The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, October 06, 1859, Image 3

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Judge Lynch in Lonilinnn. IW The question is often asked, where ■ Great conflict in Lafayette Arish—the do sea birds obtain fresh water to slake 1 outlaws defeated and seventy of them cap- their thirst, but we have never seen it sat- j ture 4 A friend who has just arrived from isfcctorily answered, till a few days ago. Grand Jury Presentment*. ...— - . .. ., , . We, the Grand Jurors, chosen, selected Lafayette parish, informs us that on Sat- An old skipper, with whom we were con-1 an) j STO m for Cass county, for the first urdav morning last the Vigilance Commit- versing on the subject, said that he had week of the September Term of the Supe toe of that parish were summoned to as- frequently seen these birds at sea, far from j rior Court of said county, make the fol- scmble and proceed to a place called B^you any land that could furnish them water, j the books of the Tortue, about fifteen miles West of Ver- hovenng around and under a storm cloud, 0rdinary and find them kept in a neat millionville, where an encampment of out- clattering like ducks on a hot day in a and business-like style; and as the Grand 1 ws had been formed, the ringleaders of pond, and drinking in the drops of rain as Jury at the March Term of Superior which had challenged them to battle. Ac- they fell. They will smell a rain squall a Court, 1859, made a full report of the act- wnicn naa cnaucugcv* ines an( j domes of that office as to his cordingly, the law and order men of the hundred miles or even further off, CQnnect £, with the Poor School parish, who had long suffered from these scud for it with almost inconceivable switt-: and Common School Funds, and there d Drcd'ator.-, who had robbed, plundered, ness. How long sea birds can exist with- j having been little or nothing to do in that passed counterfeit money, and murdered out water is only a matter of conjecture, | P ar ^ cu * ar s * nce > we n*ake no report in the with impunity, quickly gathered, and tak- but probably their powers of enduring ing a piece of artillery with them from the thirst are increased by habit, and possibly village of Vcmiillionvillc, started for the they go without it for many days if not rendezvous of the outlaws. At 9 o’clock, for several weeks. M., on Saturday, about five hundred ,, , , , i Scicide.—Thomas Napier, son of Skel- well mounted men suddenly appeared be- ^ rf VincviUe , committed fore the entrenchment camp of the boast- morning, in his fill defiers of tho law, where they found J J . 1 , „ , -.i n „.„,i own room, at the residence of his father, them in full force, with the Bayou well ’ . . 1 , , i . .. , 1 by shooting himself in the side or breast, guarded, and a house m the centre of their . . 6 , „ , irl nthprwi<;(» thor- age, and had for some time been laboring | under great depression of mind arising from the conviction that he never would recover from the disease, (consumption,) - , , , , , „ with a pistol. He was about 26 years of position, loop-holed, and otherwise thor-[ _ . . :. . oughly prepared for enduring a seige or resisting a storming party. The flag of their fraternity also floated defiantly in the breeze, and until the Vig- . Hants had formed their order of battle, _ s J \ „ , and unmasked their cannon, all looked as : if the defense would be obstinate and san guinary. The sight of the big gun, how- everstruck terror into the hardened hearts of these outlaws, and sauce qui pent sud denly appeared to animate the warriors.— Their number was about one hundred and fifty, and many of whom having horses, managed to make their escape, but seven ty of their force fell into the hands of the Vigilante. Immediately a court martial was formed, consisting of two Vigilante from each company, to whom the question was submitted whether the prisoners, notorious evildoers, should suffer death or lie paddled. By a majority of two it was decided to inflict the paddle punishment, and thirty-six hundred Mows were equally administered. One fellow committed sui cide, by shooting himself, to avoid the paddle. Subsequently five others of the gang were found dead, from gun-shot wounds. Our informant says that the news of this affair caused the greatest pleasure n- niong all the honest and decent inhabitants of the parish where it occurred, and the adjacent Attakapas parishes, which have long suffered from the depredations of the powerful and dangerous gang. Horrible Cruelty in the British Army. The London Times gives the following report of a case of flogging in the British army for desertion : The first man, named Green, bore his punishment, as slated by an eye-witness, ‘ like a true soldier,” but the second, nam ed Davis, a young recruit, protested his innocence of tho crime of desertion, bel lowed and screamed for mercy, and sup plicated Col. Talbott and the medical offi cers, ami others who were present, to have compassion on him, or he should die. His hack was covered with a mass of large red, inflated boils, which bled profusely at eve ry stroke, and reddened the ground under his feet, upon which the cat was ordered lo be withheld a few moments, when, find ing that his punishment was not at an end, he gave vent to exclamations for mercy, and partly succeeded in delivering himself by force from the straps which bound him to the halyards. The punishment was a- gain ordered to be continued, when at ev ery succeeding stroke his cries and excla mations were most lamentable, insomuch that the officers and men swooned away at the sickening spectacle, and had to be carried into the open air. One officer and upwards of twenty non-commissioned offi cers and men along in the service fainted, and others stopped their ears and closed their eyes, lest they, too, should become unnerved, and bo subject to the reproach and ridicule of their comrades. Suicide of a Georgian. A New Orleans correspondent of the Charleston Courier, writing under date of 20th, furnishes the following item : Last Thursday evening, Mr. A. W. Seui- mes, a native of Georgia, a young man of the day before his death he was more cheerful than usual, and told one of his friends that he did not mean to die, but get well.—Oeorgia Citizen. A Tdocht fob Young Men.—No wreck is so shocking to behold as that of a dis solute young man. On the person of the debauchee or inebriate, infamy is written. How nature hangs labels over him to tes tify her disgust at his example! How she loosens all his joints, sends tremors along his muscles, and bends forward his frame! The wretch whose life-long pleasure it has been to debase himself and to debauch others, whose heart lias been steeped in sin so that it is black all over, is an offence to the heart of the unblemished. Shooting Affray.—A difficulty, grow ing out of political excitement, occurred this morning at the Market House, between -John Jeffers and Policeman Keriiev.— Blows were struck, and several pistol shots interchanged, one of which took effect in the forehead of Kearney, but not doing much injury, as the ball flattened without penetrating the skull. Jeffers, we under stand, has been arrested. — Telegraph. Ma con, Ga. We see that CoL G. W. Harris, of Knoxville, Tennessee, author of the “ Sut Lovcngood” sketches, has been appointed a conductor on the Nashville and Chatta nooga Rail Road. premises. We have also examined the books of the County Treasurer, and find that he had on hand at the March Term of the Court, (up to which the Grand Jury at that term of the Court made a full examination) the sum of $229.19, and that he has paid out since the sum of $130.56, leaving a bal ance in his hands of $98.69 ; this amount the Treasurer informs us, properly belongs to the fund for the support of the poor. We have also examined the books of the Clerks of the Superior and Inferior Courts, and find them neatly and correct ly kept We consider it but due to our Gene^l Dtoetriiseivenfe. R. S. NORTON A SON, ROME, GEO. * RE offering especial inducements to trade from a distance.; l 'T(“TJ: T‘'i.'nXSlJKcfiSwkJ, il By confining ourselves exclusively to DRY GOODS, we! C&pit&lPT1Z6$100)000! P in Kc«ugha.Colds,ect.amongstchildren. WOOD, EDDY k CO.’S LOTTERIE S. (Chartered by the State of Georgia.) are enabled to show a much larger stock, at less prices. ” tickets oxinr tan —. _ ,. , —v — -a , , I The following magnificent Schemes will be In our Ladies Dress Goods Department will be found every French, English and American Novelty. I commissioners, m October, isss. We pay particular attention to Ladies’ Shawls and Cloaks,! Class No. 570, and have jnst opened a fall line of Cloth, Beaver and Tricot) Cloaks, at all prices; also d~«n ballots: nearly one Brize to evei VELVET CLOAKS FROM 835 TO 885. For oar stock of Staple and Plantation Goods we challenge competition. Onr Ladies? Shoes are manufactured for us by D. R. King & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., who received the gold medal in the World’s Fair, in 1858. Nothing except the best styles will be offered in the Cloth ing Room. The “ Patent shonlder-seam Shirt” we warrant to give sat isfaction. Every Shirt warranted to fit. __ r _ We have a large room (up-stairs) devoted to Carpets, Wall clerks to say that they a ™^ c * pa ^- 1 ® Paper, Window Shades, Cornice and Curtain Materials, and *md willing to do their whole aut}. Be r ^ 7 . . . - 7 . ° ~ would be pleased to compare prices with any who may have honarht Lace or Embroidered Curtains at retail in New York © or elsewhere. In conclusion, we cordially invite all to call and examine our Goods, and if suited their patronage is respectfully solic ited. R. S. NORTON & SON. Rome, Georgia, Fall, 1859. 13 drawn ballot*; nearly one prize to every two tickets. 1 Grand Capital Prize of $100,0001 1 Prize of $5ty>00 I 65 PrUes of $15<; 1 44 “ 20,000 1 65 “ 100 5 prizes of 10,000 | 63 “ 76 10 “ “ 5,000 j 63 “ 50 50 “ “ 1,000 4810 " 40 2i8 “ “ 500 I 27040 “ St’ 5,435 Prizes amounting to $52o,WH' Whole Tickets $20; Halves $10; Quarters $5 CzuTiric/.Tzs or Packages will be sold nt the cases generally require if, ng rates, which it the riak; oTI" ‘ followin, Certif. of Pack, of 26 Whole Tickets, $299.00 “ 44 £6 Half M 149.50 «• “ £6 Quarter “ 74.75 «• « 26 Eighth “ 57.37 are also pleased to find that they have in troduced a better style of Books of Record, both as to style and durability. We also find upon examination that the Sheriffs’ Books are kept in a neat and business-like manner, reflecting high credit upon those officers. H e find in their hands money for jury fees to the amount of one hundred and seventy-eight dollars. We also find upon examination of the Tax Digest that the Tax Receiver only re turned 1076 children between the ages of 8 and 18; we also find that there are 1448 children not returned; we therefore recom mend that that number be added to the returns of the Tax Receiver, which will make the number of children, 3124. We also report that we have made an examination of the public buildings, and find that there are several leaks in the roof of the court house; we also find that the wall on the east side of the court house is giving away considerably, and deem it in a dangerous condition ; we would call the early attention of the proper authorities to it, and earnestly recommend them to take immediate steps to repair said defect, and also to repair or cover a- new the roof of the court house. We find the jail well and neatly kept, but we deem some repairs absolutely necessary. \\ c find the windows, up stairs in the passage, entirely without fastenings, and would earnestly recommend that the defects be remedied. We also find some repairs nec essary to the floors and doors. W e also believe that it would add to the safety of the jail, to have shutters to the windows of the jailor’s apartments, and the win dows filled with glass, as we find many of them out. We find, upon enquiry, that the roads in the county, generally, are in good or der, except the following roads: The old Tennessee road, leading from IV illiam Mil ner’s to Col. L. Johnson's; the road known as the Bishop road, leading from Cassville bv Bishop’s saw mill; the road leading from Cassville to Col. L. Johnson’s by the way of Captain Dukes’; the road leading from Kingston to the new bridge, and the road leading from Cartersville to Colonel I Watts’, and the road leading from Cass- Pharmaceutical. DR. LITTLE’S ANODYNE COUGH DROPS. A new and certain cure for Conghs, Cold*. As thma, Pain in the Breast, also Croup. Woo. This is a pleasant medicine to take, produ cing immediate relief, and in nine onl of ten cases a prompt core. It exercises a moat coo- trolling influence over Cougha and Irritation of the Tangs of any remedy known, often stop ping the most violent in a few honra or at most in a day or two. Many eases thought- to be decidedlv consumptive have been promptly cured bv the use of a few bottles and the wear- ing Little’s Strengthening Plaster on the ehcsl. As an anodvne expectorant, without astring- ing the bowels, it stands paramount to all cough mixtures. dollar vermifuge Prepared tnd put np in vials, only by W. O. Lillie. In using, nothing else is required to relieve children ot Worms; and besides being one of the best and cheapest ever offered tc the public, its frequent use in families will save much trouble and expense, as well as the live* of many children ; fl»r eight out of every ten NEW GOODS AND CHEAP GOODS. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS! BRICK STORE, CASSVILLE, GA. H.W.COBB, IS NOW RECEIVING, Direct from New York, HIS STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, HATS, CAPS, Hardware, Crockery, CUTLERY AND GLASS WARE; Saddles, Bridles, &c., to which he invites the attention of the citi- , t 0 . zens of Cassville and surrounding country. villc to the free bridge, arc all in bad or- i , Je roposes ^ ge ti Goods LOW FOR CASH, der. We recconnnend that their condition | , , . be speedily improved by the proper au- j and to prompt-paying buyers, rities. ” j Cassville, Sept. 15,1S59. leave of his Honor, Leander Married, on the 27th ultimo, at the res idence of Judge Eekols, in Chattooga Co., by Rev. W. Newton, Mr. Jas. M. Veach, of Adairsville, to Miss Julia A. Echols of the former place. On the 27th ult., by Rev. James Rev. Henry D. Moore, of the South Caro- j v j)] c standard to publish these present lina Conference, to Miss C. R. Tiiomason ments in their paper, of Cass county, Ga. WM. SYLAR, Foreman. Mwwi—aa—John C. Sims, G. W. Brown, takin^ W./Crook,“and the Solicitor General, we beg leave to return them our thanks for ir courtesy towards this body, and for ttfc able and impartial manner in which have discharged their duty during lie week. Unanimously agreed upon by the body, that we request the editors of the Cass- nammmmotz David II. Teat, Robert Speer, Bailey Kay, Milton Loveless, Jcsscc James, II. S. Crawford, Lemuel Dillard, C. A. Gilreath, John Connoly, IL C. C. Powell, Thos. J. Dodd, J. B. H. Lumpkin, Baylis W. Lewis, Jas. Lockridgc, C. A. Crowell, Robert Scott, Joel Stone, Elliott Moore. Departed this life in Floyd county, Ga., October 1st, Mrs. Mary Ann Tujilix, con sort of Newton J. Tuiulin, in the 27th year of her age. The subject of this notice leaves behind her kind and affectionate parents, a ten der and loving husband and two dear llt- Ordered by the court that the present ments be published in the Cartersville Ex press and Cassville Standard, and that the expense of the same be paid for out of the county Treasury. Sept. Term, 1859. Ordered by the Court. L. W. CROuK, J. I. C. C. C. 13T Entirely New ! Entirely New !— What is it ? That wonderful purifying agent, DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID ! This is a new discovery; it is the result of learned research; it is a triumph uf scientific skill. It is a chemical union of materials, provided bv nature herself, for rendering pure the air we breathe. Its action is in obedience to fixed laws—quick, sure, powerful. It purifies dwellings, sinks, kitchens; It removes all offensive odors ; The celebrated Copper Toe. MITCHELL’S Patent Metallic Tip, DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR BOYS’, YOUTHS’ AND CHILDREVS Boots and Shoes. A N improvement has been applied to Hoots and Shoes, by which a saving of expense to the consumer, of two-thirds, is realized, by actual experiment. THE TIP consists of a piece of ropper or other indestructible material, neatly fastened to the toe of the boot or shoe, forming a com plete protection. This invention is how pre sented to the public, with the fullest knowl edge of its practical utility, haring been test ed over two years, and is destined entirely to supercede the old style, for children's, boys’ and youths’ boots and shoes. Tlie importance of this invention will be readily appreciated, as il is known that chil dren invariably wear out their boots and shoes first at the toe, and with this protection, they will upon an average wear at least two or three times as long as the old style, while the ex pense is but a trifle more. This invention is also especially applicable to miners’ books, and all occupations subject ing the toe of the boot or shoe to be cut or worn. Merchants, and the pnbiic generally, will see the importance of obtaining these goods immediately, as they are destined, for general use, to supercede all other kinds. The goods may be obtained of nearly all the wholesale dealers in the principal cities, or ol t the subscribers, (owners of the patent,) chase, McKinney a co„ j Aug 18 -6m Boston, Mass. ; Handsome residence for sale. “ Snnr.v Side,” near Kingston, Ga., owned and formerly occupied by Rev. F. R Collid ing, containing about 156 acres of land, 6<> acres cleared, a good dwelling with 10 com fortable rooms, good out-buildings, an excel lent limestone spring, convenient to tlie dwel ling. This property adjoin* the lands of W. IV. Clayton, Esq. Any one wishing an np- country residence would do well to call on the subscribers before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. BRYAN & SON, Savannah, N. U. EDDY, Kingston, Ga. Sepk 8, 1859. DR. J. HENRY BOND, A GRADUATE OF TBE BALTIMORE DENTAL COLLRGE, XFORMS the citizens of Cass countv that X he has located himself in Cassville, and is prepared to perform all operations pertaining !to his profession, and feels confident, after ten !years experience In the business, that he can give entire satisfaction. Teeth extracted witb- . . , ... iout pain, bv the use of the electro-magnetic It cures burns with instant certainty; machine. AH work warranted. May be found It is the best preparation ever used for at all times at his office in Cassvil'e the first fresh wounds- P art eac ** wee k. and all.public days. It doatroya all vegetable and animal poi- June 9,1859—tf. Georgia, Cam county. 1 Ordinary’s OffiC s, Sept, 16, J859. ; XT appealing to me by the petition if John j X F. Milhollin that George B. Russell, de- S. KINGSBERRY’S Corn Shucker & Sheller UNS either by hand, horse or water ° T>UNS either bv hand, horse or water , tie children, too voung to know the worth Xv power, is simple in construction and not quite 28 years of age, most respects- ofthatmother of which they have been durable When run by hand it will shuck It relieves in a few seconds the bites of in sects, bees, etc.; It scatters boils when forming ; It soothes boils when formed, and heals ! ceased, did in his lifetime execute to E. C. B. iii.. ' Christian his bond, conditioned to execute ti- . ‘ - ’ . . . . ties to town lot number lour, in the town of It is good for carbuncles, ulcers, corns and , Ca48Ti | Ie> State D f Georgia, and that said bond sores ; ! was duly and legally transferred to said John It cleanses the teeth and purifies the breath. ! F. Milhollin;" and It further appearing that The worst svmptoms of Typhoid and Scar- !George B. Russell departed this life with- - . “ ~ v : out executing titles to said town lot or in any let Fever are mitigated by the use or this r lu- ; providing therefor; and it further nppear- id; it has been known to check the spread of ; ing that said John F. Milhollin has paid the TvDhoid Fever in families and upon planta- full amount of the purchase money of said lot .* v i and petitions this Court to direct Turner H. f' ons - ... iTrippe and George Alexander, Executors of Leading physicians are using it in Charles- , the last will and testament ot said George B. ton Columbia, Savannah, Augusta, Atlanta, ! Russell, deceased, to execute titles to. *iim in Macon, Columbus, Montgomery, Selma, Mo- Carrollton, Ga. bly connected here, a graduate of our law college, and a young lawyer of promise, arrived in this city from Canton, Tennes see, and took lodgings at the City Hotel. The two following days he was noticed to be in liquor ; on Saturday evening he was accompanied to his room by some friends, ^ who saw him in bed. All day 8unday he ! “““ “"‘"Vr ."T.-TI VV tor on the estate »f Brice McEver, de- ■ •. ; profession she made in early life, trusting ceased, applies to me for letters Dismissory remained in his room. Monday morning ^ rel Savior to whom I ^ Administration i,» f i .i—i v.:.. k—6 At 6mi • ° r j These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by ' bile, and New Orleans. The Hospitals of New Orleans and Mobile are using it. Hospitals, corporations, shipmasters, mum- ; and shell 6 bushels an hour; when run by bereaved, while many other friends mourn horse or water power will shuck and shell 25 the loss of one who* justly possessed SO bushels an hour-by extra attention 45 bush- J J r — . els an hour. It is so simple in construction j , . . . ^ . • large a place in their hearts. But they that any body can work it! Price $25.00. j facturers, planters, physicians, furnished by grieve not as those who have no hope.— ! Manufactured by S. KINGSBERRY. . , , , j Oct 6—3m* For several years the deceased has been a the gallon at reduced rates. For sale by druggists and country mer- _ _ chants generally, from whom orders are re- pious member of the Baptist church, and Georgia, cass coaniy. j 8pec tfiilly solicited. | by her character and conduct adorned the \\^ E r K o EASTWC. McEver^ Admmistra- Try at ' lea8t oae bottle. Price 50 ecata- w * —" Follow directions. Manufaotured only in the Labratory of 0 J.'DARBY, Auburn, Ala. For sale by Smm’l Levy, Cassville ; Kramer A Co., Cartersville ; J. W. Gray, Adairsville; S. T. Parker, Kingston ; A. H. Shuford, Can- , ton. Jan. 27. 1859—IT. j she gave her heart in happy girlhood. 1 Thou’rt gone to the grave but twere wrong to lie was found dead in his bead. At first it was thought he had succumbed to an appoplectic fit, but on the body being re moved, a tumbler and an empty phial, la beled “Morphine,” were found under the pillow. The coroner was sent for, and he sent for Dr. R. M. Graham to hold a post | mortem examination. Dr. Graham came to the conclusion that Mr. Semmes had died of congestion of the brain, caused by a strong dose of morphine, a remnant of which was found in the tumbler. There was not the slightest clue as to what was the motive of the act It is charitable to suppose that intoxication produced sick ness and pain, and the unhappy young man, to obtain relief, took the powerful opiate, but in his disordered condition did not see how much he was swallowing— perhaps was ignorant of the fatal effects of a dose larger than usual The Ship Helioe. New Orleans, Sept 24.—The ship He lios and her cargo were totally destroyed by fire last night The loss is estimated at one hundred and fifty thousand dol- ^ hm. The ship Helois was an American j « EI » V FARROW, TeBS *l of one thousand one hundred and 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, fifty three tons burthen. She had been j CAwnmsviLLK, Georgia. P«wa,and was staunch m every Ita- • office-next door to Kramer’s Drag Stoic. ^ | OetMMW-ly. „ show cause, if any they deplore thee, ifcoll i d not be grinted. law, to lave, why said letters Given under my hand at office, this Oct 6, 1859. 6m. J. W. WATTS, Ord. When God was thy ransom, thy guardian and guide; He gave thee, He took thee and He will restore j Geor g ia , CaM outy. thee, I has died. G. W. T. ; | aTe to seli Lot of Land No. 1110, in the 17th Cartersville Express please copy. district and 3d section, property ol Elizabeth ' Harrell, deceased, late of Cass county. ' SAMUEL HARRfcLL, - MADDOX A MERCK, OeL 6—2m Administrator. hereby ordered that notice be given in three or more public places and in the Cassville Standard of such application, that all persons concerned may file their objections, if any ex ist, why Turner H. Trippe and George Alex- ander. Executors as aforesaid, should not ex- ccute titles to said lot in conformity with said bond A true extract from the minutes of Court. JAMES W. WATTS, Ord’ry. Per W. C. GAINES, D. Clk. Sepk 22, 1859—m3m. S EWING MACHINES! SEWING MACHINES! SEWING MACHINES! SEWING MACHINES! SEWING MACHINES! SEWING MACHINES! Of the latest and most approved styles, suitable for Sewing Leather, Cloth, Negro goods. Muslins, Silks, Linens, Jaconets, Ac.— for sale at Leyden’s General Sewing Machine llepot, Atlanta, Georgia, at manufacturers’pri ce*. Send for samples of work and prices. ‘ * A. LEY! Oct 7—If I'DEN- Watch Repairers ft Jewelers, ! Georgia, Cans county. CarteKYILLE, Ga., ! rpwo months after date QL -RESPECTFULLY inform the public , X made to the Ordinary that they are prepared to do anr kind leave to sell the Laud and Negroes of A. M. ■“•of work done bv a wlrersmith- such as i Hamilton, deceased, late of saM county A. C. TRIMBLE, ! Ock 6—2m. Administrator. application will b: of said county for ™«^oi work done bv a s-lversmith, such as repairing Watches, Clocks, mending Jewelry of every description in the most durable and substantial manner. Orders for anything in their line of business respectfully solicited. Ock 6,1859—It. G eorgia, cass county*.—whereas Jonathan McDow applies tome for letter* i dismissory from the Executorship on the Es- • tale of Thomas J. Alexander, demised: _ _ i These are therefore to cite and admonish all Attorney persons concerned, to be and appear of " P. H. LAREY, tice within the time preseribaff by law, to show Cartersville, Geo. cause, if any the * * ' W ILL practice in all the counties of ttei 00 * be granted. Cherokee Circuit, and in the adjoining Oi»en under count) jtiong Jircuit, i of other Circuits. Particular atten- ren to collecting. Ock 6,1859—lr Slat, 1359. 6m. •y ban J. W. WATTS, Ordinary. T WO months after date application will ha made to the Ordinary of said aoantv far leave to sell the laaff and negroes of X. M. Camwell, defeased Aug. 1—2m. O UPERIOR and Inferior Court O different kinds, at tho ___ #lu. 1,189$. STANDARD OFIfOB- MANU FACTORY* Cutemilte, Ga. BY JONES k GREENWOOD. I Georgia, Pickens coaatjr. DR. LITTLE’S FRENCH MIXTURE. This is prepared from a French reeeipe (id the forms of Jin. 1 and £ ; the first for the ac ute, and Nu. £ for the chronic stage) that has- been mnch improved upou in this country;- , ... , . and from its unexampled success is likely to The following splendid scheme * 1,1 . be : sllpercede eTtrv other rentedr for the cure of drawn by Wood, Eddy A Co -- Managcwof the | discaies „ r tlu . Kidney* and Bladder, Oon- Sparta Academy Lottery, each Saturday f , >rrha . a i Blennorrhowl, and Luchorroesl or October, at Augusta, Georgia. j FIonr \n,„ s affections. This extensive cork- CLYSS 40 Draw* Saturdav, Ock 1, 1859. j p»und combines properties totally different in CUSS 41 Draw* Saturday, Oct. 8, 1859. j <a-to and character from anything to be found ........ ... . j n the United States. Pliarinacopva or in pri vate practice: and in point id safety and effi ciency is not rivaled bv nnvlbiiig in America. DR. LITTLE’S RING WORM AND TETTER. OINTMENT. Hundreds of eases of Chronic Tetter*, Scald Heads, aud diseases of the skin generally, hayq been cured bv this remedy, **nd since tlie in troduction of. the No, 3' prepearation (being stronger) scarpelv a case lias been found that it will mot effectually eradicate in a shoit time. For the cure of Cancerous Smcs and Ulcers it;iif applied in the form ef plasters, tnd is almwit.infallihlr. Physician* are referred to tha 15th page of- Dr. Little's pamphlet, to the catalogue of Med icines of Materia Mcdicn, that lie uses in com pounding his different remedies, and asked to sa v if they are not the chief reliance of the pro fession, as lie himself has practised med icine extensively lor inure thau ten years before ictiring to the drug hnisiness. In more than two hundred places in Georgia, ami in all the Southern States, they arc to (k> had, and there are scamps about who ate counterfeiting his remedies, by palming off their own or something else, by using the same or similar name, Sold bv Little A Bya* Wholesale Druggist* Macon, Ga. Sold in Cassville by J. D. Carpenter; in Cartersville by tlie Druggists: in Adairsville hv Livingston A Gash Slid by tccwhanla and druggists generally. July £8, 18511—ly. CLASS 42 Draws Satnrd.iy, Oct. 15,1359. CLASS 43 Draws Saturday, Oct. 2i, 1859. I ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. | 50,000 Tickets! 5,485 Prises! J XEARLT OS* PRICE TO EVERT SISB TICXtTs! | ,1 Grand Prize of $50,000! j 1 prize of $£ ',000 I 50'prize* of 1 <• 10,001' I 100 “ 1 « 5,000 1 •' 3,1*00 1. *« 1,500 Approximation Prize*. 4 Prizes of $400 approx, to $50,000 Prize 4 “ “ 300 “ “ 20,000 “ | 1"0 loo 100 $500 400 4 4 4 5,000 250 225 41 200 “ 150 “ 100 20 ure 5,435 prizes, amounting to $32O-,u00 Whole Tickets $10, Halves $5. Quarters $2?,|. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the following rates, which is the risk : Certificate of Package of 10 Whole Tickets $80 •• “ In half “ 40 “ “ In quarter 44 20 “ “ 10 eighth 44 10 In Ordering Ticket* or Certificate*, Enclose tlie amount of money to our address for what you wish to purchase; iiume the Lot- 1 tery in wirchyou wish it invested, and wheth er y»n wish wholes, halves or quarters, on re ceipt of which we send what is ordered, by first maii, together with the scheme. Immediately after the drawing a printed drawing, certified to by the Commissioners, will be'sont, with an explanation. Purchasers will please write tneirsignatures plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immedi ately after the drawing—other prizes at the u- snai time of thirty diiys. All com in all icatiuns-stl ictly confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to WOOD, EDDY A CO., Augusta, Ga„ ■, WOOD, EDDY A CO., Atlanta, Ga. •, WOOD, EDDY A CO., Wilmington, Del. Jau. 6, 1359—ton. More to he Ad nitre a THAN THE RICHEST DIADEM KVEB WORN BY KINGS, OR EMPERORS ' ! W IIAT? why, a beautiful head of Hair—■ because it is the oniRinput. God himself: prepared fur all our race. Kinder, although the rose mav bloom cv,cr so brightly in the glowing check, the eye be ever so sparkling, the teeth be those of pearls, if the head is be reft of its covering, or the hair he snarled nml shrivelled, harsh and dry, or worse still, if sprinkled with gray, nature will lose nmra than half lier charms. IJrnf. Wood’s Hair Re storative, if used two or. three times a week, will restore and pcnnanci tly secure to all such nil ornament. Head the following aud judge. The writer, nl, the first is the calehra-. tod pianist, Tlulberg: Xw York, April 19, 1853. Du. Wood—Dear .Sir: Permit me to ex press ti you tlie obligations I am under for the entire restoration of my hair to its original color; about the time of my arrival in the Uni ted States it was rapidly becoming gray, but " Hair Rostora- Daily Federal Union. fX'HE Proprietors of the Federal Union will A begin tliepubMcat ion of the DAILY FED-^ tbc application of your 44 Hair Res LRAL UNION, on Thursday, Nov. 2d, antr n soon recorered its? original hue. Icon* continue it daily during the session t4 the Leg- * - islature. They have engaged the services ol competent Reporters for both branches of the General Assembly; and having had some ei - perience in the publication of a legislalive journal, they confidently assure the public that they will make the Dai!y Federal Union a faithful record of the doings of the Georgia aider your Restorative as a very wonderful in vention, quite efficacious as well as agreeable. Truly yours, S. TUALdRRG. New Yowii July. 25,1857. Prof. Wood: With confidence do mend your Hair Restorative, as* being the most efficacious article I ever saw; since usings nything by the enterprise. Terms—$1 for the session, in advance. BOUGHTOX, XtSBET A BARNES. Milledgerille, Ga., Sept., 1851). Legislature, with the verv latest commercial j <t my h ‘ir and " erTr^der tt " d thc **“* ETm C % u- ’ -i i * * * . _ will restore them to their natural color. It As it impossible to conduct such an enter- , 1 , . r .. « ...a prise without a liberal support, we confidently »■» ^'icvcd me of a J i I , id nn- rcly on the liberality of an appreciative public i pleasant itching, so common among person* for thc means to support it. We nsk not do | perspm: free y. not expect, to make money by this paper ; we j ' « ur! *. trul - v - J G K,I ' U ' 4 publish it, because it supplit-s a great public j Chicago, III., Mar 1, 1357. necess ty. AVe only ask that we shall not lost- j prof. Woon: About two years ago my hair commenced falling off and turning gray; 1 was fast becoming bald, anil had ti ied many Rem edies to no effect. I commenced- using your Restorative in January last; : a few applications — j fastened my hair firmly. W began jo fill up, -X re _ 1 grow out, and turned, hack to it* former color, i/&liy iiecorqer. ilblack.) AA this time it is.fully, restored to iu A 1>AJLY RECORDER.will be issiu^with j '’ DJ * "U!n at^ no ioccmsiderabl't-' Respectfully, J. D. HOES, expense iu making all suitable arrangements j ^he Restorative is put tip in bottles of litres to enable ns to give promptly the daily pro- • nizes: large^ medium and small; the small ceediugs, and the paper u:il! leave by the first j holds half a pint, aud retails for out: dollar per mail each day.. \V«- expect to have the aid ot j bottle; the medium holds at least 20 per cent our able and experienced Reporters of the last j more-in proportion than the small, retails for session. Their labor in the past will give an j £2 per bottle ; the large hold* a quart, 40 per idea of what may be expected in our daily.— j cent more in proportion, and retails for $3. With such advantages, together with the im* j O. J. Wood »t C l, Proprietors, Broad- portant subjects that must of necessity USlITiP'j tvay,'New York, anti H4 Market street, SL cussed and disposed of by the next Legislature, j Louis, Mo. we hope to issue a paper that will be intrin?:- \ For sale in Cassville t;y Levy. cally worth double what Tje charge. A tel- j J»»ne 1, I851t— 8ai. egraph line that will then be in operation to j —. ■ . ■ Savannah Madteal College. Let uur effurts to accommodate the public : -pHE Seventh Anmril Course of Lectures in meet with that support the enterprise may j r this Institution will commence on the 2d merit. uidar. iry Lectures will cmniiu-nco on tho 1st of November. FACULTY: R. 1). ARNOLD; M. !>., I’rofeasor of Theory and Fnictice of Medicine. P. M. KOLLOCK, M. !>., Professor of Ob- stetnc.s and Diseases of Women and Cli.ldren. TN"nTTri rt TOT'D ■ w. U. BULLDCII, M. D., Prof. Surgery. IJii U CjrCjT l b L O, i J. B. READ, M. D, Prof. Mz-eria .\fcdica. 5 ! JURI.AU IL\BRJ.SS, Me 11; Prof. I’hyaiol- ogv. S. A. PR ATT, M. J\ Prof. Chemistrr. W. R. WARING. JL D. f Prof. Annfomv. J. E. GODFREY, Jt. D., Denionstratoj: of A natomy. Clinical Lecture* at the Savannah Hospital, r ,x. e, „ „ twice a week, hv Dra. Arnold and Bulloch, on reiving conatopt supplies «iej*bore «.rt.clcs tlieir branches. These are the only Hospital for Terms—$1 for the session, in advance. R. M ORJIE & SON. Milledgeville, Ga., Sepk, 1859. KRAMER & BRO., WHO I. KS-ALE AND RETAIL Cartersville, Cass Co., Gn. H AVE constantly on hand a fil l assort* mentof DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Ac. Physicians, Planters, and the pubiic gener ally are respectfully informed that we are re- »*-*•*«# res as anv Drug store in the Southern conn-. at the try. Knowing the a.UIUrntioat that are prac- tht ’ be,u:, “ ‘ ,f tised in powdering and preparing Drugs, we j Agreeab-'y to the conditions of the State Do- have these articIcS pvepafedunde? our Fm,„c- j u"r' e diate supervision, thus insuring to cur cos-1 D l‘ ntt u b ' J ta *. e " fr " e " f ciwr ^ ; toqrtra pure Drugs and Medicint-s. ! AidHi'Z Dren J V1 ' U * Fee« f«»r entire C«»nr<e of Lecture?*, f!05 Physicians and others are invited to [ call and examine our stuck before purchasing ! elsewhere. W HEREAS Samuel Tate, administrator on the estate of William Coffee, deceased, . _ . j applies to me for Utters diamisaory from aaid 3T Preparations not officinal prepared t T HE subscribers invite the attention of the adminiatretion. j OT ™£. » . . .. , , public to their large i Theae are therefore to cite and admonish all j Sfw ders by mail promptly attended to _ persons concerned to be and appear ait my office j andaatiafaction guaranteed. Kannfaeturiag 1 EltlMithlllfTll, | within the time prescribed by law, and shew j 3^ ^ share of public patronage is respect- at R. H. Jones’ old stand. They are prepar- if J Jf«* wh ? kUer * sbouId j ful1 ^ “J icited - KRAMER A BRO.. | AJEW GOODS AT CASSVILLE—The ed to famish all kind, of j "eiren'S^my band at office, thi. Sept 22,! . °°™ T r | |\ “^signed would respectfully call the BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AND HACKS, 1859. 6m. G M Mem.URE.Ord. t Apr. 14. Carriage Kictonr. j attention cf the citizen*,of Cassville and Matriculation ticket (paid ones) De'mon>trator’» Ticket.. Graduating fee. For further particulars, apply to WM. G. BULLOCH. Aug 25—2m Dean. C. M. MnCLURE. Ord. nuterialikfainMhe b£i *£££* Extern | Factories, just such as are used in the best ! shops in the Union. All nersons wanting a ! fine Carriage, Bqggy. or other vehicle, are re- j -nested to examine their work before sending ’ the public generally to his ijtock of Goods— consisting of Clothing, Shirts, Collars, Bate, Also, a fine stock of Ladiek' au^ Caasville, Kingston, 1st Friday in eferj month. 1st Saturday 44 * 44 Carriages and Hacks on hand at i " ' All work | 7TS.«3t"b,‘llr 1 JSSSd. done in good style, at abort notice, on able term*. Thankful for the patronage here tofore received, a continuance of the same is solicited. ROBERT H. JONES, JOHN GREENWOOD. CartarwziRe, Cats eo, firt, Apr. 7,185*—ly. JUST RECEIVED A FINK assortment of MACHINE OILS, from $1 to $2.50 per gallon. CEaMBR£bRO.. tank May 31,1F£>. CartenmOo, Gn. Kings to Wolf Fen. 1st Cartersville, 2d Fridav Alstoona, 2d Satnroay Stamp Creek 3d Friday 6ih District, $4 Saturday Adatrsville, 4th Friday 17th District, 4th Saturday Pine Log, 4th 44 j Pocket Book Lost. Ca p,,* c; | f OST, somewhere on the Alabama road, be-i Children’s Boots, Gaiter*, walking shoes— J I , tw.-en Allatoons and Pumpkin vine creek, with and W’tfioiit heals. Gents’fine calf Boots ■ on the 5th insto, a Morocco Pocket Book, of — J ” vi...i- o-n— r “"“~* common «ire, containing about $!5.00—$ $2jj gold pieces, one 5 dollar bill and one 2 dollar B ANS AGENCY.—Thos. M. Coxnos, Caasville, Ga., Agent of the Bank of the State of South Carolina, will anil Ex change on Charles ton and New York, make sdramna on Prodnee, Ac., and attend to all Iths hnsineza tunaUv transacted by Bank A. ffftts. " yoi*. 18,18#?. . and some silver; also, one note on Rich ard’ Ramsey for $7.00; one on Sampson Worth ington for $7.50: one given by myself to the estate of J. G. Blance, for $120.00—this note has been paid but my name is still on it. Ail persons are fomyamed against trading for any of these notes. Any ’information respecting said notes will ha thankfully rescind by C. W. BBUFSEY. Sept 15—3t Kingstem, Ga. ^AGISTUm Snmrnona and Eitn lions atfta ' T5 tacts per quire, cash; for salt STANDARD OFFICE and Shoes’; Brogans; Cloth Gaiters, Congress Gaiters, Ac.; Boys’ Shoes, of various kinds and orioes. Also, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. Keeps ou hand a aiir,;i*y of C-‘j\ Letter, Commercial Note, Bath, finugr and all kinds of paper, en velopes, ink ana pens—all of which he will sell cheap for cosh- fall at fl» Post-office. ROBT C. LATIMER. Cistvilie^ Ga.) March 1*>, !So3. A. C. DAY, Tailor, Cassville. Gi.— Shop near his .residence—eti the facie lot. AM work done in good style, and warranted to last. Particular attention given * to Cutting. Ha asis a continuance of the lib- seal patronage heretofore bestowed CkeevIUc, Ga., Febs. ift?