The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, July 11, 1860, Image 3

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Special polices. THE OXYGENATED BIT1 BBS. Djripepiit, Indigestion, Heart Bum, Water Brash, Sour Stomach, Jaundice, Flatulency, General Debility, Ac., find ready relief and •peady cure in this*great remedy. Executor's Sale. I N pursuance of the will of William Watts, deceased, will be sold before the Court house, in the town oi Cassville. on the first Tuesday in September next, the following property, to-wit: The late residence of William Watts, dec'd, j containing two acres, more or less. The house The OxrotXiTtD Bittbbs are beliered by j \ nt occupi.-d hvWm. Floyd; the house . ■ . . - . and lot occuoied bv Re*\ L. .Anthony, each who have been cured of tbe above com- Co jjtalninjj one-hail acre, more or leap; one va- pUiotl tube the only medicine which the Ma- j cant lot, one acre, more less, nil in the town of Uria Mtdica affords for their Infallible cure.— | Adainmlle. Also, ome held Ivin* east of A- ... dairsville, now in cuitTation, containing twen- It it not an alcoholic preparation, which, while ty acres. All sold as the property of William vising a momentary stimulus, reduces the sys- j Watts, deceased. - - Teems.—Credit until the 1st of March. 1S61, with approved security, interest from date. .T. S. CUNNINGHAM, » r- • F. M. WATTS, ! July 11, 1860.—2m tem in the samn ratio; bat one distinct and different from any medical preparation ercr compounded, and which will, in most cases, ex tract the disease by tho roots and restore the patient to pristine health. In proof of which, testimony of the rery highest and unexception able character ia presented. Reliable Testimony. We call the attention of the render to the following letter from President Smith, of Wes ley University. Middi.ktowx, Conn., Feb. 28, 1859. Messrs. 8. W. Fowl* k Co.:— Gentlemen •—I first made use of the Oxyge nated Bitters some seven or ei*ht years since. HUying suffered for twenty years from a form • orDiepepsia, which wae attended with a ner vous headache, on an averaga of not less than one day in a week. I was induced by the un- ®fetending recommendation of Dr. Green 14 to fry one bottle and if no benefit was received to discontinue the use.” The use of one bottle j warranted a further trial, to the extent of some | PP i three or four, with a careful observance of the Jllne *' directions. The result was an almost entire ! relief from the usual dvspeptic symptoms and ; their depressing, painful consequences. I be lieve these bitters produced an entire change in the habits of my system and upon the active energies of thedigeaiive organs. I now deem myself as exempt from dispepsia as most per- aona. These bitters have also been of service to other members of mv family. Very respectlnlly yours, lit win fyposncrlj, ATLANTA. GA. W w.woon- . BUFF A CO. have opened a lar^e and splendid stock of ! Carriages ' in Atlanta, of every variety of style, consisting of Coaches, BERLINS, Beware of Quacks! T his Advertisement is addressed to both Males and Females suffering from secret causes. I have practiced many years, and having made a fortune, professionally desire now to serve my fellow creatures, inclose a Dollar to paj- incdental charges, and a sure remedy will be afforded you. Let no false dc- No top and Concord Ifcncy prevent, as strict secrecy is preserved. PILETONS, Bretts, Slide-seat, Top and DR. E3CALAPIUS EDWARDS. Box 910, Baltimore, Md. July 11, i860.—ly. New Carry-Log, FCXR SALE. G. S. BARNSLEY, Kingston, Ga. List of Letters R EMAINING ill the Post 0 I ce at Cassville, Georgia, on the 1st day of July, I860, CASH DRY GOOBS-HdtJSB. JONES, SCOTT, OMBERG & CO. WE ARE RECEIVING OUR USUAL SUPPLY OF Spring and Summer Goods, IN ATL Ruling and Book inder the most advantageous circumstance*. We think ; are as cheap as can be had any where. The great amount | 1 of onr sales, our long experience in business, and the abundant facilities we P-* s “^?f ! i « • — a—a —:m t --ts..: v-t- .titn our fn^nus, that wc can and will do them They have beccr. b' light for 1 they are handsome, and know they ! chasing, we trust will boa sufficient guarnmtee to justice. Our Merchant Tailoring Establishment CONDUCTED BY MR. OMBERG, Presents many rare novelties. W e are selling goods in that line for in'iriewtbe • countrv merchants pay for such goods in mu’Ket. YY e hope onr friem s *■ J ■ j ; fact that Mr. Omberg is a practical T.iilur-kuows exactly how to manage '«^ a b«3iness and everybody knows that lie is reliable, [which is very important in that line O. bttsine. ,j an J of the best judges of goods in this country. We refer every body to our store for the truth of the above assertion serve our friends, we are Truly, f /tr, Rome, Ga. April 25, 1800. JONEb. SCOfr. OMBERG &. 1-0. HR . „ .. sptcffitllr inform public that I* cnnOestcd city of Atlanta, . , _ ..... „ new BOOK BINDS- I '*T . • * 0y RT. Blank Books. I pertaintng to their profewnon. Ledgers, Journals,' Atlanta. On. Dav Book*, Blotters, ; Ac., Hotel aud Sta- i ble Registers, Dock- ■ ets. Recard Books, j Ac., with or withont : Jaii. SK. 1S60—1*. Headings, and ruled • EMPLOYMEIS'F.v *50 to $100 par Month. •espectumv vour?, AUGUSTUS W. SMITH. Proparcd by SETH W. FOWLF. A CO., Bos ton, and for sale bv A. Haihs. Cassville. KiiAMsa, Lslan-o A Jones, Cnrtersville. S(miikl V. Shkats, Kingston. And by nearly all Druggists. June ‘iO.—lm GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. As certain malicious persons, who are inter ested in other Lotteries, have circulated re ports that the Lotteries of Georgia were ille gal after June 1st. 1860, we hereby caution the public not to be deceived by any such reports. The GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, for the which if not taken out within three months will be sent to the general post office as Dead Letters: Arnold, James A. Harris, E. M. ^ Adams, John Holland, S. J. Addler, Z. Hall, Miss C. A. Alexander, Miss L. A. Hogans, Miss Nancy Barren, Miss Matildv Hall, Tims. J. Booker, Thomas Boston, M. J. Baker, Wm. Conley, Henry Cooksey, J. M. Charner, R. P. Day, E. Eads, C. W. Edwards, E. \V. Echols, J. M. Grisham, George George, M. A. { Green, John j Hardy, John Humphreys, J. L. 0 Johnson, W. II. McCrackin, Sam. Nurd, Joseph Nance, Jefferson O'neil, J. R. Pitfingall, Robt. Russell, M. L. Stevens A Co. Slaughter, Robt. Simpson, Dan’]. II. Templeton. J. L. Weatherd. Miss C. C. A Walker, J. Persons calling for any of the above and bring change to par for advertising. July 4 —St. ' A. II AIRE, 1*. M. L Notice. OST or stolen from my note book, two promissory notes, one of said notes given benefit of the Montickllo Union Acaoemt, of j Letters will please isk for“advertised letters,” Georgia, is authorised by a special act of the Legislature, and the Charter of the same has not been repealed, or the sale of Tickets in a- ny way interfered with, and we shall continue to Draw the same Daily, until the 1st day of May. ISO-1. jjjy Look at the Splendid Schemes in an other column. McKinney a Cn. Managers, Savannah, Georgia. June 13, 1S60—tt THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JamES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. Buggies, : Hacks and Jersey WAGONS, Harnes s, WHIPS, Ac. i Come, everybody, and see our stock. I Nov. 1,1S‘>9. VISAS VSBIES. waTTAVING moved lo the Afu- nf 'n'hTl 11 sic and Book Store of 7 " tf U U Messrs. J. RICHARDS A CO., J on Whitehall Street, opposite Messrs. Reach A : Root's store, I will keep a fine assortment of | the JUiijst Sfljie £ j always for sale low down. 31 y New Patent for 1839 is an iinprove- | ment. in the Dampers, Hammers, Wires and I Screws. These Pianos will stand in tunc lon- j ger than any other Piano made, and will be j warranted FIVE YEARS. ttj isthstgk ! Alloidersfor tuning will be promptly at- : tended to. Tuning by the Year and far Schools i st reduced prices. WM. J- CLOUD, j May 16, I860.—ly Atlaxti, Ga. CARTERS VILLE Provision A CARTERSViLLE ! HOWARD, •MPOBIDM OF FASHION, STOKELY & CO., •e a ;V i 4 X attire •scryttic Tt»nrt|f »jfanifa to any pattern desir- , jn nch gcet =J n South and West, to ed, manufactured in | ac( ftj( ; n ensr *«td respectable busi- the neatest aud most j npss bv lkt . above can certainly be real-' durable manner, . iled There is no humbug lo re. For full par-- | short notice. Magazines. Music. Newspapers, I t ; CJ1 j urslj terms. Ac,, address (enclosing stamp Ac., neatly bound, withont delay. 1 to par return onstage) \iwavs ready to ! from any part of the State will meet with ; ! prompt attention, and Rooks required to he; i sent by mail, hand, wagon, or railroad, care- i i fully enveloped so as to avoid the possibility ' , of injury bv transportation. J. 1*. MASON A CO. Atlanta. Ga., Feb. IS'!*. 1 —ly. May 2S, Am inside W. U. TERRT. - Rockingham, N. C. • large and well ■ led Stock of T. E. EIPLEY, Importer and Wholesale and Retail De: HAT MANUFACTORY. J. M. H0LBE00K. ; Whitehall Street, T 11EIMII And would announce to the pub’ e ta it i largest, cheapest, m »>t fash n >w prepared to offer ihen* one of the in 1 substantial stock of ssMxmm) Readif-maile Clothiny. Flats', Roots and Shoes, (aimia W a Plated G ods; ‘ that lias ever been brought to the Co t ikee thev have a commodious GROCER'* HOC stock of Groceries—Coffee, Sugar, Molasses Negro Shoes and Blankets, Ker-eys, Osnat tion. Call and look at our Goods. CAETERSVILLE, GA., Oct. 13, 1839. , R:C- •V. In addition to their Dry Goods house, here they keep constantly on hand a large Uic Ac. Also, Ragging, Rope, Twine, aa i ill illy other tilings too tedious to meu- Soward. Stokely & Co. Hardware, Stoves, Iron, &c. ATLANTA, GA. , I860—ly. CITY HOTEL, ATLANTA, GA. BY DR. T. H. DOZIER. Atlanta Georgia. IIF, attention of Planters, Fanners aud Country Merchants are invited to examine Crockerv. China, ! the large and varied assortment of EATS, Glass- and Brit- ! CAPS d'C., tlait is kept constantly cn hand at ; Holbrook’s HAT IdANTJ5’ACT0RY. Table Cutlerv j Also, the public are invited to examine the ‘ i , e - laro-e and well-selected assortment of Lnd'e • and house fur- , ^ Gpntlenjc .,. s Traveliirg nishing Good?;— j also in Lamps. ; TrUIlkS VallGCCS ftC< osene' j PIAXTA TION IIA TS made to ordef, and ’ ’ sent by Express to any portion of the country, apr 11 1860 .MANHOOD, How Lott, How Restored, Just published In a Sealed Envelope. : ON THE NATURE. TREATMENT AND : RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Ner- T HIS n..usc has undergone thorough re- vonsness and Tnvoluntsfy Em^nsjnduwsg pairs, and is now open for theaccnmmodn- I Impotencv and Mental and Pliysitol Incapacity tion of transient custom, where travellers will j Bv ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D»- A T BY" J. J. HANNA. 1st door west of the Railroad, coming from Atlanta. K EEPS constantly on hand, at : derate prices. Sugar, Coffee, _Molasf*es, heese. store >iRA‘' BY ■£>y find as good fare as at any house in the city at 35 cents pel meal. Board at $6 per week, and I 16 to per month. Porters always at the I trains to attend to Baggage free of charge.— I Give us a call. Atlanta, Feb. 16, 1960. I \ Qt Y Yri T 'O ~C { X) ’ (< „P, .1.1 OJ A i XI X QL X) IJ X> X) iln, Tobacco of the best manufacture Will bv E. K. Wimu-tt for one hundred dollars, da- j Candies, Nuts, West India Fruils : Ci rs and ted about the 1st or 3d of November, 1839, and made payable to David Roberson or bearer, and j due 2oth December, IS60, with interest from j date; 'lie other note on Chnrrity Sorrels for ; sixt y dollars, dated I lie same time of tile other j note, made payable to David Roberson, and due 25tli December. 186(1, bearing interest from date. As I have not traded said notes to any person, I fmewarn nil persons from trading for them, and also forewarn the maker »f said notes from paying them to any person except myself. JONATHAN McDOW. June 27.—tf it ROYAL Prepared from a prescription „f»ir J. Clarke, M. D„ Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful ana dangerous niscas- to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all nb- •tructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it 1* peculiarly suited. It will, in n short time bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Go Ternment Stamp of Great Britain to prevent counterfeits. C A UTION. —These Pills should net be ta ken by females during the first three months of Pregnancy, as they are sure to hr- f mi Miscar riage. but at any other time they re safe. In nil c isos of Nervous and Spinal affections Fain in the Baek and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion. Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitu tion. Full directions in the pamphlet Mound each package, which should be carefu 1 preserved. | Sole agent for the Ur.ncd States and Canada, JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin * Co.,) Rochester, N. Y. x. H.— *1,00 and 6 postage stamps enclos rj to any authorized Agent, will insure a bot tle, containing 60 pills, by return mail. ISfSold in Cassville by S. Levy, and all j dealers in medicine—in Atlanta by Massey A j Lansdale. John Wright A Co., New Orleans, MRS. DURAND lists the pleasure of announcing to her friends o f Cassville, and vi cinity, that her Spiing lion nets have arrived, and that she will be pleased to fill all orders with the same promptitude and precision as here toft re, and hopes to receive their patronage. Atlanta, apr 5, i960 —ly. The Good Times have come at Last! 2,380 Prizes! S16,SC O- Four Capital Prizes! A. J. ALEXANDER’S FORTY-EIGHTH MAGNIFICENT Cash, Wsitch and Land GIFT DISTRIBUTION. WILL BE DRAWN AT FRANKLIN. INI)., Monday, August 6, 1860. Cash Prize of 9500 in American Gold* Horse, Buggy and Harness, §100. ftosetoooi) pigijo forte, iifii lie? ;|i $3.50. Beef ami Beef keep open during the winter season a lirsi rate EATING Saloon: Oysters, diet so, Crackers. Dried ;ue, Ac.—to which the at- j tention of the public, and travellers especially are invited. Children’s Toys of almost every description, on hand at low figures. Call and see him. Jan. SO. 1360. ER LAWSHE, I) E A L E R IN Clocks, ^WATCHES, 5 Jewelry, Silver and plated j WARE, Whitehall Street, Atlauta, Ga. Watches carefully repaired and warranted. This is one of the oldest estab lished houses in Atlanta. Feb. 1), 1SG0— ly. Eddleman & Banks, BOOTS, SHOES White:!all Sthef.t, Atlanta, Gsokhia. Importers of English. Hardware, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, i vi),i..-tiers directiv frnm Anicric in manufactories "f all goods in" the line. PAULO It, OFFICE and COOK S T O YT E s, fa OF EVERY PATTERN, AT I.OW RATES. l30 9 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PLATED, PLANISHED, BRITANNIA and JAPANED At low prices for Cash, oril.-rs pr r.npily fill*; 1 WADES. R. KRAMER.. KRAM ,S. W. LELAXD. M. D... 30 & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL X f P J. 4 X L 5 r 'ca t % X \ X aX A JTk W. C. BEALL, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Carterstfille, Ga. HAS just received his materi als for putting up light Boots and _ Shoes tor the Spring and Sum mer near, lie is amply prepared to make them fit the most fastidious, upon reasonable terms. Give me a cliauce, r.nd I will prove mv faith bv mv works. W. 0. BEALL, j 'apr 5, I860-ly Cartcrsvillo, Ga. MEXICO NOT YET c- Qi m ^ B 8 8 8 8* Author nf the "Green Scot." d-c. The world-renowned author, in this ndmrto- lile Lecture, clearly proves from his own expe- that the awfiil consequences of self abuse may be removed without niedicince and with out dangerous surgical operations, bougie*, i#- stratumts, rings or cordials; pointing out » mode of core at once coitain and effectual, of which ever- sufferer, no matter what his con dition may be, mar cure himself cheaply pri- cutrli/ c. a J radically. This Lecture wiil prov* « boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, os the receipt of two postage stamps, by address ing l)r. CH. J. C. KLINE, M. P-, -(WTito* Avenue, New York. Vest Box 4e8p. April 18, lSR0.-,lr Georgia Sarsaparilla Compound, OR DENNIS’ ALTERATIVE, IS PINT BOTTLER i The Purest and Best for Purifying Ik* Blood and Diseases of the L|Yer. ! rpms is the best Medicine ol the Say. If ! the Liverithd Blood are kept in a healthy condition by tbs n?e of this Compound Sor* N EITHER TS JOHN F. HARWELL, to be j saparilla, it'will prove a great preventive of rivalled in Cass County--nay more, Cher-j s i c kncea, and a great saving of expen»IV* okec Georg;*,• in the noble work of Medicines. _ FEMALE COMPLAIHT8. iHtsins hi ruiiicuTun CARTERSVILI.E AND CASSVILLE, GA. WHOLESALE DEALENS Town, and intend keeping Drugs and Medicines, BEG leave to state to the citizens of Cassville. and tliesurroun- ine country that, for the future convenience of their customers, the-.- have moved a branch of their establishment tc the above a full assortment of I Paints, Oils, Glass, ! Putty, White Lead, Varnishes of all kinds, Fluid, Ker.isene Oil, Fluid and Kerosene Lamps, Linseed and Machine Oils, etc., etc., etc. Business. AND Leather, Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Jan. 26, I860—ly. Pharmaceutical. DR. LITTLE’S ANODYNE COUGH DROPS. I A new and certain cure for Coughs, Colds. As thma, Pain in the Breast, also Croup, Whoo- 1 ping Coughs, Colds, ect. anion ‘ ' ’’ ’ Drag: Fine Pocket Knives, Fine Retracts for the liuid- kcrchief, Cologne, Hair Oils, Pomatum’s for tlic II.ur, Combs, Brushes, Ac. We d l.ave l on 3^unTfine afswtment of' GARDEN SEEDS, we call the espec ial attention of the Citizens to our large a-id well selecied stoek. PHYSICIANS ami others may depend on gettin A share of public patronage is vcspectfnii, solicited. WAGON MAKING, GUN REPAIRING, Walking C«nc Making, G-OLiD, SILVER AND COPPER FINISHING. Tn f.ict, John F. Harwell cannot be beat in anything: lie professes to understand. He is si ( . . o-enias of several trades, and good at them all, j especially to those in ff you don’t believe it, you can disbelieve itnn- j heal**- — til you are convinced to the contrary. Give ; give him a fair chance and he asks no more. Cnrtersville, Ga., apr 5, '60. For females, it is excellent in 1 ing from general debility or a torpid state or ! the J.'iver, and its occasional use add* abloom- | ino- yioor to the complexion. | " FOB CHILDREN, This is the .best medicine that can be givenV peeiatly to these ill a debilitated state of believe it, you caii disbelieve it un- | health, o'r troubled with worms. A few do««» ■ • *•:—! given to a coild when it first appears unwell j has a powerful effect in preventing disease. Its effect in preventing diseases of children makes it a valuable family medicine. Says tlie proprietor of the Cassville Stand- ‘‘I can find nothing that proves so beneficial in cleansing tlie blood of its impurities, re- storing the appetite, and strengthening the system as Dennis’ Compound Sarsaparilla. For sale by Druggists generally. For *al* in Cassville at M. MeMurry’s store. Price |L ! per bottle. Jan. 26, 1860—ly. JOHN II. LOVE JOY', Wholesale Grocer AND DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Liquois, CIGARS, TOBACCO, Ac., No. 12, Cherokee Block, Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA. PURE Medicines at onr establishment. March 15. 1860. X. W. X®*****, NORTH SIDE AY. & A. R. R-, KINGSTON, GA., GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 'll X Keeps oil hand a well selected stock of i» IT is NOT Too MUCH TO SAY SINCE AI.L, 150 BAGS COFFEE—Rio, Java and La-; OLD AND YOUNG, 1 guvra, just received and for sale by Nov. I. J. II- LOVE JOY. BARRELS A. B. C. Crushed and Pow- 11) dered SUGARS, just received and for sale by J- H. LOVEJOY. rtfv HOGSHEADS N. 0. SUGARS, of all I\) grades, just received and for sale by Sov.:. J. II. LOVEJOY. ) ^ «ud Haviland, Stevenson A Co., Charleston, S. j ggg Qgld and SilVOT Watches, S-* 1 I « r.. il.A Cnn‘1. 7 c. t wholesale ngents for the South March 8—ly. A Word about Hair Restoratives. The original, ns it is still the best, prepara- ticn lor restoring grey hair to its original color and rendering it strong, healthy and beauti ful, ia Heimstrcet k Co’s Inimitable Hair Res- toter. Every other preparation advertised for this purpose is but an imitation of this. Most of them are made with water, and require the expense of a hair dressing to accompany them, as they leave the hair harsh and dry. Ileim- atreet’s is made with oil and stimulating spir ts, affording an agreeable hair wash, aside from its value as a restorative. It is sold at reason- All iti Hunting Cases from J1S to $250. 272 Prizes in American Gold, from $2.50 TO 500. 200 ACRES OF FARMING LAND. 419 Setts Solid Silver snd Double Plated Ware. Patent Self-Winding and American Sport ing Watches, Gold and Silver Vest Chains, Bracelets, Ac., Ac., Ac. Number of Prizes 2,380 Y’aluc of Prizes, $16,520 Tickets Limited to 16,500 DBA WINGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY. Every Ticket-holder receives a printed list of drawn numbers, free of charge, jy All drawings take place in publice, su plUjr vlHlgUO| Vt'tUO. wi. auiwiigov ounuiv». # ^ • A This is a pleasant medicine t'j take, pro cl u- j ; i-c Coffee, Sn°Mr, TeftS. MolilSSeS, LiqilOl’S, I Cppei’, Oplce, j ing immediate relief, and in nine out of ter. j ° TX T nI .,'l Flnm* Afpfll * uses a prompt cure. It exercises a most eon- , feyPUp, Stilt. Cillgei’, .M flckei (.1, Ij.lCOIl, lafllU, TlOUl, i * , | • also Soda Starch, Tobacco; Tron, Nail ^ able price, placing it within the reach of all.— j perintended exclusively by the Ticket holders. We might introduce certificates from Clergy man, Senators and well known citizens from -the country, but its not necessary. _ jive our readers to judge that if imita tion* can produce comparatively sutevasful re sult*, the original and imitated article must .surpass them all.—Journal. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold cve- where by all dealers in medicine, and in Cass- •rilleby Samuil Lew. W. E. HAGAN A CO. june IS—lm Proprietors, Troy, N. Y. Pimple* and Skin Diseases. Arc the result of impure blood. The blood be comes thick and dogged. The skin is not a- •ble to cast off the impurities so important to wealth. How many young men and women we S*e with their faces covered with pimples and blotches, who are endeavoring to remove them bv the use of soaps and washes of various kinds Th’s is very dangerous shculd never be practiced by persons desirous of good health. Mothers who have children afflicted with sores and eruptions, shonld never dry them by exter nal applications, for in this way they will drive in the humors and produce ill health for the child daring its whole lifc time. There is no wether who likes to see her children sflieted with feeble health. Jcaeox’s Mountain Hut Pius an pre pared expratdyfortheenreoferapuoaaofthe •hie, each aa Pirn plea, Biotehea, Soraa Ac.— They cleanse the blood of all iupnritiaa, pro- dnainga baautifhl, dear sad healthy akin, ao ' aiach at mi rad by all peopta of taste and re- Judaon’a Mountain tlcrh Pills are sold fey all Medicine Desltrs. [jure 20—lm REFERENCES. I take great pleasure in referring all who cing trolling inflnence over Cmiglis and Irritation of the lungs of any remedy known, often stop- j ping the most violent in a few hours or at | most in a day or tivo. Many cases thought to j be decidedlr consumptive have been promptly j cured bv the use of a few bottles and tlie wear- ! ing Little’s Strengthening Plaster on the chest, j As an anodyne expectorant, withont nstring- : ing the bowels, it stands paramount to all ; cough mixtures. rOLLAR VERMIFUGE Prepared and put up in vials, only by W. G. Little. In using, nothing else is required to relieve children of worms; and besides being one of the best and cheapest ever offered to the public, its freqnent use in families will save much trouble and expense, as well as the lives of many children ; for eight out of every ten cases generally require it. DR. LITTLE’S FRENCH MIXTURE. This is prepaved from a French reccipe (i.i the forms of No, 1 and 2; the first for the ac ute, and No. 2 for the chronic stage) that has been much improved upon in this country; and from its unexampled success is like'y to Concentrated Lye; Ne^ro Blankets and Tverseys; Osnaburgs; Sliirtinsrs ; Negro Shoes, coarse Boots ; AFFIRM ITS TRUTH, VIZ; I That Prof. Wood’s Hair Restoratiwr i Will preserve infatliUy the grutetk and’cot or of the hair, if used tivo or three times a ; week, to any imaginable age, perfectly restore 1 the gray hair, cover the bald with nature r ! own ornament the hair: make it more soft and j beautiful than any oil, and preserve tlie scalp ! free from all disease to the greatest age. States- j men. Judges, Attorneys, Doctors, Clergymen, i Professional men and Gentlemen and Ladies I of all classes, all over the world, bear testimo- j nv that we do not say too much in its favor.- : Bead the following, and Judge: II ickoiit Grove, BOXES CHEESE-Dairy and State- j St. '’buries Co., Mo., Nov. IS. 1857 100 boxes Dnryeas’ celebrated Pearl; PnotvO. J. YY’oon—Dear Sii: Some time Stanch tlie best article tliat is now in use, just | last summer we were induced to nsesome of * v J. II. LOY’EJOY’. i vour hair Rest or ! < AA BOXES Star and Adamantine Can- ! LUU dies: also 50 cases Sperm Candies, I just received and for sale by -f-'Nov. 1. J. II. I.OY'EJOY. 100 received and for sale by j — r\ BARRELS new crop MACKEREL. No ' if barrels and kit' J. II. LOVEJOY fur sale by are anxious for information respecting 1,1 -'. i snpcr(c( J e every other remedy for tlie cure' of honesty, business promtitude, Ac., to any of; tJ) t diseases „fthc Kidneys and Bladder, Gnn- the County officers. Postmasters, Express A- orr ] lcc .,| Blennorrhocal. and Lucliorrneal or Tnafinna rtf tlu> Yl prP.h.UltS. • . \m flf .»• ™ „ { ^A.lJAU Women’s coarse Shoes; Pantaloon Goods; Kerosene Oil; I f>U 1,2 and 3; also half barrels and kBt Burning Fluid, Train Oil, Linseed Oil, Bagging and Hope ; Cigars; agent for Dr. Dennis’ Georgia Sarsaparilla, and Newton Factory. Everything in the Grocery line kept constantly on hand, which will be sold low for cash. “ ~ * ana Rope, which will be sold to prompt payers, payable Kingston, Go., Feb. 16,1S60—ly. Everything cash except B;i. when their Cotton is sold. gents. Justices of the Peace, Merchants, Rep- ; F !,, ur '\lbus affections; resentatires, and Senators of Johnson, or any , ,„ d ‘ conlbines prf ,pei This extensive co.w- rties totally different in 1 FAMILY MD Straight Needle. These Machines arc supe rior to all others lor sever- resentanves, mm otjununoy. «umwuu, v» ! T>oh*'d combines pn>pert ie s totally omerent in j , . . , of the numerous Agents in the various parts j f d charact ^ r fr om anything to be found al porposes, being simple, of the Union, who have attended my drawings ul ' 1 - — • 1 As the above named are ed with me, and most o mv numerous drawings, wish to satisfy themselves of the safety ot their investment, to write to any of the above gentlemen. Jjgf Agents wanted in every locality, *° , Heads, and diseases nf the skin generally, Imre whom the most liberal inducements are offer- j becn cure dby this remedy, and since the in- ed. ' " - “ - IXffiftin SlVEffft KASBKRS. ^ PLAITAT1011. Perpendicular Action. The Standard Reputation of our Machines is well -- , i ill the United States. Phamiacopen or in pri- , ., , re personally acquaint- rnte actice: and pumt of safety and e(S- | nurabeand easily managed °. them have attended ; ^ js not rifled by anything in America. ; s, I will request all who ; r :ttt tt’c iHvn n-opir ivn TFTTrn i anfl rar: °" s P ncc? - from DR. LITTLE’S RING WORM AND TETTER OINTMENT. Fiftv-five to One lien- Hundreds of cases of Chronic Tetters, Scald . . . Tw - ent v .five Aicon.ce nf the sWr. ™™.ra!lr have areU anU ALL PRIZES PROUTLY PAID. 5^- SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. Single Tickets $1. Six Tickets §3. A. J. ALEXANDER. Franklin, Johnson County, Indiana. Jane 27, 1860.—6m CARTERSVILLE RESTAURANT, BY MADDOX A PUCKETT. We announce to the public gen erally that we hare opened a' new CONFEC TIONERY in Carters ville, at the old stand of W. A J. S. Br ers, and will keep constantly ! on band all kinds of Confectionaries- Eating Saloon furnished with all the delicacies of the season. JAS. F. MADDOX. THOS. M. PUCKETT Cartersvillc. I , t> 9. iw>—q-r. troduction of the No. 2 prepearation (being stronger) scarcely a case has been fonnd that it will not effectually eradicate in a short rative, audits effects wore so wonderfiifwc feel it cur duty to yon and tlio ! afflicted, to repeat it. ! Onr little son’s heed had for seme time been ' completely covered with sores, end some cali- led it scald head. Tlieh.iiT almost entirely ciime off in consequence, when a friend,.seeing A AA SACKS LIVERUPOOL SALT, fresh , his sufferings, advised os to use your Restor- — I l\F and full sacks, for sale bv 1 alive we did so with little hope of Slice.SB, sir i J. H. LOVEJOY - - - A 1 *'A BARRELS YVIIJSKEY—all grad some very fine, in store and tor sale ; ‘ J. U. LOVEJOY. .atirewedid . : but to our surprise, and that of all our friends ■ a very few applications removed fhe diseawr ! entirely, and a new and luxuriant crop of hair soon started out, and we can now say that our boy has as healthy a scalp, and as luxuriant a crop of hair as any other child. We can, ! thertfore, and do hereby, recommend your CIGARS, of all grades—$6 j Restorative, as a perfect remedy for all dia- a fine 1 )t of cliew- | cases of the scalp and hair. YY e arc yours re- pectfuliv, CEO. W. HIGGINBOTHAM. SARAH A HIGGINBOTHAM. Pror. YVood—Dear Sir: My hair had, for BARRELS French and Domestic j serera i VC urs, been becoming permanent!* ‘ Baskets of i ?r . 1Vj nceompaiiied by a harshness which rtv- 299,000 ilnr Tobacco, iust received and fur sale by Nov. 1. J. II. I.OY'EJOY' lOO BRANDY'; also 1 Munims and Heidsicx’s CHAMPA1GNL, and : {j tc constant application of oil necessary numerous other articles too tedious to men-; jn ( ],,. v5 ; nz it. When I commented nsing rour Hair Restorative about two months jigo tion. you Send in Nor. 1. vour orders—we will please J. II. I.OY'EJOY. known and needs no com ment. They are All YY.ia- nxTEn; will hem, tuck fell | I and gather perfectly. CHARLESTON [IIIHtl i HUB, > ClaUlkiDL 111 »4 - ttot l I 1- j | time For the cure of "Cancerous Sores and ; ' frents tuppue Utoers it is applied in the form of piasters, | a P n! 1^0—‘y and is almost infallible. : — " i ■"r Physicians are referred to the 13th pnge of ! Dr. Little’s pamphlet, to the catalogue of Med Machinery. Machine Oil. Needles. Silk, Cotton MACON, Ga. M. WITTGENSTEIN. ’ pounding his different remedies, and asked to Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic! 1 SIT if thev are-not the chief reliance'of the pre- Wines, Liquors and Segars, Southeast side of Whitehall Street Atlanta, Ga. it ”-;:s in that condition ; and having eontrhad its use within the last three w .eks, if haw turned to its natural color, and assumed a softness and lustre greatly to be prefered to ' those produced by the application of oiis or tiny other preparation I have evented. I-rr- pird it as an indespensiblc aiticle for every la** dy’s toilet, whether to be used a** a teiitRe- ' storatire or for the simple purpose of <fta*Mrg or beautifying the ha:r. Ycu finre r cr * ,,,, ^* uX i : to refer to me all who entertain any oi.tlbt w , -. its performing all that is claimed for it. The subscriber t ” MRS. C. SYMONDS, Cincinnati. O.. Feb. DMS57. I14ThWs«. Wellington, Mo., Dec. 5tti 185?.- Prof. Wood—Dear Sir: By tile adrice friend of mine, who lwtd been iming your Haif> Restorative, 1 4,2# induced to try it. I b*«T Ibe fever, some 4 . • last 51 ay, ani2 nearly *-r} hair in my he««d c«rae out. And now hair has come :n a gr^nt-dcal thicker than.fV- er it was*. Nothing b * duty and sjrnfimtby der Ciirriae^-s at me, can depend upon getting u^t I feel t«> comO|iBr.i^ite t>» others--who are has constantly on • hand a l-.irge «s- sortraent <*f Ve hicles nnd Har- ; ness of the best quality 4 . C i t i z c* n s n f Georgia who may be disposed to or- fession, its he himself has practised icine extensively for more than ten years | before tetiring to the drag buismess. In more than two hundred places in Georgia, ; and in all the Southera States, they are to be had and there are scamps about who are counterfeiting his remedies, by palming off | their own or something else, by using the | same or similar name, , , _ . . ] Sold by Little A Bro.. Wholesale Druggists j Macon, Ga. F. A. WILLIAMS, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE, MOSS AND HAIR MATTRESSES, Looking Glass. Plates, Ac., Paaabtree street, Nov.1. — MAD POX & MERCK. WATCH MAHERS, Cass villi and Caeties ville. {“SL RESPECTFULLY inform the public "■^j^vthat they ar-e prepared to do any kind Bit-iS&of work done by a sHreramith, such as ’repairing Watches, Clocks, mending Jewelry of every description m the most d arable and ! a good article, and at as low pric ent in person to select. All Work Warranted. I take the liberty nf referring to John Erwin and George H. Gilreath. LEONARD CHAFIN’ No. 142 Sleeting Street, CbarlcETon, S. C. May 9, I860.—6m as if pres- afflicted as I have been. wnnM -fnditce me to give this public acknowh dg^nient nf the bene fit I retviyed from Ur.>T. W.mmu s Hair Rcatorn- tirv. Youra respectfully, A. R- JACOB!*-. The Restomtire is put up m bottols of A sizes, viz: large medium and small; the small holds y. a pint and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium Holds at least twenty p« r oent more in proporfidu thee the smsfr. veUil* : for two dollars ftt-Bott**; Ac for#* bolds a Book and Music Store. O. J. WOOOJT way, Sew Ye Ranh “ “ J. J. RICHARDS A CO , keep a : wholesale and retail, cheap, cash, Book, Music and Fancy Store, on iling Eatai snbstantial manner. Orders for anything in I Whitehall street. Atlanta, Ga. ’ Established St. Loaif, Mo •ca dOUrras bottle. 3DA -&)., Prapri#tor». *I3>«n* ’etk. fib the greet J* T. Kjir bJrstitect,; and 114 Mark* M* tbeir line of business respsctfolfr roti Orf. C.-.35? - itrd ; Nor.l. I?'-, ^tended to Order? pc r mail promptly »f For saloin Cassriile by S*m I fjs»r. spr n.iafio—Svi finside.1