The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, January 08, 1857, Image 2

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»,«j*ir,a^iraar.jraBr-a« !««■■■»— mm ■'MWJ- S£: No, 3 is a knife, tbs Tdade of which is over a foot long and blotd-rusted. It was taken from a woman of ill-fame who bud. in n drunken affray, stabbed desperately two men with it Haring no sheath, it is ready for instant service, and would be a convenient article of bijouterie for desperate feminines. A policeman might easily be kili- •eJ with it if be attempted to arrest its pos sessor. Noe. 4, A and G, are bowic knives with which murders hare been committed. They >are not pretty to look at, hut in the hands •of a determined person never miss fire IjlE STANDARD.^ At an election held in Curtersrilie on Sat- last, for Town Comm ssicners, the wet Ticket was elected by a small majority. Official Electiolf Returns of CASSVULLE, GEO. L 0. 0. F. g The following are the officers elect for Ae ensuing term, of Valley Lodge, I. 0. O. f^ Cassrille, Ga.: S. Lev*, N. G. ! B. F. Bex.nett, V. G. J. F. Milholle.v, S. ^ Jesse James, T. ‘ ' ginnihg to end, not to bruise or • Considering slave property bos advance rrippte the plant. It is of the highest only 5 per cent. (*ml this is a Iowestimat,) - . ■ . „ * importance to keep up your beds, from ‘ rt n tbe opening of Kansas, how cheerfull, County, lor Justices oi Interior the time your cotton begins to square, onght tbe man who possesses twenty, fifty (r a 1 '- %£? , 'fW Anv interference with the lateral roots, an hundred negroes, to give twenty, fifty „! Co II rl Collector cind X *J> e 8,:l,k ** **©id*l. 2jj$i$iito«iWiii dollars, one .'who risked A ClJY V 0 the important reason for the employ- life so far, and came so near losing it, f 0 , irietit t'f surface implements, in the cul- his- Irenefit ? _ tivation of cotton, after beginning 1o : Any person wishing to give something t 0 •g square. You might with, as milch rea Mr. Pearce, can hand it or mail it to Mr. s son, expect a full yield from a stalk with Arthur Havre, Cassville, Ga , who is a Receiver. =3 r 3. t o No. 7 ie a single barrelled pistol with THURSDAY MORNING, which an officer was murdered. It can be J\YU\KY S 1857 conveniently carried in the pocket and used with effect. No. 8 is a monstrous .bully' or . billy.'— The clerk of the police court will warrant the efficiency of this instrument, which is leather covered and exceedingly dangerous. Nos. 9, 10, and 11 are pistols of rough ap pearance,but which have often badly wound ed various persons. No. 12 is a chucherluck box. No. 13 is an outsider—a very convenient instrument for those who wifh to enter into business by opening a store. Cherokee Baptist College. We call attention to the annexed card ol j Gen. John II. Rice, Sec. Ample adcommo-j dations for recitations for an hundred ant fifty students, in the new building, will ready by the 12th of January, when College exercises commence, and in a few weeks the Chapel and third story will be entirely complete—and then we can truth fully say that it will be the most commodi ous and finest College building in Georgia : High Prices for Hegroes. Several negroes were sold by Administra- : | tors, and Executors, in this place, on Tnes- t day last. It is astonishing to hear what e- normous prices were paid fer them. Common ' rRECISCTS. 2 vs S o l % a S 3 the limbs all broken anti mangled, as ted honest and responsible man. and who « front one with lire lateral roots chopped will see that the money is sent to Mr To tree. *3 to pieces mid torn from their hold, by HENRY IVALDROP. In { Cass county, Ga. r S brought the rise of $1200., on three years time, with interest from date, approved note and good security. Verily, how much higher is negro property destined to go ? The Georgia Colony in Kansas bro ken np. Captain Batt Jones, in a letter to the ed itor of the Savannah News, dated Kansas, ' Cartersville, 161 198 214 189 206 139 212 06 129 Cassville, 105 138 120 102 103 52 91 50 88 #' Kingston, 83 83 109 64 59 63 67 67 883 49 17th District, ' 92 164 147 161 167 91 170 10 87 93 Alatoona. 108 114 116 113 114 12 92 28 112 9f j Iron Works, 67 67 67 24 67 44 65 6 41 33 1 Wolf Pen, 43 48 45 41 40 31 33 38 41 37 . Pine Log, 2 28 4 2 1 38 22 9 3 39 i 1 6th District, 26 51 38 1l5 37 43 17 57 39 34 • Adairsviile, 23 85 87 88 85 73 6 * 128 70 52 F Total, 710 976 947 819 879 591 780 459 693 j I 571 :1 reckless and injudicious cultivation, re” | the same proportion lLat you interfere j * w ith the lateral rovts of the cotton stalk, * just in that proportion will yen sutler loss, by retarding lire advancement of i the fruit, am! "ill surely cut off the: prospect of a fall yield. There are various opinions in relation t . . I ... a private m company B, 1st Regiment, tw«r to the toppinu: of cotton. \Y e are ot the , \> — CAPT RO^RTSOw's CEBTIFICATE. AtChison, Kansas Territory, ) Oct 6, 185G. > To all whom it may Concern: I do hereby certify that B. I* Pearce wai whi.-lt K ,1 ■ ?, , f - 1 1 ; with a Faculty equal in talent and scholar- j December 12, savs the Georgia colony ini - 1- , r , ,u V No 14 is a small lot of raided an e - > t L State-expenses less— i Kansas is entiralv hrnt»„ 1- «... ^ M * 8r * Aycock and Puckett were independent candidates Uerfeit bank notes, calculated to deceive ev en good judges. No. 15 is a bundle of skeleton keys. The Bank of Ocoee. Gumming, Ga , Dec. 22>1. 1S56, Mn. Editor : —The failure of the Bank •of East Tennessee at Knoxville.has resulted in a dead loss to the people- chiefly farmers — of Cherokee Georgia, of not less than fifty, and herhnps ns much as one hundred thou sand dollars, or even more. With this loss staring them in the face,is il possible that our people will suffer them- •elves to be swindled and robbed again by any of these . one hoisc,’ « whcel-bonow' tanks in Tennessee ? This whole country is now flooded with •■■Ocoee' oank notes, of the denomination of •one, two nod twrnfy dollars ; and the object 1 have iu writing you is, to have the benefit ship to any in the State—expenses less—j Kansas is entirely broken up: that many i .. . - ' , ,,i ■, , , I . • ^ be seen tuat tbe regular Democratic ticket lias been successful and a location as healthy as can be found : me suffering from the privations they are I 1 the l est society in the town and surrounding enduring, and should receive assistance from n n a. » - _ country—the most quiet and moral town, (he people of Georgia. Capt. Jones vouches oOUIlty Agricultural OO- wiihout any exception, to be found in Geor- j f ur the proper expenditure of all monies ie- ! Ciety.—Report Of th© COXU- gia—free from grogshops, with which almost j ceived and paid out by Col. McGee. 'mitte* On Cotton every other place is cursed, it is the most ! i w desirable place that we are acquainted with 1 Masonic • ' S ncuv conceded fba_t Cotton is tbe for parents to stnd their sons, to be educa- : /C, , „ . ' , most important brand) of agriculture. 1 j/ The following are the officers elect for the - - - I ILnei.;** WA.w r» 11 _ T . 4 c c ' \ It will TO THE PUBLIC. It being reported that the new building of the Cherokee Baptist College at this place will not he ready for use for several months to come, I am authorized by Joseph Chap man and James T. Stnndish, the contractors, i to give such rpport a positive denial. | Six large rooms will be ready for use by tho 12.'h of January next, ^sufficient loom ; for recitations for 150 students) and the ex- |.eusuicg year, of Cassville Lodge, F Masons: It enters so much more largely into the commerce of the world than any other ie topping ... l sa3 *l«ui inioii that it is beneficial ln this .-ec-; •n of the country. The'r-clvotignt • prevailed liyre during llm last summer topped it too low, but or rily it is jm advantage. Many knye biB ]eR nmputateJ . been made which pruvetl. be} olid a oouot . c. .. . ! that ‘J 1 *™” an w ' w,, #.7 e U> [ ‘: ! he came. I do hereby recommend him to tii in it. It toppeu <! tai , it • 11 i the people and Legislature of the State of ■done a bmit the .firstot August. In ■ i • e .i • —. , , . i,.„„ Georgia as deserving of their earnest con- Ue have gone-through with tne ideas . p . sideration. Ife is Iiy this writing honorabl that he performed his duty wel'. i at all times, especially at the battle o! ; ..North Hickory Point.'' he exhibited brave- "din-l-'l ^ ut 8e *^ om f'liallvd. He was wounded ! in that battle by n cannon shot, and had to His bearing flit? honor to the State of Georgia, from which hav< cotton can ho successfully and profitably grown here, if from eight to twelve hun dred pounds of seed cotton per acre, unaided by manure and system; nia y considered a test. We do not believe jj of. many years planting, cotton to be a greater exhauster of lands j We beg leave to submit the above than other cultivated crops, ft is true, i report ou cotton in regard loathe preparation, planting and e.dtivation of cotton, which ! ■J^arged from tins service, have been derived from the- expel'etice j JOHN ROBERTSON, Capt Com. B, 1st It , K. M. however, that it is an exhauster, but not Joei. Fostf.::. CIi -S^'Atl the papers in'Georgin will please publish the above. i T. A. Word. W. M. A C. Day, S. W. J II Rice. J. W. S Levy, S. G. L. Upshaw, T. IT. A. Rogers, S. D A II Rice, J. D. R Meeson, Tyler. " _ por the Slali bil l. Emory College. Mr. Editor : As one interested in the greai enure of «d I commodity grown, that it is jnstiv enti- more so than other crops taken from ifie j j tied to the controlling influence which it ,!and, without restitution. There is more'I | wields jn commerce. litter left on ihe land from being plant- ! J Cotton not only aids in the extension ed in cotton, than from most utlier’crope. j ; of •civilization, but keeps pace with it, ; The stalk, leaves and pod are all left.— ; and becomes a source of revenue to all The seed should, likewise, be returned ! ucat f° n ' ani * wishing to see the shining car | countries engaged either in its produq- to the land from wliich taken. jf ( ] le 1 of know.cJge volt on unimpeded in i.s rapid Honor manufacture; the cultivation of'plan of restoring the seed to tire field, nt brings into profitable requisition all Trom wliich taken, were adopted, it j the surplus labor of the sections adapted -WjonlQ go far toward staving exhaust ion the of your opinion in regard to the propriety of MW College building on that. dav. The receiving, in payment,the hills of this Batik. lirospects now are very fettering for a large is this Bank a good one ? Does it reel on la atu . n( j !lDC „ of £tH j ent3 . solid foundation ? Is there any likelihuuu 1 JOHN II RICF of its following m the foot prints of its co\ Secretary Board of Trustees temporary at Knoxville ? Any information you may see proper to ^ Town Comm i ss j oners> f«rnisb respecting the Bank in questiou.will / A _ _ ... c . -/ The election for Comidissioners of Cass- lie tlianklully rcceiv.d by the hard fisted, ..... ^ /, Title will take place on next Monday. The Gkokgia. 1 1 t people of Upper ercises of the UoMege will commence in the j S u ®ken Vessels at Sebastopol t O to i*$ growth ; the mamifacture of it not ]—but instead of Restoring them to be raised by an American. ! only gives employment to the laboring, field producing them, they are, almrtsi Among the passengers by the steamship community in the north, and in Europe, invariably, transferred to tiie grain field-. Baltic, ^says an exchange paper) arrived at , ‘dlonls ample opportunity for the .Such a system of loldiing will not tail New York on Thursday, was Mr. John E. j profitfible investment of in llions of cap- ,to impoverish and render perfectly ster- Gowen, who is on his return from St. Pe- | machinery, &e., necessary to its ile, the most, favored cotton lands, tersburg, where lie obtained the contract to j manufacture, and preparation for use; it All lauds designed to be planted in raise the sunken Russian fleet at Sebastopol, i ^* ,s been the treaus of bringing cotton should be thoroughly p'vpayed, consisting of seventy seven vessels, twelve of'; I'Mctical requisition the inventive genius by plowing, and then judiciously gra- wi.iuh are fi-hoitts. i of man'; lfideed it may be said to lie the ded, previously to being thrown up into ill tort sis of all who live in Cassville and its ' vicinity are involved in this election. Those who are opposed to retail grogshops, and in favor of law and order will support the per sons whose names will he found below. Our Colleges have now a fair prospect of being well supported during this year. Many fa- lb rsaregoitg to send their sons bet e to Col- Remarks ey the Editor _-VVe are un able te answer the enquiries of our corres- dent in relation to the > Bank ot Ocoee.’ We haws heard it said, it was owned by a few individuals resident in Tennessee, who are said to be men of wealth, but we do not know that this statement is true, as we have . . . i lege because there is no retail grogshop in never seen a repoit of the Bank or its list ot , P r : the town—and mothers greatly prefer to toe ho i er.. have their daughters at school where tliev It is, however, the easiest matter m the ^ ^ bs fr - htenfld or in3alted by drullk . world for the people of upper Georgia to drie enrowdiaB , Let al l then, who are in faror it out of circulation in this State. Th»y ’ - ... , • „ • of sustaining our schools, preserving the have only to refuso to receive it in payment , , .. , „ J 1 J morals of our youth, tne good order, peace and it will forthwith find its wav home, and , . . , , J and (|uret of our lovely village come ont anu vote for J IT. RICE, Mr Gowen, it will be remembered, raised imsis °f ;l11 1,ie improvements of the age. ruiges. Your rows sin fill la the hull of the' United States steam frigate, Missouri, burnt at Uibralter Tbe Liver pool correspondent of the New York Herald says : • - Mr. Gowen had five or six competitors, among them the Credit Mobilier of France a sound and safe currency supply its place We have plenty of sound Banks in Georgia j to supply all the demands of circulation,and j if the people will refuse to receive the bills of other Bauks in payment for their produce, . they- at once exclude nn unsafe currency.— j Their produce wi l always command a safe j nnd sound currency if they but will it. Let them then refuse the bills of all questionable or doubtful Banks, and they will at once sc- j euro a sound circulating medium, aud pro- j tect themselves against the disastrous conse quences ef the failure of * ono horse banks." The Bank of Eist Tennessee, the failure of wliich has produced such wide spread disasters, at one time enjoyed a high degree of confifence; but, like all other tanks own- •J ami controlled by a single individual, was never worthy of that confidence, as the sequel has proved. It behooves the people, I therefore,to beware of all such institutions: 1 nnd if the Bank of Ocoee is owned or con , trolled by one or two individuals, to repudi ate its bills altogether, which we think is the proper course—it is certainly the safest j policy to repudiate the circulation of all j Banks not of established reputation, or knowu worth. Such a course will protect [ the people against fraud and loss Chroii. i Sf Sent. \YM HEADDEN, J. A TERREL, G L UPSHAW, B II LEEKE. It is urged by some tliat its cultivation horizontally. (Upon this subj'-et von is too extensive, arui should lie-curtail- wiil be instructed by tho committee, eel: this idea is erroneous. The crop who,-from their cXperUnw and intelli has been progressive in its' enlargement genoe, will throw much light upon tin- until it has readied the high figures of ; subject.) lint after tbe rows are laid three and a half million of bales, at pri- off, from three to four feet apart, aeoord- and yet the contract was awarded to him at j ces ,ul1 anJ ren >un er ating, and still the jing to the quality of the land, all the figures above all his'competitors, from his I demand is not supplied. Short supplies seed produced upon the land should be lucans W!£ “ to f ' ut ,be!M! “ well known reputation and success at Gi- ■ ofcotton produce sensations in tbe trade deposited in tbo orill, slightly mixed ■. * . ’ , br,alter with the Missouri.” ' i °f world that border Well nigh upon with lime, ashes or let manure. This ; t leir P ro sr cn, T- 1, )<‘y create iu the stu lea. s j pirfeic; its effect is so seriously felt in ev- jwojk should he done in January. \\* e : ">‘»d ,a iotiy amiation, an eievated riva.s'.ip The Tennessee Insarrection-Hegroes f e, T department of trade, in tile civilized have said that our good lands produce | a ,JeMre ,0 exccU ,n " l'" rsa,t e * tt, - v world, that the two hundred million pf from eight !o twelve hundred pounds of' youn » " l!lr ‘ 0U S bl tu w sil t0 d° 11 > « expects .progress, I think it the duty of some stu dent to bring forth a communication on this subject', and as no one has done so, I have determined to lay before the public, nnd es pecially the Trustees. the domestic evils ot Emory College. The evils which we allude to are the se cret societies wliich are iu the institution.- - There are eight of these secret organizations in the College, which divide the students in to associations, each. These different secret ciubs are always striving to crush each olh er and be in the ascendancy, conseqnent y.. l-tid off! their tendency is to encourage enmity an-1 hatred of the bitterest kind between fellow j students aud classmates, to convert friends j into enemies, and destroy all of the social j ties that anglit and would exist, between us i if these Jacobin clans were abolishe We have connected with ttie College, two j flourishing Debating Societies, we do not by down, but on and ’ promote | people dependent upon it for food and j<*otton to the aere, which will turn out The Hopkinson (Tennessee) Mercury says j rajmentt treml ,, e at tlle very idea of a about twenty five bushels of seed to that Ned Jones, the celebrated negro preacher there has been put in jail by the Election on Saturday Last The following gentlemeu were elected Jus lioes of the Peace, in each respective Militia District,, in Cass Couuty, on Saturday last: 828tli Dist. Wm. Sylar and J. A. Terrel. 822-J . J. Aj Howard, & D. W. K Peacock. 851st . Charles Smith, 4 Turner Mi lam. 1041st . Silas Bell & Andrew McEver. 963d < Jesse R. Ashe & Alexander H Holmes. 827th . Wm. King & John R. Adair. (gmh. A. P Doiigen & Jacob Mc- Cartey. 936 Hi • James W. Lewis & Marion T. ; Hays. 856th . J L. Neal & J. R. Loveless. 852th ■ Thomas Cuueh & Henderson. Vigilance Committee. The free negro preacher, Sol Young, was hung at Cadiz, Kentucky, on Tuesday, and another was hung at Pembroke on Wednesday night. Four negroes concerned in the contempla ted insurrection, were hung at Gallatin, Tennessee, on the 20th of December. Also, nine other negroes, property’ of Hon. Joliu Bell, have been hung. This will be a loss partial failure. • jibe acre. Reserving abcuf. three bush- Tbe importance of the cultivation of je's per acre, for planting,.leaves upwards tbis great aud lead : ng commodity should I of twenty bushels per acre to be depos- be more deeplv impressed upon the i ited iu drills, as before directed. Southern people. There is but a very I .Th : s application of seed, <tc., to the small spot o:i (lie Globe, adapted to its {crop, will add largely to the average pro- growth, and a very large proportion a- jduction of your fields, which will more dapted to the cultivation of provisions; than make np for the loss of lint. Is nature has drawn this geographical line this system of manuring no! prac'icabh-.? — hence v v c are taught the great neces- j We insist that it is, and if adopted, sity of devoting all our energies and la- would hush the complaint against (la bor to the cultivation of that .com modi- {exhausting cotton plant. This woik its the Cut ty which secures to the people the j being done, t! cheapest clothing, and gives to them the out against tile middle of March. For The Newly Invented War Engine. A correspondent, of ihe New \ork Journal extensive and profitable employ- {this purpose a turn plow or shovel Commerce, allu-ling to the-.Infernal Ma rnent. The doctrine is to extend tlie with a bow attached, should be used.— cotton planting area : plant on, until ev- By ploughing closely it is convenient ery foot of land, throughout the cotton {to throw your beds high, which is tuef- growing region shall be brought into lerable. Cotton planting should be the cultivation. You tiecd not entertain the first field work done iw April. The beds In form it resembles a small grindstone, j slightest fear of an over supply. Tile .should be opened with a long med iiy a crank, anil will discharge 300 {foisLeen when the supply exceed- plow; the seed should be sow of chine'' which Gen. Walker’s friends have recently purchased for his army in Nicar agua. thus explains its efficiency and deadly instrumentality. to shine as a bri-’lit star in tbe political ho 1 I r:ztin of liis country. But n few weeks ago • these party nuimosities bitter lli.-it they threatened to overturn these, which is j equally as beneficial to those who attend an-l j make use of their rieh libraries lege itsqjf. Seeing that neigiib iring iustitaU been compelled tu • rush them and i are likewise an injury to Emory, w-. on the Trustees of ibis instiuitn n a botish them belt re tne evil iuce .s Emory's name can again t«* c> use tile wati-hwmd of know’'edge, and as beds should be ...^ ! ■it"''-*ry orb win h cm., 0 ,n its p-nc t a ,eg rays of jrerii’J3 to every s-eCvioii au>l corner of Georgia ami surrounding states M 1S i up Condition of Walker’s “ Army.’’ The ..Illinois'' 1 rings us no Inter news from Nicaragua.— but the California papers , are til led with the most dismal narratives of Walker’s - volunteers,”— ! who had made their escape. Walker is bit- ; terly reproached for cruelty to his own j men,—and accused of giving currency to j the most shameful misrepresentations in lii.r ' | newspaper organ, . El Nicaraguense.” o’ ac • A j tuni c-vents, in order to deceive people •* are e( j home,'’ —that is. iu the United S'ates,—the { home of neariy all his mcnv Positive de feats. they say, have often been manufac tured into brilliant victories—while, at a time wlieu many of the recruits were dying of fevers, and other diseases nn'ive to the ceun'ry, the official organ was publishing elaborate essays upon the saluhriousness of . j the climate nnd the gi m ral good health of | the army. The effect of these revelations wns,^ to cool ofi' tlie filibuster fover in Cal- i ifornia.—its original source,—nnd we infer : from tbe spirit in which the journals com ment. that Wn'ker is to get no more volun teers from that quarter. One of these f'ugees says : .-There were about 100 persons hospital when good fortune allowed me to get away The very liiadlection id Hint horrible time is eiiingh to -iektn 11.e. how ever incapable I am of u full lies erivti n of its horrors. Many of the sol diers are ready to die before entering it. find many sirk oiks report themselves tit lor 1I11 ty rather than go tin re. W ilke" has n-.-v no natives in li s army M my of i:is troops have deserted and gone over to the Co am j.irristM party His officers are generally j drunk ■ Ile himself is hardly ever .icon it will heiiecessiiry for.; fhVto do hard figlit- I niip to gef fool, and tin; only way in wliich j he g'-is proviso us now if not »-v fighting, is j by taking from the n Hires anl compelling So j t . wn'tii there h* plenty in ibi country ;n rc'uru It is 'jfi&cuU Joi i!t-u;ipe IVf-rTi ilit* V • . X<- | erM h s to place without oiiiojr citizen or .«« (tr:»n*ida without an American to make fiis * rtli r ;’.r.j»y. for — • ii.TVt ti to <m> hr in | lac e i passport No person, is allowed to lenvo me; ami, if a soldier is y' Fer the Standan Ar. Appeal to Georgians. When armed mercenaries invaded elysiun plains of Kansas, committing j caught endeavoring to do so, he is tukeu as ! ,-i deserter and shot. 811011 is his +nevitah!u tb j fate. If a person escapes Walker, he runs "■'I" vilest depredations, threatening to make tit tin; 1 one cunee balls every minute, attended by j ec j H^inand, ami justly aroused I lie Irate of nbiuit I It ret? 'bushels to the acre, with a board or Itar- New Advertisements. Don't neglect to lead the new advertise- ' ments in this week's paper. Those of our covered dose to destroy three regiments of soldiers in ibe j passed bv, never to return. Cotton pos- row. I>v liius i-jieniiiir the bed, it be- .ullicieiitly loosened up and flush eil, lo render the covering comfdete, ait tbe same case as a common rifle is ban-* j aboU ( a demand in proportion to the ex 1 dle-I. Kansas a free State, at the price of blood, spreading devastation among setters from tbe South, by their-horde ofincemLaries. anu spreading a glunui of fear over all the , | frontier country- of the South wt-st, and even The inventer, a Yankee, is now in Eng land experimenting before the Admiralty, farming friends in want of something new ' anJ a great many old Genera t Sj ofa u coun . in the shape of a Wheat Harvester, would tr j es> wbo evince much interest, nnd have do well to send for one soon—as only a litn ited supply will be kept on hand. They are , ; - . , 1,, ... ... shaking the very pillars of Southern rights. tent ot supply. An over supply has jthe appearance of the work oit 1 reswuidin „ proclamation heralded from been the cry for more than twenty years, by this process of plau'.mg. yon will { (he b ^ lg of KaM , 4 , u q Missouri, *0 Hie but still willrthe increased supply comes hsve yonr seed covered at various clepf.ns 'i ^ w • ,, , , . . . . J . 1 , - ... 4 t- . , .. 1 - ppflple of the doutli, to con.e forw irti ini the increased demand, with increasing and will not be prevented from coming . . ^ # ^ , „ prices. New avenues are being con- ,up, by the drougnts, winch set in nsn .. „ p p . , !( were two written him letters expressive of their won- , stantlr oiiened out, which increases the .all v, in tills country, in the early pari of I '' ' , . , . , ; 4:..: :.t_j i . - . *. 1 . . _ * . - l. , * 1 . of those who went. pTocla;raeU ourselves cie Nkgro Excitkmk^tt in Nashville _ Nashville, Yen., wrs greatly excited last U ° !*““ “! 8en "'" r " ne soon "” on ^’“ { written him letters expressive of their won- : .^antlv opened out, which increases the lal'lv, in this country, in tbe early part of I Saturday night. ( 27thult,) by n ruinor !'" s ”Vr y w> e -ept on 1 an. “ re j dcr and astonishment. One distinguished | dgnianJ for beyond the enlargement of April, and is of severel week; eontitin- I “ , . . , , , IlkAtmaDj negroes lind assembled at aMr i 8 " 1 ' 6 ‘‘ nowin = ones 0 ® ie j Polish General expresses himself to the in- j tbe crops. Both tbe interest aud safety a nee. About the time proposed for ° ( ' u ‘ ^ , s '‘’ ' . * ,. and “ ver f " u “* The L a - e a, 8a e C y “r ? ventor ’ ,hat aS S0UU as thi# . dead,y weapon ! of the South should Stimulate her to nlantina, there is moisture enough in the lhat WC wouW SL '° ^ UU!er “ Sf ' ttl “ r3 “°‘ d Erwin’s, on tbe outskirts of the city were provided with powder &e., for an out break. Sunday, the excitement was very great. On Saturday night, the police went out and succeeded in arresting a number of ne groes supposed to be implicated. Tlmy found sville. ua. so, becomes in use, wars anil rumors of war pyg), Hie cultivation of cotton as far as ground tn Vegetate the seed, and bring Ul ® lr reai.os u m.Hi’ S< 1 - ea er must cease The gun or machine, disebarg- { practicable. (Much might be said upon up quickly those lying near the surface, i " ' VC3 aU ea ’ ' ,a ' . * see i c s without report, and sends the ball three ; tiiis point, but f forbear.) which occasionally are killed by the r their claims in Kansas, at the peril of our acred honors ’’ the subject of this commutii- Yeach & Lawrence, Adatrsville, Ga. set the card of B. S Oatman, in Marble, &c , Atlanta, Ga. i5 ' :c , es without report, and semis the ball three j t b j s point, but^T forbear.) advertisement of sale of land m Pickens tilDe9 tbe distance of the ordinary rifle or We -liould bear in mind that it is to f ro 'l—^but by sewing tbe qiranti! v „ . , . .. , eonntv.-at 44uiiui<trator's sale. I ^ war in mma mat n is 10 - . ° . 1 ... the South, find avaTlecHmuself of every op- coan y, .it AiuuuLirawr siie. cannon, as the cage may be. The Bntibh ; t | ie interest, of th e cott on planter to raw ommciklecl. you have plenty still cU ep^r . i i- w • u >• Also, see tht advertisement of Mr. Mer- in *. . 7 F9nn ; nueresi ui coiiuu pianier lo raise . • *, ‘ * , - , portun»r\ r to render himself serviceable tu A.3U «« .. urw eui?iu .ir k G 0 T erllmeilt bas offered t lie mvcBtw »,* | n • j ( l , w)ve re(l, in the act of cum;n^ which , * . , , , . , ... , . , . cer, to be found m another column. It will ,/w^ ^ ;f . onlor __ | au uie J ro ' ,MoIlS an 1 sloCK neccs a v lo . T I. r. : Southern interesfs, by good conduct He no powder or arms. A negro, being whipped j , 4l . , iu00 sterling, if he can enlarge the machine , sllDt>or * and uondueL hl« nlantiin/ inter- will give yon a striiul ^erv .soon ai.vr, ^ ® . . ° . IF .. be seen that he is preparing to accomuio- L.j- Q t. nf tui« ha w <iIIU LOUUUtl ,,1! ^ ,<iI,UI1 o ,,ILCr » r .1 „ „ • » , - j uned Capt Iwohertsoii s company of t.Atcli- ■ « .i • * i - . ■4 ! CO discharge a bd pound shot, ibis be wi. it ThU wn lw^ flnn»* in hur hltrhlv ilMHCh earlier than can be bad m tiie . ...... . ' . . .... J.U 1. or 20 cite «ua»„ ...b | ^ „ d . g , nt llr , w i ^«•« <t V ,M« tho b. • — ^ shall Rccomplish it. The Russian Minister t . , Tire Tor which is created either great risks i ! la :liug into the hands of '.lie Cbauiorristiis. who Mould also shout him — If he escapes both, lie must get out of tlie country the l.-esl way he can and Mins ma ny risks and dangers, too tedious here to enumerate.” Sick men arc treated on a new principle in Nicaragua: <• If lie li iva tlie fever, be is carried to the hospital at Granada, he is put on a raw-liide bed, without a mattress cf blankets, unless lie should be so fortunate as to have these articles himself, which seldom happens. It is frequently the case that the sick man is put ou a bed irom which some wretch h»s just been carried off to be buried, who bus died of yellow-fever, cholera, or s"iu contagious disease, and whose bed has been cleaned or chaBgeil The sufferer for theft, made the revelation aud told where the powder was to be found—but all search for it proved unsuccessful. The arrested negroes are iu jail. , cation, was a firm advocate of the cause of not dr.nk water, because the doctois tbtrj rec ' I • • - -• ■ .. i. = : say that it is .pois-m to a lover,' and th only drink allowed is orange leaf tea. Ev j • 1 UDI IUUIIJ ID ICUtlCI IIIIUOZII CCi IIOXilU.C IU © i " iu i . g (lUtbern interests, by good conduct Ho et * t ‘ 1 ‘ 3 ,s uot 0,,ca ‘ ll) he had, on account of I In •tlie | j-’ineJ Capt. Robertson's company of *.At . j ison Guards’" in August, spent wiiat li necessity Mr. Mercer has bought town property, in. lavoreu section, wimotu anecutig, to any “ '<P 1 ' ' •?’ ", . he had in equipping hiraseif for tlie cam- , . , , , , sha.l accomplish it. The Russian Minister, .. our cotton ernus Tire for which IS created 6'Tier bv frost or i . .. , , , this place, nnd may be considered perma- at Londoo is anx ; ous for the p , tenti and “^tenal extend, our cotton crops. ^. iie : , y] ' He rendered renueL very popular j nently located.” "e are proud to see such • b . tnt h t0 bia | le ‘ ;ess,, .'. lor l *te adoption ot this pollC) • « : *. iu his company, not only for executing the 0 e om tllc d «ntors, and could not g«t the negligence of the stewards and servants, and the sick man is left to burn aud parch with heat and thirst. I have lain hours af ter hours and begged io get a tablespoonful It is said that tbe Klamath county ^Cali- fornia) jail consists of a live oak tree.with a staple and chain attached. It is well venti lated, and affords a good opportunity for the Study of astronomy and the barometer, es-1 pecially when blankets are scarce. One hundred dollars have been appropri ated by tbe city Council of Macon, to furnish the deserving poor of that city with men coming among us. | has offered him his price; but he says to his friends,.».l mean no other nation shall have is becoming every year more apparent. { Cotton should be sided as soon as it j du( ^, t() wiljc |, j 1# WIIS appointed, but would ! T!ie J l,a<1 P lenl 7> many of them Also, the advertisement of Mess. n»teley . u> bat Eng]andt and my own coantry.” were drunk on it of the lime.” & Co., dealers in Family Groceries. &c., at Cass Station. Also, Mr. Burford's. Also see adv. of Mess Ferguson & Johnson, adrns. Previous to his going to Europe, he offered j We see the prices of stock rapidly ad- j can be plainly seen along the row : for • ften voluntecr big aer ,:ces when any dan vancing, and will likely continue to do j this work a tw ister should be used, by ' geroas / e ., t W as to be performed. When tha These statements seem so to coincide wijC- ! ’ those we have lately been publishings^ A ! , . , , . _ jso We cannot pav the prices for males, running the bar etlge to the plant. !*•"« 1 t0 ( ’® mencun overnment at | lorse3 aiui pork. With a little care and boat d should be secured to the side of , n aslniigton. Experiments were made with ■ - * company was attacked at Hickory Point, by , _ an overwhelming force—three to one—Mr. s * de ’ fr° ni persons who had sorjp un . „ , , . . .attention to this matter by the proprie- the plow next to the plant to prevent i p .„ r „ to . tand _ ndauntlld at tlb< der Walker— that wc apprehend thrfe'-i; t -. Election fow Magistrates and floneta- one ounce and-seven pound cannonades, be- . ■ , , . • i , V . r 1 rearce was ore io scanu nnaauntea, at nts ter zxieuiiun io. inagisiid-Les anu uousia \ - tor, oar hogs and mules can be raised the dirt fiom tailing over upon it. itie fore our naval ami other officers, by order of the Secretary of State, which proved ail wood fur Magistrates and*Constablea of this Dis* ; I have related above and to the entire satis- faction of those present. One of these **in- < » .’v. ~»- , , * ablea lo relieve ourselves from our de bles of Cassville (828th) District The vote, at this place, on Saturday last, ! , - . post, and, ( .as his' Captain says in his cer-; tie or'no reason to chaUenge their correct- ■ipon the waste about our premises, or living of the plow moulds the dirt in the; tjficate j ,.| 19 .exhibited bravery rare’y ness The next steamer from San Juan in 1 equalled.” In that battle Mr. Pearce wa> imitmtiou iu all our cities. Hon. Henry II. Hilliard, of Alabama, has announced his determination to retire from days to tbe ministry of the Methodist Epis copal Church. The James Adger, of the New York and Additional recruits and supplies to Walker. Hon. F. C. Gray, a distinguished citizen of Boston, died at his residence in Park at., 29th hit. American steamer, Tennessee, was confined to the breaking of her shaft. ' Hon. J. H Lumpkin, Representative from ■ trict, was as follows : FOR siauistrates. | William Sylar, 62 John A Terrell, 60 John Posey, 52 i Thomas Booker, 49 Southron J. Higgs,^ 38 William D. Burris, 28 j Adam Hill, 10 roa CON.iTA.BLE*> : John M. Banton, 62 James A. McElreath, 55 William R Tnrailkeld. 45 i Report of the Comafittee <m Cotton. j We call attention to the Report of the Committee on Cotton, appointed by Cass Co. Agricultural society, in another column.— ' It is an able and full report as far as it goes j on this important commodity. We hope that i the committee will ran out tbe subject in nearly so. By raising, an additional !middle of the row. covering up all the supply of grass and oats, we will be en- Jitter that may-Ire coming up there. In this condition it should stand few Such a constant discharge of balls, jnst as - last as they can be with the accuracy they must inevitably destroy all before it, be- all human probability, will bring us the fi- woui.ded, in the right leg, so badly that it “** catastrophe, and a termination of these had to be cut off by the Surgeon. He is now <,enl( > ralil n =’ ycenes-for the present-in » Atchison, in the hands of his friends, who S enera l evacuation of Nicaragua by Walker .... . - . .*;ive been very attentive to him. bat wliarl :in< ^ tt»e few who were at last daieiMtil will continue to enhance prices, until U [which time it should J.e chopped through h „ e ppent , 0 mucb fn tlle Kansas war thnt fighting under his flag. i fernai machines, -piaced upon the deck of a • i . , m. i , , - , ha , _ . . « i pendence tipon tue west. The European Hav?: beincr stumiiated by the work, it ' * vessel, one of the Commodores remarked, A . 1 ^ ™ * i j . a- 1 , x ■ - . 4 ,u .... r . A deinatifl oil us for breadst lifts, has and will beofiti to put forth the third leaf, at. , -would sink a frigate id three minutes. — -n . : , - , ^ ... , . , , ; lia . will continue to enhance prices, until it fwhiefi tune it should]»echopped through lihrge of halls, lost as * i /, a ... * . . J 1 . . ® na.v ^vu« - «... . handled and rolled in, i ” f ° t 0 T° mJ T ' f c w.1 h the h-res. bringing .1 v e rv flley bm 1>ecome almosl tbread bare, as bey can be directed, { t | > -P urchase a “fP^ ,° f , n ‘‘" l T a sta " J ' A f cons.der it nq^ gardi pec « niar y affairs . flint which can be so conveniently rais- .safe to do so4 leaving but little to do m ed at home. Now, Georgians, is the time to show your hnnty, philanthropy, sincerity. Com- 1 Holloway's Pills sn undoubted Remedy * for Asthma. — Mr. Ellis Wilson, oi Brooklyn, : New York, had for five years very severe, attacks of asthma, which deprived him of .. .. . f , 1 - the way of putting to a stand, the sides the great distance and out of danger i _ . . . . . , r •: . ’ of the enemy’s guns. j Great Britain is an importer of an 1111- on '* goms. over ^uth hoes. ments are useless on so plain a subject, , . . . , at — —jil ,mense amount of grain, for the support Putting Cotton to a stand is an ope- Every Georgian knows the advantage gain- bod,l,r ’ “'f h ‘ *" d dajr; | he V? Augusta Eyening Disnatch. | of her dense population. France, not ration that should be carefully perform- ed by the late election in Kansas—the ex- ,1IU * 8 " lu8t c 10,1 “ , ’’ ,n f V tTT , , ; l9 *s ™ exporter, has entered tire jed. At this time hands should Ire close- tension of slave territory : increased demand '<> '**»£*' h * w'H M t xT.l’ 1 hSt ° f ' i!, ‘ I,0rterS - AS '° n S 88 “ ,iS drai " ^ Watd ‘ ed ’ 3Bd l "‘ der RO circumstances thereby ref slave property, and necessary' - d-nkmg. and h»fn«ly with Mr. S. A. Atkinson in the editorial de- 1 nnn. n., r „„.i !k„ :..„j ... 1 _.;,i 3 . . v “ . . . 3 were distresnea beyond measure to see him llaj. Hagnsr, PSym aster U. '8. Army, i with interest by every cotton raiser who may ministmtors, Executors, and others, before died at Port Brown J Texas, on the 6th ulti-' be favored with an opportunity of receiving t * ie cout * house-door in tbis place, to near j a copy of the Standard containing it. The Coiambus Sun announces that it has. 1 the sum of $100,000. siud-to Ire doubtful, or m other words, jbe employed as often as may be oecessa- ate reimT.-bux »'5-dfieient amounty V 8U P* engaged the services ot G 4. Mtfler. Esq . that it is not a cotton country. An ex- ; ry to keep down the weeds and grass,- port him for life-be being the onlv' Ti « ila ! •• a gentlemen of talent nnd experience,” as 4 of eleven years satisfies us that ' being ail the time careful, from the be- 'of the Georgia emigration. J j associate editor of that ioq,q«l :