The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, July 18, 1860, Image 3

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The arrangement with Commodore Van derbilt just completed, for the transporta tion of the Pacific mails, tri-monthly, will imminence on tho 11th inst, and continue * nd P a ? up - ® IX “, unlh * 1,3 lon F “» j Groceries can be sold, and this being our rule CASH! CASH! CASH! A LL porsone indebted to us for GROCE KIES, are respectfully requested to call till the 4th of March next He is to re ceive postages, and the President is to re- nommend that Congress give a rcasonoble compensation besides. The mails would have been carried by the la9t steamer had his dispatch from Saratoga to Mr. Allen his agent, been received by the latter be fore the steamer left. Special polices. tHE OXYGENATED BIT! ERS. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heart Burn, Water Urasb, Sour Stomach, Jaundice, Flatulency, Oaneral Debility, Ac., find ready relief and •paady curs in this great remedy. , Tbs Oxtusxatbd Bittsbs are believed hr many who b-jve been cured of the above cojft- plaints to be the only medicine which the 4»a- <#ric Medica affords for their infallible cure.— It is not an alcoholic preparation, which, while ,ng a momentary stimulus, icduces the sys tem is the snan ratio ; but one distinct and different from any medical preparation ever compounded, and which will, in moat cases, ex tract the disease by tho roots and restore the patisnt to pristine health. In proof of which, testimony of the very highest aud unexception able character is presented. Reliable Testimony. We call the attention of the reader to the following letter from President Smith, of Wes- Itj University. MinDLETOWK, Conn., Feb. 28, 1850. Moasrs. S. W. Fowls A Co.:— r Gentlemen -—I first made use of the Oxyge nated Bitter* some seven or eight years sin Having suffered for twenty years from a ' of Dispepsia, which was attended with t vous headache, on an averaga of not less one day in a week. I was induced bv the un pretending recommendation of Dr. Green "to try one bottle and if no benefit was received to discontinue the use.” The use of one bottle warranted a further trial, to the extent of some three or four, with a careful observance of the directions. The result was an almost entire relief from the usual dyspeptic symptoms nn«l their depressing, painful consequences. I be lieve these bitters produced an entire change in the habits of my system and upon the active energies of the digestive organs. I now deem mvself as exempt from dispepsia as most per sons. These bitters have also been of service to other members of rav family. Very respectinllv vours, AUGUSTUS W. SMITH. Prepared by SETH W. FOWLF. A CO., Bos ton, and for sale by A. Hairs. Cassviiie. Kramsii. Lslasd A Joses, Cartersvilie. Samuil V. Sdcats, Kingston. And by nearly all Druggists. June 20.—lm we confidently .expect to be paid promptly. We call attention to our Large Stock of Bagging, Rope, £09988, SALT, IRON, MOLASSES, And all Articles of PLANTERS’ SUPPLIES, which we will s.-il low for Cash or Six Months time. m HOWARD, 3TQHELY 1 CO, jyily 13. CaetbBst,la4^Ga. [6TEL FOR SALE THE undersigned, from long continued bad health, is compeLed to retire from publ ! c life, being unable to give proper atten tion to business, he therefore offers for sale his large and well arran-ed and located BRICK HOTEL, to which is attached good out houses, stable and stable lots, all in good repair, ready for business. The property is as well arrang ed and located for a Hotel as can be found in a country village. Cassviiie is the Court house town, and in one of the richest sod most pop ulous counties it: Cherokee Georgia; healthy and well watered. There are in the plaee two Colleges—male nnd female— in a flourishing condition. In fact, I know of no town where there arc so many inducements offered to ant who are desirous of educating their children and at the same time make money. 1 am de termined to sell and will give great induce ment., to purchasers. Those wishing to pur chase will do well to make application soon. Come and sec the property, or address me at Cassviiie, Ga. WILLIAM LATIMER. July 13 I860. G8f" The Atlanta Intelligencer and Augusta Chronicle A Sentinel will publish one month and forward bill to W. L. IEVCMW fiepogiittfU, ATLANTA, GA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IS THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. sir James clarkes Celebrated Female Fills. Eddleman & Banks, .ERS IN BOOTS, SHOES AND Leather, Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Jan. 26, 1860—ly. W W.WOOD- . RUFF A CO. have opened a large nnd splendid stock of Carriages in Atlanta, of every variety ot style, consisting of Coaches, BERLINS, PHOTONS, Br6ttS, ^lide-icat, Top and Vo top and Concord Buggies, [lacks and Jersey WAGONS, Harness, WHIPS, &c. lome, everybody, ; ,nd see our stock. Nov. 1,1859. HERZBERG & BROTHERS, Cartersvilie, HAVE JUST OPENED A 9144 9tm 99 CASH BEY &Q&M HOUSE. JONES, SCOTT, OMBERG & CO. WE ARE RECEIVING OCR USUAL SUPPLY OF # 1 Sprinff and Summer Goods, (Spring & Summer Goods, * ® i Consisting in part of staple aud Fancy Dry GoexJ*, lleabD-$lki>f Closing. AND GENT’S furnishing goods. Siloes, Soots &a, .fee. Ladies Will find .rerjr of—* b^t judge,of gK,d, o ,n thm county ^ rf aboveasaertious, Always ready to j thing connected With their Toilet, to whicfa We dill They have beeen bought for CASH, under the most advantageous circumstances. W« thev are handsome, and know thev are as cheap as can be had any where. The great amoon. of onr sales, our long experience in business, aud the abundant facilities wc p-ssws mr pur j chasing, we trust will be m sufficient guarmntee to our friend*, that Wc can and will j justice, j Our Merchant Tailoring Establishment, CONDUCTED BY MR. OMBERG, We refer every I serve our friends, we are Rome, Ga. April 25, I860. Truly. JONES, SCOTT, OMBERG 4 CO. CITY HOTEL; ATLANTA, GA. BY DR T. H. DOZIER. HI3 House has undergone thorough 17- pairs, and is now open for the accommoda tion of transient custom, where travellers will find ns good fare as at any house in the city at 35 cents pel meal. Board at (6 per week, and 7 16 to $20 per month. Porters always at the trains to attend to Baggage free of charge.— Give us a call. Atlanta, Feb. 16, 1860. ■T ROYAL Prepared from a prescription „f air J. Clsrke, $ D., Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in tht •are of ail those painful and dangerous diseas es to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all ob structions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it ie peculiarly suited. It will, in » short time bring on the monthly period with regularity. Kaeh bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Go vernment Stamp of Great Britain to prevent imunterfeite. CAUTION.—These Pill* should not be ta ken by females during the first three months ot Pregnancy, as they are sure to br. * on Miscar riage. but at any other time they re safe. In all eases of Nervous and Spinal affection* Pais in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics sad Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when ell other means have failed; and although a -powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the constitu tion. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefu 1 preserved. 8ole agent for the Unned States and Canada, JOB MOSES, (Late I. C. Baldwin 4 Co.,) Rochester, N. V. N. B.—$1,00 and 6 postage stamps enclos ed to any authorised Agent, will insure a bot tle, containing 60 pills, by return mail. gRTSoldin Cassviiie bv 8. Levy, and all dealers in medicine—in Atlanta by Massey A l.ansdale. John Wright A Co., New Orleans, •nd Haviland, Steven sob A Co., Charleston, S. C., wholesale agents for the South. March 8—It, List of Letters R EMAINING in the Post 0 hce at Cassviiie, Georgia, on the 1st day of July, 1S60, which if not taken out within three months will be sent to the general post office as Dead Letters: Arnold, James A. Harris, E. M. Adams, John Holland, S. J. Addler, Z. Hail, Miss C. A. Alexander, Miss L. A. Hogans, Miss Nancy Barren, M<ss Matiidv Hall, Thus. J. Booker, Thomas Boston, M. J. Baker, Wm. Conley, Henry Cooksey, J. M. Charner, R. P. Day, E. Bails, 0. W. 2 Edwards, E. W. Echols, J. M. Grisham, George George, M. A. Green, John Hardy, John Humphreys, J. L. Johnson, W. H. McCrack.n, Sam. Nurd, Joseph Nance, Jefferson O’lieul, J. R. Pittingall, Robt. Russell, M. L. Stevens A Co. Slaughter, Robt. Simpson, Dan’l. H. Templeton, J. L. Weatherd, Miss C. C. A Walker, J. Persons calling for any of the above Letters will please ask for "advertised letters," and bring change to pay for advertising. July 4—St. ’ A. HAIRE, P. M. The Good Times have come at Last I 2,380 Prizes! Four Capital Prizes! A. J. ALEXANDER’S FORTY-EIQ-HTH MAGNIFICENT Cash, Watch and Land GIFT DISTRIBUTION. WILL BE DRAWN AT FRANKLIN, IND., Monday, August 6, 1860. Cash Prize of $500 in Amencaa Gold. Horse, Buggy and Harness, $400. SjileoM flosetoood £1300 forte, Ui}i- qet) $350. 363 Gold and Silver Watches, All in Hunting Cases from $13 to $250. 273 Prizes ia American Gold, from $2-50 TO 500- 200 ACRES OF FARMING LAND. 419 Setts Solid Silver and Donble Plated Ware. Patent Self-Winding and American Sport ing Watehes, Gold and Silver Vest Chains, Bracelets, Ac., Ac., Ac. Number of Prizes, 2,3S0 Value of Prizes $16,520 Tickets Limited to 16,500 DR A WJHGS TAKE PLACE MONTHLY. py Every Ticket-holder receives a printed list of drawn numbers, free of charge. ZNS~ All drawings take placejnpubiice, su :xet holders. [From the Troy Budget.] The Siege of Corinth. It is said that one of the former political di visions of this State took its name from two smous lines in this poem—namely— •• The foes that he singly kept at bay Outnumbered his thin hairs of Silver Grey. Ws cannot voneh for the truth of this, but ,ws do know that under the effects of applica tions of Heimstreeta famous Hair Restorative, “Silver Greys” rapidly become (in appear ance at least,) membeas of “ Young America.” Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold eve- perinteuded exclusively by the Ticl whereby all dealers in medicine, and in Cass- j REFERENCES rille by Samuil Lsvr. W. E. HAGAN A CO. j | take great pleasure in referring all who july 18—lm Proprietors, Troy, N. 1. : are anxious for information respecting my - honesty, business promtitude, Ac., to any of Piaiwlss S«) Skin Biswases. the Countv officers. Postmasters, Express A- j gents, Justices of the Peace, Merchants, Rep- |-the result n f impure blood. The blood be- resentatives, and Senators of Johnson, or any «omes thick and clogged. The skin is not a- i of the numerous Agents in the various parts vi. tn CKS t off the impurities so important to th * Union, who have attended my drawings. Sis to css u r As the above named are personally acquaint- .isalth. How many young men and women we ^ wme< an j mos t 0 f them have attended with their faces covered with pimples and my numerous drawings, I will request all who blotches who are endeavoring to remove them wish to satisfy themselves of the safety ot hr the use of soaps ami - ——— -entlemen This is very dangerous and should never be K ’ ... , . an* im * , Agents wanted in everT locality, to practiced by persous desirous of good health. w ^ om t jj e mos t liberal inducements are offer- Mothers who have children afflicted with sores ed. and eruptions, should never dry them by exter- j ALL PRIZES PROMTLY PAID. sal applications, for in this way they will drive SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. SPi in the humors and produce ill health far the sj„ s | e Tickets $1. Six Tickets $5. child during its whole life time. There is no iiFT tvnKR mother who likes to see her children afflicted j Franklin, Johnson County, Indians, with faebls health. ; June 27, I860.—6m Jenson's Mount am Htma Pitas are pre- pared expressly for the care of eruptions of th. CARTERSVILLE RE8TAURAHT, skin, sack ss Pimples, Blotches, Sores Ac.— BY MADDOX 4 PUCKETT. They cleanse the blood of all impurities, pro- ( daring a beautiful, clear and healthy skin, so •ach aitsired by all people of taste and re- ‘ "judsoa’s Mountain Barb Villa ara sold hr all Medium Dealers. [jo ns 20—lm CARTERSVILLE Provision Store, BY J. J. HANNA. 1st door west of the Railroad, coming from ! Atlanta. K EEPS constantly on hand, at : derate j prices. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, 1 heese, • Candies, Nuts. West India Fruits; Ci rsand Tobacco of the best manufacture. Will keep open during the winter seasou a first rate EATING Saloon: Oysters, Chetse, Crackers. Dried Beef and Bec7 Tongue, Ac.—to which the at tention of the public, and travellers especially are invited. Children’s Toys of almost every description, on hand at lour figures. Call and see him. Jan. 26. 1860. CARTERSVILLE EMPORIUM OF FASHION. HOWARD, STOKELY & CO., Are receiving their large and well selected Stock of nw sums in an nk And would announce to the public that they are now prepared to offer them one of the largest, cheapest, mast fashionable and substantial stock of STASH ABB TABSY BBT 8SSBS. Ready-made Clothing, Flats, Boots and Shoes, that nvi ever been brought to the Cherokee country. In addition to their Dry Goods house, they have^commodhuisG R0 C E R Y HOUSE, where they keen,constant v on hand a Urge stock of Groceries—Coffee. Sugar, Molasses, Rme, Bacon, Ac. Also, Bagging, Rope, Twin , Negro Shoes and Blankets, Kerseys, Oanaburgs, and many other things too tedious to men tion. Call and look at our Goods. TT/avarovd QfnlrnW ft Co. CARTERSVILLE, GA., Oct. 13, 1359. HOWard, atOKCiy « the attention of the public generally. Cartersvilie, Gt., March 28, I860.—w3m HERZBERG 4 BR0TB£K£. wga»» ER LAWSHE, DEALER IN Clocks, kWATCHES, Jewelry, Silver and plated WARE, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Watches carefully repaired and warranted. This is one of the oldest estab lished houses in Atlanta. Feb. 9,1860—ly. 3XT otioe. L OST or stolen from my note book, two promissory notes, one of said notes given by E. K. Winuett for one hundred dollars, da ted about the 1st or 3d of November, 1859, and made payable to David Roberson or bearer, and due 25th December, 1860, with interest from date; the other note on Cbarrity Sorrels for sixty dollars, dated the same time of the other note, made payable to David Roberson, and due 25th December, I860, bearing interest from date. As I have not traded said notes to any person, I forewarn all persona from trading for them,- and also forewarn the maker uf said notes from paving them to any person except myself. ' JONATHAN McDOW. 'June 27.—tf MRS. DURAND bus the pleas of announcing to her friends o f Cassviiie, and vi cinity, that her Spring Bonnets have arrived, and that the will ba pleased to fill all orders with the same promptitude and precision as heretofore, and hopes to receive theii patronage. Atlanta, apr 5, 1S60—ly. Hardware, Stoves, Iron, &c. AT W80&89A&8 m8 BV RAlWSON, GILBSRT & BURE, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Importers of English Hardware, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND dealers directly from Americ in manufactories of all goods in the line. PARLOR, OFFICE and COOK STOVES, EOF EVERY PATTERN, AT LOW RATES. Also, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PLATED, PLANISHED, BRITANNIA asp JAPAN ED WARES, At low prices for Cash, orders promptly filled. March lo, 1359 ly. NEW BSSE-BIESKBY IN ATLANTA, GEO. Ruling and Book Binding. HE subscribers re spectfully inform the public that they have commenced in the city of Atlanta, a new BOOK BINDE RY. L Day Ac., Hotel and Sta ble Registers, Dock ets, Record Books, Ac., with or without Headings, and ruled to any pattern desir ed, manufactured in the neatest and most durable manner, at short notice. Magazines. Music, Newspapers. Ac., neatly bound, without delay. Urders from any part of the State will meet with prompt attention, and Books required to be sent by mail, hind, wagon, or railroad, enre- fully enveloped so aa to avoid the possibility of injury by transportation, j ’ J. P. MASON A CO. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. ?, 1860—ly. E. J. * B. W.CHAVEB, SURGEON DENTISTS, Office over Hoi brook’s hat store, opposite Bcath < Root, ATLaKtl- Ga.—One of the firm will visit Csss occasional!/ and will be pleas ed to wait vb alt who may wish any op era lias :Y. Blank Books, pertain ; tteir prof<%in "- T giaAKa Atlanta^ Ga. V 26, ,840-1.. S. R. KRAMER, S. W. LELAND, M. D... T. F. JONES, M. D. KRAMER, LELAHD & J0HES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IlKHITS ill riiiiiciiTisn, CARTERSVILLE AND CASSVILLE, GA. BEG leave to state to the citizens of Cassviiie, and the surroun- ing country, that, for the future convenience of tbsir customers, thev have moved a branch of their establishment tc the above Town, nnd intend keeping a full assortment of xx .. j tf .j:.:... PainU Oilfl Drugs and Medicines, Fine Pocket Knirea, Fine Extracts for the hand kerchief, Cologne, Hair Gils, Pomatum’s for the Hair, — Combs, Brushes, Ac. . -—■ . — everything, appertaining to the Daua or Paimt Business. tVe have on hand a large, and fine assortment of GARDEN SEEDS, we cell the espec ial attention of the Citixena to our large and well selected (lock. PHYSICIANS and others may depend on getting PURE Medicines at our establishment. A share of public patronage is respecttullj solicited. March 15. 1860. PainU, Oils, Glass, Putty, White Lead, Varnishes of all kinds, Fluid, Kerosene Oil, Fluid and Kerosene Lamps, Linseed and Machine Oils, etc., etc., etc. And ia fact. Pharmaceutical. DR. LITTLE’S ANODYNE COUGH DROPS. A new and certain enre for Coughs, Colds, As thma, Pain in the Breast, also Croup, Whoo ping Coughs, Colds, ect. amongst children. This is a pleasant medicine ta take, produ cing immediate relief, and in nine out of tec cases a prompt cure. It exercises a most con trolling influence over Coughs and Irritation of the lungs of any remedy known, often stop ping the most violent in a few hours or at most in a day or two. Many cases thought to be decidedly consumptive have been promptly cured bv the use of a few bottles and the wear ing Littie’s Strengthening Plaster on the chest. As an anodyne expectorant, without astring- ing the bowels, it sUuds paramount to all cough mixtures. DOLLAR VERMIFUGE Prepared and put up in vials, only by W. G. Little. In using, nothing else is required to relieve children ot worms; and besides being one of the best and cheapest ever offered to the public, its frequent use in families will save much trouble and expense, as well as the lives of many children ; fir eight out of every ten eases generally require it. DR. LITTLE’S FRENCH MIXTURE. . , , , . . This is prep-7^ from a French receipe (ij blotches, who are endeavoring to remove them wish to satisfy themselves ot the safety ot the forms of So. 1 and 2; the firstfortheac- l washes of various kinds ; their investment, to write to any of the above an( j jj 0 _ g g ir the chronic stage) that has (faMfifo Cm* e W HEREAS. Ni and R- C. Hooper, Staves, as next of kin ; as friend, * We announce to the pnblic gen erally that we have opened a new CONFEC TIONERY in Carters villa, at the old stand of W. A J. N. By ers, and will qa hand all kinds yt hare fileu ra^for Vritwa o*administration on th/estato S “ ,oon furnished with all Uir delicacies of the SV 2r s-ia.-.«.i.u.f- M —v..—- iSgJiftggg*. TImm ara therefore tc cite and admonish all CaiUiarille, Feb. 9, i860—ly. a arm ns oo seamed to be and appear at my of See within the time prescribed by law, and riiow eaass. if any they have, why said letter* •Wf not be granted. lmve to aeU the reel Given seder my hajda t offlcsithiB inly 19. IIP. N. LAND, Ordmerv HPWO af for date epplicetion will he 1 made to the Ot dinary riTCaae County for Case County job fZUT* Hit been much improved nnon in this country; and from its unexampled success is likely to supercede every other remedy for the cure of the diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. Gon orrhoeal. Blennorrhoeal. and Lnehorroeal or Flonr Albus affections. This extensive com pound combines properties totally different in ta.te and character from anything to be found in the United States. Pbarmaeopea or in pri vate practice: and in point ot aatety and afli- cienev is not rivaled by anything in America. DR. llTTLE’S RING WORM AND TETTER OINTMENT. Hundreds of eases of Chronic Tetters, Scald Heads, and diseases of the skin generally, have been cured by this remedy, and sines the in troduction of the No. 2 prenearation (being stronger) scarcely a case baa been found that it will not effectually eradicate in a short time. For the cure of Canceroua Sores and ITlcers it is applied in the form ef plasters, and ia a!mo«t infallible. Phrsieiana are referred to the ISth pegs of Dr. Little’s pamphlet, to the catalogue of Med icines of Materia Medics, that he usee in com pounding his different remedies, end asked to ny if they are not the chief reliance sf the pro fession, as he himself has practised med icine extensively for than tea years before retiring to the drug hairiness. In more than two hundred places in Georgia, and in all the Southern States, they are to be had and there are scamps about who ara counterfeiting hie remedies, by palming of their own or something sine, by mag the same nr similar name. • , ! Bold by Utfle 4 Hr©.. Wholesale Dswggtata I Peaahtree street,... Macon, Ga. j Nov. 1. 1*69—tv matta NORTH SIDE W. 4 A. R. R., KINGSTON, GA., GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Keeps on bund t well selected stock of GROCERIES;- ^ Such as Coffee, Sugar, Teas. Molasses, Liquors, Pepper, Spice, Syrup, Salt, Ginger, Mackerel, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Meal; also Soda Starch, Tobacco; Tron, Nails; Concentrated Lye ; Negro Blankets and Kerseys; Osnaburga; Shirtings ; Negro Shoes, coarse Boots ; Women’s coarse Shoes; Pantaloon Goods; Kerosene Oil; Burning Fluid, Train Oil, Linseed Oil, Bagging and Rope ; Cigars; agent for Dr. Dennis’ Georgia Sarsaparilla, and Newton Factory. -rything in the Grocery line kept constantly on hand, which will be told low for cash, thing cash except Bagging and Rope, which will be sold to prompt payers, payable their Cotton is gold. Kingston, Ga., Feb. 16, I860—ly. EMPLOYMENT. $50 to $100 per Month* 4 N active energetic young man is wanted in each section of the South and West, to net ss agent in an easy and respectable busi ness. by which the above ran certainly be geai- ixed. There is no humbug here. For full par ticulars. terms, Ac,, address (enduring stamp to par return onstage) W. R. TERRT, May 23, 6m inside] Rockingham, N. C. HAT MANUFACTORY. J. M. HOLBROOK. ; Whitehall Street, Atlanta Georgia* [Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in j nE atu . nti „ n (>f i»,. nte „ > Farmers sad X Country Merchants are invited to examic* the large and varied assortment of BATE, CAPS Ac., that is kept constantly on hand at Holbrook’s HAT MANUFACTORY Also, the public are invited to examine the large and well-selected ar sort meet of Ladle's and Gentlemen’s Travellirg Trunks Valieces ftc. PLANTATION HATS made to order, sad .lent by Express to any portion of the cenalrj. apr II 1669 T. R. RIPLEY, Crockery, Chinn, Glass and Brit- tannia Wares; Plated Good*; Table Cutlery, and house fur nisbing Goods;— also ia Lamps. Fluid, Oils, Ker osene Oil, Ac., ATLANTA, GA. Jan. 26, 1860—ly. W. C. BEALL, FASHION A BLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Cartersvilie, Ga. HAS just received bis rnateri- /jf als for putting np light Bouts and ff*-^B^a8hnes for the Spring and Sum mer near. He >’» amply prepared to maki them fit the most fastidious, upon reseocaUe terms. Give me a chance, and I will prove rnv faith by mv workt. W. C. BEALL, apr 5, 1860—ly Cartersvilie, Ga. MEXICO NOT YET N either is john f. Harwell, to be rivalled in Cass County—nay more, Cher okee Georgia, in the noble work of WAGON MAKING, GUN REPAIRING, Walking Cane Melting, SILVER O-OLD, and coma nieisHiNn In fact, John F. Harwell cannot be brat ia anything he professes to understand. He is & genius of several trades, and good at them all, if you don’t believa it, you can disbelieve it un til you are convinced to the contrary. Give him a fair chance and he asks no more. Cartersvilie, Gs., apr 5, *60. MANHOOD, How Lost, How Restored, Juiipulluhed in a Sealed Envelope. ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Ner vousness and Involuntary Emissions, inducing !mpotency and Mental and Physical Incapacity Br ROBERT J. CULVER WELL. ¥.• I>. Author of the “Green Bock.” Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves from his own expe rience that the awful consequences of self abuse may be removed without medieince and with out dangerous surgical operations, bougies, ic- struments, rings or cordials; pointing ont a mode of cure at once ceilain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what- bis con dition mav be, may care himself cheaply pri vately and radically. This Lecture will prove boon to thousands and thousands. Scut under seal to any address, poet paid, to receipt of two postage stamps, bv „ Dr. CII. J. C. KLINE, M. D„' Avenue, New York. Post Bex 4'86. • s uri! 18, lSSO.-rir addrass- 440 Fir*; Evei Everyti when ' -s/\/\ BOXES Star and Adamantine Cuu-i l'Mjdles; also 50 cases Sperm 0and!ci,i just received and for sale by ”ov. 1. J. H. L0YEJ0Y i min's sum mac III FAMILY 111 Straight Heedle. These Machines are supe rior to all others lor sever al purposes, being simple, dura be and easily mansged and various prices, from riny-ffve to Oh His- dred and Tweaty-ffve Dollars. Machinery. Machine Oil, Needles, Silk, Cotton Thread. Ac., for sale. Wholesale and Retail, Agents supplied bv JOHN H. TYSOE- Agent, april 25, I860.—ly MACON, Ga. Perpendicular Action. The Standard Reputation of our Machines is well known and needs no com ment. They are All Waz- kaxteo; will hem, tnck foil and gather perfectly. M. WITTGENSTEIN, Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars, JOHN H. L0VEJ0Y, Wholesale Grocer AND DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Liqnots, CIGARS, TOBACCO, Ac., No. 12, Cherokee Block, Peachtree Strert, ATLANTA, GA. wa BAGS COFFEE—Rio, Java and La- 1.0*/ guyra, just received and for sale bv J. H. LOVEJOY. WK BARRELS A. B. C. Crushed and Pow- I O dered SUGARS, just received and for sale by J. H. LOVEJOY. <)A HOGSHEADS N. 0. SUGARS, ot all ZU grades, just received and for sale by Not. 1. J. H. I.OVEJOl . -4 AA BOXES CHEESE—Dairy and State— lUU too boxes Din-yeas’ celebrated Pearl Starch, the best article that is now in use. fnxt received and for sale by J. II. LOVEJOY. "V BARRELS new crop MACKEREL. Na J 1.2 and 3 ; also half barrels and kitts. for kale by J. H. LOVEJOY. SACKS LIVERRPOOL SALT, fresh! U and full tacks, for sale by Nor. 1. J. U. LOVEJOY. Georgia Sarsaparilla Compound, OR DENNIS’ ALTERATIVE, IS PINT BOTTLES. The Purest aud Best for Purifyiag the Blood and Diseases of the Liver. T HIS is the best Medicine of the day. If the Liver and Blood are kept in a healthy condition by the nse of this Compound Sar saparilla, it wil! prove s great preventive of sickness, and a great eaving uf expeative Medicine*. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. For females, it is excellent in diseases arm ing from general debility nr a torpid state ef the Liver, and its occasional use add* a bloom ing vigor to the complexion. FOB CHILDREN, This is the best niedieine that can be given, especially to those in a debilitated state ef health, or troubled with worms. A fewdoaee eiven to a child when it first appears unwell has a powerful effect in preventing disease. Its effect in preventing diseases of childreo makes it a valuable family medicine. Says the proprietor of the Cr.arville Stand ard : “I can find nothing that proves so beneficial in cleansing the blood ot its impurities, re storing the appetite-, and strengthening the .-T«tem as Dennis' Compound Sarsaparilla.” For sa’e by Drnggists generally. For tot* in Cassviiie at M. McMurrv’s store. Price |1 per bottle. Jaa. 16, 1860—ly. CHARLESTON pmci k nms amnmi. The subscriber has constantly re hand a large as sortment of Ve hicles and Hor ne.* of the beet quality. Citieene ef Georgia wbo urn/ be disposed to or der Carriages of me, can depend upon getting BARRELS WHISKEY all grades,' ^ good article, and at ss low price, as if s duJU some very fine, in shire and for rale j e „, j n p erj0 n to select. All Work Warranted. 299,000 .gap. - * ing_Tobacco, just received and forjwlebv^ LEONARD CHAPIN. " No. M2 Meeting Street, Char’caton, 8. C May 9, I860.—6m Nov. 1. J. H. LOVEJOY. -* BARRELS French and Domrstic: JLVJvJ BRANDY; also 1^0 Baskets tif : ^bob tea tee^gbwg^^to Mummeand Heidsick’i CHAMPAIGNE, and ■PM^M gBEHS numerons other articles too tedious to men tion. Send in yonr order*—we will please you. Noe. 1. J- H. LOVEJOY. Botethtoet side of Whitehall Street.. - - .Atlanta, Ga. F. A. WILLIAMS, Manufacturer mud Dealer in nil kinds of FUMJTUBE, MOSS AND HAIR MATTRESSES. tuuMng Glam, Platan, Ac., A-tlmta. G, Beware of Quacks!!! rr*bi* Advertisement is addressed to both A Males and Females suffering from secret causes, r have practiced many years, and having mad* a fortune, professionally desire , now to carve my fellow creature*. Inclose a j Dollar to pay incdental chargee, and a tore i remedy will be afforded you. . Let no falsa dm j lieaey prevent, as strict secreev ia preserved. ‘ DR. ESCALAPIUS EDWARDS, j Bo* 910, Baltimore, Md. | July 11, I860.—ly. MADDOX 4 MERCK. WATCHMAKERS, Cassville and Cautebsvill*. rt RESPECTFULLY inform the public J ABkBoO jt7^thatthev are prepared to do any kind ■haJtoof work done by a sMveramith, snch as Hv J. J. RICHARDS 4 CO., keep* repairing Watches, Clocks, mending Jewelry { flHT wholesale and retail, cheap, cash, ofevery description in the meet durable and j ““ Book, Music end Fanev Store, on substantial manner. Ordera for anything in ! Whitehall street. Atlanta, Ga. ' Established their line of business respsetfeHy soHcitwd. ‘ Not. 1,18M. Orders per mail prompt!* a»- Oet. 5; 18!?—Iv. > tended to. Vcv. k and Music Store. i*#f, a. These Pusnns will stand ia Anne low. AVING moved to the Mte* sic Mari Brink Stan at Maura. J. RICHARDS A CO., on Whitehall Street, opposite Users. Jeach A Root’s store, I will beep * fine assortment the JLtfesf elwsve for eels low i MrKnWPRtufJ meat f Ti All aiders for ■ tended to. Tuning be. 1^ •t reduced prices. Msy 18, I860.—ly no osdc, end well to l&ra&s J-ctOBiy At lasts. Os. \JF iGIPTRATr’r Hummotss, Cu*t Fi’P; *» — I A” M t *,; 3 ^te, v ^ -■>