The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, March 15, 1855, Image 4

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€ljt ijiitt nf lift. The Three Blind Mice. Three mice deprived of their visual orbs Went out for an orenifrg walk, To express their fctfi#gs they wagged their tails, For you know mice cannot talk, Talk, talk, talk, talk, Fw you know mice cauuot talk. The wife of an agriculturalist Looked out of her Cottage door ; When she saw these mice come toddling past, Os laughter she gave a roar, Hour, roar, roar, roar, Os laughter she gave a roar! The - noise so frghtened the little mice, They rah —they knew not where! And as luck would have it, titer ran against The woman a standing there f There, there, there, there, The woman a standing there ! A carving knife that was lying near, In her rage she chanced to see, So she snatched it up, and from each mouse cut Its caudal extremity, Extremity, extrem’ ty, Its caudal extremity! Oh ! in your life did you ever hear Sucli a thrilling stocking fact? Her head, indeed, should lai’se said for their tails, ’Twas such, a ftagisions acts Act;.act, act, act, ‘Twna-such a flagicious act! He whom no losses improverish is rich. Manners is a medal whose severse is iusolencc.- jfcjjtjT If wise men play tile fool, they do it with a vengeance. He that will sell his fame, will also sell the i üblic iuterest. IBSSr According to the avtichs of war, it is death to stop a cannon ball. The stepping-stone to fortune is not to be found iu a jeweler's store. - v’ . Recommend to your children virtue ; that alone can make them happy—not gold. oae ought to have dates at one's fin ger ends, seeing they grow upon the palm Spring must be welcome to the trees, because they are re-lcaocd by its approach. jtIST A man may be great by chance, but never wise nor good without taking pains for it. The Sea—a saline draught prescrib ed by Nature to neutralise the heart bum Between nations. s dlmcing-master enjoys this advan tage over most persons—he iu never at a loss what steps to take. jjaS’ - Why is a pig the most extraordinary animal iu creation ? Because you first kill him and then cure him, ItSf The fellow who attempted to << cloak his sins,’ found, that he- enoWat begin to get a*garment large enough. pSU A man of philosophic temperament resembles a cucumber ; for even when com pletely cut up, he is still cool. The-hian that vuies the night uiare. itia-awidi, hwa chr llenged the telegraph to trot fifty miles before a wagon. Man ought always to have some thing that he prefers to life, otherwise life itself will appear tiresome and void. jgg?’ It is so dry on the Ohio that the peo ple along the shore have to springe the ri ver to keep the boats from kicking up a dust. &SU } borne-e?eaaet£ my mirror, and, fix aug my eyes upon it, 1 perceive so many de fects in myself, that I easily forgive those of others iJSr D* jtor Pley coa*ki imagine nothing more insipjkl thus, nurinn and wife living to gether more than thirty years, without a sin gle conjugal quarrel. The hen pecked husband is happy e noughif he were left alone, but he ganeral ly has some kind friend who< perpetually urging, him .. not to-atand it.” ggr a cheerful face is nearly as good i for an invalid as healthy weather. To make a sick man think he's dying, all that's nec essary is to look half dead yourself. An old lady < down east,’ being at a loss for a pincushion, made one of an onion On the following morning she found that all the needles had tears iu their eyes A wife cannot make home comforta ble who dears” nn l .. my loves” anil h r husband, and yet don't sew the buttons on his shirt, or tape on his drawers* lie who thinks he cm find within hiuiself the means of doing without others is much mistaken; but lie who thinks others cannot do without him is still more mista ken. s33* Lorenzo Dow once said of a grasping’ avaricious farmer, that if lie had the whole world enclosed in a single field, he we*>ld not be content without a patch of ground ou the outside for potatoes. “ Mr. Smith,” said a little fellow the other evening to his sister's beau, 1 wish you wouldn't praise our Ann Maria's eyes any more. You’ve made her so proud now that she won't speak to cousin Laura, or help mother the leust bit ” At Gibraltar there was a great WHUfcity of water. An Irish officer said ..lie was very easy about the matter, for he had nothing to do with water; if he only got his tea in, the morning, and puneh at night, it waa all tho& he wanted.” F&- A man one© asked a celebrated bill leotvist what he would do if in wnnt of refreshments in his terial voyage, as there were no hotels. lie instantly replied he would have me■ occasion far them : he would stop at some of theensiles in the uir.” jar Sir Walter Scott, in lending a book •ue day to his frieud, cautioned him to be punctual in. returning it. . This is really necessaßy,” said the poet, L upelegy, ..lor if ninny of my friend's are-bad arithmeticians, B have found almost aJJ-ol them garni book tapers.” 2>8 r A cornet i’ a .. crack”’ regiment of the line was asked by the military examin er whether the sun moved round the earth or the earth around tita sun.. The young ster was astouished at tlur question, and after hesitating for some time, at lust, by way of a compromise, .. Sometiuwa. the one and sometimes the other.” KT Lat jur Maubourg lost his leg nt the battle of Leipsio. After he had suffered amputation with the greatest courage, lie saw bis servant crying, or pretending to cry, in one corpar of the room. ‘• Jack,” said he, .< none of your hypocritical tears, you idle dog j you know you are very glad, for you wiU U**e only one boot to Jlegqi polices. Administrator? sale.—According to an order of court, will be sold on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, at the court house door in Cassville: All the Lunds belonging to the Estate of C. D. Ter mine, decaased, late of Cass county, ly ing in said county—consisting of the Home place, containing about three hundred acres of Land, lying on the Etowah River, in two and a half miles of Kingston. The Mill place, containing about three I.un dred and sixty acres of land, adjoining Two Run creek. The mill is within half a mile of Kingston, in full operation and line condition. This place is situated within half a’ mile of the Rail Road, and cannot be surpassed iu Georgia as a location for milling or manufacturing pur’ poses, and has realized nifty per cent, per annum on fitv thousand dollars, and will continue to do so with proper management. The Patton place, ndjoiningSolomon & Dodd’s mill, on Etowah River, containing about seven ty acres. The Elliott place, on the Etowah River, be low the Home place, containing about seventy acres. One-fourth interest in the Bird place, on the Etowah River, fiefow the Home place, contain ing about, two hundred acres—the other throe fourths interest can be bought on the day of sale, if desired. The above lands when united, form one of the best and most desirable bodies of lams on the Etowah River, of about twelve hundred acres. Its fertility and healthfulncss can be judged by observation. Possession of the mill will be given immediately—the lands on Christ inas next. Also at the same torse and” place, lots of lapd -3f0,P27r-17-3, No. 6--17-3, No. 275-17-8, and No. 588-17-3. The terms of the sale will be one half,next. Christmas, and the balance at Christmas, 1856, with interest from next Christ mas. John Tyrhune, at the mill, is ready at any time to show- any or all of the above lands to persons c&siring to purchase. Sold for the benefit of the heirs. A. A. TERHUNE, Administi'gtor. Feb. o—tds: Administrators sale.—Agreeably to an order from the Ordinary of Cass’ Coun ty, will be sold before the court hoqse door in Cassville on the first Tuesday in April next be tween the usual hours of sale lot of land No. 172 in the sth district, and 3rd section of Cass coun ty, also pile negro girl by the name of Caroline about 16 years of age. Sold ns the property of David C. Ayers deceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms nuidehvnrjrn on the day of sale. t. 11. 6LARDY, Adm’r. Feb 9—tds* \DMINISTR ATOR’S SALE. —AVill be sold before the court house door in Cassville, by virtue of an order /if the court of Ordinary of Cass county, within the legal hours of sale, a valuable plantation, consisting of the following lots of land, to-wit—Nos. 1214,121.6,1217,1231, 1232, 1233,1254, 1287, 1288, 1289, containing •4D acres each, all in the 17th district and 3rd section of Cass county, to he Sold as the prop erly of Jesse Dickerson, deceased. Terms of sale made known on day. Sold 0)1 the jirxt Tuesdat/ in April next. •T. It. PARROTT, Administrator. Feb 16—tds \ LL persons indebted to the estate of R. W. ,_TjL Young, late of Gilmer county, deceased, including his own individual claims and his in terest in the claims due and to become due to the late firm of Chastain & Young, and also his interest in the claims due and to become due to the late firm of Underwood, Chastain & Young, arc requested to come forward and make imme diate payment—and all those having claims against said estate are requested to tile the same within the terms prescribed by law. ANDREW YOUNG, Executor. Blnirsvrlle, Ga. Jan. 20, 1855.—6 w. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE—On the first Tuesday iu APRIL next, will be sold at court bouse door in Fanniu coudtv, one lot of land No, 188, in the 7th district and Ist section. Sold by order of Court. W. A. BROWN, Administrator, Feb 16—tds fN EORGIA, UNION COUNTY.—Whereas V T Julia Butt, administrator on the estate of Robert F. Remands, late of said county, deceas ed, applies to me for letters disinissory from said administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, ft* Sc and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed hr law, and show cause, if any exist, why said letters should wot be granted. Given under mv hand at officc. this August 19th, 1854. * J. S. FAIN, Ordinary, aug 25—6 m (1 EORGIA, WHITFIELD COUNTY.- Toafi VT whom it may concern. On the fifteenth day of September sold and trail ate ml to T. It. Thompson and'j. 11. Kibbee-, all my stock or interest in the capital stock aif the Planters &. Mec&mics Bank of Dalton, doing business at Dalton, Georgia. SAMUEL F. DICKINSON. December 8.- —oamffim. /N EORGIA, GILMER COUNTY.—The feb \ JT lowing is the’ description of an Estray Mhle brought before me: white mouse color, braiKthn* with; the letter 11. cm each shoulder, four feet six inches high, about six years old, appraised to be worth one hundred dollars. M. J. HUXNEYCUTT, Feb. 9—3 w Clerk Inferior Court. Georgia, qasw cmntv—whereas n. W. Cobb, administrator on the estate of Lemuel Johnson, deceased, applies to me for letters Dismissoiy from said administration : Therefore the kindred and creditors of said de ceased are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections (if any they have) in my office, in terms oflthe law ;■ otherwise letters Dismisso rv will Be- gran fed the applicant at the May Term next, of the court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand at office, this 3d dav of October, 1854..* Oct 6—6 m THOS. A. WORD, Ord. n EORGIA CASS COUNTY.—Whereas^H \ T W. Cobb Administrator on the Estate of llanion Eitrp, deceased, applies to me for letters JMsmissorr from said administration. These are-tberefore to cite anil admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at m v office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause (if any exist,) why said letters should’ not Be granted. Given i.rua-inny hand* at” office, this 28th dav of Nov. 1854.. THOMAS A. WORD, Ordinarv. Dec 1 —6m ‘ , Cl EORGIA, CASS COUNT Wib X Ham Hays, administrator on the Estate of George W. Hays, deceased, applies to me for letters dismissory from said, administration,: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv band at office, this 27th of October, 1*54. THOS. A. WORD, Nov 3—6 rip Ordinary. ALL persons having demands against James A. Beard, late ot Fannin County deceased are hereby notified to present them properly,, attested to us within the time prescribed by law or thev will not be settled. And all persons in debtud to said deceased arc Istvehy required’ to make immediate puvmcnt. WM, FRANK UN,. Adm’r. • MA RG AR ETeIJ E A’ltDj Adm’x. Keb. 2-61. r | >0 AM, PERSONS INTERESTED;- All X peri-mis are hereby cautioned against'tres passing on lot of Land No. 1282, in tl'ie 21st, district, and 2d section, now Cass county—us the law wdl he rigidly enforced against, ’those who may. SAM’L A. PARDEE, Dram- HENRY ROGERS, Adm’r o? Spurt ;i, Oa. Eel, 9- 3t /-/// .1/, in/i. Id, and, SIXTY days After date, application will be made to the Ordinary of Own county for leave to sell the Real Estate of William Smith son, lute of said county, deceased. K. F. SMITHSON, Adrn’r. Jan 5 ELIZABETH SMITHSON, Admx SIXTY days after date, application will l>e made to the Ordinary of Cass county for leave Jo sell a uegro woman belonging to the estate of Charles M. Brown, deceased, late of Oglethorpe county. ELIJAH LUMPKIN, Jan 12-—(Wei A(lnunA*trntor. u ImWmMt r | MIE Subscribers respectfully inform their cuHtoniers and friends, that thev huve re moved their stock of Dry Goods,. Clothing, Ac., to the store bouse formerly occupied by Messrs. Patton A Chunn. 1 ’ , IIIRIIBA DEVIDBON. Cassville, Jan 12 Jlecjqi _ , Cl ASS SHERIFF SALES.—WiII be sold be- j ) fore the court house door in the town of! | Cassville, between the legal hours of sale, on j the first Tuesday in Achil next, the following ■ property, to-wit: One negro man named Ned, about thirty ] years old; also, two lots of land, Nos. 99 and ! I 100, in the 15th district and 3d section of Cass ! j county—levied on to satisfy four fi. fas. issued | • from Class Superior Court, transferred to Win. j ; Solomon, and against Jonathan Whitesides. Fraction lot of land No. 24, in the 15th dis- j trict and 3d section ; levied on to satisfy a Jus-; tice court fi. fa. iu favor of I). A. Crawford, vs. j John Mvhnff. Levied on and returned to me j by a bailiff. One lease on the brick store pi the town of Adairsville, known as the brick building of Jasl Reid, deceased, and one twc-lnjrse wagon ; lev ied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from Cass Superior Court, in favor of J. W. Parrott, vs. Nathaniel j 11. Harris, and I). M. Hood and B. 11. C. Bo : mar, securities ou ca. sa. bond. mb I—tds E. A. BROWN, Sheriff, j -yrORTGAGE SALE!—WiII be, sold on the I i it l first Tuesday in MA Y: onc stoc‘k of Dry j j Goods, consisting of calicoes, ready-made nlotli- I ing, hardware and cutlery, boots and shoes, j | crockery ware, Ac., and various other articles : j usually kept in country stores; levied on to sat- I isff three Mortgage fi.‘ fas. from Cass Inferior , { Court—one in favor of Peirson, Jennings & Cos., 1 [one in favor of W. E. Wbitiiev A Cos.; the other ; in favor of Bancroft, Betts A Mrrshall, vs. Ilen ;rv J. Arnold—said goods specified in said | Mortgage. E. A. BROWN, Sheriff, mb I—tds1 —tds T7A NNTN SIIERIFF SA LE.—A Vdl le.*,ld on r the first Tuesday in April next, before the court house door in the town of Morjonton, be tween the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 39, in the Bth district and Ist section; levied on as the property of John Car ter, to satisfy fi. fas. in favor of N. Brawhill and others. THOS. K. TRAMMELL, mh 1- tds J). S/u-rif. Georgia, cass Anna Stapp applies tome for tetters of ad | ministration oil the estate of Thomas Stapp, j lute of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite ana admonish a! j and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office Within i the time prescribed bv law, to* show cause, if ! any they huve, why said letters should not be fgranted. Given under my hand at office, this 19tli dav Februarr, 1855. Feb 22-30d THOS, A, WORD, Oud. GEORGIA, FANNIN COUNTY.—Whereas Govey Black applies to me for letters of Guardianship over the person and property of Deli la Wood: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at. office, this Bth of 1 January, 1855. ’ JAS. KINCAID, j Jan. 19. Ordi/Mr//. ! / 4 EORGIA, CASS COUNTY: Whereas Wil vT Ham L. Kirkpatrick, applies to lfie. for ; letters of administration on the estate of Robt. i J. Taylor, late of Cass conutv, deceased : ) These are therefore to cite and admonish nil I persons concerned, to be and appear at mv of j tice within the time prescribed l>v law, to- slmw | cause, if any exist, why said letters should not | be granted. j Given under my hand at office, this 2d day of I February, 1855. * TUGS; A. WORD, Feb. 9—Bod Ordinary. p EORGIA, CASS COUNTY’.—Whereas E \T lijah Lumpkin applies to me for Letters of Guardianship over the .person and property of Harriet L. McGuire, -orphan of Nancy L. i McGuire, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all | persons concerned, to be and appear at mv us - tice, within the time prescribed by law, to show 1 cause, if an v they have, why said letters should j not be granted. Given under mv hand nt office. Ibis Jartuarv Bth, 1855. * THOS; A: WORD, ‘ Jan 12 —-30d Ordinary. n EORGIA, GILMER COUNTY.—Whereas VJT John E. Fonts, administrator of the estate of Benjamin K. Leppard, deceased applies to me for letters dismissory from said administra ; tion: These are therefore to cite and admonish all ; persons concerned, to be and appear at my of ; tice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, jf any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, th : s August 28, 1354. M. GREER, Ordinary, sept I—6m (Georgia, fanmn county.—whereas X John W. Henson applies to me for letters of Guardianship over the persons and property of Julius, James 8., Severe C., Amanda and Barbara Robertson. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons coneerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time presci-ibed by law, to show cause, if an v they ha ve, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, this January 8, 1855. * JAS. KINCAID, Jan, 19. Ordinary. I /\EOILqiA, GILMER COUNT ; l J Thomas Wakefield, administrator upon j the -estate Os Isaac Wilkins late of said county ! decesed makes application to me for letters of j dismission from said administration. These awe therefore to cite and. admonish all • and singular the kindhjdiaua? creditors of said deceased, tl> be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be gjMKiied. | (riven under my lamd at office,, this ‘22nd of 1 December 1854. MOSES GREER, Ord’v. dec 2‘J —6m STATE OF GEDR-GIATcASS* COUNTY. ) By Thomas A. Wo no, Ordinary of said County.— The petition of Alferd (J. Day, caus ing it to appear to me that Telamon CuyleV of said (county, deceased, did in las life time execute to ! said Day his bond for titles, to that portion of the lot in town of Cassville, upon which, said : Cuvier then.lived, bounded on the North by lot I of Mrs. Ralls, on South by that portion of the i lot occupied by said Day, on the East bv prop- I crly now occupied by Thomas U. Dunlap, and ! on the West by the street riming out from the South East corner of the public square of said i town ; and also certain other lots lyin within ; and belonging to the original lot of land on ’ which the town of Cassville is situated, formet- I ly owned by Mrs. Denton, tlw whole containing ; thirteen acres more or less; and it appearing i that said Day has piiid a large portion of the i purchase money and is ready to pay tlie residue, | and said Day having petitioned the Conrt to di | roet Charles A. Hamilton, the administrator np rnn estate of said Cuvier, to make titles to him i for saids lots: it is thertiir ordered hereby that ( notice be given in the (bi*toUie Standard of such ! application, that all persons concerned may file j objections, of'anv they have, in mj- ollice why ■ said Claudes A..Hamilton, administrator os afbr ! said, should not execute titles in conformity j with said bond. ) A true extract from the minutes of this Court, this January 2‘Jth 1854, TANARUS, A. WORD, Ordinary. ! Feb. lid -in". I KORGIA, GILMER COUNTY.--Whereas V.T Newman Osborn, adiuinistrntor of the | Lysate of Lucy Harris, lute of said county, (,1c ! ceased, applies to me for loiters of dismission I from said mbwanistrationc These are thoreftire tb cite aiufauburn iMC all | persons concerned to ho mid appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 20f1i dhy of October, 1854. MOSES’ GREER, ‘ Oct 27—6 m Ordinary. p EORGIA, CASS COUNTY.— Whereas E VI lijah Pinson and Newport Fined, Executors of the lust will and testament of Charles 0. Pin son, deceased, apply to me for letters dismisso vyiroui said Executorship: t hese are therefore to cite and admonish all persoos concerned, to be and appeur ut uiy of fice, within the time prescribed by law, und shew cause, (if any there be,) why said letters Dtsnnssory should not be grunted the Baid an plioants.. 1 Given under my hand at office, this Sent. 11,. 1884. Tt. A. WORD, Ordinary, sept 15—6 m I lONNETS.—A lurgo assortment 1 J of the latest styles of spring bon nets, trimmed gratis, just received and for sale at Lew’s cash store. HCbeHlsetaL*. American masonic agency r~,/yj’ W: Leonard d’ Cos., Three hundred and eighty-three, Broadway, N. York city.—Owing to the liberal pat ronagewe have received from our w 1 ■ Brethren through every State in the Union; wo have been obliged n jove-oiir place of business to a more public part of the City,, j and a larger aud more commodious building. Our present location, Three hundred and eigh ty-three, Broadway, combines everything that is needed to render our house the most popular Masonic Establishment in the world. Situated on the principal'Street of New York, a few squares above the Irving House, and in the im mediate vieinity’of all the loading Hotels, our country Brethren can have no difficulty in find ing us. - ‘’ j We have fitted up and furnished, hi an elc- j gaut and comfortable manner, our MASONIC . READING ROOM AND LIBRARY, where the craft will find our Mr. Lkonaud from 8 o’clock ! in the morning until 10 at nipt it, ready to give all necessary information to Brethren who are strangers in’tbe City, on any. branch of general buxine,;)*, or on Masonic subjects. Our Library embraces 200 volumes of the standard Masonic Books of all countries, and in all languages. Most of them old, and rare, and very difficult to be procured. Our country Breth ren visiting New York will always find a”Ma son's Home,” by calling at 383 Broadway, sign j of the Golden Candlestick. Adjoining the Read- ! ing Room, on the same floor, is our Regalia, Jewel, and bookjistore, embracing a general as- j sortmerit.of ererything that can be needed in a Lodge Chapter, Council Encampment, or by tin individual member of any of those bodies. •* I | We would direct especial attention to our ! Ancient York Jewels, 10 nieces, comprising etii ! eial emblems of tne W. M., S. & J. W., Tr., I Sec., S. &J. D., Tvlcr, and Square, and Com- ! j pass. All these.of solid silver, elegantly, eri j graved, at 30, 35, 40, and 50 dollars a* set:’ The difference of price being in the weight of silver j they contain. Those at $35 are beautiful and substantial. ! Our Jewel Collars, Scarfs and Aprons, Dipk)-: mils. Books and Jewelry, are equally cheap) and 1 good paud Catalogues and Price, Lists sent’free when required. ! J GIST PUBLISHED.-The Masonic Symbo lic Chart, or Craftsmen’s Trestle board. Size: j 24 by 30 inches, embracing the degrees of Sym bolic Masonry, viz.: The Filtered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. The publica tion oftiis Chart is designed to facilitate the! labors of the Masonic Lecturer, and to render easy and pleasant the study of Symbolic Mason- i ry. It combines the ornamental with the use ful ; and while it adorns the parlor of a brother mason, it is equally useful in the counting house, office, or workshop of the craftsman who \ seeks more light on the subject ofl’reemasonry. j This Chart is a beautiful, clear lithograph, mounted on canvas, with rollers, beautifully j painted in livulv colors, and varnished. Price, ! $2,5(> each; or fn Clubs of twelve or more §lB a j dozen. Jan 19—ts JOHN W. LEONARD & CO. THE BRITISH QUARTERLIES. r FUIE Loudon Quarterly Review ICoiiserVa- JL tire.) The Edinburgh Review (Whig. ) The North British Review (Free Church.) The Westminister’s Review (Liberal.) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) The present critical state (J’ European affairs will render Ihose publications unusually, interest . ing during- the year ’55. They will occupy a mid die ground between the hastily written news items, crude speculations and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and thirponderous Tome of the future historian, written after the living iu teresf and excitement of the great, political e vents of the time shall have passed away. It is to these Periodicals that people must look for tfie only -really intelligible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well established literary, scientific and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading pifbUe. Arrangements are in progress for the receipt of early sheets from the British Publishers, by’ which we shall be able to place all our reprints in the h inds of subscribers, about as soon as thev can be furnished with the foreign copies. I Although this will involve ;t very large outlay j on our part, we shall contimie to furnish the Pc j riodic.ils ut the same low rates as’ heretofore, vish Per Annum : I For any one of the four Reviews, $3 00 For any two -of the Reviews, 5.390 For any three of the four Reviews*, 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and-three Reviews, 9-00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10 00 Payments to be made, in all cases, in advance. Money current in the State where issued will Se received at par. Cliusbixo.—A d'seount of twenty-five per cent from the above prices will- be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one qr more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $8; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for §6O -and so on. Remitti nces and communications should al ways be addressed, nost paid to the publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & C-0., 53 Gold Street, New York. N. B.—ls. S. & Cos. have recently published, and have now,Tor sale, the “Farmer’s Guide,” Henry Stephens of Edinburg, and Prof. Nor ton, of YuiieMJollcge, New liaven,- complete in 2 vol oct tvrPeontainipg 1600 pages, 14 steel and 600 wood engravings. Price in muslin binding, $6. Jan 20—3 t Charleston a cco unt book manu factory!! Walkek k Evans, Manu factunno Stationers, No. 101 East Bay’, Chat- Xrston, r Have now on hand the largest assort ment of Arrount Besiks ever offered for sale in this part of the country, and equal to any iu the United States. Our entire stock is than yfact tired in Clatrlex ton, in our own Bindery, by competent work men, under our personal supervision. The pa per and otli ?r materials are of the best, quality, carefully selected, and the Books warranted in eveiy respect, equal to those made'by the best. New York Stationers for their city trade. County and State Officers, Haiti'*, Merchants and others, can have their Books ruled and bound to ntry pattern, and paged when required. Music Books , Periodicals, and other printed Books bound in every variety of style. Always on band, a large stock of superior Letter Paper, FonUeap, Bill Paper, Note Paper, and paper of various kinds, ruled expressly for ! Lawyer’s use. Also, Stationery of all kinds, ! consisting iii part of Copying Presses, Gold Pens, Seal Presses, Steel Pens, Envelopes, Pen-holders, Inkstands, Pocket books, Ink, Writing Desks, Pencils, waters, sealing wax', India rubber, ru lers, quills, seals, parchment, folders, back gammon boards, chess men, &c. &c. Boific and Job Printing of all kinds neatly ex ecuted. Charleston, Dec 15 —6m llunK TINDERY IX A TLANTA! ‘ KAY, respectfully informs the citizens of Cassmlle and surrounding country, that he is now prepared lor any k’rnd of Binding and Ruling at short notice. I|e has also on hand a largo assortment of Hooks in the various departments of Literature, Fancy Stu tionerv, Music, Musal Instruments-, Paper Hang ings, Guns, Pistols, Watches, Jewelry, Fancy Goods, &c., at the very lowest possible prices. A share of the public patronage is respectfuliy solicited. Atlanta, March 24, 185o—ly. RtibUfiTlQN OF rulers. nOLEO WAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, . —These famous Medicines will in future be sold, throughout the States at the following prices: Small Pot or Box, 25 cents, instead of U 7 1-2. Medium do. do. 62 1-2” “ 67 1-2. Large do. do.f $1 “ $1 00. Vrotessor Holloway’s Manufactories are at 80 Maidtiu Eane, New York, aud 244 Strand, j London. Juul2 .floiaaaSSfr ting between Leake A Howard is tins day dissolv ed by inutnal consent. All the debts due said firm will be collected by W. W. Leuke, who as sumes all the liabilities of the same.. All per sons indebted to snit) coneeni will please make immediate payment. This3stlnUy of Nov. 1854. W. WE LEAKE, CartersviUc, Dec 1 J. A. HOWARD) a I>LAOKSMITHINO.--The Subscriber .13 is do all kinds of work his line, such as-Ironing Carriages, making and repairing Farming imply merits, edge-tools, Ac. m the best manner, and on the most reasonable terms. Edge tools war ranted. A share of patronage is solicited. It. GRIFFIN. CuwviUe,'Cu., Feb. 16, 1855.- 2- ly, j ; cttl- — A—, :s.v : *&'V fpHE WHOLE WOELD.— Three Hundred X Thousand. -Dolly re Worth of Gifts, for the i Sutrecmbers to the Mammoth Pictorial of the. ’ Whole World', published simu'ltaneou.tiy in the three Citi£s*of New York, Philadelphia and Btfl ißJOfe. Aa soon as 30(),000 subscriptions are obtained, tthd Haring already an actual circula tion of about 200,000, ii i now eertmn TUB DISTRIBUTION WILL SOON TAKE PLACE. j _ Among the extraordinary List of Gifts, (be- ! , ingt.: tor fooKa tiefretjs&ued,) are Pnf. Hart's EiegaM Country Seat, rai ned at _ $25,000 A Mag City. Residence, valued,at lrpiOO ! A Cash loan-for 100 Tears, without in- ! terest or security, 111,000 Building Lots, Elegant. Piano Fortes, Mefodeous, Gold Watches, Bracelets, Bings, Books of Travel in the Old and New World, bv Prof. Hart; Heal Es ■ tate, Ac., Ac., Ac., in all numbering , 1100,000 Gifts, valued at ‘ $300,000 ! Every singhe remittance of §l, secures one : year’s subscription to the Mammoth Pictorial, i and the gratuity of a Gift Ticket, which entitles the holder to one share in the 30(>,00n (rifts.— 1 • Thu* every person investing in this stupendous j ; Enterprise receives the full worth of his or her j money, in subscription to a first class journal, ; J tile greatest and most interesting Pictorial of. the age,) besides a Gift for each subscription, ! which may prove au immense fortune to the i receiver. ! For complete List of Gifts, and full and ex- j plicit particulars in regard to the great Enter prise, Distribution, Ac., see a copy of The 1 II hole World , which will be promptly sent, j free of charge, where desired by letter, post-paid, i Ihe U haie U arid, may also be seen at the! offices oi all the papers containing this-adver ; tiseineut, where information may be obtained ! in regard to the paper and Enterprise. ! Agents, Postmasters and Ladies, desirous of j ; lucrative and at the same time genteel etnploy : inent, should not fail to see a cony of The j i Whole World, which contains by fur the most | liberal inducements ever offered to agents in I the way of immense cash premiums, gifts, eotn j missions, Ac., whereby any person with ordinti- j ry activity, can easily make &l,no and up- : I wards, per year; to which fact the agents we i already have can certify, Secure the Pictorial, and becotne wise, rich and happy. Correspondents mnst write their address— > . name, post office, county and State, plain and or it will be their own fault if thev fail :to get an answer, Adhere to this, and all rc- I turns will be promptly sent wherever desired j in any part of the world. | If any orders are received after tbic •WVXM> I subscribers are obtained, the money will bis ’ promptly returned, post-paid, to tlie persons j sending it. j All letters and remittances for the Pictorial, ! with Gift Tickets, must invariably be address ! ed, post-paid, to Prof. J. WOOL) MAX PART, j World’s Hall, Broadway, X<nv York, there bc -1 ing the onn* office for the Gift Enterprise. But remittance's for the Pictorial without G’ft i Tickets, may be sent to Prof. J. WOODMAN • HART, ILtv'.’s Buildings, Chestnut street, i Philadelphia, Pa., there being the principal ed ; itoi’ial and publication office. Oct 20--fkn AMERICANARTISTB’ UNION. American Artists’ Union, would re- X spectfully announce to the c.tizems of the United States.and the .Canadas, that for the purpose of cultivating a t iste for the fine arts throughout the country, and with the view of ; enabling every family to become possessed of a gallery of Bngrajings, by the first Artists of the j age, they have determined, in order to ‘ create j an extensive sale for.their Engravings, and thus j not-only give employment to a large number of j artists ana others, but inspire among our conn- j trynion a taste for works of art, to present to j the purchasers of their Engravings, when 250,- ! V(fo of them are sold, 2)0,800 Gifts, of the actual cost of $150,000. Each purchaser ot a Due Dollar Engraving, therefore, receives hot only au Engray'ng rich ly Worth the money, hut also a ticket which .'entities'him to one of the Gifts when they are distributed. For Five Dollars, a highly finished Engrav ing, bountifully painted in OH, arid Five Gift Tickets, will be sent; or Five Dollars worth of splendid Engravings can be selected tibia the Catalogue. A copy of the Catalogue, together with spe cimen of one of the Engravings, can be seen at the office, of this paper. For each Dollar sent, an Engraving actually worth that sum, and a Gift Ticket, will immev diatcl? be forwarded. AGENTS.—The committee believing that the success of ties Great National Undertaking will be materially promoted by the energy and enterprise of intelligent and persevering Agents, have resolved to treat \yfth such on the most liberal terms. Any person wishing to becotne an Agent,’ by sending (post-paid) *l. will receive by return of mail, a One Dollar Engraving, a ‘‘ Gift Tick et,” a Prospectus, a catalogue, and other nec essary information. Oh the final completion of the sale, tile Gifts will be placed in the hands of a Committee of the Purchasers to be distributed, due notice of which will be given throughout the United States and the Canadas. List of Gifts: 100 Marble busts of Washing ton at §IOO. SIO,OOO 100 Marble busts of Clay, at too. )0,000 “ Webster, TOO. 10,000 “ “ “ Calhoun, 100. In, 00© 50 elegantDil Paintings, in splen- )• - ~.\o 11 nr „ l r . 1 i 100. 0,000 did gilt, frames, 3 by 4 feet, each, ) 100 elegant Oil Paintings, 2 by 3 1 feet each, f ‘ 500 steel plate Engravings, bril- ) liimtly colored in Oil, rich’ gilt !- 10. 5,000 frames, 24 by 30 inches each, J 10,000 elegant steel plate Engfav- ) ings, cord in Oil, of the Wash- >4. 40,000 iirgton Monument, -20x20 in. ea. ) 237,000 steel plate Engravings, from 100 different plates, now in possession of, and owned by the Artists’ Union, of the mar ket value of, from 50 e. to $1 ea. 41,000 1 first-class Dwelling, in 31st st., New York city, 12,000 22 building lots in 100 and 101st streets, X. Y. city, each 25 By 100 ft. deep at loo© each, 22,00(1 100 Villa IS.tes, containing each 01,000 sq. ft; in the suburbs of N. Y. city, and commanding a magnificent viewof the Hudson ana Long Island Sound, at 500, 50,000 20 perpetual loans of cash, without interest or security, of $250 cn., 5,000 50 perpetual loans ot Cash, without interest or security, ofsloo each, 5,0.0(1 100 pcrpct’l loans of cash, wfthout interest or seouritr, of SSO each, 5;000 230 perpotT loans of cash, without interest or security, of S2O each, 5,000 2,000 per petit loans of cash without interest or security, of $5 each, . 10,00© Reference in regard to the Heal Estate, F. .1. Visscher A Cos., Ileal Estate Brokers, X. York. Orders, (post-paid,) with money enclosed to be •addressed, J. W HOLBROOKE, Secretary, 505,8r0ad way, N. Y. tT’ The Engravings in the Catalogue are now ready for delivery. sept 20 Gin Sew FALL AND WINTER OOODS! ward & ncßCnutn, AUGUSTA, Ga., aro uow. receiving, tlwir Fall and Winter Supplies of New and Fashionable Goods, and will bo prepared to ex hibit many novelties iu Dress Goods, ns well as a general supply of Household articles. Thev invite attention to the following: I‘avls, Sueque and Opera Flannels, new shades American Sacqtw both plaiu aud figured; Lupin’s Mous. delaines and Merinos, nil cols.; Lupin's black Bombasines and Mous. delaines; Lupin’s Black and white cballies ; Bich all wool Paris, Deliuns, plaid and Kg’d ; American Delaines, nil the lie"’ designs; ‘ Very elegant oolured Silks, m llniciule, Plains and Stripes ; Sutin, Fluid and Chene striped Silks ; 6-4 high colored Poplins, Scotch Plaids ; Black Italian ami TnlFete Silks, rich lust/ed; Beautiful French and English Prints; Ginghams, and cashmere tlc’Kcosse; Superior Welsh, Silk warp, nnd Saxony Flannels; White crape, cashmere, and Bay state shawls: Embroideries of every description, Laces and Edgings, Besides a general assortment of Housewife and servants* Goods. TJmjv respectfully invite Families wishing to make Iheir Full and winter purchases, to give their stock an examination. Augusta,. Georgia,. October 6, 1854. GOLD and Silver Watches, Gold Finger and Ear Rings, Breast-pins and Lockets, cheap for cash, at sotp 15 . LEVY’S STORE. BLANKS AT TIIE STANDARD OFFICE.’ j/IMIE GREAT SOUTHERN KEMEE Y —JA COP'S CORDIAL, For all Bowel X Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Bilious Cholic, Dysentery, and DiarrhcsT Also, admirably adapted to many diseases of Females, most especially painful Menstruation The virtues of Jacob’s Cordial are too well known to require Encomiums. :Ist. It cures the worst cases of Diarrhoea. 7th. It curies painful Menstruation 1 2d. It cures the worst forms of Dysentery. Bth. It relieves pain in the buckand loins | 3d. It cures California or Mexican Diarrhoea. 9th. It counteracts nervousness, despordenev 4tb, It relieves the o'er crest Colic. 10th, It restores Irregularities. • ,sth. It cures Cholera Morbus. 11th. It dispels gloomy and hysterical feeling 9th. It cures Cholera Infantum, 12th. It’s an admirable Tonic. Rs ‘ A few short ExfrnclS froai Letters, Teslihioninfs, &c. “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my hhtWf,- and have found it a most efficient and in judgment, a valuable remedy.” Hon. Hiram Warner, Judge of Supreme Court Ga J i “It gives, me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial—my own personal expert ; ence, and the experience of my neighbors and friends around me, is a sufficient guarantee for me 1 believe it to be all that it purports to he, viz. a sovereign remedy.” ’ ■ Wm. H.-Underwood, formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee Circuit | . ‘ I take great pleasure in rccqimnending.this invaluable medicine to all afflicted with bowel diseases, for which T believe it to be a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to any thine- £ .i s „ i cv fj;?, ru;d” . A. A. Gauloino, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of Georeia. i “ I Ins efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast as Bonaparte pushed his columns im .to Russia, and gaining comnicndatton whelt-icr used.” Georgia Jetlersoriian, May 19 185? ! p. l! ®f H- w. Hooper & Cos.; Samuel Levy, A. A J. L. Hill, and Lemuel Dillard, Cassvilis i * a P’ ‘Yffigard, G. L. Roberts, and Matthias Roberte’ ISt ..esboi () ; A. A M llli-ains, Eubarlve, L. Uorter, Adairsville; 11. Byers & Cos., Cai tersvdle • and Die principal Merchants and Druggists throughout the State. Tnnn-nwif ‘V,n W; & C 0 > Manufacturers and Proprietors, JanQai ; !i ’ 2© Beckman Street, New York. AND EYE .—Deafness, pai or total, entirely renMced.— l)r. Alsnphgjt begs to call the after tion of those suffering from a total or paftial loss of the hearing, to -the tbllowing.facts. lie treats diseases of the middle and lutertu’J Ear with Medicated Douches, such as is practised in the Infipmarigs of Berlin, Ldpsic, Brussels, Hamburg and Ft. Petersburg, and lately bv flic most distinguished London Aurists, with (fie most wonderful success; indeed,-it is method that has been uniform! v suceesg/uL—! The best proof of the efficacy of the treatment! Will be a reteroncc to nearly nine hwo died nddnes, residents of the. United States, Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, who !iavg been re stored to (Scute hearing, and not a single, solita ry case, to our knowledge, did we to effect! either u pai Ihtl or total restoration of the Hcver mg, when our advice and hfslntctions were! faithfully and punctually adhered to, Manv! who could pot hear tlie report of a {gjstol at-i ’ arm’s length, can now hear a watch beat at'the I ’ distance of four. feet. ; In cases,of mucuous accuniu!af : on in the Eus ’ tachian Tribe and Tympnrfum, liinwififnatioTi of the Mucus Membrane, Nervous Affections, Dis l ease of the Membrana Tvmpani, ocinnionlyl j called .'the “ Drum,” or when the disease can be; ; traced to the effects of Fevt-r, colds, the use os Quinine, Mercurial Medici Gath# rings in tije; | Ears in childhood, Ac., Dr. treat ;ni cut stand s pre-emi nen t. \\ here the A adi ton r (Jamil Is dry and scaly, with little or no secre tion, when the deafness is accoiupamed with | noises In tlii? Ear, like fiitling water, chirping of i insects, ringing of bells, rustling of leave's, con | tmual pulsations, dj?ch:irgo of matter, cr when,! ’ iii stooping; a sensation is felt es if a'rtish oil blood to the bead took place, when ihe hearing is less.acute in dull, chiudy weatlii-r, or when a Cold has been taken, this method of treating this disease, is infallible. Li dec f and dumb eases my experience war rants me in saying, that if the hearing was at any time good, very much can hi;lieeomplished. lu the Deaf and Dumbricliool. out of a class oi ; 14, I suceeeded in restoring four to acute heiy - 1 ing- Dr. Alsophert begs respectfully to state, j that in those cases he undertakes he guarantees U* successful result, complete restonition, or siuiii j a marked improvement as wit! be perfectly sat j isfactorv, if lyis remedies are faithfully applied, :md directions adhered to. Applicants will please state their age, dura i-ioti of disease, if matter issues from the ji'issage, if there are noises in the Ears, state 1 of general health, and what they suppose tolpive ! been the causd of the deafness * AVpch the bear ing is restored,.it is expected th ituhose in easy chcumsuuices will pay liberally, All diseases'of the Eye ‘sneer-ssfully treatcil by the application of Medicated V*-rjilirs, Ac.; ar infallible, and.painless treatment for ihe disci - j ses of r)ie Eye, acute and chronic,, cataract, specks, ’inftammatioh, film and w e ikncss r f vb j ion, granulation-of the lids, ulceration ol tin i Lachryual glands, Ac. ! To the astonishing and prat'fvh g Gleets of j this treatment,. lh,> child, the v, nth, those ol mature age, as well as tliqse far iidvauctd in j life, all hear testimony to its wmnderfully rein - I, healing-ami soolhing cffi'cts. [• Medicine, apparatus, Ac., will be sent to ant ! part at niyowu expense. Address Dr. Also : i’heut, Broadway, office, 4-22 1-2, near (’until ! street, New Yol k. Cbr.suitation fee —five dol ! Is Dr. Ahsophert’s Work, on the Ear aud j Eye, illustrated with steel plates. Price STOriO. Money letters must-be reg'stcivd by the Post | Master. Flll 9, 1855 ,sm. FA CTS CANNOTBE L Ol *J? TED. let Tin: AFFLICTED READ AND PONDER. 1 More than 500 persons in the city ©f Ricb ! morid, Va., atone testify to ihe rernurkaliU ; cures performed by Carter’s Spanish Mixture. : The great Spring Medicine aud Purifier nl tin ; Blood u.sed by hundreds of grateful p. I tientsj who testify daily to the remarkablo bifres , porfonnedby the greatest of all’medicines, C;tr i tor’s Spanish fixture. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, j j Schifpta, Eruptions on tlie Skin, Liver Diseased | Fevers, Ulcers, Did Sores, Affections of the , | Kidneys, Diseases of the Throw, Ire male Com-’ i plaints, Pains and Aching of the Bones -ami j Joints, are speedily put to flight by using this \ \ great'and inestimable remedy. | For all diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet 1 j been found to compare with it. It cleanses the system of all impurities, acts gently and effi cicntlv-on thg Li ver and Kidneys, strengthens the Digestion, gi'vos'tmie’ to the'istomach. makes the Skin clear arid healthy, and restores* tin Constitution, enfeebled by disease, or broken down by tlie excesses of youth, to its pristine vigor and strength. j For the Ladies, it is incompiu-.-ibly hotter than all the cosmetics ever used. A low doses ot Cer’s art Spanish Mixture will remove all sal lovvtu ss of complexion, bring the roses mant ling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, and improve the general health in a remarkably de greb, beyond ml the riiecTriiies ever heard ‘of. A large number of certificates of retnnrkf>bV cures performed on persons rcs'd'.ug in the. c.ty of Richmond, Va., by the use ofj. Carter's Span ish Mixture, is thoTiesf evidence th it there is no humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, uqd public men, well known t© the community,’ rill add their testimo ny to the effects of this Great Blood Purifier. Call and see a few hundred of the certificates! around the bottle. None genuine unless signed ; Bennett A Beers, Druggists. Princ'pm Depots’ at M. Ward, Close A Co’s., No. Ml, iltuaen Lauc, New York; T- W, Dvett. A pons, and Jenkins A Hartshorne, Philadelphia; Bennett’ A Beers, No. 125 Main Street, Richmbod, Va.;! and for sale by dealers in medicine everywhere. March 23, 1854,—7—-I,v. COME ALONG TO OASSVtLI.E. We hare just received direct from New York and other markets a fresh supply of Dandles, Nuts in\e Cigars, liuu chewing, aud Smoking Tobacco, Fruits, Preserves, Prunes. Brandy cherries, Brandy Peachey, Jellies, jams, spiced Oysters, Lobsters, Salmon, Sardines, Snuff- Ac. Besides, we keep constantly oh hand a full I assortment of Family Groceries, such as Sugar, coflee, Molasses, Salt, Fish” Bacon, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Mustard, Vinegar, Washing add Shaving Soups,, Fresh Ten, cheese, SalKraAir.i Soda, Sal-Soda, Stareh, Powder,,. Shot and Load | --all of which we will sell us low as, any other| housfe this side of Allantu, and same things aj little chtitfier Jor flu <* atm thin* . Also, we have op hand a tine lo to of Georgia Plains. Kcrscvs, Osnahufgs, StrV ‘d Osnabnrgs, Sheetings, Shirtings, Negro Factory Yarn, Ac. ” “ . Also, a very superior lot of Negro Shoes Wax Brogans, Boys’ arid Woman's Brogans and a few pair of Ladies’ walking Shoes, Enam eled Gaiters, India Itubbir over shoes, Ac. | which wo will sell KttrmPy ,V*>. We nsk a care [fnl examination of price and quality. We take in exchange for Goods all kinds of country Produce at. cash prices. Nov lo A. A J. L. lIILL. r pHE “ATLANTA REPUBLICAN:’ is the 1. title of a weekly newspaper published in the citv of Atlanta, Geo., at Two l)oi,i. vns per annum. It is by fur the best paper published in that city, and contains a Price* Current care fully arranged, and.-, corrected weekly. Those who desire to road am interesting journal, and see a weekly report of the prices of the leading article* bought aud sold iu the Atlanta market, would do well to order the Republican. Post-masters and our frionds and acquain tances generally,’ in Cherokee Georgia, and in Tennessee, are ’respectfully requested to act as Agents iu extending the circulation of our pa ! p£. . J AS. B. SMITH, Jan 19 Editor. S’ TEEL PENS, nt 3ft cents pregross, at LE-'I VY’S cheap ea*b Stqye. r A ML RICANS’ FR IENB-llollowat’* l iij.s . ‘Jo the Citizens of the United States.’ I most humbly and sincerely tlmnk you for tnoTilimmsc patron age which yeti have bestow ed upon my Pills. 1 take this opportunity of ,-fating dipt my. unerstois were all American ciG izetts, and that- 1 enfe-rfain for all that concerns Anurica hud the Amcr'Cai s, the mi st livel-r syiiijialliies, so much so that I origii a7lv con -- pounded these I’ills expressly to suit your cli ; nifito, habits, constitutions, and manner nf Jiv i ing, intending-to establ.sli myself among you,, ivliich Lluiye now done, bv taking premises iir New A'ork. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 3?, Corner rs Ann and Nassau Sts. N. V. .Purification of the Blood, and. Fiver and JJil i Hsus Complaints. The cit'xers of the Union suffer much from ; disorders ol ihe Livcraud b tomacli, scarcely any I are free from the influence of these destructor®’ ; mSladies, hence Bfe wears tost The fair sex, ; perhaps the most handsome in the world, up so ] eurtain period when, distressing-to say, nianr ilose their ici th and good locks, while yet in the heyday, such sad'bvffs may he effectually , icmed cd Ly continually keeping the biood pure land tlie Liver and Btomaeh in a healthv action, ; when life will flow smoi'itiily, and icscmble plants in a clime, where an eternal s i ,r .y g ret-ins to reign. As it regards the pres ervation of the human fr--me, jmd the duration of life', nmeh may be effected, ands say fearless ly tHeft health anti 1 be prolonged for ma ny Xf'M? b>ym and the r prdiuarv limits, if Holle vrnysPtlis are taken to purify the bleed accord rng to the rules laid down fe'r liealth contained ■j ill the direct.ons which accuOipnity each box.- A,ease ft 11'taLH.ftg and flebiltty,, of Ten e ears’ siuud’nbi, cured iy IloUouoys Pills’'. * ft’Pl’ ‘J a Itfleifr. m Captain. John Johnson, A itor House, K. Y. dated Jan. 5, 183^. To Prof. Holloway, New York : tiie nieisf. heartfelt pleasure I .iste to mfiii in you tnaf I have been restored to health and strength by taking your Pills. For the last tea y-vxus, I su ft tired fion* a elerangnicn f of the LiVe'r and Siotuitch, and was reduced to’ such an extremely that I gave tip ffiy sh‘p, nc-t ----er expecting to go to sea any more, as I had trjed every I’etiu-dy lhat w#.s re'cmumended to me, but all to no purpose; and had given niy self up to desjuiir. wh -n ] was jit last recoili mended tq take your Pills. After using them tor three months, the- result is that I am in L>ei ;ter health new th >n lhave fteorffSr eleven vean past, and indeed as well as ever I was in mv lift-. }i©rtv to make this known for the lieTretit ol others. I rcnuir, s-r yours res pectfully, (Signed) JOHN JOHNSON. Thesece'.ed.rirtrd PiUsare mond* ifid) y eficach-us in. the fvUwrijuf a tjrnOeinU ; “ ! Ague’ Erysipilis ‘Piles As-lnna Fetnirlgliti g-’ Refer tiotTof Billions c--hi- uliiritirs Urine jiia.nts Ireveis or all Sorofifth* or Kli telu-s oil kinds King’s Lvil . the skiv-i Gem Stone or Grav.-l Bi.we-l cou.- 1 lei id-a eke Secondare svm ]ihi nts Ind grstiuu toms* Constipation Jam tl ;> Venereal a file ot UiWels 3.iver com- ti..v.s I>• li.ltj- ]• l.dnto Worms of all D: '- r ' s - r „- ,, V el-.Kress fivm whrt .Y, r cause. R. DURANT. Ti:e J'ids .ehuttld U < sed c- nieintty with th* Ointment hi my ‘ of s..<fotitnrlnp cases:— Bad legs Gout Sore n pjdes Bad brc:,il6 C.iu.(lular Syiv thrift Burns swellings J'kin diseases Bunions Lumbago Scurvv Chilbh.ins Pies* Soreheads Chapped hands Rheumatism Ulcers Contracted and Suit Rheum Wounds Stiff Joints Scalds *V*SbW at the EstaMisbmer.t of Professor Maiden I.ane, New Y< rk, mid i44 ..Struud, London, and by all resj cctublc l)iiig ersts find Dc iltrs of M- dicinos tiircughont the i.n.ted Matt s, in Pi ts aid Boies, at 25 cents, | c-epts, and oo each. ( There is n rnblc saving by taking the iihe larger s zes. N. dcticms for Ihegui- I dance of patients in every disonlcr are affixeff i iu Vytjt l'o(. May 26—eowly. ,[/NOVstfMTfION svcctssrrt.r TRK.vrrn bt - V. ‘ ATTOX Os MKPtCATEP VO TORS, be Jlhr s son Sit wart Rise, M. D. Fellow ts the Koval s C.-lhge of riivs'.eiaus, ud fir years Spa a r Fhy (• s’vian In the London Royal fnEnnuiy for dis . cfises of Bio Lungs. 1 t In ife treatment of Consumption hy ii.hala tion, 1 have obtained the results which warrant 3 mein asserting, that it is as curable as disersis f oi'the stomach and liver. .1 Breathing Mi diciues directly inti* the longs is .]eertai:iTv the rational nude of attacking the i disease, and like u nny other great bemticcnt - discovei ies r -it seems strange why such treatment i was not .resorted to long ago. Where there is e Lfc there is now assured In pe ft-rtbc most seem - iogly la peless cases, as throughout all t lie stages .jot this insidious disease, the wonderful and ben* 51 efferent effects of his treatment arc soon uppur- Jent. In cases also of Bronchitis. Asthma. Ac., > * inhaling of pi wders and vapors has bcenemi- J i.emlv sueei ssful, and of those suffering under j any of tire above named couiplaints, I can guann jj me speedy and certain relict. I have pleasure in | i referring,. u 907 ,names, residents of New Yolk ; -nd neigliboihoed, who have beep restored to vi , gowns health. About one third of the above |j Humber aecardiug to the parents’ own state-- 1 ments, were considered hopeless cases. Too inhaling Method is soothing, safe, and speedy, aud consists in the administration of i medicines in such u manlier that thov are con i veyed into the Lorg* in the form of vapor, and produces their action at the seat of the dis ease. Its practical success is destined to revolu tion ‘/p tht* operations of the medical world and establish the entire curability of consumption. Applicants will please svute if they have bled from the I tings, if they pave lost flesh, have a ixmgh. night Sweat and fever turns-- what and j dow much they expectorate, whet the condition joftheir stvimacb and bowel - *. The necessary i Medicine, Apparatus, Ac., will be forwarded to ajiy part. dollars, consultation fee.— . Balance of fee payable only when patients re- I port themselves convalescent. j UR, KOMI’S TREATISE ON CONSUMP TION. Prcehtne dollar. Address I JOHNSON STEWART ROSE,’ ollii 831 Broadway, New York. Jun lu-6m. PROUOUT TO JAIL, AA ON the 11 til inst., a negro man, who says ’tSt his name is George, and that lie belongs J} to David Charles, of Greene county, Ala- NA - hftmu. Complexion dark, five feet, eight inches hi gig weighs about 160 pounds, and is about 91 yours old. The owner is requested t<> come forward, prove property, pay charges and take said negro a wav, or he will ire dealt with -as the law directs, It. GAINES, Jan. 19 —ts. Jailor, Cass county. POTATOES, FRUITS AND LIQUORS. One Barrel Oranges. * Two Barrels Buck Wheat Flour. A lot of Phic Apples and Ooeoanuts. Also, 1 Cask fine old Cognise Brandy. Two Barrels Johu Gibson A Son’s old Eugie Whiskey. , Just received and for sale l/nv/or^Oam, by ,* Jun. lU—-4t. A. &• Illkk. I~IUR.SE SILK, Steel Beads, Rings and Tas sels crewell, crochet needles, and furintoie fringe, cheap at Lew’s cash stoue- I sept 15 —ts