The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, October 13, 1859, Image 4

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Divorced by Mistake. CONCLUDED FROM 1ST PAGE, playfully patting her double chin ; “the fact is, Eliza, I’m rid of that cursed wo man, and you and I’ll be married to-night. I knew bow to manage those scoundrels at Trenton. A 'champagne supper—or was it breakfast? did the business for them Put on your bonnet and let us go to the preacher’s at once dearest.” The widow, who was among widows as peaches among apples, put on her bonnet and took Jones’ arm, and— “ Just look how handsome it is put on parchment!” cried Jones, pulling out the document before her: “here’s the law that says that Jacob Jones and Ann Car oline Jones are two.” Putting her plump gloved hand on his shoulder she did look at it. “O dear!” she said, with her rosy lips, and sank back, half fainting on the sofa. 0 blazes!” cried Jpnes, and sank be side her, rustling the fatal parchment in his hand; “ here’s a lot of happiness gone to ruin.” It was a hard case. Instead of being divorced, and at liberty to marry the wid ow, Jacob Jones was simply, by the Leg islature of New Jersey, incorporated into a turnpike company, and what made it worse, authorized to run from Burlington to Bristol ! When you reflect.that Bur lington and Bristol are located just a mile apart, on opposite sides of the Delaware river, you will observe the extreme hope lessness of Jone’s case. “ It’s all the fault of that turnpike man who gave them the champagne supper— or was it breakfast ?’’ cried Jones in ago ny. . “ If they’d chartered me to a turn pike from Pig’s Run to Terrapin Iloilow, I- might have borne it; but the very idea of building a turnpike from Burlington to Bristol bears an absurdity on the face of it.” So it did. “And you aint divorced,” said Eliza, a teir running down each che k. “ No!” thundered Joucs, crushing his hat between his knees, “and what is worse the legislature is adjourned,and gone home drunk, and won’t be back to Trenton till next year!” It was a hard case. The mistake (?) had occurred on the last day of the session, when legislators and transcribing clerks were laboring un der a champagne breakfast. Smith’s name had been put where June’s ought to have btjen, and “ wiscy wersy,” as the Latin poet has it Counsel to the Young. Never be cast down by trifles. If a spider breaks ins web twenty times twen ty times will he mend it. Make up your minds to do a thing, and you will do it. Fear not if troubles come upon you; keep up your spirits, though the day may be a dark one— Troubles never last forever. The darkest day will pass away. If the sun is going down, look up to the stars; if the earth is dark, keep your eyes on heaven. With God’s presence and God’s promise, a man or child may be cheerful. Never despair when fog’s in the air, A sunshiny morning will come without warning. Mind what you ru 1 after ! Never be content with a bubble that will burst; or a firewood that will end in smoke and darkness; but that which you can keep, and which is worth keeping— Something startling that will stay, When gold and silver fly away. Fight hard against a hasty temper.— Anger will come, but resist it strongly.— A spark may set a house on fire. A fit of passion may cause to mourn alt the days of your life. Never revenge an injury. He that revengeth knows no rest; The meek possess a peaceful breast If you have an enemy, act kindly to him and make him your friend. You may not win him over at once, but try again. Let one kindness be followed by another until you have accomplished your end.— By title and by little, great things are completed. Water falling day by day Wears the hardest rock away. And so repeated kindnesses will soften a heart of stone. Whatever you do, do it willingly. A boy that is whipped at school never learns his lessons well A man that is compell ed -to work cares not how badly it is per formed. lie who pulls ofThis coat cheer- fullv, strips up his clothes in earnest, and sings while he works, is the man for me— A cheerful spirit gets on quick, A grumbler in the mud will stick. Evil thoughts are worse enemies than lions and tigers, for we can get out of the way of wild beasts; but bad thoughts win their day everywhere. Keep your heads and hearts full of good thoughts, that bad thoughts may not find room— Be on your guard, and strive and pray To drive all evil thoughts away. Great Eastern.—Among.the list of sub scribed passengers for the first voyage of this Mammoth steamer to this country, we notice the name of Mrs. H. of Kv., who a (few years since, purchased a ticket in the Georgia Lottery now conducted by Wood Eddy & Co., which drew $80,000. By a fortunate investment in the same lot tery she added $10,000 more, and is how returning from a yean travel in Europe;' where she had relatives. Messrs. Wood, Eddy k Co, still offer the same induce ments at Augusta Ga., and are well known as the most prompt and reliable payers of prises in the United States.—Wew Tort D'tfatek. . Perseverance conquers all things. it the Georgia State Lottery. Os tbe Plan or Single Ncxbkrs. For tbe Benefit of the EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an <»ri?er of the Ordinary ofCiiss county will be ^o!d before the Courft Honsc i" tfatoville on the Yn TueSdav in November next, within the legal hour* of Monticello Union Academy, »ii the land belonging to the estate ot Juvuuvvuv " "f ’ j 0 j, n A. Upshaw, deceased, known as tbe Or Jasper cocntt, Ga. w firm whereon deceased lived at the time of . , . , ■■ ... hi« death, viz: Lots of Land Nos. 255, 30 acres Authorized by special act of the Legislature. ^ ^ 2g6 - 0 acr ^ off M y;,. 2SS , McKINNEY & CO., Managers. i and 4S}< acres off of lot No. 254, all in the 5th Capital Prize, $60,000! j sale .nude kmurn on the dav. TICKETS ONLY $10. ' Aug 2d—tds H.V. PRICE, Ex’r. Halves, Quarters and Eighths in proportion 25,828 Prizes ! $366,040 a district and 3d section. Sold £>r thepurpose ’ of distribution among {he chiTdreiir Terms of / 1 EOItGIA, FANNIN COUNT A'.—Whereas Vj* Wip. Franklin, administrator de bonie non on tbe Estate of Win. B. Webster, applies To be distributed each Saturday in Octr., 1859. to me for letters dismissory from said aflniin- , istr.ition. . _ 1, [ These are therefore to cite and admonish all 1 persons c one erred to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by Taw to show j cause, if any they have, why said letters of To be drswn in public, under the sworn i dismission should not be granted, superintendence of two Commissioners,—W. j Given under my hand atjifficc, this Slay 12, R. Symons and J. 31. Prentiss, in the city df 1859. 6m Savannah, Ga. Class 39 draws Saturday, Octr, 1, 1859. Class 40 draws Saturday, Octr. 8, 1859. Class tl draws Saturday, Octr. 15, 1559. Class 42 draws Saturday, Octr. 22, 1859. JAS. KINCAID, 4) rd’iy. Magnificent Scheme, 1 Prize of $fei,000 5 Prizes of $1,000 1 Prize of 20/100 10 Prizes of 500 1 Prize of 10,000 2 Prizes of 400 1 Prize of 5,000 2 Prizes of - 800 1 Prize of • 4,000 2 Prizes of 200 1 Prize of 3,000 50 Prizes of J5u 1 Prize of 2,000 100 Prizes of TO" 1 Prize of 1,500 100 Prizes of .95 1 Prize of 1,100 100 Prizes of 85 G eorgia, cass county.—whereas J. ‘ II Rice and Robert Russell apply to me for letters dismissory from administration on the estate of Juhu Riissell, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice, withhi the time prescribed by law, to- show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this July i, S59. Gm. J. W. WATTS, Or* . C T EORGIA, CASS COUNTY' : Whereas R. -j G. Tomlin applies to me for letters dis- 4 Prizes of $200 approx, to *60,000 prize : missorv from administration oil the estate of 4 Prizes of 150 approx, to 20,000 prize ’ 4 Prizes of 125 approx, to 10,000 priz, APPROXIMATION PRIZES. BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC REMEDY BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC REMEDY BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC REMEUt SSiSypig GtIFTS. Ladies’ Cameo Ear Drops 4 50 4 Prizes of 100 approx, tp 8 Prizes of 80 approx, to 60 approx, to 50 approx, to 40 approx, to 20 approx, to 8 8 Pi izes of 8 Prizes of 8 Prizes of 4o0 Prizes of 25,000 Prizes of 5,000 -prize 4,000 prize 3,000 prize 2,0u0 prize 1,500 prize 100 prize 25,‘:23 Prizes, amounting t.r $366,040 Whole Tickets $10, halves $5, quarters $2.50. Certificate of Packages will be sold at the following rates, which is the risk: Certificate of Packages of 10 whole ticketr$6o “ “ IOhaif “ 30 “ *■ 19 qu inter “ 15 “ “ 10 eighth ■ “ 7.50 In Ordering Tickets or Certificates, Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will be forwarded by li"st mail. Purchasers call hare Tickets eliding iu any figure they may designate. The list of drawn numbers and prizes will be sent, to purchasers immediately after tbe drawing. Notice to Correspondents. Those who prefer not sending money by mail, can use the different EXPRESS COM PANY, whereby money for Tickets, in sums of Ten Dollars, and upwards, can be sent us AT OUR RISK AND EXPENSE, from any city or town where they have ail i (Bee. The money and order must be enclosed in a Gov ernment Post Office Stamped Envelope, or the Ex, ircRs Co mutiny cannot receive them. All com m u ui cat ions strictly confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificates to ycKIXNEY & CO., Savannah, Ga. Office Masonic Hall Block, Bull street. March 24th, 1959. YV. M. ileifiier, deceased, late of said county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at inv of fice within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if anv they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given U-i lor mv hand at office, this July 7, 1859. 6m. J. W. WATTS, Ord. C T EORGIA. FANNIN COUNTY.—Whereas X David Withrow applies to me for Lettes of DisinissESn from administration on the Es tate of W in. H. Lusk, deceased, late of said county. - These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, this May 19, 1859. 6m. . JAS KINCAID, Ot Pry. Western & Atlantic Railroad. G ec 11. Parrott, administrator on the Estate of Jesse Dickerson, deceased, applies to me for letters dismissory from said administra tion. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed bv law, and show cause, if any they hove, why said letters should not be- granted. Given under mv hand at office, this May 26, 1859. 6m ' J. W. YVATTS, Ord’i-y. G EORGIA. CASS COUNTY’: Whereas Ja cob and B. F. Mosteller applies tome for letters dismissory from administration on the estate of Daniel Mosteller. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, why said ietters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, this July 7, 1S59. Cm. ’ J. YY. YVATTS, Ord. RARRIAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. morning passenger train. Leaves Atlanta, daily at.. ..10.80,A. M. A rri ves at Chattanooga at 7.48 P. M. Leaves “ “ 9.30 A. SI. Arrives at Atlanta at 6.33 P. M. EVENING PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta nightly at 8.40 P. M. Arrives at Chattanooga 8.10 A. M. Leaves “ 10:20 P. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 9.20 A. SI ;-$f- This Road connects each way with the Rome Branch R tllroaff at Kingston, the East Tennessee k Georgia Railroad at Dalton, and the Nashville A Chattanooga Railroad at Chat tanooga. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 13S miles, Fare $5. JOHN YV. LEWIS. Aug. 11, 1859. Superintendent. Georgia, Fannin County. N OTICE i 4 hereby given to all persons con cerned, that James A. Davis. late of Polk county. Tennessee, lias departed this life, and there being no Administrator, and that thereis some matters of law ,n the Superior Court of Fannin county that cannot travel in conse quence of no Administration ; therefore tlie A d- | ministration will be vested in the Clerk ot tbe Superior Court, up some other person thirty days alter the publication of this citation, un less some valid objection is made to his ap pointment. Given under mv hand at office, this Sept. 8, 1S59. ’ JAS. KINCAID, Ord’ry. H L RAY, Attorney at Law, Ellijay, Go.—Will practice in (lie counties of • Cass, Cherokee, Pickens, Gilmer, Daw son, Fanuiu, Union and Towns. Collecting of debts will receive special attention. March 10, 1S59—iy. W V. WESTER, Attorney at Law, Calhoun, Ga.—Will practice in all tha • counties of the Cherokee Circuit. Par ticular attention will-be paid to the collection of claim's, and to promptly paying over the money when collected. Nov. 26, 1858. B U. LEEKE, Attorney at Law, Cass- ville, Ga.—Business entrusted to bis I care will meet with prompt and vigilant attention, and monies paid over punctually.— Officv under Standard office. Feb. 1, 1859. Georgia, Fannin county. TXT II UREAS Wi YY over apply t.i in. E. Molt and Mary F. 01- ippty to me for letters of adminis tration on the estate of Thos., W. Olover, de ceased, late of said county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within tlietkoe prescribed jy law,.to show cause, if -any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Sept 15, 1359. SOd . JAS, KINCAID, Ord. L. BROWN, Attorney at Law, Cass- Georgia, Fannin county. T WO months after date, application will be made to the Ordinary ot s fid county for leave to sell the Real Estate of .John Crumley, deceased. JOS. R. MULL, JOS. T. PLEMOX, Aug 25— 2in Administrators. G eorgia, cass county.—where- - as Robert Russefl applies to me for let ters Dismissory from administration on' the estate of Robert M. Liifn. deceased. These arc therefore to cite and Admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of* nee within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any the\ r hare,, wly said Letters should" not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this April 21, 1359. 6m. J. W. WATTS, Ord’ry. EORGIA, CASS COUNTY.—Where- Zi II. Ckirdv, administrator on thees t ite of David C- Ayres, deceased, applies ■ ■I ville, G*.—Will attend promptly io all ' to m3 tor letters Dismissory from said admin- -tJl business entrusted to his care. j istrution. • .. April 14, 1859. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appeaf at my ef* Hanisoms residence for Bale. “ Sunny Side,” ucar Kingston, Ga., owned ! not be granted, and formerly occupied by Rev. F. R Gould- Given under iny hand at office, this March ing, containing about 156 acres of land, tW j -0, 1853. 9m. J. W. W ATTS, Ord. acres cleared, a good dwelliiij fortahle rooms, good out * with 10 com- ... „ «t S , an excei- Gcotgia, Cass county. BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC JIMJEDY BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC REA}|}>£ BLESS’ DYSPEPTIC REMEDY BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC REMEDY BLISS' DYSPEPTIC RESlEDY Has the largest sale lias the largest sale Has the largest safe Has the largest sale Has the largest sale Has the largest sale Has tbe largest sale Has tbe largest sale Has the largest sale Has the largest sale Of any the world. Of any medicine in the world. Otf an V- medicine. in the world. Of anv medicitte in the world. Of anV medicine in the world. Of any mediciiie in the world. Of any medicine in the world. Of any medicine in -the World. Of anv medicine in the world. Of any medicine iu the world. Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages , , -Sold iu Georgia, and South .Carolina- Sold in Georgia and South Carolina Sold in Georgia and South Carolina - -Sold iu’Georgia and South Carolina SotiHn-’Oeorgurand South Carolina Sold in Georgia and South Cr.rolina Sold iu Georgia and South' Caroliha Sold ife Georgia and South Carolina Sold in Georgia and Suuth Carolina Sold in Georgia and South Carolina In fourteen' months. In fourteen months. In fourteen mouths. • In fourteen months. Tn fourteen months. . In fourteen months. In fourteen moutfis. In fourteen months. In fourteen months. In fourteen mouths. It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure It ns warranted to.-core It i* warranted to cure It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure Any case of Dyspepsia; Anv case of Dyspepsia, Any case of Dyspepsia, Any case of Dyspepsia, Any case of Dyspepsia, Any case of Dyspepsia, Anv case of Dyspepsia, Any case of Dyspepsia, Any case of Dyspepsia, Anv-case of Dyspepsia, - Or. any case of Liver Disease, Dr any case ot Liver Disease, Or any case of Liver Disease, Or any case ot Liver Disease, Or any case of Liver Disease, Or anv case of Liver Disease, Or anv case of Liver Disease, Or an>- case of Liver Disease, Or anv case of Liver Disease, Or any case of Liver Disease, IfaLirectionS- are followed. If directions are followed. If directions are followed. If directions are followed. If directions'arc followed. If directions are followed. 11 direction's are followed. If direc tion's arc followed. If directions arc followed. Jf directions arc followed. Can be sent by mail. Can-bo sent by mail. Can be sent by mail. Can be sent by mail. Can be sent by mail. Cm be sent, by mail. Can be sent by mail. - — Can be sent by mail. ■Can be sent by mail. Can be sent bv mail. Send a Postage Stamp to tbe Proprietor for I Poetry—Engl his Pamphlet on “Diseases -*>f the C5toII)acli 1 -* - ’ and Bowels.” W. YV. BUSS. Proprietor, 3K3 Broadway, New York. For sale in Cass ville at the • . . _ April 14, IS59. STANDARD OFFICE, SPLIliDIB ilFTS TO PURCHASERS OF BOOKS, TH6 ORIGrlNAIa AND jrgpTHE ONLY JS-l Gift Book Enterprize, ESTABLISHED IN 1854. H EAD QUARTERS f-n- the United States, 4»t the Publishing House of G. G. Krans, 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn:—No' connection with New Y iirk gitt stores. Cata logues sent free. Since I originated the Gift Book Enterprise, I have repeatedly called the attention of the public to my large stock and liberal offers, to ; which they have always warmly responded. I ' can now, with more satisfaction than ever, call i attention to my largely increased inducements j to purchasers. Being'very heavily enraged in publishing. I exchange my own publications ! fir those of other houses, and am enabled to I procure all mv books at the original cost of I making, and thus can and do supply the major- j ity of the other houses engaged in the Gift Book Trade, with their books, cheaper tliiin they can i procure them from other publishers. I can nl- i so, by mv heavy purchases ot watches and jew- i elrv. for'easb, furnish them with tbeir Gilts at j lower rates than they can buy them from the j manufacturers. I Having such an advantage in buying, I can ! assure mv customers better gifts with their i books than any other house, and can give my ! Agents a larger commission. A valuable Gilt ' wtll-be delivered with each Book at thetbne otf i sale. Gifts worth $50i', at the loitc*t MnlmiU I prices, will be impartially distributed with ev- 1 erv $1,000 worth of Books sold, . ‘Send for a Catalogue, which will be mailed free to any address, containing the most Valua ble collection of Standard productions in Lit erature, Philosophy, History, Geography, Trav els, and the Sciences, with all the favorite works of Fiction and Romance, and evhr>- other de partment of Literature, classified as described below. Send for it, for if you don’t wish to or der Books, vou will ubraiil a,very valuable Book for reference, as it contains all tlie desi- rable Books in print, and will cost you uoth- 19 Particular attention is requested tn the List of my Publications, which will be found in the latter part of my Classified Catalogues. It con tains a large number, of deservedly popular works, by various authors; among which are all of T. S. Arthur’s best works, well known as a moral, instructive and pleasiug author, inter esting biographies, travels, &c. CLASSIFICATION OF BOOKS. Argicaltnral—This department embraces all standard works upon general Agriculture, Cotton Planting, Flowers, Gardening, Farm Implements, Horses, Sheep, Cattle, Bees, Ac., Ac. Albums—Ladies’ (a great variety) Floral, Cap Quarto, Royal Cap, Demy Quarto, autograph, &c Annuals—Annuals for 1859—a large and ele- pant assortment. BxhU*— A splemlid assortment of Pocket. Pew and Family Bibles, in every style, troin $1 to £5<L Prayer Bools—A complete assortment, in eve ry form and at all prices. Hymn Boohs—As used by the different denom inations. Birsn , anh}^a.l—^fov\s.i>‘ of Irvinp, Weems, Ban croft, Sparks, and every other standard au thor. Bobinicnl—By Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Dar by, Wood, etc., itc. Co'ilery-^Receipt and Cook Books, by Mrs. Hale, Leslie, Widddield, McKenzie, Ac. German—Standard German Literature. D.ictwaiiries—Webster’s, English, French, Ger- I man. Spanish, Latin, Greek, Italian, «tc. j Historical—By Prescott, fi-vm^, Bancroft, Rob- 5 00 TSO-i Misses’ do. do Misses" Ear Drops, with Stone Setting Slisses’GoId Bracelet, half round band, engraved Ladies’ Gold Bracelet, half round band. Gents’ ScaM Pin. Gents' Jet or Florentine Studs Gents’ Sleeve Buttons, Jet, Florentine and Onvx Slisses’ G'ota StoneSets, Ear Drops and Pin - Ladies’ Gold Pens, with Holder and Box -’ wt • • ■ - - - Gents’ Cameo Mosaic ot Florentine Sleeve Buttons 4 00 Ylisses’ Neck Chains 6 00 Miscellaneous Gifts,not enumerated in the above List, varying in value from 50 cents to 25 00 Agents Wanted Everywhere. To Agents I can give more liberal induce ments than can be afforded by any other hotise. In addition to largeV commissions, it is much J s easily taken^has no bad taste, easier to get subscribers for my enterprise than : easily taken, lias no bad taste, any other. . Is'easily taken, has no bad taste, The peculiar advantages are— ; j a easily taken, has s» bad taste, A larger Stock and better Catalogues to select j g eas ny taken, lias no bad taste, from. I Is easily tafcpii, hfis'tio bad taste, A Better Assortment and Quality of Gifts, j J g easily taken, has no bad "taste, More Punctuality and Correctness in filling j s easily taken, has no bad taste, Orders. . Is easily taken, has no bad taste, By acting as Agents for me, : j s easily taken, has no bad taste, Persons wishhrg a valuable Library can pro-, j s easily taken, has no bad taste, w cure it gvatis. * .... Those'seeking an easy method of earning a 1 livelihood can find it. j Anv one desiring a good YVatch, can obtain . .it. - • j For full particulars, send for a Catalogue. i SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC. That great remedy, Sanchez’ Specific, That great remedy, Sanchez' Specific, That great remedy, Sanchez’ specific, 4 00. | That great remedy, Sanchez' Specific,’ 6 00 ; That greai remedy,Sanchez’ Specific, 2 00 : That great remedy, Sanchez' Specific, 3 00; That great remedy, Sanchez' Specific, j That great remedy, Sanchez’ Specific] 3 50 ! That great remedy, Sanchez’ Specific, ' That great remedy, Sanchez’ Specific] That great remedy, Sanchez' Sfecific, That great remedy, Sanchez' Specific, The only positive cure before the people- The ouly positive cure before the people- The only positive cure before the people^ The only positive cure before the people’- The only positive cure before the people- The only positive cure before the people- The only positive cure before the people- The only positive cure before the people The only positive cure before the people- The only positive cute before the people • The only positive cure-before the people -. The only positive cure before the people;. Mv large capital, together with my long ex perience in the business and consequent fault 1* ‘ iaritv with all its details, gives me an almost incalculable advantage over all other parties, j All I ask is a trial. Pend me an order, and I vou will be convinced that there is no exagger- : ntion. D‘> not forget to send for a Catalogue. Persons visiting the city, are requested to call Carried in the trunk, without breaking, and examine for themselves. <!. O. EVANS’ HEAD QUARTERS, 439 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Branch Store, 45 Cornhiil, Boston, SIass.3 Is easily taken, has no bad taste, Contains no Copaiva, pan be sent by mail, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Contains 110 Copaiva, can be sent by mull, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent, by mail, - Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Cniitains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Co lit.lilts no Copaiva, can be sent by mad, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, -Cniitains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail. Contains tin Copaiva, can be sent by mail. Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Contains net Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Curried in the trunk, without’ breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. ! Carried in the trunk, without breaking. | Carried in the trunk, without breaking, j Carried in tbe trunk, without breaking. ■ Carried in the trunk, without breaking, i Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in” the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, withnut breaking. The full directions, around each package, The frill directions, around each package, The full directions, around each package, The full directions, around each package, The full directions, around each package, The full directions, around each package, The full directions, around each package, The full directions, hrirnnd each package. The full directions, around each package, The full directions, around each package, The full directions; around each package, The full directions, around each package, If complied with, w ill effect a cure If complied with, will effect a cure If complied with; will effect a cure Whose letters ol j !<><'»,^ied with, will effect a cure •sess !f compTied with, will effect a cure iofi. and will be produced and show,', id any ! ]f complied with,"will effect a cure time with the greatest pleasure. . I Li «*"'P}!¥*} «!$’ *j!.' 'ifc! . -- July's2-1—worn. G. G. K\ ANS. Special Notice to Book Borers. As there are parties of doubtful responsibili ty advertising Gilt concerns, and some an 1 ma king] many luro]e promises, under* fictitious names, without the intention bv ability to fril- ; fill them, hoping, throuffhthc popularity ofmy enterprise, to deceive and plunder the public, | a strict sense of duty compels me to warn all l against them. Ami if any are deceived and 1 cheated by them, they should not be .so unjust j as to condemn me along with them, for they ! are base imitators of au enterprise that has cost me an immense amount of time «.nd money to j place in the position which it now occupies,— ! commanding:m extensive and increasing trade, ] approved and endorsed, with the most entire | freedom and confidence, by the leading Pub- ! lishing Houses in the Un p approval and endorsement are in my po: JACOB’S CORDIAL, JACOB’S CORDIAL,. JACOB’S CORDIAL, *’ JACOB’S CORD!A JACOB’S CORDIAL, JACOB’S CORDIAL, JACOB'S CORDIAL, . JACOB’S CORDiAL, JACOB’S CORDIAL, The Great Southern Remed*, / The Great Southern Rrmedt, -• Tiik Great Southern Reyi^dY, TueGreat Southern Remedy, • The Great SoctiIbrn-Remedt, The Great Southern Remedy, The Gueat Southern Remedy, The Great Southern Remedy, The Great Southern Remedy, Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand "Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes 'yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yeayly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Planters take notice Plantei s take notice Planters tafc* notice; Planters take notice Planters take notice" , * Planters takembtice Planters take notice Planters take notice Planters take notice lent limestone spring, convenient to the dwel-] fTTHEilK.^ ling. This property adjoins the lands of W. j \\ tor on \V. Clayton, Esq. Any one wishing an up- country residence would do .veil to call on the subscribers before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. BRYAN k SON, Savannah, N. H. EDDY, Kingston, Ga. Sept S, 1859. DR. J. HENRY BOND, A GR YDtTATE OF THE BALTIMORE DENTAL COLLEGE, I NFORMS the citiaens of Cass county tbit he has located hiiuself in Cassrille, and is prepared to perform all operations perlaiuing to his profession, and feels confident, after ten years experience in the business, that he can j give entire satisfaction. Teeth ext-acted with- | •5AS James F. Barron, administra- the estate of W. G. Barron, de applies to .me for letters dismissory from said administration. .. _ These are therefore, cite aad admonishalL That it is tbe only sore aod P Q , s j e * el I per surfs cmiebf aed to be Riid appear a^jnypf^, - — * - “ r ~ ' fice,'WTlhirf the time prescribed by law. au(T show cause, if any the}* have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Sept 22, 1859. dm. * J. W. WATTS, Ord. Pocket Book Lost. CiTATF. OF OEORGTA, Pickens CorxTT.— O Whereas Edward Johnson, administrator de buiiis-jiqq nq the estate of John Evans, de ceased,’applies -to me for letters diSJBtssorT from said WmnooSratkm. -- - These are therefore to cite and. admonish all »ut pain, bv the use of the electro-magnetic, persqHsttoneenied, to betvnd appear at my oAfcs machine. All work warranted. Mav be found , withfn the time prescribes by law, snffsfiow at all times at his office in CassviBe the first, eanse, if any they have, why saidletterssbonla part of each week, and all pviblic days. -j not be granted. June 9, 1859—tf. “ | (Jiven under my hand at office, in Jasper, , j Jirae-16, I S5t*. 6m C. M. McCLURE, Ord. I G EORGIA, CASS COUNTY”: Whereas Jes- sae Sw fin applies to me for letters dis- UST, somewnere on me Aiaoama n.aa, oe- ; m issorr-lrom administration on the Estate of j tween Allatoona and Puinnkni vine creek, J ;1S . M. Aycick, deceased, on the 5th inst., a Mo-ncco Pocket Book, of j These are therefore tn-c-ite and admonish sll common size, containing about $!5.<1Q— 3 $-3a i persons concerned to be and appear at my oft gold pieces, one 5 dollar bill and one 2 dollar; lice oritt-io the time prescribed by law to show bill, and s one silver; also, one note on Rich- : cause wbv said leUerw'shouM not be granted, ard Ramsey for $7.00, one onSbmpson Worth- - -- - ington for $7.50; one giren by myself to the estate of J. G. lllanee, for $IB0. l >‘—this note has been paid but my name is stii! on it. All persons are forewarned against trading for any of these notes. Any information respecting said uotes will be tbankfullv received br C. W. DEMPSEY, Sept 15—3t Kingston, Gm. Giren under mv hand at office, this June 30,1859. 6ai. J. W. WATTS. Ord. T YO months after date application will be made tn the Ordinary of maid county -for leave to sell the laud mad negroes of M. M- CarswelI, deceased. ’ B. H. LEEKE, Aug. 1—2ra. Administrator. Georgia, Fannim county. ' riYWO months after date application will be _L made to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the Real Estate of-Robert Rogers, deceased. WM. FRANKLIN, Sept. 15—2m Admioistrajfor. E, M. KEITH, Attorney at Lww, Cspr- vi!le, Ga.—Practices in ibe counties of ertsiin, Hume, Gibb nis, Mab.inlev; amJ oth ers. i Humorous— Embr.fces a \V«*r!rl <>! Fun. JitvTii tie - fTvery dt*serij)ti«m oil ilu>trale<l bonks I for Children. i Line and Medicine -The Standard W orkd o ! these pVofessiort*;. i Mechanical and Sden inr--The most njiprorcd ; works on Mechanics, Architecfure and the I exact Sciehcos. d American. Octavo and Literary editions of the Srmdu d Poets.; — Pocket and Cabinet editions plain and illus trated, bound iu every style to suit the taste of all. Works-of Fiction— By Scott, Irving, Cooper, Dickens, ami all the approved writers. School and Classic«!, 0 Traveler and A d ve u tures. Musical and Glee Bi»r*k<, Games Sports, and FaStimos, Religions, Biblical and Th tdogifri!,' Odd Fell ’wship arid Freem r^uirv. M'sceUaneous—Ovir M iscellanc*ns Departinent embraces everything not included iu-thoab^ve- classification, of an inteivsting or instructive character, that is in print. SCHEDULE OF GIFTS. Patent English Lever Gold Witches, with fine Gold Hunting Cases.^.... £190 00 Patgiiti Anchor Lever Gold \VpUU cs, targe Size, Warranteil guild'move ment, with fine Guhl Hunting Oases 50 0° Ludies’-lSk. Case G, Jcl Lever Watches, war ranted goed timekeepers,-—with fine Gold ilnnting Cases 5u 00 Ladies’ ISk. Case Gold Lexer Watches, Open Dial Gents’ Silver Lever Watches, Hunting Cases I Gents’Silver Lepine Watches.—Open Dial Pdrlor Time Pieces, new pattern, war ranted Ladies’ Elegant Black Silk Dress Pat terns Ladies’ Elegant Plaid Silk Dress Pat terns i Ladies’ Cameo Sets, Pin and Drops to match Ladies’ Canfeo Sets, Pin and Drops to match Ladies’ Gold Bracelets,—extra fine - (eachl... ......... Ladies’ Gold Bracelets, plain or ttigra ved Band |)OOK AND TRACT DEPOSITORY D of the Georgia C inference. —The Com mittee of the Conference met on the Kith inst., and have p ■rmnnently located a Depos itory at Macon, Hi, where all the Books ot our Cat.ilnga - will he furnished at N tshvilk- wholes de and retail prices, and as low as they can be bought elsewhere. Catalogues furnished free of expense, by mail, if desired. A large stock of Religious, Sal,5 itti School and College Text Books, always on ban Al so, Blank Books, Stationery—such as Fools cap, Letter, Note and Bill paper. Envelopes. Visiting Cards, Paper Cutters. Gold, Steel and Quill Pens, Inks, Pencils, Slates, Wafers, ,to. Sold as low as they can bo purehlised any where. Wo respectfully ask tor a liberal sham of the c'tr' an l conotrv patronage. Orders prompt:v filled. JOHN W. BURKE. Agt. .Web - gill. Colt I.I Avenue, Macon, Ga. rrcomplied with, Will effect a cure If complied with, will effect a cure i f complied with, will client a cure y complied with, w-ifl (‘tteet a core If emu [died with, will effect a cure More.speedily :inil permanently. More speedily and permanently, More speedily and permanently, Mole speedily and permanently, Mo-wspeediliy and pernianentlv, More speedily and permanently. More speedily and permanently, More Speedily and permanently, More speedilv and permanently. More speedily amt permanently, More speedily am! permanently, More speedily and permanently, With less trouble, without loss of time, With less trouble, without loss of time, With less trouble, without loss of time, , r IXSIiIP IRON WORKS, Athntn. tv *r Boilers, ( la.-I. A R. YV1NSI1H’ infaemrers of'-ritwim. J'.ogi S..W Mills,' on ill.- i A GO., tes and ■ I,at lies, ! Sng .r nerv. Mill Wold I, s’..f TKli Lots, Bridge t Mills, of al; iug for ,irieg Irom proved pint, Tnenin Kettles, Muting Mach Fences and I'emutrv and Bolts, Railroad 'Work, Gin I •j to Ig feet, latest improved II and till kiitds-ot Iron and Brass Castings made to order at short notice. Having experienced workmen, a large and well assorted stock of New I’aitvms. and our facilities being superior to.any Foundry iu the State, we feel conliilent. of giving entire sat in fliction to those who may favor ns with tlieir o:\ler.s. bath in regard to prices and qu.dity.ol our work. Foundry and M icliinc Shop un Wes tern A Vll antic R ail rood. Isaac wi.vsnie I ttoii’T wixsnip ; oito. wixsn'ir March 24th, 1859 — ly. \\ iih less troulil Willi less trniibl Willi less troiib:i With less trouble With h-ss troiibli Willi less troi'lili With less ti iiub! Witli less tniuhl With less trmild, Or cluing Or ehar.g Or cluing (limit loss ul timo, , without loss o! time, without loss ol time, , without loss ot time, without loss of time, , without loss ol time, tliont lo of time, of time, without loss without loss ( diet, than any known remedy, fdiet, tban any known remedy, f diet, than any known remedy, [taiio-e of diet, that! any known remedy, Or cluftyre | | d el. than .any known remedy, .Or cl outgo of diet, that: any known remedy. Or change of diet, than any known remedy, 'fe change of diet, than any known remedy, 'Or change of diet* than any known remedy, -Or change ol diet, than any known remedy, Or change of diet, than any known remedy, Or Change ol diet, than any known remedy, IimGonerrHoea and Gleet. Planters, this is [n Gonorrhcea and Gleet. Planters, tins is In Gnnon'lnga and Gleet. Planters, this is In Gonorrhoea'*n<t Gleet. Planters, ties :s D The urulersigncf] ] K ship in the bits 35. py 25 m 15 00 12 00 l )RICK .MASONRY. j \ Rave t inned a roptirtnersliq I * ness of BRICK MASONRY Til v have mm in their eiupluv a large Hum ber of tiie best of workmen, ami are now pre pared to do BETTER WORK. IN LESS TIME, and at fairer price's, tluui has ever been done in Cherokee Georgia. Contracts taken in any part of tiio State. For specimens of work we refer to the two CWWyretmigttt ar Cdtfsrgfrns dr any Titlrer building put up by Jus. Clmpnian. ‘Jos. CHAPMAN, Z. 11. CLAUDY. Cassville, Marcli Sd, 1559.. (! nnwriiciM and Gleet. Planters, , this is i Gonorrhoea and Gleet. Planters, this is i < lunurihoNi am! Gleet. Planters, this is i (iinurirlicea and Gleet. Planters, this is i Gonorrlifjea ami Gleet. Planters, this is G<-iiurrha*a and Gleet. Planters, , this is (ionwril.’Oca and Gleet. Planters' , this is GmnArfhoea arid Gleet. Pin liters, this is A valuable remedy for your negroc* ; A valuable remedy for your negries; A valuable remedy for your mprofs ; A valuable ri medy lor negnns ; A valuable remedy for your negruts; A valuabb' refnedy for your negroes ; ek valuable H-medy lor your negrois; A vaiuable remedy for y our negruts; - A valuable remedy for your negroes; A valuable remedy for your negroes; A valuable remedy- for your negroes; A valuable remedy f r your negroes; It saves their health and their constitution, STANDARD JOB OFKICfE.—The Start* \ | f l health and Ihefr eonsrilnljon] ^ dard Office being well supplied with t> | It saves tbeir healtl) acd their constilution, large v.urietv.oi the best kinds of printing [* saves their health and their constitution, materials, we are prepared to do :ril kinds pt | ft saves-their health and their constitution JOB PRINTING in the best style, of the art, - " ' “ : Planters tape notice That it is the only sure and poiitire r^medw That it is tlie only sore and foiifive remedy Q en t 3 ’ Solid Gold Y'est Chains—new That it is the only sure and positive remedy Pattern V That it is the cnly sure and positive remedy L a( U es > Guards, or Chatelaine Chains, That it is the only sure and positive remedy choice That it is the only sure and positive remedy L ar „ e Gold Spring Lockets, with Dou- That iris tbe only sore aod posittve teioady b)e Cases That itis the-only sore and po'sffiveremtd^: Large Gold Soap Lockets, with Double ThaFifls the only sure arid positive remedy Cases That it is the ouly sure and positive remedy Medium size, No. 3, Lockets, Double Cass, Cherokee,-'torduB, Wbitfield and i ! Paulding. All business entrusted to his care 5 will meet afttb prompt attention. Office north S UPERIOR and Inferior Court Executions 1 0 f the public square, in Rice s building, different kinds, at the - Nov. IS,'" Jan. 1,1859. STANDARD OFFICE, f B r arq ... . . . qd^.’rift-be’ctiltrged for all Blanks when jVI tinns: 75 cents per qnire, cash : for sale 14f»ld on a cteSu So pay the cash and save a | - - oV .5b mnnSVTrF'^ t nnarOr I MIND—That One Dollar per Is per qm STAND. i A ED OFFICE.' 1 quarter, Before the People, Before the People, Before the People, Before the People, Before the People, Before the People, Before the People, Before the People, ra.--* -- ~ Before tbe- Peopfey - * Before the People,.. In Py*entery,Di»rriicea.and Ffox Iu’ Dysentery .^Diarrhoea and Tlux. In Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flax.' In Dvseutery, Diarrhoea and Flnx. ' Tn Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flax. In Dysentery, Diarrhoea and'Flux. In Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flux. In Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flux. In Dvseutery, Diarrhoea and Flax. It never fails. It never foils. It neverdfeils. It never fails. It never fails. It never fails. It never fails. It never fails. It never tails. Packages of half dozen Packages of half dozen Packages of half dozen Packages of half dozen Packages of half dozen Packages of half dozen ' Packageaof half dozen Packages of half dozen Packages of half dozen Put up expressly t)wplairtatio*b. Put up expressly for plantations. . Put up expressly.for plantations. Put up expresslv for plantations. Put up expressly for plantations. Pip up expressly for plantations. Putun expressly for plantations. Put up expressly for plantations. .Jfet.ap expressly for pl^p^siWSS-azr Fofsale in Caissvilre bv ' “ . April 14, 1859. McMURRY k LOWRY. Cases j Heavy Gold Pencil Cases, with Gold j Pens - , Superior Gold Pens, with Holders and | Box ... i Ladies’Gold Pencils Gents’ Heavy Gold Pencils.. Gents’Gold Pens, with Silver Exten- ! sion Pencil Ladies’ Coral, Garnett, or Turquoise Sets Ladies’ Mosaic.qr Gold Stone Sets.... Ladies’ Florentine Sets, Pin and Drops to match i.... ' Ladies’ Jet Sets, Pin and Drops to 1 match Ladies’-'Lara Sets, Pin and Drops to ; match ' Ladies’ Cameo Piiis, Targe size. Ladies’ do do medium.. 1 Ladies’ do do small Ladies’ Gold Stone Pins, small, Ladies' Box and Glass Miniature Pins Ladies’ Plain Gold Pius, new pattern. 1 Ladies’ Plain Ear Drops Misses’ do. Gold Pins Gents’ Cluster Pins, Opal Centre (fonts’ Single Stone Pins ! Gents’ Cameo or Mosaic Bosom Studs ! Gents’ Engraved Gold do. do. 1 Gents’ Sleeve Buttons Ladies’ Sleeve Buttons Ladies’ Pearl Card Cases Gents’ Pearl Pocket Knives, 3 Blades, BestQuality. Slisses’ Lava Pins Gents’ Gold Watch Keys and Pencils, A combined - Gents’ Gold Toothpicks Gents’ Gold Rings, with stone Setting Ladies’ Gold Rings, do do • Sets Si! ve’r-Plated Tea Spoons.. Silver-PIated-Bntter Knives. Ladies’ or Gents* Money Purses. Gents’Gold wrteh kevs, or vesti«x*s - Lidles’ Florentine Breast Pins.... . A. ’ Ladies’-Jet Breast Pms. Ladies’ Mosaic BreastPins at short notice, and at low terms. Particular attention will be paid to the printing of Circulars, Blanks of ttll kinds, Blank Notes, Programmes, Hand and Show Bills, Posters, Ac. We respectfully sol.cit the patronage ot the public. All orders must be accompanied with the caffi, or an Y acceptable city reference” given. Jan. 1, 1859. 3 00 2 50 3 30 15 00 10 W 7 50' , 10 00 5 00 3 50- 2 50 2 50,i 2 00 i 2 50 I 2 00 I 1 50 i 2 50 1 100 43 o: 2 50 2 50 2 50 5 00 1 90 250 200 2 00 2 50 1 50 2 00 1 00 50 SC 50* 5 00 It saves tfipir health and their constitution, It saves tbeir health and iheir constitution, It saves tbeir health and their constitution, It savi^their health and their constitution, It sav<?tbeir health and their constitution, It saves their health and then constitution, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, , Saves you-l ist of hands, it cures qnick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves yotfTbss ofh*nds, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures q"! c k> Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick. Saves a big doctor’s bill, and never fails. Saves a big doctor’s bill, and never fails. Saves a big doctor’s bill, arid never fails. Saves a big doctor’s bill, and never fails. Saves a big doctor’s bill, and never fails. Saves a big doctor’s bill, and never fails. C tARRIAGES AND HARNESS.—Tlie sub Saves a big-doctor’s bill, and never fails- f scriber Keeps still the largest assortment. Saves a big doctor’s .bill,- find never fails, of Vehicles to be found in the Southern^ coun- Saves a.big doctor’s bill', and never fails. Saves a big doctor’s bill, and never funs. Saves a big doctor’s bill, and never fat s. Saves a higdoctor’s bill, and never fails- ■ , Price two dollars. Packages of half u 1 ® 11 Price two dollars. Packages ol half ootcn Price two dollair*. Packages ol ha f <J"“ Price two dollars. Packages of ha lf <h « Price two dollars. Packages ofhafdocn ' Price two dollars. Packages of ha f da a Price two dollars. Packages of ha ” Price two dollars. Packages of halN““» Price two dollars. Packages o, ha.fd * Price two dollars. Packages of ba f dtze» Price two dollars. Packages of ha f d'^, Price two dollars. Packages of half c I RON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINS SHOP, on Georgia Rail Road, near Cotton Factory, Augusta, Ga.—Or ders are solicited for Castings for Rail Roads, all kinds of Machinery for Gold Mines, Bridg es, Draw Bridges, Gas YVorks, Flour Mills, Paper Mills, Saw Mills, Gin Gearing, Water Wheels; all kinds of Smith work; Shafting and Circular Saw Mills, complete. YV. M. HIGHT, March 31, 1859—ly. Proprietor, ttff comprising Oraches, Catesehes, Koclta- ways, Ac. , Concord oue.bundred dollars. Lesther-tpp Buggief ait one to two hundred Mortars; abd other sttlesbqrfally low. A card of designs wilt be sent if required, by addressing M. H. NATHAN, March 17, 1859—ly. Charleston, S. C. Refers to Col. U. F. Price, Cassville. Ga. D OCT. J. AY. KIN ABREAY, having lo cated permanently in Cassville, offer his professional services to the public, and will attend promptly to every call, day or night. Office next floor south of J. A. Ter- \ rell’s residence, Where he can be found during p u t u p expressly for plantations, the day,—at night at the residence lately occu- p u t up expressly for plantations, pied by Rev. jfc Kelsey. Thankful for past p u t u p expressly for plantations, patronage, he asks a continuance of the same. p u t up expressly for plantations. Cassville, Ga., Feb. 1, 1859. Put up expressly for plantations. —— -—I——: — 1 | Put up expressly for plantations. S ANK AGENCY.—Tuos. M. Compton, Put up expressly for plantations, Cassville, Ga., Agent of the Bank of the P^t up expressly for Potations. State of South .Carolina, wall sell^^ Ex- p jL°£^*] ress j>f„ r plantations, change on Charleston and New York, make “P ^ foT plantations, advances on Produce, Ac., and attend to all ^ "P the business usually transacted by Bank A. -dreggistandc^ountry merchant shoflW ffeAitS. - Nov. 18, 18oB. a Lrnilv of this valuable remedy, no*, n ” HENRY PATILLO FARROW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cartersville, Georgia. Office—next doot. to Kramer’s Drug Store. Oct 6, 1859 keep a Supplv of this valuable remedy notnr- ty^oiu the profit* that accrue from its » ^ but as an-act of-pbilanthrupv towards safl n<r humaiftty. It will be made to «!>« es P e '„ r i and pecuaiarv interest of all druggists P chase ofr V W- BLISS, Propnetot 393 Broadway, New Y0«- For Sal* in Cassville at the - I April 14, 1839—ly. SfAynARD Orel*