The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, December 15, 1859, Image 1

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'. /> if ■**« Sejurf te wo W TBC UNION ■T' . ■'cE GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. GENERAL ADVERTISEMENTS. B. II. lEEIvfc, attorney at law, Geo. B OSINfeH entnisfed to AT* can will aiect with prompt and vigilant at«—tina, and aouiea p.ivd over punctually. Feb. 1,1859. ATLANTA, GEO. IY J. D. GILBERT ft N«V. 1, 1859—lv. H. L. RAY, Attorney at Law _ T£b«TUifT ft aaajfirjati XHTwA X jGLrmTIHF ho wWrai ua. Judina IUK THE STH.-W'.IKIJ. WHAT S XV A RAKE. GO. Eli.may, Gii.xkk Co.- Ga. W% Fannin, I.I. practice in the cmratiea of Cum, ruki-e, 1‘ickena, Gilmer. Duwatm, Jni"ii and Town*. Collecting of : debt* will receive special nltcntion. 1 March 10, 1859—ly. 1 M. J. CRAWFORD, I 1 candidate, and hence wq. would ipfcr that Tkf AoTtTKT’l T*t# !■ tht CWB dfctfintged htoAot? ai aplMt I any.States, no. matter hew fiila|tc<i rcla-.| Case. ^ , lively to cadi other or to the other States,' t ExhttivkDquutmkxt, j abtrard’Win. and on SlcttingMm n£ct day j ' \ j if they "have the electoral strength,' aig i MuLEiHiEVijAE.Tfet wiffiotrf the slighted-pooeoeatidn; ttcdw* / j Anorthernpantys strong butintlnd.s«s| c « n ‘P e ‘ entto « k * t * 4n,i « f,h S i9 ‘ rate - M To the Senate : " *****£? tion, so, he becomes npon inauguration, (lie | herewith return the bill, entitled an .™* «***: tfpwwwW «w w beeWcHi* Would drive the South to free a discoii- J chief Magistrate of the whole country, ; ,\ct to pardon William A. Choijj^ ofthc cfecs. frhat prWtHlaw doe^tfaw • » TT • _ . • I and we have only to recognize him as county of Fulton, now under sentence of iaw afford Hi pnhlfe iHfitfcni* amt WhaA'lr^ 1 clsc'tooso. EiaD n, ° U ,nB such and to preanme in the absence Ofany : death'lay the crime of murder.' without] coiintgeiuctithflvc they try Bdthfidly d»«- They waive all common qoestiens for that afieail art* to the contrary, that he will | my sanction. J*** r ge their duties? HA one, “The Goose.” administer the government constitutional-! The seventh Section of the second jfr- that the defen dint Was iesahe at the lime Tin 111, ,■■■■■ ■ ,, from our exchanges, which will irivc our Sambo is their ever standing hobby; *- r - If he does this, we l»ve nothing more tide oftlie Coiisitulion oflhe Stale, is in FUkH ITIj kT. . .. f* 8 * *f Thev spout forliim in pulpit, hall and to ask. One such administmtion would these words: readers or.plea how the Harpers Ferry * IoU)y . probably break up amWcstroy the Repub. j “ He, (the Gorernor,, sbaU fc* offences against P. A. WILLIAMS, Mannfxetarer and Deafer iu ail kinds of CASSV&LE, SEP. Thursday Morning,! DECEMBER 15, 1851*. I . MOAS AND HAIR MATTRESSES, Lwalciug GIsm, IMm, Ac., Peachtree street, Atlanta, G*. Nov. 1, lS-V.i—ly. Ob! Ami, “Xinkey,”Rnn! Below are publish a few extracts taken the act was committed; and nea tbrerfora, 1 k^tjOr at morally responsible-fbl hia cMG luSS' “If the fact ^ exists, Rie eonefustoi* rag«ly effects the Southern people and They enter every office on hts sooty hack: , ican rt „ * wonW to , to for ofeocw , ! ***** f, * nmvs “ W « msane ? ,«f ^l*^*^,* ^ ub,lcan « sion that its designs were inconsistent St,£ex«ptin cases of w«bfs«em^ by the same towards the freedom .| m ek- l^x with ajust or hwfal exercise of the pow- to ^.nt pa^kms or to rjit any part of a }*»■c.*trarT ^fe proven, mul when ^^fhff - r , ... . cnofthcNotth, who are^sojourn,ng,n Butmv-this party scouts tUsapprita. ^ the ^ | amUm ^ inABeasesAAer conviction, ex-]*h*»^-ho«lddfr wiseothuillled^ ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ho S * **!,<»*»* ^iSl^ to ihi m^n****'^****" ^ of a r^cept far treason or mnnhr,.in wbichcascs!^ rsUldisbcd, ,bc Imtden oTprer,ng it iTT C (■ ’iJIftrhJa « If 1 CO 1A I y 4h « condition of their ••brethren’ who are ^ *° rank and sta- ^ , J_ , . ‘ .. .. -T . 1 thcmsanitv.iscast u«entbc ddeDdknL Rin ;u u.b. ‘Catoosa Co., Qa. ^Ui kUincM entrOtocd to his enrv will be ATLANTA, GA., promptly anemted tv. Sept. 15, 183. , Henry Fattillo Farrow, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Caiitkiisvh.i.e, Gconr.iA. 0!Bce— nevt door to Kramer's Drag Store. 0«t. 6. 18.-.1*—ly. P. II. LARKY, Attorney at Law, , Caiitkhsviij.e, Geo. W ILL pr iciici; in all the cmtnticfi of llio. ClioruktM! Circuit, aiM in the :nlj«>inin^ c »u ritifw of otli»T Circuits. P irticnlur nHcit- tidii sjreii ts/.dllectitt^ Oct. ♦», —It. e. l. brown, Attorney at Law,' brated PIANOS of. WM. kvabk a co.. of ihiitr- li, MH.. and in addition 'tiTTuw, tlw PIANOS of , nil the best factories of the Uriiled States can' | be f und at onr establishment oa Wliitebnll street. Entrance tlirongh the Basic and Va- i rietv Store of If. Rraumnlier. Nor. 1. Ga SVII.tE, A jtril 14, 18.3. Gko. JOHN C. BRANSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 0 A SEVILLE, (* F.OKCI A. P UACTISKS ill the cimnticn of Chsr, Floyd, liordiiti, Murmy, I'ickctn* mid Whitliold. Spwinl attention girtn to jtCQirinj; mid col lec tin/da inis. Not. 17, _ w Jflf wUo are ^ "CT“' W *“ “‘ me ’ aUU “ turn to mter davs «,d of a r^toratHU. of he' mav 1 ***** * **«««• bandage. We are of the opinion that ^ say the sable prefix used doth them! quiet and harmony to the county. j report*thafeof to Urn next General Aatotm. i «&**#■** MmlncM befcre the ceiO' KEEP fcr sale the ceto j ^ ■** that JorJan «P»'™ d *"T.„ . .• So far from sacrificing priiwiple by such bly, by whoa, » pardon may be granted.” **» * hA ««*» «*“ ******* ts hard need to travel, that thy.r way m They clmm a t.Ue of a slightly lighter , ^ , thi „ k k ^ show ± j tUis isobtw , sect ieaof the t op *“» ^ Tb ‘* «*& JmMHHP daric and leads through great tnbukUous. »lmde. nently, that the South desired —En, Standard. v - , Wdk fraely we admit that they deserve principle alone. AD she Book Agests.—The Sylvania Acw*. of '! .. , , , , guarantees for t!ic protection last week, says, “One day last week twe; ^ “’ 5 ’^ euliar instUutiuns” and of her other rigids, of these itinerant representatives of the What hated, dark descriptive here wesot-.. be respected. It is then—can it be a sac J was necessary to the passage of such a bill Brown Association called at the residence ten down, j rifke of principle to remain in that Union | or its validity as a law, that it be submit- of a planter, well known in this section, ■ And unit instead of btock, wc hereby was p ur chased by tike blood of he- | ted to the Governor for his approval, or during bis absence, and rendered them-: u lem own. j roic ancestors and is covered all over with j whether lie had any duty to perform, or selves not only disagreeable by thejr vol- Now ‘ know all tnen,’ (we send the whole hallowed association aud glorious memo-1 any responsibility to incur, in giving va- ubi|ity, but suspicious by tlieir conduct.! world greeting,) v . , - • riestliat can never perish, until these guar-' Htlity to the enactment But an examma- riicy bad been gone but about twenty , r ° n J nol ^ fiuin»'—* nan,e Vr ° antccs liave been intruded upon by tlie tion of other-sections of , the Constitution, minutes when lie reached home, and be- j One that through many generations shall! Executive power, or become ineffectual to ing immediately informed of tlieir beha-: go down— *' ! the preservatioti of our riglits by reamm vior, he pursued and overtook them in tl«e: Their title’s “ Jtroien repntyicaii*'.—the| ^ j,is neglect or unwillingness to employ Ogeechee Swamp. \\ ithout any “prelim- i blade subdued to brown. ' the necessary powers with winch he is eii- inary observations, lie bad them divested Why call them Brown ? Good reason liave ’ trusted ? We are not resjionsible for the Cabinet Shop AND WHEAT FAN MANUFACTORY. -Ah. ROBIN, r l UlTKnSVHjlE, Ca., is prepared to do ) nnriliinjf fn tlie C«h»»u*t line, at abort no tice and in a durable drlo. Ho is still man ufacturing the celebrated Prominm Pan, :ind is prepared to furnish the entire eontifrv with tli-= .neerior iuveiilinn. Pall and exam ine his VTie.ll Fans, Furniture, Ac. Dec. 1, 1859—l_v. JOHN II. l.OVEJOY, Wholesale Grocer AND DEALER IN Foreign nniDDomestic Liqnoia, CIGARS, TOR A CCD, Ac., N». IS, Cherokee Rl.mfc. Peachlrre Street, ATLANTA, GA. J. W. HEATH, attokxi;y at law, Jnsper, Pickens Co., Go. P RACTICES in ihe cm.iitioH of Pickcha, (iilmer. Fannin, Lumpkin, For- ayth, Cherokee, Murray ». nit \V li it field. Par- timUr attention /irefi to the collecting bttai- ness. Dec. 1, lS.’i^—ly. G. W. JACK, Grocer, Vhitehall street, Atlanta. Ga. T X!IE attention of Wauters and Farmers i* e*|.eoi illy invited to the large ami exce'- lent stuck of be h ia now in atorc and for a»Ic at tin? lowest prices. His stock consists in part of the fol lowing Goods: Bagging, Bopo and Twino; SUGAR, COFFEE, , TEAS, SALT; Sbircki. Setup*, Tvfticro, Cujtur*; Powdor, Shot, Nails, Iron; LIQUORS, ic.; In fact alnnMt anything in the GROCERY' line. Merchant., and firmer* would do well to eaM aud examine hi* stock beSirc ptircha*- iug elsewhere, as he flatten himself that he can sell mow as favorable terms as any house iu this market. AU he asks is a trial. No charge for looking. Call and see toe on Whitehall street, below the Johnson block. Atlanta, Nor. 1. G. W. JACK. S. T. BIGGEK8, w n o i. BsstE ts« unit. Grocer and Warehouse and Commission Merchant, * ATLANTA, GA. B ACON. lari, Grain : Coffee, Sugar, Syr ups; Rope, Twlue, Bagging; Wine*. Liq uors, Cigar*; Lumber of *H^»ixe*an4^u*li- *ies; Lime as a Cement and Fertilixer. Strict attention given to the IdoTage rt Cot ton, Ac. Advances made ou shipments d Cotton, Produce, Ac. Please give me a eelL Nov. 1,1859—lv. I K A RAGS COFFEE—Rio. Java and lot- •Mr guvrai juat receired rmd for wdrhr Nor. 1. J. II. l.OVEJOY. 7 jr RARRFt S S. n.r. rm-ln-d and Pow- . 1 ihfed SCti A RS, jo-t rvi'ir-d nn*t for sale by J. II. l.OVEJOY*. 4YA tiooSHEADS V. O SCO A RS.'of all F grades, just received and for sale hr Nor. I. J. n. I.OVKJOY . t AO ROVES Star and Adamantine Can- 11 FT F dies; also art cases S|ierm Candles, just reeeired and Sir sale hr Nor. I." J. H. l.OVEJOY'. 1 A A " ,n?rK ^ CHEESE —Dairy nnd ,State_. I ‘"I lrtrt hoses Dnrveas’ celehratyd Pearl Starch, the liest article that is now in o«e. jnst received and for sale hr J. II. l.OVEJOY’. of their upper garments by a couple of servants in attendance, and ‘Shirt)' nine” laid on according to ;he practiced science of Russian executioners, then turned them I treasonable principles and designs of Sew- loosc, and told them if the negroes caught ■ ’Till, like “Old Ossawattamie,” them before they reached the depot, some i done up “ Brown.” half a mile distant, tliey would get a coat j of Tar aud Feathers, but tlie Yankees out I run the Darkies so far that they had to j Frenoency. give it up before they had ran half wav.” The Waynesboro’ .Yew*, of the same j, date; says, “Just as wc are going we very: Ask Grocly, Giddings, Smith, where’s ■Harper’s Ferry. • This name connected with their deeds— ‘ We are not to be controlled in our shall force them down, j actions by what they thiul- or w hat they aid, Giddings, Suiuncr "et Ul omne ye- they’re j m ,p_ If they become the cootrolling pow- j cr in the government and attempt practi- | cally to oiny om4 their speculative doc trines, to Jo what they have been thiol - ! inti and toying they could do, then we l are thrown upon (he defence of ottr rights; “0 R ARUET.S now rrim MAGKKREf., No lnr sale by also half Karr..’- nn.| kill*. J. II. l.OVEJOY'. OAA SlfKS I.rVERRPOOL SALT, fresh FvF ami full sacks, for sale br Nor. I. J. II. LOY’EJOY'. OVA BARRELS WHISKEY—all grades, dmfjXJ sonic rerr fine, in store and for sale br J. II. I.OVEJOY'. OOO AAA Otr.ARS. ,.f all grades—*S Hi/il^Uvv Ui 875; also* fine I at of chew ing Tobacco, just received and fur aale br Nor. 1. J. H. l.OVEJOY'. B VRREI.S French and Domestic 'BRANDY': also lOrt Rnskets of Mnmmsnnd Hcidsick’s CIIAMPAIGNE, and numerous other article* too tedinn* to men tion. Send in nmr orders—wc will please Tim. Nor. 1. * J. H. LOY’EJOY” , , | never even attempt to put in execution the i to lead to tlicgrand conflict between the I , , ’ ... 1 measures they so loudly profess to have opposing forces, and, I suppose, to a final settlement of the subjects of disagreement- The chronic disorder of nortliehi senti- ... .... ...... . i in view; if wc could know this, we might settlement of the sulnccts of disagreement. „ * well afford to let them tall forever. Surc- inciit has recently developed symptoms j ly it would require no sacrifice either of CUTTING t STONE, Dealers in Dry Goods, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Curtain Materials, Kanraam Jhuldiwgt, ga. *». WbitchaU ate., (m. 1. ATLANTA. OA. Jj- McNAtTGltT, ORMOND 4 CO-, Commission Hoicd&Rts, Am Daaaaaa ix Gixiul KncunuA Riyttomt JtmiUUft, B’AUehalitt^ ATLANTA, 6HO. RsrBBKXcas—Vesararritmith A Patrick. ftataHwwd. Karla A Go, AHrw. McLrM A Ratolrr, New Turk,; Wm. M. Laatom * tx, Vtfytar A Smith, Charleston: J. K. THR. Daa- «*a A Jubmataa Raranaah; Pant A KtA'S* ptoa; D. A. Jaanary ACo,9».Laaiw iXor. L 1S59—ly. jnBook and Mnsie Store* GK A. J. RICHARDS A CO., keep a wasLSh5P&J Whitehall afiMct, AUaat^ Ga, L™ No*. 1. lUh. Orders per mail promptly *t- j Mr. H. A. Taylor, alias Dr. YYise, “the 1 supposed spy and abolitionist.” was ar- Calf, rested in Macon, last week, and was put I in the guar' house to await future devel- i opments. The Christian Index calls up- ... ... , . . , 1 on persons in Southern Georgia and Flori. Of which they keep a large and constant, , , , . , , aapplr at the h*we*t cash price*. At*n agent* da, and elsewhere, who have any facts to ferthe anl v Machi ne that *ew* with a Wax the prisoner, to furnish them to .Thread. Invite the attention of Country , y T ’ r Merchant* to their price*. Nor. 1. the Mayor of that oty, or send them to — ; 1 the Inlex office. He has been passing Rawson, Gilbert ft Barr, I himself off as a relative of Gov. Wise, and Wholesale and Retiril : Dehlerh ih ' a preacher of the gospel. So says some of Hardware, Stoves, «MI BoaMkeepiag our exchanges. CsmI*, Catlery, Gaao, Ac.. I ’ ’ . ’. ■' ' ' ;- T aawcUa* ‘ j A* Important SOL Bu dding XokriaU and fine Meehan*?' TooU, j ..j| r JohwstOX, of Cass, A bill to pre- Swedes and Amencnu Refined Iron ^ ^ to s todentS (minors) of spir- Warrantcd Cast Steel, Nail*, Shovels, Axe*, ,. - , , _ L - r ~V g : and all-other heavy good* in the Mac. • ttuous uqtmra, pistoh, mrta, sword canes, \ Ow Stove and Tin Department ia andbowie knirea.” i w-tol-e*. U.L, Mt „ ofd.j*.tfceS—thlooecup,,.., est rates. A liberal dtacmaat will ho ’ most wnpoHant that has been oBered 1 boM then first, that ar* eaerrjSee no -5Sri!‘ , "” , 'aR5&*, 0 Sl52St ‘ . , • i *, , ; principle or of honor! In a future com- too decided and unmistakable to leave us ■ r . . . , ., , ...... .... . : nuinication I mar present a fen consulc- any longer tn doubt as to its true charac- ■ . ". . . . ter. YVe are brought to the conviction * that there arc a large number at the north j disposed warmly to sympathise with, if not actually ready to -engage in invasions. J/eimr*. Editor*: Within the last few months there lias ,, . , ^ , , , . .. ,, ... then are wc called upon to act from prin- - . .hern a rapid progression in the public' . , , . ... . . . . . ! to press , „ . * . .. 7 ,. . , , ciplc and are justified in whatever we do, wit wc learn that a traveling agent fur maps, i 1 ,n ”’ ,n re a ,on oi 1 ** |«sw ( Te ; with a due regard to it On the contrary, . . ' . . , i long lifeen a source of contention between . . . ■ . in «n adjoining county, went into a negro 1 . . , , ! if we could be assured that abolitionists, . . , . . • i» i ‘ the slave and free States, towards that i , , ,, , . ., quarter at a late hour in the mght. andi ... , „ , . . . , • even the most reckless and insane, would .. ... .... ! condition ofwell denned antagonism which! .. .. .. .. was preaching Abolitionism to the negroes — — an old iavoritc servant went and waked up his master and informed him there was a white man out tliere preaching to the ne groes. The gentleman went out and made tlie negroes hoist and hanghimto the joist, dug* holeatul buried hint the same night.” The Pensacola GaSette says, between tlie bars of Mobile and Pensacola is a wild country infested with these abolition vil lains white and black. One of them—a mulatto—was taken up. a-few days since, and examined. In iris pockets were found a'Colt’s six shooter, with each barrel load ed, a single barrelled pistol, a formidable bowic knife, plenty of powder, balls-and caps fifteen or twenty dollars in specie, and a forged pass. Two individuals, whose presence was considered undesirable on account of aboli tionism were ridden on a rail at Kings- trcc, S. C. on YVcdnsday morning. One was an old, and the other a young man, of good personal appearance. They were ridden about the village, borne by negroes, and compelled to sing while traveling in this manner. They were then turned loose. They took the noon train for Char leston. but the other, jMrscngers refusing to ride with them, they Were put out of the j train at St Stephen’s station. They will which must be construed, in connection with the section above quoted, removes all doubt upon tlie question, and satisfies my mind that it as much the duty of the Governor to revise and approve or disap prove a.bill of this character, as it is to sanction or refuse to sanction any uthcr bill. It is true, tlie above section of the Constitution vests the pardoning power in cases of murder, in the General Assembly; and it is also true that the second Section oftlie first Article of the Constitution vests the entire legislative power in the General Assembly. It is in these words: “The legislative power shall be vested in two separate and distinct brandies, to a.Senate and House of Rcprcsenta. tives. to be styled the General Assembly.” But these grants of power to the General Assembly are alike qualified br the tenth and eleventh Sections of the second Artie- of law, and by tlieir verdict of guilty, de cided that the plea of insanity have not' been sustained. Alter a careful examina tion of tlie evidence in the case; and a long personal acquaintance with the defendant 1 am satisfied that tlie decision was cor-. red, and that tlie insanity vras only the temporary pbrenzv which is produced hy fit of intoxication; which by tlie express terms of our statute' is declared to be no excuse for any crime or misdemeanor. U may have been true that tlie dcfcndant-oti account of injuries received Upon his head' some years'since, had some predisposition to insanity, and that he was on that ac count tnore easily excited by the use of intoxicating liquors, but I entertain no doubt that the excessive use of these stim ulants was the exciting and immediate cause ofuicntal derangement at the tinie ' of the killing. In a’ word, the defendant was drunk, xind liis reason was for the ' time dethroned by bis intoxication. He was. in the habit ofjndulging to excess, and on these occasions, Tic is said by the witnesses, to have been a very dangerous man. Since the commission of this offence. FOU .TUB STANDARD. conspiracies, and attempts to promote sar- ■ Necessity of a Vigilaaeo Committee, vile insurrection at the South. Thesis J A due reflection upon this subject, will whether they come in the shape of mid-1 obviate tlie necessity ofa long train of log- night assassins and incendiaries, of unau- j jcal reasoning, and convince one and all thqrizcd but organized bands of marauders j 0 f the propriety of taking such measures of of an army, backed and supported by u will rid us of the suspicious wanderers that are daily traversing Urn our county in the characters or writing | , ^ ^ b actea of the on. now under consWeralion. mfichirc tilliIn nWh YDnnprc anil rflnkM> : * •" "• * - <r ‘ v wf » * a a r t *. -*a ±% • i. a -a — he has been confined'in prison, and deni ed the privilege of his former excesses, and it seems that nothing more has been heard of his insanity! If on account of his wonmls received tears since, bis pre- dispujjition to insanity was such, that ex- ’ citcinent alone would produce it-. Why le of the Constitution, which are in these words t Section 10. He, (tlie Governor, > shall liave the revision of all bills passed by both Houses, before the same shall become laws j r but two-thirds of both I|onses may pass ... rations in support of the second proposi.! a law, notwithstanding his dissen*, and if * bMw i? ^ tion above announced. j any bill shall not be returned by tlie Gov- PRUDENS. | eruor within five days afrer it hath been ■ presented to him, tlie same shall be a law; !_ .. -- "IT-" 7!’ 1 ... ' 1 unless the General Assembly by their ad journment shairpreaent its return. Section. 11. Every vote, resolution or or der to-which the concurrence of both Hou ses may be necessary, except on a ques tion of adjournment, shall be presented to the Governor; and before it shall take ef- he has passed since his imprisonment and during his trial, failed to have tliat effect? If on account of mental derangement jink • .duccd'lSy his own voluntary act, he is to be excused for recklessly taking tlie life of an innocent human being, find again turned loose upon the'community ; wbat guaranty have we that another Victim may not soon fall by his hands in a like fit of voluntary madness ? In determining, question of the Char- I should be unfaithful to the high trustre- poSed -im«e, if I should permit myreason to be overcome by my sympathies. No act of my life has been more unpleasant tlurn the one 1 now perform.' No one lias a higher wppreaatiou. of the character vff tlie relatival of defendant, and no (mo the united power of whole States, wc must and will crush out at all hazards: Wo hope, indeed, an.l believe that the' asters, table cloth venders, and vankee| I’™ w ^ ^ effect of recent events on the minds ofthc colporteurs. The treasonable attempt of! ^ bettcr classes at the North will be, in a; « W Brown and his dastardly followers at f . ro|e< ^ gr«t degree, salutary. There are decid-j Harper’s Ferry, h* only served to grvem, j ^ ^ ^ of t , ieX:enersi , AsseniWy> ed indications ofa disposition on the part, an inkling of the vanous schemes which | to wh5dlUlc of }totU Houses of many, to reconsider the grounds on h, ve resorted to, in order to attack, j. . .. . . ... 1 ,. , , ... . . .1 , , ... ’ is necessary, »t is the duty of the Governor which thev have heretofore acted; andi undermine, and weaken our clienshcdI. .7 , j. 7 , . , . , ... > ’ . 4o revise it, and approve or disapprove jt. i therois nodoubt that hundreds of thou- ( souther,, mst.tutions. They have mtro- Tbe circulllg;anct ^ tlie k i„ in g a * ,le- i wonW more sinerrely rejoic to be able to sands abhor, « they do nothc*Utetode duced Ahcinselves into our midst under j ^ ^ fa lMj ,« sub . i soothe the feelings »r a mother, whose nounce principles which lead to such in- the assumed dwractem.ofsrfmol-teafchcns j m foIIoW!i . !heart.piercedwitbanguisknowUnguLsh- femous and diabolical acts as those perpe- deporting themselves properly during the i ' ; f ^ es with untold grief Btit ifit wCra proper ^ a>-7TT?'i . ■ ' a- - -1 erin^ im ono siife, and-refuse to look np on the picture of misery «• the other. A ft rHmiKi The nrinrinkaI „ ;„c rf™i:,„i I aodh.formed him of thelact that he had!^" s»nee # the-fepiilyofWebU, the longer a matter of doubt The principles, the veins of civilized man. , |||imi| . t . - .. .. ,, ... ) deceased, were courforUble and happy.— Our sister States have adopted this mca-1 the P ro ** w > ™ hui ''“wK »"d dewed lnui. eliildren had the earn to arrange for the Settlement of the- Aim. * ‘Jma wHe HUlc dunlin nea uie care . - le . k ... a m „ [Choice desircil YVcbb to release hi... upon Section ofa food husband and a pi emus characters and dealt with them as j- . ■ • * ..... ■ kind father. But in a moment of tune, by tlie necessity of the times demand. Shall. l ,ro,n,M; ^ '* be arraeged. we tlmn—being citizens of Georgia, the! WcW * reru6ed to do ^ s< ’“‘ e un » ,kB - Eddleman ft Banks, - WritkbaU. St., Atlanta, G*., ; *. ‘ . _ ' i—-' •*— tilmii „,.,i ... Whulcaalc and Rrtsil Dealera in and Man-! P rob »W J endeavor to reach Charleston by the cause of Black Republicanism has sus- j w ith thick darkness they creep forth from ; , ., ’ " utactnri-r* of | BOOTS, SHOES, Leather, Lasts, Pegs, Uaiaj and Binding Skiaa, SaocaACtos’ Tools, Ac., and spirit of the Black Republican party | are truly abominable. But however mlich sure and ferreted out many of these sus-| we might deplore the election of a Presi dent of that faction, however oar indigna tion might prompt us to retire at onoefrom tbe Union, I should regret exceedingly toj Empire State of the South, suffer oursclvesj sw ** ’ ron ^* I* 11 *™* About this time, Col. sec the Southern States take sucha stqt ;| to kg behind in a matter which may be | ^ero thrown upon the coi.i charitiesof and in order tn explain the reasons Of this ®f vital importance to us? Will !C« **\tST (, (' «) the w«rW, almost friendless amlpennyi regret I desire to occupy .a column or two i courage abolition sentiments bv permit-1 s * ani * * s surety for him. Cl. ■” n a , . . i;r» .. regret I desire to occupy .a column or two j courage abolition sentiments bgr permit- in your valuable paper, ibis I desire. Ins [ ting these abominable characters to wan-! STe ^ t0 ^ t,ie dcl,t * nd F r ' tl1 ***** front any hope of convincing other* offl der ad Hbitam f If we do, at some future | WeU> S “ I ^« L Aftet what I conceive to be; their from a wish plainly and , candidly 4o de clare for my own satisfaction, what seems to me to be tbe true and-proper position S. B. O ATM AN, DtALsaiK AaamcAX, Itauaz *xa **Trwax Statcast, axdTi MoacatXT*. Tons, Baxa axd Tuaa, Rdtaf ■* Maxtbls, ax» ring this session oftlie LegWature, add! prme^f* byrmnainingm the Union after hope that every order toring and right f the ejection of a Vndt Republican Presir I rijjhdang ■n-rorntative anil sustain thej dent; And secondly, dmt it is our yi I teg so to dn. If .I moke good these two . —r—_ * . I propositions, I wffl hnr* accomplished aU Amtker IpfXURt BU. ISJidminK IU vre mcrificn no prin- cipk.js dear, when it is consiiaaed that ofthc W.i A. <w State Rand, has p^dln- rJ ^ T u ^ mjnmwh*-. . to the State Treasury $40,000, as the.nett oobted fimt tfaat-n nflnda- . » r .. learnings «f aaid Rond for the month * *£+&&+ to aahaahami dec to^RtomadppNovember; ^ Whrmwmthm. with «to*Nto«£iho v WeJtoaiathis^W"BWt 8! Ey A parttenof tte nmragr niFGnrSllgllr nnd CoostkuthnaOy, Pmddwtnf MrowHvtoia^rtil’bglfo ito^pholen,- imntnfl larf—*~ WWgivoMm Tsagein fentotowawfr-' BtodK j_ ji T i flh n ^—“*” G “- Caii< lktC‘ the cruel act of the defendant, the wife a widow,.and the children orphans, were left to mourn their irreparable loss, and Were thrown upon the cold charities of less, to make tlieir way through life as best they, can, poor and neglected. But duty fbrbitls that I should be influenced ciy on either side. The laws must be vindicated and crime must be punished. day, not br in the prospective I apprehend! th '^ Q*° ,c “ "bo was * »•» the words ofthc cekbratfri RonJ oretor ,2" will be applicable to our cases, “ O tern* to ' n v - _, 'cd and prevented any difficulty; afterr . pora, O more* T i _ f ?1 g fr_it. i_Vy ,. L : mnr. r or society cannot bcprotected- Andcoui-ts ^Some do little, diink less perewis, may;dereno'dock, Webhi«pustbesnstain«din theadmin- deem me a vain alarmist; but let me cite, **» t vere walkins the! ;stn,tion ant * exeeuUon of the criminal them to the parable of tbe five foolish vir-1 ' f ^ [laws of the land; or violence and bloodshed proposition ? SPARTA, j _ ,' mciiJ - YVGlJ. ‘heir own hands, m the belief that it is Military Mm I them. v ^ •■ut 1 ! Choice presented * pistol; Webb 1™™, . ,r . . The Commandiac'Officers of Volwteer one shot, which did noc take effect He! >mn,indfi.l, while making this decision, ine vommamung umcers m iwmwwjw—s | that tbe nardoning power J» a necessary quested to forward to the undenagnad,. ood time. The hnM entered tbe body of- ^ • hi h Ac <• the Commuuioned Officars,! Webb, and be exclaimed: “T am a dead j * nd th * t arc soroecase*, in mmowiii UK iflXBMBniiiuwau, ” O |‘1 Ilil ■ r._- ! might tn be czewaacd. As in eases of par- themnnberof Rank and Fife, and the, wh >* 1,0 ‘ | tiahty. prg^fe, dr higbly excited feet- style of arms used by their rtnpectire.andfell dead. This summary of the sub-1 * J- Company. CHA* DcBIGNON, ! atom* of the bets connected with the kU- §*. JJJ .^Jfodlcnderi^ it ^ <»a DOLES, ,jKng ******** facie, a to otoAmprre j wm Doc. A 189*. mk ofmu^-.- highly probnMe that injustice wm don. Ko^irfh, Gk | The deceased on be night jwiritos had.