The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, December 22, 1859, Image 3

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look out; DEFAULTING tax PAYERS !! CASSVILLE VlDUUfUKl -ertow *"h»eet *> W. T \* '? and fin to do IE Spring Session ot Ibis Institution will i on the td Monday in January, 18*0. FACULTY: Cherokee and AT THE SIGX OF THE BIO BOOT. Block, Peachtree Street, Atlaata, Ga. «ff tlllllf « daily receiving. the largest and best stock of K.n>U and shoes ever before offered in tkm market mnamt-no in n # tka ■ A Splendid, New 6 1-3 Octave Rosewood Piano, worth Three Hundred Dollars, together with Two Hundred and Pifty other Valuable Gifts ( *,to*be distributed among the Audiencft! The subscriber, desirous of contributing to the gratification of his friends and the public in & manner suited to the festivities of the approaching holidays, has carefully prepared the following i he would respectfully solicit the attention of all lovers of Literature ana •sjy* Cartcrsville Express publish twice. X0 MISTAKE! fi' 1 * t0 < *° *° b T *he first of c " -.jt, trill find their names published i both <>f the county papers; with a list rpftt . ‘ D “ll, f< no the Justices of the ranoua pre- A ..pen. .. . . _ • nc b i° l ^ c ° oan ^3 r > aD4 J ^ FirriTV f V Shoe* ever ^* ,re ^Kered in this market. coniiitnvm put of the folluvinrstilts - against each and every suchdefaijlter FACULTY t Gentlemen s fine French Calf Water-Proof BmiG; Oc*t!e^?s fine French C* fetched " fh o thus intrudes h.s vote at any election held REV. DANIEL KELSEY, A. If, President, Gentlemen’s Sue French Calf stitched IS.,tom. BooU; Gentlemen’s fin, French (hereafter, unless he PV Th“ I’n.f of Mathematics and Natural Science. Ca{J*aiMre-edm Boots; Gentlemen’s fine French Calf welted Boot-; Gentlemen’s fine French 13,1859. ] £ “ADWIX, 1.1. C. REV. A . G. JOHNSON, A. If, Prof, of ^*' f fine Trench Calf nnmp-sole pegged Boots; Gentlemen’s li J vrirSn’\^' r' Pi- English and Latin Literature. j fine French Calf atout and light pgrjred Boots; Gentlemen’* fine French Calf Congress Gai- mann p. M. McMDRBT, JI.C. MISS MARY A. ALEXANDER, Inatrne-! Gentlemens fine French CalfiDxfi.rd Ties and Brogan*; Gentlemen’a fine French Calf mannei A true extract from Minute* fbv order of tress in Moral Science and Bellea LeUrea. i * ® n T , » I Oentlemeii’s, Indies’, Misses’, Bovs’ and Children's Rubbers; I’l OOTflimHe to which (beCourt! tins Dec. 14.1859 J. W. KINAHREW, M. I)., Prof, in Phys- . L f^ > * S,Ik Kid foxed Congress Gaiters, with heels; Ladies’ fine Patent r. V ’ Dec 2*2 J. F. MIlsLOlJsIS, Clerk. i«»lojrr and Hvsfiune. fjca^er foxed Conjures* Gaiter* with !><>cfe; Ladies* floe Glove Kid Congress Gaiters; Ladit*' Al 11S1C Z “ ' R.'ll. GUYN, I’rof. of Vocal and Instru-; fin * ”' ,k Laetmg patentCrescent foxed Gutters, with heels; Ladies’ tine Silk Listing p'ai.i r •„ , . .. . „ ... , , r . , r . liuwijUr •*% tsafsA TW nro- mental Music < and tipped Gaiters; Ladies’ fine Kid patent tipped Lace Boots; Ladies’ fine Kid turn IWts, THE CHKIsTMAS GIr I CONtfcUT will be given in the haU of tbc Glooe Hotel, Cxsstille, Ga., December -A, The pro MRS. A. E. GUYN, Assistant in Music De- w , ••***» Ladies fine Kid welted Boots, with heels; Ladies’fine Morocco and Kid M. C. gramme of Music will be interesting and attractive; arrangements are being made to make this part ot the entertainment equal to part met*!. j.^idiea'fine Kid welt Ituskiiw, with heek; Lades* fine Kid Excetsiuts; Ladies' anythin" of the kind heretofore offered—for particulars see published programme. At the conclusion of the musical entertainment VERY man that vote, for me on the first , “ 1 ®* lBS,n,c ’ B«vV Yonfh^S ClnldranV S* SS5 , , T , thi interesting ceremony of distributing the Gifts will take place. The Gifts will consist in part of a new Rosewood Piano. 6J Octave*, Monday ill January next is a clever man. o"^ 1 " KEl'sEY^Dwtriictress in Pri- Shoe » of every variety and si”" * also,laroe^ssortment of Men’s' andll. o’s" Cal f ? Bu (f valued at $300; a now Rosewood Guitiir. patent head, in case, $30; some 200 handsomely bound Books, selected front the best Cal- # smart man and a gentleman-up lull down laMrr d ' rtnl(Mlt '_ ’ ' Wax Leather, Kip and Russet Brogans. llrni^ Servant’s Shoes, Ac. The above Goods an’ alogucs and in evert’ respect unexceptionable. The limits of a Circular wHI net alfcw a mmute description of the Gifts; suffice it le hill. r»in <* 8h ' n ® : "-V, , , me ’ M RS. E. A. KELSEY, Instructress in Wax manufactured by ns expressly for the retail trade, and will be sold at lower prices than a i sav that the 250 articles arc valued at $550—no one being of less value than 5f> rents, as 1 pa» s “'""P. 1 *!" ‘V™ ,he n, K u, * h Work, Ac. similar qualitv of Good* cau be h-uight in this market, and as low as thov can be bought in ' out of your field* and put in a new rail where Pupils should be present, if possible, at the ,he „ Stn,< r «e warrant every article we sell to he manufactured from g.«,d material, and — _ (he „i, Si a._ ! MANNER of distributing THE 9IW8I *”■ ■ • ■ - d » i»u,mu-«»»■ »»«*««*»«**'.«■»!»*-^ __ i or retail, at low prices. ;5f*.4t the sign ..f the llig Ikwl. Peachtnv Street. having written on it a single number) will be placed in a box by themselves; in another bos wilt be placed as many slips or paper as , Atlanta, Dec. 15, 1859. DIMfCK, WILSON A CO., Successors to Dimirk A Mix. there are Gifts these also contain single numbers from 1 to 250. In a book kept for that purpose, the names of the Gifts will be act — I j on . n u- lt h a n „ u ,her opposite to each ; now if a slip containing the No. 125 be taken from the first box. and slip No. 27 be taken "TITR A "O’V A’- QnT ( a A rn XT j from the second box, then the l.older of Ticket No. 125 is entitled to Gift 27, which is ascertained by referring to No. 2. in the^Gtl* A 1 L7 eV -w 9 schedule. It will be observed that the three persons engaged in determining the Gift are by this arrangement independenlof on* another, an 1 no possibility of psrtialitv or unfairness can exist The number of Tickets to be iswretf hars been limited to hOO, and placed at sSl each; this, in consideration of the unusually large ntimner of valuable Gifts, it is believed, will meet universal approval. Tickets can be sent by mail to any address. Persons at a distance will have an equal chance with those in- the Concert Room, in the distribution of Gifts. * Gifts will be sent bv mail, or as may be directed, immediately after the Concert Eddleman & Banks, AViiitbhall Sr., Atlanta, Ga., fl’liiilcsale and Hctiil Dealers in and Man- iif+durers uf BOOTS, SHOES, Leather, Lasts, Pegs, Calf, Lining and Binding Skina, SnoEMAKKits’ Tools, Ac., Of which they keep T II E Greatest Seduction EVER MADE IX STANDARD rh large and constant supply at the lowest cash prices. Also agents fur the only Machine that sews with a Wax Thread. Invite the attention of Country llerch»:it* to their prices. Nov. 1. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga,, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON t ND STEEL. CARRIAGEIAND HARNESS TRIMMINGS, Harness, Saddles, ani Harness Tools. As considerable expense has been incurred in getting up this enterprise, to defray which will exhaust the i»sue of Tickets, it is earnestly hoped that it will be received with such favor as will i*. «*««. It win he observed that the undertaking » in no way connected either with HARDWARE is the largest and most complete m the city, and superior inducements will be ; t l <• 11 t l 1p FflCllltV * it is thprefulfi ntll’elv ilU illdivitbial eiltei’DI'lSC, ailU OS STTCI1 IS COID- offered to Planters as well ax Dealers. Our Hie ' Ol It JJt. Ol me imuiij, il Carriage and Hirnsss Trimming Dopartmant is therefore purely au individual enterprise, ‘‘ Fortune is merry and in this ninocl will give e us anything.” ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the Ordinary of Cass county, will be sold before the rimrt house door in Cnnsvillo on the 1st Tn*s- ilnr in February next, within the usual hours of sale: Lot of Land No. lllo, in the 17th dis trict mid 3d section ol said county. Sold as , „ of Elizihelli Harrell, deceased,) At a reduction of Twenty Dollars I AM NOW SELLING THE Improved Bartholf Family « the larwus 4 in this suctioti of the Stat<\ and prices as low as any other market can affoi Wc arc also sole Consignees of Cooper’s Etowah Iron. Particular attention piven orders. Atlanta, <»«., Dec. 15, 1859—Sm SEWING MACHINES WM. 1!. COX, W. RHODES HILL.. .W. R. HERNDON, convinced that, the happiest time is now the property late of Ca-.s eunntv. Terms made known on the day of sale. ' SAMUEL HARRELL, Dec." 8—Ids. Administrator. fro MASSEY & LANSDELL, Will sell upon Augusta, {'haHeston tnd Sa vannah tenns any orders for Drugs, Medicines, CHEMICALS, I’.UN’fS, OILS, Ac. Kerosene Oil, and Lamps, Alw ita on hand, at the lowest prices. Atlanta, G«„ Dec. 15, 1S59—I v. f«»riner prices. ; The New Straight Needle Machine is now out A. LEYDEN, General Agent. COX, HILT, & CO., mk All orders for Tickets should be addressed to li. II. GUYN, Cassville, G». Atlanta, 1. LIKELY N3GR033 and MULES FOR SALE. PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, GA. II tving formed a copartnership as ab.-ve, weairc prepared to exhibit an elegant and fresh STOCK OF GROCERIES, BooKs to too Distributed s The following: named Books, with many others, equally useful and interesting L CHANC1' FOR A will be used ns Gifts at the Chrwtuas Gift Concert: ! Urge quarto lfibieV^20'plates, 2 illuminations, embossed'; large quarto Bible, (i steel engilivings 2 l.riBiant tlhmiliiRtmiis, imitation Turkey! -ill sides snd edges ; small Bibles with clasps. Among the religious works will be iound faj’lor s Holy Living and Dying, I Heavenly 1 Token—a Religious Souvenir, Crudeii’s Concordance, Pillar of Fire, Prince of the House of David and many others. The j lovers of Poetry will fi .d the complete works of Milton, Covvper, Burns. Scott. Pope ami others, handsomely hound in sheep and of which are offered to cash and short time, prompt paying customers at very low figures. Our ' uniform size; also a library edition in cloth of Campbell, Coleridge, Collins, Beattie,- f• fay, ♦ fs- i.mai»s, . oo.e, ^ lOfnps i ''lit subscriber will offer for sale, at public i facilities for purchasing and a perfect, knowledge of the wants of the public, are such that we j ers }£ c l( f ers f> f romance vrill rejoice to find Fennimore Cooper, complete, in o4 voiirmes also works Ol 1. .\rinur, i ir^. oo\J “ .... .... ' — ' worth, Mrs. Ucntz, and other writers #f merit. The Biography embrtces the Life of Washington Fnuiklui ; (.rceiie I utnam, Manon, Jackson, Harrison, Tavlor, Hamilton. Webster. Macauley’s Lives, Ac. Among the Histories will be found Smyth s l.ccturcs on Mod- !era History, Macaulev’s England. Goldsmith's ditto, llirtory of Palestine, Indian Mars and Kevo ulionary Incidents, Ac Books for ! the holidays splendidly illustrated; Morocco, Gilt, the Magnolia, the Phtlopcena, and the Rose Bud. 11m little folks wdl find a well selected assortment of religious and other interesting iiseftd Books, designed for the improvement of the he d and heart. The miscel laneous Books will be found to be extensive and varied, embracing tbe host Authors on almost every subject. In addition to all tliese, the Ladies will find an assortment of Albums, Steel Engravings, Port Folios, iSliect Music, at.d a variety ol Mattonary for their especial entlcman friends, should their tickets fail to bring outcry. Ml the court house door in Cass- j llo, on the 1st Tuesday in January next., Bargain. GOODS SIXTEEN YOUNG AND LIKELY 1 NEGROES, • and right <»r ton of as fine * MULES us call be t' in Upper Ge Good Property, u jfuh ran tee entire satisfaction, in every par+icula store and to arrive : 5v» Hogsheads New Orleans Sugar, 50 Barrels Crushed and Brown Sug; 400 Kegs Nails, S00 Boxes Candles ; 150,000 Sugars ; 75 Barrels Old Bye Wliiskcy, Wc uimex a few of the articles now in ptr. This is all • and sold for no f;u!t. It uniy b*» treate*! for ; priv.ttclv until d iv of sale. A. C. WVIjV, 1 Dec 1 — ids. 4 10(i Hogsheads A B and 0 •J'.'J Bags Rio Coffee, 10 ** Old Government CoflVe, 25 44 Java Coff.-e; 100 B >xea Tobacco ; 209 Barrels Rectified Whiskey; SO Pack's Cresseut’s Her nessy and other choice Brandies; 1000 Boxes .Snuff; 500 sacks Salt; use a jj of which will be given them by their 10 44 Brandy, old and soft, from private stock ; 100 boxes State and Eug. Dairj* Cheese; And anv quantity of Soda, Starch, Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, Preserves, Fruits, Cordials, Oys ters, Mackerel, Sardines, Buckets, Brooms, Tubs, Churns, &cto which attention is invited. Awaiting vour commands, and always at your service, we are, respectfully. Atlanta, Nov. 1, 1859. COX, HILL A CO. them. noBsonsr & co., Adairsville, Ga. AT Auction ! THE WEEKLY N. YORK BAY BOOK, GREAT rr^DITCEAIEiSrTS XX. Heyman, Foil 1 SCO. Takes this method J. II. COHEN'S STOCK OF GOODS IVILL BE SOU) AT IlKllINMNi; AT m OCT.OCK, A. XL, DEC. ns, ; c.9. Sal) to continue frem day to day, unt il all is sold. T The St**ck consists «*f Dry Goods, Hardv/are, Hxts, Boots, &3. On, and get a birgiin. Oec. 15—2t. A DAI IN1STR ATOR’S SALE. ''HE New York DAY BOOK was started to c the modern hcresi s of abolition It is iinctiniproinisingly o]»postd to hH af.tnupts to place n groes upon an equality with while men. It Mipjairts the Dred Scott decision ; the tiprnl r ghls of all eitr/.eiis in the common telrilorics of the Union’; it opposes the so called Republican party beemse it mil- .tics the laws and tries to d* giade white ir.en to a level w ill negroes, and thus render Dem- • *crnt:c ii»stituti«M:s impossible. It asks sup- ... I*»ri from all wh«» wish preserve our glorious ) Consisting in part as followi Constitution, and who desire In hasten the day 1 P'. ,C: when British Ab’ditionisiu, which has already ruined the fairest islands of the sea, and which now seeks to min « ur own country and over throw Republican institutions at the same time, .vlndi be driven from our soil forever. The Daily Evening Day Book, a full sized folio journal, is published every atlcrimon, i Suudays excepted • containing ihe latest news iin to the.moment t-f going to t»re>s. Price ^6 f i:*forming the citizens of (’ass and adjoining counties that! opened his iff iff#i ' bits just f m m W mm ms f in the house formerly occupied by U <fc S. STS^HaNA, eis* sid a of tlm Railroad, Car ter s- ville, Ga., and is just receiving andjopming au out and out uew stock of AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, G A. Offer for Sale, bigs Rio Coffee; 4<> bags Java Coffee; *20 bags Laguiyra Coff^ lOO barrels A Ban, Sugars: 40 barrels powdered and crushed Sngirs; 25 hogsheads fair to cfmicc^ognfs; 25 bales Gnnnv Bagging; 150 coils Rope; 275 kegs Nails; D»u barrels of W hisky— assorted ; *20 baskets Champagne 'Yine; 2*I>0 boxes Candles; 2jV IEW CARRIAGE ATLANTA, GA. W |\v. wood s' BUFF * CO. have opened » l,.r_c ami splendid stuck of wAm in vom msbs Silks, of all colors; DcLainos. ail iv«> Hr 1; French Merino, Al- Silt: 1"0 b ixes Tobacco, li«','>00 Havana. American and (I (iimirs ■ 25 barrels best Cider end White Wine Yittcpir; Cheese Buckets. Tubs,’Wines, Brandies, Powder, Shot. Lead, Table Salt, Starch, Soda, Crackers, Preserves, l’iekles. Mackerel, Brooms, Ac., Ac. Tbeit business will be done stricth- on the SYSTEM, S. B. RriliKO'.V,. It. C. ROBSON'. CASH Carriages in Atlanta, of every variety ot style, consisting of .Coache3, I0SBLIXS, Bomb:Izim*s, Robes of all kinds; all wool Plaids; French Prints; Steetings, Table and prices will he found at the LOW HOlktA Cloths, apron Checks, Linsevs, Flannels, Linens, Toweling’ 4 , white goods of all kiuds, ! Atlanta, Nov. 1, 1859. Shawls, Bordering.*. Fringes of all colors, Collars and Sets, Hosiery, Draperies, Kerseys, : : —— — — : Stripes, Ticking, Blankjts, Osiriburgs, Shirting, Mantillas, and other things t»c tedious » ^ d \L\10\S A. B. MATHEWS, t«> inenti in; to which we pisticalarly invite the attention of the LADIES. Also, *" ‘ * ‘ noiVffi .. J. X. SIMMONS. IMLETOXS, Brdts, The We< k! v Day Book is a quarto journal, i containing 4S columns of matter, and is care- j fully prepared for general circulatioli, with ' \\TILL he sold before the Court Vine <h* r j lull’d, tails of f reign and dmiiiwtic news, lit- Vl in the town o| Cassville, on the li»>t j trary notices, ^h.ries for \lie faiudy circle, and , TnrsiUy in January next, within the usual , presents plaliters, firmer**, merchants, dn»- j li«ur> of sale, the following property, to-wit: vers, Ac., wiU» a j.uirsuil fmm the cummerctal, An( j . |n fact everything that is sold in a Dry Goods store may be found at tbe above store, Nelly, a woman about 60 years old ; Toney, metropolis of the L mob, u stir lull ami correct. * * t j co ir * cS ft» the finest fabrics, at low figures far cish. In addition to the above, ■ bunt '4 years old ; Mnse. » man about r.-,,or.s .d the Kraim canbr «nd l«j^nce » ™ # ch „ jcL . a „ d wull . se | ecte ,, stock „f READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR GENTS’ AND BOYS’ WEAR ; JEWELRY, MUSICAL USTSTK-TJlVrElSrTS, SALMONS, MATHEWS & CO., Slido-aeat, Top and No top ttnd Concord Would respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they are recei A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF L'»» years old ; Nic«y, n woman about "2 years «•! 1, and her 2 y*mngvst children, n !»••>* and a girl; Marv, a girl about 1 • years old; Mai d , a .•nt 1 1 years old ; Hester, a girl about 7 j Oct. in, 1859. trkets. Tlii’Sv blc its subscription price. A New Southern Story. old. Also,OI1 toe 1st Tu s’ IV u Febru- q,, ,| 1c ,i rs ( k ; n .Lmuirv, ISfiO, a new ' avy neft, one h- u<e and lot in tbe town all( j >ir j„i n# | Simtbern st..rv. from tli. pen of I au nt Ail lirsville, c.mtaintn^ one acre, more or p r<(f || |» 0C fe T „f Xew Orleans, will be i \„rtlierti less. All Sold as th • property of Andrew M. c ,, nlntnr( j in lhu Weekly Day Bmik. The | llimiltou, deceased, late of said county, for ^ <• t| k . Rrolher’s Vengeance.” The i the benefit of his heirs and crcd.turs. Terms : SCBlle is | u ;,{ ,| lc Crescent t’ity. The plot is ! made known on the day of sale. deep : ,„d intricate, and it is worked up with ! Bee 15 A. L. TRIM RLE, Adn* r. (-rent dramatic jsiwer ai.d interest. All wbo . subscribe on nr before the 1st of January, will j A DM INISTR ATOR’S SALE. [ *•»*» intensely interesting story entire. Terms: Single Copy per luinum, F2 Two copies, 3 Five cipic* 5 TwentVtone Copies (one being to the getter-up ol the clob,l SO I’av neat is required invariably in ndrance. Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, YKST1NGS, &c. with a aarkets, •Thousand aad One” other things Phi tedious t> mention, mat be found at tlic NEW, CHEAP CASH STORE of H. HETMAN, Cartcrsville, Ga. _/V of Fannin county, will be *«»ld before the I Court House doiJM 11 the town of Mi.rganton, , on the u; Tueswy in February next, lots of land loo and 12d, in the 7th district and , 1st section. Sold as the property of Robert ( Ungers, deceased, for the benefit of his heir* + #S0. J. HOWARB a €0. WHOLESALE Hi RETAIL Him AND GROCERS, »nd creditors. Terms made known on the day V , I‘ ne 18 ‘.the end of n„,r L'R i VlTt IN’ tdm’r and tbe paper t* always stopped at the end of , -WTAVE , "fwlc. Dec 15>- WM. FRANKLIN, Adm r. | t |,e time paid for. Specimen copies sent free, j pf PE R| CARTKRSVILIsE, GEORGIA. Dr. Pierce’s Sermon on Baptis I now mi hand a large stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAIXTS, OILS, GLASS, ^ _ PERFUMERY. Also, all tbe popular Patent Medicines of the day. Pure Wines and ' Subscriptions can commence at anytime. | Liquors, for medicinal use—all of which we will sell as low os thev can be bought in any I When drafts c m be obtained they are safer , mar k ct _expenses added. GEO.'J. HOWARD A CO.' T HE best work of the day—a conclusive than to send bills ; when nxinc* is sent bv ; _ argument against Baptism as a ground of postmasters, or thev are mole acqn.unted V'*! 1 w ra (swin-ir rvwva s » cummtminn. Put no in meat covers, at 25 ; the^ c.ntainUiof letters sent so hey can cert,- cents. Sent post-paid to any part of the Un- fy in case they are lost that the money was VJ«Si hoi fors postage stamps. Address _ seirt^it is^at nur n> , ...f..i ' We will continue the Grocery business as heretofore, and arc determined not to be under- IUIT ABB IfABEK BEY ftfiSBS FOR THE FALL TRADE. DBESS GOODS, EMBBOlDEBiES, &C.; Silk and Delaine Robes; CLOTH ‘VELVET CEOA-KS ; S1IAIYLS, GLOVES, Ac. We watild, ala •, c ill t'u; p attention of the public to our large stuck of CARPETIN Q-S; BLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS AND. SHIRTINGS; Linseys, Kerseys, Blankets, Hosiery, Boots and Shoas, Hats, Umbrellas, &e.; All t»f srliicb u’ 8 are offering it Wholesale aad Rota;! at VERY LOW BRICES FOR CASfc. Corns and see us,.EVERYBODY, am! avail yourselves of BARGAINS. Salmons, Mathews & Co., Oet. 1.1S59. Buggies, Hacks and Jersey WAGONS, Har n e s s, WHIPS, Sic. Come, everybody. an<l sec cur stock. N«>r, 1„185V. Rawson. Gilbert & Burr, Wholesale and Retail Dcafors in IlariffArr, Storey nnd Housckeepittf Cutlery, Gbuk, Ac., ns well as If/fitting Jfifcri iU ani Jine Mechanic*' Tools, &#€ties and Americnn Refined Iron, Wafrarrted Cast Steel r Nails, Shove!*, Axes, and nil other heavy goods in the line. Our Stove and Tin" Department is unsur passed ; we can furnish latest patterns C<N»k and Parlor Slum and urates at the very low est rates. A liberal discount will be allowed nrerrhatits to sell again. Orders sol-cited. Nov. 1. Whitekull st^ Atlanta, Ga. Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. ». KINGSHKRRY f S Corn Shucker & Sheller K UNS either by hand, horse 1 water mi fur 8 postage stamp*. Acdress V.’, . - , A1 , n . W Dec S J. W. BURKE, Ag’f. Macvm.Ga. AH ’ • sold IflDK m. write the pos^office. county and State in full.; rRiTfrY^Ti lOrORs' Address VAX F.VR1E, HORTON A CO.. GROCERIR', LltllORo, | I>Jcl Publishers. 40 Ann s»., X. Y. \ Kenerally, assuring them that v article. We have now on hand and will continue to keep a full stock of FAMI- ", SEGARS, Ac.—to which we invite onr friends and customers that we trill sell as low as they can be bought in any market, ad ding the expenses. Oct. IS, 1 s‘)9. Geo. J. Howard & Co. XD all kinds of Jewelry Repaired, in good , . . -1 ’style and at short notice. All |>er8oiis ting any quested to give me a trial. W. R M0UNTC.VSTLE. Man* Ji t igjq—iy. Cartcrsville, G«. Fifty Dollars Reward! stop THE thief. CARTERSV1LLE EMPORIUM OF FASH!OB, Georgia, Cass eomty. S TOLEN, on Friday night, 2d December, a ’ double seated BUGGY, nearly new; it can be arrauged either fur n double or single seat. ■ The apron was a narrow one, torn on one ! aide. The above reward will be paid fm the 1 ; delivery of the thief. Any information con- ! HOWARD, STOKELY & CO. Arc receiving their large and Well selected Stock of AM) WINTER GOODS; J. X>. Carpenter, OASSVILI-K, GEORGIA, HAS JUST OPENED HIS MEW STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS; HATS, CAF3, BOOTS, SHOE?, Ci OcJtery, Hardware, Glaus, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stufls, Perfumery, and notions generally. durable. When run by hand it will shuck and shell *i bushel* an hour; when run by li ir.-ic or water, ptrwer will shuck mud shell 25 bushel* an- lrw-b>' extra attention 4.5 bush els an frotfr. It is »•» simple in constractioa that anv b * tr cm w.»rk it. Price ffffn.OO. M mufitetnred by *S. KINGSBERRY. Oct J—.1i»* Carrollton, Ga. Mode de Fans. W. C. BKALL, J| I NFORMS the puht.v that he is at bis old aland la Cartcrav-lle, with a fine skndc of inatfrinlr, c*id pn>|Hr«d U* make to order ROOTS and SHOE# in the moat fashionable from said admin istration. These are therefore tc cite and admonish all ' Cartersrille Express pi. — T _ * And would announce to tbe public that they are no# prepared to oflfev them one of the largest, cheapest, most fashionable and substantial stock of The above Goods have been bought low, selected with the greatest rare, and will he Bold at the verv loweat prices- Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Clean linen and cotton Rags taken'in exchange for Goods, at three and a half cents per pound. The agency of the Bank of tbe State of Sooth Carolina is in my connt ng-room. Cassville, Oct. 13,155s*. J- D- CARPENTER. **use are inerctore ic cite anu aamoniso a*. ; . o Trt.’w person* concerned to be and appear at my of- Qqgg Sheriff S 58*68 I0T J 811 y. — ' sJmSSL* «id stoe., ■ ’ JYctu and Cheap Goods, style, and UUers himself that be ha* no *uj»e- riors Ici'iwv. *n the busiiie**—can make a* one n ROOT or aHOE a* anyb*»dy, at as short no tice, and on as reasonable terms. All that is necessary t<r prove this is atrial. Repairing done hi i!ie neatest and most stibstan**- 1 man ner. All work s'arrauted. Tcrjan c>* ajo ev ery rnutiucp. Jfoir. iO, '59. Given under mv hand at office, this Dec. 22, ! Seven hundred bundles of Fodder property. 1*59. J. W. WATTS, Ord. ' of Charles Walker. -i ! One Horse ; property of W. U. Sherman. ! One negto hey named Beg; property of Sam 1 McDow liffiMs ra-W. a, Cass coni,. W IEREAS Wm. S. Murphy and John M. McDow. thiy have a commodiiras GROCERY HOUSE, wbere th. . Elrod, administrators on the Estate of Lot of land No l'ie2,an the 1. th dist. ; prop- stock of Groceries --G-fifee, Sugar. MoUtsaeo, Ried. Baom, Ac. Rithardson Murphy, deceased, apply to me erty of Johu Johnston. Negro Shoes aad for letters dismissorr from said administration: | ion huaheTs Corn ; propertv of Arthur and tion. Cull aad k These are therefore to cite and admonish all ^y ra . tYillicms. CARTERSVILIB, GA Person* concerned to be and appear at my of- w 'thin the time prescribed by law, and e*'*•“*«, *f any the' should not be granted. Given under nr hand at offiee. this Dec. 22, ‘M. ’ j w _ WATTS, Ord’ry. P. J. Fraueiseo’s settlement of land, near iia ever been brought to Ihe Cherokee country. ' In edditiea to their Dry Good, house, lave a commodinu* GROCERY HOUSE,, where they MBMs-Cofce,Sugar. Moluasee, Rser Baeon, A „ . ■ Blmbts, Kerarya, Osaabatgs, aad many othertlungs too tedioos to Reward, Stokely A Co. AT TUF. BRICK STORE, CASSVILLE, GEO. tier hare, whv aaid letters Alatooaa. w Riehardaon. ’ led. 1 Five negroes; property of J. W. Richardson. nt. WITffGE^SUErN, «« FOR SALE. RD IL. £.11 t l_a. _1* « J t 1. TIME IS MOHEY." II WOODWORTH, scientific T OFFER the following lot* of land for sale, a. on reasonable terms j * Q- ;•'. in Gilmer Co., €th district and 2d see. L5, Cass, 6th Sd Fannin, 9th 24 **'. Paulding, 19th. *d M R. O. a. , and practical Waidtmaker and Jewd- *- located at CaanriRe, will —iTKiSng CLOCKS, JEWEL RY, ACOOM»EOS8. *e-. in Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wat* LiqwwMutd Segats, ' Southeast side of Whitehall Stud. Atlanta, 6». ^-rtJss.vassrcpBar w, J.i—2m. JOHN BETHCNR, Nor. IT-— Watches,and o*her articles. *w , „ __ ■....■mt tfrari?S3*BBS@Ss =sg. c . CssirtHs/Ga. : seat from Ha G. DAY, Taitar, Canevilk. Ga.— Shop near his residence—» th lot. All wort done in good «$ to last. Particular atteatwa at He asks a of the heretofore bestowed. Feb. ist.ldSS. O'SHIELDS is still at hie old id stand, ja Cartaraville, On.— aad arakiag Clothing in the neat fashionable .tries, at that ahett- HTS hha aUiaY Nor * M' .* IS NOW JtECEIYIXG, DIRECT FROM NEW YORK, HIS STOCK OF rutin wrnzBK bet »uu, REAM-MADE CLOTHING, Boats, Shoes, Beds, Caps, Cffockery, Cutlery and Glassware, SADDLES, BRIDGES, Ac., Millinery and Dress Making. MRS. C. M. MARSH and Nhmfi CM. A. GOODWIN have assoeij ted themselves in ihe Mil.LIN-' ERY and DRESS MAKING I The former has jngt returned' from market with a SELECT STOCK OF BONNETS and BONNET TRIMMINGS, of the latest ctyle.— Dress-nuking in all ihe most fashionable styles, neatly executed at short notice, as they have competent helps. Also prepared ir make Shirts. Collars, Pants, Vests, Coats, Ac., with dispatch, upon the ant reasonable tefms.— Call and see them, at the brick Building, oppo site Skinner’s hotel, Cartersrille, 6s. Nov. 10, '59—Iv. -H*—- ria, Faania ttfttf. W HEREAS Thomas If. -T. Ballew applies to me for lettara of administration on the estate of John Ballew, deceased, laid hf Cherokee eonnty. North Carolina ; _ .... " aiahalt to winch he tavitai the attention of tbe rttisena of Cassville i . / |i mp iin ■ tu sell Goods LOW FOR CASH, aad to prompt-paring buyer i SCaiville. G*., Ptjft. M, «- ' ^ K =•* * V -j’ . COBB. These are therefore to cite aad adn persons concerned, to be aad appear at my of fiee within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Utters showU sot be granted. Givea under my hand it office, this Dec 15, 1*59. JOd. J.V.- KINCAID,-Ord. r ’ M .■p