The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, July 04, 1860, Image 4

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1.40 P. M EVENING PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta nightly at 8.15 A. M. Arrives at Cass 11.36 P.m! 1 Leaves Cass . .... 11.40 P. M Arrives at Chattanooga 5.50 A. M. Leaves “ „ .3.00 P. J|! Arrives at Cass S.27 P. M. •Leaves Cass $.30 p. M. Arrives at Atlanta at 11.32 P. M 53f“ This Road Connects each wav with the Rome Branch Railroad at Kingston, the East Tennessee k Georgia Railroad at Dattyin, and 'the Nashville k Chattanooga Railroad at Chat tanooga. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 miles. Fare f5. JOHN W. LEWIS. April. 1, I860. Superintendent. Schedule of the Georgia Railroad. passeNgsu trains. fiC.irc at 0.30 a in. am] 2.30 p. m. Arrive AtWinta nt 9.45 a m. nnd 11.45 p. m. 1 iwcc A'flfcnTa at ft.40 p. m. am] 9.05 a. ni. -v-^rriti) XllpfU3taat 5.56 n m. and 6.20 p. m. ATIIRXS BRANCH. Leave Augusta at 0.3Q n. m. Leave Atlanta at S 40 p. rn. Arrire Atlicys at ft.10 a. in. Leave Athens at 11.00 a. m. . Arrive at Augusta 6.20 p. m. Arrive at Atlanta 11.45 d. in. No trains on Athens Branch on Sundays to connect with trains leaving Augusta at 12.20 Saturday night, and Atlanta at 8.40 Saturday evening. WASHINGTON BRANCH. Leave Augusta 2.30 p. m. Ar Wash. 7.25 p. m. Leave Wash, at 1.30 p. in. Arr. Aug. 6.20 p.m. Arr. Atl. 11.25 p in. Leave Atlanta 9.05 a. m. Arr. Wash. 7.2-5 p m. Feb. 2ft, 1860. GEO. YONGE, Gen. Sup’t Macon & Western Railroad. Maco.v, July 1st, 1859. O N and after Thursday, the 15th iust., the Passenger Trains of this Road will run as follows: Leave Mncou in 00 a. mT Arrive at Atlanta 4.On a. m. Leave Atlanta....' 11.on a. m. Arrive at Macon 7.55 p. h. Leave Macon 12 night. Arrive at Atlauta 7.15 a. m. Leave Atlanta 12 night. - Arrive at Macon 7.15 a. m. The Night Trains will not be run on Sundays.' The In o’clock train from Macon, connects with the Western k Atlantic Road at Atlanta, for all points beyond that place. The 12 o’ clock night train connects at. Atlanta, with the Georgia and West Point Rail Roads. March 15 ALFRED L. TYLER. Snp’t. CHEROKEE REMEDY 'JQ. I-MI «=■ ST O v-m**™* AN UNFAII/S^'" 1 HF.MEDY FOR GonorrhcE^ ad all Diseases of the QUINARY ORGANS. r jaiAlS REMEDY cures when all other prep- JL urations fail. It is entirely unlike every other eionnoiind ; containing no Mineral Po! son or Nauseous Drug; as it is prepared sole ly from Roots; Barks and Leaves, and has been handed down, from one generation to another, by the Cherokee Indians. It is offered to the public on its own intrinsic merits. Itperforms its duty quickly and thoroughly. The Unfor tunate, ol either sex will be repaid by using this Remedy, instead of placing themselves at the mercy of some quack or Professor. This Remedy strikes at the very Root of the disease; its tendency is not simply to suspend the poi son, but to Remove the Cause on which it de pends,—Full directions in pamphlet form, ac company each bottle—The speedy and perma- uent relief affordod br this Remedy, in all ca ses of Conorrhosi, Gleet, Gravel, Stricture, Fluor Albus (Whites in Females), and all dis eases of the Urinayv Organs, has astonished the most scientific men of the age. This Rem edy not only eradicates all Poison from the System but Invigorates the most delicate con stitution. I-^T- It does Not Affect the Breath or Inter fere with any Class of Business, or require anv deviation from the usual diet. . It requires uo assistance from other med icine. And what enhances its Value, is the En tire Absence of all Nauseous Taste, being a Pleasant and Delicious Syrup. Price $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. POTTER A MERWIN, Sole Proprietors, St. Louis, Mo. \ar Sold in Oassville, by S. Levy, and alt the dealers in medicines. In Atlanta by all Druggists. John Wright A Co., New Orl and Haviland, Stevenson A Co., Charleston, S. C., wholesale agents for the South. March 8, 1300—ly. JUDSON’S Mountain Herb Fills. Above, we present you with a perfect like ness ot Tezuco, a chief of a tribe of the strange Aztec Nation, that once ru'ed Mexico. You will find a full account of him and his people in our pamphlets and almanacs—to be had gratis, from the Agents lor these Pills. The inventor and manufacturer of “Judson’s Mountain llerb Pills,” has spent the greater part of his life in travelling, having visited nearly every country in the world. He spdnt overstx years among the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and Mexico, and it was thus that the “Mountain Ueub Pills” were discover ed. A very interesting account of his adven tures there, you will find in our Almanac and Pamphlet. It is ail esstablishcd fact that all diseases a- rise l'ruin IMPURE BLOOD t The blond is the life! and when any foreign or unhealthy matter gets mixed with it, it is at once distributed to every organ of the body.— Every nerve feels the poison, and ull the vital organs quickly complain. The stomach will not digest the fond perfectly. The liver ceases to secrete a sufficiency of bile. The action of the heart is weakened, so the circulation is fee ble. The lungs become clogged w th the pois enous matter; hence a cough—and all from a slight impurity at the fountain head of life- the blood! As if you had thrown some earth, for instance, in .a pure spring, from which ran tiny rivulet, in a few minutes the whole course of the stream becomes disturbed jjid discolor ed. As quickly does impure blood fly to eve ry part, and leave its sting behind. ‘All the passages become obstructed, and unless the ob struction is removed, the lamp of life soon dies out. These pills not only purify the blood, but re generate all flic secretions of the body; they are, therefore, unrivalled as a CURE FOR BILIOUS DISE ASES, Liver Complaint; Sick Headache, Ac. This 'Anti-Bilious Medicine expels from the blood hidden seeds of disease, and renders all the fluids and secretions pure and fluent, clearing and resuscitating the vital organs. Pleasant indeed is it to us, that we are able to place w thin your reach, a medicine like the ‘Moitxaitn Kkicb Pills,’ that will pass direct ly to the afflicted parts .through the blood and fluids of the body, and cause the sufferer to brighten witl^the flush of beauty and health. Jiidgcn's Pills are the hest Remedy in ex istence for the following Complaints: Bowel Complaints, Coughs, Colds, C.-.csl Diseas es, Costive)). Dyspepsia, Diiirrhee, Drop sy, Debility, ri-ver and Ague, Female Complaints, UeadaJie, indigestion Influenza, Inflamatiem, inward Weak ness, liver Complaints, Low ess of Spirits, Piles, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms. Great Female Medicine. Females who value health, should never be without these Pills. They purify the blood, temove obstructions of all kinds, cleanse the skin of al! pimples and blotches, and bring the rich color of health to the pale cheek. * The plants and herbs of which these Pills are made, were discovered in a very sur prising wav among theTezncans. a tribe of ab origines in Mexico. Get the Almanac of our Agent, and you will read with delight, the ve ry interesting account it contains of the ‘Great Mkoicinb'* of the Aztecs. Observe.— The Mountain Kerb Pills are put up in a Beaut>/td Wrapper. Bach box contains 40 pilts, and retail at 25 cents per box. All qcn- nine, hacc the signature of B. L. JUDSON <£ CO., on each box. B. L. JUDSON & CO., Sole Proprietors. No 50 Leonard Street, New York. EST* Agents wanted always—address as a- bove. For sale in Cassville bv BANTON & HARGIS. In Cartersville by Kramer, Lelaxd & Jones. June 20, 1S60.—ly ITfgal folios. 'isccllaitcflirs ^irkrisements. Estate Sale. 530 Acre* Cass County Lan«ls Tor Sale. B Y virtue of the last will of James Carter, deceased, we will offer at private sale, un til the 1st of November next, one of the best Cotton and Grain Farms in the county of Cass; 400 acres of which are in a high state of cul tivation and fresh, having been cleared in the last few years. Also, one town lot of five s- cres in Kingston, well improved. To Debtors and Creditors. Those who are indebted to said estate wi please come forward and settle at once, an'! those bolding demands are requested to hand them in as soon as possible. M. CARTER, Executrix. B. H. LEEKE, 1 B. T. LEEKE, ( Executors. Cassrille, Ga., June 13, I860.—4m Executor’s Sale. P URSUANT to the will of William Ander son, late deceased, of Baldwin county, will be sold before the Court House door at Cass- ville, on the first Tuesday in Augnst next, lot of land No. 416, in the 17tlr district And 3d section, of originally Cherokee now Case coun ty, containing 49 acres, more or less, belong ing to said estate. Terms Cash. Possession given the first of next vear. D. M. ANDERSON, 1.. . L. B. ANDERSON, f Executors. June 27, I860.—tds Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold before the Courthouse door in the town of Cassville, county of Cass and State of Georgia, agreeable to an order of the Ordinary of the county of Flovd, and State aforesa’d, on ibe first Tuesday iu August next within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: The interest of Dr. Thomas Hamilton, de ceased, ill the Adairsville Hotel, the exact number of shares not recollected; the Brick Store House in Adairsville where Joseph L. Neal now sells goods; the Wooden Building next adjoining, on the South, not occupied, and the house known in said town as the En gine Shop Property, adjoining the residence of John C. Aycock. Also, lot of land No. 79, in the i'.th district aiid 3d section, and No. 118, in the 16th district and 3d section. All sold as the property of Dr. Thomas Hamilton, late of Floyd county, deceased, and for the benefit the heirs. Terms. -Credit until next Christmas, note with approved security, interest from date if not punctually paiu. D. M. HOOD, Adm’r. June 20, I860. L. S. SALMONS, A. B. MATHEWS, J- N. SIMMONS SALMONS, MATHEWS & CO., MRW 8RRIJSR mcii I860. WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA. ABE now prepared to offer to the t»ade as good a selection of every style and description of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRT GOODS as can be found in the city, at prices that will meet the views of purchasers. We have also every style of Carpeting, Floor and Oil Cloths and Matting, at prices ranging from twenty-five cents to two dollars per yard. We also have a large stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, RICH SILKS, FIFE LACE POIXTS AXD SKA WLS, REREGES, uRGaXDIES AXD .JACOXETS, + MVSLIXS, WITH AXD WITHOUT FLOUXCES. j Also, a large lot of beautiful small printed JACONET MUSLINS and RILLIANTS, plain ; and figured WHITE SILKS and ROBES (or bridal occasions. I Also, a complete stock of MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Also, a large stock of GINGHAMS and PRINTS, of every quality and style. Our stock of EMBROIDERIES is large and of the latest styles, as also our stock of all qual ities of GLOVES, among which may be found the well known ALEXANDER Kid Gloves, of every shade of color. ' ' Our stock of Bleached and Brown SHEETING and SniRTING, Planters’LINENS and COTTONADES, is full and complete. We have also a large stock of Boots and Shoes of all qualities, among which may be found a fine lot of Ladies’ Kid and Congress Boots, made in Philadelphia expressly for our trade. Alsu, a large stock of UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, all of which will be sold at wholesale and retail, at the lowest market prices FOR CASH. All Orders promptly attended to. lotteries, fe. TRY YOUR LUCK HODGES, DAVIS & CO’S. Consolidated Lottery OF GEORGIA, Aothorized'W a Special Act of the Legist*- ture, for ihe benefit of the Washing ton County Academies. Brilliant Scheme for July, 1860. ROYAL HAVANA PLAIT. 28,220 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO $271,200. Will be distributed according to the following Royal Scheme: To be drawn every Saturday. 1 Prize of $70,000 5 Prizes of _ $990 1 “ 20,000 10 “ 800 1 “ 10,000 20 “ 100 1 “ 5,ii05 100 “ 50 1 “ 3,000 100 “ 25 1 “ 3 Prizes of 2,000 1,000 | 25000 “ ms- 5 WOOD, HM DELA1 S (ktt Capital S1000 9 00< WOOD, EDDY * CO., The Managers’ Office* are located at Wilmiag ton, Delaware, and St Losia, Missori.. T„e following MAGNIFICENT SCHEMES will be drawn in public, under the Sspinntis- deuee of Sworn Commissioners, spy orated I* the Governor. r Wood, Eddy ft Co’s. Lottoxy, Class No. 312 Draws Sat’y, June 30,1850. 78 Numbers—13 Drawn Mtots. 1 Grand Capital Prise of apr 1 I860—ly Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pen's. A Benevolent Institution r-'tiblished by Special Endowment for the Relief of the Sid an-U Distressed, aHicteJ with Virulent and Epi demic Diseases, and especially, for the cure oj Diseases of the Sexual Organs. M EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, ov the Acting Surgcin, to all who apply by let ter, with a description of their condition,"(age. occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extremo poverty, n. itcines furnished free ol charge. Valuable reports on the diseases of the sex- ttxl organs, and on the new remedies employ ed in the Dispensary, sent to the .afflicted in a sealed envelope, free ot charge. Two or three s for posUga will be acceptable. ress-Doct. J. S. Houghton. Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2 Sootli Ninth St., Philadelphia. Bv order of the Directors. E. I). HE VRTWELL. Prcsid’t GEO. FAIRCHILD. Secretary. Oct. IS, 1859—It. THE Greatest Reduction EVER MADE IN STANDARD o Pharmaeenti cal. DR. LITTLE’S ANODYNE COUGH DROPS. A new and certain cure for Coughs, Colds, Ab- thma. Pain in the Breast, also Croup, Whoo ping Coughs, Colds, ect. amongst children. This is a pleasant medicine to take, produ cing immediate relief, and in nine out of ter, cases a prompt cure. It. exercises a most con trolling influence over Coughs and Irritation of the lungs of any remedy known, often stop ping the most violent in a few hours or at most in a day or two. Many cases thought to be decidedly consumptive have been promptly cured by the use of a few bottles and the wear ing Littie’s Strengthening Plaster on the chest. As an anodyne expectorant, without astring- ing the bowels, it stands paramount to all cough mixtures. DOLLAR VERMIFUGE Prepared and put tip in vials, only by W. G. Little. In using, nothing else is required to relieve children ot worms; and besides being one of the best nnd cheapest ever offered to the public, its frequent use in families will save much trouble and expense, ns well as the lives of many children ; for eight out of every ten cases generally require it. DU. LITTLE’S FRENCH MIXTURE. This is prepared from a French receipe (in the forms of No. 1 and 2; the first for the ac ute. and No. 2 for tlie chronic stage) that has been much improved upon in this country; and from its unexampled snccess is likely to supercede every other remedy for the cure of the diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Gon orrhoeal, Blennorrhoeal, and Luchorroeal or Flour Albus affections. This extensive com pound combines properties totally different in I a. te and character from anything to be found in the United States. Pharmacope.a or in pri vate practice: and in point of safety and effi ciency is not rivaled hr anything in America. DR. LITTLE’S RING WORM AND TETTER OINTMENT. Hundreds of cases of Chronic Tetters, Scald Heads, anti diseases of the skin generally, have been cured bv this remedy, »nd since the in troduction of the No. 2 prepe.aration (being stronger* scarcely a case has been found that it will not effectually eradicate in a short time. For the cure of Cancerous Sores and Ulcers it is applied in , the lortn of plasters, and is almost infallible. Physicians are referred to the page of Dr. Little’s pamphlet, to the catalogue of Med icines of Materia Medica, that he nses in com pounding his diflerent remedies, and asked to say if they are no* the chief reliance of the pro fession, as he himself has practised med icine extensively for more than ten years bef.tre letiring to the drng buisiness. In more than two hundred plaeeain Georgia, and in all the Southern States, they are to be had. and there are scamps about who are counterfeiting his remedies, by palming off their own or something else, by using the same or similar name. Sold bv Little A Bro., Wholesale Druggists Macon, Ga. Sold in C-assville by J. D. Carpenter; in Cartersvilie by the Druggists; in Adairsville by Livingston A Gash -, and by merchants and druggists generally- July 28, 1859—ly. Cass Mortgage Sheriff’s Sales. W ILL be sold before the court bouse door in the town of Cassville, Cass county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday iu August neat, the followinggiraperty to-wit: One negro boy about twenty-one years of age, of tlark complexion, named Moses; levied on as the property of George T Connell, to satis fy a mortgage fi fit, issued from the Inferior Court of Carroll county, in favor of John W. Stewart, vs. George T. Connell, property poin ted out in said fi fa. June 1. A. M. FRANKLIN, Sheriff. a BORGIA, CASS COUNTY.—Whereas F. M. Smith applies to me for letters dis- missory from administration on the estate of James J. Smith, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, i I any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at ofiice, this March loth, 1860—6m. N. LAND, Ord. B EING connected with my Father, a Wholesale Manufacturer and Jobber, 417 Market st Philadelphia enables me to sell goods in my line, as cheap if not cheaper than New York or Philadelphia. I obligate myself to sell Hats, Caps and Straw Goods 25 Per cent. Cheaper than any other House in Atlanta, and 10 per cent, cheaper than Charleston. I will sell on six months credit to responsible men, giving them the same facilities they obtaiu North. JAMES S? MARTIN, Jr., Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia. P. S. Come forward, one and all, and patronize Southern Institutions. apr 5, ’69 WM. B. COX,. .AY. RHODES HILL,. AY. R. HERNDON. Georgia, Cass eonnty. W HEREAS, Thomas J. Wofford applies to me for letters of Guardianship, of the person and property of Mary E. Wofiord, one of the minor children of William B. Wofford, deceased. These are therefore tc cite and admonish al’ persons concerned to be nnd appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand nt office, this May 22, 1860.—40d, N. LAND, Ordinarv. Georgia, Fannin county. W HEREAS, William SI. Varnnm of said State and Twiggs county, applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of William Stanton, deceased, late of Chambers county in the State of Alabama. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the tisie prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given nnder my hand at office, this June 15, 1860. JAMES KINCAID, Ord’y. jnne 20.—30d Georgia, Fannin Connty. T WO months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinarv of said county, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Win. E. Garland, deceased. ELISHA GARLAND, Adm’r. June 13, I860.—2m Georgia, Cass connty. W HEREAS, A. O. H. Davis applies to me for Icttels of guardianship for the per son and property of Elua Jane Frauks, an il legitimate child of Franks. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Mar 30, IS60.—30d N. LAND, Ordn’y. ‘ COX, HILL & CO., Wli&iiili SM, PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, GA. ‘ . Having formed a copartnership as above, we are prepared to exhibit an elegant and fresh STOCK OF GROCERIES, which are offered to cash and short time, prompt paying customers at very low figures. Our facilities for purchasing and a perfect knowledge of the wants of the public, are such that wc can guarantee entire satisfaction, iu every particular. We annex a few of the articles now in store and to arrive : 30 Hogsheads New Orleans Sugar, | 50 Barrels Crushed and Brown Sugar, | 400 Kegs Nails, i 300 Boxes Candles; 150,000 Segars : i 75 Barrels Old Rye Whiskey, J 30 Pack's Cressent’s fler.nessy and other choice Brandies; 1000 Boxes Snnff; 500 sacks Salt; 10 “ Brandy, old and soft, from private stock ; 100 boxes State and Eng. Dairy Cheese; And anv quantity of Soda, Starch, Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, Preserves, Fruits, Cordials, Oys ters, Mackerel, Sardines, Buckets Brooms, Tubs, Churns, Ac-, to which attention is invited. A waiting your commands, and always at your services, we are, respectfully. Atlanta, Nov. 1, 1859.. COX, HILL k CO. 100 Hogsheads A B and C Sugar, 200 Bags Rio Coffee, 10 ” Old Government Coffee, 25 “ Java Coffee; 100 Boxes Tobacco; 20n Barrels Rectified Whiskey; Boot® o,:o.d Blioes, AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT, Cherokee Block,. Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. W E have now in store, and are Sh daily receiving, the largest and best stock of Boots and Shoes ever before offered in this market, consisting in part of the following stiles : Gentlemen’s line French Calf Water-Proof Boots; Gentlemen’s fine French Calf stitched Aloft Boots; Gentlemen’s fine French Calf stitched Bottom Boots; Gentlemen's fine French Calf square-edge Boots; Gentlemen’s line French Calf welted Boots; Gentlemen’s fine French Calf pump-sole Boots; Gentlemen’s line French Calf pump-sole pegged Boots; Gentlemens’ fine French Calf stout and light pegged Boots; Gentlemen’s line French Calf Congress Gai ters; Gentlemen’s fine French Calf Oxford Ties and Brogans : Gentlemen’s fine French Calt Oxfoid Boots; Gentlemen’s, Ladies’, Misses’, Boys’ and Children’s Rubbers; Ladies’ fine Silk Last'ng, Kid bxed Congress Gaiters, with heels; Ladies’ fine Patent Leather foxed Congress Gaiters with heels; Ladies’ floe Giove Kid Congress Gaiters; Ladies’ Lasting plaiv id turn Boots, ana Kid M. C. welt Boots; Ladies’fine Kid welt-Baafcins, with h«>ls;’ fto- Kid Excelsiors; Ladies' Kid Ties and Slippers, w th heels; Ladies’ Fronoh Wrought loilet Slippers. Boy’s, Youth’s and Children’s Boots; Ladies’, Misses’, Boy’s, Children’s and Infant’s Shoes gjevery variety and style; also, a large assortment of Men’s and Boy’s Calf, Buff, Wax Leather, Kip and Russet Brog-ns, House Servant’s Shoes, Ac. The above Goods are manufactured by ns expressly for the retail trade, and will be sold at lower prices than a similar quality of Goods can be bought in this market, ami as low us they can J>e bought in the State. We warrant every article we sell to be manufactured from good material, and well made. If not as we recommend them, we repair them free of charge. We also keep constantly on hand a heavy stock of Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather; Side, Kip and Russet Upper; French Calf Skins; Morocco Skins; Lining and Binding Skins ; Boot Trees, Lasts, Pegs, Shoe Thread, and Shoemaker’s Kit—all of which will be sold, wholesale nr retail, at low prices. fFfl' At the sign of the Big Boot. Peachtree Street. Atlanta, Dec. 15, 1859. DI-MICK, WILSON & CO., Successors to Dirnick k Mix. l.eather loxea itongress trailers wun neeis: i.aaies uoe uo*ve ivm uongress irane fine Silk Lasting patent Crescent foxed Gaiters, with heels; Ladies’ fine Silk La* and tipped Gaiters; Ladies’ fine Kid patent tipped Lace Boots, Ladles’ fine Kid t with heels; Ladies’tine Kid welted Boots, with heels; Ladies’fine Morocco ana 976 Approxim’n Prizes, amounting to §18,200. I Tickets only $8.00—halves, quarters aud , eighths in proportion. ! CITY PLAIT. *50,000 FOR $1.00! DRAWN DAILY AT 5 O’CLOCK. 75 BALLOTS ! 12 DRAWS NUMBERS ! ! SCHEME! Any $1 ticket with S drawn num. on it $50,000 “ “ “ “ 7 “ “ “ 25,000 “ “ “ “ 6 “ “ “ 15,000 “ “ “ “ 5 “ « “ 5,000 “ “ “ “ 4 “ “ “ 1,000 “ “ “ “ 3 “ « “ 200 “ * “ “ “ 30 “ “ “ “1 “ « “ 5 Any $’. ticket with a drawn number on it, stationed to come out at any particular place, such as 57, 1st, 2d, 3d, "or any other station in the drawing, 60 Tickets from $1.00 to anv price, and prices paid at the above rates per dollar. Remember!—It two or more selected num bers are taken, and all of those numbers so selected, art not drawn, among the Twelve Drawn Numbers, the Ticket is a Blank. JSsf By this Scheme purchasers can select their own Numbers. 32,396 Prizes, amounting to—... .#1,186,785 Whole Tickets $20; Halves Iff0; Quarters $5. Certificates of Packages of 26 whole tickets will be sold for $299; halves, quarters and eighths iD proportion. SPLENDID SCHEME! To be drawn each WFDXESDAY in JUNE CLASS 270 Draws Wednesdav, June 6,1860 CLASS 282 Draws Wednesday. June 18,1860- CLASS 294 Draws Wednesday, JuDe20, 1860- CLASS 306 Draws Wednesday, Jnne 27,1860- Nearly-one prize to every two Tickets. 78 Numbers—18 Drawn Ballots, 1 Grand Capital Prise of 837,500. 1 prize of $15,639 15 Prizes of $400 2 “ 10,000 227 prizes of 00 2 “ 7,500 65 “ 100 2 “ 5,000 65 •* 70 2 “ 3,000 65 40 4 “ 1,500 130 •• 30 15 “ 1,000 4,745 “ 20 15 “ 500 27,040 “ 10 COMBINATION PLAN. Drawn every d:iy at 4 o’clock. OPITAL PRIZES, $40,000! 832,000 $25,000! $20,000 $10,000 $5,000! $2 500! ETC.! TICKETS FROM $1 TO $10. ordering Ticket.?, state the Cless, en close the money to our address, and on receipt of it wc Vrill send wiiat is ordered by return mail. sf* All communications strictly confiden tial. Purchasers will please write their sig natures plain, and give their Post OlKce Coun ty and State. Circulars, containing full explanations of our Schemes, &c. y will be forwarded by mail, to any one sending us his name. Address.all orders to HODGES, DAVIS & CO., Macon, Ga. Tickets in the above Plans for sale by Nov 17 W. D. BURRIS, Cassville. TO CONSUMPTIVES And NERVOUS SUFFERERS rpHE subscriber, for several years a resident JL of Asia, discovered while there, a simple vegetable remedy—a sure cure for Consump tion, Asthma, IJroncite'is. Colls, ami Nervous Debility. For the benefit of Consumptives and Nervous Sufferers, he is willing to make the same public. To those who desire it lie will send the Pres cription, with full directions free of charge;— also a sample of the medicine, which they will find a beautiful combination of Nature’s simple he. bs. Those desiring the Remedy can obtain it bv return mail, by addressing J. E. CUTHBERT, Botanic Physician. No. 429 Broadway, apr. 13—3m. New York. T WO months after date we will apply to the Court of Ordinary of Fauntn county for leave to sell the real and personal property of Thomas W. Oliver, late of said countv deceas ed, Mabt F. Oliver, Administratrix. William E.Mcll, Administrator. Mav 23. I860.—2m. Georgia, Cass connty. W HEREAS, Elihu Stedbam applies to me for letters of disaiission from the guar dianship of W. P. Stedham. These are therefore to citeand admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice within the time pioscribed by law, and show cause, if any they uave, whv said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at ofiice, tins Mav 30, 1860.—4itd N. LAND, Ordina.w- I AM HOW SELLING THE lolf Family SWINGS MACHINES At a redaction of Twenty Dollars from Sinner price*. ' laodis Machine is bow sst. AJ . ,. . , Xor. X. Gsssral Agsna MADDOX A MERCK. WATCH MAKE Casstille and Caktmksvillb. QL. RESPECTFULLY inform the . Jp^kthat tber are prepared to do any kind •“•of work done or a s : lrer*mitb, each as repairing Watches, Clocks, mending Jewetrr of eeerr description m the most datable and sabstantial faaaser. Orders fiw asrthing m their line offhnsinrss ie*B.*Wrt» nsfisiteA Georgia, Cass County A LL persons cm cerned will please take no tice that after the expiration of sixt\ days application will be made to the Court of Ordi nary of Cass county for leave to sell the real estate of Archibald Henderson. late of the State of Arkansas, deceased. JOHN W. HENDERSON, jnne 6.—2m] Adm’r. T WO months after date application will be made to the Ordinary of Cass county for leave to sell, at private sale, all the wild and scatering lauds belonging to the estate of Mar tin Stedbam. late of Cass countv, deceased. ELIHU STEDHAM, j SIMEON STEDHAM, V THOS. M. AXSLEY, j Mav 30—2m Executors. T WO months after date application will be ‘made to the Oi dinarv of Cass Countv for leave to sell the real estate of Wir.. Bagwell, deceased. JOHN L. ROWE, Jane 6,1860. Adm’r. 8. B. ROBSON" & CO.. ws§wmm AND COMMISSION ME8SHANTS, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Ofer JToir’ iEistle, 200 bags Rio Coffee; 40 bags Java Coffee; 20 bags Laguayra Coffee; 100 barrels A B and Sugars; 40 barrels powdered and crushed Sugars; 25 hogsheads lair to choice Sugrrs; 25 bales Gunnv Bagging, coils Rope; 275 kegs Nails; 100 barrels of Whisky- assorted; ‘ 20 baskets Champagne Wine; 200 boxes Candles; 200 sacks Salt; 100 boxes Tobacco, 100,000 Havana. American and German Cigars; 25 barrels best Cider and White Wine Vinegar; Cheese, Buckets, Tubs, Wines, Brandies, Powder, Shot, Lead, Table Salt, Starch, Soda, Crackers, Preserves, Pickles, Mackerel, Brooms, Ac., &c. Their business will be doue strictly on the CASH SYSTEM, and prices will be fouud at the LOWEST FIGURES. Atlanta, Now. 1, 1859. Barth & Nicolai, ATLANTA, GA., KEEP for sale the cele brated PIANOS of WM. KNABE & CO., of Balti- , more, Md., and in addition to these, the PIANOS of all the best factories of the United States can be f mud at our establishment on Whitehall street. Entrance through the Music and Va- rietv Store of H. Rraumuller. Nor. 1. S. B. ROBSON, R. C. ROBSON. TERMS CASH. A. C.^WTLY & €0., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Tobacco, &c., Peachtuce Stbset, Atlasta, Ga. H AVING been brought up in the Wholesale Trade, aud sold Gotds to the Merchants of Georgia and adjoining States, every Spring aud Fail, for the last thirteen years, and claim to know something of the wants of the people, and ot the manner in which a wholesale business should be conducted. We buy altogether with ready cash; this enables us to buy Groceries at lower prices than aDy one can possibly buy them on time, consequently we can afford to sell as low as any house iu Charleston,'Savannah, or Augusta. Try as. Orders Macon Book Dspository. JOHN W. BURKE, Agent. W OULD respectfully solicit the patronage of the public generally, and especially of the Denomination, for the Conference De pository, located in Macon. Ga. He keeps con stautlv on hand a good supply of METHODIST BOOKS, from Nashville and New York, which will be sold at the same Prices— w holt-sale and retail .—as at the place of Publication. Besides these, will always be a great variety of Religions Works—embracing all the works of the day, whether American or Foreign. He will order at short notice, any Book not on hand. The variety of BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, PRAYER BOOKS, &c., is equal to any in the South. A Iso School and College Text Rooks, at Nor thern Prices, with expenses added. Particular attention paid to filling orders from Faculties and Teachers who buy to sell again. We now supply some of the first Institutions in the South. Give us u trial. Black Books, Stationery, Sheet Music, Math ematical Instrnin»nts. and every article usual ly kept in a BOOK STORE, f3f° Orders respectfully solicited. Address apr 25 JOHN W. BURKE, Macon, Ga. 32,396 Prises Amonnting to $589,589 Whole tickets $10—Hal ves $5—Quarters $2,50 Certificates of Packages in the above Scheme to be drawn each Wednesday, of 26 Ticket*, will be sold for $149 SO; halves and quarter#in proportion; which is the risk. -A Iu Ordering Tickets or Certificates, Enclose the amount of money lo oar address for what you wish to purchase; name the Lot tery in which you wish it invested, and avheth- er you wish wholes, halves or quarters, on re ceipt of which we send what is ordered, by first mail, together with the sthe-me. Immediately after the drawing a printed drawing, certified to by the Conimissieneri', will be sent, with an explanation. Purchasers will please write tneirsignaturca plain, and give their Post Office, County aud State. All prizes of $1,000 and under, paid immedi ately alter the drawing—other prizes at the u sitai time of forty days. Ail communications strictly confidential. Wood, Eddy & Co.’s Lotteries are drawn at Augusta, Ga., and Wilmington, Del Our Single Number Lotteiies, CAPITAL PRIZE $50,000 I DR A WX EVERY SA TURD AY. Whole Tickets $10, Halves $5, Quarters $2^ Address Orders for Tickets or Certificate* to WOOD, EDDY k CO., Wilmington, Del. or WOOD, EDDY k CO.,Cu Louis, Mo. Circulars containing Schemes for the month will he sent, free of expense, by ad dressing as above. May 23, 1860. LOOK I SYABTUM FASTS ! GRAND SCHEME FOR «X XT 1ST E , 1860. Georgia State lottery. McKINNEY & CO., Managers. Authorized by special act of the Legislature. 25,82$ Prizes I $360,040 More than one prize to every two tickets. Capital Prize, $60,000! TICKETS ONLY $10. Halves, Quarters and Eighths in proportion. To be drawn each Saturday in 1S60, in the City Of Savannah, Ga. Class 74 draws Saturday, Jane 2, 1860. Class 75 draws Saturday, June 9, 1860. Class 76 draws Saturday, jnne 16, 1860. ClaBs 77 draws Saturday, .June 23, 1860 Class 78 draws Saturday, Jnne 30, 1860 Magnificent Scheme, promptly filled. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 9, I860—ly. AUGUSTINE C. WYLY, BENJ. F. WYLY. T WO months after date application will he made lo the Ordinarv of Cass coun tv for leave to sell the real estate of William Watts; deceased. J. S. CUNNINGHAM, I v . F. M. WATTS, \ ExrV June 6, I860.—2m A T THE FIRST TERM < ol Ordinary of Gilmer longing to the estate of Lewi, late of said eowtw daseaai the hein sod creditor* of i apr. 25. 69d M GJ Hardware! Hardware! CLARKE & LEWIS, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. OUX STOCK CONSISTS OF ALL KOTOS OF HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Nails, Hoes, Chains, Picks, Mattresses, Mill sad 'Crosscut and Circular Saws, Bellow sen, Anvils. Vices, Rope, Corn Shelters and Straw Cutters, Leather aud Rubber Bdtug 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of $60,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 4,000 j 5 Prizes of 10 Prizes of 2 Prizes of 2 Prizes of 2 Prizes of 3,000 j 50 Prizes of 2,000 I 1,500 [ 100 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 1,100 j 100 Prizes of $1,000 500 400 600 200 150 100 96 85 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 25,448 Prizes Amounting to..:..$212,140 25,828 Frizes Amonnf g to $366,040 WILL BE DRAWN THIS MONTH. Certificate or Packages will be soid at the following rates, which is the risk: Certificate of Packages of 10 whole tickets $60 “ “ 10 half “ ** 10 quarter “ “ 10 eighth lots f A SPENDID JDftSWfNG On the Three Number PL Drawn every Wednesday and Saturday in 1860. $28,000 MARRIAGE GUIDE, —^ma?'*»Being a priviate instructor for mar- persons, or those about to be married, both malejand female, in everything concerning the physiology of onr sexual system, and the production or prevention of offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given, by WM. YOUNG, M. D, This is really a valua ble and interesting work. It is written in plain language fur the general reader, and is illustrated with name ous engravings. All young married people, or those conteinnlating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It disclo ses secrets that every one should be acquainted with; still it is a book tha‘ must be locked up, ... „ . - and not lie abont the house. Ii will be sent to i forwarded by first mail Purchasers ea* ; any one on the receipt of twenty five cents, in • Ticket* ending in any figure they WJf 1 Capital Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 10 Prizes of 40 Prizes of |50 Prizes of 259 Prizes of 64 Prizes of 64 Prizes of 64 Prizes of 5.632 Prizes of 28,224 Prizes of 4,500 4,000 8,000 S.17] 700 m 185 80 50 80 so le & $281,481 34,412 Prizes Amounting to Whole Tickets $5, Shares in Proportion. In Okdsuxs Tickets ok CazTinCATza, Enclose the money to our address for th* Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they will specie or postage stamps. Vddress DR. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce St. above 4th, Phils- delphia, Pa. Xflg~AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE, no matter what may be yonr disease, before you place yourself under the earn of any one of the notorious quacks — satire or foreign who advertise in this or any other paper, get a copy of either of Dr. Yonng's books, and read it carefully. It will be the means of saving yon many a dollar, yonr health, and possibly yonr life DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publications, at bis of- nee, No. 416 Spruce Street, above Fourth. may 9,1860—am ly S UPERIOR and Inferior Court Executions different kinds, st the Jaa. 1,1859. STANDARD OFFICE. designate. ... The list of drawn numbers and prizes win be sent to purchasers immediately after th# drawing. All communications strictly confidential. Address Orders for Tickets or Certificate* to McKINNEY k CO., Meh 24.1859—ly! Savannah, Ga. D. M. YOUNG, Agent, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ^■^FUBHITUBRil OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Whitehall Street, A*Ia»t*,, $fo Feb. 9,1865—ly-