The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, September 15, 1859, Image 3

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rounded by Bengal final This will be the grandest and moat effective perform ance ever witncaaed in tbia country! The grounda on both aidaa of the river will be illuminated with locomotive lamps, loaned by the Central and Great Western Rail- waw Companies. Tribute of Input At a meeting of the Kingston Brass lUn.1 held on the evening of the 9th inst, which was tbeir first meeting since the of tbeir leader, W*. H. Johnson— (owing to the absence of some of its mem bers,) the following preamble and reso lutions were adopted, relative to his death. How inscrutable are the ways of Provi dence. At any time, under any circum stances, it is sad to contemplate the rava ges of dtstb, but more especially is it so, when the young, the hopeful, the promis ing are cut down. A few weeks since, and our friend and companion, the leader of our Band—was in health, in the vigor of manhood, but death, marked him as a victim, and away from borne and kindred, he was smitten by the destroyer and fell. We deeply mourn his loss, for as a com panion and a friend, be had endeared him self to each one of us, but we mourn not as those who have no hope. We trust that he had made his peace with God and sleeps with Jesus. In view of this sad affliction, be it Re- tolted: 1. That it becomes us to bow with un feigned submission to the will of God, whose hand we recognize in this event, knowing that he docth all things well. S. That, in the death of Wm. H. John son, our Band has lost a worthy and effi cient leader, and each one of us a beloved friend and companion. 8. That we deeply sympathise with tha relatives and friends of our decease^ leader, and cordially tender them the con solation* of the Gospel. 4. Tint a ci,iy of the >c prcamYes and resolutions be furnished the family of the deceased, and a copy be forwarded to the Cassville Standard, for publication. KINGSTON BRASS BAND. fiwintl fldbeHiffeiwiit*. E-UretyRew *7i NEW GOODS Wbat ia it? That wonderful purifying agent, j DABBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID! This! is a new discovery; it ia the result of learned ! /^TTl/' A D AATAfi research; it is a triumph of scientific skill. | A IjUUDO. It ia a chemical union of materials, provided by nature herself, for rendering pare the air we breethe. Its action ia in obedience to fixed laws—quick, lure, powerful. It purifies dwellings, sinks, kitchens; It removes all offensive odors; It cares barns with instant certainty; U ia the beat preparation ever used for fresh wounds; I*, destroys all vegetable and animal poi sons ; It relieves ia a few seconds the bites of in sects, bees. etc.; It scatters boils when forming ; It soothes boils when formed, and heals them rapidly; It is good lor carbuncle*, ulcers, coma and It cleanse* the teeth and purifie* the breath. The worst symptom* of Typhoid and Scar let Fever are mitigated by the use of this Fin- id ; it has been known to check the spread of Typhoid Fever in families and upon planta tions. Leading physicians are using it in Charles ton, Columbia, Savannah, Augusta, Atlanta, Macon, Columbus, Montgomery, Selma, Mo bile, and Mew Orleans. The Hospitals of Mew Orleans and Mobile arc using it. Hospital*, corporations, shipmasters, manu facturers, planters, physicians, furnished by the gallon at reduccJ rates. For sale by druggists aud country mer chants generally, from whom orders are re spectfully solicited. Try at least one bottle. Price 50 cents.— Follow directions. Manufactured only in the Labrstory of J. DARBY, Auburn, Ala. For sale by Sam’l Levy, Cassrille ; Kramer A Co., Cartcrsville ; J. W. Gray, Adairsville ; 8. T. Parker, Kingston ; A. H. Shuford, Can ton. Jun. 27. 1859—ly. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS! BRICK STORE, CASSVILLE, GA. H. W. COBB, IS MOW RECEIVING, Direct from New York, ■IS STOCK or E L. BROWN, Attorney at Law, Cass- ville, Ga.—Will attend promptly to all * business entrusted to his care. April 14, 1S59. B II. LEEKE, Attorney at Law, Cass ville, Ga.—Business entrusted to his • care will meet with prompt aud vigilant attention, and monies paid over punctually.— Office under Standard office. Feb. 1, 1859. Married, in this place, on the 8tli inst., by Rev. A. G. Johnson, Mr. David H. Rob- ebts to Miss Tmrrz A. Chapman, daugh ter of Joseph Chapman, all of this place. jggr We have not yet received the prin ter’s fee. Couic, Dave, “ honor bright." No excuse will be received. Died, in this county, on the 10th inst, Mrs. Ann Ginn, wife of S. M. Ginn, aged about 40 years. (ujiKtql Udoefiiscnieois. Appointments. J. W. H. Underwood, Democratic can didate for Congress, will speak at the pla ces and times annexed. The political Issues now before the public arc interesting and important. The voter should k'now the principles of the man who asks their sup port. We hope the people will give Col. Underwood their attention at the several appointments. Col. W. is a brilliant and entertaining speaker. An hour could not be more pleasantly spent than in listening to an address front him. Come everybody! W V. WESTER, Attorney at Law, Calhoun, Ga.—Will practice in all tlia * counties of the Cherokee Circuit. Par ticular attention will be paid to the collection of claims, and to promptly paying over the money when collected. Nov. 2C, 1858. H L. RAY, Attorney at Law, Ellijay, Ga.—Will practice iti the counties of * Cass, Cherokee, Pickens, Gilmer, Daw- sou, Fannin, Union and Towns. Collecting of debts will receive special attention. March 10, 1859—ly. E M. KEITH, Attorney at Law, Cass- vi’le, Ga.—Practices in vhe counties of • Cass, Cherokee, Gordon, Whitfield and Paulding. AH business entrusted to his cure will meet with prompt attention. Office north of the public square, in Rice’s building. Nov. 18, 1858. A C. DAY, Tailor, Cassville, Ga.— Shop near his residence—on the same 4 lot. All work done in good style, and warranted to last. Particular attention given to Cutting. He asks a continuance of the lib eral patronage heretofore bestowed. Cassville, Ga., Feb. 1st, 1859. D: Dallas, Monday, Septm. 1‘Jth Cellar Town, Tuesday, “ 20th Buchanan, Wednesday, “ 21st Calhoun, Saturday, ‘ 24th Alpharetta, Monday, August 22d Canton, Tuesday, “ 23d Jasper, Wednesday, “ 21th OCT. J. W. KIN ABREW, having lo cated permanently in Cassville, offer his professional services to the public, and will attend promptly to every call, day or night. Office next door south of J. A. Ter rell’s residence, where liecan be found during the day,—at night at the residence lately occu pied by Rev. I). Kelsey. Thankful for past patronage, he asks a continuance of the same. Cassville, Ga., Feb. 1, 1859. Appointments. Col. Warren Akin, candidate for Gover nor, will address the people as follows: Jasper, Pickens Co., Monday, Sept 19th. Ellijay, Gilmer Co., Tuesday, Sept 20th. Morganton, Blairsville, Hiwassee, Cleveland, Clarkesville, Gainesville, Dahlonega, Dawsonville, Cumming, Marietta, Wednesday, “ Thursday, “ Friday, “ Saturday, “ Monday, “ Tuesday, “ Wednesday, “ Thursday, “ Friday, “ Saturday, Oct. 21st 22nd. 23rd. 24th. 26th. 27th. 28th. 29tb. 30th. 1st AU persons are invited to hear him— the ladies especially. Other gentlemen will be present, at all of the above appointments, and will ad dress the people if circumstances will ad mit of it Handsome residence for sale. “ Sunny Side,” near Kingston, G*., owned and formerly occupied by Kev. F. It. Gould- ing, containing about 156 acres of land, 69 acres cleared, a good dwelling witii lo com fortable rooms, good out-buildings, an excel lent limestone spring, convenient to the dwel ling. This property adjoin* the lauds of W. W. Clayton, Esq. Any one wishing an up- country residence would do well to call on the subscribers before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. BRYAN A SON, Savannah, N. H. EDDY, Kingston, OJ. Sept 8, 1859. Pocket Book Lost L OST, somewhere on the Alabama road, be tween Allatoona and Pumpkin vine creek, ou the 5th inst., a Morocco Pocket Book, of common site, containing about $15.60—3 $2)4 gold pieces, one 5 dollar bill and one 8 dollar bill, and some silver; also, one note on Rich ard Ramsey for $7.00; one on Sampson Worth ington for $7.50; one given by myself to the estate of J. G. Blance, for $120.00—this note has been paid but my name is still on it. All person* are forewarned against trading for any of these note*. Any information respecting said notes will be thankfully received by C. W. DEMPSEY, Sept 15—3t Kingston, Ga. FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, HATS, CAPS, Hardware, Crockery, CUTLERY AND GLASS WARE; Saddles, Bridles, &c., to which he invites the attention of the citi zens of Cassrille and surrounding country. He proposes to sell Goods LOW FOR CASH, and to prompt-paving buyers. Cassrille, Sept. 15, 1859. JOCN H. PERKINS. WM. E. READ. GEO. W. k JEHIAL READ, 50 Warren and ISO Chambers Streets, New York, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers iu Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Flowers Ac. Have now reaay a choice and. desirable stock of the ab’ive goods, to which they solicit the inspection of all first class purchasers—by the case or otherwise. Catalogues, containing description of goods, with prices attached, sent by mail ou app’icu- tion. * Aug 4—lm* EDUCATE YOUR SONS! mm baptist nun, CASSVILLE, CASS CO., GA. fl^HE exercises of the Fall Term of this Col- lege will open Wednesday, Aug. 31, 1859. The course of study is as extensive, the in structions as thor mgh, the discipline as strict, and the location as healthful as those of any College in the Union, and the expenses are much lower than at any College in the State. MARK WELL: from $12 to $15 per month will defray the cost of Tuition, board, room- rent, washing and fuel, and there are ample accommodations for TWO HUNDRED young men. For further particulars address THOS. RAMB.YUT, Aug 13 Pres. Cher. Bap. Col. THE MARKETS. CAREFULLY CORRECTED. Atuxti, Ga., Sept. 13, 1859. Cornu—But little coming in; we quote 9 to II. Bacon —bog round I0)tf cent*. Lard—13 tc 15 cents per lb. Flcur—Superfine $3.00 per bandied. Extra Family $1.95. Conn—73 to SO ete from wagons. Must—75 to SO ete from wagons 8wrrt PotAToee—70 to 75 ets per bushel, lam fie—Country 75 to $1,35 Northern 1,50 per baahei. 8*ttt-J)I to 10—according to quality. Comm—It to lljtfe 9 *►. Rica—tofijfe. Molambs—3* to 95 per gallon. Wmrat—$1 tn $1.10 per bushel. Salt—$1.25 to $1.95 per sack. CAXDLto—Adamantine, 99 to 95 ets. per lb. DR. J. HENRY BOND, A GRADUATE OP TBS BALTIMORE DENTAL COLLRGR, I NFORMS the citisens of Cass county that he has located himself in Cassrille, and is prepared to perform all operations pertaining to his profession, and feels confident, after ten years experience in the business, that he can give entire satisfaction. Teeth extracted with out pain, by the nse of the electro-magnetic machine. All work warranted. May be found at all times at his office ia-G*aavil!e the first part of each week, and all public days. June 9, 1859—if. M. J. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, * Rnrasou, Catoosa Co., Ga. A ll hueiusto entrusted to bis ears trill be promptly attended to. Sept 15,1859. Gutegiu, Futit eenty. YYTHREEAS Wm. *. Mull aud Mary F. Ol- , M over apply to me far letters uf admiais. toto*oo thaastate of Tboa. W. IMM Mi a# fiHMtt These are tWoTHi. .W admoahh 11 ^spsoas eeutorayd, to he and appear at my of. •oe withia the time proscribed hr law, to show aLTijssj”*- KRAMER A BRO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DHTJGGISTS, Cartcrsville, Cam Co., Ga. H ATE constantly on hand a fall assort ment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS. GLASS. Ac. Physicians, Planters, and the public gener ally are respectfully informed that we are re ceiving constant supplies of the above articles from am bauds, and arr setting at as low pri ce* as any Drag Store in the Southern coun try. Knowing the sdulUratiseu that are prac tised in powdering and preparing Drugs, we have these articles prepared under our imme diate supervision, thus insuring to oar cus- tomers part Drugs and Medicines. HT Physician* and others are invited to cal, and examine our stock before purchasing jar’ Preparations not officinal prepared to Orders by mail promptly .««—to and satisfaction guaranteed. Corner opposite Jones A Greenwood’s Apr. 14. ~ SYARRIAGES AMD HARNESS—The mb \J scriber keeps still the largest assortment of Vehicles to he found in the Southern coun try, comprising Coaches. Celeeehea, Rocks- -wmya, Ac. Concord Baggies at one hundred dollars. Leather-top Baggies at one to two hundred dollars, and other styks equally lew. “YYftaw-*' March IT, 1859—ly. Charleston. 8, C. R^Bcfces to OaOj. F. Price, Cam i Wt ga. Georgia, Fannin county. fJNWO months sftcr date application will he _L made to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the Real Estate of Robert lingers, deceased. WM. FRANKLIN, Sept. 15—2ni Administrator. Death to all Vermin. r T is truly wonderful with what certainty Rats, Roaches, Mice, Moles, (.round Mire, Bed-bugs, Ants, Moth*, Mosquitos, Fleas, In sects on Animals, iu short every species of Vermin, are utterly destroyed by COSTAR’S Rat, Roach, Bed-bug Exterminator; Electric Powder, for Insects, Ac—the only infallible remedies known. J. C. Cover, editor Herald, Lancaster, Wis consin, says: “We highly lecoinnier.d the Ex terminator. More grain and provisions are destroyed annually iu Grant county by ver min, than would pay for tons of this Rat killer and insect exterminator, yet a hundredth part of the value of suen property laid out in Cos- tar’s exterminator, would save all from loss.” W. Curtis, druggist, Oakland, III., says: — “ We received the box; it gives great satisfac tion wherever used; it is a ‘ dead shot ’ every time, and no mistake.” Osboin A Parsons, Tafton, Wisconsin, says: “ Your Rat, Roach Exterminator is all sold; it gives universal satisfaction.” George Rose, druggist, Cardington, Ohio, says: “1 have not known your E> terminator to fail in a single instance.” E. Wright, druggists, Troy, Ohio, says: “ I have sold out all the Rat, Roach, Ac. Extermi nator. The Rat killer is in great demand ” Principal depot, 410 Broadway, New York. All wholesale druggists in New York are agents. Wholesale agents in all the large cities. Druggists and dealers everywhere sell them. 10,099 boxes sold per week in N. Y. alone. Beware of spurious imitations. Examine each box, bottle or flask, and take nothing but “ Costar’s.” $1 boxes cun be sent by mail, (sufficient to destroy the verm'.u on any premises.) $2 sample packages (I dozen) by express to dealers. For agencies, send for circulars, terms, Ac. Wholesale agents for Sooth Carolina, Geor gia, Alabama and Florida: - Van Shaack A Grierson, Charleston, S. C.; J. B. Moore A Co., havannab. Ga. ; J. C. Du- Bose A Co., Mobile, Aug 25 Fifty Thoasaad Dollars Reward ! T HE above saui was actually given to my patrons during the year 1858. Notice.— DUANE RULISON, Proprietor of the Great Gift Book House, No. 33 South Third Street, Philadelphia, continues the sale of Books as usual. A Gift worth from 25 cents to $100 sent with every Book. $800 worth of Gifts, consisting of Gold and Silver Watches, Fine Cold Jewelry, Ac., will be distributed with every 1,000 Books! The attention ol the pub lic is respectfully solicited to the extensive as sortment ot valuable standard and miscella neous Books, which are offered lor sale a; the lowest prices. Gifts! Gifts! Gifts! Gifts!--For every Book purchased at $1 or more, the purchaser will be entitled to receive one of the following ar ticles : gold and silver watches, gold lockets, ladies’ and gents’ gold guard chains, gold linn, cameo sets, gold bracelets with cameo ana fiorentine settings, Isdies’ florentine pins, ladies’ cameo ear drops, ladies’ gold breast pins, gold bosom studs, ladies’ and gents’gold sleeve buttons, gold commercial pens in surer cases, ladies’ gold pens with holders, extra gold pens with eaaes and holders, gents’ clus ter bosom pins, gold tooth picks, ladies’ and gents' gold pencils, ladies' gold ear drops, eight-day parlor time-pieces, sewing machines, pocket knives, silver ware, including spoons, butter knives, forks, cake baskets, Ac. Also, miseetlaneoas gifts of gold jewelry, gift books, Ac., worth from 25 cents to $25. Our new Catalogue for 1859 is sent free to all, upon application. The inducements offer ed agents are more liberal than those of any other house in this basinets. Having been in the publishing and book selling bssuess for the lash eight years, my experience as • to eondaet tbs Gift Enterprise with etion to alL Agents are wanted in every town sad coun ty, to whom commission* will be given in books, or a per ceatage ia money. Fur a club of 10 books, l extra book and a gift given ; on larger orders commissions are more liberal.— For fall particulars address DUANE RULISON, Qaaksr City Feblishiag House. XJ Sooth Third at, Philadelphia, Pa. F- S—Jast imail, “The Life, Speeches, and Memorials of Daniel Webster.” by SamT W. Smacker. A. JL, a^sptondidl^illnstrated J«u?L18». fieqetii fidbeirfoeweqis. CHEAP! goods; CLOTHING FOR FALL AND WINTER. JUST RECEIVING AND OPENING, At Wholesale and Retail, THE LAEffiEST LOT OF EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES. DdbeiriiseM?. GIFTS SPLENDID SIFTS Geqefqi $dbeHiseb)ei)te. ! - ' 1 Ladies’ Cameo Ear Drop* 4 50 Misses’ do. do 3 60 ; Muses’ Ear Drops, with Stone Setting 3 00 Misses' Gold Bracelet, half round band. AT engraved __ : 1oidivs’ Gold Bracelet, half round band, T0 Gents’Scarf Pin ...7 PURCHASERS OF BOOKS,; and Onyx i Misses’ Gold Stone Set*, Ear Drops and ! Fin ...... ! Ladies' Gold Pens, with Holder and i Box , Gents’ Cameo Mosaic or Florentine i Sleeve Buttons., Gift Boot Elltorpnzey ;MiacelUneons Gifts, not enumemted in ESTABLISHED IN 1854. THE ORIGINAL AND r^”TIIE ON LY^3 4 00 600 ZOO * CO $60 4 00 600 ^ lAD QUARTERS tor the United States, at the Publishing House of G. G. Evans, 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn.—No , . ,, , , connection with New York gift stores. Cata- Bo sure to call ana examine.; i«gue* sent free. , 1 Since I originated the Gift Book Enterprise, ; I hare repeatedly called the attention of the j public to my large stock aud liberal offers, to | which they have always warmly responded. I OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, Next door to Kay’s Book Store, ATLANTA, GA. M. LAZAllON, Sept. 13, 1859* Agent. now, with more satisfaction than ever, call I attention to my largely increased inducements I to purchasers.’ Being" very heavily engaged ia : publishing. I exchange my own publications ! for those of other houses, and am enabled to procure all my books at the origiual cost of the above List, varying iit value from 50 cents to 25 00 l. s Salmon's, . .a. n. mathkws, .. J. s. SIMMONS. | ma king, aud thus can and da supply the major- SALMONS, MATHEWS fa CO., (rORURBLT OF CXIFFIS, GA.,) 3Ui)cli!sql£ qs)0 fldqil fieqielrj iq Agents Wanted Everywhere. To Agents 1 can give more liberal induce ments than can be afforded by any ofhdr bouse. In addition to larger commissions, it is much easier to get subscribers for my enterprise limn anv other. The peculiar advantages are— A larger Stock and better Catalogues to select from. A Bettor Assortment and Qn ility of Gift-*. SeQet’tl Hdbertisclwto. Gilmer Sheriff’s Sales—Oct O N the first Tuesday in October next, the following property will be sold before the court house dour iu the town uf Ellijay, Qilaar county, within the asuai hoars of sals: Lota of load Nos. 195 and 121, in tho $th dis trict and 2d scetiou; levied «■ by virtue af sundry Justice's Court fi fas, in favor of John W. Flours et. si., vs. Jus. Byrd at. a!.; levied on as the property of James Byrd to Mliffiy said fi fits. Also lot of land No. 13, in the 5th Ifet sad Sd section ; levied ou bv virtns of a Justieefa Court II fa; Willian W. Kimaej bearer, vs. K M. Ysil*; levied on ss the properly of the dm fendant. Also lot of land No. 91. in the 7th district and 2d section ; levied on by virtue uf s Jam tire’s Court fi f«; T. W. Hvae va. Jusiah Plato —levied on as the property of Josiah Plato. Thirty acre* more or less, of tho South-East corner of lot of land No. 49, in tho 11th district and Sd section ; levied on as the propart) a€ the defendant by virtue of a Justice's Court $ fa ; John Steel vs. John L. Ried. All the righLtitleand interest which the do- fendanf, John W. Jones, has ia and to the Isis of land that he is now iu possession of; levied on by virtue of «itndrr Superior Conrt fi fas— Wm. O! Smrtf, tl. *1., vs, John W. Joues;—• ty of the other houses engaged in the Gift Book Trade, with their books, cheaper than they can procure them from other publishers. I cun ul- ! so, by mv heavy purchases of watches andjew- i elrv. for cash, furnish them with their Gifts at, j lower rates than they can buy them from the • | manufacturers. I Haring such an advantage iu buying, I can j assure mv custome r s better gifts with their ! books than any other house, and can give my j Agents « larger commission. A valuable Gift i will he delivered with each Book at the time of READY-MADE CLOTHING,! M | e Gift, worth $500, at the lencat'wholesale Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. LADIES’ AND GENT’S Shoas, Boots, Hats, and,,.y and Correctness in filling j i evicU on „ s ,be property of the defendant. ‘ Br acting as Agents for me, | Thi; , .-’ t ,° T . I,,n !? "hertrm Voody now Persons wishing « valuable Lib-arv can pro- J. 1 ”* * ^vted on by virtue of a Snperur Court cure it gratis: ¥ | « f»! Jesse Garret, vs. Allen Wp«dj ; levmd Those seeking an ensr method ot earning a ' on MS property of Alien Wood?. livelihood can find it. Aug. 30—tda J. A. GUDG£B f 8fcT Anv one desiring a good Watch, can obtain — „ . | ir . . . ! SCOVIL & OOODEL’S For full pirticulars, send for a Catalogue. PATENTED JAX. 4, April 2S, 1359—ly. Pharmaceutical. My large capital, together with my long ex- ; perienee in the business and consequent fimil- j taritv with all its details, gives mv an almost j immiculable advantage over all other parties. . rpmrf Machine take* the double-lock stitch. All I ask is a trial, bend me an order, and , „ n d sews with two threads, from common —- ... . . - .. „ - v "“ ' n “ be convinced that there is no exagger- ; ,, and „ p. rfl . c ,| T sdnpted to nil work, j P r,f £ ,' T ‘ 11 ^ distributed with ev-, atmn. , from the finest Io the’ canU-st. Its extr. n erv fl.OoO worth of Bitoks s«»Id. not forget to send fur a CaLiWne. i r.i„. i. * | Send for a Catalogue, which »ill be mailed , Persous visiting the city, are requested to call !„ £ .Hi.'.*# -„.r,L-'.‘ ' 1 free to anv address, containing the most valua-1 ^nd examine for themselves. *" * ’ ■ O.O. EVANS’ HEAD QUARTERS, 4r.9 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Branch Store, 45 Cornuill, Boston, Mass. | ble collection uf Standard productions in Lit-; | cratnre. Philosophy, History, Geography, Trav-' DR. LITTLE’S ANODYNE COUGH DROPS. ' els, and the Sciences, with all the favorite works . . , . r r* u n * of Fiction and Romance, and every other de- A new and certain cure for Conghs. Colds As- | tment of Literature, classified as described thma Pam tu the Breaat, also Group, Whoo- , ^> ()W g en d f or j t f or ;f v „ u don’t wish to or- ptng Coughs, Colds, ect. amongst children. , der voll will obtain a very valuable This is a pleasant medicine to Like, produ- j Book for reference, as it contains all the desi- cing immediate relief, and in nine out of ten j ru |j| c Books in print, and will cost you Hoth ouses a prompt cure. It exercises a most eon- i trolling iufluencc over Conghs and Irritation j Particular attention is requested to the I-ist of the lung* of arty remedy known, often stop- . of my Publications, which will be found in the ping the most violent in a few hours or at j i.tter part of my Catalogues. It eOu- most in a day or two. Many cases thought to ' t a ; us „ large number of deservedly popular be decidedly consumptive have been promptly i works, bv vTiriom authors; among which arc cured by the use of a few bottles and the wear- ; „f X. S. Arthur's best works, well known as ing Little’s Strengthening Plasttr on the chest. I a morH l, instructive and pleasiug author, iuter- As an anodyne expectorant, without astring- ; egt ing biographies, travels, Ac. ing the bowels, it stands paramount to all | cough mixtures. j CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS. DOLLAR VERMIFUGE 1 Aryiculturat—This department embraces all Prepared and put np in rials, only by W. G. I standard works npon general Agricultnre, Little. Iu using, nothing else is required to [ Cotton Planting, 1 hovers. Gardening, Farm relieve children ot worms; and besides being i Implements, llorses, Sheep, Cattle, Bees, one of the best and cheapest ever offered to the j Ac., Ac. _ . public, its frequent use in families will save AUntme —Ladies’ (a great variety) Floral, Cap much trouble and expense, as well as the lives j Quarto, Royal Cap, Demy Quarto, autograph, of many children; for eight oat of every ten cases generally require it. DR. LITTLE’S FRENCH MIXTURE. This is prepared front a French receipc (i.i the forms af No. 1 and 2; the first for the ac ute, and No. 2 for the chronic stage) that has been much improved tipoti in this country; Ac. Annual*—Annuals for 1839—a large and ele gant assortment. Bible*— A splendid assortment of Pocket. Pew and Family Bibles, in every style, from $1 to $50. Prayer Book* —A complete assortment, in eve ry form uud at all prices. , _ . r , * rv 1 11 to .tuu a. an uiim... and from its unexampled success is Iiket.v to , Booh—As used bv the different denom- supercede every other remedy for the care of | ,„ a tio„s. the diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Gon- jjiooniphical-Works of Irving, Weems, Ban- orrhooal, Blennurrhoeal, and Lucliorroeal or croft Sparks, and everv other standard au- F!*»ur Albus affections. This extensive co.n- | thor. pnuod combines properties totally different in j J}„t.inicnl—Ry Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Dar- la^te and character from an^ thing; to be found j YTood Ac.. Ac. Pharmacopea or in pri- Cookery—Receipt and Cook Books, by Mrs. - ii i t i: W:.I.I,0,0.1 l(..r.. n .:.. f-, in the United States, rate practice: and in point of safety and elfi cienev is not rivaled by anything in America. DR. LITTLE’S RING WORM AND TETTER OINTMENT. Hundreds of cases of Chronic Tetters, Scald Heads, and diseases of the skin generally, have been cured by this remedy, and since the in troduction of the No. 2 prepearation (being stronger) scarcely u case has been found that it will not effectually eradicate in a short tint;. For the cure of Cancerous Sores and Ulcers it is applied in the term of plasters, and is almost infallible. Physicians are referred to the ISth page of Dr. Little’s pamphlet, to the catalogue of -Med icines of Materia Mcdica, that he uses in com pounding his different remedies, and asked to say if they are not the chief reliance of the pro fession, as he himself has practised med icine extensively for mure than ten years before retiring to the drug buisincss. In more than two hundred places in Georgia, and in all the Southern States, they arc to be had, and there are scamps about who are counterfeiting his remedies, by palming off their own or something else, by using the same nr similar name. Sold bv Little A Bro., Wholesale Druggists Macon, Ga. Sold in Cassville by J. D. Carpenter; in Cartcrsville by the Druggists; in Adairsville by Livingston A Gash- and by merchants and druggists gencrallv. July 23, 1859—ly. B ook and tract of the Georgia mittcc of the Conference met on the 16th inst, and hare permanently located a Depos itory at Macon, Ga., where all the Books of our Catalogue will he furnished at Nashville wholesale and retail prices, and as low as they can be bought elsewhere. Hale, Leslie, Widdtfield, McKenzie, Ac. Germ in —Standard German Literature. Dictionaries—Webster’s, English, French, Ger man. Spanish, Latin, Greek, Italian, Ac. Historical—By Prescott, Irving, Bancroft, Rob ertson, llume, Gibbons, M a can ley, and oth ers. Ilunwro(/., -Embraces a World of Fun. JueeniU-'ETery description of Illustrated books . for Children. Lair and iLediclue -The Standard Works o these professions. Mechanical and Bcien-i/c—The most approved works on Mechanics, Architecture uud the exact Sciences. Poetry—English and American. Octavo and Literary editions of the Standard Poets; — Pocket and Cabinet editions—plain and illus trated, bound in every style to suit the taste of all. Works uf Fiction—By Scott, Irving, Cooper, Dickens, and all the approved writers. School aad Classical, Travels and Adventures, Musical and Glee Books, Games Sports, and Pastimes, Religious, Biblical and Theological, Odd Fellowship and Freemasonry. AllsceUetneous—Our Miscellaneous Department erabrac .-s everything not included in the above classification, of an interesting or instructive character, that is in print. SCHEDULE OF GIFTS. Patent English Lever Gold Watches, Special Notice to Book Buyers. i sy to adjust, and the operator can learn it* t j iu a few hours with perfect case. 1 her arc durable, and cannot get out of order except | from gross carelessness. These Machine* at a . fur sale in this pluce at my residence. Call j aud s ‘e them—no charge f< r showing fhetr. «G ,t. TERRELL, Agent. I Cassville, March 3d—If. As there are parties of doubtful responsibili- . —. ¥7>vxr rvrri -»,*■ tnu ivrci ty advertising Gilt concerns, and sonn- are mo-1 ^ 1 J vv 1 ^ V ; T “a -ato rliiN i.o X king many large promises, under fictitious ; SEWIXll MACHINES! names, without the intention or ability lo fill-1 " SEWING MACHINES ! fill them, hoping, through the popularity of my j SEWING .M A ! IllN’ES I enterprise, to deceive and plunder the public, SEWING MACHINES f a strict sense of duty compels me to warn all j SEWING MACHINES i against them. Aud if any are deceived and j cheated by them us to condemn are base imitators ot an enterprise that has cost ; for sale at Leyden’s General Sewing Machins me an immense amount of time *.nd mone” —* **■ -'• * - place iu the) commanding a approved and endorsed, with the most entire j freedom and confidence, bv the lending Pub- : . ,, _. lisbing Houses in the Union, whose letters of 1 Georgia, Fannin County, approval and endorsement are iu my possess-. 'VJ'OTICE is hereby given to *11 person* con- ion. and will be produced and shown at any • j_N earned, that James A. Davi*. late of Polk I1UIIU1S .n an Cilia, (n lac uiai uns , mr SUIC Ul lA'VOtMl s licliorjl feWltlg MuCblll* lense amount of time and money to Depot Atlanta, Georgia, at manufacturers’rri- e position which it now occupies,- | ce> . fiend for s imples of work and prices, ijran extensive and increasing trade, j Ocl 7 If A. LEiDKX* time with the greatest pleasure. Julv 21—wGtn. C. G. EVANS. More to be Admired THAN THE RICHEST DIADEM EVER WORN BY KINGS OR EMPERORS ! ! W HAT? a beautiful head of Hair— because it is the ornament God hi nisei l prepared for all our race. Reader, although the rose mar bloom ever so brightly in the flowing; cheek, the eye be ever so sparkling, the teeth be those of pearls, if the head is be reft of its covering, or the hair be snarled and shrivelled, harsh and dry, or worse still, if sprinkled with gray, nature will lose more than half her chirms. Prof. Wood’s Hair Re storative, if used two or three times a week, will restore and permaneLtly secure to all such an ornament. Read the following and judge. The writer ot the first is the celebra ted pianist, Thulberg : Nw York, April 19, Du. Wood—Dear Sir: Permit me to ex press to you the obligations I am under for the entire restoration of my hair to its original color; about the time of my arrival in the Uni ted States it was rapidly becoming gray, but upon the application of your “ Hair Restora tive” it soon recovered iis original hue. I con sider your Restorative as a very wouderful in vention, quite efficacious as well as agreeable. Truly yours, S. THALREKG. New York. July 25, 1857. Prof. Wood: With confidence do I recom mend your Hair Restorative, as being the most efficacious article I ever saw; since using it my hair and whiskers, which were almost white, have gradually grown dark; and I now fee; confident that a few more applications will restore them to their natural color. It also has relieved me of all dandruff and un pleasant itching, so common among pers< ns who perspire freely. Yours, truly, J. G- KILBY. Chicago, Ill., May 1, 1357. Prof. Wood: About two years ago my hair | commenced falling off aud turning gray; I was | fast becoming bald, aud had ti ied many Rcm- ! edies to no effect. I commenced using v«*ur JACT DEPOSITORY i w ' t l | ® ne Gold Hunting U*ises #100 00 i Restorative in January last; a few applications IN inference Thp Pnir- latent Anchor Lever Gold Watches, fastened uiy hair firm fv. It begun to fillup, inference met on the 16th ... ™ I K rmT . ,,ut - and turned Back to its former color. meut, with fine Gold Hunting Cases Ladies’ 18k. Case Gold Lever \\ utches, wa* ranted good timekeepers,—with fine Gold Hunting Cases Ladies’ 18k. Case Gold Lever Watches, m^ii t tf , §^ S red" rniShed ° f eXpenSC ’ b ' V * G^Silrer l^rer Watchw,Hunting 2S“isr.T^ b E “^S: | pi«.v„vwv.. *i d fj” “ t * e f 1 can *>? P>"; c ^d any- j Lad ;„. i^n't Plaid Silk Dress Pst- where. H e respectfully ask for a liberal share f ” of the city and country patronage. Orders | cimeo Set’s’ Pin and i)VoM to promptly filled. JOHN W* BURKE, Agt. I „ a teh ’ ^ Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. grow r_., , 0 00 I (black.) At this time it in fully restored to il.i j original color, health, and appearance, and 1 i cheerful I v recommend its use to nil. 59 00 j Respectfully, J. D. II0E8. 35 OJ ' The Restorative is put up in bottles of three " ‘ | sizes: large, medium and small; the small u - on ! holds half a pint, and retails for one dollar per “ ’ j bottle; the medium bolds at least 20 per cent j., Qy j more in proportion than the small, retails fur J $2 per bottle ; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent — ' ‘ ' ' ’• ‘ comity, Tennessee, has departed this Iife, and there being no Administrator, and that there is some mutters of law ,n the Superior Court of Fannin county that cannot travel iu conse quence of no Administration ; therefore the Ad ministration will be vested in the Clerk ot the Superior Court, or some other person thirty days alter the publication of this citation, un* • less some valid objection is made to his ap pointment. Given under mv hand at office, this Sept. c , 1859. ' .US. KINCAID, Ord ry. G eorgia, fanxin co unty.—Where** Win. Franklin,’administrator do bouia non on the Estate of Wm. B. Webster, applies to me for letters dismissory from said admin istration. These are therefore to cite and admonish mil i iersons concerned to be and appear at my ol- icc within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they hare, wliv said let tore of dismission should not be granted. Given under iny hand at office, this May 12, 1859. 6m J.t.S. KINCAID, Ord’ry. G EORGIA, CASH COUNTY.-Whereas j. II. Rice aud Robert Russell apply to ma for letters dismissory from i duiinistratiou eas the estate of John Russell, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice. within the time prescribed by law,to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, thi* July 7. 859. 6m. J. W. WATTS, Ord. G EORGIA, CASS COUNTY : Whereas R. G. Tomlin applies to me for letter* dis missory from administration on the estate of W. M. Ilcifner, deceased, late of said county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv of fice within the time prescribed b> law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be gninti d. Given under my hau l nt office, this July 7, 1859. 6m. J. W. WATTH, Ord. G eorgia, fanxin county.—where** David Withrow applies to me for Lette* of Dismission from administration on the Es tate uf W at. II. Lusk, deceased, late of said county. These are therefore to citr and admonish all persons concerned to be mid appear af my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, aud show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, tbia May It, 1359. 6m. JAS KINCAID, O: i'rj. io oo! I 15 00 ! Mch 31—2m. i Lqdies’ Cameo Sets, Pin and Drops to Savannah Medical College. | Ladies’ Gold Bracelets,—extra fine — T HE Seventh Annual Course of Lectures in ' . (f? 6 *})-- ••-•-•••••••• • this Institution will commence on the 2d j Lad ' c * n Go .' d Braceleta . 1’ a,n "'’tngra- Mondav, the 14th, of November next. Prelim- 1 „ veauanu. inaiy Lectures will commence on the 1st of Sol,d U,ld Vest Cba.ns-new November Pattern * FACULTY - Ladies’ Guards, or Chatelaine Chains, R. D. ARNOLD, M. D-, Professor of Theory ! Large Gold Spring Lockets, with Dou- and Practice of Medicine. j ble Cases P. M. KOLLOCK, M. D., Professor of 0b- : Large Gold Snap Lockets, with Double stetnes and Diseases of Women and Children. Cues W. O. BULLOCH, M. D., Prof Surgery. Medium size. No. 3, Lockets, Double J. B. READ, M. D., Prof. Materia Medici. Cases J URIAH HARRISS, M. D., Prof. Physiol- . Heavy Gold Pencil Cases, with Gold - j Pens • A. PRATT, M. D., Prof. Chemistry. Superior Gold Pens, with Holders and W. R. WARING, M. D., Prof. Anatomy, t fai, J. E. GODFREY, M. D. f Demonstrator of Ladies’ Gt'ild PeBciis.".Y V Anatomy. I Gents’ Heavy Gold Pencils Clinical Lectures at the Savannah Hospital, Gents’ Gold Pens, with Silver Exten- twiee a week, bv Drs. Arnold and Bulloch, on g j^ B pencil their respective branches.. These are the only Ladies’ Coral, Garnett,’ or Turoaoiii clinical lectures deliveied at the Hospital for . gets the benefit of students. Ladies’’ Mt'isaic' orCtold Stoue's’ets!.’.' Agreeably to the conditions of the State Do- Ladies* Florentine Sets, Pin and Drops nation, one student from each Congressional to match District will be taken free of charge. I Ladies’ Jet' Sets^ ’ Pin and’ Drops’ to Applications with necessary vouchers must he made to the Dean. Fees for entire Coarse of Lectures, $105 .Matriculation ticket (paid once) 5 Ladies* Cameo Pins, large size Demonstrator’s Ticket, 1° Ladies’ do do medium Graduating fee, *0 Ladies’ do do small For further particulars, apply to Ladies’ Gold Stone Pina, small WM. G. BULLOCH, Ladies* Box aad Glass Miniature Pins Aug 35—2m Dean. Ladies’Plain Gold Pins, new pattern. TIMES for holding the Justice’s Court, i. P1 “" !!!"!!!!!!! Friday iu every month. C'-rierPine, Opal Centre. 12 00| ( ^1 E0RGIA, CASS ( T R. Parrott, administrator on the Estate U. J. Wind & Ua.,_ Proprietors, 414 Broad-j of Jesse Dickerson, deceased, applies to mu lit Market street, St. for letters dismissory from suilt administra tion. These arc therefore to bite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they hsve, why said letters should not be granted. Given under illV band at offirc. this May 24, 1359. 6m * J. W. WATTS, Ord’ry. way. New York, and Louis, Mo. For sale in Cassville by Sam’l Levy. Jene 1, 1859—3m. The celebrated Copper Toe MITCHELL’S Patent MetaUic Tip, DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOIt G EORGIA. CASH COUNTY : Whereas Ja cob and If. F. Mustcllcr applies to me for 15 00 BOYS’, YOUTHS’ AND CHILDREN’S j £££ 0 f'vnnZFbl™}** ,he 15 00 Po-i. nnd CL... i These arc therefore lo cite and admonish all JJOOIS dUU OUOUB. , p crsolls concerned to be and appear at my of- 10 00 ! * N improvement has been applied to Boot* I lice within the time prescnbi d hy lyr to »’bow and Shoes, by which a saving of expense! cause, if any they have, why said letters 5 0O : to the consumer, of two-thirds, is realized, by j should not be grunted. ! actual experiment. ! Given under my hand nt 3 00 1 THE TIP consists of * piece of copper or j 1S59. 6ni. J. W. ; other indestructible material, neatly fastened i 7 50 to the toe of the bhot or shoe, forming a com-1 Georgia, Cass conn!y. ' nlete protection. This invention is now pre- i . .■ _ ... K . 5 00 sented to the public, with the fullest kuoirl- ] 1X7HEREAS, Wm. H. Brodlqr a|>pBes to 2 50 edge of its utilitv, having been test- uie for letters o»_Adi.iii.istrattoi.debo- 3 50 ed over two years, and is destined entirely to [ nls nii, ‘ "" ^ UU: of s ’-‘ mUcl A Bradley supercede the old le, for children’s, hoys’! deceased. . . . . 2 00 and youths’ boots and shoes. ’ | are therefore ta ttle and admonish ! The importance of tbia invention will be j 11 )' concerned to be ar-A appear «t my 15 00 readily appreciated, as it is known that chil-! 4> P ,ce within the time prescribed hy law v tu low)' * ~ J ? " i ffice, tliia JnW 7, WATTS, Old. 10 0" fcauut wuitt cviatcu, “a at >• know u hurt. Viol- . - c i « dren invariably wear out their boots and shoes j show cause, if any thy hare, why said letters ; first at the toe, and with this protection, they ] 8 “” nl " not g Tan *vd. _ will upon au average wear at least two or three ■ ve ‘ u ;’ d jr 11 ind , a lJ > ^5S. e ;»!i , 5 match . Ladies’ Lara Sets, Pin and Drops to. i upon au average , times as long as the old style, while the ex 7 50 ! pense is but s trifle more. I _ * * ' I This invention is also especially applicable \ Georgia, Fannin county. *2 ™ “? d «*»P*‘ iun ‘ sub i cct * j r r» t) mouths after date, application will be 5 00 jng the toe of the boot or shoe to be cut or | nude to the Ordinary oj said county for 7. j W< E°- . , ,, ... „ ... leave to sell the Real Estate of Jol n Crumley, 1 Merchants, and the pnbltc generally, will deceased. JOS. R- MULL, - oo see the importance of obtaining these goods - 00 , immediately, as ther are destined, for general j 2 50 < me, to supercede mil other kinds. 2 00 n e goods may be obtained of nearly all the 18*9. 39d. Ang 25—2m J. W. WATTS, Ord. jOS. T. PLEM0N, Administrators. 1 50 wboteaale dealert in the principal citi^ or ot | § TATE 0f ' GE0KGIA ’ Kingston, 1st Saturday Wolf Pea, 1st “ Carterwrille, Sd Friday Alatoona, Sd Saturday Stamp Creek «d Friday 4th Distriet. 3d Saturday Adairsville, 4th Friday 17th Distriet, 4th Saturday Pine Log, 4th “ Gents’Single Stone Pins... ' Gents* Cameo or Mosaic Bosom Studs i Gents’ Engraved Gold do. do. Gents’Sleeve Buttons Ladies’Sleeve Buttons Ladies' Fmrl Card Cases. Gents’ Rear! Pocket Knives, $ Blades, i Best Quality........ Misses’ Gaea Pius Gents’ Gold Watch Keys and Pencils, combined ) 3 5(i the snbscri 100 4 £0 I Ang IS -5m 250 850 (owners of the patent,) McKiNirry a co., Boston, Maas. Whcrca* Edward JuLdm n, administrator j de bonis non on the estate of John Evane, de- ; offr**!. applies to me for letters rtiimjieoTT ' frofn said administration. These are therefore to cite aad adtMotoh alt JUtt BBCE1TED A FIRE aaaortmuut of MACHINE OILS* Genu’ Gold Ringa^ with stone Setting from $1 to $2.50 per gallon. Ladies’ Gold Rie— J ~ J ~ . from $1 to $2.50 per gallon. do Gold Rises. KRaMER it BRO., Druggists, : SetsSileer-Flatod Ten Spooos... May IS, 1359. CartmsnBe, Ga. 8ii*ar-PUtod ButterKnives...... Ladies’ or Gents* Money Purses.. 3 50 ATEW GOODS AT CASSVILLE.—The parsons concerned, to besnd appear at bt office 5 00 \ undersigned would respectfully call the within the time prescribed hy law, and show i ll attention cf the eitixena of Caaaville aud «“»«. ,{aD y t,ie - T have, why said letters should 1 00 the public generally to bis ffitoek of Goods- j mrt he granted. 3 50 consisting of Clothing, Shirts, Collar*. Hate,: , Gl¥ ,®“ ?" d 5 r “F hi, " d .. a ‘’ . Capa, Ac. Also, a fine *toek of Ladies’ and ■ J ,li!e I’ 1 , 18o9. 4m C. M. McCLURK, Ofd. 2 00 Children’s Boots, Gaiters, walking shoes— * ~— J,—■ : 2 00 i with and without heels. Gents’ fine calf IiooU j «*••***»» V*s» county. 2 £0 and Shoes; Brogans; Cloth Gaiters, Congress r | 1 W0 months after date application will he 1 XA nmilllff■ ffft • ffntre* ed * Iritwtu : I Ike **e» 1M ef maawnmfrnr * r>KAR IT IN MIND—That One Dollar per Gents’Aeld watch beys, or X> quire will be ehargtd for all Blank* when Lidias’ Florentine Breast Pius.. aeMoa a credit So ym? the sash aud inti Ladies’ JetBraaet Pius. Ufai' Mosaic Breast Pins 1 SO sc lops*, ink aad pen* all of which he will 9 50 sell cheap for cash. Call at the Post-office. 9SO', BOBTC. LATIMER. 5 00 Cassville, Gs., March 10,1809- ' at the Magistrate’s summon* *nd £»««. jl!L tions; 75 cents per quire, cash ; far sal* mmupOTTK*.