The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, August 30, 1855, Image 3

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gu-J- ■ to describe the Pecan Bayou country ns it pierits, but trust that another pen may yet do it justice, yours, truly, TOM. F. HOOPER. Watchman! What of the Kight! \ll’b well! The dawn is fast approach ing- nd we reply ’ ° if ia WeN ‘■ r ° n ’ CTe * r y region of the State good news reaches us. Our friends need have no misgivings, no forebodings of the result. Southwestern, mid Middle Georgia; the Seaboard and the fountains ; will roll up majorities for John *on guc h as will astonish and confound bis enemies. The war upon civil and religious liberty will prove destructive to tlioso who have waged it; and Georgia like Virginia, jforth Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, and Texas will occupy the proud position of trampling under its feet, the desperate effort made to place her side by side with Massa chusetts, Conne t cut, and other Know Noth ing States. It is with confidence we say this to our friends every where. But, while we do so, let us not be idle! Every man, 6 .ireeiug with us, lias a duty to perform. Work, every one of you ! The defeat of j your enemy, it is true is a settled question, j That, however, does not, ought not to suffice ! j The defeat should be a Waterloo one—one i from which there should be uo possibility j left of recovery; no hope left to those who ! <gs)l jl (he constitution, that success will at j land any future efTorts. Let us all work to this end, and, to use a familiar phrase there will he glory enough for one day. r ’ —Atlanta Examiner. Southern Antral Agricultural Fair. The arrange,u.nts for’ the Fair, which opens on the 11th proximo, ni'? now si ne&r- J ly completed that we arc enabled td 1 of their capacity and adaptation to the pur- I poses for which they have been construct- i c<l, and have no hesitancy in saying that ‘ they are superior in both these points, aud j Indeed, in all others, to anything of the kind we have ever seen in Georgia. The stalls, ghow rooms, and the grounds generally have been fitted up on a scale of extent and dura bility which indicates the intention of the Committee to make this a permanent point for the annual meeting of the Society, and if such is the design, we must ay the Commit ttehao acted wisely, and fertile best inter eiti of the Society. Nothing has operated m much against the efficiency of the Society m tho frequent changes in its place of meet ing, and as Atlanta has subscribed so liber illy, and affords such superior facilities for v * tors coming and returning we cannot see why this city should not be the permanent point of exhibition. Were there no other arguments, her Railroads would be sufficient for the decision of the Society in favor of Atlanta. The Presidents of most the Roads in the State are in favor of Atlanta, on ac count of the inconvenience they cxperienc.'in passengers over their Roads to any other po nt When the Fair was held it Augusta tho travel of the State, the La- Grange and the Macon Ronds all centered upon the Georgia Road, which R >ad found it ouerous in the extreme to put through the travel of its own. The same was the case with the Macon Road, when the Fair was j held in that city. But locate the Fair in Atlanta, *<! neither of the four Roads will have more than its own share of travel creased, of course, by the occasion) totrans port, an J visitors will experience none of the inconvenience which has heretofore kept so many from these fairs who would otherwise hare attended. The consoqueuce will be a Urge increase iu the receipts of the treasury, and the Society and visitors will both feel this important advantage.. But to the Fair Every possible arrange meat will be made for the accommodation of visitors and we learn that every’ house tint can accommodate them will be opened for the occasion. So none need stay away on this account. Extra trains will be run iemi duily upon all tin Roads, and no pains will he spared by the committee to make all m comfortable as possible. Let all come who can, and we warrant satisfact’on —Atlanta Exminer. Seven Says Later from Europe. New York, August 24. The Steamer Noth Star has arrived with ono day's later news from Europe. The Allied fleet commenced the bombard ment of Sweaborg on the 7th. Consols closed at 91 to 91 1-8. Additional by the North Star. A dispatch from Trieste announces that the Allies are demolishing the fortifications of Anapa, contrary to the wishes of the Circas sians. General Vivian has gone to the Black Sea toclioose a lauding place for the troops near Ratoua. I-intrjwol Market.— Cotton had assumed rather a better tone, without any quotable change. Tick Cotton Crop in Mississippi.— A letter from Natchez, Mississippi, states that the cotton crop was suffering from rot and j fust in that region, and that the prospects re 15 to 20 per cent, worse than they wore two weeks ago. Kansas. —William Walker, a balfbrsed of the Wyandott tribe of Indians—a man of education and of wealth, nod who glories in his Indian blood, is spoken of as a candidate for Congress in Kansas. The Louisville Times says that Prentice, the editor of the Journal, a K. Nothing pa prr, was the leader among the mobites, and the worst among them, at the late riots iu that city. Some of the papers in Missouri say they will raise more corn this year than for any fire years before. Much of the wheat land there averages forty bushels to an acre. fn Arkansas there is said to be an im mense crop of cotton. In some places it is P'led as high as hills upon the tanka of the fivers. It is rumord that Hon. Wm. Proston, of Kentucky will be tendred the Mission to England, about to be vacated by Mr. Buch anan. France has a national debt of £233,000,- 000 besides the last loan, nnd England had debt of £774,923,000, some time since. Hon. Abbott Lawrence died in Boston, on the 18th inst., at 11 o'clock. Atlanta Harket, [Etjwrrtedfor the Intelligencer , by Seogo Ab bot, Commission Merchants , Atlanta Atlanta, August 27, 4 1\ M. Bacon,—Stock light, we quote Sides (dear )2 I*2 to 13, Shoulders 10 cents; Hams 10 to 12 18 cents, Lapp by the bbh 121*2 cts., in kegs and cans 14, Rutter, fresh, 15 a 20 cents per lb. Corn is selling at 75c. a 90(5. Corn Meal, 9oc to SI,OO per bushel. Wheat—Good will bring $1,15 a $1,20. Whiio one dollar and twenty-five cents. Oats, 40 to 50 cents, sacked. Four.—s 7 per bbl.—scarce. Eggs, 12 1-2 cents. Sweet Potatoes, $1 per bushel. Chickens.—ls cents each—scarce. Feathers.-—35 cents. Fruit and Vegetables abundant. No. 1 Coffee by sack 12 1-2 to 13c. per lb. Java 16 2-3. Sugar, Brown 8 a 9c; Clarified 10a 11; Loaf and crushed 12 1-2 cents. Specif 3-4?” We are authorized to announce the name of Col RUSSELL H CANNON as a candidate to represent Cass County in the Senate of the next Legislature. Election on the First Monday in October next. june 7—tde We are authorized to announce the name | of Col. Joseph E. Brown, as a candidate for j the office of Judge of the Blue Ridge Circuit, at the election on the first Monday in October ’ next. may 17—tde* 13* jr. SIMIE regular meeting of Valley Lodge, No. 48, I. O. of O. F., will be held on every Friday evening, at 8 o’clock. Transient brotli en arc invited to attend. By order of Wm. A. Rogers, N. G. BEN. F. BENNETT, Secretary. Cassvillk, Guo. subscriber |J- b“ s been ap- HIN S U pointed Agent for the So. Mu. Insurance Company for Cass and Goi :*“u Counties, and will take risks upon Hou ses v “ffroes, *c. Ac. Will also receive appli- i cations Tor the lives of white j persons. jJOiIN 11. ‘L. Agent. Jan. 5, 1555. 48 - | IT IS AS ERRONEOUS IDE.4 that disease I cannot be cured except by taking large quan tities of medicines into the stomach, in a great many cases of which much injury is done, al though the disease in point be actually cured.— The coats of the stomach by continued use of n a use-ting mixtures, frequently become so much disordered that the digestivefuaction w serious ly injured —the result of which is dyspepsia, nervousness, cholics, alternatedtarro*a and cos tiveness, flatulence, nightmare, etc, etc. Would it not therefore, be very desirable to possess’ a remedy, which being applied externally would excite the absorbents to increased action, and thus carry off though this medium, the de leterious principle which is the direct eavte of the disease? Surely the safest means to effect the desired end. The almost superhuman cures formed by the Arabin physicians in the days of ’old were manily effected by this course of treat ment, and t!e ingredients of which If. G. FAR RELL'S Celebrxted Auuabian Liniment, is composed, are extracted from rare plants pe cular to Arabia. This great Liniment (which is now to be had of most respectable druggists and merchants in every town in the United States) is daily effecting’ cures which seemed be yond the power of medicine to control—con sumption, bronchitis and liver complaints in their first stages, nervous affections, indigestion, enlargement of the spleen, scrofulous’ tumors, goitre, etc., etc., are frequently cured, and al ways relieved by its use. It is unsurpassed as an anodyne—relieving severe pains in a few minutes after its application, it soothes toe oTi nted nerves, and produces that delightful tran quillity so grateful, to the nervous invalid.— Sprains, bruses, wounds, burns, sore throat, chilblains, rheumatism, sun pain, etc., etc., arc speedily cured by it, and for nearly all ailments in horses or cattle, requiring an external appli cation, it is an effectual remedy. The public arc cautioned against another com>•- terfoit, which Ills lately made its appearance, called W. B. Farrell’s Arrabian Liniment, the most dangerous of all the counterfeits, because his having the name of Farrell, many will buy it in good faith, without the knowledge that a counterfeit exist, and they will perhaps only dis cover their error when the spurious mixture lias wrought its evil effects. The genuine article is manufactured only by 11. G. Farrell, sole inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist. No. 17 Main street, Peor.a, Illinois, to whom all applications for Agencie* must be addressed, lie sure you get it with the letters H. G. before Farrell’s, thus —H. G. F.4U. BELL’S —and his signature on the wrapper, all others arc counterfeits. Sold by J. D. Carpenter, Cassville Ga. and by the regularly authorized agents though out the United States. Brice 25 and 50 cents, and sl. per bottle. A genes wanted in every town, village aud hamlet in the United States, in which one is not already established. Address H. G. Farrell as above, accompanied with good reference as character, responsibility, Ac. aug 30 SObeHiseiDCois. Musical Soiroo! AT KINGSTON.—The Ladies of Kingston and vicinity, with the assistance of several amatesirs who have kindly tendered their servi ces, will give a Musical Soiree, at Mrs. John son’s Hotel, on Wednesday evening, September sth, 1855. A table with substantial refreshments will be furnished free of charge. Side tables, with all the delicacies the country jiffords, will be served at reasonable rates. Doors open at 8 o’elook. Admittance, Fifty cents. The proceeds to be applied to the purchase of a Bell for Presbyterian Church at Kingston. Tickets may be had at the Standard Office. Tltc Great Southern Weekly! the spectator. WASHINGTON CITY, I). C. A FAMILY JOURNAL OF LITERATURE AND NEWS FOll SOI/'THF.HN READERS. rpHE South has too long been dependent np- JL on the northern cities for its periodical lit erature. The weekly newspapers of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, have swept like a flood over that part of the nation south of Mason and Dixon’s Line, many of them carrying with them some of the prejudices of ablitionisrn; and inculcating, to a greater or less extent, doctrines injurious to southern institutions. This depen dence of the mass of southern readers should be thrown off—and it is believed would have been long ago, if there had been facilities in the South for the publication of first class literary papers. Thii Spectator —ls published by a gentle man who has long been connected with some of i the southern dailies, and has been undertaken j to supply this want —that of a high-toned wcek 'y paper of Southern interest and character. The general plan of the paper is as follows; It has eight pages; three of which are filled with tbe best articles on Literature, Science, and the Arts; one to the editor’s comments ii]>- on passing themes; one to general news, for eign and domestic; one to the interests of the Farmer—[The information on this page will be mainly derived from the Agricultural Bureau of the U. S. Patent Office]; one to a synopsis of the operations of the Departments of the Gov ernment; and one, during the winter, to a re port of the proceedings of Congress; altogeth er makings plan which will be rigidly adhered to, and which is unequalled by any paper in the countrv, North or South. The Spectator is printed on new type nnd on fine paper. Its quarto form makes it conve nient for binding, and each annual volume bv ing accompanied by a full index, it will be a most valuable paper for preservation and refer- rcncc. Thicks : 1 copy 1 yoar, $2,00 10 copies, “ W,OO i And one extra to the maker of the club. No paper is sent without the money. Specimen copies can bo had on^ a *^jJaRVE Y Editor and Publisher, aug. 30—12 t. Washington, 1). C. DMINISTItATOR’S SALE.—Agreeably to an order from the Ordinary of Cass Coun ty, will be sold before the Court house door in the town of Cassville, in said county between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in October next, lot of land no 229, and parts of lots No’s 275, and 278, all lying in the 17th dis trict and section of Cass County, and sold as the property of Robert Reynolds, late of said county, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. AMANDA REYNOLDS, Adm’rx. aug 13-tdg ® ObeHlsetoente. H, braumuller, —PPA LK II IN — 1 Piano Music, Musical Instruments, Embroidery and Fancy Articles, Whitehall Street, Sign of the Golden Piano, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. MKS. H. BRAUMULLER. fiHisfc id C'h];ihKi)lql ihil - £l-qic*iug Orders solicited for Braiding Necklaces, : Bracelets, Breastpins, Ear-rings, etc., etc. nug 30, 1855 29—ly ctrotjsT Robinson a eldred, win exhibit their combined Circus, Menagerie and Hippo drome in Cassville, on Saturday, September Bth, and Cartersville, September loth. _ With all the great Hippodramatic Feats of the New \ ork and Paris Hippodrome, among which will be the wonderful scientific achievement of a man walking upon a perfectly smooth ceiling, with his feet uppermost and his head down, performed by Mr. G. N. Eldred. La Perche! Bv Messrs. Rochford and Rcntz. This extra ordinary performance has created universal wonder and admiration, showing beautiful feats of Balancing and elegant Acrobatic Posturing, by Monsieur Rcntz, on a pole thirty feet high, held by W. Rochford. ‘ Air. W. Rochford, Madame Robinson, Mast. Jas. KoL’h'son, Master John, and an additional list of Popular Actors, are with the Company, and will appear in the various exercises* The Band Is directed by the celebrated Jos. Kosher, which is a sufficient guarantee for its merit. A SPLENDID COLLECTION OP Wild Animals, In addition to the above attractions, offers a rich bill of entertainment. fir Admission to the whole Exhibition, 50 cts. Ch.ldn u and Servants, half price. Doors open at 12 1-2 o’clock. Arena ex ercises to commence at 11-2, allowing a full hour for the examination of the Animals to’ those who do not wish to observe the sports of the ring. S. HENDRICKS, Agent. aug 30—2 t. rpo DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.—AII per- , _L sons indebted to the estate of R. M. Loin, late of Cass County, deceased, are requested to come forward and settle, and all persons haring demands against said estate wilt present them iu due form of law. UOB’T RUSSELL, Admr. june 21—20-6 w \ DMINISTR ATOR’S SALE.—Agreeably to x\. an order from the ordinary of Cass county, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Cassville, on the first Tuesday* in Sept, next, between the legal hours of sale, one negro g*r’ Mary, about sixteen years old, belonging to the estate of Mary Milam, deceased, and sold fir the benefit of the heirs and creditors of aid deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. This 4th dav of July, 1855. ’ WILLIAM 1\ MILAM, Ordinary, july 12 —tds ‘•>. EORGIA CASS COUNTY.—Wahkkas, JV Robert G. Tomlin, administrator on the estate of Furncy F. George, deceased, applies to me for letters dismissory from Said administra tion. These, are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to file their objections, if any exist, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the applicant on the second Monday in January next. Given under my hand at ofticc, this 28th day of June, 1855. TUOS. A. WORD, Ordinary. July 5—22-Biii (-'t EORGIA, CASS COUNTY.—Whereas R. JT F. Wylv, administrator de bonis non, on the estate ot Thos. Townsend, deceased, applies to me for letters Dismissory from said adminis tration : Therefore the kindred and creditors of said deceased are hereby cited and admonished to file their objections (if any they have) in my office, in terms of the law; otherwise letters Dis missory will be granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office, this 3d day of July, 1855. aug 9—6 m THOS. A. WORD, Ord. C"1 EORGIA, CASS COUNTY.—Whereas Ro AT bert Scott, administrator on tlie estate of Robert Hamilton, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters Dismissory from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice, and file their objections, (if any they have) on or before the Ist Monday in October next, otherwise letters Dismissory will be granted the applicant on that day. THOS. A. WORD, Ordinary. mil B—Cm*8 —Cm* C"q EOBGIA, Cass County: Whereas James X G. Renvis, Guardian of Elizabeth A. Huff, Benjamin Huff, Richard Huff, Harriet Huff and Willis Huff, applies to me for letters Dismisso ry from said Guardianship: * These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, and show cause, (if any exist) why said fetters Dismissory should not be granted the said applicant. Given under mv hand at office, May 13,1855. THOMAS A. WORD, Ordinary. may 17 —fim—cwtw SX EORGTA, CASS COUNTY.—Whereas J. VJT R. Parrott, applies to me for letters of ad ministration on the effects in this State of John S. Allen late of the State of Alabama, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. _ Given under my hand at office, this March 16, 1855. T. A. WORD, Ordinary, mil 22—fim EORGIA CASS COUNTY. — Whereas, \JJTAbrahani B. Moore, administrator de bonus non, cum textamento nnnexo, on the estste of George M. Stovall, deceased, applies to me for letters dismissory from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the applicant on the second Monday in Janarv next. Given under my hand at office, this 28th day of June, 1855. TUOS. A. WORD, Ordinary. july 5—22-Stn TI'iWO months after date, application will be L iruide to the Ordinary of Cass county, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Stephen Stone, late of said cunty, deceased 1 William s. jolly, Admv. July ft, 185 ft. rpWO months after date I will make npplica- A. tion to the Ordinary of Uilincr connty for leave to sell the real estate of Jonathan Cox, deceased, late of said county, for the bcnilit of the heirs and creditors. July s—2m WM. COX, Adin r. i rpo FARMERS AND PLANTERS. A. & J. JL L. llill, arc now receiving a superior lot of Negro Shoes, Negro Blankets nnd Kerseys, Osnaburgs, Shirtings, Trunks, Ac., for the fall . and winter trade, which they are offering Low for Onth, or on short time. Farmers or others wishing to pu”ohue such articles will do well to give us a call and examine prices, for wo will have them on hand and intend to sell. All that we ask is-thatyou will call and examine for yourselves, east of the court house. | Cassville, Oct 27 I RISH LINEN, Damask Table Cloth, Diaper, Js** ‘ ad Bh “ D \gvrSsW | apr 26— H _ ffiofeg. CASS SHERIFF SALES.—WiII be sold be* fore the court house door in tho town of Cassville, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday ip Sept'r uext, the following property, to*wit: One Buggy—levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from Cass Superior court, in favor of Ligon A Leake, who sue for the use of B. W. A J. P. Force, vs. Francis M. Randall. One lot of land, No. f42, in the 22d dist. and 2d sec.; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James Vaughan, vs. Solomon Taylor. Levied on and returned to me by a bailiff. One negro boy, named Jasper, about 15 years old; levied on to satisfy three fi. fas., infavor of Leake A Howard, and others, vs. William B. Leake. Property pointed out by plaintiff. One house and lot in Cartersville, known ns the residence of defendant; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Cass Superior court, in fa vor ot Thos. J. Verderey, vs. James P. Reid. One half of lot of land No. 135, in the 15th district and 3d section. Also, fraction of lot No. 23, in said district. Also, one house and lot in the town of Adairsville, known as the place where B. W. Wilson now lives. Also, one sorrel horse four years old, levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Burras Jones vs. B. 11. 0. Bomar and Samuel MeDow, property pointed out by B. H. C. Bomar. Lots of Land Nos. 1108 and 1109, in the 17th district and 3d section, levied on to satisfy a fi. ij’ n , ,n ? *' le Superior court in favor of William 11. White, against Perley Ford, property point ed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. One bay mare, 11 years old, and 20 cords of wood: levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Inferior Court, iu favor of Hugh McLin, vs. W. N. Sherman and John C. Ay cook, security.— Levied on as the property of said Sherman.’ Two beds, 2 matrasses, 2 bedsteads, 12 parlor chairs, 1 parlor table, levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior court of Cass'county, in favor of John F. Martin vs. Henry J. Arnold. One cream colored mare and colt, levied on to satisfy an execution issued from Cass Su perior court, in favor of William Solomon vs. Lewis Dickerson, maker, and William Gould snuth and James G. Revis endorsers, levied on as the property of said Dickerson, and pointed out by W ill iu in Gonldsmith, endorser. One half of No. 135, and one fraction lot No. 23, in the 15th and 3d sections. Also, one house and lot in the town of Adairsville, where Benjamin Wilson now lives, No. not known.— Also, one mule, levied on to satisfy a ft. fa. from Cass Superior court, in favor of if. V. Johnson Governor vs. Elias G. Scott, James A. Scott, Burrell 11. C. Bomar and Charles A. Hamilton, aug 2—tds E. A. BROWN, Sh’ff. A TORTG-VGE SHERIFF SALES. —For the BI first Tuesday in September. Two negro men, Ned and Cain, about 30 years old each : levied 0” satisfy a Mortage fi. fa. in favor of Thomas G. Barron vs. Jonathan Whitesides.— Property specified iu said Mortgage. July 12—td.— E. A. BROWN, Sheriff. STATE OF GEORGIA, CASS COUNTY.— Ordinary’s Office, August 20, 1855.—Pres ent, Thomas A. Word, Ordinary. It appearing to the Court, by the petition of Joel Stone, that Martin Stidham, late of said cuuntv, deceased, did in his lifetime execute to said Joel Stone, his bond, conditioned to exe cut* titles in fee simple to said Joel Stone, tor lot of land number nine hundred and ninety-one iu the seventeenth district and third section of Cass county; and it further appearing that said Martin Stidham departed this life without exe cuting titles to said lot of land, or in any way providing therefor; and it appearing that said Joel Stone has paid the full amount of the pur chase price of said lot of land; and said Joel Stone havii.g petitioned this Court to direct Elihu Stidham, Simeon Stidham and Thomas M. Anslcv, executors ot the last will and testa ment of said Martin Stidham, dccesacd, to ex ecute to him titles to said lot of land, in confor mity with said bond: it is therefore hereby or d- red that notice be given at three or more pub lic places in said county, and in the “Cassville Standard,” of such application, that all concer ned may file objections in my office, (if any they have,)why said Elilin Stidham, Simeon Stidham and Thomas M. Anslev, executors as aforesaid, should not execute titles to said lot of land, in conformity with said bond. A true extract from the minutes ofsaid court, this 20th August, 1855. Aug. 23—3iu. T. A. WORD, Ordinary. SALE.—The undersigned, ex- J editors of the last will and testament of Col. William Hardin, deceased, offer for sale in accordance with the provisions of said will: That valuable plantation upon the Etowah river, in Cass county, on which the deceased resided at the time of his death, consisting of about eight hundred acres. This is one of ths most desirable and one of the very best farms in this county. There are some three hundred acres or more of cleared land, and in a high state of cultivation, with a good dwelling, out houses, gin house and barn, all of which are in good repair, most of them new. This is tho best farm in Cass county, which can be pur chased at a reasonable price. We offer, also, the tract consisting of ono hundred and sixty acres, situated near the Wes tern tfc Atlantic Rail Road, in the immediate neighborhood of Kingston. For the greater portion of the purchase mon ey, terms can be made easy. JAMES MILNER, 1 r , jy 26 M. A. IIARDIN, f rs - Valuable Lands at Executors Sale. WILL be sold before the Court house door, in Cassville, on the first Tuesday fn No vember next, the place whereon Marttfi Stidham lived at the time of his decease. Said place contains 460 acres more or less, lying in the seventeenth and fourth districts, of Cass county, about two hundred and twenty five acres are in a high state of cultivation, and all the re mainder will bear cultivation. The improve ments are a good two story framed dwelling house, an excellent gin house and thrasher, a pretty fair orchard of choice fruits, and all ne cessary out houses. Raccoon Creek runs thro’ the farm, and there is a well of excellent wa ter in the yard. Its location is unsurpassed in point of health and society, and it is altogether one of the most desirable places in the county. Terms on the day of sale. ELtHU STIDIIAM, ) SIMEON STIDHAM, T. M. ANSLEY. ) aug 9-tds 17ANN1N POSTPONED SALES, FOR SEP . TEMPER. Will be sold on the first Tues day in September next, before the Court house door in the town of Morganton, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of Land No. 14fi, in the 7th district and first section, levied on as the property of John B. Hickey to satisfy sundry fi fa’s issued from the 844th district G. M., H. 11. Walker, and oth ers. vs. said Hickey. Also, lot of land’ No. 186, in the Bth district and second section, levied on to satisfy sundry fi fa’s issued from the Justices Court of the 908th dis.rict G. M., A. J. Head vs. Enos Mc- Clure. Also, lot of land No. 10, in the 9th district and second section, to satisfy sundry fi fa’s issued from the 1027th district G. M., B. R. Dickey and others vs. G. B. Lindsey. THOMAS R. TRAMMEL, D. Sh’ff. aug 7-tds ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Agreeably to an order of the Ordinary of Pulaski coun ty, granting leave to sell all the real estate of the late Nathan N. Lester, deceased, will be sold in the town of Cassville, Cass county before the Court House door in said county, on the first Tuesday in in September next, the following lots of land : No. 28, in the lfith district, and {id section ; No. 207, in the lfith district and 3d sec tion, all being in the county of Cass, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. Terms made known on theday of sale, Ju ly 4th, 1855. C. M. BOZEMAN, Adm’r, july 12—tds De bonus non. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue ot an order from the Ordinary of Cass coun ty, will bo sold in the town of Cassville on tho first Tuesday in Sept’r next, between tho legal hours of sale: one lot of land No 78s, lying in tho 21st dist and 2d section of said county, all sold as tho property ofWm. Smithson, de ceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms ontho day of sale. K. F. SMITHSON. AdmV. ELIZABETH SMITHSON, Adra’t. may B—tds8 —tds ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—Agreeably to an order from the Ordinary of Cass county will be sold beforo the oourt house door in the town of Cassville, on tho first Tuesday m Sep tember next, negro boy (Ned) about fourteen years old, said boy sold as tho property of Wi|. linm C. Guyton, deceased, lor tho benefit of the I heirs and crcditora of said deceased. Terms marie known on the day of sale. I July 10—tds W. P. SMITH, Adm’r. 1 ” jlftbeHigcfycirtte*, v**”—*’ BT AUTHORITY OV TUB 9TATK OP GEORGIA. Fort Gaines Academy Lottery. GRAND SCHEME FOR SEPTEMBER , CLASS 6.—To be drawn September Ist, 1855, in the city of Atlanta, Ga., when prizes amount* tug to 850,000 Will be distributed according to the Pillowing Magnificent Scheme! And remember every Prize is drawn nt each Drawing, and paid when due without deduction t 1 Prize ot $12,000 1 do. 5/100 1 do 8,000 1 do. 2,000 1 do. l ,500 1 do. 1.200 1 do. 1,100 5 do. sl,ooo sro 5,000 10 do. 400 aro 4,000 10 do. 150 are 15,00 12 do. 120 aro 1,440 20 do. 100 aro 8,900 408 Prizes in all amounting to $50,000 ONLY TEN THOUSAND NUMBERS I Tickets Halers $4, Quarters $2. Bills on all solvent Ranks at par. All com munications strictly confidential. SAM’L SWAN, Agent & Manager, nug 2 Atlanta, Ga. BY AUTHORITY OF TIIK STATE OF ALAIIAMA. Southern Military Academy Lottery. GRAND SCHEME FOR SEPTEMBER. CI.ASS U.—To be Drawn Sept. 11, 1855, in the City of Montgomery, when Prizes amounting to 830,000 Will he distributed according to the following Magnificent Scheme! p&T And remember eve ry Prize is drawn at each Drawing, and paid when due without deduction ! 1 Prize of $7,500 is $7,500 1 do. 5,000 is 5,000 1 do , 2,000 ia 2,000 2 do. LOGO is 2,000 5 do. 500 is 2,500 10 do. 200 is 2,000 15 do. 100. is 1,500 78 do. 50 is 8,900 120 do. 25 is 3,000 251 Prizes amounting to S3O 000 Only Ten Thousand Numbers. ’ Tickets—Halves $2,50 —Quarters $1.25. SAM’L SWAN, Agent <£• Manager, nug 30 Montgomery, Ala. UNIVERSITY OF NASHVILLE. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. The f:th Annual Course of Lectures in this institution will commence on Monday, the 29th of October next, and continue till tho firstof the ensuing March. PAUL F. EYE, M. D., Principles aud prac tice Surgery. JOIIM M. WATSON, M. I)., Obstetrics and the Diseases of women and children. W. K. BOWLING, M. D., Theory and prac tice of Med'cino. A. H. BUCHANAN, M. D., Surgical and Pathological Anatomy. C. K. W INSTON, M. D., Materia Medico and Med ieal Jurisprudence. ROBERT M. PORTER, M, D., General and Special Anatomr. J. BERRIEN LINDSLEY, M. D., Chemistry and Pharmacy. THOMAS R. JENNINGS, M. D., Institutes of Medicine and Clinical Medicine. WILLIAM T. BRIGGS, M. D., Demonstra tor of Anatomy. The Anatomical Rooms will be opened for students on the first Monday of October. A full Preliminary Course of Lectures, free to all students, will be given by the Professors, commencing also on the first Monday of Octo ber. A Clinique has been established in connec tion with the University, at which operations are performed, and cases prescribed for, and lectured upon, in presence of the Class. Amount of Fees for Lectures in the Univer sity is $1 05. Matriculation Fee (paid once on ly,') $5. Practical Anatomv, $lO. Graduation Fee, $25. Good Boarding can be proenred at about $3 per week. Further information can be obtained by ad dressing J. RERRI VN LINDSLEY. Chancellor of the University. Nashville. Tenn., July, 1855. aug-16-it.* SCOTT'S LITTLE GIANT CORN AND CO B MILL, Patented May 16/A, 1854. THE attention of Planters, Farmers, and Stock-feeders in general, is respectfully called to this Mill as the most important article of the kind now in use; not only well adapted for grinding Cob Meal for Stoclc, but Grits or fine Hominy for the table, and especially Bread Meal from corn not fully ripe or dry in the Fall. In setting this Mill, no mechanic or frame work is wanted, only requiring to be fastened to the floor or platform. Easily adjusted and used by any body, even a child. The LITTLE GIANT has received the first premiums at the late Agricultural Fairs of Mis souri, Kentucky, Maryland, and other Stato ; and that in the most complimentary; as well as the most ready commendations from the thou stands witnessing its performance. These Mills are guaranteed in the most posi tive manner against defects or breakage, when properly used ; and No. 2 is warranted to grind 10 bushels of feed per hour, and offered at the low price of $57 00 ; all complete for attaching the team. No. 3, at $67 00; grinds 15 bushels per hour with one horse. No. 4, at S7B 00; grinds 20 bushels per hour with two horses. For particulars apply to MITCHELL A HOWARD, CarUrsvMc, Get. Note. —We have one in operation, and those desirous of purchasing, would do well to call on us. M. A H. june7 ts 18 CASSVILLE Tsm&is fi amiis-KB. r pHE second fall session will begin on Mon- JL dav, 3d September, when candidates for the various classes will be examined, and close Friday, 7th December. Tuition for tbe Session in Prim. Dep. sfi.6G “ “ “ “ “ Prep. “ 10.00 Musio “ “ “ “ “ “ 16.66 “ “ “ •* •• Prep. • 10.00 Drawing “ “ “ fi.fifi Contingent Expenses, 50 Yocal Music, Latin and Fren chfree of charge. For further particulars, address, WM. A. ROGERS, President. aug 9—4 t Take Particular Notice. ALL persons owing us debts past due, are earnestly requested to make liberal pay ments thereon. We positively must have money, and without further comments we trust ail who are indebted to ns will respond. J. A. AS. Erwin. Cartcrsville, aug 23 28—ts Valuable Farm for Sale. MTIIE undersigned offers his place, near Cassville, for sale, on reasonable terms. It contains live hundred acres of land— one hundred and fitly of which are cleared and under fine cultivation. On the premises are a framed dwelling house, framed negro houses, framed gin house, screw, gin aud thrasher, and nil other convenient out houses. The dwelling house is about three quarters of a mile from the court house in Cassville, a portion of tho land being inside the corporate limits. Cassville is the seat of a Male and Female College, nnd is unsurpassed in point of healthy location and good society. Persons desiring to purchase land are invited to call and examine the premi ses. The terms will be accommodating. For further particulars enquire of tho subscriber on the place. William S. Thomas. Cassville, aug 23 28—ts C'l EORGIA, GILMER OOUNTY.-Wherea, X James Simmons and George R. Edwards, administrators of tho estate of William Evans, late of said county, deoeased, applies to me for letters of dismission from tho administration of said estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all Sersons concerned, to be and appear at my of co within the time proscribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should npj-fto granted. “ Given under my hand at office, this March 35, 1855. M. GREER, Ordinary. inh 59—fira BflbcMLsetncofs. SAVANNAH MEDICAL COLLEGE. rpilE Third course of Lectures in this Institu- A tion, will commence on the fist Monday in November next. The Clinical Lectures in Medicine mid Surge ry, at the Savannah Hospital and the College Clinique, will commence on the 15th of October and continue during the course. Faculty, Theory and practice of Medicine —R. D. AR NOLD, M. D. Obstetrics, and diseases of Women and Chil dren—P. M. KOI.LOCK, AI. I), Principles and Practice of Surgery—W. 0. BULLOCH. M. D. 1 Medical Chemistry—C. W. WEST, M. D. Institutes of Medicine—E. 11. MARTIN, AI. D. Anatomy—J. G. HOWARD, M. D. Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence— J. B. READ, M. I). Demonstrator of Anatomv—JOS. J. WEST, M. D. Fees for the entire course $1 05 1)0 Matriculation T ; cket 5 oO Ample facilities will be furnished for the study of Bractical Anatomy. For further particulars, apply to aug 16-3m] C. W. WEST, Af. IX, Dean. Henry yernon, or the dream. Ry a Georgian.— This is the title of a Ro mance now in process of completion, which will be issued in two numbers on the Ist and 15th of July, 1855. The scenes arc laid mainly in the United States, England and Spain. The work will be printed on pure white paper with new type and will equal in quantity of maPer an ordinary sized Duodecimo volume of 800 pages. It will be promptly issued and forward ed to all whowillscnd their orders accompanied with the cash. Terms.—Single copy, ( Two numbers.) $0 75 To Clubs of 3 or more, [per Copy.) 5o Remittances must be made in bills or change , and n<-t hi Post-Office Stomps. Address JAMES M. SMYTHE, june 28—lw Augusta, Ga. Medical college of Georgi a.—Au gusta, July 6th, 1855. — Tin? twenty-fourth Course'of Lectures in this Institution will com mence the first Monday in November next. faculty: Anatomy— G. M. NEWTON, M. D. Surgery— L. A. DUGAS, M. D. 1 Chemistry and Pharmacy— A. MEANS, M. Materia J/edica, Therapeutics and J/ed. Ju risprudence—/ /’• GARVIN, M. D. Obstetrics and Diseases of Woman and 111- ants—,/• A. EVE, M. D. Physiology and Pathological Anatomy— ll. V. At. MILIER, M. I>. Institutes and Practice of J/edicinc—Z. It. FORD, M. D. Surgical, Comparative and JZcroscopical An atomy—A*. (’AMURELI, M. D. Assistant Demonstrator— S’ B. SIMMOMS, M. IJ- Prosector of to Professor of Surgery—JUlll - HARRIS, M. D- Clinical Lectures will be delivered regularly at the Citv Hospital, and ample opportunities will be afforded for the study of Practical Anat omy. Fees for the entire Course. f 105 0O J/atriculation Ticket (to be taken once.) 500 For further particulars, apply to July 26—At. G. M. NEWTON, Dean. XsGA rC-X bpitOUT HOUSE.—The un -1 .1 dersigned begs to inform Iflj ttaaßSaf the citizens of Atlanta and the aga travelling public that this su perb establishment is now open for the accom modation of Boarders and Transient jiersons. The House and furniture being entirely new, Rooms well ventillatcd, Halls large and airy, the Subscriber hopes by constant attention to the wants of his guests, to make his House de sirable to the traveller, and merit a share of public patronage. A ARON GAGE, Proprietor. Atlanta, Feb. 16—ts SPIRIT OF THE TIMES.—A remittance of Five Dollars will entitle a subscriber to three steel engravings and the paper for one year. A remittance qf Ten Dollars will entitle a sub scriber to the paper for one-year, and a.complctr set of the engravings. Col. Wm. It. Johnson, of Virginia, the “ Napoleon of the Turf.”— Alad’lle Augusta, the celebrated Dansense, in the character of “La Svlphide.” liipton and Confidence, in their match in harness, Boston, Wagner, Alonarch, Leviathan, Argyle. Black Maria, Grcv Eagle, Shark, Hcdgeford, John Bascombe, Monmouth Eclipse, and Fashion. JOHN RICHARDS, Publisher, July 12—ts No. 3 Park Place, N. Y. CN.fBINET A FURNITURE ESTABLISII- J MENT, Cartersville, Go.- —Tho undersigned have just finished anew and spacious shop, and are now prepared to fill all orders for Furniture and everything else in their line, as promptly and on as good terms as any other establishment in the-country. They keep constantly on hand, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Safes, Bedsteads, Centre Tables, Book-cases, Ac., Ac. They are also pre pared to manufacture panel doors, window sash, Venetian blinds, Ac., at short notice and 011 good terms. Persons wishing to buy will do well to call on us, before purchasing. LOVELESS A JOHNSON. July 12 —22-ts r\ENTAL NOTICE.—The sub- YJ scribers respectfully inform CD 11. L r the citizens of Cassville that they intend locating here with a view to becoming permanent citizens for the space of live veai-s or more. They hope, by close attention'to their profession, to be enabled to give that satisfaction which the public demand, and to merit a share of the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed here. All jobs, such as Plugging, Mounting teeth on gold plate, Ac., warranted. Close attention will be paid to children’s teeth, when desired. COBB A MOSELEY, Jan. 26—ts Surgeon Dentists. DU. T. M. ALSTON, respectfully offers his Professional Services to the Public. He may be found, when not professionally engag ed, at Mr. Brown’s Hotel, or in his office, in Morganton, Fannin county, Ga. Special atten tion will be paid to all calls in his line of prac tice. Morganton, Georgia, may 17.—1 y. STRAYED from the subscriber, near Adairs ville, Ga., several weeks agi , a bald-faced sorrel horse pony, four years old, feet all white. Also, a dark bay horse mule, three years old— both of which have been worked. Any person taking up, or giving me any information of said estrays, will very much oblige JAMES BROWNLEE: Adairsville, aug 2—tt rpOWN PROPERTY IN CARTERSVILLE, L FOR SALE.—The subscriber offer for sale, the Store house and lot in the town of Curters ville, known as the stand of .1. R. Towers A Cos., now occupied by Anderson Milner A Cos. For particulars, apply to J. R. Towers, at Cartersville. aug 9-Ct SIIKPPARD, SPROULI. A CO. A TTEXTIOX! r pilE Subscribers respectfully inform their 1 customers and friends, that they have re moved their stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Ac., to the store house formerly occupied by Messrs. Patton A Cbunn. 11l ESC II BERG A DAVIDSON. Cassville, Jan 12 VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. -1 offer my Plantation for Dale in Cass county on Pitt’s Creek, on the main Tennessee road. 4*l-2 miles above Cartersville, 5 miles from Cassville, and about 4 miles from Rowland’s Springs The above tract contains 800 acres, about 37ft of which are in a high state of cultivation, as the present crop will show, and 1 think equal to any in the county. About 400 acres of the above arc bottom and rich valley land—the balance good upland and the range fine with several ex cellent, never-failing springs. Plantation in good repair and all necessary out-buildings..— Price low and terms reasonable. John C. Bonds on the premises or 1). F. Bishop or Lemuel Dil lard Esq., will take plctsure in Bhowing the plantation, making known price, terms, Ac. July 19—ts JAMES BONDS. , Atlanta Examiner will pleuso copy nnd forward account to this office. LAND WARRANTS WANTED—' The un dersigned will pay the highest cash prices for Land Warrants. Ho can always bo found at his store in Cassville. MADISON McMUItRAY. June 28 —21 ts MILNER A ALSABROOK, Attorneys at Law, Morganton > Geo.— Practice in the Counties of Union, Fannin, Gilmer and Pick ens. James Milner, Cassville; J. E. Alsabrook, Morganton. may 17, 1855--ly TO THE PATRONS OF PERRY DAVIS’ VEGETABLE PAIN KILLKK. OWING to the large amount of Counterfeit Pain Killer put up and sold us genuine by unprincipled men we nave been obliged to re sort to very expensive measures to protect oni sei ves pecuniarily, and the public from great injury, by buying and using their worthies* 1 counterfeits. —The comparative plain and simple style in which our Bain Killer has been put up, has made it very easy for those disposed, to im itate it very successfully, so far as its external 1 appearance, in style of bottle, label and color of the article; but we need not say that the com pound is a miserable, fiithv production, and cal culated to do great injury to. those who might use it with confidence that they have been ac customed to use the genuine Pain Killer. Par ties whose business it is to counterfeit valuablo preparations, do it iu so secret a manner, that it is almost useless to attempt to punish them by legal measures, as it is difficult, and we might say impossible to firing proof home to thtin. Considering tlie great difficulty in protecting ourselves and the public by prosecuting parties, we have been to a very great expense in getting up a finely executed STEEL ENGRAVED LA DEL, for our bottles. We also attach to our hottlesa Steel Engraved Note of Iluud, which wo issue as our obligation, and to counterfeit which is held to be forgery by the laws of the United States, and which parties will not dare attempt Ito do. The great expense attending the getting up and printing of these labels will prevent the attempt to counterfeit, thus securing to the pub lic that tlie article they purchase is the gimiimi Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, manufactured ly Per ry Davis A Son, Sole Proprietors, j ’ The Pain Killer will be put up in anew stylo of panne! bottle, with the words, DA VIE VEGETABLE PAIN KILLER, blown in the Glass. We have discontinued tlio use of the thirty seven and a half cent bottles, and now put up only four sizes, viz: at 12 1-z, 25, 50 cents and $1 00 per bottle. We have also a very fine Engraving on Stone, for the Box labels, specifying the contents of tho Box, where and by whom manufactured, Ae.— We have also udeied to our pamphlet of direc tions and certificates, a cover beautifully finish ed, presenting on the first page a v\rv excellent likeness of Perry Davis, the original Inventor of the Pain Killer. The bottle labels, and one la bel on each box, has also a correct likeness of Perry Davis, which it will be impossible to co'.mterfei t successful !y. We have been to tli s expense, that th* public might have perfect confidence that they were getting the genuine article when they buy a bot tle as above describled. To those who have so longed used and proved the merits of our arti cle, we would say that we shall continue to pre pare our I’ain Killer of tlie best and purest ma terials and that it shall be every way worthy of their app. abution as a family medicine. PERRY DAVIS A SON. Providence, It. 1., July Ist, 1855. Beware of Counterfeits pul up in tho Old Style of Bottles, as the Southern States are flood ed with vile imitations, such as Dr. Roth’s Pain Killer, Dr. Davis’ Pain Killer, Mr. Brown’s Pain Killer, Mlssisippi Pain Killer, Ac., Ac. Purchase none hut Perry Davis’ Vegetable Pain Killer, put up as above described. Sold by J. D. Carpenter, Cassville, Ga., J. A. A S. Erwin Cartersville, Smith A Ezzard, Atlan i ta; J. If. 11. Shackelford, Calhoun; Barrett, Carter A Cos. and Clarke, Wells A Du Bose, Au ! gusta; John H. Moore A Cos., Jas. M. Garner A Cos., S. 1). Brantley A Cos., James 11. Carter A Cos. Savannah, and by Druggists and Medicine dealers generally. ‘ 22 —ly IT'XTItAOKDINA It I PREMIUMS To A- J gents for procuring Subscribers for Tick ets at $ l each, in PEItH A M’S Great 100,000 Gift Enterprise!—The distribution of the Gifts being definitely fixed for July 5, 1855. Any person sending $lO may deduct 10 per cent, or will receive 11 Tickets. Each person sending SIOO before the sth of July, will, in addition to commissions, be pr< - seated with a Mammoth Gold Pen and Case, valued at $lO. Each person sending S2OO before the sth of July, Will, in addition to commissions, be pre sented with a Silver watch, valued at $25. Each person sending S3UO before the stli of July, will, in add tion to commissions, be pre sented with a Gold Watch, valued at SSO. Each person sending SSOO before the stli of July, will, in addition to commissions, he pre sented with a Gold Watch, valued at sln>. The peson who shall send, before the sth of July, the largest amount above SSOO, will, in addition to commissions be presented with a Piano, valued at S2OO. 1 have been induced to make the above liber al offers in order to remove a settled objection in the minds of your committee, to having tho distribution take place while there remain in my hands tickets unsold, and for which cause they have seen lit to defer the partition of tho gifts, wh'eh was fixed for the 27th inst., to the nth of July, as will he seen by reference to their proceedings, published below. I assure you that the postponement is as vexatious to me as it is to those who have purchased tickets, 1 therefore hope that each amt every ono now interested, will co-oporatc wtih me in tho etlhrt to dispose of the few thousand ticket* remain ing unsold, and thus advance the interests of th; whole body of shareholders. Respectfully yours, J. PER HAM. mav 31 —-lw. TPHE RICHMOND ENQUIRER,— X With the view oi extending the circu lation of the RieiiMoNO ExquuittK iu the South ern States, the Pronretors have commenced tho issue of a Weekly Paper, which contains all tho reading matter of tho Daily and Semi-Weekly editions. We need say nothing of the political charac ter of the R leu Mon o Ekxqi iubr, which is now what it was half a century ago. We may state that it is the purpose of the Editors to devote all their energies to the discussion of the issues which Know Xothingism has brought before the country. Thu ms.- Daily Paper, per annum, $ 7 <lO Semi Weekly ’ do ft 00 Weekly, * do 200 To Clous.—For six copies of the Dailv, 85 OO do do Semi-Weekly, 25 00 do do do Weekly, It) 00 For fifteen copies of the Weekly, 25 00 Address Ritcuib, Pit von A Di nn jnne 20 —2l Richmond, Va. \\r.\TKR KENNING UP MILL 11 CATCH > V EL’S PATENT PREMIUM IMPROVED Double ami Single Soil-acting HiMtAl Lit) RAMS, /'ohuMf A.‘r!l I", 1’ 17. for supplying dwellings or farm houses, villages, rail road stations, Ac., with pure running water any height or d’stance required, with from one pint to 20 GALLONS of} MORE I‘A'R M/ \ / W. from a spring or stream, where a full of two or more loot can he obtained. The quantity thrown in proportion to the fllll and elevation. ’ The undersigned having purchased the right for the Counties of Floyd, Gordon and Cass, is prepared to furnish nnd put operation the above named Rams of various sizes, adapted to differ ent sized springs, which nro warranted to givo entire satisfaction. Address J. L. QTBSON, Cartersville, Q. jttno 2ft ts 21 CIASSVILLK MALE SCHOOL—WiII open ) the ftth inst. Tuition, per session of twenty one weeks. The Ijuncnngea, higher branches of Mathema tics, Mental and Moral Philosopoy, $18,"0 Arithmetic Geography Ac. 12, n0 Reading, Wiiting anti Spelling, 8,80 It is desirable- that the pupils enter at tho opening of tbti session. A. . WORRELL. July 5- RLASKS AT THE STAND A lib OFF!*)E.