The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, June 07, 1855, Image 4

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t’jje ,%ire of. iL'ifp. Heart History. Once Upon a time, a maiden Sat beneath a hawthorn tree, And her lover, close bes de her, Murmuring vows ot constaucj". Fairer, sweeter than the blossoms, Hanging over her, was she, And her heai t within her bosom, Throbbed and glowed tumultuously. Both were young, and fond and foolish, Neither rich, the story goes, Ma was proud an 1 Pa was lhu.ish. Great their love and great their woes. So they kissed and wept and parted, Swearing to b? ever true: Died the maiden broken-hearted? Was the lover faithful too? Pshaw! she wed a wealthy banker, (Slander whispered she was sold,) Ami no city dames outrank her, With her pockets full ot gold ; Queen of every ball and party, Decked with lace and jewels rare, Looking verv fresh and hearty. Reigns the victim “t despair! lie—confound the lucky fellow Took a widow twice Ids years, Fat and forty, ripe and mellow, With a brace of “ little dears; Big plantation, servants plenty. Splendid, mansion, pomp and ease, Cured the boyish love ot twenty, The incnrdble disease. Learn from this, ye doting lovers, In your anguish not to break Anything of greater value Than the promises you make. Hearts were make to put in motion Blood that otherwise would cool, Pleasure, profit and promotion, Graduate at Cupid’s school. There is no possession more valuable than a good and faithful friend. Wicked men can not be friends either among themselves or with the good. Friendship is one soul in two bodies. Procure no friends in haste, nor, if once procured, in haste abandon them. jg 3- Ileal friends are wont to visit us in our prosperity only when invited, “nut in ad versity to come of their own accord. ggf Do good to your friend, that he may be more wholly yours : to your enemy, that he may become your friend. It is pleasant to grow old with a good friend and sound reason. fpW We ought to be equally mindful of our absent and present friends. He who has many friends has none. Ba the sumo to your friends, both in adversity and prosperity. We should behave to our friends just i as we would have them do to us. IK&T Our principles are the springs of our j actions our act'd :s the springs of our happi- j ness and misery. Too much care, therefore, j cannot be employed in forming principles. J It is only by a strict adherence to j all that is upright that enjoyment can be found. Your word is your servant, so long as you retain it: but. it becomes your mas ter when you suffer it to escape. p Our very manner is a tiling of im- J portancc. A kind no is often more agreea- j ble than a rough yes. Never let your tongue go b> t >re your ! thoughts. | Believe nothing against another but upon authoiity ; nor report what may hurt j another, unless it may be a greater hurt to another to conceal it- Life's enchanted cup but sparkles near the brim ! gpff I will chide no heathen in the world, but myself, against whom I knew most faults- Shakespeare. In life we shall find many men that are great and some men that are good, but i very few men that are both great and good j Foppery is never cured; it. is the | bad stamina of the mind, which, like those of the body, are never rectified ; once a co.v ‘ comb, anl always a coxcomb. Gravity is the very essence of impos ture; it does not ouly mistake other things, but is apt perpetually almost to mistake it self joy is a surere • and sober < m tion; and they are miserably out, that take ing for tvj (icing ; the seat of it is within, and there is no cheerfulness like tlie resolu * tion of a brave mind P'S* Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul ; and the heart of man knoweth none more frequent While its op ponent, ingratitude, is a deadly weed : not only poisonous in itself, but impregnating the very atmosphere in which it grows with fetid vapor. fOS~ A son of Erin gave the following toast at a dinner party ; .. Here's wishing you may never die, nor nobody kill ye, till ye knock ycr brains out against the silver knocker of yer own door. Two Irishmen, in crossing a field, came in contact with a jack is, which was making daylight hideous” with his un earthly braying. Jemmy stood a moment; turning to Pat who also seemed enraptured with the song, he remarked—** It's a fine large car that bird has for music, hut he's got a wonderful cowld !” * # ! Ifc&r A boy, eight years old, being offered as a witness at a Justice's Court in Boston, ‘ was examined as to his understanding the nature of an oath. The Justice inquired *Do you know anything about hell ?” The ! boy scratched his head tor a moment, and looking the justice in the face, innocently re- j plied, .. No sir 1 never roan there in my life.” He was allowed to testify. J&S- Lay it down ns a rule never to smile, | nor in any way show approval or merriment, | at any trait in a child which you should not wish to grow with iiis growth, aud strength en with his strength At the Fourth of July celebration in Ma rion county. Illinois, a young lady offered the following toast : *• The young men of America—Their arms our snpjtort, our arms their reward. Fall in, men, fall in !” ** Mother, I heard sissy swear • *\\ hat did she swear ?” Why she said she was not going to wear her darned t tickings to church.” yfc’ Someone called liichard Steele the vi lest of mankind He retorted with proud liu mility : It would boa glorious world if 1 were.” Perseverance is failing , ninotven times, and the twentieth ; but when you do succeed, good gracious me ! how the applause does come down ? Btofisetyeote. BRITISH PERIODICALS. EARI.Y COPIES SECURED. IEONARD, SCOTT & CO., New York, con j tinue to rc-publish the following British Periodicals, viz.: 1. The London Quarterly, (Conservative. 2. The Edinburgh Review, (Whig.) 3. Thk North Huitish Review, (Free On ch) 4. The Westminister Review, (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (TW.v ) The present critical state ot European affairs will render these publications unusually interest ing timing the year ’55. They will occupy a mid dle “•round between the hastily written now s itern's crude speculations and flying rumors of the dailv Journal, and the ponderous Tome of the future historian, written after the living in terest and excitement of the great political e vents of the time shall have passed awav. It is to these Periodicals that people must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history I of current events, and as such, in addition to their well established literary, scientific and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. Arrangements are in progress for the receipt of early sheets from the British Publishers, by wldeli we shall be able to place all our reprints in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as thev can he furnished with the foreign copies. Although this will involve a very largo outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Pe riodicals at the same low rates as heretofore, v ; z; Per Annum: For any one of the four Reviews, $3 fO For any two of the Review's,-. 5 ftfl For any three of the four Review’s, 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, B 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine . 300 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10 00 Payments to he made, in all cases, iu advance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. i Clubbing.—A discount of twenty-five per ! cent from the above prices will be allowed to i Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one.or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for £9 ; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for £3O : and soon. Postage. —hi all the principal cities and towns these works will be delirered, through agents, free of postage. When sent by mail, the postage to any part of the United States will be biit twenty-four cents a year for “ Black wood,” and but fourteen cents a year tor each of the Reviews. Remittances and communications should al wavs be addressed, post paid to the publishers. I ‘ LEONARD SCOTT A CO., 53 Gold Street, New York. X. 11.—1,. S. A Cos. have recently published, ! and have now for sale, the “Farmer s Guide, Henry Stephens of Edinburg, and Prof. Nor ton, (if Yale College, New Haven, complete in 2 vol octavo, containing 1 Goo pages, 14 steel and Goo wood engravings. Price m muslin binding, ! £6.on. This work is not the old “ Book of the Farm/’ lately resuscitated and thrown upon the murk ‘ mb 22 Jccjql polices. \ One lot of land, X<>. 134, in the lfith district and :;d section ; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from Spaulding Superior Court, in favor of llisdon Moore, vs. It. F. M. Man. Also, one town lot in Cartersville, with all the improvements thereon—known as the resi dence of A. M. Franklin ; levied on to satisfy a ti. fa. from Cass Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Tt. Sproull, vs. David Vaughn, maker, I and Joseph Whist.on, endorser. Levied on as | the property of Joseph Whiston; property | pointed out by the plaintiff. Mortgage Sales— Ox First Tuesday in June. One stock of Dry Goods, consisting of calicoes, ready-made clothing, hardware, cutlery, boots, shoes, crockery ware, kc., and various other ar ticles usually kept in country stores; levied on to satisfy three Mortgage fi. fas. from Cass Inferior Court—one in favor of Peirson, Jennings k Cos., one in favor of W. E. Whitney k Cos., the other iu favor of Bancroft, Betts & Marshall, vs. Hen rv J. Arnold—said goods specified in said Mortgage. One lot of land No. 161, in the loth district and 3d section of Cuss Countv ; levied on satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa. in favor of Abraham Tate, ad ministrator of Evan Pearson, deceased, vs. Jon athan Whitesides. Two negro men, named Ned and Cain,-about. 80 vears old each; levied on to satisfy a Mort gage fi. fa. from Cass Superior Court, in favor of Thomas (J. Barron, vs. Jonathan Whitesides. Property pointed out in said fi. fa. \T TIIB same time and place; four beds and bed-steads, one book-case, one table, one sofa, one side-saddle and one dozen chairs ; levied on to satisfy two ti. fas. from Cass Supe- j rior Court—one in favor of Arnold Milner, and , the oth *r of Patton, Chunn & Cos., vs. William Johnson. W. L. AYCOCK, may 3—tds Deputy Sheriff. f t \SS SHERIFF SALES. —Will be sold be- V J fore the court house door in the town of Cassville, between the legal hours of sale, on the first. Tuesday in July next, the following property, to-wit: One lot of land, No. not known, lying in the ITtli dist., known as the plantation of B. H. Leake; levied on to satisfy sundry fi. fas.—one in favor of John F. Brown, for the use, &e., vs. Burrell H. Leake —one in favor of E. 1). Rolert sou, one in favor of Antoine Poullaiue, vs. Lig i on & Leake, and other fi. fas. in my hands, against the ssme parties. One phnitut'on lying in the 2!sl d’st. and 2d section; known as the property of defendant— ’ levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Madison i McMitrrav, vs. Edward Culliman. j One house and lot in the town of Adawsville; ! levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of S. G. ! Hamilton, vs. James Loftess, and S. J. Y. Gar ble, security—levied on by a bailiff and return ed to me. One lot in the town of Aduirsville, on which there is a stable; one unimproved lot west of | and adjoining the land of Airs. Itider, and east of and adjoining the right of wav of the W. & A. i R. U. in said town ; levied on to satisfy several i Justice’s court ti. fas. from the 856th dist,, G. M. | in favor of Vouch k Lawrence, vs. N. 11. Harris; levied on by <t baiiiff and returned to me. One lotofland, No. 52, in the Oth district and I 8d section; levied on to satisfy a Justice’s court j fi. fa., in favor of Thomas Perry Beaver, vs. G. ! Jl. Jackson, principal, and G. L. Box, endorser, i Levied on by a bailiff, and returned to ine. One fraction of lot of land No. 24, in the loth ; dist. and 8d see.; levied on to satisfy a Justice’s ! court li. fa. in favor of 1). A. Crawford, vs. John i Myhan ; levied on by a bailiff and returned to i me. One side-board and desk-table, 1 trunk, 2 bed steads, 1 small lot of books, 8 plows, 1 cross-cut saw, 2 pairs plow gem - , 2 Poleaxes, 1 grindstone, 1 man’* saddle, 1 sorrel horse; nil levied onto satisfy 3 fi. fas., one in favor of D. M. Hood, the others in inv hands, vs. G. B. Richards, may 81—tds E. A. BROWN, Sheriff. f t F.ORGIA, Cass County : Whereas Thomas j (>. Barron, Guardian of Marv W. Zuhcr, i (formerly Mnry W. Barron,) Julia H. Linn, (for inerly Julia S. Barron,) Eugenia C. llalhinis, j( former!v Eugenia C. Barron,) and William F. Barron, heirs of JonalinA Barron, deceased, ap plies to me for letters Dismissory from said Guardianship; . These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at inv of fice within flu* time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should nut be granted. ! Given under my hand at office, this 2■till day of Mav, I*:,*. Til OS. A. WORD, I may <i i —4* id* Ordinary. IMXNIN SHERIFF SALES.—WiII be sold i 1 on the first Tuesday in July next, before the Court Mouse door, iu the Town of Morgan* 1 ton, with n the legal hours of sale, the following 1 property, to wit: Lot of land. No. 231*. iu the ninth (tt) District ; and Section second, levied on us the property of i Y\ ill jam and William J. Guess, to sutiily ii fi fa I issued from the tto7 Georgia Militia District, j Gilmer County, Javan Fruintnell vs. said Guess. ! Also, hit of land N*l Itlo, in tlic(tt) District.utid Section second, levied on as the property of George Yotlior, to satisfy two ft fas issued from -the tt *n District, U. M., Fanniu County, I\ A J. M, Patterson vs. said Ynut her. i Also, lot of land “'.*, in the Blh District, Ist .Section. Also, *5, *in the Bth District, Ist Sec- I fion, levied on as the property of John A.Stew | art ; the officers of Court vs. John A. Stewart. | Also, lot of laud No. 227, in the (fi) District ; and Section first, levied on ns the property of ; [stall Mancrenf ami William Loyd, to mtVy • sundry II fas, issued from a Justices’ Court of | Mar pi wether county, 706 District, G. M„ John, stmt & Zabor vs- Ismth Atoncreuf and William ! Loyd, levied on untS totuyued by a Buliff ! tills May 2<l, 1855. ‘rilOS. It. TRAMMELL, D. Sh’ff- I may Cl—tds jLepl Notices* | I EXECUTOR'S SALE.—On the first Tuesday ‘j in July next, between the legal hours of sale, before the court house door in Fannin county, by authority of the will of the deceased, the following lots of land belonging to the estate of Bepjamin Bovd, deceased, late of Burke county, Ga.: one lot No. 9, in the 7th district, 2d section, and lot No. 11, 7tli dist., 2d section ; both lots in originally Cherokee, now Fannin county. Terms, credit till Ist January, 1850, with interest from date. ALLEN BOYD, Eceevtor. apr 12—tltj A DMINISTRATOIt’S SALE.— By an order of the Ordinary of Jones county, Georgia, will be sold at the court house door in Canton, Cherokee county, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Jure next, lot of Iznd No. 552, in the 15th district and 2d section of Cherokee county. Sold ns the property of Joannah Barron, deceased. JAMES F. BARRON, Adm'r. mb 15—tds de bonus non. GEORGIA, CASS COUNTY.—Whereas Ro bert Scott, administrator on the estate of Robert Hamilton, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters Disniissory from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice, and file their objections, (if any they have) on or before the Ist Monday in October next, otherwise letters Disniissory will be granted the applicant on that day. THOS. A. WORD, Ordinary. mb B—6m*8 —6m* Georgia, cass County : whereas wil liam Hays, administrator on the Estate of George W. Hays, deceased, applies to me for letters disniissory from said administration: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at. office, this 27th of October, 1854. TIIOS. A. WORD, Nov 3—om*. Ordinary. Georgia, cass county.—whereas j. It. Parrott, applies to me for letters of ad ministration on the effects in this State of John S. Allen late of the State of Alabama, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this March 16,1855. T. A. WORD, Ordinary. mb 22 —6m GEORG! A, CASS COUNT Y.—Whereas 11. W. Cobb, administrator on the estate ot Lemuel Johnson, deceased, applies to me for letters Dismissory from said administration : Therefore the kindred and creditors of said de ceased are hereby cited and admonished to file tlieir objections (if any they have) in mv office, in terms of the law; otherwise letters Dlsmisso rv will be granted the applicant, at the May Term next, of the court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand at office, this 3d day of October, 1854. Oct 6—6 m THOS. A. WORD, Ord. GEORGIA, GILMER COUNTY.—Whereas r Thomas Wakefield, administrator upon the estate of Isaac Wilkins late of said county deeesed makes application to me for letters of dismission from said administration. Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, this 22nd of December 1884. MOSES GREER, Ord’y. dec 28 —(im GEORGIA, GILMER COUNTY.—Whereas Newman Osborn, administrator of the Eesate of Lucy Harris, late of said county, de ceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from saia administration : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at. my of fice within the time prescribed bv law to show cause, if any they have, win - said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 2<Hh day of October, 18.V4. MOSES GREER, Oct 27—Gra Ordinary. State of Georgia, Cass County. Ordinary'ii offer, May Bd, 1855. IT APPEARING TO THE COURT, by the Petition of Obadiah Owens, that Ferdinand M. Mcßeynolds, deceased, of said county, did, in his lifetime, execute to said Obadiah Owens, his bond, conditioned to execute good and suf ! ficient titles to said Obadialr Owens, for lot of land number sixty, in the sixth district of the third section of originally Cherokee, but at the time of the execution of said bond, in the cotin tv of Cass, but now the county of Gordon, and it. farther appearing that said Ferdinand M. Mc- Revnolds departed this life without executing titles to said lot of land, or in any way provid ing therefor; and it further appearing that said Obadiah Owens has paid the fall amount of the purchase price of said lot of land, and said Oba diah Owens having petitioned this Court to di rect William T. Wofford, administrator upon the estate of said Ferdinand M. Mcßevnolds. deceased, to execute to him titles to said lot. of | land, in conformity with said bond : It is there fore hereby ordered that notice be given at three or more public places in said county, and in the Cassville Standard, of “such application, that all persons concerned may tile their objections in the Ordinary’s office, (if any they have) why said William T. Wofford, administrator as a foresaid, should not execute titles to said lot of land, in conformity with said bond. A true extract from the minutes of the Court of Ordinary, this Mav 3d, 1855. TIIOS. A. WORD, Ordinary, may 10—3ni chtowt.w ("t EORGIA, CASS COUNTY.-Whcreas, X William S. Jolley, applies to me for let ters of administration on the estate of Stephen Stone, lute of said County, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribedjbv law, to show cause, if any the}’ have, why su'd letters should not. be granted. Given under mv hand at office, Mav 7,1855. TIIOS. A. WORD, may 10—30d. Ordinary. Cl EORGIA, WHITFIELD COUNTY.-To all X whom it may concern. On the fifteenth 1 day of September last, I sold imd trausfered to T. B. Thompson and J. 11. Kibbec, all mv stock or interest in the capital stock of the Planters k Mechanics Bank of Dalton, located and doing business at Dalton, Georgia. SAMUEL F. DICKINSON. December B.—oamffim. C 8 EORGIA, CASS COUNTY.-Wherens Ro lf bert Russel applies to me for letters ofiul ministration on the estate of Robert M. Linn, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any exist, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 28th day of April, 1855. TIIOS. A. WORD, Ordinary. May 3—3od. EORGIA, GILMER COUNTY.—Whereas \ X James Simmons and George R. Edwards, administrators of the estate of William Evans, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from the administration of said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at inv of fice within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. , Given under my liund at office, this March 25, 1855. M. GREEII, Ordinary. mh 29—6 m A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of . mi order from the Ordinary of Cass conn* tv, will bo sold In the town of Cassville on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale: one lot of land No 737, lying In the 21st dist and 2d section of said county, all sold ns the property of Wm. Smithson, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms onthe day of sale, K. F. SMITHSON. AdrnV. ELIZABETH SMITHSON, Adm'x. may B—td* SIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made to the Ordinary or Cass county for leave to sell a negro girl *olonging to the estate of Mary Milam, deceased. M . P. MILAM, Administrator, nwf 3—6odi SdbeHisetoeote. Valuable Patent Medicines.. Mexican Mustang Lmiiment, Farrell’s Arabian do Murphy’s Cholera Syrup. Stabier’s Diarrhoea Cordial, “ Annodyne Cherry Expectorant, “ Worm Specific, Radwav’s Ready Relief, Brown's Jamaca Ginger, Thompson’s No. 6, Jew David’s Hebrew Plaster, Locock’a Pulmonic Wafer#, Machisi’s U*erin; Catholicon, Dr. Jones’ Vegetable Pills, “ Cholera Medicine, Keeler’s American Compound, “ Cough Syrup, “ Vermifuge, “ Sasnparilla, Epping’s Compound Extract of Biichu, Lyon’s Kathairon, (for the hair), { Bogle’s Ilvperiou “ Wis tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, Dailey’s Magical pain Extractor, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, Godfrey’s Cordial, Opodeldoc, Oxygenated Bitters Ac. Eor sale cheap at the STANDARD OFFICE. april 26—ts. “I>LATT A G ILHAM, f -l Ware Ilotnse and C(ly Commission, Merchants, - * Ui-vimhl street, Augus ta, Ga., (Successors to Platt A Brother) —Possessing every facility, will devote their personal and undivided attention to the sale of Cotton and other Produce consigned to their care, and the purchase and forwarding of goods. Commission will be the established rates of the city. Reference: Mess. Haviland, Risley A Cos., Hand, Williams A Cos., McCord, Hart A Cos., Scranton, Seymour A Cos., Belcher A Hollingsworth, Thayer A Butt, Dawson A Skinner, and T. S. Metcalf Esq.—Augusta, Hand, Williams A Wilcox—Charleston. EDWIN PLATT. THOS. A. GILHAM. sept 9, 1854 Cass County Lands for Sale. rpilE undersigned, wishing to change his bit- JL siness, offers for sale his well known and valuable plantation on the Alabama Road, two mile* West of Cassville, Iving on Two Run Creek, and known as the “ Black Water Adair place.” This place embraces in all about 1600 acres of land, five hundred acres of which are cleared and now in a high state of cultivation, and all under good repair, and lying immediate ly on and along the line of the Western A At lantic Rail Road. The place is well improved, and finely water ed—a dwelling house of eight large rooms—a new and large brick smoke house —a Thrasher, Barn, Cribs and stables all framed, large and convenient. Also anew framed Gin house and cotton screw. Blacksmith and wood shops, car riage house Ac. There are on the premises five or six good and never failing springs, and running water in every field on the plantation. The spring near the dwelling is a notable and most excel lent. one. There is also on the place a good mill seat, on which is situated au entire new saw mill, and one of the best grist and merchant flouring mills in the country, and all now in full and successful operation. There is also a good lime Kiln with an abundant of lime rock con venient. There is furthermore on the place a good young apple and peach orchard, contain ing about tour hundred well selected apple and about one thousand peach trees. Persons wishing to examine the premises, or to know the terms, can do so by applying to the subscriber on the place. I will say however, that the terms will be reasonable. WILLIAM SOLOMON. Cassville, apr 19—ts Southern Military Academy Lottery. (By Authority of the State of Alabama.) Conducted os the Havana Plan. GRAND SCHEME FOR JNNE! J£l Class P.—To be drawn June 3d, 1855, in the Citv of Montgomery, when Prizes amounting to Thirty Thousand Dollars will be distribu ted according to the following magnificent Scheme!—and remember every Prize is drawn at, each Drawing, and paid when due without deduction: 1 Prize of $7,500 is £7,500 1 do. 5,000 is 5,000 1 do 2,000 is 2,600 2 do. 1,000 i s 2,000 5 do. 500 is 2,500 10 do. 200 is 2,01*0 15 do. 100 is 1,500 78 do. 50 is .8,900 12*1 do. 25 is 3,000 6 Approx., Ist Capital 50 is 300 6 do. 2d do. 30 is ISO 6 do. 3d do. 20 is 120 251 Prizes amounting to £3<*,‘.HXl Only Ten Thousand Numbers. Tickets £> —Halves £2,50 —Quarters £1.25. SAM’L SWAN, Agent A Manager, may 24 —tdd Montgomery, Ala. By Authority of TnE State of Georgia. Fort Gaines Academy Lottery. GRAND SCHEME FOR JUNE! ! Class 2—To ho drawn June 18tb, 1855, in the city of A tlimt-a, Georgia, when prizes amount ing to Thirty Thousand Dollars will be dis tributed according the following magnigceiit Scheme! And remember every Prize is drawn at each Drawing, and paid when due without deduction! 1 Prize of £7,500 l do. 5,000 1 do. 2,000 2 do. £l,O)0 arc 2,000 5 do. 500 are 2,500 10 do. 200 are 2,000 15 do. 100 are 1,500 78 do. 50 are 3,900 120 do. 25 are 3,000 251 Prizes in all amounting to £30,000 Only Test Thousand Nuushers / Tickets £5 —Halves, £2.50; Quarters, £1,25 Samuel Swan, Agent and Manager, may 24—tdd Atlanta, Georgia. COME AND SEE f A r W. HOOPER A CO. bc ,>/ \&jEa U • fore you make your pur t’hasus, as they have tlecidedly the prettiest stock of gmids, and are determined to sell them as cheap or a little cheaper than Hiiy body else, tn A the place. If von want— lionO, Shoes, ml Hat-*, Caps or Jim nets, they have them. Dress yoods of all kinds, consisting of I’rints, Muslins, Bareges, Tissues, Ac., can be found there. Sheetings and Shirtings in abundance. Furnishing goods of all kinds and qualities, ready made, or in the piece. Iron, nails, steel, salt, wooiUoare. Besides a great many other articles. To their old customers they would return thanks for their liberality ’in times past, and beg a continuance of the same—and to the public generally they have no hesitancy in saying, if you call you will be treated politely, even if you don't buy. Call and set',</( the brick store south of the court honse. apr. lttth 1855. SILK BAREGES, Robe Dresses, Lawn, Mus lin, plain and dotted Swiss, Cambric, Jaco nett, Fulard Silk, and a large assortment of Edging and Inserting, at. LEVY’S CASH STORE. apr 26 —ts MAGISTRATE’S SUM MONS —a large quan tity just printed—“done up brown, on hand and for side at the Standard Printing Office. Marriage Licenses —The best, looking lot . that's been along lately, and will please the most fastidious, for snle’at the Standard Printing Office. CN OLD and Silver Watches, Gold Finger and X Ear Kings, Breast-pins and Lockets, cheap for cash, ut sept 15 LEVY’S STORE. Bounty land declarations.- just printed and for sale at the Stamlard offioe, Bounty Land Declarations, suited to the lute act of Con ores*, I’rioe <<l,oo ptu> quire, LINEN. Damask Tublc Cloth, Diaper, Sheeting and Shirting, Calico, cheap for cash,ut LEVY’S STORE, upr 28—ts WO mouth* after date, application will bo .JL made to the Ordinary of Cass County, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Robert Rey nolds, late of said County, deceased. i AMANDA REYNOLDS, i May loth 1855. Ad'u’iu j SObetfi^tyeois. WATER RUNNING UP HILL, to your House, without Labor. — Gatchel’s Pat ent-Premium Improved double and single self acting HYDRAULIC RAMS, patented April 10, 1847.—F0r supplying Dwellings or Farm houses, Villages, Kail Road Stations, Ac., with pure running water, any height or distance re quired, with from one pint to twenty gallons per minute, from a Spring or Stream where a fall of two or more feet can be obtuiiicd. The quantity thrown iu proportion to the fall and ; elevation. The Prize Medal was awarded to Gatchel’s 1 Rams, at the IVorhVs Fair, London. Gold and ■ Silver Meslsds and numerous Diplomas and cer- j tificates can be shown to prove this Rani the j simplest, best and most durable invention in ; use, or ever discovered by the art of man for j raising water above its level, Ac. The first and only Gold Mesial ever awarded ! to anything by the New York State Agricnltu- 1 ral Society, was awarded to Gatchel’s Ram, | September, 1847, tor its simplicity, durability, j and effectiveness in its operations. Sherburne, Chenango Cos. Sept. 14, ’54. I have used one of Gatchel’s Rams since the j Ist of November, 1847, and cheerfully recom-| mend them to all. It exceeds anything I ever saw or heard of both for durability and utility. ! The distance from the Springs to the house is 110 rods. The water is forced up an elevation of 212 feet; the fall or head, is 13 feet. I have sufficient water for 200 head of cattle, and also a full supply at mv house. I would not be de prived of it for £IOO per year. D. C. Bukl. References :—Parker if: Monroe, Oxford, N. Y.; Horace, L. Emery, Albany, N. Y.{ Cole man & Stetson,'New }ork City; Ex-Gov. A- V. Brown, Nashville, Tennessee; B. W. FUsgeralsl, Nottotmy Ch., Va.; Tlsos. L. Farish, Charlottes cille, Va. , where the above machine can be seen in full operation. The undersigned having purchased the rights of Cass, Gordon and Floyd, proposes to furnish and put up the above machine, which is in all cases warranted to give satisfaction. Address J. L. GIBSON, Cassville, Ga. Refers'to A. Algood, Iron Factory, Chattoo ga connty, Ga., and Ford, Caldwell A Cos., Un ion Furnace, Cass county, Ga. mh 8-tl.j lADIES’ Wreath and Parlor AnnualJ! — j Unparalleled Attractions ! —The Publishers take pleasure in announcing to the one hundred thousand readers of this popular monthly, that with the May number commences the publica tion of beautiful full length, Portraits of some of the most celebrated musical personages. The following, which are already engraved, will appear in the course of the year, accompa nied with a biographical sketch of each, viz: Jenny Lind, Anna Thillon, H. Sontag, Cathe rine Hayes, Alboni, and Mrs. E. G. Bostwick. If these should meet with favor, although ve ry expensive, they will be followed by others of a similar character, as they are determined that the Wreath ami Annual shall continue to be not only the cheapest, but the best dollar mag azine in the world. The contents will be entirely original, from the pens of the ablest and purest writers in the country. Although a literary magazine, every thingof an immoral or irreligious character wiil be carefully excluded. It will be the aim of the Publishers to blend entertainment with instruc tion that will not only captivate the taste but also elevate the thoughts and improve the heart. Each number will contain a fine steel engrav ing and a beautifully colored flower plate, also engraved on steel, with occasionally popular pieces of music, and thirty-two large octavo pa ges, printed on fine paper. The May number will have au attractive title-page, making in all twenty-five embellishments, and a volume of four hundred and thirty-four pages. All who are interested in a pure family’ literature, and arc willing to assist in fostering the best native taleut are invited to become subscribers, and in its circulation by inducing their friends to secure fur one dollar a Magazine worth three, as either the Steel Engravings, the Flower Plates, or the Literary contents, are worth the price of the whole. Address Burdick A Scovill, 8 Spruce st., N. Y. CSL VTTATCHES! WATCHES!! BY VV MAIL!—The Subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of this place and vicinity and the public generally, that he has just received from Europe a large and splendid stock of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, which he intends to sell off on the principle that “ large sales and small profits” are the most advantageous. In order to give the public access to his stock, he is now prepared to forward by mail, to any part of the United States, any number of Watches, free of charge. He has now for sale: Daguerreotype Watches, £SO to £lim* Pocket Chronometers, 100 to 200 Eight-day Watches, 125 to 200 Ladies’ Enamel Watches, SO to 100 Magic Watches, 75 to 150 Gobi Hunting Levers, 18 k. full jewelled, 35 Gold open-faced Levers, full jew. 2*> Gold Lepines, 22 Silver Levers, full jewelled, 18 Silver Lepines, 8 Gold Pens, Silver holders, 2 Gold Pencils, 3 On receipt of the value, any of the ahov. 1 Watches will be forwarded by return mail.— Orders should be sent in eariv, and addressed to J. M. EASTWOOD, Oct 20—ts Raleigh, N. C. fYKSTAI. NOTICE.—The sub scribors respectfully inform T.l’ the citizens of Cassville that they intend locating here with a view to becoming permanent citizens for the space of five years or more. They hope, bv close attention to their profession, to be enabled to give that satisfaction 1 which the public demand, and to merit a share of the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed here. All jobs, such ns Plugging, Mounting teeth on j gold plate, Ac., warranted. Close attention will be paid to children’s teeth, when desired. COBB A MOSELEY, Jan. 26—ts Surgeon Dentists. CAIiR I AGES A XI) HA RXESS.—Charles ton- S. t. White house, south-west corner of j Meeting and Wentworth streets, Charleston. ‘ The subscriber has always on hand a large assortment of Ve- W*~W’ hides of every description, such as Coaches, Uockuways, Ba- i roaches, top Buggies, no top Buggies, and Pod- ; lar Wagons, which are manufactured expressly j for hrs own sales, and which in point of finish \ and durability cannot be surpassed. All articles sold by him are wa an anted in the fullest terms. Persons in want are solicited to give him a call, where they will find a cheap 1 and good article on favorable terms. i Carriages built to order, and repairing done with neatness and despatch. Refers to Col. H. F. Price, Cassville. M. li. NATHAN, j Nov 17 —6m. ‘TZZSrSi ’ tine: between Leake A Howard is this day dissolv |od by mutual consent. All the debts due said ! firm will be collected by W. W. Leake, who as sumes all the liabilities of the same. All per ! sons indebted to said concern will please make immediate payment. This 25th day of Nov. 1854. j * W. W. LEAKE, Cartersville, Dec 1 J. A. IIOWAUl), BOOK BINDERY IK .I TLASTA! WIIiLIAM KAY, respectfully informs the citizens of Cass-ille and surrounding: j country, that he is now prepared for any kind iof Binding and Killing at short notice. He has | also on hand a large assortment of Books in the j various departments of Literature, Fancy Sta ; tioncrv. Music, Musal Instruments, Paper Hi ag ings, (inns, Pistols, Watches, Jewelrv, Fancy ; (roods, Ac., at tlie very lowest possible prices. ( A share of the public patronage is respectfully ; solicited. Atlanta. March 24, 1853—1 y. j | ft*. rpKOUT HOUSE.— I The un- ! ! -JL dersigned begs to inform , 1 ratilHud. the citizens of Atlanta and the ■ff,* i r]ffaJi3S travelling public that this su i perb establishment is now open for the accom modation of Boarders and Transient persons. The House and furniture being entirely new, | Rooms well ventillated, Halls large and airy, ! the Subscriber hopes by constant attention to j the wants of his guests,’ to make his House do , sirable to the traveller, uud merit a share of i public patronage- I AARON GAGE, Proprietor. i Atlanta, Feb. 16 —ts ! yT-V\f P. STOVALL, Ware House irJL • a-nd thin mission Merchant, — ! wjnsta, Oa, —Continues the busi- ! ness In all its brunches, at his extensive FIRE-PROOF Warehouse on Jackson Street, near the Globe Hotel, The usual Cash facil tics ullbidod to customers. uug 25 ly* w — | puvo FORTES, Music, Musi .M| I oul Instruments, Fancy Arti- I BTlflcta, Ac., White-Hall Street, Sign I * * ™ “ “of tilt Gulden Piano, Atlanta, Ga. f’ub l' 11. B&AUMULLER. I \ Ifweoifg IldbeHisetyeote. j THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY -JACOBS CORDIAL, For all Bo We Tr/ : Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Bilious Cholic, Dysentery, and 1 Also, admirably adapted to many diseases of Femalct, most especially painful Menstry • * The virtues of Jacob’s Cordial are too well known to reqtlife Ehcotniums. **’ Ist, It cures the worst cases of Diarrhoea. 7th. It cures painful Menstruation 2d. It cures the worst forms of Dysentery. Bth. It relieves pain in the btickaiul ] • 3d, It cures California or Mexican Diarrhoea. 9tli. It counteracts nervousness and.. *• 4th. It relieves the severest Colic. 10th. It restores Irregularities. ‘’ sth. It. cures Cholera Morbus. 11th. It dispels gloomy and hysterical f i 6th. It cures Cholera Infantum. 12th. It’s an admirable Tonic! A few short Extracts from Letters, Testimonials, Ac. “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and have found it a most efficient , ni( i • judgment, a valuable remedv.” * Hon. Hiram Warner, Judge of HuprctnJ n,r “ It gives me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial —mv own iKrsonal ’ ence, and the experience of my neighbors-and friends around me, is a sufficient guaniui to believe it to be all that it purports to be, viz. a sovereign remedy.” leu , " r Hit Wh. H. Underwood, formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee f “ I take great pleasure in recommending this invaluable medicine to all afflicted W itw!." - i diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to any tl.i b "" >1 S ever tried bv me.” A. A, Gai lding, Deputy G. M. of the Grand Lodge of “ This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast as Bonaparte pushed his to Russia, ami gaining commendation wherever used.” Georgia Jeffers>miun, Mao V\ nf* For sale by J. W. Hooper A Cos., Samuel Levy, A. AJ. L. Hill, and Lemuel Dillard 7*?’ I Cheshire A Groves, Kingston ; I). L. AR. M. Wingard, G. L. Roberts, and Mntthiue n**? ‘ | Stilesboro; A. A. Williams, Eulmrlee; E. Porter, Adairsville; 11. Ryers A Cos., Cmteiv -ii r,!i | by the principal Merchants and Druggists throughout the State*. ’ * l,e iand WAL W. BLISS A CO., Manufacturers and ProDi-iMm. January 16,1855. — 6m. 20 Bcekman Street, New Djjj; TT'AR AND EYE.— ltsafuess, par- JCi tial or total, entirely removed.— Dr. Alsopliert.begs to call the atten tion of those suffering from a total or partial loss of the hearing, to the following facts. He treats diseases of the middle and internal Ear with Medicated Douches, such as is practised in the Infirmaries of Berlin, Leipsic, Brussels, Hamburg and St. Petersburg, and lately bv the most distinguished London Aurists, witli the most wonderful success ; indeed, it is the only method that has been uniformly successful.— The best proof of the efficacy of the treatment will be a reference to nearly nine hundred names, residents of the United States, Canada, New i Brunswick and Nova Scotia, who have been re stored to acute hearing, and not a single, solita ry case, to our knowledge, did we fail to effect either a partial or total restoration of the Hear ing, when our advice and instructions were faithfully and punctually adhered to. Many who could not hear the report of u pistol ut arm’s length, can now hear a watch beat at the distance of four feet. In cases of muenous accumulation in the Eus tachian Tube and Tympanum, Inflammation of the Mucus Membrane, Nervous Affections, Dis ease of the Membrana Tvnipaiii, ocimnoniy called the “ Drum,” or when tlie disease can In traced to the effects of Fever, colds, the use of Quinine, Mercurial Medicines, Gatherings in the! Ears in childhood, Ac., Dr. Alsophert s treat ment stands pre-eminent. Where the Auditory Canal Is dry and scaly, with little or no secre tion, when the deafness is accompanied with noises in the Ear, like falling water, chirping of insects, ringing of bells, rustling of leaves, con tinual pulsations, discharge of matter, or when, in stooping, a sensation is felt as if a rush of blood to the head took place, when the hearing is less acute in dull, cloudy weather, or when a cold has been taken, this method of treating this disease, is infallible. In deaf and dumb cases my experience war riors me in saying, that if the hearing was at any time good, very much can be accomplished. In'the Deaf and Dumb School, out of a class of 14,1 succeeded in restoring four to acute hear ing. Dr. Alsophert begs respectfully to state, that in those cases he undertakes lie guarantees a successful result, complete restoration, or such a marked improvement as will be perfectly sat isfactory, if !Ns remedies are faithfully applied, and directions adhered to. Applicants will please state their age, dura tion of disease, if matter issues from the external passage, if there are noises in the Ears, state of general health, and what they suppose to have been the cause of the deafness. When the hear ing is restored, it is expected that those iu easy circumstances will pay liberally. All diseases of the Eye successfully treated by the application of Medicated Vapors, Ac., an j infallible and painless treatment for the diseu ! ses of the Eye, acute and chronic, cataract, • specks, inflammation, film and weakness of vis i ion, granulation of the lids, ulceration of the | Laclirvnal glands, Ac. ! To the astonishing and gratifying effects of j this treatment, the child, the youth, those of I mature age, as well as those far advanced in life, all bear testimony to its wonderfully reiio- vnting, healing and soothing effects. Medicine, apparatus, Ac., will be sent to any part at my own expense. Address l)r. Also phkrt, Broadway, office, 422 1-2, near Canal street, New York. Consultation fee— five dol -1 s Dr. Alsophcrt’s Work on the Fair and Eye, illustrated with steel plates. Price $lo.OO. Money letters must-be registered by the Post Master. Feb. 9, I55 —6m. ('IOXSUMPTJON SUCCESSFUL!’ treated bt J INHALATION OF MEDICATED VAPORS, by Jchn- I son Stewart Rose, M. 1). Fellow of the Roval I College of Physicians, and for years Senior Phy ; siciao in the London Royal Infirmary for dis j eases of the Lungs. In the treatment of Consumption by inhala tion, I have obtained the results winch warrant me in asserting, that it is ns curable as diseases of the stom'*h and liver. Breathing directly into the Inngs is certainly the rational mode of attacking the disease, and like many otn*r great beneficent discoveries, it seems strange why sufb treatment was not resorted to long ago. Where there is j life there is now assured hope for the most seem j ingly hopeless cases, ns throughout all the stages | j of this insidious disease, the wonderful and ben-| i eficieiit effects of his treatment are soon nppar•- j ent. In cases also of Bronchitis, Asthma, Ac.,! , inhaling of powders and vajnirs has been cmi- I l.entlv successful, and of those suffering under ! any of the ab.ive named complaints, I can gnu ran- 1 j tee speedy and certain relief. I have pleasure in ! referring to 207 names, residents of New York , and neighborhood, who have been restored tovi-j j gorous health. About one third of the above number according to the parents’ own state ments, were considered hopeless eases, j The inhaling Method is soothing, safe, and speedy, and consists in the administration of medicines in such a manner that they are con vevod into the Lungs in the form of viqx r, and 1 produces their action at the seat of tin* d's ; ease. Its practical success is destined to revoln | tionize the operations of the medical world and establish the ent ire curability of consumption, j Applicants will please state if they have bled ! from the Lungs, if they have lost flesh, have a j cough, night sweat and fever turns—what and : how much they expectorate, what the condition , of their stomach and bowels. The necessary [ Medicine, Apparatus, Ac., will be forwarded to anv nart. him nilrx. TERMS.—Five dollars, consultation fee.— Balance of foe payable only when patients re port themselves convalescent. DU. ROSE’S TREATISE ON CONSUMP TlON.—Price one dollar. Address JOUXSON STKWART ROSE, Office 831 Broadway, New York. Jan Itt-Gni. CJI. t TIL KS TOX A CCO l ’NT BOOK J TA AT- j FACTORY!! Walker A Evans, Man-\ i factvrintj Stationers, Ain. 101 Fast Bay, Chat’- , U‘*ton, Have now on hand the largest assort-! ment of Account, Boat* ever offered for sale in this part of the country, and equal to any in llie United States. Our entire stock is mam*facta red in t'harle*- ton, in our own Bindery, by competent work-! men, under our personal supervision. The pa-: per and oth >r materials are of the best quality, l : can-fa Ilv selected, and the Books warranted In I every respect, equal to those made by the best ; New York Stationers for their city trade, j County and Stale Ojiirers, Bant*, Merchant e\ j and other*, can have their Rooks ruled and 1 bound to any pattern, and Vf*d when required. I M‘t*ir Boots, Periodical*, and other printed; I Books bound in every variety of style. Always on hand, a large stock of su|>erior ! Letter Paper, Foolscap, BUI Papier, Soft Paper, | and paper of various kinds, ruled expressly for: Lawyer's use. Also, Stationery of all kinds, consisting in part of Copying Presses, Gold Pens, Seal Presses, Steel Pens, Envelopes, Pen-holders, Inkstands, Pocket books, Ink, Writing Desks, Pencils, wafers, sealing wax, India rubber, ru-i lers, quills, seals, parchment, folders, back gammon boards, chess men, Ac. Ac. ( Book and Job Printing of all kinds neatly ex ecuted. Charleston, Deo 15—3 tn Superior - Court Spupusnar—and in short, “everything usually sought after” in the line of Blanks, for sale at the Standard Printing Owe*. BONNETS, Ribbon, Florence Silk, Flowers, j &o.— Bonnets trimmed t/ruti*, at LEVY'S CASH STORE, i apr 26—ts MAGISTRATE’S EXECUTIONS—“in per foet stacks—as a body might say,” and fixed up “according to Hoyle,” ntay be found} at the Standard Printing Orncx. rrHE AMERICANS’ FRIEND-Hollou • ‘ _L ills. To the Citizensthe United,St u ]u 1 I most humbly and sincerely thai k \ t 1 the immense patronage which von have bo r 1 ed upon mv Pills. 1 take this : stating that my ancestors were all Aim iW “ i izens, and that I entertain for all that I America and the Americans, the nin<t 1 * I sympathies, so much so that 1 I pounded these p iUs expressß to suit }L lr * mate, habits, constitutions, and iiiaiiii(. r i I ing, intending to establish myself which I liuve now done, by takimr i,n*.S. I New York. TIIOMAB HiIlGR?* I 38, Corner e ; / Ann and Nassau St*. x’}‘ Purification ts the Blood, and liver „and P'< liras Complaints. The citizens of the Union suffer much fo*. disorders of the Liver and Stomach, scarcilvul are free from the influence of these destnicti, maladies, hence life wears fa-t. The fair . ‘ perhaps the most handsome in the world tm ,’ a certain period when, distressing to sav’JJ” lose their teeth and good looks, while v’h jj, heyday of life, such sad evils may beiffinmll remedied by continually keeping Ihe Wood tJ and theXiver and .Stomach in a healthr ;X’ when life will flow smoothly, and r m W| plants in a congenial clime, where an ow* i spring seems to reign. As it regards the rZ erratum of the human frame, and the dura!#’ of life, much may be effected, and 1 savfark- Iv that health and life can be prolonged f ny years beyond their ordinary limits, if 11,jf way’s Pills are taken to purify‘the blood aec.rt ing to the rules laid down for health cimt,i w | in the directions which accompany each bui A case of Weaknss and Debility, if Ten wl standing, cured by 1 Idle may's PH],, | Copy ts a letterffirm Captain John Astor House, N. Y. dated dun. 5, f To Prof. Holloway, New York: ’ Sir:—lt is with the most heartfelt plo-smrcli have to inform you that 1 have been reslurwl l l health and strength by taking your pilfe, • the last ten years, I suffered from a dcranguw of the Liver and Stomach, and was reduced 1 such an extremely that I gave up nn er expecting to go to sea any more, as J tried everv Remedy that was recommended me, but ail to no purpose; and lad given n self up to despair, when I was at last iwt* mended to take your P'ils. After using tin for three months, the result is that I am in so ter health now than 1 have been for eleven van past, ami indeed as well as ever I was in wrliv! You are quite at liberty to make this knoirnktJ the benefit of others. I remain, sir. vours rs pectfiilly, (Signed) JOHN .JOHNSON. These celebrated PHD are wonderfully fimn - in the fallowing coni/Jaints: Ague Erysipilis Piles Asthma Female Irreg- Retention of Billions com- uiarities Urine plaints Fevers of all Scrofula or Blotches on kinds King's Evil the skin Gout Stone or Gmi I Bowel com- Head-ache Secondary ra-1 plaints Indgestior. toms Constipat on Jauod ce Yen. real afo ot bowels Liver coni- tions Debilty pi lints Woimsififii Dropsy kinds Weakness fr. •m whatever rouse. (Signed) K. HUKANT I The P ids sh mi Id be used conjoisti]/ rW wl Ointment in most of the following /.■— Bad legs Gout S* re n : ]*pfo* Bad breasts Glandular Sore tbruat Burns swellings >kin ri Bunions I.umliugo Scurvy Chilblains Piles Sorehead* . Chapped hands Rheumatism Ulcers Contracted and Salt Rheum Woiu.ds 1 Stiff Joints Scalds Sold at the Establishment of I Jlolfowav, so Maiden Lane, New Ycfk, .uda, | Strand, London, and by all rcstuctablc Dug I gists and Dealers of Medicines tnn nshcat i | t'nited States, in Pots and Boxes, tit s.’cat , 62 1-2 cents, aid £! (*0 each. There is a cot: s’durable saving bv t-.Vag few the larger sizes. N. B.- Directions fi.r ibti I dance of patients in erery disorder art sfrif to each Pot. * May ci ilj. I • CUKE FOR ALL f— // • .•’ ‘ ‘ !J\ Citizens es the Union. —Yon have d"Msi ;the honour as with one voice, from .me f ‘the Union to the other, to stamp the tharwt’g lot iny Ointment with your approbation. It*l ! scarcely two years since 1 made il known .t ‘- I you, and already, it has obtained inorecelth-i ‘than aiiv other Medicine in so short periot . THOMAS H01.1.0w.C 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau bit. ■ ;■( ‘ASTONISHING CURE OF SORE LEGS if TER NINE YEARS STANHINH. | \ Copy if a Letter from Mr. IU. J. r ! il , lionise Me, Yadkin County, Noth Cavobss. -■ N’., dated AoCitnfur 1 st, IS>!'. E READ ms oir.V WORDS. To mv wish-fu “become neither i# 1 1 letter wgjttxn lor Q*e mere sake of writing.*’'■■■ to sav, that your Ointment cured me <4 the most dreadful cutaneous diseases that * j is heir to, and which was cor.s’d* n and by all knew me, to be entirely bevtnid the rt " r "| nudecine. For nine years 1 was afflicted “ one of Ihe most painful and troublesome ‘ j b ps that ever fell to the lot of man ; Hl:i ,lbl trying every medicine I had ever heard at Ij signed in despair all hope of being rurnb -'l ; a friend brought me a couple of larg 1 r ,ll '’ r I vour Oinment, which caused tin- sores i* ”, \ I legs to heal, and I entirely regained my W 1 a to my agm-ahle surprise and delight to thet 5 ’ H tonishmeut of mv friends. (Signed) ~, (j AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A W* BREAST, WHEN NEARLY AT TUI POINT OF DEATH. . , Copy of a Letter front Mr. R Durant, X* leans Xoianber Mh, 1858. . To Professor Holloway, 88, Corny w * and Nassau Streets, N. Y: Dear Sir,- 1 with heartfelt gratitude I have to infiwm that bv the use of vonr Ointment ami l’ l ' l * , life of my wife has boon saved. Far s years she had a had bivast, with ten run wounds, (not of u cancerous iMiture). I I told that nothing could save her: I induced tiwuse your Ointment and jin the short space **f three men tbs, thr. v i a perfect cure, to the astonishment knew ns. We obtained your Mtdicinw 1 Messrs. Wright k Cos., of Chartres-slrm, v, i Orleans. 1 setid this from “ B>tcl a l ' s ices,” Paris, although, 1 had written >• 11 j Orleans, before we finally left, at that , ll '- I knowing your address at New York. I‘""y IO'A Kl’E>’ his friends Price, and uinv be found at where k< w *!1 be glad to wait upon n-* 1 lr and promises to be as cheap as the J. ‘*‘| n? # Give him a will if you please, at * j stand. Cassville, "? I*o TOP THE T11IEF!-Stolen laatoj^^Jf the stable of the subscriber, two j j miles from Cassville, on the Kmfpto Buy Mare, 5 years old this Spring, ia; , & ■ wlute spot on her neck, <*je 'h‘ 4 „, •_, F slightly hip shot in the r;gM bip. > tural pacer, of ordinary sixe and [nr of said mare will be thankfaH} ‘suitably rewarded. BENJ : K A ‘ Near Cassville, March 27, ltw. j; fUF 4 FEW MORE LEFT of those cbeP /Vlkincl Guns !! at sTW’