The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, August 30, 1855, Image 4

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€'jje ?|icr nf I'ifr. { The Lamentation of Billy Vite. VeU, times is really worry hard, lint theres’ no use complainin’, Von needn’t hyst von’s umbere!, Veil it bus left off rainin’; Von I vos young, I’ve heard dad say, That “ times vos worry hard,” But didn’t know what that ere vos, ’Cause then I ver’n’t a “ bard.” If they ver hard in them crc days, (And I’ve heard him say it often,) It’s my opinion these here “ times,” Are not inclined to soften,: And since I’ve viz in this here vorld, To what’s call’d “man’s estate,” I’ve found like visin’ in the morn, I’ve riz’n rayther late. 1 b'liow* that this ere vorld is like, A nions’us large hotel, We folks are call’d at breakfast time, By ringin’ of a bell; Vliile them ’are vons as don t come down, At the time of ringing p, Are sure to “ fare” the worst of all, And get a sloppy cup. I’vc always held a stand thro life, Among the latter critters, And tho’ I never taste life’s sweets, 1 have my share of “ hitters ! lint wh it awails these sad laiuents, Veil no von here vill heed eni, And “ten to von” not “ von in ten, Vill ever stop to read ’em. . Moving for anew trial.’- Courting a second wife. A bachelor is a target which co quettes shoot at. A . High’ School—Ono kept in tho sev enth story. pS’ Mosquitoes are the most incorrigibly persevering of all duns—continually ** stick ing in their bills.” The only way to pronounce a Rus sian name is to sneeze three times and then say ski. glutton is the lowest souled of all animals; the butcher’s boy is to him au At las bearing heaven on his shoulders. gyt- It has recently been discovered that the man who struck Billy Patterson, was oue of the spirit rappers. Nipper says that the Russians have an awful responsibility resting on them for killing the Turks—for every Turk who is killed leaves a dozen widows. gfp < Mother, can’t I go and have my da guerreotype taken ?’ No, my child, I guess it isn’t worth while.’ * Well, then, you must let me have a tooth pulled ; I never go any where.’ man very much intoxicated was sent to durance vile Why didn't you bail him out ? inquired aby stander. Bail him out ! exclaimed the other—you couldn't • pump ’ him out ! A Funny Excuse —A Kentucky paper npologizes for the scarcity of editorial mat ter, on the plea that the editor had got mar ried and was so ashamed that he ctawlcd in to the Mammoth Cave! What is the difference between an attemp ted homicide, and the butchering of swine? Hold your breath for the answer. One is assault with intent to kill, and the other is n kill with intent to salt. An Irishman in writing a lettor to his sweetheart, asking if she would acceptor his love or not, writes thus:—• If you dou t love me, plaze send back the letter without breaking the seal.’ jfcyi” A man in California, under sentence of death by hanging, asked the Sheriff the evening previous to his execution —* I s*y, Sheriff, what hour is that little affair of mine to come off!’ An Alderman, recently elected in S} ring field, was greeted by his constituents in a crowd when he addressed them thus: t Gentlemen, I am confounded glad I am el ected. You will find bread and cheese and brandy in the next room.’ A black servant being examined in the church catechism by the minister of the parish, was asked, What arc you made of?’ Cato answered ; .Os mud, massa.’ On be ing told he should have said of dust, he re plied, • No, massa. it no do -no stick toged der.’ A gentleman finding his servaut in toxicated said : * What ! drunk again, Sain ? I scolded you for being drunk last uight, and here you arc drunk again !’ No mas sa,’ replied Sam: i same drunk! same drunk, massa!’ gffE gentleman was accosted by a poor loafer, who asked lor charity . I will re member you the next time,’ replied the geu tleman * Please your honor,’ said the loaf er, * I don’t credit ; I deal on the cash prin ciple.’ A man got up the other night; and took, as he supposed, a card of matches, and begun to break off one by one, trying to light a lamp, until the whole card was used up without accomplishing his object, when he discovered he had used up his wife's comb! ftyp A chap from u up country” dined at one of our hotels recently, and after eating the whole of n young pig, was asked by his neighbor at the table if he didn't think young pork very good eating. Well,” said lie coolly, * I eposc it is for some folks!’ Meeting a negro on the road, with a crape on his bat, a traveller said; .You have lost some of your friends I see * Yes, Mas sa.’ • Was it a near or distant relative ?’— * Well, putty distant —-’bout twenty four miles,’ was the reply. Couldn’t Hklp It.—A brutal teacher whipped a little boy for pressing the hand of a little girl who sat next to him ut school, after which lie asked the child * why he squeezed the girl's hand ?’ ‘ Jfrcavsc said the little fellow, • it looked so pretty I could not help it.” JJLdJ~An Irishman who had jumped into the water to save a mau from drowning, on receiving a sixpence from the person, as a reward for his services, looked at the six pence and then at him, and at last oxcluitn ed, Well! I’m over paid for the job.’ J&t' * Elder, will you have a drink of ci der ?’ inquired a farmer of an old teinpor ancc man, who was spending the evening at his house. * No, thank you,’ said the old map, . 1 never drink liquor of nuy kind, es pecially cider—but if you call it apple juice, I don’t care if 1 do take a loetle * Still. L vi-kb.— One of the managers of the Poultry Show, having been at the Pair all the day, woke up the next morning as the day broke and taking himself for a Shanghai, began crowing. He did not dis cover his mistake until a friend iu another bed knocked hint off his perch with a boot. 2dbeHiseinc!f}fg. Terrible Fighting at Sebastopol !!! THE LIKE NEVER KNOWN BEFORE ! IT is a true maxim and is fully proven to all who call upon A. A J. L. HILL, to get cheap bargains nt cash prices that the ‘ Nimbi* sixpence is letter than a skew shilling” -a ,-s. j.? THEY would call the attention of i their friends and the surrounding country to the fact that they are occupying the old stand <R> known as the “Cunning h a m House,” opposite the Globe Hotel, where they keep on hand and are constantly receiving all kinds of Family Groceries and Confectionaries, consisting, in part, of the following: Stewart’s refined A. B. & 0. Sugars, New Orleans, uscorado and St. Lagnira, Java St. Domingo and Rio Coffee; New Orleans Syrup; Star, Sperm anil Tallow Candles ; ackerel, Cheese, Buck wheat Flour, Pepper, Spice, Ginger; Ginger Preserves, assorted Preserves, Jellies and Jams; Stick Candies, Candy Toys, Ketchups, Pepper Sauce, Olive Oil, Table* Salt; Sal Soda, B. C. Soda, Cloves, Nutmegs, Gela tine. i< < Currants, Citron ; /jTrjTiA Bacon, Lard, Cooking Extracts, fine Tobacco and Cigars; Powder, Shot and Lead; Figs, Raisins, Prunes, Lemon Syrup, Rasp berry and Strawberry Syrups; Slonghton’s Bitters; Together with a good assortment of Drugs, o-such as Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Cam phine Burning Fluid ; tm. Lumps, Spirits of Turpentine, Castor Oil, Coach Varnish; Mustang Liniment, Snnff, Ac. ALSO, a few Drv Goods, Shoes, Ac which we will sell nearly at ,a ssHßSsS*cost for the cash. Come in and see us before purchasing else where. We intend to adhere to the Cash System, and by so doing we will be enabled to sell you goods low down. A. A J. L.’ IIILL. Cassville, npr 12—ts SELLING AT COST! HIKSCHBKRG * DAVIDSON, Offer their entire stock of Goods, consisting of Ready made Clothing, /hits, Caps, Hoots, Shoes, Gentlemen's Famishing Goods, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Jewelry, Faney Goods, i£r., AT FIRST COST FOR CASH ! Tney inti nd to do what they say, and no humbug, as their intention is to leave Cassville as soon as possible. They call the attention of the public to that fact, and invite them luuouie quick, or you will lose great bargains. COME AND PAY UP! All persons indebted to Hirscbbcrg A Da vidson, either by note or account, arc politely requested to came forward, and pay vp, as mo ney we must have, being we have determined to break up our establishment shortly. Those failing to do so, till the Ist of April, will be dealt with according to Law. Feb 22 —ts The Cheapest Goods BVKII SOLD IN CASSVILLE, 1 TO A DEAD CERTAINTY.’ Clothing, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Watches, Jewelry, Ac., NOT AT COST, But will he sold cheaper than ever offered be fore in OaSeville, at LEVY’S CASH STORE. Feb 10—ts TADIES’ Wreath and Tarlor Annual'!— j Cnparalleled Attractions !—The Publishers take pleasure in announcing to the one hundred thousand readers of this popular monthly', that with the May number commences the publica tion of brauCf ill full length, Portraits of some of live most celebrated musical personages. The following, which arc already engraved, will apjicar in the course of the year, accompa nied with a biographical sketch of each, viz: Jenny Lind, Anna Thillon, 11. Sontag, Cathe rine Hayes, Alboni, and Mrs. E. G. liostwick. If these should meet with favor, although ve ry expensive, they will be followed by others of a similar character, as they are determined that the Wreath anel Annual shall continue to be not only the cheapest, but the best dollar mag azine in the world. The contents will be entirely original, from the pens of the ablest and purest writers in the country. Although a literary magazine, every thing of an immoral or irreligious character will be carefully excluded. It will be tlie aim of the Publishers to blend entertainment with instruc tion that will not only captivate the taste but also elevate the thoughts and improve the heart. Each number will contain a fine steel engrav ing and a beautifully colored flower plate, also engraved on steel, with occasionally popular pieces of music, and thirty-two large octavo pa ges, printed on fine paper. The May number will nave an attractive title-page, making in all twenty-five embellishments, and a volume of four hundred and thirty-four pages. All who are interested in a pure family literature, and are willing to assist in fostering the best native talent are invited to become subscribers, and in its circulation by inducing their friends to secure for one dollar a Magazine worth three, as either tlie Steel Engravings, the Flower Plates, or the Literarv contents, are worth tlie price of the whole. Address Burdick A Scovill, 8 Spruce st., N. Y. (~3L \\T ATCHES! WATCHES!! BY VV MAIL!—The Subscriber would Pw.-jssa respectfully inform tlie citizens of this place and vicinity and the public generally, that he has just received from Europe a large and splendid stock of Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, which he intends to sell oft’ on the principle that “ large sales and small profits” are the most advantageous. In order to give the public access to his stock, he is now prepared to forward by mail, to any part of the United States, any number of Watches, free ,f charge. He has now for sale: Daguerreotype Watches, SSO to SIOO Pocket Chronometers, 100 to 200 Eight-da v Watches, 125 to 200 Ladies’ Enamel Watches, 30 to 100 Magic Watches, 75 to 150 Gold Hunting Levers, 18 k. full jewelled, 35 Gold open-faced Levers, full jew. 26 .. Gold Repines, 22 Silver Levers, full jewelled, 18 Silver Lepincs, 8 Gold Pens, Silver holders, 2 Gold Pencils, R On receipt of the value, any of the above Watches will lie forwarded by return mail.— Orders should ho sent in earfv, and addressed to J. M. EASTWOOD, Oct 20—ts Raleigh, N. C. imwnnMlSS C. M. DAVIS, Curtcrsvillc, Geo., Btojspbegs leave to inform the citizens of that W. place, and the adjoining towns and coun ties, she has just returned front Charleston and is now receiving a most beautiful stock of Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Mantillas, Ac. for wpr nt summer styles, and oil kinds of staple and fancy goods, which will be sold at TyS prices to suit the times—cheaper than t lie cheapest. Millinery and (tress-making carried on in the neatest and most fashionable styles. All orders attended to with despatch. npr 12—8 t JtOOK HIM) Fit Y IN A TLA NT A t W I1.1.lAM KAY, respectfully informs the citizens of Cass-ille and surrounding country, that be is now prepared for any kind of binding mid Hiding ~t short notice. He bus also on band a large assortment of Hooks in the various dejiortinents of Literature, Fancv Bta Lottery, Music, Mnsal Instruments, Paper Hanir mgs, Guns, Pistols, Watches, Jewelry Fancy Goods, Ac., at the very lowest possible prices A share of the public patronage is respcctfuliy solicited. 3 Atlanta, March 24, 1853—1 y. I)OOKS! HOOKS!! BOOKS!! I MBPAi 13 A supyly of School Hooks, inclu m-fM'f ding the various kinds in common use W.fJ “i the College and elsewhere in the •Wv county. Also a good supply of pens, ink, paper, copy books, sealing wux, drawing pencils, Ac. Just received at May 3-ts. J. W. HOOPER A CO’S. SODA WATER.—Iced Soda Water, with a variety of the best syrups at HILL’S CON FECTIONERY. We will uiso keep constantly on band a supply of Ice during the season, which we will self to our customers at low rates. june 21-20tf A. A. J. L. HILL. STEEL PENS, at 85 cents per gross, at LE- V Y ’8 cheap cash Store. NEW SPRING and SUMMER GOODS. EXPECTED EVERY DA Y large and carefully se f-150™ stock of CIIO IC E SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consisting in part of Barege, Lawn, Muslin, Calicoes, Jac onett, Swiss and cross-barred Muslin, Edging, and Inserting, Corded and Grass Skirts, Collars, Undersleeves and Chemisetts, and a large stock of Domestic Goods. gjL ALSO, just received, the latest styles °f black and white BONNETS, Ribbons, and Flowois. ALSO, Ready-Made Clothing, Cutle |VN rv, and every article usually kept in a —Dry Goods Store, at * apr s—ts Levy’s Cheap C.-vsn Store. BRITISH PERIOD \ LS. EARLY COPIES SECURED. TEONARD, SCOTT A CO., New York, con j tinue to rr-publisli the following British Periodicals, viz.: 1. The London Quarterly, (Conservative. 2. The Edinburgh Review, (Whig.) 3. Tiie North British Review, 'Free Ch’cli) 4. The Westminister Review, (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (Tory) The present critical state of European affairs will render these publications unusually interest ing during the year ’55. They will occupy a mid dle ground between the hastily written news items, crude speculations‘and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the ponderous Tome .of the future historian, written after the living in terest and excitement, of the great political e vents of the time shall have passed awav. It is to these Periodicals that people must look for the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, and as such, in addition to their well established literary, scientific and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of tl rea bug public. Arrangements aic iti pro ;rcss for the receipt of early sheets from tin. B itisli Publishers, by which we shall hi* able to place all our reprints in the hands of subscribers, about as soon as they can be furnished with the foreign copies. Although this will involve a very large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Pe riodicals at the same low rates as heretofore, viz: Per Annum: For any one of the four Reviews, $3 00 For any two of the Reviews, 5 00 For an v three of the four Reviews, 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, 8 00 For BTncktVood’s Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 00 For Blackwood and the tour Reviews, 10 00 Payments to be made, in all cases, in advance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. Clubbing.— A discount of twenty-five per cent from the above prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for #9 ; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for #3O: and soon. Postage.— -In all the principal cities and towns these works will be delivered, through agents, free of postage. When sent by mail, the postage to any part of the United States will be but twenty-four cents a year for “Black wood,” and but fourteen cents a year for each of the Reviews. Remittances and communications should n! ways be addressed, post paid to the publishers. LEONARD SCOTT A CO., 53 Gold Street, New York. N. B.—L. S. A Cos. have recently published, and have now for sale, the “Farmer’s Guide,” Henry Stephens of Edinburg, and Prof. Nor ton, of Yale College, New Haven, complete in 2 vol octavo, containing 1600 pages, 14 steel and 600 wood engravings. Price in muslin binding, $6.00. This work is not the old “ Book of the Farm,” lately resuscitated and thrown iq>on the mark et. mh 22 T? M. EDDLEMAN posite \Y. Kay’s Book Atlanta, G;. J:n. 12—ly. rpilE GREAT 1) I SCO A T KUy7— -K ROLL KRI - X ON! FOR CURLING THE lIAIR!—For many years it lias been the object of deepest study with chemists and others, to produce a fluid that applied to the hair, would cause it to wave and curl equal in beauty to the natural curl. The Krom-Erion is the onlv article ever of fered to the world that will effect this most de sirable object. llut three or four applications are necessary to curl it as much as may be desir ed, and for any length of time. From the many testimonials of those who have used it, the subscriber dose not hesitate to warrant the Krollerion to give satisfaction, and prove as recommended in all cases. The recipe for making, with full directions for use, will be sent on the receipt of one dollar, post paid. The ingredients will not cost over 12 cents. Direct to H. A. FREEMONT. Warren, Trumbull Cos., 0. April 10 —3m. €1 A It It lAti FS A XI) HA RXFSS Charles ) ton S. C. Wlrtc house, south-west corner of Meeting and Wentworth streets, Charleston. Jgji’ The subscriber has always on hand a large assortment ofVe- C/ hides of every description, such as Coaches, Rockaways, Ba rouches, top Buggies, no top Buggies, and Ped lar Wagons, which are manufactured expressly for his own sales’, and which in point of finish and durability cannot be surpassed. All articles sold by him are warranted in the fullest terms. Persons in want are solicited to give him a call, where they will find a cheap and good article on favorable terms. Carriages built to order, and repairing done with neatness and despatch. Refers to Col. 11. F. Price, CaSeville. M. 11. NATIIAN. Nov 17—6 m. ANEW MAP.—The subscriber proposes to publish Sectional Man of Ocoee District, embracing adjacent parts of North Carolina and Georgia, on which will bo shown the Rivers, Creeks, Mountains, Mineral Lands, Ore Veins, Route for the proposed Rail Road connecting i with the Ducktown Copper Mines. Said Map j will be published ns soon as a sufficient number I of subscribers are obtained to defray expenses, at one dollar per copy, to subscribers only, paya ble when delivered. E. A. Brown, of Cassville, and ,T. A. Maddox, of Cnrtersville, are agents for the Map, and will receive subscriptions. CHARLES A. PROCTOR, dell Engineer and (leoloyistfor Tenn. junc 14 4w 19 It ED ('< ‘TIOS OFPJtK ‘FS. nOLLO WAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT. —These famous Medicines will in future be sold throughout the Status at the following prices: Small Pot or Box, 23 cents, instead of 37 1-2. Medium do. do. 02 1-2“ *• 87 1-2. Large do. do. $1 “ f] r>fi. Professor Holloway’s Manufactories are lit 80 Maiden lame, New York, and 244 Strand, London. Jan 12 C CARRIAGE and Buggy Making Estalilisli- J ment at Cnrtersville Cans county Georgia, ,/anf.s’ WK would solicit a continuance of wGw'* the patronage heretofore enjoyed.— We are doing good work, and at reasonable pri ces. We keep on hand a good selection of Stock, mid have employed a fine assortment of firstrato Mechanics, who know what they are about. We warrant our work not to fail. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our niotto is Honesty amt Industry. „ JONES A GREENWOOD. Cnrtersville, Oh., July 8, 1854. NEW Tailoring establishment, nt Cnrtersville M. H. I atillo’s old stund. t rue subscriber has lately opened In the town of Cartersville a Nrw Tai loring Khtaiilihiimknt, where he is pre h,.st U,° rk ,n hi * lin in the best and most fashionable manner. Ho irunr antees all work turned out of his shop to fit in the most unesecutionablo manner. Particular ly attention paid to cutting and fitting jobs for ladies. He respectfully wdicits a fair trial, ns he is confident of success. SILAS O’SHIELDS. sept 9-—1 y 3iobeHlsetyeif}te. FASHIONABLE TAILORING t I I j P‘cll ‘ Vri* j t Cl | -< j llCe . invan * ■'cash custom ers. Cassville, Jan 12—ts. NORTON'S ACADEMY. G. C. NORTON, Principal of Male Deport ment. t piIR exercises of this Academy will be resum- L ed on Monday, the Bth of January, 1855. For Terms of tuition, apply to G. C. Norton at his residence, in Cartorsville. Dee 29 Valuable Patent Medicines. Mexican Mustang Linament, Farrell’s Arabian do Murphy’s Cholera Syrup. Stabier’s Diarrhoea Cordial, “ Annodyne Cherry Expectorant, “ Worm Specific, Radwav’s Ready Relief, Brown’s Jatnaca Ginger, Thompson’s No. 6, Jew David’s Hebrew Plaster, Locoek’s Pulmonic Wafers, Machisi’s Uteri 2 Catholicon, Dr. Jones’ Vegetable Pills, “ Cholera Medicine, Keeler’s American Compound, “ Cough Syrup, “ Vermifuge, ‘• Sasaparilla, Epping’s Compound Extract of Bucliu, Lyon’s Kathairon, (for the hair), Bogie’s Hyperion “ Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, Dailey’s Magical pain Extractor, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, . Godfrey’s Cordial, Opodeldoc, Oxygenated Bitte rs Ac. for sale cheap at the STANDARD OFFICE. april 26—ts. j)LATT A^GIUIAM, Commission, Merchants, —— ta, Ga., (Successors to Platt A Brother) —Possessing every facility, will devote their personal and undivided attention to the sale of Cotton and other Produce Consigned to their care, and the purchase and forwarding of goods. Commission will be the established rates of the city. Reference: Mess. Ilaviland, ltisley A Cos., Hand, Williams A Cos., McCord, Hart A Cos., Scranton, Seymour A Cos., Belcher A Hollingsworth, Thaver A Butt, Dawson A Skinner, and T. S. Metcalf, Esq.—Augusta, Hand, Williams A Wilcox—Charleston. EDWIN PLATT. THOS. A. GILHAV. sept 9, 1854 Cass County Lands for Sale. rrMIE undersigned, wishing to change his bu- L sinoss, otters for sale his well known and valuable plantation on the Alabama Road, two mile# West of Cassville, lying on Two Run Creek, and known as the “ black Water Adair place.” This place embraces in all about 1000 acres of land, hve hundred acres of nre cleared and now in a hh'h state of cultivation, and all uitd-rr good repair, and lying immediate ly on and ni<—~ the line of the Western A Al -1 ic Kail Road. The place is well improved, and finely water ed—a dwelling house of eight large rooms—a new and large brick smoke house —a Thrasher, Barn, Cribs and stables all framed, large and convenient. Also anew framed Gin house and cotton screw. Blacksmith and wood shops, car riage house Ac. There are on the premises five or six good and never failing springs, and running water in every field on the plantation. The spring near the dwelling is a notable and most excel lent one. There is also on the place a good mill seat, on which is situated au entire new saw mill, and one of tlie best grist and merchant flouring mills in the country, and nil now in full and successful operation. There is also a good lime Kiln with an abundant of lime rock con venient. There is furthermore on the place a good young apple and peach orchard, contain ing about four hundred well selected apple and about one thousand peach trees. Persons wishing to examine the premises, or to know the terms, can do so by applying to the subscriber on the place. I will say however, that the terms will be reasonable. WILLIAM SOLOMON. Cassville, apr 19—ts comp: and see SPq. T W. HOOPER A CO. bc f / • fore you make your pur f.chases, as they have decidedly * the prettiest stock ofgoods, and a-* 1 !irc determined to sell them as cheap or a little cheaper than any body else, in J the place. If vou want— Boot*, Shoe*, Hat*, Cap* or lion net*, they have them. Dress yetods of all kinds, consisting of Prints, Muslins. Bareges, Tissues, Ac., can be found there. Sheetings and Shirtings in abundance. Furnishing goods of all kinds and qualities, ready made, or in the piece. Iron, nail*, steel, salt, troudware. Besides a great many other articles. To their old customers they would return thinks for their liberality in times past, and beg a continuance of the same—and to the public generally they have no hesitancy in saying, if yon call you will be treated politely, even if you don’t buy. Call and see, at the brief store south of the court house. npr. 19th 1855. 1 ROWLAND’S SPRINGS.—This well known IV watering place will be opened for the re ception of company, by the Proprietor, who will attend to the general supervision of its manage ment in person, and will be assisted by Messrs. 0. Cosby, of Augusta, and Clarke, of thol’avil lion Hotel, Savannah. Every effort will be made to make the accom modations satisfactory; success will depend on this, and I shall try to deserve it. The House will be opened about the loth of June. The Springs are 5 3-4 miles from Cartersville, Cass county. Geo., on flic Western A Atlantic j Rail Road, where first rate Coaches will be in readiness to convey passengers to and from the Strings, connecting with the up and down trains. JOHNS. ROWLAND, may 30 —lm Proprietor. V jfVr P. STOVALL, Ware Honor. vblWiffS * ’ I • a,, d f Commission, Merchant, — Au ifn*ta, (la. —Continues the bus!-] ness in all its branches, at bis extensive i FIRE-PROOF Warehouse on Jackson Street, ! lien rthe Globe Hotel. The usual Cash fucil ties afforded to customers. nug 25 ly* SILK BAREGES, Rohe Dresses, Lawn, Mus lin, plain and dotted Swiss, Cambric, Jaco nett, Fulurd Silk, and a largo assortment of Edging and Inserting, at LEVY’S CASH STORE, j npr 26—ts MALI st RATE’SSUMMONS—a largeqjten tity just printed—“done up brown, on hand ail'd for sale at the Standard Printing Office. Markiagb Licenses- The best looking lot that’s been along lately, and will please i the most fastidious, for sale at the Standard Printing Officb. GOLD and Silver Watches, Gold Finger and Ear Rings, Breast-pins und Lockets, cheap for cash, at sept 15 LEVY’S STORK. Bounty land decl a ratio ns—j 1 printed and for sale nt the Standard office, : Bounty Land Declarations, suited to tho late j net of Couirress. Price #I.OO per quiro. Wi ~i IA Ko FORTES, Music, Musi -1 cal Instruments, Fancy Arti ul IJ *T nfßclcs, Ae., Whitc-llall Street, Sign „ * ■ M ofth Golden Piano, Atlanta, Ga. I Feb 16-ts li. JJBAUMULLER. J BObcHt,seh)cr)te. PUBLIC NOTICE. New Grand Duchy of Baden Lottery Loan. Capital 14,000,000 Florins. frMITS LOAN is guarantied by the Govern- JL ment, and wifi be drawn in different prizes, as follows: 14 of 50,000 Florins. 54 of 40,000 Florins. ; 12 “ 35,000 “ 23 “ 15,000 “ 55 “ 10,000 “ 40 “ 5,000 “ 58 “ 4,000 “ 366 “ 2,“00 ” 2 “ 12,000 “ 2 “ 4,900 ** 1944 “ 1,000 “ &c. Ac. The lowest prize being 42 Fls. 12 Florins are equal to 5 Dollars. The next Drawing takes place at Calsttihe under the Direction of the Baden Government, on the 31st ot August, 1855, when every drawn number must obtain one of the above-mentioned . Prizes, which will be paid in cash, at the offices of the undersigned- Those tbrtunnte Sharehol ders not residing on the spot, will have their amount of Prizes gained paid to them through an established Bank. The Lists of the result will be sent to each Shareholder, and the Suc cessful numbers published in the Newspapers. The price of one Ticket is Two Dollars. The following advantages are given by taking , a number of Tickets, viz.: 11 Tickets cost onlv S2O I AO Tickets only SBO 23 “ * 40 I 100 “ “ 150 The Price for Tickets can be sent in Bank Notes or Drafts, payable in any of the commer cial towns of Germany, Holland, France, Eng land, Scotland or Ireland. For Tickets ami Prospectuses apply to the undersigned Banking-house, which is appointed for the sale Os Tickets : MORIZ &TIEBEL SONS, Bankers, Frankfout-ox-thk-Mainb, Germany. N. B.—Letters to be directed “per Steamer, via Liverpoo',” to Moriz Stiebel Sons, Bankers, in Frankfort-on-thc-Maine. Remittances which arrive after the Day of Drawing, will be returned, or invested in the next Drawing, at the option of the sender. The Prospectus of this Distribution can be in spected at the Office of this Paper, where also Tickets may be obtained, july s—tdd5 —tdd General agency and ready mo ney.—The undersigned, General Agent for all business coming before any of the Execu tive Departments, the Court of Claims, recently organised, and especially, such as is connected with the Pension Office at Washington City, growing out of claims for Pensions, Bounty T.and or otherwise, hereby gives notice to his numerous correspondents and clients in Georgia, that he is prepared to pay the highest market price, in cash, or in drafts on any Bank in Geor gia, or any other State that may be designated, for Bounty Land Warrants. The moment the warrant is issued by the Department, he will immediately remit a draft, as directed to those who wish the ready money. As many claims are still outstanding, and others suspended in the Office, he solicits those interested to com municate with him immediately, so as to secure their warrants as soon as possible. Those who are disposed to sell, will execute the necessary transfer—requisite forms will be forwarded on application. Refers to Gov. Wilson Lumpkin and Hon. Jos. 11. Lumpkin, Athens; Judge J. 11. Lumpkin, Rome; lion. Howell Cobb, Athens; Hon. E. W. Chastain, Morganton, and the members gener ally of the last Congress front Georgia. THOMAS LUMPKIN. junc 21—‘20-6m rpHE ATLANTA EXAMINER FOR THE JL CAMPAIGN. —The proprietor proposes to furnish the Examiner, during the ensuing cam paign, that is, until the first of November, upon the following terms: The Daily to all cash subscribers, at the low price of one dollar and fifty cents. And the Weekly, for fifty cents per copy. In no case will the paper be sent until the price of subscription he paid. The Examiner hag now a filiation in upper Geonrny iw.;\ elsewhere, not surpassed by any paper in th„ interior of Georgia, and equal, it is believed, to any in tlie State. Every exertion will be used to render it acceptable as a polit cal journal to the Democracy, as well as to make its news and miscellaneous department, equal to any other journal in the State. At the low prices at. wlucb both tlie Daily and Weekly Examiner are now offered, for the cam paign, no one need be w’tlmut a paper. The proprietor is induced to make the otter lie docs as much for the benefit of the democratic party as for his own. Send the cash and tlie paper will be regularly mailed to all who desire it. junc 28 CASS COUNTY LANDS FOTt SALE.-The subscriber offers for sale the settlement of land known as the Carter and Hamilton place, containing 480, lying on the road 2 miles North of Cassville, and e’ght miles East of Adairs ville. There are about 1m) acres in cultivation and under good fence. The farm is well water ed, and lias two comfortable dwellings on it, a good spring convenient to one, and a first rate well at the other. There is a’ soon the premises a good barn and thrasher. This place will be offered at private sale on reasonable terms until the first Tuesday in October next, and if not sold by that time, it will then be sold at Cass ville at public sale to the highest bidder. Any one wishing a bargain would do well to call and examine the premises. For further information call on W. T. Trammell who is authorsed to sell it or the subscriber on Coosa july 19—24-ts W. M. DENMON. PI A N OS, SHE KT MUS IC, Ac. The Subscriber has on hand two excellent Rosewood Pianos. -/ w\J J one of the make of George A'ogt, Philadeljiliiti, of unrivalled tone and finish, six and three quarter octaves, iron frame, price #325. The other tin excellent toned Rosewood Piano, six octaves, of the make of Menchain A Lcigling, Charleston, manufactured expressly for the Southern market, price #2OO. Both of these in struments will be warranted. Also, on hand a large assortment of New and Fashionable Sheet Music, comprising Songs, Duetts, Polkas, Waltzes, Marches, Opera pieces, Ac. AVM. SOHERZKR, Prof. Music, Cassville Female Colleye. june 2l rpilE CHEROKEE GEORGIAN, Devoted to JL the Pprinciples of the AM Fit It'A X PAR TY, and to XEWS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIKXCF, HU MOR, and the popular interests UPPER GEORGIA. Term* —One Dollar and Fifty Cents n year. The proprietor otters this paper from July ], to Nov’r I, at the low price of FIFTY UFXTS. It contains legal advertising from Cherokee, Pickens, Paulding, Forsyth ami Cobb counties, and gives the latest market quotations. S. A. ATKINSON, Proprietor, julv 19—3m* Marietta, (la. durable Wagon* can be had aMtiiy anil all'timcs ; at Buck Harwell's Shop in Cartersville, sin less money than any other establishment in the State. He keeps constantly on hand iron and wood Hxletrce wagons of the best quality.— Good Harness can he had at. the next door. BUCK HARWELL. Cartersville, tuny 17, 1855 —ly HOLMES’ Sky-Lihht Dagukriikan Rooms: nt his r<"ul*M*, furmerlu (toeupied by //. N. ll'ilmn. —Pictures’ taken In cloudy ns well as in fair weather —in every variety id’ style.- | Family groups taken with great facility ami ac curacy. Daguerreotypes and portraits accu rately copied, mid pictures taken for lockets, rings, Ac., in the best style. Terms, cheaper than ever for cash. 11. 11. HOLMES. Cussville, may 31 —ly nit. W. T. EWING, Physician and Suu- UKON, —Takes this method to inform the citizens of'Wofford’s neighborhood and vicini ty, that he Ims located on the Tennessee Road, about a mile and a half from the Cross Roads meeting house. Otliee and residence, for the present, at the residence id’ Levi Pierce, Esq. Special uttcution paid to the diseases of the Eye. tub 15—3 m Sir. £. P PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Trents nil kinds ot Surgical and Chronic Diseases, unon the most approved and scientific princi ple—performs all Kinds of Surgical operations, Ac. Ac. juno 21— 2Utf „r f 2 A f EDICAL CARD.—Dr. S. C. Edgk- TW ItJL worth having permanently located JtJPL in Cassvillo, oilers his services to the citizens of the town und county, in the practice of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics. Office ami Residence at Latimer’s Hotel. Feb. !42, MoS. 3—ly. tFweNww HdbeHisfiiKui*. ” rpHE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY— JA CO ITS CORD/AT _L Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Bilious Cholic,* Dysenkr Also, admirably adapted to many diseases of Females, most espeeiaUy painful The virtues of Jacob’s Cordial are too well known to require Encomiums * / Uatt ° n ’ Ist. It cures the worst cases of Diarrhoea. 7th. It cures painful Menstruation 2d. It cures the worst forms of Dysentery. Bth. It relieves nain in ou,, u‘..V a , . 3d. It cures California or Mexican Diarrhoea. 9th. It counteracts 4th. It relieves the severest Colic. loth. It restores IrremdS ’ des P on^ncy. sth. It cures Cholera Morbus. 11th. It dispels gloomy and hvstsrV l r ,• 6th. It cures Cholera Infantum. 12th. It’s an admirable Tonic’ CJ A few short Extracts from Letters, Testimonials & c “ I have used Jacob’s Cordial in my family, and have found it a most effiei.m* , . judgment, a Valuable remedy.” Hon. Hiram Warner, Judge of Snnrcmo iw'?. “ H K'ves me pleasure in being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial—my own ner. mi’ ‘ ,a ’ once, and the experience of my neighbors and friends around me, is a sufficient „ , , ' x l’ < -‘ r “ to believe it to be all that it purports to be, viz. a sovereign remedy.” ‘ * lltc * or ni Wm. 11. Underwood, formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee . T take great pleasure m recommending this invaluable medicine to all afflicted diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to a „v >u- “° WB * ever tried by me.” A. A. Gallium;, Deputy G. M. of the ' I ** “J’lns efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as - fast as Bonaparte pushed his enl!T K,U . to Russia, and gaming eoinmendation w herever used.” Georaia Jeffers, ni,t i . In ‘ For sale by J. W fiooper A Cos., Samuel Levy, A. AJ. L. Hill, an/fflDilfe Vffi. Cheslurc & Groves, Kingston; 1). L. & 11. M. Wingard, G. L. Roberts and M itlhm ii k? 6; Stilesboro ;A. A. Williams, Euharlee; E. Porter, Adairsville; W. Byers A (Jo ‘ a - ! m**"’ by the principal Merchants and Druggists throughout tlie Slate. ‘ ’’ u, M-ffe;and j , , Yi M. W. BLISS A CO., Manufacturers and Proprietors ! January 16, 1855.-Cm. 20 Beckman Street, i IT'AU AND EYE.— Deafness, par- Col or fata!, entirely removed. — Dr. Alsophcrt begs to call the atten tion of those suffering from a total or partial loss of the hearing, to the following facts. He treats diseases of the middle and internal Ear with Medicated Douche k, such as is practised in the Infirmaries of Berlin, Leipsic, Brussels, Hamburg and St. Petersburg, and lately by tlie j most distlnguisl ed London Anrists, with (he 1 most w-onderful success; indeed, it is the only j method that has been uniformly successful.— | The best proof of the efficacy of the treatment will be a rcferoncc to nearly nitiehnndred names, residents of the United States, Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, who have been re stored to acute hearing, and not a single, solita ry case, to our knowledge, did we fail to effect either a partial or total restoration of the Hear ing, when our advice and instructions were faithfully and punctually adhered to. Many who could not hear the report of a pistol at arm’s length, can now hear a watch heat at the! distance of four feet. In cases of mncuous accumulation in theEus-j tachian Tube and Tympanum, Inflammation of the Mucus Membrane, Nervous Affections, Dis ease of the Membrana Tympani, ocininonlv called the “ Drum,” or when the disease can be traced to the effects of Fever, colds, the use of Quinine, Mercurial Medicines, Gatherings in the Ears in childhood, Ac., Dr. Alsophcrt s treat ment stands pre-eminent. Where the Auditory Canal Is dry and scaly, with little or no secre tion, when the deafness is accompanied with noises in tlie Ear, like falling water, chirping of insects, ringing of hells, rustling of leaves, con tinual pulsations, discharge of matter, or when, in stooping, a sensation is felt as if a rush of blood to the head took place, when the hearing is less acute in dull, cloudy weather, or when a cold lias been taken, this method of treating this disease, is infallible. In deaf and dumb cases m v experience war rants me in saying, that if the hearing was at any time good, very much can be accomplished. In the Deaf and Dumb School, out of a class iff 14, I succeeded in restoring four to acute hear ing. Dr. Alsophcrt begs respectfully to slate, that in those cases lie undertakes he guarantees a successful result, complete restoration, or such a marked improvement as will be perfectly sat isfactory, remedies are faithfully applied, qnd directions adhered to. Applicants will please state their age, dura tion of disease, if. matter issues from the external passage, if there are noises in the Ears, state of general health, and w hat they suppose to have been the cause of the deafness. When the hear ing is restored, it is expected that those in easy circumstances will pay liberally- All ■ . lf . cs of the iivr successfully treated I th. „|, plication of Medicated Vapors, Ac., an infallible and painless treatment for the disea ses of tlie Eye, acute and chronic, cataract, specks, inflammation, film and weakness of vis ion, granulation of the lids, ulceration of tlie Lachrymal glands, Ac. To tlie astonishing and gratifying effects of I this treatment, the child, the youth, those of ! mature age, as well as those t'ar advanced in life, all bear testimony to its wonderfully reno vating, healing and soothing effects. Medicine, apparatus, Ac., will be sent to any part at my own expense. Address Dr. Also phert, Broadway, office, 422 1-2, near Canal street, New York. Consultation fee—five do!- 1 s Dr. AJsoplierl’a Work on the Ear and Eye,.illustrated with steel plates. Price $10.00.t Money letter? must b< registered by the Post Master. Feb. 9,1855 —6 m. CONSUMPTION siccussruLY treated rv I INHALATION OF MEDICATED VAPORS, by Jollll son Stewart Rose, M. 1). Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and for years Senior Phy sician in the London Royal Infirmary for dis i eases of the Lungs. In the treatment of Consumption by inhala . tion, I have obtained the results which warrant t me in asserting, that it is as curable as diseases of the stomach and liver. Breathing Medicines directly into the lungs is certainly the rational mode of attacking the disease, and like many other great beneficent discoveries, it seems strange why such treatment was not resorted to long ago. Where there is life there is now assured hope for the most seem ingly hopeless cases, as throughout all the stages of this insidious disease, the wonderful and ben- I cficicnt effects of his treatment are soon appar ent. In cases also of Bronchitis, Asthma, Ac., ; inhaling of powders and vapors has been cmi - iicntlv successful, and of those suffering under j any of the above named complaints, I can guaran tee speedy and certain relief. I have pleasure in referring to 207 names, residents of New York and neighborhood, who have been restored to vi gorous health. About one third of the above number according to tlie parents’ own state ments, were considered hopeless cases. Tlie inhaling Method is soothing, safe, and speedy, and consists in the administration of! | medicines in such a manner that they are con veyed into the Lungs in the form of vapor, and produces their action at the seat of the dis ease. Its practical success is destined to revolu tionize the operations of tlie medical world and establish the cut ire curability of consumption. ! Applicants will please state if they have bled from the Lungs, it they have lost flesh, have a cough, night sweat ami fever turns —what and how much they expectorate, what the condition, of'thcir stomach and bowels. The necessary Medicine, Apparatus, Ac, will be forwarded to, any part. TERMS.—Five dollars, consultation fee.— Balance of fee* payable only when patients re port themselves convalescent. Dlt. ROSE'S TREATISE ON CONSUMP TION. —I’rice ono dollar. Address JOHNSON STEWART ROSE, Office 831 Broadway, New York. i Jan IQ-6m. Ci HARL FSTOXACCOI’XTHOOKMAXI ) FACTORY!’ Walker A Evans, Manu faefnrina Stationers, Xo. 1 t>l Fast Ray, Char leston, Have now on hand the largest assort ment of Ac<san>t /to, 7.1 over offered for sale in this part of the country, and equal to any in the United States. Our entire stock is manufactured in Charles ton, in our own Bindery, by competent work men, under our personal supervision. Tho pa per and nth >r materials arc of the best quality, carefully selected, and the Books warranted in every respect, equal to those made by the best New York Stationers for their city trade. County amt State (ijticers, Raufs, Merchants and others, can have their Books ruled and bound to any pattern, and payed when required. Music Rinds, Periodicals, and other printed Books hound in every variety of style. Always on lmnd, a large stock of superior Letter Paper, Foolscap, Rill Paper, .Vote Paper, and paper of various kinds, ruled expressly for - Lawyer’s use. Also, Stationery of ull kinds, consisting in part of i Copying Presses, Gold Pens, Seal Presses, Steel Pons, Envelopes, lVn-liolders, Inkstands, Pocket books, ‘ juk, Writing Desks, Pencils, wafers, sealing wax, India rubber, ru- ■ lers, quills, seals, parchment, folders, back gammon boards, chess men, Ac. Ac. Book and Job Printing of all kinds neatly ex ecuted. Charleston, Deo 15—6 m SrcKittou Court Suiu'iknas —and in short, “ everything usually sought after” iu the line of Blanks, tor side nt the Standard Printing Otkick. BONNETS, Ribbon, Florence Silk, Flowers, Ac. — Monn*’ts trimmed </ratin, at LEVY’S CASH STORE. apr 26—ts MAGISTRATE’S EXECUTIONS—“in per fect stucks—as n body might say,” and fixed up “ according to Hoyle,” may bo found at the Standard Punting Orncx. riMJL AMERICANS’ FRIEND- IJouowiv'. 1 Pills.— To the C, t, tens ,f the Cos ded Shu, I most humbly and sincerely thank von for the immense patronage which you have testo*. ed upon my Pills. 1 take th:s opportunity of stating flint my ancestors were ijl American fit liens, and flint I entertain for all that conecrns America and the Americans, the most j; T^r sympathies, so much so that I originally coni pounded these Pills expressly to suit vour eh mate, habits, constitutions, and maimer of |, v ing, intending to establish mvself among * (m w inch I have now done, bv taking premises i.I New York. THOMAS HOlLowaY, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau SU.E.’y Pur if cat ion of the Blood, and Liter and PU lints Complaints. ,The citizens of the Union sufh-r much from disorders of the Liver and Stomach, scarcely any jure free from the influence of these destructive | maladies, hence life wears fast. The fair sei I perhaps the most handsome in the world up to la certain period when, distressing to sav’ many | lose their teeth and good looks, w hile vet in th> heyday of life, such sad evils mav be effectually remedied by continually keeping tlie blood pur* and the Liver and Stomach in a healthy action when life will flow smoothly, and resemble plants in a congenial clime, w here an eternal spring set ms to reign. As it regards the pres ervation of the human frame, and the duration of life, much may be effected, and I snv fearless ly that health and life can he prolonged for ms nv years beyond their ordinary limits, if Hollo way’s Pills arc taken to purify'the blood accord ing to the rules laid down for health contained in the directions which accompany each box. A case <f Weakness end Debility, of Ten ymri standing, cured by IMlway's Pills. Copy of a letterfr< m Captain John Johnson, As for House, X. dated Jan. 5, 1854. To Prof. Holloway, New York: Sir:—lt is with the most heartfelt pleasure I have to inform you that I hare been restored t health and strength by taking your Pills. For the last ten years, I suffered from a derailgment of the Liver and Stomach, and was reduced to such an extremety that I gave up my ship, n*r cr expecting to goto sea any more', as I hid tried every Remedy that was recommended to me, but all to no purpose; and had given my self up to despair, w hen I was at last recoin mended to take your Pi’!s. After using them for three months, the result is that I am in bet ter health m w thou 1 hare been for eleven wars past, and indeed as well as ever 1 was in mv life, i ou are quite at liberty to make this known for the benefit of others. I remain, sir, tours res pectfully, (Signed) JOHN JOHNSON. I T 1::. ..... , alea i i/lsare WOltderfulhi effccciftd i>\ tuc Tallowing complaint*: Ague Ervsipilis Piles Asthma Female Irreg- Ki teiitioii o( Billions com- ularities Urine plaints Fevers of all Scrofula or Blotches on kinds King’s Evil the skin Gout Stone or Crawl Bowel com- llead-acho Secomlarv svin- plaints Ind gestior. terns” Constipation Jaundice Venereal flw>- of bowels Liver com- tioiis Debilty pi..hits Worms of hll Dropsy __ kinds We; kites? fr. m whatever ennse. (Signed) R. DUItA.NT. 77, e PITs should be used con faintly jri-A (hi a • ‘ Red legs Gout * SotVupplvs Bail Lrc&gts Glandular Sure throat Jhirns swellings .'■'kin discosM Bunions Lumbago Scut tv ( liilblains Piles Sore heads Chapped hands Rheumatism Ulcers Contracted and Salt Kin-tun Wounds SUIT Joints Scalds *V ‘'“hi at the Establishment of I‘mfrttot Holloway, so Maiden Lam-, N< w York, m ,1 -;t4 Strand, London, and by all respectable Drug* gists aid Dealers of Medicines throughout th United States, in Pots and Boxes, nt 25 cent*, 62 1-2 cents, and $1 on each. llu-re is a considerable saving bv t- k ; ng the the larger sizes. N. B. —Directions for the gui dance of patients in every disorder are sfliiul to each Pot. ‘ May 26—cowl y \CI RE FOR ALL I— Hollinrny's Ointment. Citizen* of the Union,. —You hat; done in* -1 tlm honour as with one voice, from one cud of j the Union to the other, to stamp the cliuraohr of my Ointment with yotir approbation. It is • | scarcely two years since 1 made it known among I you, and already, it lias obtained more celebrity ■ than.anv other Medicine in so short a period THOMAS HOLLOWAY, r 38, Corner es Ann and Xussau Sts. X. Y. ASTONISHING CURE OF SORE LEGS AF TER NINE YEARS STANDING. j Copy of a Letter from Mr. IP. and. J.ainjley, ct Huntsville, ladl in County, Xorth Carolina, U S., dated XuvtihUr Ist, 1853. READ Ills OWX WORDS'. To Professor Holloway,- Sir,- It is not Ii inv wish to become notorious, neither is this letter written for the mere sake of writing, but I to say, that your,Ointment cured me of one es the most dreadful cutaneous diseases that flesh is heir to, and which was considered by all who knew me, to be entirely beyond the reach es medeeino. For nine years I was afflicted with one of the most painful and troublesome son) legs that ever fell to the lot of man ; and alto trying every medicine 1 had ever heard of, I n* signed in despair all hope of being cured ; ha* a friend brought me a couple of large pots of vour Oiimieiit, which caused the sores on mv legs to heal, and 1 entirely regained my health to mv agreeable surprise and delight to the as tonishment of mv friends. (.Signed) AY. J. LANGLEY. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A RAD BREAST. WHEN NEARLY AT TIIE POINT OF DEATH. ■Copy if a Letter from Mr. R Durant, Xete Ihs leans Xorender 1853. To Professor Hollowav, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, N. A : Dear Sir,— It is with heartfelt gratitude I have to inform von that by the use of your Ointment and Pills, th# life of iny wife has been saved. For seven years slic had a bad breast, with ten running wounds, (not of a cancerous nature). I w 9 told that nothing could save her; she was then induced to use your Ointment and Pills, when in the short space of three months, they effected a perfect curt-, to the astonishment of all who knew us. AVe obtained your Medicines from Messrs. AA’right A Cos., of Chnrtres-street, New Orleans. 1 send this from “ Hotel des Prin ces,” Paris, although, 1 had written it at N'e* Orleans, before we dually left, at that tiim no* knowing your address at New York. T J) -CARPENTER res “stf-TCfx f J • poet fully announces •” * l ' B r,en ds and latecustom jL ers that ho has bought out ‘wrnii6r *"S the Stock of Goods of E. M- Price, and Tiny be fouiul at Envin’s old stand, where he w ill be glad to wait upon his friends, and promises to be ns cheap as the cheapest- Give him a call if you please, at Erwins o*“ stand. Cassviile, ang 4 STOP TIIE THlEF!—Stolen last night, fro"! the stable of the subscriber, two and a j 1 miles from Cassviile, on the Kingston road, Hau Mare , 5 years old this Spring, has * s ' n white spot on her neck, one white hind ‘’ slightly hip shot in the right hip. She is . fund pacer, of ordinary size and in toler* good order. . And information that will lead to the ree . ry of said tuare will be thankfully receive suitably rewarded. BENJ. HR ANTE Near Cassviile, March 27,1335* , A FEW MORE LEFT of those cheap I>° uble ’ Barrel Guns!! at cTOIIE. LEVY’S CHEAP CASH STOJ