The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, March 15, 1855, Image 3

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law of self-preservation. We must, in any event, preserve our own conscious rectitude .and our own self-respect. Whilst pursuing this course, we can afford to disregard the censures of the world to which we have been so often and so unjustly ( exposed. After we shall have offered Spain a price for Cuba far beyond its present value, and this shall have been refused, it will then be .time tocousider the question, does Cuoa in the possession of Spain seriously endanger ,our internal peace and the existence of our (Cherished Union ? Should this question be answered in the affirmative, then by every law, human and .divine, we shall be justified in wresting it from Spain, if we possess the power. And ;this upon the very same principle that (would justify an individual in tearing down ■the burn ng house of his neighbor it there was no other means of preventing the flames from destroying his own home. Under such circumstances we ought nei ther to count the cost nor regard the odds -which Spain might enlist against us. We for bear to enter into the question whether the present condition of the Island would justify such a measure. We should, howev er, be recreant to our duty, unworthy of our gallant forefathers, at.d commit base trea ;Son against our posterity, should we permit •Cuba to be Africanized and become a second .St. Domingo, with all its attendant horrors .to the white race, and suffer the flames to ex pend to our neighboring shores, seriously to • endanger or actually to consume the fair fa bric of our Uuion. We fear that the course and current of •events are tapidly tending toward such a •catastrophe. We however, hope fur the best, though we ought certainly to be prepared for • the worst. We forbear also to investigate the present • Condition of the question ac issue between the United States and Spain. A long series of .injuries to our pi ople have been committed iu •Cuba by Spanish officials, and are unredress •ed ; but recently a most flagrant outrage on the rights of American citizens and ou the .flag of the Uuited States was perpetrated in the harbor e/ Havana, under circumstances which, without immediate redress, would have justified a resort to measures of war in wiudication of national honor. That out rage is not only unatoned, but the Spanish government lias deliberately sanctioned the acts of its subordinates, and assumed the re sponsibility attaching to them. Nothing could more impressively teach us :the danger to which those peaceful relations •it has ever been the policy of the United -States to cherish with foreign nations are -constantly exposed, than the circumstances •of that case—situated as Spain and the U .States are, the latter having lorlorne to iresort to extreme measures But this course cannot, with due regard ito their owu dignity as an independent na tion, continue. And our recommendations .now submitted are dictated by the firm be •lief that the cession of Cuba to the United States, with stipulations as beneficial to •Spain as to those suggested, is the only effec tual mode of settling all (past and ffeietices, ®d •wf.-seouri-ng the t*wo -euur.tries against 3Ptor collisions We have already witnessed the happy re fills for both countries which followed & itiiuikidua-anaiungemeut in regard ito Florida Yout*, wry roqpectfully, (Signed) J am es JSucuaxa at, Jo h n i'. M Ae>\, PiERREISoOTJS.. Another Veto. President Pierce will convince the • doubters, after a while, that he is after th* spoilsmen with a sharp stick. The Collins •gift of SBOB,OOO per annum by Congress, our • Chief Magistrate thinks is cutting ohe thing itoo fat entirely. Collins at first agreed and formally contracted to carry the<<eenn mails for $19,000 per trip. Soon as he became well i .seated in the affections of Congress, he com plained that this bargain lost him money ; though Cornelius Vanderbilt said he would take the bargain at $15,000 if Collins was sick of it. Fortunately for Collins, he lost his next best ship, the Arctic, and for this reason lie thought and insisted that his friends should all vote him an increase of pay, and modestly hinted to them that $83,- 000 per trip would do for the present. This made the comfortable plum of just 148.620 dollars for each ship clean (?) profits for the year. The pretty part of this nice business | was that the bill was so artfully fixed as to 1 make the grant irrepealabie for fi.oe years ,! as Collins was to engage to put on the line j one new vessel, which of couise vested | the rights of the contract for this sf ecial con sideration in Collins. But blessed be the veto power; in this instance, os in every i .other one that called forth its exercise, it ‘ ilms been the friend of the common weal and ! > the check of licentousiM.Bß.— At. Int. New,Counterfeit Bill —TheSavannah I Courier of Saturday says : We have been | -shown to day ,a spurious bill of the Bank of | the State of Georgia, of the denomination of SSO, payable at the Branch in Augusta, to .iJohn, Phinjzy. dated,4th March, 1830, sign ed A.Porter/Gashier, and W. B. Bullock, i President. It is a (dangerous counterfeit. ’ The genuine plate of 50.8 is so exactly limit a ted, that it is well calculated to de ceive. The signatures are well executed, .-apparently engraved and traced over with ppen and jink. The paper is, jthjak and .of a .dingy yellow, a*id the back not printed in ured ink. The general impression is good, ibut the fraud may be detected by noticing ■ rthe filling up of the word* Branch Augusta, .the number, date , payee, cuid . the color of i the paper. .Hon. W. B. VV. Dent .Mr Dent, in a letter addressed to the Democratic Party ; -of the I .4th Congressional District,’ which we ■ find in the Newman Banner of the 9th inst„ ! • declines a re-nomination. 111-health has I prevented Mr. Dent, from taking, his. seat • the present session,,to which be re ’ * trs^n * llß gracefnl address to his coustitju -enOb d(Ye,real]y regret, to hear that Mr. Dent s health has improvedso little, and fer vently hope that a grateful change may at tend Ins retirement— -Federal Union . Preservation of; LiFE.-The Mayor of >4.1 tqmy has proposed an ordinance in the -Common Council of that city, prohibiting the • use of catnphene under a penalty of $25 for r each violation of the lew. The Senate amendment to the I Post. Office bill, requjrjng the pre ; payment pi. Postage, Jj as. beep fulo^tet}. A light snow fell in Jacksonville, Flordia, on the Ist inst Small pox has lately appeared in different paits of Virginia. The bill for the admission of Oregon as a state, was rejected by Congress. The population of London, it is said, in creas sat tlie average of 50,0( 0 souls a year. More than thirty thousand persons re turned from America to England during 1354. State Medical Society —This society will meet at Columbus, on Wednesday, the 11th April next The writer in Europe, it is stated, has been unusually severe, and great suffering has been experienced. The noted slave, Anthony Burns, has been purchased by the Boston abo'itiouists, at thirteen hundred dollars. The House of Representatives lias passed the bill appropriating $’161,000 for the im provement of the Savannah River. Great Brita n has GO colonies, containing 16",000 000 of people. 5 000 000 of whom are either direct colonists from Great Britain or of British .extraction. D. G. Remsiy, was recently arrested in Na-hviile, Tenn., on the clinrge of abstract ing money front letters directed to his em ployers. He gave bail in the sum of $4,- 000 The LaG range Reporter learns from re liable authority, that Mr. Jenkins, will a gain accept the nomination for Governor, if lie should be the choice of his party. Poor Dawson, will have to walk the plank again. Death of a Veteran Preacher Late English papers report the death on the 2d of February, of the veuerable Rev. G. Fletcher, at the age of one hundred and eight years, lie was at the battle of Bunk er Hill. Mormons. —We learn that Rev. Thomas C. Benning, once a well known preacher in Georgia and Florida, has joined the Mor mons Those who know this Reverend gen tleman best, will not wonder at this new move on bis part. The Southern Gazette, has come out in so Ho form. We like its appearance much bet ter than we did when it appeared as a quar to sheet. It is decidedly much more suited to thq convenience of the reader. This is an excellent literary journal., Meeting of Bishops. — Bishop Soule has invited a meeting of the Bishops of the Meth odist Episcopal Church South, to take place at Nashville, on the third Monday in April next. All are expected to be present but Bishop Andrew, who wi'l be absent on of ficial duty in California. Bishop Capers’ Successor —A writer in the Greenville Mountain er. suggest the name of the Rev Whiteford Smith, as a suitable recipient of the mantle of Bishop Capers The Methodist Church South has few greater uten in its bounds than Mr Smith, and we have no doubt bis appoint ment would be universally welcomed. Mr. Over bit Through the Newman Banner , we learn that this gentleman has taken the stump, having addressed the citi zens of that place on the 9th inst The Tern I perance Prohibition candidate seems to be | in earnest, and the other candidates for of i flee, whoever they may be, may rest assur ed that they will have a troublesome rival to deal with Federal Union. More Am From Southern Slaves i The Journal of Commerce has received through the hands of Rev. Dr. Bantly, of Athens, Ga . ten dollars for the suffering poor of New York, from a Baptist Church of | colored people at Augusta, in the same | State. Dr Brantly says, it is a free will i offering from a portion of our slave popula tion who are confortably provided for and having a little to spare, have remembered the suffering poor in your city.’ Judge Gilchrist of the new Court of Claims is the present Chief Justice of New Hamp shire. He is a graduate of Harvard Univer sity and of the Cambridge Law School As a judge, it is said, he ranks amongst the a blest who have ever sat upon the bench in New Hampsl i e ILs advanced age, howev er, it is supposed, will induce him to decline the appointmeut. The above is from the Baltimore Sun. — We are informed that there is an error here as to the advanced age of Judge Gilchrist Should lie decline the appointment it will be for some other reason, ns we understand he is in the prime of life, about 40 years of age. and a rising man in his profession. The appointment of Judge Lumpkin, who is the senior judge on the bench of the Su preme Court of Georgia, was, we learn, wholly unexpected to that gentleman. We are not informed whether he will accept. These appointments indicate that the Pres ident aims to secure ripe experience and dis tinguished talents for the new Court of Claims —Constitutionalist Sc Republic. Wholesale Price of Oroceries in At lanta. Corrected Weekly from the Examiner. No. 1 Rio Coffee, 11 8-4 to 12, cts. per lb. Salt per sack, 2,00 Star Candles 2<? cts per lb. N. O. Sugars—Fair, hdd, 5 1-2 per lb. “ Prime, “ 6 l-2c per lb. “ Choice, hhd., 7c per lb. N. O. Syrup, bbb, 33c per gallon. Charleston Tuesday, March 13, 1 P. M.— Cotton. —Parties are wanting later European accounts, now due, and there are few buyers in ! the market. Sales to-day 300 bales 7 7- -> to 8- j 3-4 cents. | ! Augusta March 14.—Cotton.—The course of 1 the market during the past week has been marked by a regular demand, and prices are ~ 8 *!l?htly qdvanced. The offering stock is mod .crate aqd apbws boards have been cleared fromday to day. , )Ve quote extremees from 6 to 8 1-2 cents. ¥B tt.JUE 8. In, DaWonega, omTbursday morning the Ist inst.,,byithgflon,;Jasper 1)1 .iD.prsey, Mr. Pat rick O’CpNffEii, tojififr EiditlßßJW Singleton, all of that place. Iu Hniedgeville, at ;tbe ■ residence, of ,J,. JJ. Horne, Esq., op the 22d ult.,jiby (the ttcy.. Dr. Talmagc, Sammsi/ T. ; J!cq„ to JHt Ax* Krxax, fc On ,the morning of the gth inst,, ai C.mfcbbert, Randolph county, by (the Jlyv. ,’J’. H, .Foster Dr.'Joxx B. Boon., of Jtfacoq, *to'Afws Awfi ‘W- Aluen, of the formpr place. On Thursday, the Ist instant, by J. W- Can field, Esq., Mr. Henry JL Hbffmqn to Miss j Louisa Towns ; all of Floyd county. In; I’aulding county, on the Ist inst,, by llev. I G.',W-!Tiupd,in,'Mr. A, A. fotmvp, of Cass, to L'M iSB.A\W ALDRLT. Specif Notices.- . — zt—-**--- 1 - r •SB®* h | of Valley Lodge, No. 48, I. 0. of O. will i be licld on every Friday evening, at, 7 o’clock. , Transient, brethren are invited to attend. By ; order of T. A. Burke, N. G. ARTHUR HAIRE, Secretary. Zjf regu la meethi g ‘ of Etowah Lodge, No. 47, 1. O. of O. F., will be held on every Tuesday evening, at 7 o’clock.—- Transient brethren are invited to attend. By order ofS. 11. Patillo, N. G. _ KENNEDY, Secretary IITSu kr*. . V ff'biK subscriber fcaSSlNsSssStJ £&&& the So. Mu. Insurance Company for Cass and ! Gordon Counties, and will take risks upon Hou ses, Negroes, Ac. Ac. Will also receive _ appli cations for insurance upon the lives of white persons. JOIIN 11. RICE, Agent. Jan. 5, 1853). 48—lv. Great Cure of Rheumatism —The Editors !of the Richmond Republican, of Dec. 24, 1852, says that Carter’s Spanish Mixture is no quack medicine. They had a man in their press room who was ! afflicted with violent mercurial rheumatism, who : was continually complaining of misery in the ; back, limbs and joints;-his eyes had become ! feverish and mattery, neck swollen, throat sort*, ; ar and all the symptoms es rheumatism, combined j with Scrofula. Two bottles of Carter’s Spanish ’ Mixture cured him, and in an editorial notice as above, they hear testimony to its wonderful ef fects, and say their only regret is, that all suffer ing with diseases of the blood are not aware of the existence of such a medicine. They cheer fully recommend it. See their certificate and no tice in full round the bottle. HiVvwmfs Pills, a most famous Remedy for the Cure of Headaches, Bile, Dimness of Sight, Deranged Stomach, and Disordered Liver ; like wise in restoring strength and vigour to Debili tated Constitutions. The extraordinary cures effected daily by these wonderful Pills, after all other means have.failed, have brought them in to the higeest repute in the Union, as well as in all other parts of the World, and stamped them ns the finest medicine ever discovered.— AH classes gladly avail themselves of them and proudly attest their excellent qualities, and rec ’coinniendmg them to their afflicted fellow-crea tures suffering from indigestion, and other or ganic irregularities. Heal the Sick— Men of liberal education at the present day, devote all their talents to dis cover the means whereby they may remove these painful maladies which assail the human frame. There is no nobler art than that of healing the sick, considering the numberless diseases to which man is liable, and which may cause him to drag out a protracted life of distress, or sud denly cut him off in the bloom of his existence and usefulness. We should gratefully seize up on every means of counteracting their dreadful effects, or causing a removal of those clogs to happiness. In those cases where the Liver or the Stomach is the cause, we would highly re commend Dr. Hoofland’s German Bitters, pre pared by Dr. C. M. Jackson. No medicine Jat this time stands higher than these Bitters, and to those who are suffering from the horrors of Indigestion, we say they are the antidote. HO. FARRELL’S ARABIAN LINIMENT • This truly great medicine still goes on, conquering disease, and snatching many a poor powerless victim from the grave. By its power fully stimulating, penetrating and anodyne qual ities, it restores the use of limbs which have been palsied for years; and by its singular power of reproducing tlie synovial fluid or joint water, it cures all and senses of the spine and spleen, it lias proved itself a specific ; and for affections of the lungs, liver andbinders, it is a most valuable and powerful auxiliary ; also, for all diseases of the glands, scrofula, goitre or swelled neck etc., etc. And indeed for almost any disease where an external application is required, this medi cine stands unparalleled. Sprains, bruises, ) cramps, wounds, chilblains, burns, ect., are specdilv cured by it. From the lion. Peter Me third, one of the oldest settlers in Illinois. It gives me pleasure to add my testimony to the virtues of vour great medicine. One of ni v blooded horses had a swelling over the cap of I the knee, about-the size of a hen’s egg. Some said it was n st-ain, and some, that it was the joint water from the knee, and could not be cur ed. I tried oil cedar oh it and all the liniments and ointments, and they d.d no more good than water. I then by persunsionn of my friends, tried 11. G. Earrelts Arabian Lina meet, and I was happy to find it take effect after a few days, and it finally cured the noble animal I think it is decidedly the greatest linnmeiif for horse’s as well as human flesh, I ever knew. Trumont, Taxvvell co., 111., March 10th 1849. PaPy or Paralysis. Thadeus Smith, ofMudd Creek, Tazewell co., Illinois, says: “I had lost the use of my arm i for more than a year, by palsy or paralysis; the j flesh had entirety witherd away, leaving noth- I ing but skin muscle and bone. I tried sill the | best doctors, and all the remedies I could hear ’ of, but they dd no good. I then commenced the ! use of H. G. Farrell’s Arabian Linameni, and a ! few bottles entirely cured lne, and my arm is i now as strong and fleshy as the other ; it is al : so first rate for burns, sprains and bruises. Look out for Counterfeits / | The public are cautioned against’another i counterfeit, which bis lately made its appenr j ance, called W. B. Farrell’s Arabian Liniment, j the most dangerous of all the counterfeits be | cause bis having the name Farrell, many will buy it in a good faith, without the knowledge : that a counterfeit, exists, and they will perhaps ! only discover this error when the spurious iuix urc has wrought itts evil effects. | The genuine article is manufactured only bv ! H. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and | wholesale druggist. No. 17 Main street, Peoria, I Illinois, to whom all applications for Agencies j must be addressed. Be sure von get it with the I letters H. G. before Farrell’s thus—H. G. FAIt -1 RELL’S—and bis signature on the wrapper,all . others are counterfeit. j .Sold by T. A. Burke, and J. D. Carpenter, ; Cassville, Anderson, Milner A Cos. Cartersville, i Elliott A Tappan, Kingston, and by regularly j authorized agents throughout the United States. Price 25 and 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. AGENTS WANTED in every town, village | and hamlet in the United States, in which one !is not already established. Address H.G. Far rell as above, accompanied with good reference as to character, responsibility, Ac. Robert Batty, Rome, Ga., wholesale agent, mh 15—4 t ” , A WARNING! DELAY not; harbor not in your mind that sentence of fools’ philosophy, that a disease will get cured of itself, or that vou can cure it with certain medicines for a few dollars. Be ware how you temper with your general wel fare. Ye wild and vicious youths, why will you persist in dosing with the filthy nauseating com pounds daily proffered, thereby impairing your appetite and digestion, and destroying you men tally as well as physicallv, when you can be cured with a few doses of pleasant medicines? Ye rakes of every age and condition, why will ye suffer and repine, and drag out a mice rafale existence, unfitted for the enjoyment and even ordinary pursuits of life. You who are thus an noyed and wish to be restored to health and vigor by a treatment at once pleasant and effec tual, should consult Dr. MORRIS. Ilis suc cess in chronic diseases has been greater than ■ that of any other physician Os his dav. Many who have been for years afflicted with disease or consequences resulting from excess, have boon restored to health and vigor under his real ; ly scientific treatment. Should a personal interview be objectionable ! state your disease in writing—enclose five dol lars—address Dr. W. If. MORRIS, through the Postoflice, Savannah, Ga., and a package of medicines, securely put up, will be sent private ly and with despatch, full of directions therewith and no questions asked. Persons living at a distance, and afflicted with Scrofula, Old Ulcers, Tetter,'Cancers, Piles, , Fistula in Ano, Gravel Strictures, Gleets, or any | disease whatever of an aggravated or malignant character, can be cured at home by consulting Dr, MORRIS, by letter post paid, era.losing a fee. Medicines pleasant and safe, can be sent per mail to any part of the United States. Particular attention given to the treatment of female complaints, Ladies who may be afflict ed with frregulariiie# 4 Flor Albus, or Whites, Prolapsus Uteri, or Falling of the Womb, would do well to lay aside all false delicacy, and promptly consult the Doctor, Humes Warran ted. JtggT All letters to receive attention miißt be post-paid, enclosing a fee. Address Dr, W. H. MORRIS, Savannah, Ga. Consulting Rooms, No. 98, Bryan Street, apposite Monument Square., July 14 —ly - ’ -—^=g=&= “ Medicines of Great Value.” —This is the term applied toStabler’s Anodyne Cherry Ex pectorant and Diarrhoea Cordial, by sixteen of the best apothecaries in Baltimore—gentlemen acquainted with the skill and care used in their preparation. Praise from such a source is proof of the intrinsic merits of those “ good medi cines.” In coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and consumption in its incipient stages, Stamer’s Anodyne Cherry Expectorant is rec ommended with confidence ; and for Diarrhoea and affections of the bowels generally, the Diar rhoea Cordial has a strong claim” upon the con fidence of the community. In those diseases named, both these, valuable medicines have a chieved an enviable reputation for their curative properties. See descriptive pamplets, to be had gratis of the agents. Price of each, only 5o cents per bottle, or six bottles for #2Jib. E. 11. Stabler A Cos., Proprietors, Wholesale Druggists, Baltimore; T. A. Burke, ,Cassville, Elliot A Tappan, Kiugston. March, 15. —12. DR. W. T. EWING, Physician and Suj - grok,—Takes this method to inform the citizens of Wofford’s neighborhood and vicin - ty, that he lias located on the Tennessee Road, about a mile and a half from the Cross Roads meeting house. j Office and residence, for the present, at flu* i residence of Levi Pierce, Esq. Special attcntii n paid to the diseases of the Eye. . mh 15 —8m TO MERCHANTS AND PHYSICIANS!!— Atlanta Druy Starts-' The Subscriber hav ing purchased the whole interest in the above establishment, respectfully offers to the Mcr ! chants and Physimns of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee, a large and well selected assortment of pure Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Surgical and Dental Ap paratuses, Medicinal Liquors, Fancy Goods, such as Soaps, Colognes and Lubin’s Extracts, at wholesale or retail, as low as can be purchas ed in any city Smith. We invite* persons visiting Atlanta to call and see—we charge nothing for showing, and would be glad to exhibit our Goods so all. 11. A. RAMSAY. Atlanta, Ga. nib 15 —6m *** Daldonega Signal, Cherokee Advocate, Cedar Town Republican, Jacksonville (Ala.) Republican, Dalton Times, Rome Southerner, West Point Beacon, LaGratige Reporter, New nan Banner, Griffin Union, will copy twice a month for six months, and forward accounts. Agency at Washington,-The un dersigned prosecutes all manner of claims aga list the United States, before Congress, be fore Commissioners, and before all the Public Departments, and especially claims for bounty laud under the act of Congress just passed, pen sions, back-pay, half-pay, adjustment of amounts of disbursing‘officers, ‘settlement of postmas ters and contractors accounts, and every other business requiring the prompt and efficient ser vices of an attorney or agent. A residence of twenty years at the seat of the Federal Government, with a thorough and fa miliar acquaintance with all the routine of the public business at the different offices, added to his free access to consult the ablest, legal advi sers, if needed, justifies the subscriber in pledg ing the fullest satisfaction and utmost and spatch to those who may entrust their business to his care. • Being well known to the greater portion cf the citizens of Washington, as well as to many gentlemen who have been members of but!) Houses of Congress in tlie last fifteen years, it is deemed unnecessary to extend this notice by special references. A full power of attorney should accompany all cases. Communications must be pre-paid in all cases. Fees regulated by nature and extent of the business, but al ways moderate. 11. C. SPALDING, Attorney. Washington, D. C. _ mh 15— A DMLNISTRATOR’S SALE.—By an order £l. ot the Ordinary of Junes county, Georg’a, will be sold at the court house door in Canton, Cherokee county, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in dm e next, lot of lznd No. 552, in the I.sth district and 2d section of Cherokee countv. Sold as the property of Jounntih Barron, deceased. JAMES F. BARRON, A,lode. mh 15—tdS 1 de.bonh# non. rpo DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.—AII j JL persons indebted to the estate of Martin 1 Stidham, late of Cass county, deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment; and those having demands against said estate, will please present them in terms of the law. ELISHA STIDHAM, ) SIMEON STIDHAM, VExecutors T. M. ANSLEY, ) mh 16—40d CY EORGIA, CASS COUNTY.—Whereas A- T nianda Reynolds applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Robert Rey nolds, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if anv they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this March 12 th, 1855. THOMAS A. WORD, Ordinary. mh 15 —80d y ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—WiII be sold at the mill place, belonging to the estate of'C. D. Terhune, late of Cass county, deceas ed, on Wednesday the 4th gs April next, the remainder of the perishable prc.-peity belonging to said estate, consisting of 1,00- lbs, of Bacon, 1 mare mule, 1 yoke of oxen, 1 milch cow, and calf, 1 Guinea sow shout, 1 two-horse wagon, and harness, 1 log wagon and harness, 1 carry ing, 1 set of blacksmith’s tools, 2 plow stocks, 1 log chain, 100 lbs; Suedes iron, some carpen ter’s tools, and the remainder of the property not here mentioned. The terms of the sale to be credit until the 18th of December next, with good note and approved security. A. A. TERHUNE, Adndr. mh 15—tds. C"N EORGIA, Fannin County. —Whereas Jo- Jf’ siah n. Carter applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Marjury Pinson, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at ray of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this sth day of March, 1855. JAMES KINCAID, Ordinary. mh 15—30d UNION SHERIFF SALES.— For April. —Lot of Land 140,17 th district aud Ist section ; Joseph Moore vs Joel Selvy. Lot No. 129. TStli and Ist section ; Hugh Por ter vs John W. Coffedge, principal, Thomas Coffedge, security. Lot in the 17th dietrietand Ist section ; Chas. Latimor vs George Ross. Lot No. 95, in-the 7th district and Ist section; Win. A. Curry vs J. W. Kettles principle, and 1). B. Graham, indorser. Lot. No. 159, in the 16th district and Ist sec tion ; Wm. F. Davis vs Win, Jackson. Lot No. l, in the 17th district and Ist section ; John 11. Wyly vs Samuel Norris. Lot No. 30,” in thc h district and Ist section; Thomas Lawson vs. Robert Woolbright- C'l ILMERSHERI FFSALES.—ApiiiI.—Lots X of land Nos. 121 in tho 6th district, and 2d section ; No. 323 in the 25th district and 2d sec tion; William M. Bell, controlled by Benjamin F. Dense, vs. Alfred M. Horton. Lot of land No 178 in the 11th district and 2d section; Wm. Martin vs Thos. Gravat. Lot of land 223, in the 11th district and 2d sec., Bedford & Collin* and others vs. William Gentry. UNION POSTPONED SALES.— April.— One black stallion colt, with a blaze in his face, three years old; F. Iff. Cabot vs Jonathan Siniard and Wm. 1). Siniard. Lot No. 159, in the 16th dist., and Ist sec tion, F. Logan, hearer, vk Win. Jackson. rpo OLD SOLDIERS.—By a recent Act of JL Congress, all persons who have served in any War since 1790, are entitled to 160 acres of Land—and those who have received Warrant* for a less number, vre entitled to a (sufficient number of acres to make that amount Tho undersigned will uttend to the collection of such chums. WM. T. WOFFORD. Cassville, mh B—ts SIXTY days after date, application will he made to the Ordinary of Cass county for .leave to sell tho reul estate and one negro, be longing to the estate of Wm. C. Guyton, late of Cuss county, deceased. WILLIAM P. SMITH, Adm'r. mb B—6(d BObeHigetoeoftSf One Hundred Gifts, consisting of gold watches, diamonds, Ac., TO TIIK VALVE Ol< 83,500. EIGHT PRIZES OF *IOO, AND OVER, Tube drawn on Saturday, April 21st, or so soon thereafter ns the Tickets can all be sold. Tickets, $5. Circulars, containing all the Particulars, can be had of the Agents, or bv addressing, Post paid, T. S. iVOOD <(• CO-, * mh 8— Rome, Ga. \TETATER ‘RUNNING UP IIILL, ‘to your VV .1 louse, without Labor.— Gatchel’s Pat ent Premium Improved double and single self acting HYDRAULIC RAMS, patented April \ in, 1847. —For supplying Dwellings or Farm j houses, Villages, Rail Road Stations, Ac., with j pure running water, any height or distance re- j qaired, with from one pint to twenty gallons per minute, from a. Spring or Stream where u fall of two or more feet can be obtained. Tlie quantity thrown in proportion to tlie fall and elevation. The Prize Medal was awarded to Gatchel’s Ranis, at the World's Fair, London, Gold and Silver Medals and numerous Diplomas and cer t licates can be shown to prove this Ram the simplest, best and most durable invention in use, or ever discovered by the. art of man for rais ng water above its level, Ac. The first and only Cold Medal ever awarded to anything by the New York State Agricultu ral Society, was awarded to Gatchel’s Ram, September, 1947, for its simplicity, durability, and effectiveness in its operations. Sukrbuhne, Chenango Cos. Sept. 14, ’54. I It ivo used one of Gateliel’s Rants since the Ist i|f November, 1847, and cheerfully recofu ! mend them to all. It exceeds anything l ever j saw or heard of both for durability and utility. • The distance from the Springs to the house is I 116 rods. The water is forced up an elevation jof 212 feet; the fall or head, is 13 feet. 1 have | sufficient water lbr 200 head of cattle, and also 1 a full Supply at my house. 1 would not be dc | prived of it for fits) per year. D. C. lie el. | References :—Parker <0 Moure*, Oxford, X. ) • Horace L. Emery, Albany, X. ) (oh - ! man & Stetson, Aew lark City; LA,-Gov. A. }• | Brown, Nashville, Tennessee ; R. 11 Fits/praid, ! Nottoway Ch-, IVi. ;,.Thos. Fa risk, Charlottes’ | cille, Va., where the above machine caii be seen : in full operation. 1 The undersigned having purchased the rights j of Cass, Gordon and Floyd, proposes to furnish j ami put up the above machine, which is in all j cases warranted to give satisfaction, f Address J. 1,. GIBSON, Cassville, Ga. Ref.-rs to A. Algood, Iron Factory, Chattoo j ga county, Ga., and Ford, Caldwell A Cos., Un j ion Furnace, Cass county, Ga. uihs-tlj j ’VTOTICETO DEBTORS A NIXCREDI TORS. , —AH persons indebted to the Estate of i William C. Guyton, late- of Cass county, de ceased, are requested to make immediate pay ! ment—and those having demands against said I estate will please present them in terms of the i law. WILLIAM P. SMITH, Adefr. mh B—6w8 —6w ! rpo ALL “INTERESTED.—AH persons .1_ debted to the estate of Hugh Bogguss, late of Fannin county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having j demands against tlie said estate, will please dresent them in terms of the law. JOHN M. GRIFFITH, Jan. 19 Admin hdmetor. I __ GEORGIA, GILMER COUNTY—Whereas Lewis 1). Ellington applies to me for let ! ters of Guardianship over the property of David A Washington L. Nancy H. Isaac L. Lewis C. and Massey W. Jackson, orphans of Massey U. Jackson, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all ; persons concerned, to be and appear at my of i flee within the time prescribed by law, to show ! cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. 1 Giveu under my hand at office, this 21st day 1 of February 1655. M. GREER, mb 2 —3t)d Ordinary. Notice to debtors \m> creditors. —All persons indebted to tlie of 11. E. Davis, late of Cass County, deed, arc reques j ted to make immediate payment, and thosehav j ing demands ilgainst said estate will please pre sent, them in terms of the law. ADAM HILL, Adin’r. Feb 9 AMERICAN IRON FOUNDRY, Augusta, G-v,— Hemphill. Gray, drouriktor. —The Proprietor of the above- named establishment, in returning his sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general for the very liberal patronage extended to him sine- be lias been in operation, would respectfully state that he is now prepared to execute all orders tor Iron and Brass Castings, with despatch, at the short est. notice, and in the best manner. To Railroad Companies and Gar Builders. I am prepared to manufacture to order all kinds and sizes of Railroad Car and Engine Wheels equal to any manufactured at the North. Holding Murphy’s Patent right for making ■“Murphy's Patent Solid Hub Car Wheels,” I urn now manufacturing a Simple Plate Railroad Car Wheel, and far superior to Spoke Wheels now in use. Particular attention paid to the manufacture of all other kinds of Railroad Car and Engine Castings, including Frogs, Switches, Chairs; also Bridge Bolts ami Castings for every des cription of Bridges. I am a'so prepared to fit up all sizes and kinds of Railroad Car Wheels and Axles, Boxes, Caps and Brasses complete. To Mill Owners and. Millers. Mill and Gin Gearing, Castings, Ac, furnished at the shortest notice, of the best materials and workmanship, and at the lowest prices. American Iron Foundry, Augusta, Ga., DISSOLUTION. The firm of Osmond A Gray was this day dis solved bv mutual consent. Hemphill Gray will collect the assets and pay the debts of the firm. .1 ESSE OSMOND, HEMPHILL GRAY. Augusta Feb, 13, 1855. Having sold my interest in the American Iron Foundry to Mr. Hemphill Gray, who will continue the business on bis own account, T so licit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon the firm, mh 1-lnt JESSE, OSMOND. OTTCE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned li not to trade lor a certain promissory note given by me to Oliver Brown, for thirty dollars, dated the Ist of this month. As the considera tion for which the note was given lias failed, 1 therefore shall not pav said note unless com pelled by law. TURNER CONAWAY. Feb 6—St ]\f V. STOVALL, Tnire House few®® and Commission Merchant., — Avgusta, Ga. —Continues the busi ness in all its branches, at his extensive FIRE-PROOF Warehouse on Jackson Street, near the Globe Hotel. The usual Cash fncil ties afforded to customers. 25 Ivf (-8 FORGIA, CASS COUNTY.—Whereas Ro- JT bert Scott, administrator on the estate of Robert Hamilton, late of said county, deceased, applies to rnc for letters Dismissory from said administration. These are therefore far cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice, and file their objections, (if any they have) on or before the Ist Monday in October next, otherwise letters Dismissory will be granted the applicant, on that day. THOS. A.’ WORD, Ordinary. mh B—6m* ‘j KORGIA CASS COUNTY.-Whereas, W, X P. Milam, applies to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate of Mary Milam, late of said County deceased. These ure therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within tlte time prescribed bv law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should ; not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 21st, day of February, 1855. T. A. WORD, mil I—tds Ordinary. I RENTAL NOTICE—The sub .l * scribers respectfully inform intend locating hero with a view to becoming permanent citizens for tho space of five years or more. Tboy hope, bv close attention to their profession, to be enabled to give that satisfaction which the public dcinuud, and to merit a share of the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed here. All jobs, such as Plugging, Mounting teeth on Sold plate, &c., warranted. Close attention will o paid to children's teeth, when desired. COBB A MOSELEY, Jan, 26—ts Surgeon Dentists. - iiObeHigelDeiits. The Cheapest Goods EVER SOLI) IN CASSVILLE, ‘ TO A DEAD CERTAINTY.’ Clothing, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Watches, Jewelry, Ac., NOT AT COfT, Eat will le sold cheaper than ever offered lu- j fore in Cassville, at. LEVY’S CASH STORE. Feb 16—ts “SELLING AT COST! lIIItSCHBERG A DAVIDSON*, • | .Offer their entire stock of Goods, consisting of! Heady made Clothinej, Hats, Caps, Roots, Shoes, Gentlemen's Furniskintj Goods, Fancy and Staph Dry Goods, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, tfv\, JjjF* AT FIRST COST FOR CASH 1 jgrfi Tner intend to do what they say, and no j humbug, us their intention is to leave Cassville ‘ as soon us possible. They cull tlie attention of the public to that fact, and invite tbepi to come i quick, or sou will lose great bargains. INCOME AND PA V VP!.MI All pirsons indebted to Ilirsclibcfg A I)a* j vidson, either by note or account, are politely requested to come forward and pay up, as mo ney we must have, being we have determined to break up our establishment shortly. Those failing to do so, till tie* Ist of April, will be dealt w.tli according to Law. Feb 22—ts Paper hanging's depot, n.. 44 Courtlund Street, New York.— Nearly op posite the Merchant’s Hotel,(--The Choulv Manufacturing Company, (Organized under j the General Manufacturing Law of the State es New York,) offer at, wholesale, in quantities to ‘ suit purchase! *, “1 manufacturers’ lowest pri* j ccs, for cash or approved credit: j Paper Hangings, of every variety of style and .’ price; Borders to match ; Fire-Board Prints in great variety; Transparent Window Shades; Oil Painted Window Shades; Wide Window Curtain Papers; and Window Shade Fixtures, of the latest styles and superior finish, all of their own manjufat tnre und importation. As their stock is large j and entirely new, they invite merchants, howj<- | sellers and dealers in these articles, to call ami i examine their styles and prices whenever the} visit, tin: city. New York, mh 8 1 FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 25 cents per year. 1 —The Philadelphia “Kev-Stonb City,” third rear, (published montlilv) 28 columns oi matter, sent, to subscribers tor 25 cents per full year, commencing at any month. Five copies to one address, one dollar. CRANE A STIVERS, Publishers, No. 57 South 3d St., Philadelphia. Send your quarter in silver or post-office : stamps- The pa/n ris never seat until the on - j ney is received. mh 8 j CASSVILLE ENGLISH SCHOOL.—Bv J. F. Mii.hOli.en.-—East of the Jail 250 yards. —This School is now open —patronage solicited. , Tuition from *<; to 8s per session. No doduc -1 **oii for lost time, unless, in cases of protracted I ess. mil I—lm1 —lm I /CRAWFORD A CRAWFORD, Attorneys at Vi Law, Cassville, Ga.—As a firm under the above name John A. A M. J. Crawford will promptly and faithfully attend so all business intrusted to ilieir care in any of the counties of the Cherokee or Blue Ridge Circuits. M. J. Craw ford will give particular attention to the collec ting of all claims and debts, and will spare no pains to put clients in speedy possession of their money. mh I—ly NORTON ’S AC A UFMY. G. C. NORTON, Principal of Mule Depart ment. Mrs. AURELIA VAUGIIN, Principal of Fe | male Department. j t r\IIE exoi’cises of this Academy will he resiim j 1_ e<l on. Monday, the tsth of January, 1855. : For Terms of'tuition, apply to G. <_'. Norton at 1 his residence, in Cartersyifte. Dec \UCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE, Atlanta, Ga.— Jos. U. Swift, having lo cated himself on White-1 lull street, opposite Mess. Whitney & Hunt’s store, and below W. W. Roark’s old stand, is now prepared t > sell Merchandize, Real Estate, Negroes, Furniture, &c. Ac., at Auction !or at private sale. He would be happy to re | eeivc on consignment Bacon, Corn, Oats, wheat, | and all kinds of Produce, which lie will sell on the best of terms, and make prompt remittan f ces. lie intends to keep <>u hand everything for the use of the Planter, — Rope, Bagging, Groce ries, Ac. Ac. A share of patronage is respect fully solicited. JOS. li. SWIFT. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 8, 1854. 44—ly ;r± xxtatChes! watches: j by i MAIL!—The Subscriber would ! efeaiaa respectfully inform the citizens of this j place and vicinity and the public generally, that lie has just received from Europe a large and splendid stock of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, which he intends to sell oil’ on the principle that “ large sales and small profits” are the most advantageous. In order to give the public access to Ills stock, he is now prepared to forward by mail, to any part of the United States, any number of Watches,ym- of charge. JJe has now for sale: Daguerreotype Watches, 850 to tfloo Pocket Chronometers, 100 to 200 Eight-dav Watches, 125 to 200 Ladies’Enamel Watches, 30 to 100 Magic Watches, 75 to 150 Gold Hunting Levers, 18 k. full jewelled, 35 Gold open-faced Levers, full jew. 26 Gobi Lepines, 22 Silver Levers, full jewelled, is Silver Lepines, 8 Gold Pens, Silver holders, 2 Gold Pencils, 3 On receipt of the value, any of the above Wniches will be forwarded bv return mail.— | Orders should be sent in earlv, and addressed to J. M. EASTWOOD, Oct 20—ts Raleigh, N. C. jO EM MVUEKLY M AIL LINE,for Duck Town i O Copper .Mines, by way of nustitff Rod, A7- J hftty and J hand* Fere//. |in J .ir7 -Jf9 The.safest, quickest, and must’ j pleasant route to the Duck ! j jfIUHL Town Copper Mines, Tennessee, ‘ |is through Cassville. The Stages are nleasaut ‘ ■ and commodious, good horses, safe and careful | drivers. The route is through some of the finest ; Mountain Scenery in Georgia. Asa largo pur tion of the land in the vicinity of the Mines is : owned by persons living in the middle and low er parts of the State, it would be to their inter est to come up and examine. The Stages leave Cassville every Monday and j Thursday morning, immediately after the arrival | of the ears. Stage offices at Latimer’s hotel, Cassville, and Cottage Hall, by B. A. Freeman, : Ellijav. Buv voiir tickets at Atlanta for (’ass I Depot. ‘ * J. S. DU.MM, Proprietor. rWWK BEING also i KEm tur of a well-stocked i ery Stable at Ellijav. the urn I±JOL j dorsigned is prepared to send persons to any j point to which they may wish to go. Nov. 27. ‘ J. S. DUMM. j r piV ROOFING GUTTERING AND TIN 1 WAKE ESTABLISHMENT, at Cassville The Subscriber begs leave to call the j /mgS attention of the public to his super i- j yljK or mode of Tin Roofing, which is believed j to be equal to all others yi neatness, du- 1 rabilitv and strength. I confidently assert that ! there is no Roofing material in use equal to Tin, when well put on. It is perfectly fire-proof, more substantial and cheaper than shingles, be- | cjpise more durable, .nsurance is saved, and great 1 risks avoided; as at .east two-thirds of the num ber of buildings consumed in large conflagra tions, first take fire upon the roofs. Having made ample arrangements for Roof ing, and secured the services of first-rate work men, experienced in the business, 1 am well pre- ; pared to contract with companies or individuals, throughout the State, or any of the adjoining States, for covering factories, engine houses, rail road bridges, dwelling houses, and other buildings, in the best manner. No Tin plate will be used but the best brands, and all rouls warranted. E. A. BROWN. 1*?“ Shop on the east side of the court house, at Hood’s old printing office. nog 18 | EDICAL CARD. Du. H. C. Kdok iVl worth having permanently located in Cassville, offers Ids services to the citizens of Ibe town and county, in the practice of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics. Office ami Residence at Latimer’s Hotel. Feb. 22, 1855. ;t ]y. FASHIONABLE TAILORING ! ers. Cassville, Jan 12—ts. M. EDDLEMAN J 1 • AIIRO., Atlanta, Go., keep constantly on hand and for sale, at tlie lowest cash pri ces, a large assortment of Boot*, Shoe*, Leatli | •■/■, Lasts, Pegs, Calf Lining and Binding Skins, Shor*-Maker’s Tools, Ac, Store on White-hall Street, op posite W. Kay’s Book Store. Atiaiitn, Ga. Jan. 12—ly. CASSVILLE FUTiXTTUKE STORK.—The Sru.tOKJßKft offers for for sale a large and “JgSp fine assortment of Cabinet Furniture, consisting of Bu "” reaws, Itook Cases, Side and Centre Tables, <fcc. Ife is prepared to till all orders on the shortest notice. AUo, Fixl'n Alddlie Bttrttrurf Os all sizes and qualities keptconstant! y on hand. WILLIAM COULDSMITII. Ca*sville, Ga., May 11, IS”>4. Y>LATT& O ILHAM, [ 1 Hit ft Ifimxt and Ooriniiixxiiin Merchant*, •a*6fc>_ .... „ taj (la., (Successors to Platt k Broth er).---po<!sses.sihg every facility, will devote their personal and undivided attention to the sale of Cotton and other Produce consigned ! to their care, and the purchase and forwarding l of goods. Commission will be the established rates of the citv. Reference: Mess, llaviland, j Uisley & Cos., Hand, Williams & Cos., McCord, ! Hart <& Cos., Scranton, Seymour & Cos., Belcher ’ & Hollingsworth, Thayer & Butt, Dawson & ! Skinner, and T. S. Metcalf, Esq. —Augusta; j Hand, Williams & Wilcox —Charleston. ; EUVVLX PLATT. THUS. A. CU.HAM. j sept y, 1831 lAj.rA rpROUT HOUSE.—The un if rirC& -H k -A- dersigned begs to inform SH i laSHI the citizens of Atlanta and the . i “SdiA-SiSiEg travelling public that this su j perb establishment is now open for the accom i modation of Boarders and Transient persons, j The House and furniture being entirely new, 1 j Rooms well ventillated, Halls large and airy, the Subscriber hopes by constant attention to -j the wants of Ids guests, to make his House dc ; sinible to (lie traveller, and merit a share of public patronage. AARON GAGE, Proprietor. I Atlanta, Feh. 1(3 —ts j ATLANTA < ITY PROPERTY FOR SA / E I’ERSONS desirous of purchas i ’“K .Property wonld do well ijfllEffiß&ijk to call on us, as” we have a mim wSElti* ber of improved and unimproved Lots for s;l i e . Also, a lot of ground containing ten acres, of fine woodland, with a good two story house, and all other nec essary oul-buihlings situated thereon. Terms reasonable. ‘ JOS. U. SWIFT, j Jan. 5, 1855. 48—ts. CBLOTHING! CTIEAP J Private And Pahlir Sale—hy R. Swift, /jfh MERCHANTS wishing to fay JUr in a stock of Clothing, would fwlfeprjgfjiwur, do Well to call on me, as I have ijust received n large consign i f. . ment, which I have orders to ! out very low, and offer 1 (treat inducoments-topnrehusets. Atlanta Ga., Jan. l‘J 50—ts T D - f ABPENTERrcs frnB% i iii T It J announces to his friends and late custom ers that he lias bought out the Stock of Goods of E. M. Price, ard may be found at Erwin’s old stand, where he ill be glad to wait upon his friends, andpronvses to be as cheap as the cheapest.— Give him a call if yon please, at Erwins old stand. ‘ Cassville, ang 5 ’ . -■ I>IANQ FORTES, .Music, Musi j HKSsSTIB *- tl Instruments, Fancy Arti- H a c * AVhite-llall ‘Street, Sign j J st J J uf the Golden Piano, Atlanta, (4a. ; Feb lfi—tf 11. BRAUMULLER. VAR TER S \fILL F, GA. i MASS C. M. DAVIS’ Few Midi aery aud , ftef preia-.WA’iiiy Fxtuhlislinent, connected I N/iX with a large and well assorted stock of j Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. All persons w suing anything in this line would do well to j call and examine her stock before purchasing i elsewhere. ! Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Fringes, j Gimps, Dress Trimmings, of werv description, | Ostrich Plumes, Marraboid Feathers, ami Gar ! metian Wreaths, Bridal Bonnets, Kalla and ! Veil.i, White Satin, and Brocade Silk, for Dresses. Black and Colored Dress Silks, French cloth, | and English Marino, and DeLaines, Plaid, worsted Cheneas, plaid Silks, Clonks, Talmas, 1 Mantillas, white crape Shawls, French Kmbroi* , dcred Robes for Parties, Embroidered Collars, j Cuff's, aud Handkerchiefs, Organdies, Swiss ’ Muslin, Quilted Edgings and Insertijigs, Jaco i net Muslin, English and French Prints, Marl -1 boro’. Stripes, Graniteville Domestics, Infants’ ! Cloaks and Shoes, Kid Gloves, of all eolorsand sizes, and various other articles too numerous Ito mention—all of which will be sold at tho lowest pr'eca. j Millinery and Dress-Making carried on in the neatest and most fashionable style. All orders attended to with despatch. I Cartersville, Jan 12 | _ WILUAM SHKA th, AUGUSTA, Guo.—Has received from New York a large supply of English Brussels Carpets, of the best quality, and of new and elegant styes. English Velvet Carpets, of new and splendid styles. Extra Three Ply Ingrain and Venetian Car pets; rich Cbenile Rugs, to match the Carpets. Printed Crums Cloths, in liatterns and by the yard. - Rich colored Damasks and Delaines, for cur tains, with Uimiis and Tassels to match. Rich Kmbroiaerod Lace and Muslin curtains, and some at very low prices. Embroidered Muslin, for curtains, by the yard. Window Shapes, of beautiful styles.; superior Furniture Dimities, and tine Cotton Fringes. (lilt. Cornices, curtain Bands, aud Brass und Plated Star Rods. The public are respeeifiilly invited to call and examine the assortment, Augusta, Ga. —ts. TsARAUAG ES A Fit fIA R A RSS-, Vhui-lr*. V_, te-.i X C-.M h te house, south-west corner of .Meeting and Wentworth streets, Charleston. subscriber lias ahyftys on >-. hand a large assortment bfV'e v A Vo/ litclts* ol every description, such ns Coaches, lL.okuwavs, B;i ----rimehes, top Buggies, no top Buggies, imd Fed lnr 4\ ng,ms, which are nuniufuctuved expressly for his own sales, and which in |aint ol finish and durability cannot be surpassed. All articles sold by him are wakrantkd in the fullest terms. Persons in want are solicited to give him a call, where they will find a cheap and good article on favorable terms. Carriages built to order, und retiring done with neatness and despateh. S-iff* Returs to Col. 11. F. IVire, (’nssviUe, M. 11. NATHAN. Nov 17—Cm. STEEL PENS, at 35 cents pregross, at LE VY’S cheap cash Store. DAY & MOR RIS fespect fullv inform their friends and custom ers that they continue the Tailoring bu muens in all its branches, at their old stand in the east end of Dr. Patton's building. All work entrust ed to them Will be execu ted with treat* ness and des patch. Pfef . erence invari ably given to cash custom-