The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, July 11, 1860, Image 4

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^bnrtisfmtnls. j JUbcilisnncnts. j al'cgal Hotices. HTistfllanfOiis ^bbrrtisemtnfs. | potteries, #t. j potteries, ifct. Westerns Atlantic Railroad ' fe'AR^yy^rr^gjwdMjt. taja ARKIVVL V V D DEPARTURE OF TRAIN'S HORNING PASSENGER (MAILI THAIS. Leaves Atlanta, daily at lo.SO A A t rives at Cass .. Leaves Csss Arrives at Chattai Leaves “ Aitivcs at Cass.. Leaves Cass V*7 |« M. . P >1 11.52 P M M 1 ..a.-! P. M .. 1.57 P. M ....7.31 P. M 3.25 A. M ...lO.i'7 A. M ...10.10 A. M Arrives at Allaiitn at 1-40 P. M EVENING PASSENGER TRAIN. 1,eaves Atlanta nightly at 8.15 A M Arrives at Cass 11 . r, 6 P.'I. Leaves Cass 11.40 P. M Arrives "t Chrttmioog.i A M. Leaves 44 Arrives at Cass Leaves Cass Arrives at Atlanta at.. *.57“ This Read c-inucets each way with the Ran* ll-i lea " Kingston. i'*e Cast Tennessee A Georgia Hielnel at Dalton. and the \ ishville li Chattanooga Railroad at Chat- ttnooj^a. Atlanta to Chattanooga, ISS miles. Fare 85. JOHN \V. LEWIS. April. 1, I860. Superintendent. Schedule of the Georgia Railroad. PASSKXGEIt TRAINS. * Lea r e Augusta ut n rn. nwi 2.”** p. ni. Arrive Xt’unta at 0.45 n m and 11.4" p. m. J 0<iv« At! nit'i ut p. in. and 9.0") a. m. Arrive Attgtisfa at 5.5d it ni. and 6.20 p. in. ATHENS BRANCH. Leave AtieHsiu at 0.?.0 a. v.i. Leave Atlanta at *4'^ ]>. m. Arrive Athens at R.10 a. in. Leave Athens ut 11.00 a. ni. Arrive at Augusta 6.20 p. tn. J.rrive at Atlanta 11.45 o. m. Ifn trains on Athens Brandi *>n Sundnvs to connect w«th trains leaving Augusta at 12.30 Saturday night, and Atlanta at 8.40 Saturday evening. WASHINGTON BRANCH. Leave \uirusta 2.30 p. m. Ar W ish. 7.2 > p. hi. Leave Wash at 1.3 » p. m. Arr. Ausr. 6.20 p.m. Arr. All. 11.2" p m. Leave Atlanta 9.05 a. m. Arr Wash 7.2 r * p in. Feb. 28, I860. GKO. YOSfiE, Oen. Sup’t Macon & Western 'Ra.ilrmd M\COV. Jtilv 1st, 18* 9. O V and after Thursdiv. ihn 1"th inst , tin* Passenger Trains of this ll'*ad will run as 4r»VWurc •_ Leave MAcnli ’ (> 00 a. m. Arrive at. \tlanta * 0“ a. m. Leave Atlanta 11 “»• \ v. Arrive at Macon 7.55 i* M * Leave M-«coa l i night. Arrive at Atlanta 7. " \ M. Leave Atlanti 12 nipht. Ar-ive at 'I icon 7. 1 *» a. m. The Xight Tr »ins will not he run on Sunday* The lo o’clock train from Macon, connects with the Western A. Atlantic Road at Atlanta, for all points bevoud that place. The ’2 »»*- •clock night train-connects .nt Atlanta, with the ; •. 'Gaorgri i and West Point It iil Roads. March 1". ALFRED L. TYLER. Sup’t. MOUNTAIN HUB rji si S 'S' ! '-'I Herbs, ISarhs ami Hoots i | vk.«; S 1 Poisonous .Hincrais and Drugs., MOTHERS TAKE HEED! r •711 should U at =1 HEADS lip FAMILIES j JIDSOVS WORM TEA j A SAFI* AND PLEASANT CTHK FOU \VciR\:?. g J H»*tr iiiii«*1i nnd -af**r tronl*l it Jw ■ Irice it nlw.-tys in tl:«» liou^e. A little Aelny f u |i**n a chilli is ill may often bo ll»»* chii-«* h Ot its dentil while aMiier without r'-elnv, und ( i hy-ivimr the MtlCXTAIX HEHH TEA inane diately. v*iu will not only save the ct'ild h long anil teiiioii-i illness, ami yoar t-lf much expense, hut aUo fe**I happier in knowing that you lnivt- •h ue your «luty. and perchance paved its life. Tiii- medicine is couibiued j.-ir.-ljr of ! HERBS AND ROQTSi C -ss Sheriff’s Sales for Aug. U T’ILL he ao.d before the Court House dour in the Town of Cassville, on th** 1st Tuodav ni August next, within the legal lo urs I o! sale, the following property, to-wit: Lots t.f land Xt»s. 628 and 829 in the 17th district :.’id S' 4 seet t-n ; levied »*n ns the pn»p- | erry «*f Thomas II. Ligon to satisfy two ctn*t i ti. f »s. one from Cs-s Inferior court, Samuel j (» Brown tor the use of office is of court, and 1 one from Cass Superior c«*urt, B« nj. J. Mc<Iin- ; nis f«it tifficcis of court, both vs. said Ligon. ! Also —L«*t of land No. 177, in the 5th dis- ; triCT and -d section of Cass county ; levied on 1 I ns the propertv of Shanrick Ellis to satisfy a fi. fa. from Fulton Superior court in favor «>f Alexander Ratarec vs s: id Eiiis; pr»*f»erty »M)isited out by said Kataree to pay purchase Also.—Four acres of !and, more or less, j with the in provements thereon, in the town 1 if (?arter>viile. kn<*wn as the »*lac»- whereon defendant now lives, t •’sfv the purchase inmu-r »i. fa. from Cass Superior court, !>or.- !*ld M. Hood, administrator on the estate of Thomas Hamilton, vs. Milton Loveless. 1 Also.— Om -thiid interest in and to town lot j in the town of Carte-sville, as the property of 31 irtin J C“X known as the old Post Office house:* d lot,on th<»east side of the Railroad, to r itisfy a fi. tn. from Cass Inferior Court in favor of Bennett 11. Conyers, endorsee, vs said! Cov, maker, and AVm. P Haminon ', endorsor, j propet ty pointed out by AVm. P. Hammond. ; j Alsu.- Lots of land Nos. 448and 449, in the ' • 17th d : *tr ct and ; d section ; levied on as the : pr. ]H iiy «»f Treumore F. Black, to satisfy a li. j j fa. from Cass Superior court, William Solo* ; in on vs Tretirn.rc F. Black, maker, and Ben jamin C. Brown, endorsor; property pointed j j out bv plaint If’s attorney. Also—one house and lot in the Town of Car- j tersv lie, on the east side of the W. «t A. R. R., 1 I now occupied*!^’ A. Coliins; U vi d on :.s the j j pr perly of A. A. Dobbs, to satisfy a ti fa issu- j 1 ed from* Cuss Superior Court in fivor of A. i Sc! wab vs A, A Dobbs; pointed out bv plain* I t IT’S SlttoM.lC. L s S ALMONS A. B. MATHEWS, J* N. SIMMONS SALMONS, MATHEWS & CO., STEW SSO,|Sft Store, I860, WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, GA. ARE now prep ireil to <*ff.*r t.. the t-ade as good a selection of every style and descrijtion of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS as can be found in the cm r, at prices that will meet the views of purchasers. We have also every style of Carpeting, Floor and Oil Cloths and Matting, at prices ranging from twentv-flre cents to two dollars per yard. We also have a large stock of L \bIBS' bUKSS GOODS. HICJl sILKS, FIDE LACE POTXTS AXD SILA TI LS, DEEEGES. uliGAXDIES A\J> JACOXETS. Ill's LIES, WITH AXD WITHOUT FLO EXCES. Also, a large lot of beautiful small printed JACONET MULLINS* and R1LL1ANTS, plain and floured WHITE SILKS ind ROUES lor bridal occasions. Also, a complete stock of MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Also a laige .-lock of GINGHAMS and PRINTS, of every qiality and style. Our Mock of EMBROIDERIES is large and of the latest styles, as also our stock of all qual- : ities of Or LOVES, among which may be found the well known ALEXANDER Kid Gloves, of every shade uf (ht'Stock I.f Bleached and Brown SHEETING and SHIRTING, Planters’ LINENS and COTTONADK8, is full and complete. We have also a lartre stock of Boots and Shoes of all qualities, among which may be found a fine lot of Ladies* K’.d anti Congress Boots, made in Philadelphia expressly for our trade. Also, a large st* ck of UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, all of which will be- sold at wholesale and retail, at the lowest market prices FOR CASH* All Orders promptly attended to. a l’ r 1 ls *»"—!>’ TRY Y0UB LUCK. HODGES, DAVIS & CO S. Consolidated Lottery OF GEORGIA, Authorized by a Special Act of the Legisla ture, for the benefit < f the Washing ton Comity Academies. Brilliant Scheme for July, 1860. ROYAL HAVANA PLAN. 26.223 PRIZES AMOUNTING TO §271,200. Will be distributed according to the following Royal Scheme: To be drawn every Saturday. * J70,i'iio 1 5 Prizes of $500 2U.OOO 10 44 300 10,00“ | 2“ 44 100 5,i 'Ou 1 100 44 50 3,ooo 10“ 44 25 2,000 I 25000 44 5 1,000 | Ju v 4, 1 $60. A. M. FRANKLIN, Sh’ff. NOT A PARTICI.K OF hCalomel or i IS USED IN IT. e Gltbv Voviiiifuge v,\\ . i.c« iim* this T*-a. i i.f :.|! Wruiil’iigt ?l E It C l’ It Y . GIVE MO es: if P OI o nxr TO YOUR CHILDREN. ' r .* t!»iS mj.Jp, Silly Y«- ctah’i* ! Tlii- Worm T,.;, wa^.iiM-ov.*re l in w:i* nmoiig t|,« Wilds of Nil • 11 •• • full .*ct*oui:t «*f :t \«.;i will 11ml >11 «• i A-k fur III*- * * i: s'-f if T In AIm , it >K'*i .H DsoN’s woiL'.i rn\ ( K i LLS W O it M S, j IcTfr Bnims—s Flrasait? to T»kr. J CHER0K 'E REMEDY! 1 GET A PAt'KAGK-PKICE x».> ITS. I Aitys ti: .1 the N’nno* ;•« I S »N CO.. :«tttl tli- li J.atkwge of Oy: N 'Vo: b. l jursez^r & co.. SOLE PROPRIETORS. CO Leonard 3L. YcrJc. '!>n I, .tilrl I:y . vnv t ir««j;i 4 . r:h1 ** . :i4i llrR^blC. >... He bv 11 ANTON i HARGIS. In Ciirtersville by Kiume:!, I.eland A Junus. Junen’", !s6o.—lv AV I'XKAII.INO 1SEMEDV FOR Gonorrhffia ond all Diseases of the URINARY ORGANS. RKMFDY cures when all other prep- I arii.i»ms fiil. Tt is entirely unlike ev**rv other C'linnmuid ; containing no Mineral Pm- • son or Nauseous Drug; as it is prepared sole-' ly from Roots; Barks and Leave*, and has been handed down, from one goneration to another, by the Cherokee Indians. It is offered to the public on its own intrinsic merits. It performs its duty quickly and thoroughly. The Unfor tunate* ot either sex will bo repaid by using this Remedy, instead of niacin r themselves at the mercy «>f some quick or Professor. This Remedy strikes at the very Root of the disease; j its tendency is not snnplv to suspend the poi-! son, but t » Remove the Cause on which it de pends,—Full directions in pamphlet form, nc-. company each bottle—The speedy and perm a-! county, for leave t*» sell the land belonging to nont relief afforded by this Remedy, in all c i-1 •^ e estate <»t ^ in. F. Jut land, deceased. Res of' G tuorrlirc i, (fleet. 15ravel*. Stricture, ELISHA GARLAND, Adm’r. Fluor A!bus (Whites in Females), and all d s- j Ju »e 13. 1-60.-2m eases of the Urinary Organs, has astonished S . 7 the most scientific men of the age. This Rein-j f nss county* cdy not only eradicates all Poison from the I \ ERE VS. A. O. 11. Davis applies to me System but Invig »r;ites the most delicate con-1 t t f'*r letters of gn «rd: msliin f*»r the per Rtitiition. ! s : »?id prme*-tv of E’L.a .Tme Franks, an il- It d ies Not Affect the Breath or Inter- j lej tm it«» clrlci *)f Franks. fere wth <inv Class of Business, or require any j I'hese are rljerefore t«> cite and admonish all deviation from the usual diet. nersons e.meemod to be and appear at mr office It requires no assistance from other mod-1 within the time nreserhed hv Law. and sh**w icine. eiu<e. if invthev have, why said letters should Georgia, Fannin county. ITplEREAS. William 3T. Vnrmim of said f f State and Twiggs county, applies to me f**r letter* (»f administration on the estate of William Stanton, deceased, late of Chambers county in the State of Alabama. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv of- « pl‘‘ : ' five within the ti -ie prescribed oy law, to show cause, if any thev have, why said letters sh'Ui’d not b»* granted. Given under mv hand at office, this June 1”, JAMES KINCAII), Ord’y. June 2ffi—3l)d Georgia, Fannin County. f Gilmer Sheriff’s Sales. ILL 1h* s >1<1 bvf'irv the Court Hmneihior ' V in the Town nt EM'j.ty, on the 1st Tues- j cliiv in August next, between the Ilnurs i df s::!e, the fulhiwing [U'lijurtv, to wit: le ts nf land Nns. SI*J tsud .".’.3 in the 2Sth distr ct anil gd section ; levied on as the jin.p- ; ortv ef Jnhn Leaeh to satisfy a fi. fa. ur hts j pri'pi rtinnate pe.rt of a fi. fa. as cn-seeuritv, Joseph E. Brown. Governor, &c., for the use of It. Wood, J. 1‘. Force & Co. vs James A. Guild er et at. Also.—Tie* North half of lot No. 2S5, in the ‘Jetli district and ‘.id sect ton; levied on as the propertv ot Samuel H. Headland to sat'sfv a ti fi. Francis 15. Worley vs said I’endland. Vsn.-Lot of land No. 94, in the 24tli dis trict and 2d section ; 1 -vied on as the property of John Sliver t > satisfy tivo fi. fas., in favor of Bedford A* t'ollins, for the use ol officers of ! court vs sod Silver. I Also.—Lot ol land No. log, it the 11th dis trict and 2d section ; levied on as the property ; ,,f S M. Ingersoll, to satisfy a fi. fa from the | S.-,. ;h district G. M in favor of John L. Reid i vs S. M. lewersoli; levy made and returned to ! me by a constable. ! Also—Lot of land No. 15, in the 24th dt - ; trict and 2d section ; levied on to satisfy a ! mort-ige fi fi- in favor of Jasper Johnson vs j Mize Brackett. Also.— Lots of land Nos. 92 and 93, in the Gth district and id section ; levied as the prop erty of Augustus Bliley to satisfy a fi. fa. ;n favorof \t addy T. Findley vs said Bailey. Also—Lot of land No. 201, in the Gth dis trict atnl id sect, as the propertv of James It. K.ndley, to satisfy four fi. fas. from Gilmer Stt- peri r court one in favorof Georegc N. I.ester and nth' rs vs said Findlev. G. U. RANDELL, Sheriff. July 4, I860. Estate Fa*e. 520 Acres Cass County Lands for Sale. 1 > Y virtue of tit last will of James Carter. > deceased, we will offer at private sale, un til the 1st ot" November next, one of the best Cotton and Grain Farms in the county of Cass; .100 acres of which are in a high state of cul tivation and fresh, having been cleared in the last few* years. Also, one t nvn lot of five a- ,*res in lCintrstoii, well improved. To Debtors and Creditors. Those who are indebted to said estate w: •cme ‘orivard and settle at once, at’ 4 those holding demands ar.* requested to hand them in as soon as possible. M CARTER. Executrix. Sifif «£S8* AND S *37 jFSJ-A.~^7%T GOODS. B EING connected with mv Father, a Wholesale Manufacturer n:.d Jobber, 417 Market st. Philadelphia enables me to sell goods in my line, as cheap if not cheaper than New York or Philadelphia I obligate nivself t • se’l Hats, Caps and St~atv Goods 25 Per cent, draper than any other House in Atlanta, and 10 per cent cheaper than Charleston. I wifi s«_*ll on six months credit to responsible men. giving them the same facilities they obtain North. JAMES S' MARTIN, Jr., Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia. P. S. Come forward, one and all, and patronize Smitl era Institutions. apr 5. ’fin 1 Prize of 1 “ 1 “ 1 44 1 44 1 4< 3 Prizes of 97« Approxim’n P-izes, amounting to $19,290. Tickets only $3.oU—halves, quartets and eighths in proportion. CITY PLAN. SB 5 O . O O O FOR $1.00! DRAWN DAILY AT 5 O’CLOCK. 75 ballots!—12 drawn numbers!! SCHEME! Anv &1 ticket with S drawn hum. on it $50,000 .. « i, 7 « *• “ 25,0o0 “ «■ <• •* « <• •< •• 15,000 . <> « s n n n s.oOn • « ii •• 4 ii i* « l,o00 • II II « n ii ii con AVM. B. COX, AV. RHODES HILL, AV. R. HERNDON. COX. HILL & CO.. wwmMBMm mmmwm* PEACHTREE STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Havin'** formed ti copartnership as above, we are prep ired to exhibit an elegant and fresh STOCK OF GROCERIES, which are offered to cash and short time, prompt paying customers at very low figures. Our facilities Mr parch i-iag and a perfect knowledge of the w lilts of the public, are such that we can g*.t T*tntee entire s itisfaction, til every par'icular. We annex a few of the articles now in WOOD, EDDY & CO.*S DELAWARE A HD MISSOURI S fATE LOTTERIES Capital Prize 81000.000 WOOD, EDDY A CO., Manager.. The Managers’ Offices are located at Wilmiug ton, Delaware, uud St. Louis, Missouri. T„e following MAGNIFICENT SCHEMES will be drawn in ptibl c, under the Supermten*' deuce of Sworn Comm.ssa.tiers, appointed by the Governor. Wood, Eddy ft Co’s Iotteiy r Class Xo. 312 Draws Sat'y, June 30,1860. 7S Numbers—13 Drawn Ballots. 1 Grand Capital Prize of $100,000! 1 Prize of 1 Prize <>f 3 Prizes of 3 Piizes ot 3 Prizes of 3 Prizes of 3 Prizes of 100 Prizes of ..... , 32,398 Prizes, amounting to $1,138,785 Whole Tickets $2o; IlnliestlO; Coarltts <6* Certificates of Piicki ges i t 28 * In a, t ikits will b * sold for $299; halves, qual tire ant? 1 eighths in proportion. SPLENDID SCHEME! To be drawn each WFDNKMfAY hi JCNE CLASS 270 Draws Wednesday, June 6, l88* v _ CLASS 292 Draws Wednesday, June 13.1880- j CLASS 294 Draws Wednesday, June 2", 1960- CLASS ?<>6 Draws Wednesday, June 27, I960. Nearly oi.e pt zt to er.ty tun Tickets, 78 Numbers- " Dr* a * 11 Hots, $5o,00» 21,-00 | 1 163 prizes of 65 jn z* » i'f " $50<r 12,5* 0 1 65 j.r zes of 10(7 5,000 1 65 prizes of 80 8,0i-O | 6-7 pi zes of 5ft 2.50“ 1 4Ms | r zts of 40 2,00" j 1,000 | | 27G4U pi -zes of S«’ 1 Grand Ca^i • «D Ii let cf $37,500. Any ticket with :i drawn number on it, stationed to come out at any particular place, such as f.7, 1st, 2d, 3d, or any other station in the drawing. Bo Tic ets from $1.^0 to any price, and prices paid at the above rates per dollar. Remember!—Tt two nr more selected num bers are taken, and nil of those numbers s<* | selected, art nor drawn, among the Twelve Drawn Numbers th«* Ticket is a Blank. By thi* Scheme purchasers cun select their own Numbers. 1 pr.ze of $15,639 1 15 Prises of $400 '1 l'*.oi** 1 227 pr ies ol no 2 “ 7,500 | 65 loo 2 “ 5,00t 1 65 •* 70 2 “ 3,ooi* | 65 44 40 4 “ l.noii i i;o “ 50 15 “ 1,0<-0 1 4.74.1 44 20 15 “ 500 1 *.7,040 44 10 store and to arr .30 Hogshead* New Orleans Sugar, .'in Barrels Grubbed and Brown Sugar, 40 » Kegs Nails, 300 B »xes C-i-idlcs ; l'» Segars ; 7r, Btrrels OM Bye Whiskey. 30 Pick’s Vessr* it’s II* » ‘ssy « 1* “ Brm-lv. *M 1 a 1 s .ft. fi 100 Tlngsheads A B and C Sugar, 20*» Bags Rio Coffee, lo *• Old Government Coffee, 25 “ J-tv-i Ceffee; loo B-»xes Tobacco; 20 » Barrels Rectilied Whiskey; 1 oth’W choice Brandies; loon Boxes Snuff; 5oo sacks Salt ; irirate st ick ; lo » boxes State and Eng. Dairy Cheese; \id mv qianritv of Sod 1, S*arch, Pickles, C 4 tsups, S mces. Preserves, Fruits, Cordials, Ovs* ers. \f *. jker.d, S 1 •• 1 i *-. B*ick •?« Broo-ns, Tubs, (’hums, Arc., to wltieh attention is invited. \ v iitin*r vmr c » :i n 1 ads i id tlw »ys at vour services, We are. respectfullv. Atlanti.. Nov. 1, 1-559. ' COX, HILL & CO. fJ’MVO months after date application will he I made to the Court, of Ordinnrv of said :^r A.nd what enh races its V due, is the En tire Absence of ill N nise-ms Taste, being a .Pleasant and Delicious Svrup. u iice $2 per bottle, or three. h<dtb*s for POTTER & MERWIN, S »le Pmprietors, St. Louis, Mo. I'-*y"Sold in Cassvllle, by S. Lew, and all j the dealers in medicines. In Atlanta bv all T 1 Druggists. John Wright Co., New Orient.s. anti II iviland, Stevenson C*»., Charleston, S. C., wholesale agents for the South. March 5, 1 $40—1 v. not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this May 30, \ <«7».—3.‘d N. LAND, Ordu’y. r |^ VO months after date we will apply to the I Court «»f Ordinary of F mom county I t B. If LEEKE, 1 Fv< , rntor , B T. LEEKE, f Exccutor& * Cassville, Ga., June 13, —-ant Executor’s Fele. - Executors. P URSUANT tn the will nf William Ander son, late deceased, ut Baldwin cmfty, *vi 11 be s dil befnri* the (limi t Iluitsi* doer at Cass ville, nt* the first Tuesday in August next, let of fattd No 416, in the 17th district and d section, ol originally Cherokee nmv Cass enun- tv, coutaitiing 40 tier* s, more or less, belong ing to said estate. Terms Cash. Possession given the first of next rear. 1). Jl. ANDERSON, I L. B. ANDERSON, f June 27, I860.—tda Administrator’s Sale. v-iTJLI, he sold before the Court house door \ \ in the t**vi it of Cassville, county of Cass and State of Georgia, agreeable to an order of the Ordinary of the county of Floyd, and State aforesad, oh the first Tuesday in August next within the leptl hours of sale, the following 33oots st 17ld Slioes, * at the sign of the rig boot. Cherokee Block, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. W E have noiv in store, and an* daily receiving, the larg*st and best slock of Boots arid Shoes over before offered in this mark**!, consisting in p n t of the following sty lis : Gentlemen’s fi-ie French Calf Water-Pro.if Boot ; Gentlemen’s fine French Calf stilchid \loft Boots; Gentlemen's tine French Calf stitched B itto'ii Units; Gentlemen's fitw French Calf square-edge Bouts; Gentlemen's line French Calf welted Boots; Gentlemen’s fine French Calf in; np-S'ili* Bouts; Gentlemen's tine French Calf pumivsnle pegged B i *ts; Gentlemens’ line French C ilf stout and light pegged Boots; Gentlemen's Iim* French Cult Congress (Jai lers; Gentlemen's line French Calf Oxf .rd Ties and Bngsus: (4,oitlometi’s fine French Cali Oxfo d Boots; Gentlemen’s, Ladies’, Misses’, Boys’ and Children’s Rubbers; Ladles’ fine Siik Lasting, Kid iixed Congress (Inters, with heels; Ladles’ fine Patent [.father foxed Congress G otrrs with heels; Ladies’ fine G *»ve Ki*l (hingress G liters; Lrnlie Boy’s, Youth’s" and Children’s Boots; Ladies’, Mesas’, R iv’s. Children’s and Infant’-* Shoes of even* vnrietv an 1 style ; also, a I-trge assort’nent of Men s and B i\’s C ilf. Buff. Wax l.eathir. Kip and !in-*i-t Itrog ns. House Servant's Shoes, Ae. The iib*ive Good-, are manufactured hv its expressly f..r the retail trade, ami’ will be sold at lower prices than a similar quality of O.imis cm be bought in this market, and as low ns they c:in be bought in th** State. We warrant every article w. sell to be manufactured from good material, and well made. If not as we recommend them, we repair them free of eh srge. We also keep constantly na hand a he ivy stock of () ik and Hemlock Sole Leather; Side. Kip and Russet Upper; French Calfskins'; Morocco Skins; Lining and Binding Skins ; Boot Trees, Lasts, Pegs'. Shoe Thread, and Sh >em iki r’s Kit -all of which will be sold, wholesale or retail, at low prices. XST~ At the sign of the Big hint. Peachtree Street. i*i.-‘- *v— i — 1 -*-e * DIM ICK, Wl LSOX A CO., Successors to Dimick A Mix. Atlanta, Dec. 13, ls">9. S. Ti. ROBSON" & CO.. Ho ward Association.! r, “ ! ’ r;iB t Cass conn,y * T>„„ YATHEREAS. Elihu Stedbam applies tor Pun.ADELPI.IA, PSNN. | \V for letters ..f .Psmission from the g„ a •t*i‘ t. » js»*U tbe real :iu<i mTsonal p**nportv nf i .. * i »m;«3 W. Oliver, lateo£saiil countvdfCcHS-j l ,n , ‘ 1 •'* r ta ti ti *i* a l The interest of Dr. Thonins Hamilton, de- Mir.v F. Ot.tvFtt, Administra-rix. i ceased, in the Adairsville Hotel, the exact WiLt.t.vM K.Ui-Lt, Administrator. i "umher of shares not recollected; the Brtc< M :v 23, 1 2m. I Store House in Adairsville where Joseph L. iJLl 1—I—1 j Neal now sells goods; tl»e Wooden Buildinp I next adj »ininor, on the South, not occupied, [ and the house known in said town as the En- ■?hop Propertv, adjoining the residence ■\ri Institution *•#*/ thlUhtd h)/ N, 1\&iwn*nt fur thr Relief of the ISVet* and Ruit-css v/, u if;etc l with \~trol+nt tisul A] dr' {):<'!*, ..■, Hoi t*o hilly ftp the cure Ditea*'* if tht > cal Onj i,is. o f Special j dian.>liip of W. I*. Stedhnm. NVVv <iu<! I These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any thev ^ave, wbv said letters should not be granted* Given under my hand at ofhro, tr-is May 3«\ 1S6'L—4’^d N. LAND, Ordinary. Lporsia. Cass County. \ LL persons co ce~ned w II please t »ke no- - f»rvrx tla*it *lft.iP ♦!»»* nTn:i*;lf Mil Ilf <IVi.V d:lV< I pine rihrjp nf J.ihn C- Ayc**ek. Alsu, lot of land No. i in th** (ith district and 3d section, und No. Us, i in the 16H> district and 3d section. All sold 1 as the prop-rty <*f Dr. Thomas Hamilton, late | of Floyd cont'iy, deceased, and for the benefit ; the hei*s. i Tkicms. Cn dit until ..ext Christmas, note j wbh approved security, interest lrnm date if not punctually paiu. D. M. IIOOD, Adm’r. I June 20. 1560. M F.mCAL ADVICE given gratis, m the| Acting Surge in, to all who apply by let-j ter, with a description of their condition, {nge. i oocnpitiivr.. habits of life. Ac ,) and in cases oft extreme perertv, ;* J .‘cin *s famished free ol I doable rep irts on the diseases of ti,,* s-x j ^ Z '££ CiheO^OnS | Cass Mortgage Sheriff’s Sales iVil't>rg*n.*,<4;nd ,>7, ‘ the new remedies employ- j n; i rv n f Gass c«*untv f <r leave t<» sell the r**a! ; \TT1LL be sold before the ciuirt house door cJ in the ILspeosnrv, seat to the afilicled in a f estate of Archibald H« nderson. late of the State \ \ in the tow 11 of ('assville, <\ass county, vSe iicJ ettvehq ?, tree ot charge. Two or three | of Arkansas, d* co isod. « Georgia, on the first Tuesday in August Tse^t, stamps far postn*!.; will he acceptable. j JOHN \Y. HENDERSON, j the hdli.wm^ property to-wit: Ad Ires* D »c;. .f. S. Houuhtan. \e*i Stir- ; june 0.— 2m] £cnn, tL»wtt*d V-**och»\t«»n, No. 2 South Nimh j s!., Bhila-Ic’ljbi;. Bv order of the pin et .rs. , rp „- 0 ,,f tor date K. D.eIKv«cr»i r.i.L, Prestd f. 1 GEO. FAIRCHILD. Secretarr. Oct. 13, IS59—ly. Adm’r. One n« pr»« bt»y ahx ut twenty-one years of age, of uirk complexion, named Moses; levied on ate application will be j as the pr« pertv « I Georoft* T Connell, to satis- irr of Cass <Vn»»tv f«»r fv a mtfrt^atrt* h f>, issued from the Inferior T II E Greatest Reduction EVER MADE ix STANDARD * ■ i,*av.* to sell the real e.'t *to of 3V**;. Bagwell, I Court of Carroll cou’ity, in favor of John W. I ,)..,*,.,s,-d. JOHN L. ROWE. ) Stewart, vs. George T. Oottnell, proiierty poin- June e , :560. Adm’r. ! ted out in said fi f i. me 1. A. M. FRANKLIN, Sheriff. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Offer for Sale, 2*'K) ba«s Ui» CoSes* 4 > b i-rs .1 tra Coffee; 2nb igs Lagu tyr.i C-ffee; l<*0 barrels A B and C “ ' Sugars; 4*1 barrels p .w lered ... 1 crush-1; 2ih-.gshe.dsf ur to ch-nce Scg« rs; 25 bales Gunnv B iggi ig. 1 i t coils Rope; 275 kegs N ids; tun b.rrel.s**f W h-sky— tlssurl-d • 20 b iskets Ch impagne ‘Vine; 200 b ixes Candles; 2'.0 s icks Salt: loo b ixes T ib iceo, !0*J,000 H ivan t. American and German Ciinrs- 2 5 barrels best Cider and White Wine Vinegar; Cheese Buckets Tubs,’Wines, Brandies, Powder, Sh .t. Lead. Table Silt, Starch, Soda, Cnckers, Preserves, Pickles, Mackerel, Brooms, Ac., Ac. Their business will be done strictly on the SYSTEM, and prices will be found at the LO>\ Lr>T FIGURLb. Atlanta, Nov. 1, lb-59. CO^IBIN A.TI0N PLAN. Drawn every day at 4 o’clock. CAPITAL PRIZES, <540.000! 0055.0O0 ft25.000’ $20,000 c»io.noo ^5,000! ^2 500! ET0 ! TICKETS FROM Jl TO $10. In ordering Tickets, state the Class, en close flu* money i<»« ur address, and on receipt «»f it we v-il! send waul is »*racrcd by retur mail. £^“A11 commuiiicitions strictly confiden tial. 7^" Purchasers will please write tin ir sig natures pi tin, and jftve their P«»t Office C*>un- tv and State. Circular.**, containing full explanations of our Schemes, Ac., will be forwarded by mail, to any one sending us his name. Address all orders to HODGES, I> \ Y!S & CO., Macon, Ga. Tickets in.the ah'» r e Plans f**r sale by Nov 17 AV. D. BURRIS, Cassville. TO CONSUMPTIVES NERVOUS SUFFERER F r |' , I!E subscriber, for several years a resident 1 of Asia, discovered while there, a simple vegetable remedy--a sure cure for C**n*VMp- f ion, lii’oncbtti*, CoUU. und iXer-eov* Debility. F«*r ‘.he benefit Consumptives and Nervous Sufferers, he is willing to make the same public. To those who desire it lie will send the Pres cription, with full directions free of charge;— also a sample of the medicine, which they will find a beautiful combination of Nature’s simple lie. bs. Those desiring the Remedy can obtain it bv return mail, bv addrts>*i g J. E. CCTHBERT, Botanic Physician. No. 42U Broadway, apr. 1^—Sm. New York. 3a r tli & Nicolai, ATLANTA, GA., KEEP f*ir suit* the cele- brated PIANOS of W.M. K X A BE A CO., of Balti more, Md., und in udditimi to these, the PIANOS of all the best fact iries of the United States can be f und at our establishment -.n Whitehall street. Entrance through the Music and Va riety Store of H. Braumuller. Nov. 1. S. B. ROBSON R. C. ROBSON. TE3RMS C A. SH. •» A. €, WYLY & €0 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Tobacco, &c., Macon Book Depository. JOHN W. Bl’RKE, Agent. W 0U1.D respectfully solicit the patronage of the public generally, and especially of the Denomination, for tile Conference De pository, located ill Macon, Ga He keepftcon- stantlv'on hand a good supply of METHODIST BOOKS, from Nashville and New York, which will be sold at the same Prices— w bolesale and retail —as nt the place of Publication. Besides these, will always be a great variety of Religions Woiks—embracing all the works of the day, whether American or Foreign. He will order at short notice, anv Book not on hand. The variety of BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, PRAYER BOOKS, Ac., is equal to any in the SaU»h. Also School and College Text Books, at Nor thern Prices, with expenses added. Particular attention paid to filling orders from Faculties and Teachers who buy to sell again. We now supply some of th-first Institutions in the South Give us a trial. Blank Books,Stationery, Sheet Mo-tc, Math ematical Instruments, and every article usual ly kept in a BOOK 9?T0RE, j3f* Orders respectfully solicited. Address apr 25 JOHN W. BURKE. Macon, Ga. Divorce in Cass Superior Court. Divorce in Cass Superior | Court. 2,396 Prizes Amounting to $599,599 Whole tickets $10—Halves $5- Quarters $2,50 Certificate sot Pa* kagt-s in the above Sell, nte tube drawn each Wirit.esday, ot Tickets, will be sold fm $149 ft; 1> nis and quail* rs m proportion; winch is tit* rsk. In Ordering Tickets or CcitiCc&tcs, Enclose the amount of inoiity to* m ioi tiss tor wit it ion wish to ptiich.iM ; in- u.e tin i ot- tery in which you with it ii.ii.-iiu. at i wl.til.- t- von w - sti i* hole.-, lo. IV i.- i t II,i lit ii, , ] i * - : of wI*.eli tn- sin** whi t is i.iuivtc, L, l*rst mail, t'-g* tin I u .tb il l n 1 « n e Immediately atur tl>* oati t; r jritid -Irawing, ter* lud to ly tl*e t * ii n*irsii i.iis, will be'sent, witl all ixplnnatioi . Purchasers will pleas* writ* :licit sign tuns -ilain, and give their 1 osi Ollice, t'oui iy an*; Slate. All prizes of$l,'i0lt and under, paid in n.idi- itolv ittet the drawing—otliei prizes at the u siinitime of forty Jr-vs. All cominuiiicatioiis stiictlv coi f di i tial. Wood, Eddy & Co.V J.ottitiis i t* diann st \ugusta, Ga., and Wilmington. l)il ?‘A€TS I J’jr Si r ’!? , 0 TSVsn b r Lotteries, CAPITAL PRIZE $50,COO ! I/JIA ir.V EVERY S.l TER DA Y. Whole Tickets |t*0, U-»lvc.s >5. Quarters #2;^ Adflr^Ordei? forTicketMir C**rtific«t« * to WOOD, EDDY*ft ( 0.. AA ilmin^toii, Del. or WOOD, EDDY ft CO., L« u:s, Mo. C:reulu|-j» c«>tita*ii>i g SilitlM? It.r llie ojooth will be sti:t, flee ol tlj tloe, Lv t.d- tlressing ::s above. May 23. lb*6U. LOOK I STARTUm GRAND SCHEME FDR JU 1ST E , 1860. Georgia State Lottery. Me KINNEY & CO., Managers. Authorized bv special act of the Legislature. 25,828 Prizes ! $5G<;,040 More than one prize to every two tickets. Capital Prize, CCO.XC0! TICKETS ONLY *lo. Halves, Quarters and Eighths in proportion. T»» be drawn each Saturday in 1SC0, in the City Of Savannah, Ga. Class 74 draws Saturday, Jut e 2. 1860. Class 75 dr ws Safnrdnt, June I', pt:C, Class 73 draw » Saturday, «#ui.e 18, 1>60. Class 77 draws Saimdi %, Jm-e 23, l.‘» 0 Class 7b draws Saturday, June 8»», Magnificent Scla n.c. 1 Prize <*f $60,01 0 1 5 Prizes of $1,000 1 Prize of 2-*."00 | 10 Pr zts of 500 1 Prize of 10,m (i 1 2 I'r.zes of 4(0 1 Prize of 5,(7* 0 | 2 I’r zt s of *• 0 1 Prize of 4,0*"" J 2 Pr.zts of 2i 0 1 Prize of 3,000 | 50 Pr zes of 150 1 Pr ze of 2,00" lnO I riz*-s of 100 1 Pr ze of l,50o 1 10" I’r Zi s of 95 1 Prize of l,li o | 100 Pr zts of So II LORO I A, CASS COUNTY.—Whereas F J M Smith applies t.i me for letters dis- j dmiuistration on the estate of! fiforTia, Cass ronnty. 12REAS. Thomas J. W*»ff»rd applies to _ \ Y m ,. f r letters of <-u- ttPanship^ of the I uussory from „.-r,.. n pr. p.. tv of M*»rv E. rd. „,.** James J. Smuli, deceased ... I ,.f tlm ■** ,„*r eli Mien nf William B. W.-ff rd. I These ire therefore to cite and admonish all . , i nersons cuncerued to be and appear at my of- j * "riiesc "•»* ther-f'.r.* t cite and admonish al' fir.-, within the time prescribed by law. to show : n..^ e-mcernrd hr i. d .i*p,*nr at my **(- j cause, it mv they have, why saidlcttersshould | fid* within tbe time prescribed hv 1 ,w. and not be granted. '• sh -*v cause if anv thev have, whv said letters j Given under my hand at office, this March should not be granted. _ .... : 15th. !sr„i-6m. N. LAND. Ord- -liWO months attel date application wi!l be I made to the Urdu arc of Cass County VATTni* I leave « sell, at private sale, all the wild and AUi iv i-' > i scat.-ring lands belonging the estate of Mar- i rpHK undersigned, having purchased (be en- I tin Stedham late of C; 4 «s eountv, deceased. ! 1 tire stock of GOODS-and stand bidongmg; ?T> M 1 Executors ; to J. D CartHtoter. is now offering the same j ‘ »\«I FT- f 1 on such terms as will snit purchasers. He is J TIIOs*. M. AN. LEI, 7 Stceet. Atlanta, Ga. AVING been brought up in the Wholesale Trade, and sold Got ds to the Merchants oft . ^ Ge*ugi i and a lj lining States, everv Spring and Fill, for the last thirteen years, mid claim to know something of the w mts of the people, and ot the ra inner in which a wholesale business should be conducted. We buy altogether with ready cash ; this enables us to buy Groceries at lower prices th m any one can possibly buy them on time, consequently we call afford to sell as 1*,vv as anv house in Charleston, Savannah, or Augusta. Trv ns. Orders promptly filled. ' AUGUSTINE C. WA LY, Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 9, 1830-ly. BfeNJ. F. WYLI. Polly Watson TS n. C. Watson. Emily Moore vs James Moore. Given under tny hand at office, this Mat 22, ! • jg.j*i,—l.y*l ' N. LAND, Ord'n :rv l A if Sort SELLING THE __ Vmnrovdd Bartkolf laaily i Xtermit^d to ^l. and those wishing^g-aids, j ^lUUUi* - " I K-,11 d*, well to give him < tnal, as he is sat-s- - .. ... , SEWING M AO HINES I fiw , that from the terms upon which he has ' rpWO months alter date application wi Ibi* i nnrch iM'd this s’uck of giaids, be can aff rd In j I made to the Ordinary < f Cass entintv tor At a reduction of Twenty Dollars j j? . ^ ^cb. prices as all will be satisfied ! leave t-isell the real estate of William Watts, from former prices. ’ -:,V Come and trv, vou will find tbe vnung | deceased. , A Nett Straigh’- Nfl&Hc U tchroe is now *>“«’ r ^ T^eud Ben, ready and willing to ;; A. LEYDEN. arthubhaire. At*s»tii,Nov. i, r oral Agent r men, Tho’i 1 w»tt on vou. fassvme, ap>- Mav 3 —2m J. 8. CUNNINGHAM, i F. M. WATTS. I JnDe 6, 1S60.—Sir. Exr’s. Hardware! Hardware! CLARKE & LEWIS, WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA, GA. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF ALL KINDS OF HARLWAH35, - Iron, Steel, Nails, Hoes. Chains. Picks, Mattresses, MiB and “Crosscut and Circular Saws, Bellovrses, Anvils. Vices, Rope, Com Shelters and Straw Cutters, Leather and Rubber Belting and Packing, Building Material, Cntlery, Giles, Pistols, Carriage Hardware, Springs. Axles, Hubs, Spokes, Ac. Jan 88, ’80—ly- r T appearing to the Court, by the return of . the Sheriff, that he defendant in each of the j cases, stated a b *ve do not reside in this* county, and it further ajipearing .hut neither of them i residein this State, it is. on motion, ordered, that said defendants appear and answer at the next term **f this court, else the cases be eon- | sldered in default and -he plaintiffs allowed to proceed. And it is *nrther ordered that this order be published once a month for four months before the next term of this court. DAWSON A. WALKER, J. S. 0. C. C. A tme extraetfrnm Minutes of Court, March 17, I860. T. A. Wo«d, Clerk, i April 13, 168*1—m4m APPROXIMATION PHIZES. 25,448 Prizes Amount.t g to $212,140 25,828 Prizes Amonnt’g to £306,040 W ILL BE DRAWN lUISMCMH. Certificate of will be smd at the following rates* wlrch is the risk: Certificate of Packages of to whole tickets $60 “ ’• 10 half 44 30 44 44 10 quarter 44 15 44 44 lo eighth 44 7.50 A SPENDID DRAWING. Ou the Three Numti^r Drawn every Wednesday and fc'atut d: 1 Capital Prize of ] Pi ize of 1 Pr ze of 1 Prize of 1 Pi ize of 1' Pr zes of 40 Pi izes of .50 Prizes of 259 Prizes of 6* Prizes of 04 Pr zes of 64 Prize* of 5.6-"*2 Prizes of 2a,224 Prizes of 2i,0i*0 4,500 4,000 3,0i I* 2.171 700 17a 125 80 50 30 20 10 5 >281,481 N0TTCF. T HE undersigned having sold out his entire interest in the mercantile business in Cass-1 ville. is desimus of closing np b— Nasaness, he j themfore hopes that aB persons -ndebted to I bin will make settlements at tbe esr iert mo- i uent, as he is compelled to wind up* business j ot several rears standing. His notes and ae- 4 counts can'be found at the old stand, which is now occupied by Mr. A. Haire, for whom he - i bespeaks i continuance of the patronage here- | ; tofore so liberally received, and for which he | ■ feels under manv obligations, ‘ J D. CARPENTER. | 1 Mav 9, I860.—3tn 34.412 Piizes Amounting to Whole Ti. ki ts fo. Shares in Proportion. Ik Oroehixg Tickets or Ckrtificatis. Enclose the 110.111-3 to * ur address for tbe Ticket* ordered,’ini riCeipt ol wli il. Il.iy will be torna> ded by first mail Pirrchastis <1 ti hare Tickets eudii g in any figure they n*sy designate. The list of drawn nnnibers and prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. All communications strictly eorfdential. Address Orders for Tickets «*r Cuff cates fo McKINNFY A fo., Mcb 24,1859—ly. Savannah, Ga. D. M. YOUNG, Agent, WHOLESALE and retail DEALER IK [FUHNJXTOE, OF EVERY. DESCRIPTION, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, 6a, Feb. 9,1880—ly.