The Cassville standard. (Cassville, Ga.) 18??-1???, August 01, 1860, Image 3

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r EUROPEAN MEDICAL INSTITUTE ease of sickness has occurred among the stu dents. We challenge any institution to pre sent a better record of health. The Boeroof Trustees hare just completed (be corps of in structors by the election of Ber. B. Asbogast, (formerIt President of Wesleyan Female Inati- tute,Stanton. VA) President, to fill the yacancy occasioned by the resignation of the late Pres ident, Rer. D. Kelsey, and the appointment of such Professors as are necessary to snpply the increasing demands of the College. Some new instruments of music hare been ordered, and 1 tire stock of GOODS and stand belonging to J. D. Carpenter, is now offering the snore on such terms as will suit purchasers. He is determined to sell, and those wishing goods, will do well if gire him a trial, as he is satis fied that from the terms upon which he has purchased thus stock of goods, he can afford to sell them at such prices as all wilt bcmatisfied with. Come and try, you wilLfind the young men, Tho’s. and Ben.' ready and willing to wait on you. ARTHUR HAIRE. Caaseille. apr. 25, I960. -aokage, which should be earefn 1 preserred. grfTnirent forth* United States and Caamda. JOB MOOTS, (Late I. C. Baldwin A Co^ RocMter,». *• deSr. i- «IM—* Attain by * ■ —■-»- John Wright A Co ., New Orleans, VSBMI ATLANTA. GA BY D&. T. H. DOZIEB. T UB House has undergone thorough re pairs, and is now open for the accommoda tion of transient custom, where travellers will find as good fore ss at any house in the city at S3 mots per meal. Board at $» per week, and IS to $29 per month. Porters slwaro at the trains to attend to Baggage free of rfJEr" Chr* ns a call. Atlanta. Feb. 16,1860. four out of fire Generals of the United States Aiiny arc Southerners, and two of thorn Virginians. The Judge Advocate and his assistant, the Quartermaster General, the Acting Commissary General and the Surgeon General, are Virginians. The Commander-in-chief of the Army, the Commander in Texas, in New Mexico and in Utah are all Virginians. From Wash ington to Scott Virginia has furnished the country with its best Military talent sea FOB SALE. 1 kNE of the most pleasant Betiden-1 M O 1 VJ ce# ID the town of Cassrille. It is convenient to two Colleges—one male, the other female. It will be sold low, nod payments made to suit purchaser*. ABDA JOHNSON; Cseeville, 6a., Aug. 1, I860. MM. A. ISAACS, Fashionable Mil- ivA liner, Whitehall Street, Atlanta 6a. ntly d assortment of BONNETS ylen, suitable for all large and splen- 9 of the latest Nkwr.««ox Mexico.—By the last intel ligence from this distracted country, it would seem that Miramon had. nearly reached the termination of his career.— It is represented that his army was dis persed, while the Liberals have twelve or fifteen thousand man in the field, with fifty piece* of artilery. A band of filibus ters from Guatemala had invaded the State of Chiapas, and carried off much apoil. did style!, suitable far all seasons. Head Dresses, Berthe Capes, Fancy Articles, Ac., Ac., which she will offer at very low prices, and would respectfully solicit a calk Orders from a dis tance promptly attended to. August 1, 1860 —ly Speeiql polices. 'Wiatar’s Balsam of .Wild Cherry. iouglt, Colit, Bronchitii, Atthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy, and numerous as well as.the dangerous diseases of the Threat, To the Headers of the Cassrille Stan dard and C&rtersrille The co-partnership heretofore existing be tween Wikle. Surra A Goldsmith in the pub lication of the Standard and Rtmrett, has been dissolved bv mutual consent The books and accounts of the Standard, frrom Feb. 1, I860; have been turned over to Mr. J. R. Wikle, the present proprietor, who will carry ont all con tracts and aattle alt demands against the office. JESSE R. WIKLE, SAM’L H. SMITH, WM. T. GOLDSMITH. Georgia, Cass couaty ■^yHEREAS, William N. McKelvy, execu tor of the last will and testament of James McKelvy, deceased, applies to me tor letters of dismission from his said executor ship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all Chest and Lungs, prevail, in our changeable : persons concerned, to be and appear at my of- climate, at all seasons of the year: few . re j Bee within the time prescribed V law to show . . ’ , , ,, . . , ,. a 1 cause if any they have, why said lettersshould fortunate enough to escape their baneful influ- t bc _ ra ‘ nte j race. How important then to have on hand a certain antidote to all the complaints. Expe rience proves that this exists in Wittar’t Bot tom to an extent not found in any other reme dies ; however severe the suffering, the appli cation, soothing, healing and wonderful Bal aam at once vanquishes the disease and restores the sufferer to wonted health. Georgia Testimony, Certificate from Mr. E. Mausenet, a well known and highly respectable citizen of Macon, Ga. Macox, Ga., March. 10, I860. Messrs. 8- W. Fowls A Co.: Gentlemen i— Believing iu the great Ttrim "'•"*** “liioVuti E-.ioin o' V.’”J Cherry, I chtrfully comply with tin? rental : f y.u.r trs Veiling Agent" in addiug my testimony to the many which you have already received. 1 nave been acquainted with this medicine for inanyrt-ears, and have always heard it spoken of in the highest terms A brothci-in-law who St one time was much reduced with a severe aDd obstinate cough, was restored by it, after other remedies failed. I have also used it for mvself and children for obstinate ooughs and voids, with a uniform and happy result, and therefore recommend it confidently as the best 'lung medicine within my knowledge Respectfully, E M A USENET. ygf Caution to Purchatert. The only genu- in* Wittar't Baltam has the written signature of “ I. Bcrrs ” and the printed one of the Pro prietors on the outer wrapper; all other is vile aud worthless. ' Prepared by SETH W. FOWLS A CO., Bos- ton, aud for sale by A. Haire. Cassville. Kramer, Lbland A Joses, CartcrsriUe. Samuel V. Smbats, Kiugston. And by nearly' all Druggists. Jn'y 18.—lm not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this Au gust 1, 1860.—6m. N. LAND, Ordinary. Georgia, Gilmer county. W HEREAS, Rolling Kimmona and Alley Southern apply to me for letters of na- ministratioc on the estate of Berry Southern, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice within the time prescribed by law, to shov cause, if any they hare, why said lettersshould not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this August 1, 18C0.—tOd J. P. CHASTAIS, Ordinary. “ Frokono PuMieo.” GK Gk MERCK, WATCH-MAKER. AMD JEWELER, Cassville, 2k Georgia. A LL kinds of Watches, Clocks and JeWelry repaired, end ms well repaired as can be done elsewhere. All work entrusted to my care will be executed in the best order, and on short notice. Bear in mind that all watches and clock work executed by me will he war ranted by me for 12 months. Also, bear in mind that time is money saved. Particular attention given to repairing fine Chronometer Watches. Terms cash invariably. G. G. MERCK. July 25, 1860. CASH! CASH! CASH! A LL porsons indebted to ns for GROCE KIES, are respectfully requested to call and pay np. Six months time is as long ss Groceries can be sold, and this being our rale we confidently expect to be paid promptly. We call attention to our Large Stock of Bagging, Rope, nut, comas, S-A.LT, iron, MOLASSES, And all Articles of PLANTERS’ SUPPLIES, HERZBERG & BROTHERS, Oartersville, Groo HA.VE JTJST OPENED a nit ctccs ca Spring & Summer Goods Consisting in part of staple and Fancy Dry Goods, |Uabg-$$tot <pW|ing, AND BENT'S F'umsrisHiisrG goods. Hats, Caps, Sfae<5, goofo &c, <fec. Ladies will find every thing connected with their Toilet, to which we call the attention of the public generally. NEW J. B. ft B. W. CNAVBff, I SURGEON DENTISTS, IN ATLANTA, GEO. Ruling and Book Binding. HE subscribers re- | spectfnlly ii I public that Cartersville, Ga., March 28, 1860.—w3m HERZBERG & BROTHERS. CARTERSVILLE EMPORIUM OF FASHION. HOWARD, STOKELY & CO., Are receiving their large and well selected Stock of which we will Sell low fur Cash or Six Months time. HOWARD, STOKELY A CO., july 18.Cabterstills, Ga. in sms mi sun mis. HOTEL FOR SALE. THE undersigned, from long continued bad health, is com- jielled to retire from public life And would announce to the public that they are now prepared to offer them oue of the Urgeat, cheapest, moat fashionable and substantial stock of Gilmer Sheriff’s Sales. W ILL bc soli before the Court Home door in the Town of Ellijay, on the 1st Tues day in September next, between the legal hours hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of land number 229, in the 101b district and 2d section ; levied on as the property of Wm Moore to satisfy a fi fa issued from Gilmer Inferior Court, in favor of John Brace vs said Moore ; property pointed out by defendent. Also—John F. Mitchell’s interest in lot of land No. 41, in the 11th d strict and 2d section to satisfy a fi fa issued from Gilmer Superior court iu favor of Daniel L. Fry. Also—Lot of land No. 95, in the 6th distr'et and 2d section; levied on as the property of Augustus Dover to satisfy a Justice’s court fi fa issued from the 864th district, G. M., in fa vor of James Burnett vs Augustus Dover and David Masbbum; property pointed out by the plaintiff. Also—Part of lot No. 803, in the 10th dist. 2d sec., lying below the bluff on Turnip town Creek, running backways to the line of said lot North and South, and adjoining Neil C- Ber ry and Osboi n' Holt abore, and known as a part of the Newton M. Foster farm, one small ng unable to give proper at tention to business, He therefore offers for sale his large and well arranged and located BRICK HOTEL, to which is attached good out houses, stable and stable lots, all in good repair, ready for business. The property is as well arrang ed aud located for a Hotel as can be found in a country village. Cassville is the Court house town, and in one of the richest and most pop ulous couuties in Cherokee Georgia; healthy and well watered. There are in the place two Colleges—male and female—in a flourishing condition. In fact, I know of no town where there are so many inducements offered to any who arc desirous of educating their children and at the same time make money. I am de termined to sell and will give great induce ment., to purchasers. Those wishing to pur chase will do well to make application soon. Come aud sec the property, or address me at Cassville, Ga. * yyiLLIAM LATJMER. July 18, 1860. [3T The Atlanta Intelligencer and Aogusta Chronicle A Sentinel will publish one month and forward bill to W. L. [From the Troy Budget.] Tho Sioge of Corinth. It U said that one of the former political di visions of this State look it* name from two famous linos in til's poem -namely — “The foes that he singly kept at bay, „ Outnumbered hi* thin hair* of SUeer Ure*. VTt cannot vouch for the truth of this, but ws do know that under the effects of applica tions of Heimatreets famous Hair Restorative, "SilverGreys” rapidly become (in appear ance at least,) membeas of "Young America. Pries 80 cents and (1 per bottle. Sold eve- hr all dealer* in medicine, end in Caae- etll*by Sanest Lev*. W. E. HAGAN A CO. July 19—lm Proprietors. Troy, N. Y. The Blood is the Life. No more shall tbs poor sufferers .u our coun try languish, their constitutions racked and in atunrun. mineral medicines; they torn by dangerous mineral trill some to the fountain of health, found in oimplo herbe and root, from nature's storey house.'THE MOUNTAIN HERB PILLS,of innocent mountain planto composed, will retch end stop th6ir distress, and cause the blood, rontwed and cleansed, to carry through the body the elements of health; building up tho broken constitution, end carrying Ufa and ksaltb, where hut for them would have been the wrack of hopo-the feeble moan of suffer ing nt last ended by the fatal hand of death Do not lat prejudice overcome your better rat ion; do not look upon these pills ss only like others; do not lot your despair, after trying overruling cite, prevent you from trying these The blood must be pure, and then sickness “ An possible. What a great yet simple truth «s this I it emesis to the ootaraon sense of all; it is the graaTkey-atone of the healing art Jcn- .OM’s Moumtaix Haas Pitut will purify and .loanee it as aura as the sun will rise to-mor- Judaon’s Mountain Herb Pill* nr* aold by *U Medicine Denier*- [july 25—lm THE GBEAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE’S Celebrated^^Female PHD. LETTERS TENT. Clnrke, a* to which the female constitution is subject. It MO dtr**** »H excess and removes all ob structions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO married ladies .t is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time hringon the monthly period with regularity. Baeh bottle price One Dollar, bears the Go- vornmeut Stamp of Great Britain to prevent *°CAUmN--These Eills should not be U ken by females during the first three months of Prornancy as they are sure to br* ?ou Miacar- riawe but at any other time they re safe. Tallcme. of Nervous and Spinal affection. Pain in the Back and Limbs. Fatigue exertion, Palpitation of whites, these Pill* will effect s core when l remedy do not contain iron, calomel, V. or any thing hurtful to theemmtito- portion of land in the town of Ellijay, lymp East of the Turnpike road and B. R- Fradv s ’ h Slate, lot shop and the house owned by Joseph Slate, lot No. 274, in the 10th district and 2d section, alt levied on as the property of Newton M. Foster to satisfy a fi fa issued from Gilmer Superior court in favor of Jehu Thomas vs said Foster; property pointed out by E. W. Chastain. G. H. RANDELL, Sheriff. August 4, 1S60. Gilmer Postponed Sheriff’* Sale. W ILL bc sold before the Court house door in the town of Ellijay, on the first Tues- - ~ next within the legal hours day in September next of sale, the following property, to-: Lot of land No. 168, in the 11th district and 2d section, lot No. 157, in the 7th district and 2d section. 4760 square feet of lot No- 62 to the lUh district ana 2d section, commencing on the East side of the Turnpike road, adjoiu- uer of lot ” ing the^North-west corner of lot No. Mo the town of Ellijay. parallel with the line that bound* the weet angle of lot No. 5, in said town, 33 feet thence et right angle with Mid parallel to n south-east direction 136 feet or ran until it strikes a parallel with a line that bounds the east angle of lot No. 8 in EUijay, thence with Mid angle in a south-west direc tion 83 feet, or to the north-east comer of lot No. 8 in Mid town of Eilijay, thence 188 feet to the beginning, all levied on as the property of Wm. H. Milton, to Mtisfy two fl fas issued from Gilmer Superior court, one , n favor of Baker. Wright A Co. vs said Milton, and one in favor of Baker A Wright; printed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also—Thomas J. Clark’s interest in lot of land No. 218, iu the 6th district and 2d section, levied on bv virtue ol a ff fa issued from Gil mer Superior court in favor ofP. A J. M. Pat- tenon vs said Clark. G. H. RANDELL, Sheriff, August 1. I860. image flepositoirtj, ATLANTA, GA. W W.WOOD- . RUFF A CO. have opened a large and splendid Stock of • STAPLE AMI FAHEY BAY GMBE. Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes that naa ever been brought to the Cherokee country. In addition to their Dry Good* house, they have ^commodious GROCERY HOUSE, where they keep constantly on hand a large .«^tr a»JeriM—Coffee Surar Molasses, Rice, Bacou, Ac. Also, Bagging, Rope, Tn me, Negro Shoes and Blankets’, Ke'rseys, Osnaburgs, and many other things too tedious to men tion. Call and look at our Goods. • Howard, Stokely & Co. CARTERSVILLE, GA., Oct. 13, 1859. Hardware, Stoves, Iron, &c. AT BY Carriages in Atlanta, of every variety of style, consisting of Coaches, BERLINS, in PHOTONS, Bretts, Slide-seat, Top and No top and Concord Buggies, Hack* and Jersey WAGONS, Harness, WHIPS, Ac. Come, everybody, and nee our stock. Nov. 1,1869. R&WS02J, GILBERT & BURR, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Geoboia, Importers of English Hardware, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND dealers directly from Americm manufactories of all goods in the lino. PARLOR, OFFICE and COOK STOVE S, OF EVERY PATTERN, AT LOW RATES. Also, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PLATED, PLANISHED, BRITANNIA and JAPANED WARES, At low prices for Cash, ordors promptly filled. they here «d in the eitr of Atlanta, a new BOOK BINDE RY. Blank Books, Ledgers, Journals, Day Books, Blotters, Ac., Hotel and Sta ble Registers, Dock ets, Record Books, Ac., with or without Headings, and ruled to any pattern desir ed, manufactured in the neatest and most durable manner, at short notice. Magazines, Music, Newspapers, Ac., neatly bound, without delay. Order* from any part of the State will meet with prompt attention, and Books required sent by mail, hand, wagon, or railroad, fully enveloped so aa to avoid the poss: to be possibility of injury by transportation. J. P. MASON A CO. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 9, 1860—ly. T. R. RIPLEY, Importer and WhoIcMle and Retail Dealer iu Crockery, Chius, Glass and Brit- tannia Wares; Plated Goods; Table Cutlery, and house lur- uiahing Goods;— also in Lamps. Fluid, Oils, Ker osene Oil, Ac., ATLANTA, GA. Jan. 25, 1860—ly. pertaining, to Atlanta, Ga. 1860—lr. EMPLOYMENT. $50 to $100 per Month* A N active energetic young man ia wanted in each section of the South and W eater a act a* agent in an easy and respectable busi ness, bv which the above can certainly be raal- Thereis no humbtig here. For foil par ticulars, terms, Ac., address (enclosing stamp- May 28,6m inside] Rockingham, N. C. HAT MANUFACTORY. J. M. HOLBROOK. Whitehall Street, Atlanta Georgia*. attention of Planters, Farmer* aud erchanU are invited to examine varied assortment of HATS, kept constantly on hand at rpHE X Country Merd the large and vai CAPS Ac., that is Holbrook’s HAY MANUFACTORY Also, the public are invited to examine tha large and well-selected assortment «f Ladle 1 * and Gentlemen’s Traveller g Tranks Valieces Ac. PLASTATIOXHATS made to order. and< tent by Express to anT portion of tho country. ape-111869 W. C. BEALL, FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Oartersville, Ga. HAS just received hia materi als fur putting up light Boots aud Shoes for the Spring and Sum mer wear. He is amply prepared to make them lit the most fastidious, upon reasonable terms - . . , ... Give me a chance, and Ijrili prove my faith bv my works. "apr 5,1SC0—ly I will prove my f« W. C. BEALL. Carterarille, Ga. MEXICO NOT YET i»a«9«u» Georgia Sarsaparilla Compound, OR DENNIS’ ALTERATIVE, IX PINT BOTTLES. The Forest and Best for Purifying the- Blood end Diseases of the Liver. r llS ia tho beat Medicine of the day. If the Liver and Blood are knit in a healthy condition by the ti»e of this Compound Sar saparilla, it will prova a greet preventive o! sickness, tun* N either is John f. Harwell, to be rivalled in Cass County—nay more, Cher okee Georgia, in the noble work of WAGON MAKING, GUN REPAIRING, Walking Cane Baking, GfOLD, SILVER AND COPPER FINISHING. In fact, John F. Harwell cannot be beat iu anything he professes to understand. He is a March 15, 1339—ly. T. F. JONES, M. D. S. R. KRAMER, S. W. LELAND, M. D.,.. KRAMER, LELAND & IONES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL iiihists hi niiutunsn. and a great asvteg of expenalva Medicines. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. For females, it is asesHsat in diseases aria, ing from general debility or a torpid atate of the Liver, and its occasional use adds a bloom ing vigor to the complexion. FOB CHILDBEN, This ia the best medicine that can be gives, especially to those iu a debilitated state d health, or troubled with wonha. A few doers given to a child when it first appears unwell h*S a powerful effect in preventing disease. Its effect in preventing diseaace of children make* it a valuable family mddieine. Says the proprietot of the Cassville Stand 1 ard : “I can find uothing that prove* so beneficial in clMnsing the blood of it* impurities, re* storing the appetite, and strengthening the system as Decuia’ Compound Sarsaparilla.” For sa'e by Druggists generally. For sale CaBsville at M. McMurry’s store. Price #1 per bottle. Jan. 26, 1360—ly. 1 you him a fair chance and he asks no more. Carteraville, Ga., apr 6, ’60. JOHN H. LOVEJOY, Wholesale Grocer AND DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors, CIGARS, TOBACCO, Ac., No. 12, Cherokee Block, Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA. Eddleman & Banks, WHOLESALE DEALERS IS BOOTS, SHOES AND ^nnuouid lectfed qt Cqwbille, fiq. year for T HE first Term of the 1S«0-’61, begins the Collegiate _ Third Monday in August, dose* the 1m1 Friday ia November.— Second Term begins the third Monday in Jan uary. 1861. and cioaen the Thursday after the first Sunday in July. FEES; Tuition in Primary Department $15 peran’m. Preparatory “ Collegiate " Music “ Ornamental " Oil Painting Wax Work, Aa, 25 SO 50 20 SO 20 “ Mod’rn Languages, each 20 No additional charges for Ancient Languages or Vocal Musie. Incidental expenses $2 per annum. Diplo ma—Graduating—$5. This College is located in the North-West ern part of Georgia, near the Wcetcrn A At. lantic Rail Road, in a region unsurpassed for healthfulness of climate, pure water, fine scene ry, and moral aud retiuea society. In the pre vious six years during which time 4ne College has been in successful operation. Leather, Whrshall St., Atlaxta, Ga. Jan. 26, 1860—ly.. MANHOOD, How Lost, How Sestored, Jutl publitked in a Sealed Envelope. OS THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OP SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Ner- vooaneae and Involuntary Emissions, inducing Impoteney and Mental and Physical Incapacity Bt robbrt j. culverwell, m. d. Author of ikt “Green Boot.” Ac. The important fact that the awfol consc iences of self-abuse may be effectually re moved without internal medicines or the dan gerous application of canstics, inatramente, medicated bougies, and other empirical devi ces, is here clearly demonstrated, and the en- Dtk. SAMSON ft LACOSTE, SIS Bteadwty, Opposite the St. Nichols. NEW TORE. Established for the treatment of Chronic Dm- in both eexea, requiring expe rience, tact and delicacy. «f * DR. SAMSON, Throat. CARTERSVILLE AND CASSVILLE, GA. to state to the citizens of Casaville, and the aurroun- that, for the future convenience of their customer*, moved a branch of their establishment tc the above and intend keeping a full ^mentof. ^ Potty, White Lead, Fine Extracts for the hand-" *“ kerchief, >gne. Hair Varnishes of all kinds, Fluid, Kerosene Oil, Fluid and Kerosene Lamps, Linseed and Machine Oile, etc., etc., etc. Cologne, Hair Oils, . Pomatum’s for the Hair, Combs, Brushes, Aa Ap*I *“ f!^u^5^ue2^^ut of°GAw5«N ^SEEDS, wo call the espec- fal^Urotima’of ^eYHtteeS^mir "a^^and ^e^relectejfnk^fcf, PHYSICIANS aud other* A share of public patronage is d wen aeiecieu iiuva. ;^^c^ PCREM ^ ,to - March 15. 1860. I. We f $BS8$V» NORTH SIDE W. k A. R. R-, KINGSTON, GA., grocery and commission merchant, Keep* on band a well selected stock of also Soda, Starch, Tobacco; Iron, Nails; Concentrated Lye* Negro Blankets and Kerseys; Osnaburgs; Shirtings ; Negro Shoes, coarse Boots ; Women’s coarse Shoes; Pantaloon Goods; Kerosene Oil; Burning Fluid, Train Oil, Linseed Oil, Bagging and Ropo ; Cigars; agent for Dr. Dennis Georgia Sarsaparilla, and Newton Factory. _ .. . flniuiiiH iin« kent constantly on hand, which will be sold low for ca*h. uunt III HUH! Ull Straight ffeeil*. -■These Machines are supe rior to all others tor sever al purpose*, being eimpl*, dttrmbe end eerily m*nsged l various nrices. from Fiftyffve to Owe Hun dred amd Twenty-ffve fUlTlTM IS. Perpendicular Action. The Standard Reputation ieA BAGS COFFEE—Rio, Java aud La- 150 g»y«, just received -***-&£ Not. pyr BARRELS A. B. 0. Crushed and Pow 75 derad SUGARS. Jus. ■ale by OA HOGSHEADS N. O. SUGARS, of ell Z\J grades, just received and for sale by Nov.l. J- H. LOVEJOY. . BOXES Star and Adamantine Can- 100 dies; also 50 cases Sperm Candles, just received and for sale by 1 Hot. 1. J. H. LOVEJOY. -* A A BOXES CHEESE-Dairy and State— JDU 100 boxes Duryeas’celebrated Pearl Starch, the beat article that is now in use. inst received and for sale by J. H. LOVEJOY. 50?V5S¥5sa-*--i«. for tale by J. H. LOVEJOY. OAA SACKS LIVEBRPOOL SALT, fresh 200.nd foil reeks, forjSa.ehy^oY. BARRELS WHISKEY—all grades, i very fine, in store and J. H. LOVEJOY’. 299,000 CIGARS, of all grade?- litofch (CHARLESTON CUM t IK $il$8IY$l?t * All Work Warranted. I take the liberty of referring to John A Erwin and Georg* H. Gilraath. LEONARD CHAPIN. No. 142 Meeting Street, Chnrlenton, 8. C. May 9, I860.—«m ^^bmTJ AVIS AVIKG maved to the Bw- ! WWM Bwwk store of J. RICHARDS A CO.„ _ Whitehall Street, opposite Messrs. Beach A Root’s storey I will keep a fine sssortment oL lliest %e always for sale low down. My New Potent for 185* la an Improrw ment in the Dampen, Hammers, Wires end Screws. These Pmnoe win stand in tune leo- ger than any other Piano made, end will ha warranted FIVE YEARS. TUNING-. All orders for taring will be prafPt-T tended to. Tuning by the Tear and for Schttl* st reduced prices. to $75; also a fine lit of chew ing Tobacco, just received and for sale by Nov. 1. J. H. LOVEJOY. ■4 BARRELS French and Domestic BRANDY; aim 100 Baskets of Hamms and Heidriek’s CHAMPAIGNE, and numerous other articles too tedious to men tion. Send in your orders—we will please Nov. 1. J. H. LOVEJOY. you. iBook and Music Store. J. J. RICHARDS A CO., keep a wholesale and 'retail, cheap, caw. Book, Musie and Fancr Store, on Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. * Established Nov. 1,1855. Orders per mail promptly at- 10, ’58— ly. tended to. Nov. 10. of onr Machines is well known and needs no com- nt. They are All Wan- rantbd; will hem, tuck fell and gather perfectly. ou. M* **.o— T ‘"S! 15, i860!—ly M. WITTGENSTEIN, Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Segars Southeast side of Whitehall Street, Barth & Nicolai, ATLANTA, GA.. KEEP for sale the cele brated PIANOS of WM. KNABE A CO., of Balti- ore.Md.. and in addition 'to these, the PIANOS of all the best factories of the United States can he found at our establishment on Whitehall street. Entrance through the Music and Va riety Store of H. Braumuller. Nov. 4. NOTICE. * iigned, having pnrehazed theen- of GOODS and stand belonging ■iter, ia now offering the same . Atlanta, Ga. May 18, I860-—ly WM. J- CLOUD, Avian*. G*. CARTERSVILLE Provision^k Store, BY J. J. HANNA. 1st door weal of the Railroad, coming from K EEPS conaten prices, Sugar, Candies, Nuts, We Tobacco of the best Will keep opes daring the winter season a first ret* EATING Beef and tention of tha are invited. hildrea’s Toys of almost every hand at low Inres. Called IS EB LAW8HE, DEALER Clockfiy ’ATCHES, Jewelry* > and pfeted F. A. WILLIAMS, and Dealer in all kinds of AND HAIR KA' Ac., Atinaia. Ga. Beware of Quacks!!! addressed to both T his Advertisement ta aaar« Males and Females suffering from secret g uLtoa*fortnce.'tr^riioill^deair now to serve my fellow creatures. Iseioae 1 "-r ’Sr^SiTSSSYi) Btfx HO. MCfrort, Mi July 11,0.—lj- \GI8TRAI11 Cost snW at tBN v:' - -