The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, October 27, 1859, Image 4

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irimmm A Cljf ^tanbari. The Tomb of Bacbel The Honl Jas. Broods, (he senior editor of the New York Express, writes to that Journal from the Holy Land: Upon my return to Bethlehem, I rode by the tomb of Rachel—a small building with a whitened dome, and having within 3l$t>crit0craatt$. £cgat Natigc$L f The celebrated Copper Toe. MITCHELL’S Patent Metafile Tip, Boots and Shoes. A N improvement has been applied to Boots ami Shoes, by which a Saving of expeose it a liigh oblong monument, built of brick I to the consumer, of two-thirds, is realized, by and stuccoed over, i'he spot is «ild and . C tuk TIP consists of a piece of copper or solitary'—and not a tree spreads its shad- ; other indestructible material; neatly fastened ows where rests the beautiful mother of' *° the ’ t4,e of the b, '" t ,,r s5l<Je ’ forming a com-* OWS Wtiert rests tne UCJUIUUI iuouier OI protection. This invention is now pre- Israel. Christian, Jew and Moslem all . rented to the public, with the fullest knowl- ,.~™ tb, t nils h ju,. .he r < »hc ehel was buried, and all unite in honoring > supercede'the old style, for children’s, boys’ it -ill b. cs may rest near hers, and hence their , readily appreciated, as ii is known that chil- iodic, bo,brt. .inter Wb .11 jgJSSS around the simple grave of Rachel. The | will upon an average weaVtU least two orthree »-*-* virtue of the goo.1 wife ^t7.Z£’n.Z‘ VK have won their love and admiration, as the tomb of Absolotu, near the brook of Kedron, their detestation—upon the latter they throw a stone to m irk their horror ■ of the disobedient while aiound the former they wish, when they die, their bodies to be interred. Nor is this wonderful. The wife worth fourteen year’s service as a shephard must have been worth having. The whole life of Rachel is, indeed, one of the most touch ing in Biblical history. The sweet shep herdess has left her mark upon the mem ory of man, as well as her tomb. The tribute to her is the tribute of a good wife, ^bvertteements. ^Uuicrtisnmnts. ^bucrtiscuicnts. . CM* Sheriff’s Sales for HoYtmber. t«t of land N<>. 435, 17th dist. and 3d sec.; property of Charles Walker. Lot No. SIS, in 17th dist., 3d sec.; property of Christopher Smith. designed especially FOB ! 814, in 17th dist., 3d sec. ; property BOYS’, YOUTilS’-AND CHILDREN’S ! of John B„Arthur and Floyd Jacksor. . — - ' -— Half of lot No. 919, 17 th dist. 3d sec. ;, prop erty <*f Floyd Jackson: I Ait No.-SaS, 17 th dist_ 3d sec. ; property of T. F. Abel and David Garrison. Lot No. 1144, 17th dist. 3d sec. ; property ol W. V. King. One negro. b«y,-na ned Beg; pnyerty .of B. H. 0. Bonntr. Rouse and lot whereon John M. Dobbs now lives, and 2 negro boys, Green and Bill; sold as the property of said Dobbs. House and lot in Adairsville.; property of; James V. Foster. One negro named Dock. 1 sorrel horse, one j two-horse carriage; property of Wm.Eddings. , Oct. C. W. L. AYCOCK, Dep. Sh’ff. 'see the importance of obtaining these goods immediately, as they are destined, for general use, to supercede all other kinds. The gi h ids mav be obtained of nearly all the wholesale dealers in the principal dified, or of the subscribers, (owners of. the. patent.) CHASE, McKINNEY k CO,. Aug 13 6m Boston, Mass. Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pexx. A Benevolent Institution established by Special Endowm*nt for the Relief of the Sick u nd Distressed, ajfiicbed- with yirtueiU and, Epi demic Distant*. . aid inluM. .ml J,.,, .I»l Christian "" j r j'“J KKSllfS.1l combine to pay it. The great women of I caused by sexual diseases, and the deceptions the earth— the Zenobias and Cleopatras, \ practiced' upon .the unfortunate victims of , , , , . , .... ’ such diseases by quacks, several years ago dl have died, been buried, ami their place of j reeled theiu, Consulting Surgeon,’ asit ehiirit- burial beetl forgotten-hut to this day ' ^le act worthy of Uieir name to open a P;s- , . _ . _ .r , iHjnsarv for the tnmtinent of this-cfcissr of did- stands over the grave of liachel, not the j eases, all their torm*, and to give medical pillar Jacob set up, but a modern monu- i “ dvic ? fU“ tu > *" “". who "FPlF by letter with a 1 A , 1 description of their condition, (age, occupa- ment in its place, around 'which, pilgrims tion, habits of life, Ac.,) and ill cases of ex- from every land under the sun gather, fa | respect and reverence fur the faithful wife j station commands the highest medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors of the Association in their annual report express the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors of their surgeons in the cure.of the diseases of the kidneys, bladder and sexual organs, and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. An admirable report on the diseases of tlie sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent bv mail, (in a sealed envelope) free of charge, on receipt of tarn stamps for postage. Other reports and tracts on the nature' and treatment of sexual diseases, diet, Ac., are constantly being published'for gratuitous dis trihution, and will be s- nt to the-afflicted. Sente of the new remedies and methods of treatment discovered during the last year, are of great value. Address for report or treatment, Duct. J. S. Houghton, Acting Surgeon, Howard Associa tion, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Bv order of the Directors. E. 1). llEARTWELL, Fresid’t. GEO. FAIRCHILD. Secretary. Oct. 13, 1659—ly. ETElTTOH’S SALE; A GREEABLY to an order of the Ordinary I of Cass countv will be sold before the : ‘.™. "I- 1 Court House in Cassville on the 1st Tuesday j ....♦a o»w .. rennnms nna " in" November next, within th« legal hours of j sale, all tho hiuii i belonging to the csUte of • 2“« t . . ... ^,2.. John A. UpshaffF, deceased, known «s the Merchanlv and tlie public generalhr, deceased lived" at; flie'time of; and good mother i:i Israel The Spsel of Railway Cars. Many of the accidents which happen to persons attempting to cross railroads, are the result of ignorance of the velocity of tlie iron horse when fairly under way.—‘ A writer in the Hartford Conrant gives some interesting facts which it will be well to bear in tniftd : “ It seems il'.nost incredible, that as >vc glide smoothly along, the elegantly fur nished car moves nearly twice its length in a second of time—about seventy-four feet. At this velocity, we find that the locomotive driving-wheels, six feet in di ameter, make four revolutions per second. Tt is no id'.e piston that traverses the cyl inder thus eight times per second. “If a man with a horse and carriage, upon an unimportant road, should ap proach and cross tlie track at a speed of six, miles an hour, which would be cross ing rapidly, an express train approaching at the moment would move towards him Uvo Itundreil and fifty-seven feet while he was in the act of crossing a distance bare ly sufficient to clear the horse and vehic le. If the horse was moving at a rate no ftstcr than a walk, as the track is usually Crossed, the train would move toward him, while in the act of crossing, more than five hundred feet. This diet ac counts for the many accidents at such poults. The person driving thinks he may cross because the train is a few rods distant. “No\v compare the highest speed of iho train with tlie velocity of sound?— When the whistle is opened at the eight rod ‘ whistle post,’ the train will advance nearly one hundred feet before the sound traverses the distance to, and is u. u'.fat tire crossing. The velocity ex ceeds the (light of birds. The late Hr. J. L. Cumstbok, the well known author of several philosophic tl works, informed the writer that he was recently through wes tern Now York, when the train actually * ran down’an.l killed a common hawk. The train, w.ts-st ipped an 1 tlie game, so rarely captured, was secured.’’ 7jg=T* A letter from Naples says that at a fire there-on the 4th lilt, tins Hall, an .American, performed one of those feats for which American firemen are distin guished. There were three ladies in an upper story, but none of the crowd dare enter the house. The American went in, came out above on a high balcony, and balancing himself on the railing, caught all the women as they leaped into his arms, from whence he carried them ilown stairs. The crowd received the perform r.nco with cheers. Daily Recorder. A DAILY RECORDER will be issued, with the opening of the Legislature, in No vember. We have been at no inconsiderable expense in in iking ail suitable arrangements to enable ns to give promptly the daily pro ceedings, and the paper will leave by the ni mail each day. We expect to have the aid of our able and experienced Reporters of the last session. Their labor in the past will give an idea of what nny be expected in our daily.— With such advantages, together with the im portant subjects that must of necessity be dis cussed and disposed of by the next Legislature, we hope to issue a paper that will be intrinsi cally worth double what we charge. A tel egraph line that will then be in operation to this city, will also enable us to give the news from every other section, at the latest momen t. Let our effoits to accommodate the public meet with that support the enterprise may fnerit. Terms—ft for th-.- session, in advance. It. M ORME A SON. Millcdgeville, Ga., Sept., 1359. his dyath,-viz: Lots uf Land Nos. 255, 30 acres off ofliit No. 286. 70 acres off of lot No. 235, and 43}^ acres off of lot-Xo. 254, all in the 5th district und:5d.sectiuii. Sold for the purpose of distribution among the children. Terms of sale nude-knowo Qit the day. Anp25—tds II. F. PRICE, Ex’r. Georgia, Cass connty. . Obdixary’s Of kick, Sept. 16, 1859. I T appeal ing to me hv the petitiua of John F. Milhollin that George B. Russell, de ceased, did in liis lifetime execute to E. C. B. Christian his bond, conditioned to execute ti tles to town lot number tour, in the town of Cassville, Sti(.te pf Georgia, and that said bond was duly and legally transferred to said John F. Milhollin L-and it further appearing tint said George B. Russell departed this life-with out executing titles to said town lot or in any wise proridmg tln-rcfnr; and it further appear ing that said John F. Milhollin lias paid the foil amount ol the purchase money of said lot and petitions this Court to direct Turner II. Trippe and George Alexander, Executors of the last will and testament of said George B. Russel!, deceased, to expeiite' titles to him in conformity with said bond: it is therefore- hereby ordered that notice be given in three or more public places and in the Cassville Standard of such application, that all persons ccute titles to said lot in conformity with said bond A true extract from the minntes of Court. JAMES W.’WATTS, Ord’rv. Per \Y. C. GAINES, D. Clk. Sept 22, 1859—m3m. Georgia, Case couaty. W I1KREAS Thus. C. MeEycr, Administra tor on the estate of Brice McEver, de ceased, applies to me for. letters Distiiis-sory from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be aud appear at tnv office within the tiihe prescribed-by law, to show cause, ifnny they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Oct 6, 1359. 6m. J. W. WATTS, Ord. Georgia, Fannin county. ' W HEREAS Win. E. Mull and M .rv F. Ol- over apply 4q me for letters of adniinis- t rati op on tlie estate, of Tims. W-rOhiver, de ceased, late of said county. These are therefore to cite an2 admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at :ny of fice withiB the ti -ie prescribed oy law, to show cause, if nny' they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Sept 15, rst |T85ff 30d JAS. KINCAID, Ord. List of Lott or s R EMAINING in tlie Post 0 lice ft Cassville!, Georgia, oil the 1 st day of October, 1S59, which if not taken out «ithin three months Benson, Alexander Baker, Lucinda Bates, Miss Rosilia Bell, Mrs. M. L. Caine, Rev. J. T. Edgeworth,Eve Cadet Mason, T. M. Norwood, Jos. W; Spears, Robert Smith, Andrew Smith, A. C. Taff. Win. ■'ones, Mrs. Susan N. I Tankersbury, Wm. Johnston, Elijah I White, John Keiincdv, Butler | Whetstine, Wm. Lewis, J. A. j Wiley, John McDonald. Lewis Young, Rob’t B. Markers, James | Yarbrough, Miss Eliza Morrison Isaac | 23F” Persons calling for any .of the above Letters will please ask for “advertlsedjetters,” and bring changeTo pay. for advertising. Oct 13—31. A. HAIRE, P. M. G eorgia,--gass county.—.whereas .Iona than Mellow applies to me for letters Georgia, Cass county. distiiissory from the Executorship on the Es tate of Thomas J. Alexander, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons coacefned, to be-and appear at niv of- Georgia, Pickens county. W HEREAS Samuel Tate, administrator on the estate of William Coffee, deceased, applies to me for letters dismissorv from said administration. ' These are thbreforc to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and apjiearat my office within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this'Sept 22, 1839. 6m. ' C. M. MeCLCRE. Ord. Georgia, Cass connty. W HEREAS James F. Barron, administra tor on the estate of W. G. Barron, de ceased, applies to tne for letters dismissorv from said administration. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all pcrsuns.Conceroed to be ami app<iir at my of fice, within the time prescribed bv law. and will be sent to the genera, post office as Dead l ^^.d^be gra^red' haVe ’ Wl ' V<a ' d Letters. Given under mv hand at : office, this Sept 22, J. W. W ATTS, Ord. Georgia, Cass connty. rpWO months after d ite application will be _L made to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the Land and Negroes of A. M. ' Hamilton, deceased, late of said connty. A. C. TRIMBLE, Oct. 6—2m. Administrator. Georgia, Fannin county. T WO m inths after date, application will be made to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the Real Estate of J it n Crumley, deceased. JOS. R. MULL, JOS. T. PLEMOX, Aug 25—2m Adjmiuistrators. rpWO months after date application will he T made to the Ordinary oi said county for leave to sell Lot of Laud No. 1110, in the 17th district and 3d section, property of Elizabeth See within the time prescribed Vv law, to show district ana 3a s c cause, if anjr theyhave, why s»id iettersshould deceased„*.fo..f C not he granted. Gi-eu u(I,for ihv hand at office, this Jnly 21st, !359. 6m. J. W. WATTS, Ordinary. G EORGIA, CASSCOUNTY: WHereasJes- see Swain applies to me for letters dis- missorv Irom administration on the Estate of Jas. M. Aycock, deceased. Oct. 6—2m as Countv. SAMUEL IIARRELL, Administrator. Georgia, Fannin coniily, 7\V0 months after date r pW0 months after date application will be I made to the Ordinary of said county for Jas. M. Avcock, aeceaseu. deceased These are thereforv to cite and admonish pH ; a- J? i.a_o m S ersmis concerned to he and appear at my of- r ce witLin the time prescribed by-law to show cause "why-said letters should i|ot be granted. Giren ai»3er my liand at office, this June 3d, 1859. 6m. J. W. WATTS. Ord. rope npon which Blon lin per formed his fetits, has lieen cut up into pieces for keepsakes, and sold at high fig ures, a la Atlantic Cable. - — ^ I OTATE OF GEORGIA, Piccvns CorvrT.— -\TEIY GOODS AT CASSVILLE.—The j pW hereas Edward J.ihnscn, administrator 1\| , . , , ‘ de bonis imn on the estate of John Evans, de- \ undersigned would respectfully call the ce!Uwd , pp)lPS u , ^ lrtr letters dismissorv XI altentior. cf Cassville and from said administration, the public generally to his Stock ol Goods- | are tbere&ire to cite and adMunisEaill consisting of Clothing, Shi ' ” "— - Caps, Ac Children with ahd Gaiters, Ac.; Boys’. Shoes, of various kinds and uriees. Also, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. Keeps n hand a supply ot Cap, Letter, Commercial Note, Bath, fancV and ail kinds of paper, en velopes, ink and pens—all of which lie will sell cheap for cash. Call at the Postsitfice. ROB’T C. LATIMER. "Cassville, Ga.,.March 10. 1859. — ! 2_1_ — iuese are mere A C. DAY, Tailor. Cassville, Ga.— *^crtl^h Shop near his residence—on tlie same show cause, if any they have, wliy • lot. All work done Ip good stylixand should not be granted. • wfi-'ranted to last. Particular attention given Given under rtl’y hail da t office, this Mar 26, to Cnttiug. Ue asks a ciiutiamnoe ot the Wj - ’ IS59. 6m * J. W. WATTS, Ord’ry. end patronage heretofore' bi-stowtsl. leave to sell the Real Estate of Robert Rogers, WM. FRANKLIN, 'Administrator. G eorgia, cassco uxty.—ivhere- as Robert Russell applies tai me for let ters Dismissorv from administration on the estate of Robert M. Linn, deceased. These afe therefore to cite and admoaish all persons concerned to be aud appear at mj of fice within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they have, wly said Letters should not be granted. Hired under my hand at office, thia April BLISS' DYSPEPTIC REMEDY BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC KEMEDT BLISS' DYSPEPTIC REMbDl BLISS' DYSPEPTIC REMEDY BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC REMEDY BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC KKMEiA BLISS’ dyspeptic remedy BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC REMEDT BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC REMEDY BLISS’ DYSPEPTIC REMEDY Has the largest sale . Has the largest sale Has the largest sale Has the largest sale Has the largest sale Has the largest sale Has the largest sale Has the largest sale Has the largest sale Has the largest sale Of any medicine in the world. Of any medicine in the world. Of anv medicine in the world. Of any medicine in the world. Of any medicine in the world. Of any medicine in the world. Of any medicine in the world. Of any medicine in the world, of any medicine in the world. Of any medicine in the world. Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Ten thousand packages Sold in Georgia and South Carolina Sold in Georgia and South Carolina Sold ill Georgia and South Carolina Sold iu Georgia and South Carolina Sold in Georgia and South Carolina Sold in Georgia and South Carolina Sold in Georgia and South Carolina Sold in Georgia aud South Carolina Sold in Georgia and South Carolina Sold in Georgia and Sonth Carolina Iu fourteen months. In fourteen months. In fourteen months. In fourteen months. In fourteeq months. In fourteen months. In fourteen months. In fourteen months. In fourteen months. In fourteen months. It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure It is wajranted to enre It is warranted to cure It is warranted to cure Any case of Dyspepsia, Any case of Dyspepsia, Acy case of Dyspepsia, Any case ol Dyspepsia, Any case of Dyspepsia, Any case of Dyspepsia, Anv Case of Dyspepsia, Any case of Dyspepsia, Ally case of Dyspepsia, Anv case of Dyspepsia, Or any case of Liver Disease, Or any case of Liver Disease, Or any case of Liver disease, Or any case ot Liver Disease, th- any case of Liver Disease, Or anv case of Liver Disease, Or any case of Livir Disease, Or any case of Liver Disease, Or anv case of Liver Disease, Or any case of Liver Disease, If directions are followed. If directions are followed. If directions are "followed. If directions arc followed. If directions arc followed. If directions are followed. If directions are followed. If directions are followed. It directions are followed. If directions are followed. Can lie sent by mail. Can be sent by mail. Can be sent by mail. Can be sent by mail. Can be sent by mail. Can be sent by mail. Can be sent by mail. Can he sent by anail. I ' Can be sent by mail, ^ Can be sent by mad- Send a 'Postage St imp to the Fniprietnr for his Pamphlet on “Diseases of tlie Stomach and B.iwols.” W. W. BLISS. Proprietor, 365 Broadway, New York. For sale in Cassville at the April 14, 1359. STANDARD OFFICE. Gr I I Ladies’ Cameo Ear Drop*........ ■ [ Misses’ do. do Misses' Ear Drops, with Stone Setting Mime*’ Gold Bracelet, half round band, engraved Indies’ Gold Bracelet, half round band. Gents’ Scarf Pin. SPLENDID SIFTS TO PURCHASEKS-OF BOOKS, | AT THE ORIGINAL AND tFTHE ONLY'ja Gift Book Enterprise, 450 2 50 200 400 600 200 3 00 3 50 ESTABLISHED IN 1S54. H EAD QUARTERS for the United States, at the Publishing House of G. G. Evans, 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Penn.—No connection with New Y'ork gift stores. Cuta- und Ouyx. ! Misses’ Gold Stone Sets, Ear Drops and | Fin... ... Ladies’ Gold Pens, with Holder and Box ' Gents’- Cameo Mosaic or Florentine Sleeve Buttons. 4 00 Misses’Neck Chains 6 UO - Miscellaneous Gifts, not enumerated in . the above List, varying in value , from .*. 50 cents to 25 00 Agents Wanted Everywhere. To Agents I can give more liberal induce- 5 00 1 50 logues sent free. ments than can be afforded by any other house. Since I originated the Gift Book Enterprise, In' addition to larger commissions, it is much I have repeatedly called the attention of the * * " public to mv large stock and liberal offers, to ; which they have always warmly responded. I can now, with more satisfaction than ever, call r attention to mv largely increased inducements I to purchasers.' Being'very heavily engaged in publishing. I exchange my own publications ! for those of other houses, and am enabled to procure all my books at the original cost of making, and thus can and do supply the major- itv of the other houses engaged in the Gift Book Trade, with their books, cheaper than they can procure them from other publishers. I can al so, by mv heavy purchases of watches and jew- elrv. for "cash, turnisb them with their Gifts at lower, rates than they can buy them from the | manufacturers. / • ! Having such an advantage in buying, I can I assure my customers better gifts with their i books than any other house, and can give mv ! Agents a larger commission. A valuable Gift ' will be delivered with each Book at the time of sale. Gifts worth $500, at the loweet wholesale ! prices, will be impartially distributed with ev ery $1,000 worth of Books sold, i Send for a Catalogue, which will be mailed | tree to any address, containing the most vaiua- I We collection of Standard productions in Lit- 1 oraturev Philosophy, History, Geography, Trav- ! els, and the Sciences, w-ith all the favorite works i of Fiction and Romance, and every other de- I partment of Literature, classified as described ■below. Send for it, for if you don’t wish to or der Books, you will obtain a very valuable | Book for reference, as it contains all the desi- | ruble Books in pruit, and will cost you uoth- I ing. easier to get subscribers for my enterprise than any other. The peculiar advantages are— A larger Stock and better Catalogues to select from. A Better Assortment and Quality of Gifts. More Punctuality and Correctness in filling Orders. By acting as Agents for me. Persons wishing a valuable Library can pro cure it gratis. Those seeking an easy method of earning a livelihood can find it. Any one desiring a good Watch, can obtain it. For full particulars, send for a Catalogue. My large capital, together with my long ex perience in the business and consequent famil iarity with all its details, gives me an almost incalculable advantage-over all other parties. All I ask is a trial. Send me an order, and you will he convinced that there is no exagger ation. Do not forget to send for a Catalogue. Persons visiting the city, are requested to call and examine for themselves. G. G. EVANS’ HEAD QUARTERS, 439 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Branch Store, 45 Cornhill, Boston, Mass.^, Special Notice to Book Buyers. As there are parties of doubtful responsibili ty advertising Gift concerns, and some are ma- OUtoKtisuncnts. Particular attention-is requested to the List ‘‘”'K many large promises, under fictitious my Publications, winch will be found in the without the intention or ability to ful- [ of my ^ .. i latter part of my Classified Catalogues. It con tains a large number of deservedly popular works, bv various authors; among which are i all of T- S. Arthur's best works, well known as ■ a moral, instructive and pleasing author, inter- ! esting biographies, travels, Ac. place in the position w! CLASSIFIC ATION OF BOOKS. AsgicnUdral—This department embraces all standard works upon general Agriculture, j Approved and end Planting. Flowers, Gardening, Farm fill them, hoping, through the popularity of my enterprise, to deceive and plunder the public, a strict sense of duty compels me to warn all against them. And if any are deceived and cheated by them, they should not be so unjust as to condemn me along with them, for they are base imitators of an enterprise that has cost me an immense amount of time ..nd money to SANCHEZ’ SPECIFIC. That great remedy, Saschxz’ Srzcmc, That great remedy, Saschzz’ Specific, That great remedy, Sanchez’ - pecific, That great remedy, Sanchez’ Specific, That great remedy, Sanchez’ Specific, That great remedy, Sanchez’ Specific, That great remedy, Sanchez’ Specific, That great remedy, Sanchez’ Specific, That great remedy, Sanchez’ Specific, That great remedy, Sanchez’ Specific, That great remedy. Sanchez’ Specific, Thai great remedy, Sanchez’ Specific, The only positive cure before the people- The only positive cure before the people- The only positive cure before the people • The only positive cure belnre the people • The only positive cure before the people • The only positive cure before the people • The only positive cure before the people • The only positive cure before the people; The only positive cure before the people) The only positive cure before the people • The only positive cure before the people ; The only positive cure before the people; Is easily taken, has no bud taste, Is easily taken, has no bad taste, Is easily taken, has no bad taste, Is easily taken, has no bad taste, Is easily taken, has no bad taste, Is easily taken, has no bad taste, Is easily taken, has no bad taste. Is easily taken, has no bad taste, Is easily taken, has no bad taste, Is easily taken, has no bad taste, Is easily taken, has no bad taste, Is easily taken, has no bad taste, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mai? ( Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mad, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Contains no Copaiva, can be sent by mail, Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, without breaking. Carried in the trunk, withnnt breaking. The foil directionr, around each package. The full directions, around each package. The full directions, aronnd each package. The full directions, around each package, The full directions, aronnd each package, The full directions, around each parknge, The full directions, around each, The full directions, around each package, The full directions, around each package. The full directions, around each package. The full directions, around each package, The full directions, aronnd each package, fotto n 7 Implements, Horses, Sheep, Cattle, Bees, Ac.,'Ac. Athunes—Ladies’ (a great variety) Floral, Cap Quarto, Royal Cap, Demy Quarto, autograph, Ac. Annuals —Annuals for 1359—a large and ele gant assortment. ■Bihle. ,. ‘'ll * “.now jf c „ m pli e d willi, will effect a cure commanding an extensive and increasing trade *' compieo . ' lorsed, with the most entire «>">P £ ^ ^ freedom and confidence, bv the leading Pub lishing Houses in the Union, whose letters ot approval and endorsement are in my possess ion. and will be produced and shown at any time with the greatest pleasure. Jtify 21—w<Jm. G. G. EVANS. gam assortment. •« w 1 i • ihtes—A splendid assortment of Docket, Pew j llTjl'y’ H gn01’3,I IIH’ Oo . and Family Bibles, in every style, from $1 ; ~ * J . „ . “ ' * a . j.-ii r l'Hh Proprietors ot tlie redera! Union wil to *5<» ■''HE Proprietors of tlie Federal Union will 1 begin the publication of the DAILY *'ED- Prarp-r Boohs—\ complete assortment, in eve- rv form and at all prices. Hymn Books - As used by the different denom- Iih'arnjdt'ical—Works of Irving, Weems, Ban j competent Reporters for both branches of the croft Sparks, and every other standard ail- General Assembly ; and having had some e.j - ERAL UNION', on Thursday, Nov. 2d. and continue it daily during the session of the Leg islature. Thev have engaged the services perience in the publication of ifidentlv I Le oslatun s. Ac wall the the ription i -Tit-:-' > astr.iled be ird Work! anil tin iiiblish iUlie impossible about a Ilia the liberal! M»'C», t“ uiaki iGliTt olio. W June 16, 1859. C Si McCLURE, Ord. to me for letters dismissorv from said admin- . :is«r*tfpn. 1U10U1S1I .11 1 Q-Q Stppimf ef-Y TT' ' «r,t inff T letters' Cassville, Ga., Fob.' lst,.18S:i, , KOBGlA,FANNIN COUNTY.—Whereas avid Withrow applies to uie for Letles Fission from administration mi Hm Es- . ; Wm. H. Lusk, deceased, late of ui oownty. .These arc therefore to cite and admonish alt Persons concerned to be and siiprur at hit of. fine, within the. time prescribed by ’ho w cfhse. if any they hake, why said letter* .hould, not begranted. Given under my hand at-office thisMavW, 1859. 6m. JAS. KINCAID; Ah^l ry. n EORGIA, Q.VSS COUNTY : Whereas R. See, wiihiu the time p Y jT G. Tomlin applies to me for letters dis- cause, tfany they hav mlssory forint administration on the estate of not be granted. W. M,lfohWi dpee-we4?b*e of said county. Thete are therefore to cite and admonish all anffzrffi^eifir*ttfor^f- I nrfiiin. - - - ' j ’ These are thfrefdre to cite and admonish all pengoiis concerned to be and appear st iny ql- G F.ORGtA, C-CnS COUNTY’--'th^ea*J. Vegans coo*rfce*to be and uiffeni R. INirrntt, administrator on the Estate (-g^, w ithic the time prescribed by law to show of Jesse Dickerson, deceased, applies Pi me if M . they have, why said .letters of for letters dismissorv from said admiotstra- j; sm js gu>n should" not be granted. •n. .■-,.-, Given under lily hand at office, this May 12, These are therefore to cite and admonish »D_ .. " JA-S.KINCAID, Qrffgy.■ kaajk, fijktMbLOUNTY. a WhbrsbaJf| Vr H. Rice aud Robert Russell apply to me for lettera dismissdry from administration on | the estate of John Russell, deceased. These are therefore to cite aud admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of-1 See, wiihiu the time prescribed by law, to show) ’ e, why said lettersahewld Given under my, hand at irifiee, 839. Am,.JJSJ;' ‘ 4 tioewithin the (tme pfescrihed by lasr, to shqw TYEAR IT Hi, MIND-That One DetUr per, if anv thev hare,jrhy said letters should L) quire will be charged for.aH Blank* wherij It he granted." . jsoldon^ermlii So pay the cash and save a | Given "under my 6and[atjiffiee, tliTsJnly 7, J quartW .... - • - i * ’ * OUPERIOR and Inferior Court Execntions : IJ diCerent kinds, at the _T •: 1 -j 1, 1859. STANDARD OFFICE. | 1358. Job Work #-W. WATTS. Ora. — r c— excwteil »t this Office. JACOB’S CORDIAL, JACOB'S CORDIAL, JACOB’S CORDIAL, JACOB’S CORDIAL, JACOB'S CORDIAL, JACOB'S CORDIAL, JACOB’S CORDIAL, JACOB’S CORDI AL, JACOB’S CORDIAL, Tire Great Soi tuerx Re-jedt, The Great Socthbrx Remedt, The Great. Southern Reiteut, The Great Southern-Remedt, The Great Southern Remedt, The Great Southern Remedy, The Great Southern Remedy, The Great Southern Remedy, The Great Southern Remedt, Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thonsaud Negroes yearly. Sareirten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Saves ten thousand Negroes yearly. Planters take notice Plantei s take notice Planters tak- notice Planters take notice Planters take notice Planters take notice Planters take notice Planters take notice Planters take notice Planters take notice That it is the only sure and positive remedy That it is the only sore and positive remedy That it is the only snre and positive lemedy That it is the cnly sure and positive remedy That it is the only sure and positive remedy That it is the only snre and positive remedy That it is the only sure and positive remedy That it is the only sure and positive remedy That it is the only sure and positive remedy That it is the only snre and positive remedy Before the People, Before the People, Before the People, Before the People, Before the Feople, Before the People, Before the People. Before the People, Before the People, Before the People, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flux. In Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flux. In Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flux. . ' In Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flux. In Dvsentery, Diarrhoea and Flux. In pVser.tery, Diarrhoea and Flux. In Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flux. In Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flux. In Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Flux.' It never fails. It never foils. It never fails. It never fails. It never foils. - It never fails. It never fails. It never foils. It never foils. Packages of half dozen Packages of half dozen Packages of half dozen Packages of half dozen Packages of half dozen Packages of half dozen ' Packages of half dozen Packages -of haff ,|irzeu Packages of half- dozen - Pot up expressly for plantations. - ; Pot upexpressly fur plantations. Put up expressly for plantations. . Put upexpresplv.for plantations. Put up expressly for plantations. Put up expressly for plantations. ; f Put.m»e*jrr*8sly for plantations. Pat up expressly for plantations. Pnt-up expressly for ptauttufons. For sals in Cassville hr April 14, 1859. McMURRY k LOWRY. thnr. - . . Botanic,1— By Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Dar- journal, thev confidt bv. Wood, Ac.. Ac. " tiiatthiy will make th Conl-ery - Receipt and Conk Books, bv Mrs. I ’> fuihlul record ll ile, Leslie, WiddifiSd, McKenzie, Ac ! derm ii— Standard Gecm m Literature. I bic/ion,tries—Webster’s, Knglish, French, Ger- i j mail. Spanish, Latin, Greek, Italian. Ac. j ! Historical -By i’lescitt, irvinar. Biuemli K“b- j ertsiin, Hume, G hti-'iis, M.ic-miey, and olh- | ers. | Hninarous—Euitn-m i Jnrenile-livery des; ! fir Children. ! L’W and Jifl-rinr I these pr.-t.-ssii'i s. • J/ie/io.,.and U worRs on Mocha ; x icl Sciences.- f.a-h-i/—Knglish and American. Ocfifvo and Literary editions ,,l' til.- St uni .i-t i’oet- ; — I’oi-ketainl Cahiyet editions -plaitiand illus trated, b.iuiid in even- slvie to suit the taste • ofail. IVwl-s of Fiction —1>i Scott, Irving, Cooper, Dickeys, and all the approved writers. School and Classical, Travels and Adventures, Musical and Glee Books, Games Spurts, anil Pastimes, Religions, Biblical and Theological, Odd Fell -wslup and Freemasonry. B'sceUdneoas—Our .Miscellaneous Department embrici-s everything not included ill the above classification, of an interesting or instructive character, that is in print. Dui rislali pntit •! Unaii If complied with, will effect a cure If complied with, will effect a cure If complied with, will effect a cure If complied with, w 11 effect a cure If complied with, w It effect a cure If complied With, will effect a cure If complied with, will effect a cure If complied with, will effect a cure If complied* will etti-ct a cure If complied with, will effect .- cun Mure speedily and pm- More speedily and neniia- More speedily and, More speedily and pt rmai More speedily nlid perm:;. More speed)'v and pernnn More speedily and pi-rinm More speeddy and p-.-rma: : speedily • speedily gh-:t a BARXKS. With : ■ With !;■ 50 0 50 00 35 05 25 00 12 00 10 00 15 00 12 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 5 50 15 00 15 00 10 Oo 5 00 3 00 SCHEDULE OF GIFTS. Patent Knglish Lever Gold Watches, with fine Gold limiting Cases *190 00 Patent Anchor Lever Gold Watches, Large Size, Warranted good mu vir ulent, with fine Gold Hunting Cases Ladies’ lik. Case Gold Lever Watches, w.i- ranted good timekeepers,—with fine Gold Hunting Cases Ladies’ lsk. Case Gold Lever Watches, Open Dial Gents’ Stiver Lever Watches, Hunting Cases - Gents’ Silver Lepine Watches,—Open Dial.... Parlor Tune Pieces, new pattern, war ranted .r.r .... -.. Ladies’ Blegant Black Silk Dress Pat terns Ladies' Elegant Plaid Silk Dress 3’at- ierns Ladies’Cameo Sets, Pin and Drops to match Ladies’ Cameo Sets, Pin and Drops to match Ladies’ Gold Bracelets,—extra liue - (each) Ladies’ Gold Bracelets, plain or tngrar ved Band Gents’ Solid Gold Y'est Chains—new Pattern - Ladies’ Guards, or Chatelaine Chains, choice Large Gold Spring Lockets, with Dou ble Cases Large Gold Snap Lockets, with Double Cases. Medium size. No, 3, Lockets, Double Cases - Ilcavv Gold Pencil Cases, with Gold. Pens Superior Gold Pens, with Holders and Box ....' Ladies* Gold Pencils Gents’ Heavy Gold Pencils Gents’Gold Pens, with Silver Exten sion Pencil Ladies’ Cura!, Garnett, or Turquoise Sets Ladies’ Ylosaic or Gold Stone Sets.... Ladies’ Florentine Sets, Pin and Drops to match Ladies’ Jet Sets, Pin and Drops to Ladies’ Lara Sets, Pin and Drops to. match Ladies’ Cameo Pins, forge size Ladies’ do do medium Ladies’ do do small Ladies’ Gold Stone Pins, small Ladies' Box and Glass Miniature Pins Ladies’ Plain Gold Pins, new pattern. Ladies’ Plain Ear Drops Misses’ do. Gold Pins Gents' Cluster Pins, Opal Centre Gents’ Single Stom Pins. Gents' Cameo or Mosaic Bosom Studs Gents’ Engraved -Gold do. do. (Gents’Sleeve Buttons — Ladies’ Sleeve Buttons Ladies’ Pearl Card Cases; — Gents’ Pearl Pocky* Knives, 3 Blades, Best fifna.l itv........ .-..’ Misses’ Lara Pina.f.. -' Qents’ Gold WatebKeys and Pencil^ combined Gents’ (Soli Toothpicks.. a.......... re Gents’ Gold Rings, with stone Setting Ladies’ Gold Rings.' do do SatsSilver-Plated Tea Spoons Silver-Plated Butter Knives _ 1 00 Ladies’tl? Gents’Money Purses 50 Gents’ Gold Witctefcevs, Sir veal hooks -*• V 50 Ladies’ Florentine Breast Pins 3250 Ladies’ Jet Breait Pms. S So Ladies’ Mosaic Breast Pins • 00 l College. f I. cfliH-S ill L-c (111 III-- zd l umber next. Ureiini- iiiieuce oil the l.-t "I bavauna.i Medi 1 3IIE Seventh Annual C,,|1 tics Institution will c hii Monday, the 14lh, of X inary Lectures will Cl November. FACULTY: II. I). ARNOLD, M. I)., Proic-Ssor’of Tlieorv ami Practice of Medicine. P. M. KOLLOCK, M. D., Professor ..I Ob stetrics and Diseases of Women and Cli Idren. W. G BULLOCH, M. I)., Prof. Surgery. J. B. READ, M. 1) . Prof. Materia Medicn. J URIAH 1URRISS, M. D., Prof. Physiol- N. A. PRATT, M. I.*., Prof. Chemistry. W R. WARING, ii. IL, Prof. Anatomy. J. E. GODFREY', M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy-. Clinical Lectures at the Savannah Hospital, twice a week, by Drs. Arnold and Bulloch, on their respective branches. These are the only clinical lectures delivered at the Hospital for the benefit uf students. . Agreeably to the conditions of the State Do nation, one student from each Congressional D.strict will be taken free of charge. Applications with necessary vouchers must be made to the Dean. Fees for entire Course of Lectures, $105 Matriculation ticket (paid once) 5 Demonstrator’s Ticket, 10 Graduating fee, 30 For further particulars, apply to WM. G. BULLOCH, Aug 25—2m Dean. , , f INSHIP IRON YVORKS, Atlanta, \\ Georgia.—1. A R. YVINSHIP A CO., * Manufacturers of Steam Engines and Boilers, Circular Saw Mills, on the most ap proved plan, Turning Lathes, Sugar Mills, Kettles, Mining Machinery, Mill Work, of all descriptions, New Styles of Iron Railing for Fences and Cemetry' Lots, Bridge Castings and Bolts, Railroad "Work, Gin Gearing from 9 to 12 feet, latest improved Horse Powers, and all kinds ot Iron and Brass Castings made to order at short notice. Having experienced workmen, a large and well assorted stock' of New Patterns, and our facilities being superior to any Foundry in the State, we feel confident of giving entire satis faction to those who may favor us with their orders, both in regard to prices and quality of our work. Foundry and Machine Shop on YVes- tern A Atlantic Railroad. , „ • Isaac winship | rob’t winship | geo. wiNSHip i Saves a big doctor’s bill, and never foils- March 24th, 1859—ly. ' ■ Saves a big doctor’s bill, and never fails. — Saves a big doctor’s bill, and never fails. Oi- chilli Or eh.-!:: Or chan ■' -r chan Or chan, Or chan Or chan Or chan of diet, than any known reim-ny, of flirt, than any known remedy, of diet, than any known reint-ily, ot dirt, than am known remedy, of d I-I. 1 hon any known n miiiy, of diet, than any known remedy, ill Gom rrlicea and Gleet. Planters, tins is In Gonorrhoea and Gleet. Planters, tins is Iu Gonorrhoea aud Gleet. Planters, this is In Gonorrhoea and Gleet. Planters, this is la Gonorrhoea and Gleet. Planters, tins is In Gonorrhoea and Gleet. Planters, this is In Gononhcea and Gleet. Planters, this js In Gonorrhoea and Gleet. Planters, this is In Gonorrhoea and tilcei. Planters, this is In Gonorrhoea and Gleet. Planters, this is [n Gonorrhoea and Gleet. Planters, this is In Gonorrhoea and Gleet. Planters, this is A valuable remedy for your negroes ; A valuable remedy for your negnes; A valuable remedy for your negroes ; A valuable remedy lor your negroes ; A valuable remedy for your negroes ; A valuable remedy for your negroes ; A valuable remedy for your negroes ; A valuable remedy for your negroes ; A valuable remedy for your negroes ; A valuable remedy for your negroes ; A valuable remedy for your negroes ; A valuable remedy for your negroes ; It saves their health and their constitution, It saves their health and their constitution, It saves their health and their constitution, It saves their health and their constitution, It saves their health and their constitution, It saves their health and their constitution, It saves their health and their constitution, It saves their health and their constitution, It saves their health and their constitution, It saves their health and their constitution, It saves their health and their constitution, It saves their health and their constitution, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of bands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you l'iss of bands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of bands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves you loss of hands, it cures quick, Saves a big doctor’s bill, and never fails. Saves a big doctor’s bill, and never fails. 10-OH 10 on 5 00 3 50 2 50 2 50 2 00 2 50 200 l" 5Q 2 50 1 00 *4 oO They have now in their employ a large num- g aves a big doctor’s bill, and never fails, her of the best of workmen, and are now pre- g aves a big doctor’s bill, and never fads, pared to de .BETTER WORK, IN LE83 gaves a big doctor’s bill,.and never fads TIME, and at foirer prices, than bag ever been : done in Cherokee Georgia. Contracts takeD j iu any part of the State. For specimens of work we refer to the two : College edifices at Cassville, or any other I building put op by Jos. Chapman. ! JOS. CHAPMAN, j Z. H. CLARDY. Cassville, March 3d, 1859. Price two dollars. Packages of half doiea Price two dollars. Packages ot ha f dozen Price two dollars. Packages of ha I dojen Price two dollars. Packages of half doi Price two dollars. Packages of ha f de» Price two dollars. Packages of ha d •» Price two dollars. Packages of ha I d reu Price two dollars. Packages of hallid ien Price two dollars. Packages of ha,f A Price two dollars. Packages of ha I « Price two dollars- Packages of b. Jd * Price two dollars. Packages of half d'*" [ RON AND BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, on Georgia Rail Road, , , , ns near Cofton Factory, Augusta Ga.-Or- expressly for plantations', ders are solicited for Castings for Rail Roads, rut up F - plantations. , all kinds of MachinervdAF Gold Mines, Bridg- "P e P ,- f plantations. 2 50 ^ Bj-4* Bridges, Gag Works, Flour Mills, j*»‘ “P «£*** { c'l S “ ns * «•- j Pap*?Mills, S& Mills, Gin Gearing. Water £»* «P 8 W 5p- 8; f Smi ‘ h . W ”t k : " ShafUDg Pu up expressly for plantations. lnd C,r S^ r Put up expressly for plantations. i 6 ^ Jwwnif p pinrestflT for plantations, -JiLi. , i|artj»31, 1 3,>9-ly. Proprietor. p„ t J) eX p re ssly for plantations. 4 4 - . . Jfe I ; Put np expressly for plantations -2 oM /CARRIAGES AND HARNESS.—Thesub Put up « P ressIyfor P l »" t ”‘ , " n ^'' ban , fh „nld 2 80 Ly seriber keeps stiU the largest assortment EverydruggistMdcountev mercb ^ nc . **3 of Vehicles te be found in the Southern conn- keep a supply of this valmblere^a._ t? ^ try, comprising Coaches, Calesches, Rocka- ly from the prefi towards .-uffe r ' wavs, Ae. Concord Buggies at one hundred but a^act ^Phj'-^-P^ ^ tfae ^ J -s. 4 ol! /irnorcrifttR tO P u * * Marctr17,1859—ly. „ CharlAtoB," S. C. (gTBefers to Col. H. F. Pnce, Cassville. G». STaXBA*® Orrixz-