The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, April 26, 1855, Image 1

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BY THOMAS A. BURKE, PROPRIETOR. VOL. VII. - .1 LggJ rTMJE Cassvii-i.b Standard, is j PO m 1 published every Friday.—ol j Pgpp tg fice, north-east corner of the pub i lie square.—Terms, Two Dollars • a-yearif paid in advance, two and a half after three months, or three i (dollars at the end of the year. I No paper disconthnu-d until all arrearages are • said, except at the option of the publisher. Miscellaneous advertisements inserted at $1 vr<er square (twelve lines,) for the first insertion, and 50 cents for each weekly continuance'. Legal advertisements published at the usual , rates. Advertisements not marked will be published j , until forbid, and charged accordingly. Letters on business mast be pit-paid, and ad dressed to the Proprietor. gffsifle&s Sfrccfolrjj. | CVR YY7FOFD •£• CRAWFORD, Attorneys at j ) Law, Gassville, Ga.—As a firm under the I above name John A. & 51. J. Crawford will | promptly and faithfully attend to all business intrusted to their care‘in any of the counties ot the Cherokee or Blue Ridge Circuit s. M. J. Craw ford will give particular attention to the collee- [ tiutT of all claims and debts, and will spare no; pams to put clients in speedy possession of their j money. n, b f lj Tp W. CHASTAIN, Attorney at Law, Mor- j Am ganton, Ga.—Practices in all the coun ties ofthe Cherokee circuit. Jan 5 1 rANIESMI LNER, Attorney at La-w, Cuss ville, Geo. Practises in the counties of the Cherokee circuit. nth 4. j 80. CRAWEOUD, Attorney at laxw, Cai- \ • houn, Geo.—Practice in the counties of .he Cherokee circuit. apr 24. i RH, TATUM. Attorney at Law, Trenton, j • Ga. —Business entrusted to his care in any j ofthe counties of the Cherokee circuit, will meet, with prompt attentiou. N<>v. 21. | Q WEIL, Attorney at Law , Canton, Geor- • gia. Business entrusted to his care in any of the counties of the Blue Il'.dge circuit, will! meet with faithful attention. Feb 16, 1855. j / A ,T. FAIN, Attorney at Law, Calhoun. Ga. | \ X Will practice in all the counties of the ] Cherokee circuit. Particular attention will be j paid ty the collecting business. mb 0. j Attorney at Law, Cass-, XX • ville, Ga.—Practice? in all the counties j . of the Cherokee circuit, til'd will attend faithfm-1 ;v to all business entrusted to car< ** Oioce ; -• st ol the .court house. atlg Is- tt i UOOPQt A RlCE7 Attorneys at Law, Cass-| ville, —Practice in the counties of j niass, Cobb, Chattooga, Catoosa, Cherokee, Dade j Floyd- Gordon, Gilmer., Murray, Pickens, Walk- j —r and Whitfield .Toni- 11. K’ice will, as here- ; ;t dare, contiohe uo give ;his personal and almost j h-h-o atu-ntioai .to the collecting business, j apu‘ JS34. j (\ L. BARBOUR, Attorney at Lav-, Mian • ta,~ Georgia.—Will practice in the differ .•nt Courts of Fulton and contiguous counties. ; Particular attention-given to the execution of; Interrogatories, and draughting legal instru ments. Claims in the city of Atlanta will be. promptly attended “to. Office in the Holland : House, ‘up stairs.—Entrance first door above , Whitney & Hunt Feb lfe> oo—ly j (X L UPSH AW, Dealer,; n Dry Goods, Gro- i T . eeriest, hardware, cutlery, saddlery, hats, j and caps, boots and shoes, iron, nails, &c., at j Black’s old stand, west of the public square, | Cassvillc, Ga. V YTIKLK & WIKLK, Dealers in Dry Goods, V V Groceries, ie. Ac. South west corner of Public Square, Cartersville, Ga. Jan. 26, 1854. JD. CARPENTER, Dealer in fancy, st<ipl‘‘ j • ar.d domestic dry goods, sugar, coffee, mo- j lasses, Ac.; hardware, cutlery, &c., at Erwin’s i old stand, Cassvillc, Ga. Jan 1. FW. HOOPER A CO., Dealers in Staple and • Fancy Goods, Groceries, Iron, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ac., Ac., at the Brick store, Cass ville, Ga. Feb 2, 1854. HIRSCHBERG A DAVIDSON, Cues,-ille, Ga. —Manufacturers of clothing, and deal- j ers in Boots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gentlemen’s j Furnishing Goods, Fancy Goods, and Jewelry. ; Wholesale and Retail, at Patton's olb stand ! •Cassvillc, Ga. June 23 1854. | 1- OCKETT A SPELLINGS, Factors and ; j General Commission Merchants, will attend i strictly to Receiving and Forwarding aud i .Selling everything sent to our address, sept 9—6m* ■VTTM. M. PEEPLES, Dealer in Dry Goods. ! VV Groceries, Iron, Hardware, Saddlery,, j Boots, Shoes,Drugs, Medicines, Ac., Ac. Cal-, houn, Ga. May 5,1854.—1 y j ~V G. COURTENAY, A CO. No. 3, Broad ) , q . Street, Charleston, South Carolina. Books, j ■ Stationery, Fancy Articles, Magazines, and ; Newspapers. The most extensive stock of Novels, Roman ces, Ac., in the Southern country. iSgT Near the Post Office. inh 16 S. G. COURTENAY. W. A. COURTENAY. | HYATT Me BURNEY A CO., Direct Im- i porters and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign j and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 37 Jlayno Street, , Charleston, S. C. Jan 12, 1855—49 —ly WARD A BURCIIARI), Augusta Ga., j would inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that anticipating a change in their j lousiness, the coming season, they are disposed to make large concessions from their former low ! scales of prices, in order to reduce their stock to the lowest possible point. The attention of! wholesale dealers as well as customers, is res- [ pectfully solicited. Augusta, Dec 22 PARR A McKENZIE. —Factors and Commit- ! sion Merchants, and Dealers in Groceries, ! Produce and Merchandise generally, Atlanta, j Ga. Particular attention given to consignments ol Cotton, Grain, Bacon, and all kinds of Produce, i t.. J, PARR. E. MCKENZIE. aug. 11,—ly. TI7TNSIIIPS IRON WORKS.—The subscri- V V her is now prepared to receive and exe cute orders for any kind of Castings, or Ma chine work, and ail persons favoring him with orders may rely upon having them executed in the best manner, and with despatch. Orders for Sash-blinds and doors promptly attended to at his Car Establishment. Cash paid for old topper, Brass and Iron Castings. JOSEPH WINSIIIP. Atlanta, Ga., June 30, P'o4. A T>LACKSMITHING.—The Subscriber W/S • -* ,' 8 Prepared to do id! kinds of work 111 hi* line, such as Ironing Carriages, ‘ n S> Bt *d repairing Farming intple rnmnl’ 11111 ’ 8 ’ horse-shoeing, Ac. in the best j p‘l 1 ’ , iui< * on the most reasonable terms. — ! solicited. 8 ‘ Varrttnted * A share T of i*SV2S,W ’ S j Cimville, Ga., Feb. IC, 1855.-2--!y 1 ' 1L ‘ ATTENTION! * I l M ui£±s C r ib r, B r re^ l, .v inform their | moved thoi s jriends, that thev have re-1 to the s^T,r toek Bry Goods, Clothing, Ac., ! -.Patton & thunm U f ° rmtir,y oecu I )icd j Cas.svill,- A DAVIDSON. j (CARRIAGE and Buggy Making Estalilish- J meat at. Cartersville Cass county Georgia, ■--.yak q , WE would solicit a continuance of j • the patronage heretofore enjoyed.— t We are doing good work, and at reasonable pri ’ ces. We keep on hand a good selection of Stock, and have emploved a fine assortment ot firstrate Mechanics, who know what they are I about. We warrant our work not to fail. Give ius a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our I motto is Honesty and Industry. JONES A GREENWOOD. Cartersville, Ga., July 8, 1854. NEW Tailoring establishment, at Cartersville Georgia, Shop at S. 11. I atillo’s old stand. tThe subscriber has lately opened in the town of Cartersville a New Tai lorino Establishment, whore-he is pre-• i pared to-do any work in his line in the i ! best and most fashionable manner. lie guar- I j antees all wik turned out of his shop to fit in i the most uneAceptionable manner. Particular-i ly attention i*ud to cutting an’d fitting-jobs for j ladies. He itspectfully solicits a fair trial j as l i he is confident of success. ! SILAS O’ijHIELDS. sept 9—ly ! ; r pO FARMERS AND PLANTERS; A. A J. _f L. Hill, arc now receiving a superior lot ! of Negro Shoes, Negro Blankets and Kerseys, 1 Osmi burgs, Shirtings, Trunks, Ac., for the fall ■ and winter trade, which they are offering Low ’ for Cash, or on short time. Farmers or others wishing to pu~chase such articles will do well to give us a call and examine prices, for we will i have them on hand and intend to sell. All that we ask is that you will call and examine for yourselves, east of the court house. Cassvillc, Oct 27 -,7---—, _fS EOftGE VOGT’S Piano and V J Music Store, No. 148 Arch 1 <j fjg(j Jj Street, Philadelphia. Constantly J on hand Pianos, Melodeons, Musi cal Merchandize of every description, Sheet Mu sic, &c. <tc. Tout’s Pianos are pronounced superior to all others in sweetness, power and beauty of tone and unequalled workmanship. Persons wishing a Piano of the first class and undoubt ! ed excellence, at a very moderate price, will do well to give them a trial. sept I—l1 —1 “V"< >TK 7 E TOLANI) O\VX E RsT Tll e under- ; it signed having removed from Albany to 1 Troupville. Lowndes county, Ga. Will in addition to the practice of Law examine . and report the value of land in the counties of! Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch, Ware, Appaling and Irwin. lie will, when requested, examine i Latttls Mol'sonafiy, and give full information ns to * due, location probability of immediate \ sal j. Having no cohnoctioJ whatever with land speculation he will engage id act. its agent, ! in the sale or purchase of lands, in any 01 lu.’ • : aforesaid counties for a fee of ten per cent, up- \ lon the amount received or paid out, Ills char ! ges for examining land will he five dollars per | iot, for lands in the 12th district of Lowndes, in j all the other districts, he will charge ten dol j lars. Additional will be charged for an exami i nation of title upon record. EPIIRTAM 11. PLATT, Attorney at Law, Troupville, Lowndes Cos. Ga. Nov 17—ly PIANOS, SHEET MUSIC, d-c. dec. TIIE undersigned is pre- A. ----febyjoj pared to furnish Tout’s 1 i Fiance, at short notice, j if y and on as good terms as K %£ they can be had anywhere at the South. These in struments are warranted to be equal in point of i ; tone, durability and workmanship, to any man ; ufactured in the world. Every Piano warranted for live years. Any instrument failing to meet! the exjiectations of the purchaser, may be re- j turned at any time within six months, and an- ! other will be given in its stead. Having a i | brother (a Professor of Music) in Philadelphia, | j who selects every Piano sent out, purchasers i I may rest assured that none but perfect instru j I meuts, in ever;/ respect, will be sold. A large lot of Sheet Music, of the latest and ’ most fashionable issues, constantly on hand i and for sale at Publisher’s prices. WM. SCIIERZKR, Professor of Music in Cassville , Dec. S, 1854—1 y Female College. I irr—vf"pHlNlZY & CLAYTON, Ware- j | JL House and Commission Mer | c ha nts, Auffuata, Ga. —Continue the 1 business in all its branches, and will give ! their personal attention to the sale of COTTON j and other produce. Cash advances made when , required. Bagging, Rope, and family supplies : purchased at the lowest market rates. Conn i mission for selling Cotton 25 cents per bale. ! auglß r JX) OLD SOLDIERS.- —By a recent Act of ! JL Congress, all persons who have served in 1 any War since 1790, are entitled to 1 (JO acres of j Land—and those who have received Warrants ! for a less number, are entitled to a sufficient number of acres to make that amount. The undersigned will attend to the collection of such claims. WM. T. WOFFORD. Cassville, mh B—ts8 —ts rpo MERCHANTS AND PHYSICIANS!!— 1 X Atlanta Dritg Store. —The Subscriber hav- I ing purchased the whole interest in the above] ] establishment, respectfully offers to the Mer chants and Physicians of Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee, a large and well selected assortment ; of pure Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye ! 1 Stud's, Window Glass, Surgical and Dental Ap ! paratuscs, Medicinal Liquors, Fancy Goods, ; such as Soaps, Colognes and Lubin’s Extracts, i at wholesale of retail, as low as can be purebas-! ed in any city South. We invite persons visiting Atlanta to call and see—we charge nothing for showing, and j ■ would be glad to exhibit our Goods to all. ! 11. A. RAMSAY, j Atlanta, Ga. mh 15 —Gm *** Dahlonega Signal, Cherokee Advocate, i Cedar Town Republican, Jacksonville (Ala.)j Republican, Dalton Times, Rome Southerner, j i West Point Beacon, LaGrunge Reporter, New-1 nan Banner, Griffin Union, will copy twice a ’ month for six months, and forward accounts, j Agency at wasiiington.-tiic uu-. . prosecutes all manner of claims i 1 against the United States, before Congress, be- i ; fore Commissioners, and before all the Public j Departments, and especially claims for bounty i , land under the act of'Congress just passed, pell-. sions, back-pay, half-pay, adjustment of amounts ; j °f disbursing officers, “settlement of post mas-! tors and contractors accounts, and every other j business requiring the prompt and efficient ser j vices of an attorney or agent. i A residence of twenty years at the seat of the | Federal Government, with a thorough and fu ] miliar acquaintance with all the routine of the | ] public business at the different offices, added to ! j his free access to consul’ ,he ablest legal a.ivi i sers, if needed, justifies the subscriber in plcdg ! ing the fullest satisfaction and utmost dispatch i to those who may entrust their business to his 1 care. j Being well known to the greater portion of i the citizens of Washington, as Well ns to many ’ gentlemen who have been members of both ! Houses of Congress in the last fifteen years, it is deemed unnecessary to extend this notice by •special references. A full power of attorney should accompany all cases. Communications must be pre-paid in all cases. Fees regulated by nature and extent of the business, but al ! ways moderate. j 11. C. SPALDING, Attorney. Washington, D. C. mh 15 — A FEW MORE LEFT of those cheap Double- Barrel Guns!! at i LEVY’S GIIE4P CAStI STORE. D Bftiilt) Ictospftpei-—Seboicß to tfatiorral wD State politics, JifeMutc, the qtf Qotnegiie fetoe, &c. (J,\SSY ILL!;. GA, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1855. Cjinire ijAoctnj. • lift) GtiHifiiß There haugeth at my w'iudow A curtain fair to see! lie was a skilful weaver Who wove the same for me! ’Tis clearer than the moonlight, And whiter than the snow, And it covers all my window — My window small and low! Tu silence and in ’darkness, With cunning and with care, With gentle hand and kindly. Hung he that curtain there! But so nimble were his fingers, His footfall was so light— No time had I to thank him, E’er he was out of sight. Curtains in lordly parlors Os brocatelle and lace, Beneath whose folds there pcepetli Full many a bright young face ; They say were done by weavers In lands beyond ihe sea! But the curtain at mv window • Looks prettier far to me. ’Tis wrought in-many a picture * Os forests old and gray ; Os rivers, that unceasing, Amid the-sunshiim play; Os mountains castle crowned, ATTB hamlets, that repose Beneath the solemn shadow Or solemn Alpine snows. The castles proud are peopled With lords and 1 idies fair, And in the deep, green forest Children, with clustering hair, And brows so white and holy, And eyes of deepening blue, Are praying in the stillness — And the world is out of view ! Oh, curtain at my window! Oh, curtain fair to sec! 1 bless the fairy weaver Who wove you so for me, — ’Tho the lordly parlor curtains Have wealth and labor cost, Mine eyes rqst lovingly upon The Curtain of the Frost! And when the night, approaching, Hides world scenes from my gaze,— j I think, perhaps the angels Are looking ’thro the maze That hangetn o’er m v window— And it is sweet to sleep, With their blessed eyes downlooking, The eyes that never weep! dYtgtmtl Itnnj. j Written for ihi Cassville Standard. , FirM lobe: Mb Yjiqjf &MW of M. j BY MAIiCELLUS MUGGINS, ESQ. “ I must Leg, iny love, that you will ■ not (lilt again, with that young man, \ Lyndsav,” said the elegant Mrs. Grey, to I her daughter. And the speaker left the ! roonj. “I am afraid I never shall,” sighed i the young lady, as she threw herself j back in an arm chair. Her rounded i and youthful cheek was flushed by her | mother’s admonition and its subject—her j beautiful eyes at one moment flashed j with pride and the next were filled with i tears ; whilst the bright ringlets which ‘ , shaded her fair brow looked as if the set- 1 I ting sun had fallen on them, and, enam-; oured of their beauty, had refused to de- ! | part! She was very beautiful —and very i I sad. “ • 1 “My dear, dear Ada, is she not cruel ? j She lias not asked George to dinner for ; more than a month, and now that he is j ! going to sea, for three long years, she ■ ! says I must not flirt with him !” She I covered her face with her hands and ■ | burst into t^ars. Ada smiled—she had been out for j j two years ; but she sighed, for she too i 1 had had a first love. “ Eva, if you go on thus, you will look | ! quite a fright, to night, and it is now tiiqe ! to dress.” Eva looked at the clock, and dried her ! ! tears. Mrs. Merivale intended that night to I astonish the Palmetto city with the \ splendor of her fancy ball, andhshe well nigh succeeded. “ What a lovely girl that, with the bright hair and black veil, waltzing with Colonel Wilkie —magnificent! Do \ T ou know her, Lyndsay ?"’ enquired an ex quisite of a young man dressed as a gyp sev, his handsome face hidden under a slouched hat, and his fair figure conceal ed beneath a heavy cloak. “ ’Tis Eva Grey,” was the answer. • “ Ah ! you know her then ?” But no answer came —thegypsev was gone. „ ’ ( Eva had,wait zed, and was returning; to her seat, when her name’ was wliis-j pered into her ear; she turned —a tall j figure was bending over her —the tell j tale blood rushed to her cheek and brow. ’ She trembled violently—relinquished] with an agitated how the arm of her j military partner, and accepted the offer- ! ed courtesy of-the gypsoy, An hour haul elapsed, during which Mrs. Grey and sundry disappointed beaus had made fruitless surch for the lost maiden, when Colonel Wilkie and a friend sauntered inton small andexquisit ly fitted up tent. They were about to re tire, thinking it empty, when their ears ; wore saluted by suppressed voices. “ Will you promise, will you give me ! a pledge that on tny return, after three | long years absence, you will be mine— at least that you will make no other one happy with this dear hand V “ I dare not promise,” said a low sweet voice. “ I have brought you a ring,” contin j ued the first speaker, “ let lno place it lon this hand till 1 can place another I there.” NOT MEN.” “I will accept it,” whispered the sweet voice, “ but Loar. promise nothing, and now farewell.” “Igo to night! Mv own, my beau tiful, once more farewell! ’ “Capital!” said Colonel Wilkie, as they left the spot, “we must see who these romantic lovers are.’ Another moment, and Eva left the little tent, herj black veil drawn over her blushing face.’ She was leaning on the arm if Mid shipman George Lyndsay, otthe United States Navy. The next morning, as St. Michael's I clock chimed the hour of eight, Eva a ; woke—a heavy weight was on her heart. ! Mrs. Grey was angry and Lyndsay had ! joined his ship. | During the “ affaire’ ofthe toilet, she jcaine to the fixed resolution to eat no : breakfast. j In vain did rolls of all sizes and shapes, | ■strange as those of Laputa, offer thern-j ‘selves—in vain the aroma of coffee as-’ I sailed her ; she was determined. “ Eva, my love,” said the softened! Mrs. Grey, “eat something ■i “ Nothing, thank you,” was the lie- ‘; j roio answer. Tears occupied her till dinner came . with its substantial board; but this spir ! it of martyrdom was still strong within, and her mother begged in vain—bow | could Eva eat (even if she was hungn ,); ! when Lyndsay had departed.’ ; How powerful is-first love ! The next day, half a roll was the! 1 morning repast of la belle delaissce ; and ; ! matters were altogether better, save that! i neither requests, nor commands could in-; 1 dure her to accompany her mother to ! a ball, at which they were expected. The day after a party met at Mr. i ‘ Grev’s hospitable mansion, and Colonel ; | Wilkie placed himself at Eva's side, — i ! Highly amused at what lie had over-1 ; heard, lie had determined to make herj ; forget the absent one. What passed we ; i pretend not to know, but that night he i j waltzed with her at a ball; to which j she had positively deteimiued not to, ! go ! !** * * * At the end of the season Mrs. Grey j entered the room where her daughter was i ! sitting. “ Eva, mv love, your father has just ! ‘had a proposal for you from Colonel j Wilkie ; of course you wtll give a fa-1 I vorable answer ?” “Mamma!” hesitated the blushing! j maiden, “ I cannot ; I am utmost enqag- j !cd. I “To whoni r “ To George Lyndsay.’’ “Pshaw ! a boy of eighteen,’’ ejaeiila-1 j ted tiie amazed mamma. ! It is needless to repeat what followed.; j Eva was fair and heroic, though she j : thought Colonel Wilkie more handsome J and more agreeable —even then herfirst j ! lore. :*** * * ; Time passed on, and another season ; brought Mr. Grey and his family to town : —from Cotoosa, where they had passed j a most delightful summer. It. was Eva’s • second season, and soon after its com ! meucement the mansion was thrown I open to their numerous fashionable ; friends. Wearied with every thing,Eva : was standing one evening listless and a j lone, when Colonel Wilkie'sought her ■side. She blushed, but received him ! kindly, lie danced with her again and j again. “All was over; the lights were extiu ! guished, the music bushed, the guests do- 1 i parted ; but Eva still stood before her j mirror. | Her cheeks even crimsoned, but not with indignation, her eyes flashed and j sparkled, but not with anger. She gaz !ed at her own most lovely form in tri- j umph ; she took the turquoise ring—the j gift, the pledge of the bog, and threw it, from her. She had accepted Colonel W ilkie. * % * % * Two months elapsed and the young and handsome Lyndsay bad been recall ed with his ship. He hurried home in stantly and arrived at night. He found ! his paternal halls illuminated; music, car- j riages and noise awaited to welcome him ; he dressed and entered —the hero of the night! “ / nd Eva !” he inquired, trembling ly— I “ Will be here to-night,” replied his j mother, with a mysterious smile. Abroad, George bad forgotten both love and ring; b lit now he was as much in love as ever ! “ Here are the bride and bridegroom,” was whispered round the room, “ here they come!” “ Lyndsay, looked at the bride —is she not beautiful ?” Lyndsay gavo an anxious glance.— On the arm of the stately and triumph ant Colonel Wilkie was laid the fairy : hand of Eva Grey —tho bride. It was now his term to be heroic. 110 walked up to her, gave her one low and mocking bow*— one bitter and j i ILfronic smile —one withering 100k —and rushed out of the room —for five min utes ! Eva bowed and smiled ! Lyndsay did not challenge Colonel Wilkie—remarking that he was too much disgusted with his first love, td thing of appealing to a second.'’ Cassville , Ga. Tho historian’s food is truth. Cjinitt IHraitllntttj. Ll)j of scje. We have just stumbled over the fol- j lowing pretty piece of mosaic, lying; i amid a multitude of those less attractive: j “ No snow falls lighter than the snow i of age; but none is heavier, for it never melts.” * The figure is by no means novel, but the dosing part of the sentence is new as well as emphatic. The Scripture re presents age by the almond tree, which j bears blossoms of the purest white. — j “ The almond tree shall flourish” —the j head shall be hoary. Dickens says of ■ one of his characters, whose liair was turning grey, that it looked as if time had lightly splashed His snows upon it. in ! passing. j “It never melts,” —no,never. Age is inexorable; its wheels must move on-; ! ward ; they know not any retrograde j ; movement. The old man may sit and ; i sing, “ l would I were a boy again,” but jhe grows older as he sinjis. He may i read of the elixir of youth, but lie cannot find it; be may sigh for the secret of the j alchemy which is able to make him ; young again, sighing brings it not. He j may gaze backward with an eye ot long- j ’ ing upon the rosy schemes of earlv j vears, but as one who gazes on his home j irom the deck of a departing ship, every : moment carrying him further away. — j Poor old man ! he has little more to do j than die. I “It never melts.” The snow of wiri , ter comes and sheds its white blossoms : upon the valley and mountain, but soon ! , the sweet spring follows and smiles it all : away. Not so with that upon the brow ; of the tottering veteran ; there is no j ! spring whose warmth can penetrate its j ! eternal frost. It came to stay : its sin ! gle flakes fell unnoticed ; and now it is j dri'led there. We shall se its increase i until we lay the old man in his grave; , I there it shall be absorbed by the etcr- ; j nal darkness, for there is no age in heav- j | on. _ j Vet why speak of age in a mournful ; ! strain ! It. is beautiful, honorable and j eloquent. Should we sigli at the proxi ; mity of death, when life and the world ; are so full of emptiness. Let the old i exult because they are old ; if any must i I we*ep, let it he the young, at the long succession of cares that are before them. Welcome the snow, for it is the emblem of peace and rest. It is but a temporal ; crown wh'ch shall fall at the gates ot j Paradise to be replaced by a brighter and ! a better. Abe Soy A few years ago there was in the city*] | of Boston a portrait painter whose name j ! was Copley, lie did not succeed very j i well in his business, and concluded to ! I go to England to try his fortune there, j He had a little son whom he took with j him, whose name was John Singleton ; Copley. j John was a very studious boy, and j made such rapid progress in his studies j that his father sent him to college. — ■ There he applied himself so closely to , his books, and became so distinguished : a scholar, that his instructors predicted j that he would make a very eminent ! man. | After he graduated he studied few ; j and when he entered upon the practice ; j of his profession his mind was richly ; stored with information, and so highly i disciplined by his previous diligence that : he almost immediately obtained celebri- j ty. One or two cases of very great iin- j portance being entrusted him, he tnanag- j ! ed them with so much wisdom and skill j i as to attract the admirration of the ! whole British nation. I The King and his Cabinet, seeing i I what a learned man he was, and the in-1 fluence lie had acquired felt it important j 1 to secure his services for the government.; ] They therefore raised him from one post j ! of honor to another, till he was created j ; Lord High Chancellor of England, the i ! very highest post of honor to which a ; ! subject can attain: so that John Single- j i ton Copley is now Loid Lyndhurst, Lord i [ High Chancellor of England. About sixty j I years ago he was a little boy in Boston ; j his father a poor portrait painter, lmrd ;ly able to get his daily bread. Now I John is at the head of the nobility in England, one of the most distinguished j men in talent and power in the House j of Lords and regarded with reverence ; | and respect by the whole civilized world.! ; This is the reward of industry. The stu- j ’ dious boy becomes the useful and repect j man. Had John S. Copley spent his school j ! days in idleness, he would probably have j passed his manhood in poverty and j shame. But he studied in college, when other young men were wasting their time. lie over adopted for his motto, “ TJlta per(/ere ‘’ ( Press onward) and how rich has been his reward ! You my young friends, aro now lav- ’ ing the foundation for your future life. You are every day at school deciding i the question whether you will bo useful and respected in life, or whether your manhood shall bo passed in mourning over tho follies of mispeilt boyhood. Do calm and steady : nothing will j grow under a moving harrow. TWO DOILUAHS A-YE ATI, IN AEVANC E “IMi) A distinguished public speaker, not ! very long since, illustrated, in a conver- j sation with us, the singular want of ac- 1 quaintance, in certain localities, with scriptural subjects and phraseology, by j j the anecdote which we subject. It the, I extreme ignorance of the hero did not j * relieve him from all imputation of the i sort, he would bo considered •only a; coarse blasphemer; but our informant, j who vouches for the facts on persona; ; knowledge, declares that the case was j nothing more nor less than an exempli- j fieation of the hapv simplicity which ! characterizes some of the back-woods j counties of Tennessee. It seems that an adventurous sen ot the state mentioned, born and nurtured j among the mountains, went down to the ; city of Memphis to “seek his fortune.”; He found, instead, a complaint which | the Mississippi water not uufreqttentlv ; generates; and which, whether it- Ibid j j speedy termination in the cramps ofchol- j era, or gradually saps life in the chronic j form, is always to be dreaded. It was; in this latter shape, that poor I>a-gley j “ picked it up.” And mouth after month ! I it tugged at his vitals ; reducing him day . ; by day, until, at length, he was but the j ■ outline of a man, a mere peripatetic skcl-! ! e;on. A worthy minister marked the poor ! fellow, ahd seeing that the king A>f ter- j rors had “spotted” him, and ternffeed to! call on him and oflfei spiiiti a ois l.i in, It never occurred to him that the ears of i any one born in this Christian laud should : be entirely unfamiliar with the verbiage : by which spiritual subjects are common-1 ly approached. He therefore, after some ‘ kind enquiries about the ravages wlrch ; J the disease was accomplishing in Bag J 1 LEY’ssystem, broached the important to- j ! pic, somehow thus : “My dear Mr. Bagi.ey, in view of; your relations with this life, how do you\ feel?” j “]) dsick!” was the prompt re-j ! ply. _ ) ! “ Don’t swear, mv poor friend,” said j I the parson; “and let me earnestly ask vou if you ever think of vour latter end ?” “Lord!’ said Baglky; “1 ain’t thought on nothin’ else tor tnortn three months /” “ Not I’m afraid in the right way, Mr. j Baglkv. 1 beg you to pause and reflect! ‘■ It is time vou began to wrestle with the , Lord ! ’ j The sick man looked down at the mis ! erable, calt'-less, poker-like legs extended j before him, and w ith an ineffable expres sion of amazement in bis countenance, ’ exclaimed— j “ liastle with the Lord ! What! with j them ere legs!” pointing to his own— ; “ Whv, parson, he’d flirt me into hell the I first pass /” ] | The record in the case does not dis- j close whether the parson continued his! I efforts on so obtuse an intellect; but we j 1 think the inference very fair that so tough a customer survived even the “chronic! ! Missis ippi water complaint Monts ! Mali. ! —— : fniinftlmig for tilt iJiiiits. j -Dtiii! to locli Fivtiii. ! j i 1 t | i “A French author has recently writ i ; ten a book on ‘The Duty of a Pretty i Woman is to look PiettyJ Such a work, I doubtless, has its uses ; but it is of limi j fed application. We should have rejoic- j | ed in a title of more extended’ signitica i tion, with contents correspondiitg to the i ! title. The subject should have been, in ! i effects —word it as you may — the duty \ of every woman to look as pretty as she i j c’ciii, Some woman are untbrtuimlly not i | pretty ; but there at a few woman who ! cannot impart somethiny of comeliness | even to an ill-favored face and a mis-j ) shapen figure,. //’ they will only take the ] : trouble. “ \Ye speak very gravely when we i ! say that there aro few relations in life, j jor rather that there are few relation less i ! conditions, in which this is not a duty , | That cleaidinef-s is a virtue is seldom do-j j nied. A jirettv woman, doubtless, looks. i prettier when clean, and an ugly uglier when dirty. And there are duties bo- | yond personal cleanliness. Neatness, ti- | \ dincss follow close upon it. But some ! thing more may still ho needed: and j I something more, clearly seen and prop- t | erly described, is the least possible spice : \ of coquetry. t ! “A well dressed woman, however lit- j I tie she may bo favored by nature ceases j to be plain. It is difficult, indeed, to I limit tho extent* to which a woman, by } I il uo attention to dress may improve her! { natural attractions, or obviate the disad- j vantages with which she was born.* And j that it is her duty to do this, whether] she be well or ill favored, is something more than a maxim, of mere worldliness. To endeavor to the utmost to please those with whom wo live is unquestion ably a duty. “ A imih marries, indeed, for the sake j of the ‘ damns etpfacens uxor.’ lie does ‘ net take a woman to his lloai’th because! she is a philosopher, or an arithmetician ; but because, in homely language, tjjeire iis * somoting nice about her.’ It was, | doubtless, the design of tho Almighty, ■ in giving man a helpmate that she should NTO. 12. satisfy bis tvatnml eraving after the beau , tiful, the graceful and the gentle. For this was woman formed — j < For softness s*he and sweet attractive grace.’ ! The woman who forgets this, ignores one of the great, objects of her creation, j The wife tvhoforgets this, violates one of the primal conditions of the connubial [contract. j “That some women are nfiturally more : beautiful and graceful than others, is a j fact which makes not against,-but for, j our argument. Dress is common to alt. i It is a consolation to those not naturaffy ; gifted, that there is a point at which na ! tore yields to art, and tire work of mens hands is potent to supply the adornment : not vouchsafed by Providence. It is surprising what a very little way mere j personal beauty goes. “ We may confidently appeal to the j experience of men of the world in sup i port of the assertion that the efforts of art are often more pleasing and attract ive than the gifts of nature —in other ! words, that well dressed women are more j admired than merely beautiful ones, j Accident is beaten by effort in the great j Olympics of society. “ It may be agreed that taste in dress is scarcely less a natural gift than per sonal beauty. And, tu some extent, at least, the fact must be admitted. One woman has naturally an eye for color and form, whilst another has neither the one nor the other. But there are few women who have not, or cannot acquire, a suffici nt knowledge of the becoming in costume for all domestic purposes. — j It may be doubted, indeed, whether the ’ plea of incompetency is ever set np. — i The real secret of inattention to dress is ’ carelessness—indifference —idleness. It ;is not worth the trouble. Women do ! not always consider that what it is worth ! while to gain, it is worth their while to ’ keep. It is no uncommon thing for wo men to become slatternly after marriage. I Thev say that they have other things to i attend to, and dress is habitually neglec ted —except, perhaps, on great occasions ; when there is a display of finery and bad I taste abroad, to be followed by greater 1 negligence at home. Great respect is shown to what is called ‘ company but apart from this there is a sort of cui bo no abandonment, and the compliment, which is paid to strangers, withheld from those who have the best right to claim, and are most likely to appreciate it.— This is a fatal, but too common error. When a woman with reference to the question of personal adornment, begins to say to herself. ‘lt is only my hus band,’ she must prepare herself for con sequences, which, perhaps, she may rue to the latest day of her life. j “ The effect, indeed, of attention or in j attention to dress —and we include in j the one little word whatever contributes ! to personal comeliness and attractiveness | —upon the domestic happiness , especial -1 ly of the lower and middle classes, can not easily be overstated- The/? a ensuzo as we have said, is no small part of the totality of home. If a man finds that he hits not secured what he believed ho had married, he lias a right to feel dis* 1 appointed. We do no not say that he has it right to retaliate. The obligations of the connubial, contract are not con ditional, but absolute. Negligence on the one side dees not excuse negli gence on the other; but it will very surely induce it. When there is nothing attractive at home, a man, however in excusable such conduct may be, will seek it abroad, whether at tho ale house, the club, the theatre, the gaming .table, or only in what is called ‘society.’ We do not mean to say that dress alone is the agency by which the erratic propensities of husbands are to be restrained, but that it is a hiyhly important part of it. Indeed, it. may be asserted that the ab sence of attention to this matter pre-sup poses the absence of almost all other gentle, kindly, and attractive qualities.” The Wedding Ring. As tho i-arth with sea is bounded, And the winter world with springy So a maiden’s life is rofinded With a golden wedding vino*. This old world is scarce worth seeing, ’Till love waves his purple wing, And we gage the bliss of heitig. Thro’ a golden wedding ring! The Mother.— A writer beautifully remarks that a man’s mother is the rep resentative of his maker. Misfortune, and even crime, set up not barriers be tween her and her soh. While his moth er lives he has one friend on earth who will no‘, listen whert he is slandered, who will not desert him When he suffers, who will soothe him in his sorrows, and speak to him of litfpe when ho is ready to des pair. Her affections know no ebbing tide. They tlow on from a pure fountain and speak happiness through this vale of tears, and cease only at the ocean ot eternity. If there be a situation wherein women may bo deemed to appropriate angelic attributes, it is when she ministers, as only woman can, to the wants aud the weakness of the invalid ! Whose hand liko hors can smooth his pillow ? whoso voice so effectually silences the querule* listless of his temper, or soothes the an guish of his disease ? Proffered by her, the viand hath an added zest, and even the nauseous medicament is divested of I its loathsomeness. and grow fat..