, and as sul-li. in addition to •heir well established literary, scientific and rheological character, we urge- them upon the Cvjnslderatioii of the reading public. Ai-i-mgements are in progress for the receipi fi’ee.rly sheets from the British l’ubl.shers, by ivhich we shall bo able to place all our reprints in the h inds of subscribers, about as soon’, as !n-y can be furnished with the foreign tvp'es. Although th : s will involve a very large outlay m oar part, we sh:ill t cont:inie to i'urnish the J’e iudicals at the same low rates as heretofore, nz: Per Annum : For an v one of the f >ur Reviews, $3 fin For any tw-> of the It -views, 5 Oft For any three of the four Reviews, 7 fit) ’ For all four ofthe Reviews, 8 0” T '’-ir Blackwood’s Magazine 300 For Blackwood and three Rov’ews, 0 on For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10 00 P lyments to bent id j, in all cases, in advance. Monov current in the State where issued wi I be received at par. Clubbing.—A discount of twentv-five per cent from the above prices will be allowed to Clubs orderin g four or more copies of any one or more of the above. ft-orks. Thus: Four .copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9 ; four copies of the four ! . Reviews and Blackwood for &{<>•; and so on. ROinittances and eomnnmications should al ways be addressed.fiiost paid to the publishers. LEON \Ul> SCOTT & CO., 53 Gold ytrci.-t, New York. N. B.—L. R. & Cos. have recently published, md have now for sale, the “Farmer’s Guide-,” iteniy Stephens of Edinburg, and Prof. Nor ton, of Yale College,'New Haven, complete in -2 vol'oeta vo, containing 1600 pages, 14 steel and oOn wood engravings. Price m muslin binding, -86. Jan 26—3 t ALL prsons having demands against James A. Beard, late of Fannin County deceased ; ire hereby notified to present them properly, j a tested to ns within the time prescribed bylaw or they will not be set tled. And all persons in- I lebted to said deceased are hereby required to j make immediate payment. VVM. FRANKLIN, Adm’r. MARGARET BEARD, Adtn’x. \ Feb. 2—6 t. ft EO RGIA, W HITFI ELD CO UNT Y.- To nil : V J whom it may Concern. On the fifteenth and iy of September last, I sold and transferee to ! T. B. Tliotnpftori and J. 11. Kibbcc, all my stock ! or interest in the capital stock of the Planters j it Mechanics Bank of Dalton, doing j business at Dalton, Georgia. SAMUEL F. DICKINSON. | December oamfiim. XL l Q OUT HERN MIJ.ITARY ACADEMY 1- -11 y author;ty of the i If ■ -Adftf'rii i> > (111 the Havana plan.—Class K, to be orawn Feht^UlHi.'j i title Prize to 20 Tickets, and remember, evelV*) Prize drawn, Cawtals, $15,000 I “ 5,000 “ 4,000 “ 3,000 “ 2,000 1,500 “ 1,100 “ sos ? 1,000, 5,000 In all, 501 prizes, amounting to SOO,OOO ‘ Tickets slo.oo—Halves and Quarters in pro p irtnm. B lls on all solvent banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. j S. SWAN, Agent, and Manager, Sign of the Bronze Lions, Montgomery, Ala. Feb u—td ri’ , o ALL PERSONS INTERESTED.—AII 1 parsons are hereby cautioned against tres : passing on lot of Land No. 1282, in the 21st district and 2d section, now Cass comity -as the law will be rigidly enforced against those i who may, SAM'L A. PARDEE, Drawer, HENRY ROGERS, Adm'r. of | Sparta, Ga: Feb. 9--3 t FLI Xfuitsfiebd, ‘dk '. DObeH I skills. Pcinnlo SD-di!<gs. THE Spring Terrr of this Tnstituiion Mi;jj wilhdinmifiwe'on •Tbt* l fi;j-y. -ibc kT-th of “““"•■OaMUitry, and close 22d-Roly •!>•<*!&. •P'aTs’Ul% . wima/hi ntitEMDKNT, mwlf. ? PlfystCal Scit'ttM.-, Mathematics turn Taingtnr .lD.. 3vs**tr-dra%- s’blogv r?nfl s fHr<r : *iw. wi-LWAift Bcfnttitssim.yw. df'Yoch,.tiu&:BT strtunenßd M-Osie MISS NIVftA Btt’RA’lWS, TvtsTrttdtteSb'to Bbt j| tmv, French, Drawing and Tainting. iiTss m .vry T-:. c:\ rlton, *?-rw • punitory Depar'tfnevit. Tuition Tee'S-. Trimnvr iT ts niwnm, S2O FrapaTriffcwT “ “ 30 roiicffc ‘ “ “ r,o XDisic vo ‘College TANARUS)c r A *” -Tift Prep “‘ * -.To . DfiW'ing., V aintiivg, fco. ‘2O Ancient apT Modern T.itngnagr* niid v-oea! NTtisut free 4i‘ tehavgiv Sfe •conffingcrrit evpeu- Tn-tioA'i for eiw?n toTm rp:rt;ft>lc tittftc *ilost of ; flic term. Board. Wasb’iwg, <V:. fcc., sfl*\. It is highly hnpop'tatiY fii-t ell mitvls ibe present at the oiwmrig ot fheTWov. WM. A. ROGERS, IVcs't. A liberal d'seount made to iV.o;ifC who pay for nlic tcsi in Advance. Dec B—2 ni Woodland Tciyialo College, Urraji Tow.v, I oi*k Ock, Ox. T'l'Ulle first t’crrii of this institution will ccm -1 rngnccon Ik Ist MondaV in February n-eXt. FACULTY. YT. 15. Cn iwford, Presklcnt.and Professorof Moral and Mental Science. . J, I). Collins, Professor of Natural Science •and Languages. M'ss Vmc.ixix Verdkry, Teacher of Music. W. A, Mercer, Principal of Primary De partment. Prof. r.vRMTr.T.i; Lf.Tlaro\% of Charleston, will be engaged to give instruction lt> the French Language, and in drawing and TNiint mg. The scholastic year will consist of but jOio term—ol ten months —commencing on the first Monday in February-and closing, on the third Wednesday in November, wh.cli wdl be Com m ncement, Daw ’ TUITION. In the Primary department, first class $15.00* second class, $20.00 per term. I,n Pol logo Department, *40.00 per term. Music, (use of Piano included 1 $40.00, Half the tuition to he paid in advance, Bn cash or note,- —-the balance at the. end of the term, Mr. Win. A. Mercer will have charge of the Hoarding department. The price of board will be ten dollars per month, everything included except candles. Board may also be obtained in private families in flic village. _ For further information,address W in. Peek or J. M. Wood, agents. By order of the Board of Trustees. Dec 1-——Sm KFor icir s Aeacl om j . G. 0. NORTON. Principal of Male Depart ment. Mrs. AURELIA VAUGHN, Principal of Fe male Department, ‘■pHR exerc’sos of fids \cademy will bo rasiiin -1 id on Monday, the Bth of January, 18.55.—- For Terms of tuition, apply to G. C. Norton at Ids residence, in Cartersvii'le. Dec :>' Primary School. rj-n- rrsDK suberber proposes to roach jjfj&i'y) J. a School of small boys, in Cass o&fr villa, this year, commencing on the Ist “A of Febnv'w, if sufficient encourage-’ ment is afforded him. Terms modcr tte. J. B. CLARDY. Jan. s—tlf. Ungllsli School in Cassville. BY JOHN P. MILIIOLLKN, /ffWFZnWi IVIIO is now preparing a house £in Vi h ; cli he intends to open on Monday the llitli day of Februa ry next. Terms per session of 5 months. Prim’s, “ $-0,00. Arithmetic Eng. Gram, Ac .8,00. For further particul.iis npplv to JOHN F. mTlliiollf.n. Feb. 2—ts. ~~Z~ 17 M.EDDLEMAN C& l 17 . & RRO., AtUuva , X kee]) constantly /T\ on hand and f..r sale, e- s, a large ass'.rtni *nf * AU . of IJfofx, Lcut - - . G v r\y ‘ i>- J p. • ;/v® er> Lasts, Pegs, Cali V s --ii.iia 5’ ‘.’ J Lining and Bind ■ g ■ -.v'-Lwai o Skins, Shog-Makef’s , ~: J y’"% %%. vT Tools, Ac. Sure on \£s£\ Wh le-hiil Street, op pos te IV. Kay’s Book Atlanta, Ga. Jan. 12 —ly. Eich Carpets and Coirtain Materials WILLU.iI SHLA ’, VUG LIST A, Geo.—Has received from New York a large supply of English Brussels Carpets, of the best quality, and of new and elegant styes. English Velvet Carpets, of new and splendid styles. Extra Three Ply Ingrain and Venetian Car pets; rich Chenile Rugs, to match the Carpets.- Planted Crums Cloths, in patterns and by the yard. Rich colored Danv’sks and Delaines, for cur tains, with Gimps and Tassels to match. Rich Embroidered Lace and Muslin curtains, and some at very low prices. Embroidered Muslin, for curtains, by the yard. Window'Shapes, of beautiful styles; superior Furniture Dimities, and hue Cotton Fringes. Gilt Cornices, curtain Bands, and Brass and Plated Star Rods. The public are respeeifully invited to call and examine the assortment. Augusta, Ga. —ts. Dental Notice. r jPHE subscribers would mmcct -1- fu?ly inform ir j rjF place and its vicinity, that'they intend locating here with a view to becoming permanent citzens for the space of live years or •more. Th.w hope, by close attention to their profession, to be enabled tog veth it satisfaction wit eh the public demand, and to m. l it a share of the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed here. All jobs, such as Plugging, Mounting teeth on gold plate, Ac., warranted. (Jose attention will be paid to children’s teeth, when desired. COBB & MOSELEY, Jan. 20—ts SurgA'on Dentists. Household Words, A JOUUNAIi COX’DUOTKD 11Y CHARLES DICKENS, Author of “ P'tvkit'ii'!.’ /Vqtwov,” “ Dombej/ and Son,” “ Ddnid Oo)ipf.Jidd ,” ifv., WITH a regular stall’ of contributors- the most eminent men in various departments of art,, science, .and literature. Devoted to So cial and Political Reform. Light Literature! mid to developments of beauty in the Mechan ic Arts .'and is with all a model of style in Eng ghsh composition. •tiw tale, “North im> South,” by the au tlidrOf “ Barton,’’ is now in course of completed in live month* < To S-gvmmf |Smst.e* urnUgeimT'S.- Two vo!iirnes a year, (November and May,l cloth bound, 81 so each. Muslin covers, 2a cents. Nine volumes, cloth bound, $l!l 50.- Weekly llimsehold M’ords, published every Thursday ife! per year, or six cents a numher. Clubs.'—Two cophs, $.5; tir e copies, s(?,j five copies, $8 7A. One copy, with the Illustra ted Magizine of Art, sfi. One copy gratis to the getter up of a club of live or more. Address postpaid, ‘ j. A. DTX, Publisher, 10 Park Place, Now York. Feb. 2,--It. SIXTY days after date, application will be made to the Ordinary of Cass county foo leave to sell a negro woman belonging to thr est tie of Charles M. Brown, deceit Sv.d, late of Oglethorpe county, ELIJ AH LUMPKIN, Jan I2 ~ilod ‘ Admin : ftfratoi\ STEEL PENS, at 35 cents per gross, at I.E ----VV Y 5 cheap eifsh Htorc. Si'tiimf.tM •Xrsooiy.'!.? i‘-ctri:m\ i iFGft-Aj'/ WdfaiiteWtofr i/.■ ’fPh i vif iT?'<;bl> ? s GovßiitL ih-e i Ist -It-cures the* f .v<'.” , Rt ! 'cases'dt' : Diil-!‘rlsbi3l. i -2d ft eWres'tbe-weistTdi'iils'df-t'R'aeiils'ry. 3d. Tt c.tlße3 t Ca'(ifdrid. r -. dr MesJcUft “Pufitrltodti 1 4th. ‘M-relidvesTht* xdvsxawt ‘Cedl'e. 50*. P CUrfls’Cliol'F'tt Morhiis. t*Oi. Tt'Cdres ClidlJra dnAdiffiio. ■k nm sh&t’ i “T Tia't'fe Jacob’s Cdri'i-d in any ‘family, !. judgment, a vain thin Hon - W gives the pleasr*?!'!! in ■bring t&lfclfeYec©**; ! e.twio, tiwA -rhe oVinh igit -..c df ma Hd fv believe A te \m sit ill A h ■'ilrtjpifegN'to'be, viz W. JL Xixg/WR -fikHnei l,< i -{.aTc t. ifiTCift'jyieasure ift Te*\>miK'>:di th:*: diseases, for ‘which ‘? bolicsa- Ato : be {. •iitveTc'rgii ever tried hv me.’’ A .V G'.vriJ&iNu, • This etlickai't rdn>-ey is'ttiNeiiißX; iiito efdcb to Bus.siiv, agd gaining’ e.e.-'o"erid At-.: vAt-.-. ‘-;*/<'• $Vr sale Ity J-. W-. Hi-rqit” •*. ‘Co., h'atVnM tap j ! Cbesfeffe •& tWoVeu. I\ : igst.-io: T> B. •& ft-. ->l. I S(il-->d*oS'O-A A Wilt;a--''.-i. i■.-•'■•n-ice ; E T’-'U'te bv the pF-inehr.-.t MorchuuLs and DVnevis'ts ‘flivea u'ii, Ws w-j Jsi-uisTv HJ, 3 “NT..— o*Tk American ArtizW tTnion! AMa:RU?AV A kTiSYS’ CNYoV. W.iw’d n- JL -spect&tily ©WnmDw.e to the v liw-i:? --I tiu United States and the .Canadas, ‘(hrl sis - th. ■ ‘p-nvpoSe of cWo.ivatmg a 1 .s'ie for the fiu-e aV.ts! throw.ghowt the country,, and with the VnAv /f enabling wevy family to b.-can'e possessed <>f i g illity of Engraving, by.the Sj.-t. Ai fists iff thi age, they have dt term limit, in old A’ to creat, an CXfmisiVe sale for tbely EiigtaVings, Ruff thus ■Tot only give etuploymeift tn a large nVtinb, r <•! artists and others, but inspiv(“ am<mg iif CotuF trymeu a taste for Works of #rt, to present t the pureha-sers of their Engravings, when fioj.V aOi.i of them are , >M, 150,1kH) Gills, f Ik- fiiHlul cost ol SISQ,DO(V Each purchaser ot a Ojic,Do’hw Engraving, therefore, receives not only an KagriV ag ricbj ly Worth the money, hul also h ticket Wh ch ant ties him to otic of the Offls (Vh .-n they ute distributed. For Five Dollars, n h'gV i.v fifeished Engrav ing, beautifullv painted in .0:1, and F.veylift T ckrts. will be Sent; or.F.Ve Dollars of splendid Engravings can be Selected from th*- Cat J >gne. ... A copy of the Catalogue, together \v to a spe cimen of one of the Engravings, can be seen at the .office of this paper. , For each Dollar sent, mi Engraving actually worth that sum, and it Gift Ticket, will imnu - diatelv be forwarded. , , AGENTS?. -The committee Wevbig th e the success of this Great Nathmal Lndert ,kim will be m.iti ciaily prumoß-<t by the* cm vgv am enterprise of intelligent and persevering o gents, have resolve! to treat with such on the ,n> v liberal terms. % , Any person wishing to r.ecome an Agent* c (post-paldi *l. will receive i -.-y-unr f mail, a One Dollar .ring, n “ ti ft I c-l -----t,” a Prospectus, a catalogue, - ad other lif e essary inf>riiint : on. On the final cornplctV.p of ia- side, the fl ft.- will be placed in the bands of a Committee o the Puroh isi'Vs to be di-lr i.nt- ‘l, due niff t*e of which will be given tbrougbout the Unite* states and tile Canadas. List of Gifts; 100 Marble busts of TV ishiug* ton at $!’ v h 100 Marble busts of Clay, at 10". J-t.My* << “ “ Webster, 100. IvJ'O “ “ “ Cdh.utn, lpo. lo.uoi 50 elegant Oil Paintings, in Jilcr- I d'*l gilt frames, •*; by 4 f -ct each, i ‘ 100 elegant 0 1 i'aintings, 2by 3 I -isi^nrti feet, t-nch, _ 1 500 stcci plate Engravings, bril- j colored in Oil, rich gilt > I'o. 5,001 frames, 24 by inches each, ‘ 10,0011 elesrmt steel plate Eagrav- j \ ings, cidhl in Oil, of tilt* Wash- -4- -10,00* ingtoil Monument, 2i-v2O in.ea. I i •237/00 steel plate Engravings, from 100 and fieri-nl pi ites, nmv in possession of, and owned by the Artists’ Un-on, ot the m -r- • kct. value of, fr in fio c. to -*1 ea. 1 41, 00’ ! livs'-el ‘ss Dw-lling, in 31st st., New York city, liV'is 22 building lets in 100 ami !u ! st ■streets, N. Y. cav, each 2-5 by 10” ft. deep at L” 0 .- n:h, 22,00 - 100. Villa- 8 : !es, containing each lopiOO sq. ft. in the suburbs of N. Y. city, and commanding a magnTicent viewof the Hudson and lamp Tsbind S.>u->fl, at tyiu. 50,0ft 1 ’ 20 perpetual loans of cash., w.thout interest or secur'tv, of A2-50 ca,, ‘ ;50 perpetu and loans of cash, with .ut interest or security, ot :<lo*i each, -V ’(> * 100 pcrpetT loans of cash, wftheut irrt.-rcst or socnr tv, of 8.50 each, ’*‘ 250 perpel’l loans of cash. W'tlmut interest, or si curity, of 820 each, 2,-op(tperpctT loans of cash w'lliont inti-rcst or secnr.t V, of .ff:s each, 10,oo* Reference in rog rd to the Beal Estate, F. J V-isseher <t Cos.. Peal Estr-tc Br.-i.ers, N. York Orders,’ (post-paid,! W’th ‘ m m’ erch -’ and to b* ‘addressed, J- M HOLBROOKE, 8 crct-i.r'*, 505 Brondw iv. N. Y. The Fc gravaigs in the O it- lug-m nr* •low ready for delrt.-rv. sept 22 Om Cons^miption srccnssiTLY trhatiid iiv inhalation or mud:- CATKIV” VAPO.nS. T>Y JOHNSON STEM’ ART ROPF, M. D., I ) Fellow of the Hoy tl Co-’ege- f PliysT-lans, ■nid for rears Senior Plivs'cam m the l.ondoi Koval Infirmary for diseases of the Lim gs. In. th*'treatment of ('oiisumj t on hv .i-.ha!a* tion, T have obiained the results wh eh warrant me in asserting, that it- Isas'curablo as and soase.- of the stomach and, liver. Breathing Medicines direct 1 ’ - *nto the ’ungs *• e.-u-f.iMiilv tiie ration'll mode of attacking th* disease, and like niativ other great beneficent, distvveries, it. seems strange wh ‘ such treatment was not resorted to long ago. M here ‘.here is life there ; s now assured hope f r the nmstsoem inglv hopeless cases, as throughout n 1 tin stages of this insidious and isease, the wood Hul and ben* cficicnt- (meets of bis treatment are soon appar ent. In cases also of -Brunch It's, Asthtna, Ac., inhaling of powders ami vapers Ivs been t.entlv suectS'sful, and of those suffer ting under | any oftlie above named compl cuts, lem guaran tee speedv and certain relict. I have pleasure in j referring to'2o7< names, residents of New \ ork and neighborhood, who bavb an restored tn.v** goiMiis he.iltli. About one third <>f the above! mmiber according to the parents’ own .state-, motifs, were considered hopeless eases. I The inhaling Method is, site, ami! speedv, and ebnshsls in the iidm nistra.t on .-L medicines in mk-Ii i innniicr'tlnt they are coin a veved into the Lungs in the form <1 vapor, ac*i produces llu-ir action at the sc R ot the ds-j ease. Its piMOl'cal success is desf hied to rcvohi tion-z*’ the ojicrations <>f (he liieihca! world and] establish the entirecnrnbility ofco.ns'iimjitani. | Ajipßcsnts will please state if tln-y have bled; from th'e Lii)i;';*s, if they have lost (h-sb. have nj icough, night sweat and fever turns-what and. how mueii fln-v expectora-te, Alias- tlie oped tion.. of (heir stoni-ieh and bowe’s Tim m-c;-ss-u'y j Medicine, Apparatus, Ac , will be forwarded tot anv part. TERMS. -Five dollars, consultation fee.- Balance of fee. payable ‘duly “Iti'ti patients re port themselves Convalescent; Dll. HOSE’S TREATISE ON CONSFMI* TION.-- I'r-ceon,dollar. Address- JOHNSON STEWART IfOSF, Ollioe SHI Broadw.-.v, Ne'V York. A DM INISTRATft3 SALE. l\v V Him ofi /\ an order from the Dnlinarv of Cass Cnu’ -■ ty, will be sold before tlWyouH bouse dyor in said county, on (he first hi Miircb,■ between the legal hours of salcjsJm.; follow slaves, to wit: Rhod i, n woman imuiit an y*v.r,s| of age; Jim, a boy about !(•; VVd*iyL •’-bout. *C Tshiim, about -5; Ben, about t. A]’ as the property ot John Guyton, late of v, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs itors. Terms m ule known on the dav **wa-h‘ FHILM’ j. guv ton% ROBERT 11 GUYTON* Jan.- lib A Idi'm. with thr wiHiinm.volAk SIXTY days after date, application will !>■ made to tin? Ordinary of Cast* county, f. j3 | leave to sell the U*’ *1 Estate ol William jtVnttlufl sou, late of said eountv, detvasi and. E. F. SMITHSON. Ad ,V. j Jan ft ELIZABETH SMU'iWO AjuMiiilK u \ j 0(7Of FRA ‘79O R BLNS, - ‘f •'\ 1 k Ifrs* Vi wr:mtr "” ti&FeWt ‘ .1 - Lt 3 ( twn.ERA ‘i^FA^TUS*. ’ FettfdUnj Aidfd MYdcik-ypamfuS'Af!i'YtSudiTon. iimviiHe ‘•‘ijqiiii , e’ Eiycnf rums •iVa. it'cm-es jf,■iCi'ii A enstrehcron 8-tb - It’ H'-tii'-v pa .. ii'. Ahe bai'k ftncf lobis, hth nfclS"uisnt.s?,''dcs{/eft v li‘ncTv, ,- lyUi. tiT'cgblarrMci “, . | 1 ltfi. 1.l ills pi-ls i/S) -Voi v.,und hys’ts - ve-’l’fV-e’jrigfr. j i-stb. -It s -an Odbib-abte TVXuTc * oitrf. fcu ’ :, ayc ‘fobOil Ai a ,: -.i,yo I '..'j.-M.'.'. rfib'i G **>#- •Hi'Va ‘-Viixii ige of Supreme Court, Ga. j I’:-, *’ -*>? ’s’Coftiial—my (nviujiorsonal cxjic-rj- Rfrmiufi •*>>, is a.HBKcSrC LudrdihAu'fdr'mo > scA vk'-'ki/OV C-KiT.:i.T. ‘ i'ly (fiidg- - ol SCp*k kirffJ'ifdf, u rH-: ** ■ • “<7 rr*jls It. iiivabaif.-k’ ifiedf iiii’fy all dfll’clcfi Vjfli bowel i remedy- -udeitfei'h’ siijicrior ‘to any. jf hr rig else ~Deputy G. At-, ot *iie fyi-aitd Lodge ‘inAJeorgia. - In-rty us fi-ssl as Bof-.ipaHc in'* • n.?.<•<•!.” (r:oi -riu ‘/.iiivr, - R-<y ■) <>, ff<sß, V. A J •i N.ik t'.kuvit'l Dflajal, WiiMpi'r 1, ‘G. !,. Rob'-rts, and Martinas Kc/tiei t, •r. An-.UisviiH : Ky# s-A ‘Co.-, aud aglro u't Ua: ARaR - .V (.'O-, -Maiiy.facturi.iri and Proprietor's, 40 Re- kni.-iii Street, New York, j mi Vt rj. j;i-:ab, Ah^ii>.s4n t YAS- *vVei - .cl from New-York bis Full Skip” .. jj. L ..t Finny and <S(-s-p.le ?b’.v Gvrovlsi J riubr A.'iog a l.Jrge and splendid assortment, suitable till: the t all And White* uyasoh, among i o h eh are x. Bi'ok fi ncv colored Bilks, of new and bcnUb 4til styles', Plain B.hi’ck U* great variety aid of superior quality'; Rick l-avN printed” Dela-nes, and fanev nil . woo! Plaids J Lupin's col’d, white and black ■ Mtl iiOfS, and i lain colM Delaines', ■ -A v.-s-v supply of small <ts*AVvij nil wai! p.vint. and j ‘-.-l.ioma, foi-'chficren, of new and beau* .'o! stylo*-; Ena'ish- and American Fancy Prints, in a /j'ci’.t variety of- styles; a*tpe , i(?l’ Scotch Fancy .iimvliums, Ff liv.v 0r..) beautiful winter styles'; F/rng itit ’Ffcnt-b Embroideries, embracing ia* t ; es {dollars. Cbomizv'ttess Unde> ; st<A-s and HfiuHlkerrblets, ol new and splendid styles; L e,l .s’ black and col* red cloth Cloaks and . Tainins, vs the lat.-st lyes; Ladies’ Rcb Era 'j'r.oi dvred atjd plain Haris *S;Ik Velvet GWW# ; A large supply of Ladies’-, M.sses aud dill* h en’s Hemery t‘*f the best make; Ladies and *teiitUmien’s ■snpv-rior gauntlet Gloves} _ Ladies and Missus Merino and Sijk Vests; guih!- Omn'3 anti yuUtb's silk ahd Meriiin Shirts ■ml Drawers; Superior Welah, S iXonv. gaut.e, silk Vrafp ahd heavy shaker Flannels; superior English Color (1 Flannel a, for L- dies Sacks; English and American t-antoh Flannels, of extra q.mililv ; a wry huge supply of Mourning I*k*us,‘ tbv f.adieiE ©> *ff sUjaVior qualilv. Superior 12*4 Linen Sheet in jrs, and l’ilb-w r ise Liners; superior . -4 and l*>4 Table and Damask Diape? s, some of extra quality J Rich Damn*’-: Table Chiflis and Napkins, some >feffr.i site; St-rtch am! bird’s e\x* Diapers,’ xtM line, thr children’s Wear ’ llei.vv Scotch Diapers and Huckabacks, for Toweling: superior whitoey and McriUo Blank v*ts, of-extra s : v.c and nnabty; Sitperiol Crib Blankets. Also a great varite-, :y of otbet sea,‘tollable article* eu.table lot - Farr.- ! v and I’l :; t itiou us<*. The public are ivape* V Aillv Invited to c-ili and examine the assoVtinonb \V, H. SpeCiaE'C (solicits a cm! frotu Ida long •oiitigued’ friend” and patrons, ami assures tbcin hit no , ft’ i t on bis part shall be Wanting let apply th.-m w-t-U the latest mid most desirable Ivies’ of Goods, at the lowest prices. Augusta, Ga, NoV. 10 —ts. Auction and Comiuissioi* House, ATLANTA, GEO. on, street, . -,ppi is-mftfwas. VV hitney h Hunts -.lore, and below W. W. stand, ro low pn-pnrcu t > sell Merchant! *e, Tlbal Mktido, 11 * Negroes, Furniture, Ac. Ac., at Anction rat private sale. We should bo happy to re* eivcoii consigmm-nt Bacon, Torn, Oats, wheat, tut all kinds of iTodueo, which we will sell on he best of terms, ami make prompt, remittal’*’ ,-s. Wo i.ntend to kee]- on hand everything for he use of tli.,- Pliiuti'i',- Rope, Bagging, Groce* •ics, Ac. Sr. A share of j atronag.- is rcsi-cct ■•iTlv nolle ted. JOS. li. SWIbT. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 8, 1554. 44—ly 2?j alt C; Gilap.m, (srccEgaoits to plait a. cuoTitEi^) 7/arsuOMse ft Commission &€rcKants, !■'->i‘t ‘ i Street, Autfutta, (in. POSSESSING every facility, will devote their ‘personal and undivided attention to’ the sale of Cotton and other Produce consigned to their care, and the purchase and forwarding: ■ d‘goods. Commission be the established r ites of the citv. lief.fence: Mess, ilavilandy itiwley. &. Cos., Hand, Wiiliams & Cos., McCord, Hart At Cos., Scranton, S.ymonr A Co.-, Bek-licr t JLd.HngsWovth, Tir.v.-v A Bolt, Dawson A ikilmcr. and T. S. Metcalf, l'sq.—Augusta Hand, W.Uiaias A Wilcox—Ch Heston. I*v. 1N PI.ATT. TIIOS. A. OtMUMf S'.-i't V, iSf>4 The Atlanta licpul>licar, ; IS flu: title of a weekly newspaper published in the e ty of Atlanta, at Two Dollars per iui’.uin. It is by far the best paper published :> that city, and contains a Prices Current cure nlly arranged, and corrected weekly. Those *.vho dcs’iv ito read an inf,-la sting journal, and a weekly i\ port of the prices of the leacFlig it e-l-'s I* ught and sold in the Atlanta market, would do well to order the J'fpvhlicon. Post-masters and *ur friends and acqjiain ‘ irces. generally, in!cb Georg’ii, and in Temios'sc-.‘, are res; ectfully requested to act as Agents in extending the circulation of our pa-’ per. ‘ J AS. R. SMITH, A G. WAKE. Jan 12 Editors. Bhinfogr &> Clayton, “oimnissitm ‘irrcJiiuits, Aiisusla, Urorsin. ‘'fZTlf.f’* ONTINUE the business in all its !''A-v-''-?y ‘ 1 br..ncbes, and will give their per* | - v - sonal attention to the sale of Cotton and oth- r produce. Cash advances mad - when T'equ’ivd. Bagging, Ropy, and family supplies ! purch *sed at the lowest market rates.’ Com m ssiou f-r Helling Cotton 25 cents per bale. j ays iff— Atlanta City riopeity for Sale. i •§s& PERSONS desirous of.pnrchss-. i - ,I K Uity Property would do well i tn c*d( on iis. ns we have a mini-’ .£/ 1 her ot improved and unimproved. : L.-ts for sale. Also, a lot of ground containing ten acres, of tine with a good two st tv house,- aid all other nec essarv out-bti.ldings situated thereon. Terms,- reasonable. JOS. R. SWIFT. Jan. 5, 13.55, 48—ts. E'T. p7Stovail7 ~ iri.’/Vfm/jV ((• ii>;Wow*')/} Mercbntit, A . ‘?*•’ * /CONTINUES the business in nil its V bv.tnelw.ti, at his >-xtensive E'ire •v^-— ■ Proof Warehouse on Jackson Slre-t, near the (iiobe Hotel, The t.sual Cash fuctl- A tics atioi'i’n'! to oustonie's. aug 25 I v* B••• dnetson of I‘ricus. jA HO! IOWA VS PILLS AND lii -M- ia 0n..0s Mcuu-iiies “dijdl , ‘■ ■ - -Li. r. ].! Ik - , M j •m -B i’ -i y. .'jgH§ ■-!’ .i O o o ff'-'-J , Large do. JBk :'■j - ’ S■ *a