The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, December 01, 1859, Image 3

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Cabinet Shop 0FFF0KTH&WAB8! wn-acox ...w brows mu,. 7.'"' wt nraxuox. COX, HILL & CO., fituuy mmmm* PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, GA Hartug tinned a eopartuprahip as above, vre are prepared tu exhibit no elegant and firsb STOCK OP GROCERIES, 7»0 WHEAT FAN manufactory. {Wait for The” Wagon. -A- ROBIN, And when ire sar THEtcx- C ARTEReYILLE, Oa., ia prepared to do gem, we m e* n .^V’wbxt we say anything io the Cabinet 'l n *i ** """ —that is one of MHb JOHN F. ‘&2*2«32fcS HARWELL’S Celebrated Iron Axle T,co ufsetunng **^*"‘* Bone Wagon*-pot up at bis and N. D. Premium Pun, LEWIS’ shops by himselfnndlberenown- and i* prepared to furnish the entire country ed wagon-maker, N. D. Lewis. They dc- witb this superior invention. Call and exam ine his Wheat Fans, Furniture, Ac. Dec. I, 1859—lj. LIKELY’ A. C. DAY, Tailor, Cassvillc, Ga.— Shop uear UU residence—ou the same lot. All work done in good style, and _ . and their wagons, at CartersTille. jfEGROES and MULES 10 » lgS9 - FOR SALE. * i T HE snbeenber will offer for sale, at public outers, at the court house door in Cass- v j|je, <m the 1st Tuesday in January next, SIXTEEN YOUIG END LIKELY NEGROES, and eight or ten n(aa fine MULES u can be found in Upper Georgia. This is all Good Property, and wild for no fault. It may be treated for privately until day of sale. A. C. WYLY, Dec. 1—tds. Adairsville. Ga. fy the world to beat their manufacture of wagons. Come, gentlemen, show vour which are offered to cash and short tiiuc. prompt paying customer* at wry h.w figure*. Our hands, and they—Will theirs, and let the < * ei,ities ■” T purchasing and a perfect ktoifwfcdge of'the wants of the public, are *nrh that wc public be the judges. Call and see them fSTre^nd * ati,f:,r,ion ’ in eTcr - v P ar ’ icuiar We anu « a M of * he ar,irfl! » nov “ ~5S>i"3H0WAiu)a~tarr' UUU1 HI mil BHSK a AMB 8S0CERS, CARTER5VILLE, GEORGIA. H ATE now ..a hand a large stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAIXfci. OILS. .GLASS. PERFUMERY. Alan, all the popular Patent Medicines of the day. Pure Wine* and l.Viin.iw, for uiedicitixl n*c—all of winch uru will sell ,#4 low aa the* can be bought in any market -expenses added. GEO. J. HOWARD R CO/ f rut.’ SO Hogsheads New Orleans Sugar, SO Barrels Crushed and Brown Sugar, 400 Kegs Nails, 300 Boxes Caudles; 130,000 Segars; '5 Barrels Old Rye Whiskey, NOTICE. will sell before the court house door tu warranted to last. Particular attention given to Cutting. He asks a continuance ut the lib eral patronage heretofore bestowed. CossriFle, Ga., Feb. 1st, 1859. THE WEEKLY N. TORE BAT BOOK, For I860. rpUE New York DAY BOOK was started to A c tnbat the modern heresies of abolition ism. It is uncompromisingly oppos' d to all attempts to place u groea upon an e- ualitv with white men. It supports the Dred Scott decision ; the equal rights of all citizens in the common territories of the Union ; it opposes the so called Republican party because it nul lifies the luwa and tries to d» grade white men ■ to a level with negroes, and thus render Deni- I ! 100 Hogsheads A B and £ .S.tgxr, | 80o Bags Rio Coffee, I. W “ Old Goreniment Coffee, i 25 “ Jar i CoffitS; 10) Hues Tobacco; ! 200 Barrels Recti6c! Whiskey ; 80 Pack’s Cresstnt’s Hernczsv and other choice Brandies; 1000 Boxes SnitJ; 505 sacks Salt; , 10 “ Brandy, old and soft, from private stock ; 100 boxes Slate and Eug. Dairy C.liecse; ■ And anv quantity of Soda, Starch, Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, Preserves, Fruits, Cardial*, Oys ters, Mackerel, Sardines, Bud^fs Broonis, Tubs, Churns, Ac., to which attention is invited. an^alwavs at Tour services, w- arc, respectfully. ; COX, HILL A CD. sold LY - v„ SI -v gcuerallv, assuring them that we will sell as low as Uiev can be bought in ahv market, ad- ’SSET Geo X Howard A Co- Awaiting vour commands, i Atlanta* Nor. 1, 1359. S. B. BOBSO^sr & CO.. Am COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. for — i J. l>. Carpenter, OASSVILT.K, GKORIifA, HAS JUST OPENRD HIS NEW STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS; HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SH0E1, Crockery, Hardware, Glass, . I ttie town of Morganton Fannin ciMUitv, ocratic institutions impossible. It asks sup- ' syo hags Rio Coffee; 40 Sags Java Coffee; 2«> bags Lagnayra Coffee; U'O lairrid* A B and C ; _ . . ... « _ . between the lawful houra^of sale, to the hi^h- port .rom nil who wish to preserve our glorious Sugars: 40 barrels powdered and crushed Sugars; i > hogsheads fair to choice Suyirs; xGllltS, OllS« ^y©“St»U.IlS» * firlUUlSryj ^Ra JlOtlOQS j[O^0rft liyi So bales Gunny Rigging, 15** coils Rope; *275 kegs Nails^ !0*> barrels «»f Whisky— assorted; 20 basket* Champagne Wine; 2<X) boxes Candies; 2*>0 sacks Salt; loO boxes Tobacco, 100,000 Havana, American aud German Cigars ; 25 barrels best Cider and White Wine Vinegar; Cheese, Duckets, Tubs, Wines, Brandies, Powder, Shot, Lead, Table Salt. Starch, Sods, Crackers, Preserves, Pickles, Mackerel, Brooms, kc^ Ac. Their business will be douc strictly on the CASH SYSTEM, I and prices wilT bo found fit tire LOWEST FIGURES. S. B. liDiiSDN; Atlanta, Nov. 1, 18.39. cat bidder, ou the lit Tuesday iu January, Constitution, and who desire to hasten thedav I960, in pursuance of the verdict of a *piei#l when British Abolitionism, which has already jury, order and dec rev of the court of Equity, ruined the fairest islands of the sea, and which made at October Term, 18..9, of said County: now seeks to ruin our own country aud pver- I.ots of Land Nos. 242 and 843, iu the 8th dia- th-ow U,'publican inatitutious at the same trict and 2d section of said county. Sold for time, shall be drivsu from our soil forever, the benefit of the heirs at law of William W. The D-tily Evening Day Book, a full sized The sbovcfGouds have been bought low. selected with the greatest care, and trill he sold at tlie very lowest prices. Call and eriinine before purchasing elsewhere. Clean linen apd cotton Rags tfikeu’in cxchmge fur Goods, at tinve and a hajf cents per pound. Tile agent/ of the Bank of the State of South Carolina is iu my count ng-room. Cassriile, Oct. 1", lb's;*. ' . J\ D. CARPENTER. Piercr, deceased, late of auid county. Terms, 12 months credit, with approved accuritv. WM E. PfERCY, Sheriff, And Trustee for the heirs at law of Wm. W. Piercy, deceased. N"V. 22— tds. Notice to Debtor* ud Creditors. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Sarah Carlilc, deceased, late of Cass county, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims against metropoi' said estate will please present them in terms of the law. W. W. LEAK, THOR. II. LEAK, Dec. 1—Cw. ’ Executors. ublislied every afternoon, inunaays excited) containing the latest news ; up to the r.ioiOTUt of going to press. Price 86 per annum. Tlie Weekly Day Book is a quarto journal, containing 4s columns of matter, and is care fully prepared for general circulation, with tnll details of foreign aud domestic news, lit erary notices, stories for the family circle, and presents planters, farmers, merchants, dro vers, Ac., with a journal fioin the commercial metropolis of the Union, with full and correct reports of the cotton, gruiu, cattle and produce markets. These features aluue a e worth dou ble its subscription price. R. C. ROBSON. — A New Southern Story. On tire first week ill January, I860, utter , Iiiid^ original Southern story, from the pen of Sertrier one-horse Turner, and general Cnl i l»sof u’ lj i>. i- ..*• n_r . i... . i .. .... - ... x J. W. HEATH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jaayer, PicLcni Co., Ga. IJRACTICEH in the counties of Picken J (iiltner. Fannin, Lumpkin, Dawson, Fo svtli, Cherokee, Murray end Whitfield. Par- | great dramatic power and interest. All uT PEELERS Economical Plow, PATENTED JCNE 21, 1839. T ii IS invaluable Plow has keen exhibited in both the Carolina*, and has lint only given the most entire satisf ictiiui, but has ta ken the premium iu both States and also re ceived the lutlowing at the Stat_* Fair in At lanta: *' To S. M. Pyles, of Marietta, for Pecl-j er’s Plow, a premium <»f 83 as the best Cotton j Stilesboro’ Institute. mii hm FEMALE. ticulur nttvntion given to the collecting Ltisi uesH. Die. 1, 135U—lr. I*rof. \V. 11. Peck, of New Orleans, will be commenced iu the Weekly Day Book. The j foi.’thc'Statc of Soutli Carolina for title is “The Brother’s Vengeance*.” The scent* is laid in the Crescent City. The plot is deep and intricate, aud it is worked up with tivutor.” The right to this Plow his sold Fifty Thousand Dollars, % Millinery and Dress Making 1 MRS. C. M. M ARSH and Missras- A. GOODWIN lmve nssocia-RraS 4 * ted themselves m the MfliU.V-W- ; KKV and DRESS MAKING business. } The former has just Murm*d from market with a SELECT STOCK OF BONNETS and BONNET TRIM MINUS, of the latest style.-- Dress-making iu »B the most fajdiioimble styles, neatly executed at slmrt ivotice. us Buy h ire e impetewt helps. Also prepared t * make Shirts. Collars, Pants, Vests, Coat?*, Ac, with Mode de Paris. >V. c. BEALL, I NFORMS the pubi.*. \lint be m at hi: i old stand iii Cartersville, with n tine stock of !nut«*ri:«ls, and prepared to make to order BOOTS and SHOES in tlie most fashionable style, and t! itiers himself that he ban mrnttpe* riors known in the buainena—cau make as tine a BOOT «*r SIIOR a« anybody* at ns short no tice, ami on as reasonable terms. All that is necessary to prove this h* a trial. Repairing done in the neatest and most substantial man ner. AH work warranted. Terms cash in ev ery instance. Nov. 10, \M». subscribe on or before the 1st of Janu iry, will get this intensely interesting story ei tire. Terms Single copy- per annum, $2 Two copies, 3 Five'Copies, t> Twenty-one copies (one being to the gcttcr-up ot the club,) 20 Payneut is required invariably in advance, aud the paper is always stopped at the end of the time paid for. Specimen copies sent free. Subscript ions can commence at any tune. Wlieu drafts can be obtained they are safer than-to send biHs; when money is sent by postmasters, or they are made acquainted with fy in ease they are lost that the money was went, it is at our risk. All ordering papers should be careful to write tlie post office, county and State in full. Addrtfts \ AN EVUIE, BORTON A GO.. Dec 1 Publishers, Am Ann *»t., N. Y. S. KKOSWKLitTZ Corn Shneker & Shellei UNS either by hand, horse water is simple in construction and ) 18QO. THE Fifib Session o! this last;-! tutiou will ■ pen on Mondnv, Jan- j nary 9th, 1300, with the following! FACULTY: REV. WM. CUNYUS, A. M., Piineipaf, Prof, of Language* mul Belles I.ettres. S. M. AINSWORTH. A. 3L, l'rof. of Math ematics aud Natural Sciencia*. A. <». CARPENTER, Primary Department. Mr*. C. A. t'lIXVUS, Teacher of 1‘iano Forte unTl Vocal Music. TERMSt Primary Department, 83 jier session. and to North Uarolina for 880,'KK). I have sold some of the counties in Upper Ueurgin. j but now offer the following upon these ter ns: Campbell ?:>II0, Carroll $300, Paulding $250, Haralson $200, Polk $330, Floyd $400. Chat i > tooga $300, Gordon $300. Dade $250, Walker! Common English,....’ 12 $“>(i0, Catoosa $3n0, Murray $30n, Gilmer $2'a*, | Higher English and Glassies.. 115 Pickens $250, Union $200, Fannin $2t>0. For- - - syth $aoo, Cass $500, Milton $?.o0, AVliitlield $350, Wayne $200. Any person or persons wishing to purchase will make application soon, ns I expect short ly to be otherwise engaged. I could gi re ma ny certificates, hut feel convinced, from expe-, —— riciiec, that it is only necessary tor the thing to he tried, as it never fails to recommend it-1 self. There is also a Seed Planter and Manure CARTERSVILLE EMPORIUM Of FASHION. HOWARD, STOKELY & CO;, Art receiving their large and well s.dec-cd Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOOffe And tvuuld aanuance the public that they arc m»w prepared to-offev them one of tin* largest, cueupost, most Fashionable attd substantial stock of timm &sm ruir shy s«sss. i Ready-made- Clothing, Hats, Roots and Shoes, that Il ls ever been hroii-bt to the Cherokee coiintrv. In addition to their Dry Goods house, thev h ive, a c .intiuKliou* G110UERY’ UOUSK. where they keep constantly iui hand a large stock of Groceries -Coffee. Sugar, Molasses. Rice, U icon, Ac. Also, Bagging. Rope, Twine, Negro Shoes and Blankets, Ker . vs, Osuaburgs, and many other things too tedious to meu- tion. Call and look at our Goods. .. . o. , ,__ , #x_ CARTERSVILLE. GA.. Oct. 13. I«5v. KOWHl’d StOKUly « C/O. Music, (extra) 20 Due at tlie close of cacti session. Board, $3 to $50 per mouth.' For further information address any mem ber of tlie Faculty, at Stilesboro, Cass Co.,Ga. Ni.v. 1, 1859—wSm. M. WITTGENSTEIN, Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines* liquors and Segars, (* Southeast Hide of Whitehall Street... Atlanta, Git. dispatch, at*m th: moat rtniwiliable term*.— ihe cmrtents of letters sent, ** they can certi- i ]>istribntor included in the riffht. Both are of Call and see them, nt tlie brick building, 'ijipo- ** * * - - •it« Skinner’s hotel, Cartersville, Ga. Nor. 1*\ ’59-1 v. R dar tble. When run by h ind it will shuck aud shell 6 busliels an; when run bv horse or water power will shuck aud*»liell 25 bushel* an h air—by extra attention 45 bush els an hour l» is so sin>;de in cmistmction that any b cm work it. Price M luiif.ictured by R. KING.S15EKUY. Oct 3—3m* Carrollton. Ga. great utility to the planters of the valley*. ~ Nov l04t S. M. PYLES. Marietta. Ga. DRY OOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, Olottiing, HATS, CAPS, STATIONERY, TAILORING. SILAS O'SHI ELDS •* ^till at hi* old j trade and stand, in Cartersville, Ga.— ! Cutting and miking Clothing in tbeneat- | [ est and moat fiishionaole styles, at the short- i ; eat notice. Give him a trial Nov IO-?tn I li Georgia State Lottery. Os tux Plan of Single. Ncxbers. For the Benefit of the Monticcllo Union Academy, I Of Jaspck coiNTr, G.\. Authorized bv special act-of the Legislature. McKIXXEY & CO., Masagebs. Capital Prize, $60,000! TICKETS ONLY $10. Halves, Quarters and Eighths iu proportion S5.82S Prizes! $306,010 To he distributed each Saturday Li Dec., 1959 DI.HICK, WILSON A CO., (Successors to Dintiek i Mix) wholesale and retail dealers in Boots, Shoes and Brogans, Oak and Hemlock Side Leather, Fitnch Calf Skins, Boot Trees, Lasts, Shoe Pegs ami Sh *»e Findings. Cher- oKoe uiuck, reaentree street, Atlanta, Ga. II. D1JI1CK, VII. WILSON A. MIX. Nov. ], 1959—Iy- JYew and Cheap Goods, AT THE BRICK STORE, CASSTILLE, GEO. ,tllVCMBIA6! iliposiioiTi, ATLANTA, GA. w. CONSOLIDATE!) Drugs,Groceries,Nails,!Lotteries of Delaware TOBACCO, SEGARS, if., For sale at R. C. Latimer’s. Store north of the Court House, Cassville, Ga. t Nov. 13. 1839—tlj. Class 48 draws Saturday, Dec. 3, 1959. Class 49 draws Saturday, Dec-10, 1S59. Class 50 draw* Saturday, Dec. 17, 1559. Class 31 draws Saturday, Dec. 24, 1859. Class 52 draws Saturday, Dec. 31, 1839. To he drawn in public, under the Atlanta,ofevety superintendeuce of two Commissioners,—W I variety ot style, R. Svtnons and J. M. Prentiss, iu tlie city ot j eousisting of Savannah, Ga. W. WOOD RUFF A iCO. have'opened a J lar.v and splendid stock of Carriages Goods! Cheap CL0THIW6 FOIl FALL AND WINTKR. JCST RECEIVING AND OPENING. At Wholesale and Retail, THE LAKS1KT LOT OK ClotHing EVER BROL’OMT TO THIS MARKET, AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE nGURES. Be ante to call and examine. OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE, Next doo* to Kay’s Book Store, ATLANTA, GA. U. LAZAROX, Sept. 15, 1859. Agent. FOR DEtEMBEK, 1339. France, Rrondbeuts A Co., Manager*. The Legislature of Delaware at its last ses sion having granted to France, BitoADBevrs I A Co. (to the exclusion of uH other app icants) . a Lottery Charter lor the encouragement of i IiitcrnniTmurovenients in the State, toeontin- j lie for a period of twenty years, are now dram i ing in Wilmington, Delaware, a series of the most splendid" schemes ever offered to the I public Bonds for oue niilliou of dollars have I been given to the State, to secure the payment • lit all the prizes. The drawings take place in ; public, and-are under the su|«rintendence of i commisei<mcT* appointed by the State, to in sure their fainicss. The manager* call the attention of the pub- i lie to the following splendid schemes, to be | drawn during the present month. Magnificent Scheme. GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE *70,000! 44 rand Can validated lottery mf DePe. Class 18, to be drawn in Wilmington, DeL, Saturday, Dec. 3!, 1950. SCHEME. 7a Numbers—13 Drawu Ballots. 257 Prizes of $7,900 i 63 “ 2f>0 $5 “ loft j Magnificent Scheme, 1 Prize of 1 Prize ot 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of l Prize of I Prize of 1 Prize i f $60,1)00 I 2.',"00 ! 1 o,000 j 5,0 00 j 4,000 j 8,000 | 2,000 1,500 | 1,100 | Prizes of 10 Prizes of 2 Prizes of 2 Prizes of 2 Prizes of an Prizes of 100 Prizes of 101 l’r zes of 10i) Prizes of Coache3, BERLINS, $i,noo! 50o I 400; 300 j 2oo i 15o| 100 j 95-1 g Slide-seat, Top and No top and Concord I MM. PI I.ETON?, Bretts, APPROXIMATION PRIZES. j 11 • 4 Prizes of $200 approx, to $60,000 prize I " U 68' 1CB 1 4 Prizes of 150 approx, to 20,Woo prize I Hack 4 Prizes of 125 approx, to 10,000 prize 4 Prizes of 100 approx, to 5 Prizes of S" approx, to 6o approx, to 50 approx, to 4>.i approx, to 20 approx, to S Piizes of 8 Prizes of S Prizes of 40o Prizes of 85,000 Prizes of and Jersev prlIl . WAGONS, ' ^orn- f Harness > 2,0>hi prizef WHIPS, &C." 1 ’iwpltej c, y c * ererj ^v’ 1 Nor. 1, ISoS). $366,040: a. w. IS NOW RECEIVING, DIRECT FROM NEW YORK, HIS STOCK OF mmm a&r. ttoposn^! READY-MADE CLOTHING, Roots, Shoes, Hot*, Cups, Hardware, Crockery, Cutlery and Glassware, ■ SADDLES, BHi DLLS, Ac., to which he invites the attention of tlie citizens of CitssrHfc and surrounding country. He , proposes ta aell G >«>d, JU.fS.-r DYSPEPTIC HKMj Bl.I&i’ DYSPEPTIC KISS' DYSPEPTIC BLISS' DYSPEPTIC BLIPS’ DYSrKPTlC _ BLISS’ DYAPRPTIC BEMKB* H*» *h< largeet ante ^ , Has the largo* mU 11>* the largrat aUe ,» -T * Ba» thM targ»* . >, , Hi * the laigvaZ adr Han tbnUrgrzt T ilal the lyrgcst aaie " .; 6 r- - , Itaa ***** * 1 Haa tha largcat aale . -Ua» the jMWCflf ml* ■ Of any medicine in th* XifiC’ . "of any medicine in the world. Of ait* incdtrine in th* wurM. Of auv medicine in the •ortJ- Of any med cinc ia the world. Of anv medicine in the »or«i Of any no-diaine w’tha •'wMI- Of any medicine in the world.. Of any medicine in the World- Of any medicine in the Wurld- . Ten thotiaand pceKagt# „ Ten ihimsand packagai V. Ten tha—and |-nckag.a Tcu llioneand (aeMp-e' Ten thotiaand j-aekagvw t Ten tha—and pacha—» Tell tliu—and packs—a - Tea thoaaaiid- p»c<A—w - Ten Ihnuaaod pncka—C - Teu thuusaud pat li a—i Hold iu Gem gin and South fitdiud Sold in GeorghMMid South Carolinn Sol’d in Georgia and South Catolinn Sold in Georgia and South Carulmn Sold in Georgia an< l thwth Carolina sdfd 'in Georgia and South Crrolina Sold id Georgia aud Snath Carolina Sold iu Georgia and S—th Par Jinn Siild in Georgia and. South CareUna Sold in Georgia and 8,-lltB Carolina* - In fourteen luuntiU. In fourteen mouth*. In fourteen gnmlha. > In fourteen mouth*. -• , In hnttrteen month*. In fowrteeu month*. ]ii fi-urtcen nioniW, In fourteeu munthm. - fit foortei-ii month*, . In fourteen mouth*. A 11 is. warnuitcd to cere It is warranted to cent Ji is warranted to Ctmr I. ia warranted to «— It is warranted to enr* Jr is warranted to core ft is warranted to Carr It is warranted to cure It i* warranted to car* It is warranted ta mn . Any «a— of Byapepm*', Any case of Dyspepsia, Anv casedf Dyspcpsie, / AiTv case of Dyapepsin. Any case of Dyspepsia, .Any ease of Dyspepaia, Any case of Dyspepsia, Any case of Dy spepsia, Any case of Dysfrepsia, Anv case of Dyspepsia, tlr any case of Liver Diseaa^ Or any case of Liver Disease, Ur any ease of Liver Diae—a. Ur any case ol Liver Di—e, Ur any case of Liver Disease, Ur auv case of Liver Disease, Or any cHSe of Livir Disease,- "r nilv case of Liver Disease,. Ur any case of l.iver Disease. Ur anv case of Liver Dia**—* If direotimiX ate followed.- If direction* are followed. If directions are followed. If directions are followed. If directions arc followed.- If directions are followed. If directions are followed.. If direction* are followed. 11 direction* arc followed. If directions are followed. Can be sent by mail ■ Can be sent by mnU'.- Cun be sent by msil. Can be sent toy mail,- Can be sent toy mail. Can toe sent toy mail! Cntr toe neat by maiK Can be sent by tuall. Can toe sent bv mail. Se-nl a Postil,;e Stamp to the Proprietor for liis Pamphlet on - Diueasiw of the Stomach Bowels.” w. W. BLISS. Proprietor, Broadway, New York. For nale iii.Casifflle *t iHtt April 14,1851). STANDABB BFF1CB. Cansville, Ga., Sept. 1-v 1858. ' L. S. SALMON?,. of tlie citizens LOW FOII CASH, and to prompt-paying buyers. II. W. CUBB. . J. N. SIMMONS. FOR SALE. I OPPER the following lots of land for sale, oa reasonable terms: No. 871, in Gilmer Co., 6th diatdet and 2d sec. 175, Casa. 6th »d 8SS, Fannin, 9th *d 947, Paulding. 19th 1 Priae of 1 “ 2 Prise* of 2 “ 3 “ 5 ** a 10 “ $70,000 I 80.000 12,730 | 5,000 j 2.5'MI 2,000 [ THE Greatest Reduction EVER MADE IN STANDARD o 100 4-910 1,250 1 27040 32,396 Prizes, amounting to $1,202,0511 Tickets $20;"balves, quarters and eighths in J r A certificate of package of 26 wholes, $299 ; certificate of poefcwge M '' Sd proportion. ' tifioue or o*un' 26 halves, quarters i and eighths in proportion. ; Grew4 Consolidated Lattem of Del. ©N THE HAVANA PLAN. Extra Cta** Sine, to be drawn in Wttming- j city or U.wn where they ' too. Del-, Dec. *1. 1859. 25,929 Prizes, amounting to Whole Tickets $10, halves $5, quarters $2.50. j CzimriCATe or Pacxsses will be sold at the: ' following rates, which is tlie risk: - Certificate of Packages of In whole tickeU $6n. i •* •• 10 half “ 30 i ! <i •• 10 quarter “ 15* ; .. -■ 10 eighth “ 7.50 J In Okiieking Ttcxsrs on CeuTiricaTEs, Enclose the -uooey to our address for the j -n 1 Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will; in j he forwarded bv first mail -Purchasers can - I hare Tickets ending iu anv figure they may ! "L * designate. ' j The list of drawn numbers and prizes will* - be sent to purchasers immediately after the. j drawing. I Notice to Correspondents. I Those who prefer not sending money by; e/9 * mail, can use the different EXPRESS COM | PANY, whereby money for Ticket*, hi 1 of Ten Dollars. *»d apirards, cau be sent us , AT OUR RISK AND expexse, frem ""^ improved Bartholf Fanily city or town where they have an «thee. The " money and order must be enclosed iu a 6<*J-|SEWING- MACHINES . .. A. B. MATIIEWS. SALMONS, MATHEWS & CO., ■ Would rcsp-oifuHy inform their friends and the public generally, that they arc roc.uving | A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF ! F£K8f AMI &TASEE 1£¥ iSftM FOR THE FA EX* TRADE. DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, &G. Silk and DeLains Robes; 1 CLOTH ATSrXD VEUVET CLOAKS : SHAWLS, GLOVES, &c. We would, ab c ill th: pirticular atG'ht'.oa ot the jmbfic t > our I irge stork *>( <’ A If r’.K'U 1 NC4S: ittLEACIIED AND BROWN SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS: Linseys, Kerseys, Blankets, Hosiery, Boots and Siioss, H its, Umbrellas, &c.; ! _\jj of wi arc of/npg at Wkl>Tcsti!i| ami Uotail at VEU\ LOW PRICLS FOU CASV. *n<i twe us, -LViilkViJOD^ , anJ avail yourselrcs.uf liAUGAlNi 1 ). Salmons, Mathews & Co., | Oct. 1, (859. ' . — GREAT INDU Whitehall Mreet, Atlanta, Ga. Heyman, f Takes this metliod of h.frnnirgthc citizns uf Case and adj*.tiling counties tinti he bar just u;»etied liis ISW 1 Ail NOW SELLING THE , the honae formerly occupied by U. * S. STEPHEXA, east a do of the Bailfoad. Cdi tarty*) G«.g and is just Tcceitn (f and r»p2inti|r an «»nt and ont newr stock of eminent Post Office Stamped Envelope, or the J " ta0 fc jSv.ry other Ticket a Prim. *®-«SXrSJ^3SUi «n«, Uolnmhus, U>. JQU V BKTHUNE. n ~ 1.1..Ml oidumt deduntion. ! . a a a 1 t_ vnta. ... tVoiftmi bane, Uolnmbus, Oet. IS—2m. Cass Sheriff’s Sales for Dec’r. i Beni. Turner’* settlement of land, » the 1 17th district. Luts of land Non. 1013 and 1076, in the 17th diat.; pro party of C. and S. T. M«flb>an. Lot* of land, 7,, •». «A ««. •7, *8, aad part uf <3 i a tha 4th diet.,- propar ty of M. W. Johnson, able in full, without deduction. In these Lotttrics every priae is drawn. SPLENDID SCHEME Prises payi rse L* 1 Priae of t Prises of 2 “ 2 “ 2 « s «■ And 212 $50,000 1 2 Prae* uf $1,050 13,500 6,000 | 4,000 EM!) • * K priast, reugia* 1 «g0 up to $500. JO .« 400 . 10 “ .. 300 | 20 ‘ 4 - 2<W -P>6 w ' 106 | esfoxi sJ£ 8 j Address Ordsre for Tickets or Certificates »o McKINXEY t CO., Savannah, Ga. Office Masonic Hall Btod, Bull street. March 24th. 1859. j At a reduction of Twenty Dollar# from former prier*. The Ne* Straight Needle Machine ia now oat. A. LEYDEN, General Agent. U TIME IS HOMEY. 9t Atlanta, Not. 1. Bond’s Improved Tuyere. Paicwo Jew 26, 1859. fPHS above iwpnwauat m TCTKIS8 will A save sheet one.third of the eoal eomaaon- ly q*ed, and owerfhird of the time. la other words where a blacksmith can hook four dol lar* pee day, with the anv of thia invention he out bwk ats, aad save-his eoal besidea; it will aa* allow the smith to.sleep on bis boih>ws— it srill aaake all hiMhitt quit thair trade, aad throw the sum into the hands of indna- triaa* atta. Aajr azqemni of eartifigataa fhr- «rt. , aamontiag to $3 tO,400 25 x*5 prizes, i—.- . .. . Whole tfokeU $10; halves, qesrtms and NEOBO WOMAN. A MEOW c* MR O. H. WOODWORTH, scientific i ¥7^ and practical Watchmaker aad ’Jewel- "estei, RY, ACCORDEONS, Ac., ia superior order, pnmistlv. and <*«> reaaouable terms. 'Initial*, Sa^es, Wreaths, Ae.. engraved oa Rings, Watches, and other article*. Work ml from -, - Jkunoe will he pw»mpily and cwrefnlly ex- j - ' a il L -.11 A..O* o* no akarM fMilfi • fifbtb* in proportion. paid imoedialely alUr the drewinff. Ail order* addnaaaad to F^axoa, Baosn- . . weAOKmeeo. AprH 7, W5fi-^V-' Nov. 17—34. S. B. OATMAN, Deals* in AaeucsN, Italian ano Eerrrui; Statcasy. and Tennessee Marble, -j Moamrcra. Tom*. Cass ass Va*», Uabsle , Mantel*, A»n Fuhnisbim: Marslc, Attaaia, Ga. Ware Koehi opposite Georgia R. K depot, j James Vaughan, Agent, CaasriUt, Ga. OeA 27, 18»9-4y- rium tfouffoting in part »s follow*; Silk*. all cofore; Delurines. all wool; French Merino. Al mas Bombizinra, Robes of all'kind*; all nmol Plaids; French Prints; .-tectirg* Table Chita*, apniu Cheek*, IJuseva, FUnncIs, Linens. Toweliugm white guoda of sdtkimis, Shawl*, Bordering*. Fringes "fall colors. .Cullare and Sot?, Hmuery, Drapcnc*, Stripes, Treking. Blankets, Osnsburg*. Shirt.tig, Mintijlas, and ,,,fi vr Or.n^ toe leilmus to mention; to which we pu-ueuUriy invite iha attention of the LADIES. Also, READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR GENTS’ AND BOYS* WEAR; gtftGTS AMU $«aSS, MASS fiS* GATS I JEAVEURY. A4TJSXCAI. . INSTRtTMBftTS, , And! in fact, eremhiag that is, sold m a Dor Goods store mov be found at tho abowe Vwrc , from the ei lreest li the ft icst f i|>ric< sl loir figures for cast* In sdditimi So the abuse, WW hare s choiee a'nd wvTl seTeCted stock of oo caisriraton and advance# ea Piudewt.$q, and the haainsaa wfiaaRy OT- 1$, iBook aud Music Store. f J. J. RICHARDS keep a to aHiWfaifofodl street. Atiaata, Ga. Gentlemen’s Furni3hing Goods, CLOTHS. CA8SMERIS, VE3TT!PGWfcr ■*«'*; Get. ih,l®S> and Om" other th'ngjt too tediona to mention, fr ta^ dst UreN -W, CHEAP CASH STORE of H. HEYMAW, Cartersville. Ga. •-1 I 9 from JACOB'S CORDIAL, JACOB'S CORDIAL, JACOB'S CORDIAL, JACOB'S CORDIAL, JACOB’S CORDIAL, J-ACOB'S CORDIAL, - JACOB'S CORDIAL, JACOB’S CORDIAL, JACOB’S CORDIAL, Tue G seat Socmens Hem car,. The Great Socmens Rasawi, Tue Great .Southern Rkuzbt, Tut Great Southeus Rimedt, Tub Gmcat Socthk** Ream, The Great SoUtUehS Reuedv, The Great SocTBa*S Rmebt, The (itiEAT Soi-THEBN Remedy, Tue Great Socthe«w Rembdt, Saves ten thous. r,d Negroes yearly. Saves tell thoiiaai-d >egfoea yearHr. Saves ten thouannit Ne> roes yearly. Save* ton thousand No* toes yearly. "Safe* fen thousand Negri ea yearly. Saws ten ih<iusnti<l Xegroe* yearly. Savtb ion tViousjMifr Xcjrtoi’H yearly. ■ fTavcHR U;h thoiisuini f?$*jfroea yearly- Saw> ten ti^kMuind Ittjpae* yearly. Sdiitu tea ilu»mwiidl yearly- Pl.inl.-r* take notice . „ ^ jUantei * take, nolfth l'l.iliters take notice Planters take notice Planters take notice Planters take uotice i'lantere take notice Planters take notate planters take notice Planters take notice That it is the ouly sure af d positia* resufe That it is the only sure and positive remedy That it is the only- sure and positive Tamed* That it ia the culf sure and positive remedy Th it it is the only sure and positive remedy That it-is the only sure and positive remedy That it is the only sure aud positive remedy That it is the only sure and positive rnmdy That it is the only sure aud poaitire remedy That it is tire only sure and positive remedy Before the 1’eopfic,. Before the People, Before the People, Before the People, Before tile People, Before the People, Me.toic tlie People, Before the People, Before the People, Before the People, In Dysentery, Dim lines and Fins, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea and Fin*. In Dysentery, Diurrhata and Flax, iu Unset, fery. Diarrheas and Flax. Di Dysentery, Diarrbsea and Flex, In Dvsentcry, Dnirrbwa and Finn. In Irjrsentery, Dial rhea and Flux. In Dysentery. Diaribcea and Flux,, In Dysentery, Dietrhesa and FluXi It never fails, ft never fail*. It never faifr. . It never foils. It never fails. " It nercrTails. 1( never failak . It never foil*, li never foil*, paekagew of half dozen Packages of half dozen ' Prrkagi * of half dozen - Package* of half dole# Haekegvs of bnlf dose* Puckuges of half doseu. Packages of haD dr sen Package* of half dozen Packages of half dozen Put up expressly for plautataonw. Pul up expressly for piamstiaSi*. Put up expressly for plantationa. Put up cxprsatlT.fiur plantationa. Put up eapreasly for plantation#. Put up eapreasly for plantation*. " Put no expressly -for plantations. Put wp expreaaty for phwfistiawa. Put op expressly for plaatatioaa. For sale li CaasviDe bv RtNUUT. April 14. Ifiik fAUDWBT. ; £* CUViUIOR sad Inferior Coart KxtewtieE* O di».rert kiadw. gwths ' . Jss-hl^. bIANPAKD OWTrt-